Zobrazit - K. Dvořáčka


Zobrazit - K. Dvořáčka
VY_22_INOVACE_48_Svátky VB a USA
Od 7.p.r.
Použité zdroje :
Marie Zahálková: Anglická konverzace pro 2.stupeň základní školy, SPN ,a.s., Praha 1998
Květoslava Kaziměrčíková
Základní škola Orlová-Lutyně K.Dvořáčka 1230 okres Karviná, příspěvková organizace
Svátky VB a USA
Využití – 7.-9.r.
Metodický materiál lze využít pro skupiny i jednotlivce.
- svátky jsou barevně odlišeny, tak můžete pracovat jen
s jedním svátkem
- celoroční aktivita
1. Seřaďte jednotlivé svátky. Žáci dbají na správné pořadí vět.
2. Urči, který je to svátek.
3. Učitel řekne svátek – žáci najdou informace.
4. Najdi a seřaď jarní, zimní,…. svátky.
5. Přečti informace tvého oblíbeného svátku. Ostatní žáci určí
6. Doplňte svátky o další informace, které nejsou v textu.
7. Srovnejte se svátky v ČR.
1. Můj oblíbený svátek
2. Mé oblíbené roční období
First children dress up as witches, skeletons, or ghosts.
They go from house to house and ring the doorbell.
When the door opens, they call out “Trick or treat!”
After that they get chocolates or other sweets.
Some people don’t give children anything.
Then, children play some tricks on those people.
Finally, they have a party and they often play ´´Apple bobbing“
On that day we send cards to people we love,
But we don´t write our names in the cards.
Some cards are very romantic.
Some cards are funny.
People in love often buy chocolate for their lovers.
You can see red and pink hearts everywhere.
The fourth Thursday in November is a holiday in the USA.
All the members of the family meet together.
They have a big dinner.
They eat turkey, sweet potatoes and a lot of vegetables.
For dessert, there is often pumpkin pie.
There are also big parades in the stress.
This holiday is always on a different date.
People hide chocolate eggs in the garden.
Children walk around in the garden.
They look for the chocolate eggs.
There is often an Easter bunny in the garden.
Children decorate Christmas trees with balls, candles, chains, bells and a
Parents put Christmas presents under the trees.
In the morning children unwrap the presents
They believe Santa Claus brings the presents
They have a big dinner with roast turkey.
They often eat Christmas pudding and Christmas cake.
Children want to show them love to them mothers.
They give them flowers.
They can also song them nice songs.
They should help them a lot on that day.
Adults bring flowers to them parents too.
The same holiday is celebrated with fathers a month later.