Obsah / Contents


Obsah / Contents
Obsah / Contents
Posl·nÌ firmy / Company Mission
⁄vodnÌ slovo / Introduction
Zpr·va dozorËÌ rady / Report of the Supervisory Board
Profil spoleËnosti / Company profile
Z·kladnÌ ˙daje o spoleËnosti / Basic Data about the Company
Centr·la a poboËka spoleËnosti / Headquarters and Branch Offices of the Company
OrganizaËnÌ struktura spoleËnosti / Organisation Structure of the Company
Zpr·va o Ëinnosti / Activity Report
Stav leasingov˝ch smluv / Status of Leasing Agreements
V˝kaz zisk˘ a ztr·t / Status of Leasing Agreements
Rozvaha / Balance Sheet
Zpr·va o vztazÌch mezi propojen˝mi osobami / Report on the Relations between Inter-related Entities
V˝rok auditora / Auditor's Statement
Posl·nÌ firmy / Company Mission
My, pracovnÌci spoleËnosti S MORAVA Leasing, a.s., p˘sobÌcÌ v oblasti leasingu a finanËnÌch sluûeb pro
podnikatelskÈ subjekty, obËany i obce, jsme odhodl·ni trvale poskytovat profesion·lnÌ pomoc p¯i
financov·nÌ jejich pot¯eb a z·mÏr˘. VlastnÌk˘m, tj. Weinviertler Sparkasse AG a Waldviertler Sparkasse
von†1842, tÌm zajiöùujeme p¯imϯenÈ a bezpeËnÈ zhodnocenÌ svϯenÈho kapit·lu. Klient˘m nabÌzÌme rychl˝,
vst¯Ìcn˝ a individu·lnÌ p¯Ìstup s vyuûitÌm nejmodernÏjöÌ techniky a t˝movÈ pr·ce.
We, the employees of S MORAVA Leasing, a.s., engaged in the field of leasing and financial services for
business entities, citizens and municipalities, commit ourselves to provide professional assistance in
financing their needs and business plans. By doing so, we ensure reasonable and safe appreciation of the
invested capital to the owners, i.e. Weinviertler Sparkasse AG and Waldviertler Sparkasse AG von 1842. We
offer our clients a prompt, helpful and individual approach by making use of the state-of-the-art techniques
and teamwork.
⁄vodnÌ slovo / Introduction
V·ûenÈ d·my a p·novÈ!
Do rukou se V·m dost·v· materi·l, kter˝ analyzuje celkovÈ hospoda¯enÌ a v˝voj spoleËnosti S MORAVA Leasing, a.s., v roce
Z pohledu dosaûenÈho objemu obchod˘ potvrdil rok 2003 postavenÌ naöÌ firmy jako 13. nejvÏtöÌ leasingovÈ spoleËnosti
v†»eskÈ republice. Toto umÌstÏnÌ je jeötÏ ˙spÏönÏjöÌ, protoûe ho bylo dosaûeno bez z·vislosti na jedinÈm v˝robci, Ëi p¯ÌmÈ
podpo¯e jednÈ banky p˘sobÌcÌ v »R. Nejd˘leûitÏjöÌ je fakt, ûe vedle oblastÌ, kde pat¯Ìme k v˝znamn˝m hr·Ë˘m na trhu
leasingu zemÏdÏlskÈ techniky a n·kladnÌch automobil˘, se poda¯ilo v˝znamnÏ rozö̯it aktivity ve financov·nÌ strojnÌch za¯ÌzenÌ
a technologiÌ. D·le se da¯ilo posilovat segment leasingu nemovitostÌ. CÌlov˝mi z·kaznÌky jsou jiû dlouhodobÏ malÈ a st¯ednÌ
firmy nap¯ÌË cel˝m podnikatelsk˝m prost¯edÌm.
K rozvoji takov˝ch aktivit nedÌlnÏ pat¯Ì i rozvoj sÌtÏ poboËek, kter· v souËasnosti p¯edstavuje kromÏ centr·ly dalöÌch
18†prodejnÌch mÌst, z nichû novÏ zaËala p˘sobit poboËka T·bor. Pro zajiötÏnÌ stabilnÌho a dlouhodobÈho financov·nÌ byly
emitov·ny dluhopisy v celkovÈm objemu 2 150 mil. KË. K dalöÌmu posÌlenÌ konkurenceschopnosti spoleËnosti S MORAVA
Leasing, a.s., byly realizov·ny rozs·hlÈ organizaËnÌ zmÏny a posÌleny motivaËnÌ programy. O spr·vnosti dlouhodob˝ch
z·mÏr˘ a jejich realizaci v praxi hovo¯Ì zvl·dnutÌ ne zcela dobrÈ situace ve v˝voji platebnÌ mor·lky na leasingovÈm trhu, kter·
zcela jistÏ souvisÌ s hospod·¯sk˝m v˝vojem v »eskÈ republice i v EvropÏ. Pro pozitivnÌ hodnocenÌ roku 2003 jednoznaËnÏ
leasing company in the Czech Republic. This standing is all the more successful as it was achieved without depending
on a single producer or direct support of a single bank operating in the Czech Republic. What is the most important is
the fact that besides fields in which the company ranks among the prominent players in the agricultural machinery and
lorries leasing market, the company also managed to vastly extend its operations in the field of machinery and
technology financing. The company also managed to strengthen the segment of property leasing. In the long term,
the†target customers are represented by small-scale and medium-size companies across the business board.
The development of the network of branch offices is an integral part of the advancement of these operation. Besides the
headquarters, the network is represented by 18 branch offices, with a new branch office opened in T·bor. Bonds in a
total value of 2,150 mill. CZK have been issued to ensure stable and long-term financing. Further increasing of the
competitive ability of the company S MORAVA Leasing, a.s. has been achieved by extensive changes in the organisation
and strengthening of the incentive programmes. The correctness of the long-term objectives and their implementation is
demonstrated by coping with the not too optimal situation of the payment morale in the leasing market, which is
certainly related to the economic trends in the Czech Republic and Europe. The rise in the number of employees is an
obvious indicator of positive evaluation of the year 2003. A total of 2,798 new leasing agreements were concluded,
which represents a rise by more than 7 % compared to the previous year.
We would like to thank our employees and business partners for all activities without which it would not be possible to
achieve these favourable economic results.
hovo¯Ì n·r˘st poËtu klient˘. Celkem bylo uzav¯eno 2 798 nov˝ch leasingov˝ch smluv, coû proti minulÈmu roku p¯edstavuje
n·r˘st o vÌce neû 7 %.
Za veökerÈ aktivity, bez nichû by nebylo moûnÈ dos·hnout pozitivnÌch hospod·¯sk˝ch v˝sledk˘, pat¯Ì podÏkov·nÌ naöim
zamÏstnanc˘m a obchodnÌm partner˘m.
Ing. ZdenÏk MrÚa
Mag. Andreas Kleinhansl
Gerhard Fuchs
p¯edseda p¯edstavenstva
mÌstop¯edseda p¯edstavenstva
Ëlen p¯edstavenstva
Vice Chairman
Member of the Board
of the Board of Directors
of Directors
a gener·lnÌ ¯editel
Ladies and Gentlemen!
You are receiving a material analysing the overall management and development of the company S MORAVA Leasing, a.s. in the year 2003.
Chairman of the Board of Directors
and General Manager
In terms of the achieved volume of business, the year 2003 confirmed the standing of the company, being the 13th biggest
Zpr·va dozorËÌ rady / Report of the Supervisory Board
Profil spoleËnosti / Company Profile
DozorËÌ rada se bÏhem ˙ËetnÌho roku pr˘bÏûnÏ informovala o v˝voji, stavu a o vöech d˘leûit˝ch obchodnÌch ud·lostech
S MORAVA Leasing, a.s., je v˝znamn· leasingov· spoleËnost se öirokou sÌtÌ obchodních mÌst, kter· p˘sobÌ na ˙zemÌ
spoleËnosti S MORAVA Leasing, a.s.
celÈ »eskÈ republiky. Nabízí leasingovÈ sluûby na po¯ÌzenÌ stroj˘ a technologiÌ, dopravnÌ techniky i leasing nemovitostÌ.
RoËnÌ ˙ËetnÌ z·vÏrka spoleËnosti byla ovϯena auditorem Ing. Miladou Dandovou s v˝rokem bez v˝hrad. DozorËÌ rada se
Hlavními obory, kam smϯuje nejvÏtöÌ objem leasingovÈho financov·nÌ, jsou zemÏdÏlstvÌ, sluûby soukromÈho sektoru,
p¯esvÏdËila o ¯·dnosti roËnÌ ˙ËetnÌ z·vÏrky k 31. 12. 2003 a nem· û·dnÈ n·mitky. Na z·kladÏ tÏchto skuteËnostÌ doporuËila
stavebnictví a strojÌrenstvÌ. Sestersk· spoleËnost S Slovensko, s.r.o., rozvíjí svÈ aktivity ve SlovenskÈ republice. Při tom
dozorËÌ rada schv·lit roËnÌ ˙ËetnÌ z·vÏrku spoleËnosti S MORAVA Leasing, a.s. k 31. 12. 2003 a n·vrh na vypo¯·d·nÌ
vyuûÌv· metodickÈho i odbornÈho ¯ÌzenÌ ze strany S MORAVA Leasing, a.s. ObÏ spoleËnosti jsou propojeny
hospod·¯skÈho v˝sledku za rok 2003 p¯edloûen˝ vedenÌm spoleËnosti. DozorËÌ rada dÏkuje touto cestou vedenÌ spoleËnosti
prostřednictvím svého majitele - rakouskÈ banky Weinviertler Sparkasse AG.
i†vöem zamÏstnanc˘m za vynaloûenÈ ˙silÌ v roce 2003.
NovÏ vznikl· dceřin· spoleËnost S SERVIS CZ, s.r.o., zajiöùuje prodej předmÏt˘ leasingu z p¯edËasnÏ ukonËen˝ch smluv.
S MORAVA Leasing, a.s., poskytuje klient˘m financov·nÌ vöech druh˘ stroj˘, technologiÌ a dopravnÌch prost¯edk˘.
In the course of the accounting year, the Supervisory Board was informed about the development, status and all important
NabÌzÌ takÈ leasing nemovitostÌ pro komerËnÌ ˙Ëely.
business events of the company S MORAVA Leasing, a.s.
S MORAVA Leasing, a.s., nabÌzÌ öirokou paletu leasingových produktů - od finanËnÌho leasingu s variantami fixních
The annual closing of books was verified by the auditor, Ing. Milada Dandov· with no objections. The Supervisory Board
spl·tek v CZK, Ëi s vazbou na PRIBOR aû po p¯ÌmÈ financov·nÌ v EUR. Klienti mohou vyuûÌvat nerovnomÏrn˝ch spl·tek,
verified the correctness of the annual closing of books as at 31 December 2003 and have no objections. On the basis of
zv˝öenÈ prodejní ceny na konci leasingu a takÈ kombinovan˝ch v˝hod v r·mci spolupr·ce s dodavateli p¯edmÏt˘
these facts, the Board of Directors recommended approving of the annual closing of books of the company S MORAVA
leasingu. Vedle leasingu poskytuje S MORAVA Leasing, a.s., takÈ spl·tkov˝ prodej pro podnikatelskÈ subjekty a
Leasing, a.s. as at 31 December 2003 and of the proposal for the 2003 profit distribution submitted to the management of
komun·lnÌ sfÈru. U vöech typ˘ produkt˘ nabÌzÌ spoleËnost nabÌdku pojiötÏní ve spolupr·ci s Kooperativa, pojiöùovnou,
the company. The Supervisory Board wish to use this opportunity to thank the management of the company and all
a.s. a u leasingu nemovitostÌ s UNIQA pojiöùovnou, a.s.
employees for the efforts made in 2003.
Dr. Hans J¸rgen Brˆder
p¯edseda dozorËÌ rady
Chairman of the
Supervisory Board
S MORAVA Leasing, a.s. is an important leasing company with a vast network of branch offices operating on the territory of
Z·kladnÌ ˙daje o spoleËnosti / Basic Data about the Company
the Czech Republic. The company offers leasing services related to purchasing of machines and technologies, traffic
engineering and property leasing. The principal fields with the highest share of leasing financing includethe agriculture, private
sector services, building industry and mechanical engineering. Its sister company, S Slovensko, s.r.o., develops its
S MORAVA Leasing, a.s.
operations in the Slovak Republic. In doing so, it employs methodical and professional management of S MORAVA Leasing,
»len Asociace leasingov˝ch spoleËnostÌ »R
a.s. Both these companies are inter-related via their owner - the Austrian bank Weinviertler Sparkasse AG.
SÌdlo: Znojmo, HornÌ n·mÏstÌ 264/18, PS» 669 02
The newly established daughter company S SERVIS CZ, s.r.o. ensures sales of the subject matters of the leases in the cases
I»O: 16325460
of terminated agreements. S MORAVA Leasing, a.s. provides its clients with financing of all kinds of machines, technologies
Datum vzniku: 2. kvÏtna 1991
and means of transport. It also offers leasing of commercial property.
S MORAVA Leasing, a.s. offers a variety of leasing products - starting from financial leasing with options of fixed instalments
Weinviertler Sparkasse AG, Hauptplatz 10, Hollabrunn, Rakousko (75 %)
in CZK, or related to the PRIBOR up to direct financing in EUR. The clients may use the option of uneven instalments,
Waldviertler Sparkasse von 1842, Hauptplatz 22, Waidhofen a. d. Thaya, Rakousko (25 %)
increased sale prices at the end of the leasing periods and combined advantages as part of co-operation with the suppliers of
Z·kladnÌ kapit·l: 160 000 000 KË, splaceno 100 %
the subject matters of leasing. Besides leasing, S MORAVA Leasing, a.s. provides instalment sales to business entities and
municipalities. The company offers insurance in co-operation with Kooperativa, pojiöùovna, a.s for all types of products, and
S MORAVA Leasing, a.s.
in co-operation with UNIQA pojiöùovna, a.s. for property leasing.
Member of the Association of Leasing Companies of the Czech Republic
Headquarters: Znojmo, HornÌ n·mÏstÌ 264/18, PS» 669 02
Registration number: 16325460
Date of incorporation: 2 May 1991
Weinviertler Sparkasse AG, Hauptplatz 10, Hollabrunn, Austria (75 %)
Waldviertler Sparkasse von 1842, Hauptplatz 22, Waidhofen a. d. Thaya, Austria (25 %)
Registered capital: 160,000,000 CZK, 100 % paid up
INFO LINE: 515 200 540
INTERNET: www.smorava.cz
Centr·la a poboËky spoleËnosti /
Headquarters and Branch Offices of the Company
Centr·la Znojmo / Headquarters Znojmo
HornÌ n·m. 264/18, 669 02 Znojmo
Tel.: 515 200 511, fax: 515 200 512
e-mail: [email protected]
PoboËka Hradec Kr·lovÈ /
Branch office Hradec Kr·lovÈ
PoboËka Kutn· Hora /
Branch office Kutn· Hora
PoboËka Olomouc / Branch office Olomouc
PoboËka P¯Ìbram / Branch office P¯Ìbram
PalackÈho 12, 612 00 Brno
Fibichova 2, 772 00 Olomouc
Praûsk· 29, 261 01 P¯Ìbram
PoboËka UherskÈ HradiötÏ /
Branch office UherskÈ HradiötÏ
Tel.: 541 426 084
»eskoslovenskÈ arm·dy 329, 500 03 Hr. Kr·lovÈ
AnenskÈ n·m. 340, 284 01 Kutn· Hora
Tel.: 585 237 308
Tel.: 318 633 807
Dvo¯·kova 1210, 686 01 UherskÈ HradiötÏ
Tel.: 495 510 621
Tel.: 327 511 801
e-mail: [email protected]
PoboËka Brno / Branch office Brno
Fax: 541 426 087
e-mail: [email protected]
Fax: 495 510 622
Fax: 327 511 802
Fax: 585 237 309
Fax: 318 633 808
e-mail: [email protected]
Tel.: 572 540 530
Fax: 572 540 535
e-mail: [email protected]
e-mail: [email protected]
PoboËka B¯eclav / Branch office B¯eclav
PoboËka Jihlava / Branch office Jihlava
PoboËka Liberec / Branch office Liberec
PoboËka PlzeÚ / Branch office PlzeÚ
PoboËka T·bor / Branch office T·bor
N·m. T.G.Masaryka 13, 690 02 B¯eclav
»ajkovskÈho 37, 586 01 Jihlava
N·m. »esk˝ch brat¯Ì 25/14, 460 01 Liberec
Slovansk· t¯. 23, 326 00 PlzeÚ
T¯. 9. kvÏtna 678, 390 02 T·bor
PoboËka ⁄stÌ nad OrlicÌ /
Branch office ⁄stÌ nad OrlicÌ
Tel.: 519 321 463
Tel.: 567 320 761
Tel.: 485 148 182
Tel.: 377 220 922
Tel.: 381 256 916
MÌrovÈ n·m. 133, 562 01 ⁄stÌ nad OrlicÌ
Fax: 519 330 080
e-mail: [email protected]
Fax: 567 320 762
e-mail: [email protected]
Fax: 485 148 183
e-mail: [email protected]
e-mail: [email protected]
Fax: 377 220 923
e-mail: [email protected]
Fax: 381 256 917
e-mail: [email protected]
Tel.: 465 520 333
Fax: 465 520 334
e-mail: [email protected]
PoboËka HavlÌËk˘v Brod /
Branch office HavlÌËk˘v Brod
PoboËka Jind¯ich˘v Hradec /
Branch office Jind¯ich˘v Hradec
PoboËka Nov˝ JiËÌn /
Branch office Nov˝ JiËÌn
PoboËka ProstÏjov / Branch office ProstÏjov
PoboËka T¯ebÌË / Branch office T¯ebÌË
PoboËka VsetÌn / Branch office VsetÌn
N·draûnÌ 397, 580 01 HavlÌËk˘v Brod
N·draûnÌ 249/II., 377 01 Jind¯ich˘v Hradec
HavlÌËkova 19, 741 01 Nov˝ JiËÌn
Dukelsk· Br·na 4, 796 00 ProstÏjov
Karlovo n·m. 37/48, 674 01 T¯ebÌË
Na P¯ÌkopÏ 797, 755 01 VsetÌn
Tel.: 569 434 606
Tel.: 384 362 424
Tel.: 556 720 520
Tel.: 582 336 980
Tel.: 568 842 802
Tel.: 571 429 187
Fax: 569 434 607
e-mail: [email protected]
Fax: 384 362 425
e-mail: [email protected]
Fax: 556 720 521
e-mail: [email protected]
Fax: 582 336 981
e-mail: [email protected]
Fax: 568 842 803
e-mail: [email protected]
Fax: 571 429 188
e-mail: [email protected]
OrganizaËnÌ struktura spoleËnosti /
Organisation Structure of the Company
Ing. Josef Holcr - prokurista a obchodnÌ ¯editel / Proxy Holder and Head
Ing. Ludmila Koskov· - prokurista a finanËnÌ ¯editel / Proxy Holder and Head
of the Department
of the Department
Oblast JiûnÌ Morava / Region of South Moravia
OddÏlenÌ danÌ a obchodnÌch p¯Ìpad˘ / Tax and business cases department
Ing. ZdenÏk Nekula - vedoucÌ oblasti / Head of the Region
Dagmar Macurov· - vedoucÌ oddÏlenÌ / Head of the Department
OddÏlenÌ finanËnÌ ˙Ët·rny / Financial Accountancy Department
Karel Besednjak - vedoucÌ oddÏlenÌ / Head of the Department
Oblast VysoËina / Region of VysoËina
Ing. Josef KrË·l - vedoucÌ oblasti / Head of the Region
Ing. Jan BalÌk - ¯editel ˙seku spr·vy / Director of the Administration
úsek obchodní
Sales Departament
úsek ekonomický
Economic Departament
úsek správy
Administration Departament
oddělení marketingu
Marketing Departament
oddělení interní audit
Internal Audit Departament
OddÏlenÌ ¯ÌzenÌ pohled·vek / Receivables handling department
Ing. Josef VocÌlka - vedoucÌ oddÏlenÌ / Head of the Department
OddÏlenÌ pr·vnÌ agendy a spr·vy dokument˘ / Department of legal
administration and document handling
Oblast Z·padnÌ »echy / Region of West Bohemia
oddělení informačních technologíí
Information Technologies Departament
oddělení risk management
Risk Management
Bc. PavlÌna Fronkov· - vedoucÌ oddÏlenÌ / Head of the Department
Ladislav Suchan - vedoucÌ oblasti / Head of the Region
Ing. ZdenÏk Nekula - vedoucÌ oddÏlenÌ / Head of the Department
Dr. Hans Jürgen Bröder - předseda / Chairman
Oblast Severov˝chodnÌ »echy / Region of North-east Bohemia
Hansjörg Henneis - mÌstop¯edseda / Vice Chairman
Petr KremliËka - vedoucÌ oblasti / Head of the Region
Ing. Petr Dvo¯·k - vedoucÌ oddÏlenÌ / Head of the Department
Robert Rosner
Werner Pohnitzer
Ing. Kristina Jeb·Ëkov·
Ing. Aleö Cejpek - vedoucÌ oddÏlenÌ / Head of the Department
JUDr. Eva Leblochov·
Oblast SevernÌ Morava / Region of North Moravia
Tom·ö Pet¯kovsk˝ - vedoucÌ oblasti / Head of the Region
Ing. Kristina Jeb·Ëkov· - vedoucÌ oddÏlenÌ / Head of the Department
Ing. ZdenÏk MrÚa - p¯edseda p¯edstavenstva a gener·lnÌ ¯editel / Chairman of the Board of Directors and General Manager
Mag. Andreas Kleinhansl - mÌstop¯edseda p¯edstavenstva / Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors
Gerhard Fuchs - Ëlen p¯edstavenstva / member of the Board of Directors
Eva Skopalov·
Leasing nemovitostÌ / Leasing of property
Hana Steinhauserov· - vedoucÌ / Head
Zpr·va o Ëinnosti / Activity Report
Competitive Environment
In the year 2003, as in the previous year, the property leasing market experienced stagnation. The interannual rise was
only as little as 2 %. Due to low inflation rate, which passed into deflation over several months, the interest rates were
KonkurenËnÌ prost¯edÌ
dropping, which resulted in cheapening of the leasing. One of the main methods of financing in the business filed is still
Tak jako v minulÈm obdobÌ, i v roce 2003 proch·zel leasingov˝ trh movitostÌ stagnacÌ. MeziroËnÌ n·r˘st Ëinil pouze 2 %.
the financial leasing, being the best available and fastest method. As regards the commodity structure of the leasing
Vlivem velmi nÌzkÈ inflace, kter· ¯adu mÏsÌc˘ p¯ech·zela v deflaci, doch·zelo k poklesu ˙rokov˝ch sazeb a tÌm ke zlevÚov·nÌ
agreements, the passenger cars and utility vehicles represented 49 % of the overall leasing in the Czech Republic.
leasingu. Nad·le jednÌm z hlavnÌch zp˘sob˘ financov·nÌ podnikatelskÈ sfÈry z˘st·v· finanËnÌ leasing, kter˝ je nejdostupnÏjöÌ a
Lorries and buses represented 27 % and the share of machinery was 20 %.
nejrychlejöÌ. V komoditnÌ skladbÏ leasingov˝ch smluv p¯edstavujÌ osobnÌ a uûitkovÈ vozy 49 % celkovÈho leasingu v »R.
N·kladnÌ vozy a autobusy ËinÌ dalöÌch 27 % a podÌl strojnÌch za¯ÌzenÌ 20 %.
Economic Environment
∑ The gross national product increased by 2.9 %, despite the stagnation in the European Union.
EkonomickÈ prost¯edÌ
∑ The average interannual inflation rate totalled 0.1 %.
∑ Hrub˝ dom·cÌ produkt vzrostl o 2,9 %, p¯estoûe trh v EvropskÈ unii stagnoval.
∑ High unemployment rate reaching 10.3 % kept rising.
∑ Pr˘mÏrn· meziroËnÌ mÌra inflace Ëinila 0,1 %.
∑ The Czech Republic approved the accession to the European Union in a referendum.
∑ Vysok· nezamÏstnanost, kter· dos·hla 10,3 %, nad·le roste.
∑ »esk· republika v referendu schv·lila vstup do EvropskÈ unie.
Business Results
In 2003, the company S MORAVA Leasing, a.s., concluded a total of 2,798 agreements (of which 2,701 related to
ObchodnÌ v˝sledky
property leasing, 43 related to property leasing and 54 agreements related to instalment selling).
S MORAVA Leasing, a.s., v roce 2003 uzav¯ela celkem 2 798 smluv (z toho leasing movitostÌ 2 701 ks, leasing nemovitostÌ
interannual comparison, the increase in new agreements totals 7.1 %. The total volume of new deals in the acquisition
43 ks, prodej na spl·tky 54 ks). V meziroËnÌm srovn·nÌ se jedn· o n·r˘st nov˝ch smluv o 7,1 %. Celkov˝ objem u novÏ
prices excluding VAT amounted to 2,428 mill. CZK (of which 2,195 mill. CZK related to property leasing, 183 mill. CZK
uzav¯en˝ch obchod˘ v po¯izovacÌch cen·ch bez DPH ËinÌ 2 428 mil. KË (z toho leasing movitostÌ 2 195 mil. KË, leasing
related to property leasing and instalment selling of 50 mill. CZK), which represents an annual increase of 0.7 %. The
nemovitostÌ 183 mil. KË, prodej na spl·tky 50 mil. KË), coû znamen· roËnÌ n·r˘st o 0,7 %. Pr˘mÏrn· v˝öe p¯ipadajÌcÌ na jednu
average value per concluded agreement totals 868 thous. CZK. As at 31 December 2003, a total of 7,092 agreements
uzav¯enou smlouvu ËinÌ 868 tis. KË. K datu 31. 12. 2003 je evidov·no 7 092 smluv se z˘statkovou ˙ËetnÌ hodnotou 3 937 mil.
with a net book value of 3,937 mill. CZK were registered. The total volume of property lease agreements concluded in
KË. Z celkovÈho objemu uzav¯en˝ch smluv leasingu movitostÌ v roce 2003 p¯edstavujÌ stroje a technologie 66,7 % a n·kladnÌ
2003 included machinery and technology representing 66.7 % and lorries and utility vehicles representing 22 %. Major
a uûitkov· vozidla 22 %. K v˝znamnÈmu n·r˘stu doölo zejmÈna u investic v kategorii strojÌrensk˝ch stroj˘ a leasingu
increase was recorded in investments in the category of mechanical engineering equipment and property leasing.
In terms of
EkonomickÈ v˝sledky
Economic Results
CelkovÈ dosaûenÈ roËnÌ trûby ve v˝öi 2 188 mil. KË jsou opÏt historick˝m maximem. BilanËnÌ suma spoleËnosti se v˝raznÏ
The generated revenues of 2,188 mill. CZK were repeatedly a historical maximum figure. The total assets of the
zv˝öila a ËinÌ 4 483 mil. KË. Z·kladnÌ kapit·l byl nav˝öen na 160 mil. KË, vlastnÌ kapit·l p¯edstavuje 190 mil. KË. V roce 2003
company considerably increased and total 4,483 mill. CZK. The registered capital was increased to 160 mill. CZK, the
dos·hl provoznÌ hospod·¯sk˝ v˝sledek 130 mil. KË a hospod·¯sk˝ v˝sledek za ˙ËetnÌ obdobÌ 4 mil. KË. Z celkovÈho pohledu
equity amounts to 190 mill. CZK. In 2003, the operating profit reached 130 mill. CZK and the profit for the accounting
spoleËnost udrûela v˝bornÈ v˝sledky, kter˝ch bylo dosaûeno v p¯edch·zejÌcÌm roce.
period totalled 4 mill. CZK. In general terms, the company maintained those excellent results achieved in the previous
Person·lnÌ politika
Ve sledovanÈm roce 2003 byl pr˘mÏrn˝ poËet zamÏstnanc˘ 74 a ve srovn·nÌ s rokem 2002 vzrostl o 9 pracovnÌk˘. Schv·lena
Personnel Management
byla nov· organizaËnÌ struktura a rozö̯eny motivaËnÌ programy.
In the reported year 2003, the average number of employees was 74, which represents an increase by 9 employees
compared to the year 2002. A new organisation structure was approved and new incentive programmes were extended.
Ve¯ejnÏ prospÏönÈ aktivity
V roce 2003 S MORAVA Leasing, a.s., podpo¯ila ¯adu akcÌ v oblasti v˝chovy dÏtÌ a ml·deûe, kultury, sportu a zdravotnictvÌ.
Activities for Public Benefit
In 2003, S MORAVA Leasing, a.s., supportted a number of events in the field of education of children and youth,
CÌle roku 2004
culture, sport and health care.
∑ Nad·le pokraËovat v dynamickÈm rozvoji obchodnÌ Ëinnosti.
∑ Posilovat poboËkovou sÌù.
Objectives for the Year 2004
∑ Realizace novÈho informaËnÌho systÈmu SAP.
∑ To pursue the dynamic development of the business operations.
∑ To build up the network of branch offices.
∑ To implement the new information system SAP.
ÖcÌlenÏ p¯ispÌv·me ke zlepöenÌ pÈËe o zdravÌ naöich spoluobËan˘ (Nemocnice Znojmo)
Öproviding goal-directive assistance in improving the health of our fellow citizens (Znojmo hospital)
ÖfandÌme naöim hokejist˘m (HC JME ZnojemötÌ orli)
Öcheering for our hockey team (HC JME Znojmo Eagles)
Öpom·h·me p¯i rozvoji kultury
Öhelping to develop culture
...podporujeme umÏlce
...standing by artists
Stav leasingov˝ch smluv / Status of Leasing Agreements
2) Leasing nemovitostÌ / Leasing of Immovables
- Dle typu budovy / According to the type of building
1) Leasing movitostÌ / Leasing of Movables
Úřední budovy
Pr˘myslovÈ budovy / Industrial buildings
- Dle povahy p¯edmÏtu leasingu / According to the nature of the subject matter of leasing
Prodejny / Shops
⁄¯ednÌ budovy / Office buildings
Celkem / Total
StrojnÌ za¯ÌzenÌ / Machinery
1 465 mil. CZK
PoËÌtaËe, kancel·¯skÈ stroje / Computers, office equipment
22 mil. CZK
OsobnÌ automobily / Passenger cars
153 mil. CZK
- z toho leasing ojet˝ch osobnÌch automobil˘ /
of which leasing of used passenger cars
47 mil. CZK
N·kladnÌ automobily, autobusy / Lorries, buses
482 mil. CZK
OstatnÌ / Others
73 mil. CZK
Nákladní a užitková vozidla
Osobní automobily
kancelářské stroje
Strojní zařízení
Celkem / Total
2 195 mil. CZK
Zemědělství, lesnictví
Služby - soukromý sektor
24,1 %
28,9 %
ZemÏdÏlstvÌ, lesnictvÌ, rybolov / Agriculture, forestry, fishing
Pr˘mysl, stavebnictvÌ / Industry, building industry
Sluûby - soukrom˝ sektor / Services - private sector
Sluûby - st·tnÌ sektor / Services - public sector
Soukrom· pot¯eba / Private entities
OstatnÌ / Others
530 mil. CZK
675 mil. CZK
634 mil. CZK
34 mil. CZK
9 mil. CZK
313 mil. CZK
30,8 %
183 mil. CZK
3) Prodej na spl·tky / Instalment Sales
Celkem / Total
50 mil. CZK
Celkem / Total
Průmysl, stavebnictví
7 mil. CZK
14,3 %
0,4 %
1,5 %
62 mil. CZK
4) Objem vöech nov˝ch smluv v letech 2001 - 2003 / Total of All New Agreements Concluded over 2001 - 2003
- Dle podnikatelskÈho zamϯenÌ z·kaznÌka / According to the client's business orientation
Soukromá potřeba
Služby - státní sektor
114 mil. CZK
2 195 mil. CZK
Objem vöech nov˝ch smluv / Total of all new agreements
(mil. KË / mil. CZK)
V˝kaz zisk˘ a ztr·t / Profit and Loss Statement
Rozvaha / Balance Sheet
1 237
1 746
2 142
Trûby celkem / Total revenues
(mil. KË / mil. CZK)
V˝kaz zisk˘ ztr·t / Profit and loss statement
(v tis. KË / CZK thousand)
Trûby - prodej zboûÌ / Revenues from sales of goods
Trûby - hlavnÌ Ëinnost / Revenues - main operation
OstatnÌ trûby / Other revenues
Z˙Ëtov·nÌ rezerv do v˝nos˘ / Accounting for reserves in revenues
Celkem / Total
N·klady na prodej zboûÌ / Costs of sales of goods
Spot¯eba materi·lu, sluûeb / Consumption of materials, services
OsobnÌ n·klady / Personnel costs
Odpisy / Depreciation
OstatnÌ n·klady / Other costs
Tvorba rezerv / Additions to reserves
Celkem / Total
31. 12. 2003
31. 12. 2002
31. 12. 2001
54 387
1 910 660
176 533
2 141 580
77 795
1 587 841
80 684
1 746 320
7 479
1 137 387
83 030
9 000
1 236 896
50 665
52 901
34 687
1 637 461
236 0273
2 011 741
70 352
47 121
31 985
1 349 167
106 085
1 604 710
6 979
42 280
24 978
950 595
115 043
1 139 875
BilanËnÌ suma / Balance Sum
(mil. KË / mil. CZK)
Rozvaha / Balance Sheet
31. 12. 2003
31. 12. 2002
31. 12. 2001
Aktiva celkem / Total assets
4 482 709
3 824 319
2 893 511
St·l· aktiva / Fixed assets
3 946 540
3 601 370
2 725 569
41 894
32 978
29 136
3 904 445
3 568 392
2 629 868
463 286
163 559
164 476
72 883
59 390
3 466
4 482 709
3 824 319
2 893 511
190 060
145 786
137 757
160 000
120 000
60 000
CizÌ zdroje / Liabilities
3 194 287
2 679 048
1 971 826
OstatnÌ pasiva / Other liabilities
1 098 362
999 485
783 928
(v tis. KË / CZK thousand)
vlastnÌ DHNM / Operating assets
DHM leasing / Leasing assets
ObÏûn· aktiva / Current assets
OstatnÌ aktiva / Other assets
Pasiva celkem / Total liabilities
ProvoznÌ hospod·¯sk˝ v˝sledek / Operating profit
HV z finanËnÌch operacÌ / Profit from financial operations
Mimo¯·dn˝ hospod·¯sk˝ v˝sledek / Extraordinary profit
Odloûen· daÚ / Deferred tax
HV p¯ed zdanÏnÌm / Profit before taxation
Hospod·¯sk˝ v˝sledek / Net income
129 839
-118 011
9 277
141 610
-120 653
-2 182
8 826
9 949
97 021
-89 678
4 201
8 030
8 089
VlastnÌ kapit·l / Equity
z·kladnÌ kapit·l / Registered capital
8 089
Zpr·va o vztazÌch mezi propojen˝mi osobami /
Report on the Relation between Inter-related Entities
dle ß 66a, odst. 9 ObchZ k 31. 12. 2003 / pursuant to ß 66a, Clause 9 of the Commercial Code as of 31 December 2003
Mezi spoleËnostÌ S MORAVA Leasing, a.s. a mate¯sk˝mi bankami Weinviertler Sparkasse AG a Waldviertler Sparkasse von
1842 jsou uzav¯eny 2 ˙vÏrovÈ smlouvy v celkovÈm r·mci 10 500 tis. EUR. ⁄rok stanoven˝ v tÏchto smlouv·ch odpovÌd·
cenÏ obvyklÈ na trhu.
V r·mci jin˝ch pr·vnÌch ˙kon˘ vznikl z·vazek v˘Ëi Weinviertler Sparkasse AG a Waldviertler Sparkasse von 1842 z titulu
ruËenÌ za poskytnutÈ ˙vÏry jin˝mi bankami.
Ve vöech vz·jemn˝ch vztazÌch mezi spoleËnostÌ S MORAVA Leasing, a.s., a mate¯sk˝mi bankami Weinviertler Sparkasse AG a
Waldviertler Sparkasse von 1842 nebyla S MORAVA Leasing, a.s. znev˝hodnÏna, nedoölo k ˙jmÏ, protoûe vöechny smlouvy
byly realizov·ny za existence cen bÏûn˝ch v obvyklÈm obchodnÌm styku.
Two loan agreements were concluded between the company S MORAVA Leasing, a.s., and the parent banks Weinviertler
Sparkasse AG and Waldviertler Sparkasse von 1842 in a total value of 10,500 thous. EUR. The interest set in the
agreements complies with the normal market price.
Other legal acts resulted in an obligation to Weinviertler Sparkasse AG and Waldviertler Sparkasse von 1842 on the grounds
of guarantees for loans extended by other banks.
The company S MORAVA Leasing, a.s was not disadvantaged and did not suffer any damage in any of the mutual relations
with the parent banks Weinviertler Sparkasse AG and Waldviertler Sparkasse von 1842 as all the agreements were performed
at prices common in standard business relations.

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