Vetergesic Multidose


Vetergesic Multidose
injekční roztok
ztok pro psy a koč
čky ((buprenorphinum
buprenorphinum 0,3mg/ml)
3mg/ml) 10 m
Orion Oyj organizační složka, Zelený pruh 95/97, 140 00 Praha, tel.: +420 227 027 263, fax: +420 227 230 661
Část B
Vetergesic Multidose
je opioidem pro rutinní použití u psů a koček
1) Buprenorfin (0,01-0,02 mg/kg) je parciálním μ-agonistou. Je nejčastěji používaným opioidem v malé praxi ve Velké Británii, ostatních evropských zemích, Austrálii i jižní Africe.
V klinických studiích vykazoval lepší analgezii než několik jiných opioidů a jeví se být vysoce
vhodným pro perioperativní management bolesti u koček.
Robertson SA, Taylor PM.
J Feline Med Surg. 2004 Oct; 6(5):321-33.
REVIEW ARTICLE: Pain management in
cats - past, present and future.
Part 2. Treatment of pain - clinical pharmacology.
Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA.
Opioids have an unjustified reputation for causing mania in cats,
but with refinements in dosing they are now used successfully
in this species. The mu-opioid agonists are generally considered
the best analgesics. Morphine (0.1-0.3 mg/kg) is effective in a
clinical setting. Methadone (up to 0.5 mg/kg) has a similar profile
to morphine. Pethidine (Demerol, meperidine; 2-5 mg/kg) is a
useful analgesic with a faster onset but shorter duration of action
than morphine. Oxymorphone and hydromorphone (0.05-0.1 mg/
kg) are widely used in the USA. These opioids are more potent
(up to 10 times), and longer acting than morphine in cats. Butorphanol (0.1-0.4 mg/kg) is a mu-opioid antagonist that produces
its analgesic actions through kappa agonist activity. It rapidly re-
aches a ceiling effect, is short acting and is a weaker analgesic
than pure mu opioids. Buprenorphine (0.01-0.02 mg/kg), a partial mu-agonist, is the most popular opioid used in small animal
practice in the UK, other parts of Europe, Australia and South
Africa. In clinical studies it has produced better analgesia than
several other opioids and appears to be highly suitable for perioperative pain management in cats. NSAIDs are also used in cats
for pain management, although cats metabolise these differently
from other species. With appropriate dosing, carprofen (1-4 mg/
kg) and meloxicam (0.3 mg/kg) have proved highly effective with
few side effects. The use of ketoprofen (2 mg/kg), tolfenamic acid
(4 mg/kg) and vedaprofen (0.5 mg/kg) has been reported in cats.
Other less traditional analgesics such as ketamine, medetomidine and local anaesthetics are also used for clinical pain management. The transmucosal, transdermal and epidural routes
offer novel methods for administration of analgesic drugs and
have considerable potential for improving techniques in feline pain
2) Doporučení týkající se terapeutického používání konkrétních analgetik by ideálně měla
být založena na přímém potvrzení jejich klinické účinnosti. Jestliže takové studie nejsou
k dispozici, lze pro predikci klinicky efektivních dávek využít výsledky nociceptivních testů
(testů bolestivosti). Nicméně např. při testování odezvy na bolestivý podnět může mít
výsledná křivka malý klinický význam. Prakticky se totiž potvrdilo, že když se analgezie
buprenorfinem jeví nedostatečná, lze podat další dávku buprenorfinu. Jestliže se poté
zdá, že buprenorfin stále není dostatečným analgetikem, může tomu být následkem
toho, že vyšší dávkou látky již nedosáhneme většího účinku (ceiling effect), nebo individuální interakcí s jinými analgetiky (čistí μ-agonisté). V tomto případě lze pro analgezii využít
nesteroidní antiflogistika nebo lokální anestetika.
Roughan JV, Flecknell PA.
Lab Anim. 2002 Jul;36(3):322-43.
Buprenorphine: a reappraisal of its
antinociceptive effects and therapeutic
use in alleviating post-operative pain in animals.
Comparative Biology Centre, Medical School, Framlington Place, University of Newcastle, Newcastle upon
Tyne NE2 4HH, UK.
Buprenorphine has been widely used for post-operative analgesia
in laboratory animals. Clinical efficacy has been demonstrated in
both subjective and objective pain assessment schemes, however doubts have been expressed as to its value as an analgesic.
Initial dosage recommendations were based on analgesiometric
studies. It is unlikely, however, that the pain elicited in analgesiometric tests is comparable to post-operative pain. This has
resulted in recommendations of excessive dose rates and inappropriate clinical indications. Studies involving tests of the efficacy of buprenorphine for alleviating behavioural or other signs of
tonic (post-surgical) pain provide a more appropriate estimation
of the analgesic capabilities of the drug. However, buprenorphine
also has major effects upon the behaviour of normal (unoperated)
animals, and this makes assessments of efficacy difficult with
some of the systems used for scoring clinical pain. Nevertheless, our most recent studies of the effects of buprenorphine
upon pain-related behaviours in rats support the view that it is
an effective post-operative analgesic. This short review critically
reappraises the role of buprenorphine in this capacity and discusses a rational approach to the relief of pain in laboratory animals.
We conclude that buprenorphine remains a valuable agent for
pain relief in a wide range of animal species when used in an
appropriate manner.
Vetergesic Multidose
je opioidem pro rutinní použití u psů a koček
3) Ve většině preklinických nociceptivních testů (testů bolestivosti) vykazoval buprenorfin
výborný analgetický efekt, když jeho antinociceptivní potence (analgetická schopnost) byla
20-40x vyšší, než vykazoval morfin.
Cowan A.
Int J Clin Pract Suppl. 2003
Feb;(133):3-8; discussion 23-4.
Buprenorphine: new pharmacological
Department of Pharmacology, Temple University School of Medicine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
Buprenorphine is an opioid analgesic, derived from thebaine.
Buprenorphine was initially classified as a „mixed agonist-antagonist analgesic“ or a narcotic antagonist analgesic. The work
of Martin et al (1976) on the animal model of the chronic spinal
dog substantiated the substance‘s action as partial agonist at
the mu-opioid receptor. These findings were underscored by the
substance‘s general pharmacological profile. Further, buprenorphine was one of the first narcotic analgesics to be assessed for
its abuse liability in humans. The lower abuse liability of the drug
in humans soon turned it into a widely used therapeutic agent
in patients with opioid dependence. Interest in buprenorphine
spanning more than 30 years has been attributed to its unique
pharmacological characteristics, including moderate intrinsic
activity, high affinity to and slow dissociation from mu-opioid
receptors. Early pharmacological studies demonstrated buprenorphine‘s strong binding to opioid receptors, and an inverted
U-shaped dose-response curve in rodents. In the rat paw formalin
test, although buprenorphine demonstrated a bell-shaped doseresponse curve against an acute noxious stimulus, it showed a
classic sigmoidal curve in the later phase of the assay. In most
preclinical antinociceptive tests, buprenorphine was shown to be
fully efficacious, with an antinociceptive potency 25 to 40 times
higher than morphine. A ceiling effect for respiratory depression (but not for analgesia) has been demonstrated in humans.
Current studies are focusing on norbuprenorphine, an N-dealkylated metabolite of buprenorphine. Norbuprenorphine is a likely
contributor to the overall pharmacology of buprenorphine; in the
mouse writhing test, norbuprenorphine provides antinociceptive
efficacy similar to buprenorphine, with analgesic activity shown
to be dose-dependent.
Vetergesic Multidose
Vetergesic Multidose
poskytuje silnou postoperativní opioidní analgezii
poskytuje silnou postoperativní opioidní analgezii
1) Postoperativní analgezie se po provedené artrotomii u psů při preoperativním podání
morfinu i buprenorfinu jevila stejně efektivní po dobu 7 hodin. 52 psů.
Brodbelt DC, Taylor PM, Stanway GW.
J Vet Pharmacol Ther. 1997 Aug;20(4):284-9.
A comparison of preoperative morphine
and buprenorphine for postoperative analgesia
for arthrotomy in dogs.
Department of Clinical Veterinary Medicine, Cambridge University, UK.
The aim of this study was to compare morphine with the partial
agonist, buprenorphine, for postoperative analgesic effects, when
administered preoperatively for elective arthrotomy in dogs. Fifty
two dogs were anaesthetized for stifle, elbow, or hock arthrotomy. The dogs were premedicated 30 min prior to induction of
anaesthesia with 0.03 mg/kg acepromazine intramuscularly, and
either 0.3 mg/kg morphine or 0.01 mg/kg buprenorphine intramuscularly (allocated randomly). Anaesthesia was induced with
thiopentone and maintained with halothane in an oxygen/nitrous
oxide mixture. Pain and sedation were assessed preoperatively,
and 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 5, and 7 h after the halothane was switched off,
with a visual analogue scale scoring system. Pain scores did not
differ significantly (morphine group median postoperative score
from 30 to 40 mm, buprenophine group median postoperative
score from 36 to 43 mm) and analgesia was considered adequate in the majority of cases (score less than 40 mm). Morphine
produced significantly more sedation at 0.5 h after anaesthesia
only. It was concluded that both opioids are equally suitable analgesics for postoperative analgesia for the elective arthrotomy in
2) U koček po operaci bylo zřejmé, že buprenorfin v dávce 0,01 mg/kg poskytoval lepší
postoperativní analgezii než morfin v dávce 0,1 mg/kg. 32 koček.
GW Stanway, PM Taylor, DC Brodbelt
Vet Anaesth Analg, 2002, 29, 29-35.
A preliminary investigation comparing
pre-operative morphine and buprenorphine
for postoperative analgesia and sedation in cats.
Objective: To compare the postoperative analgesic and sedative
properties of buprenorphine and morphine in cats.
Study Design Prospective, randomized, blinded study.
Animals Thirty-two domestic cats undergoing surgery.
Methods Cats received pre-anaesthetic medication with acepromazine (0.05 mg kg−1) given intramuscularly and were randomly
allocated to group M and given morphine (0.1 mg kg−1) intra-
muscularly (IM) or to group B and given buprenorphine (0.01 mg
kg−1) IM. Anaesthesia was induced with propofol and maintained
with halothane in oxygen and nitrous oxide. Pain and sedation scores using visual analogue scales, and heart and respiratory rates,
were measured immediately before, and 30, 60, 120, 180, 300
and 420 minutes after anaesthesia.
Results Pain scores were significantly lower at 60, 120 and 180
minutes after anaesthesia in group B. Group B also had higher
heart rates at 30 minutes. There were no other statistically significant differences between the groups.
Clinical relevance Buprenorphine (0.01 mg kg−1) appeared to
provide better postoperative analgesia than morphine (0.1 mg
kg−1) and may also have a longer duration of action.
3) Preoperativní podání opiátů může mít pozitivní dlouhodobý efekt na vyblokování nebo prevenci centrální senzibilizace vyvolané chirurgickou stimulací. Pes.
Lascelles BD, Cripps PJ, Jones A,
Waterman AE.
Pain. 1997 Dec;73(3):461-71.
Post-operative central hypersensitivity and pain:
the pre-emptive value of pethidine for ovariohysterectomy.
Department of Clinical Veterinary Science, Langford
House, Bristol, UK.
Objective: To compare the postoperative analgesic and sedative
The effect of timing of analgesic drug administration on the severity of post-operative pain was investigated in dogs undergoing ovariohysterectomy using both subjective visual assessment scoring
systems (VAS) and objective mechanical nociceptive threshold
measurements using a novel handheld anti-nociceptiometric device. Forty dogs undergoing routine elective ovariohysterectomy
were included in a randomised and double-blind study and assigned to one of three groups: (i) pre-operative analgesics; (ii)
post-operative analgesics; (iii) no analgesics (saline injections).
The analgesic used was pethidine (a short acting predominantly
mu-opioid agonist), at a dose of 5.0 mg/kg (intramuscular). The
post-operative administration of pethidine resulted in significantly
higher sedation scores and significantly lower pain scores in the
early post-operative period, but the dogs given pethidine pre-operatively had significantly lower pain scores than both the other
groups at 8, 12 and 20 h post-extubation (P < 0.01, ANOVA).
Mechanical thresholds measured at the distal tibia demonstrated the development of allodynia at 12 and 20 h post-extubation,
and this was significantly prevented by the pre- (P < 0.01 at 12
h, P < 0.05 at 20 h, Kruskal-Wallis and post hoc Dunn‘s), but
not by the post-operative administration of pethidine. Mechanical
nociceptive thresholds measured at the ventral midline (site of
surgery) demonstrated post-operative hyperalgesia in all groups;
this hyperalgesia was least in the pre-operative pethidine group.
In summary, this study clearly shows pethidine to be an effective
analgesic in dogs, albeit of short duration of action, when administered post-operatively, and, importantly, that it has a positive
benefit in terms of post-operative outcome measures, when administered pre-operatively, possibly as a result of blocking or preventing the development of central sensitisation following surgical−1) and may also have a longer duration of action.
4) Intravenozní podání jakýchkoli testovaných dávek buprenorfinu kočkám vedlo k rychlejšímu nástupu účinku, než byl kdy zaznamenám v předchozích studiích. Nebyla zanamenána
žádná na dávce závislá odezva na teplotní stimulaci. Analgezie vůči mechanickým stimulům vykazovala závislost na dávce – s většími dávkami byla antinocicepce silnější a trvala
déle. Všechny dávky navozovaly u koček mírně euforické chování, které mohlo interferovat s posuzováním reakcí na podněty. Na základě této studie by pro klinickou praxi měla
být u koček používána dávka buprenorfinu 0,02 mg/kg intravenozně. 8 koček.
Steagall PV, Mantovani FB, Taylor PM, Dixon MJ,
Luna SP.
Vet J. 2009 Nov;182(2):203-9.
Epub 2008 Aug 8.
Dose-related antinociceptive effects of intravenous
buprenorphine in cats.
Department of Surgical Sciences, School of Veterinary
Medicine, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2015 Linden Drive, Madison, WI 53706-1100, USA.
The dose-related antinociceptive effects of intravenous (IV)
buprenorphine were evaluated in cats. Thermal (TT) and mechanical threshold (MT) devices were used for nociceptive stimulation. After baseline threshold recordings, buprenorphine was
administered IV (0.01, 0.02 or 0.04 mg/kg; B1, B2 and B4,
respectively) in a randomised, blinded and cross-over study. Data
were analysed by ANOVA (P<0.05) using 95% confidence intervals (CI). TT increased 15, 30, 45 min and 1 (5.2+/-2.7 degrees
C), 2, 3 and 4 h after B1; 15, 30, 45 min and 1 (5.1+/-3.9 degrees C) and 2 h after B2, and 15, 30, 45 min and 1 (5.4+/-3.3
degrees C), 2, 3, 6 and 8 h after B4. MT increased 15 and 45
min after B2 (260+/-171 mmHg), and 30 (209+/-116 mmHg)
and 45 min and 1 and 2 h after B4. At 45 min, MT values were
significantly higher after B2 compared to B1 (P<0.05). With MT,
B2 and B4 produced more antinociception and longer duration
of action than B1, respectively. No dose response to thermal
stimulation was detected.
5) Buprenorfin může být opakovaně reaplikován k dosažení maximální analgezie.
DOG: For further pain relief, repeat if necessary after
3-4 hours with 10 microgram per kg or 5-6 hours with
20 microgram per kg
CAT: repeated if necessary, once, after 1-2 hours
6) Pro dovršení maximální postoperativní analgezie je vhodné aplikaci opakovat. 28 psů.
Slingsby LS, Taylor PM,
Waterman-Pearson AE.
Vet Rec. 2006 Nov 18;159(21):705-11.
Effects of two doses of buprenorphine four
or six hours apart on nociceptive thresholds, pain and
sedation in dogs after castration.
School of Clinical Veterinary Science, University of Bristol, Langford House, Langford, Bristol BS40 5DU
Twenty-eight dogs were randomly allocated into two groups. They
were premedicated with either 10 or 20 microg/kg buprenorphine and 0.05 mg/kg acepromazine administered intramuscularly,
and then anaesthetised with intravenous thiopentone to effect
and maintained with isoflurane in 100 per cent oxygen. The dogs
underwent routine castration, and a second dose of 10 microg/
kg buprenorphine was administered four hours after the first or
20 microg/kg six hours after the first dose. Levels of pain and
sedation were scored on a visual analogue scale and in terms
of the dogs‘ requirement for rescue analgesia, and mechanical
nociceptive thresholds were measured at the hock and wound at
premedication and one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, 10 and
21 to 22 hours later. Pain scores were low in both groups, with
a trend for lower scores in the high dose group; administration
of the second dose of buprenorphine further decreased the pain
scores. Buprenorphine produced good preoperative sedation and
the level of sedation decreased over time after surgery. Administration of the second high dose of buprenorphine did not increase the level of sedation. Both doses of buprenorphine prevented
hyperalgesia at the wound and hock postoperatively. Three dogs
given the low dose and one dog given the high dose required
rescue analgesia with carprofen.
Vetergesic Multidose
Vetergesic Multidose
poskytuje dlouhotrvající opioidní analgezii
je určen pro kočky i psy
1) Teplotní práh byl u koček zvýšený 4-12 hodin po aplikaci buprenorfinu a 4-6 hodin po
aplikaci morfinu. 8 koček.
Robertson SA, Taylor PM, Lascelles BD,
Dixon MJ.
Vet Rec. 2003 Oct 11;153(15):462-5.
Changes in thermal threshold response in eight
cats after administration of buprenorphine, butorphanol and morphine.
Thermal thresholds were measured in eight cats after the intramuscular administration of morphine (0.2 mg/kg), buprenorphine
(0.01 mg/kg) or butorphanol (0.2 mg/kg), doses commonly used
in clinical practice; 0.9 per cent saline (0.3 ml) was injected as a
control. Groups of six cats were used and each cat participated
in at least two treatments, according to a randomised design.
The investigator was blinded to the treatments. The thermal
thresholds were measured with a testing device developed specifically for cats, and measurements were made before and five,
30, 45 and 60 minutes and two, four, six, 12 and 24 hours after
the injections. There was no significant change in thermal threshold after the injection of saline. With butorphanol, the threshold
was increased only at five minutes after the injection and was
decreased two hours after the injection; with morphine it was
increased from between four and six hours after the injection,
and with buprenorphine it was increased from between four and
12 hours after the injection.
2) Efekt buprenorfinu trvá u koček 8 hodin po jeho podání. 8 koček.
Steagall PV, Taylor PM, Brondani JT, Luna SP,
Dixon MJ, Ferreira TH.
Vet Anaesth Analg. 2007 Sep;34(5):344-50.
Effects of buprenorphine, carprofen and saline
on thermal and mechanical nociceptive thresholds in
Department of Veterinary Surgery and Anaesthesiology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science,
UNESP, Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil.
Erratum in: Vet Anaesth Analg. 2007 Nov;34(6):450.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate a prototype pressure stimulus device for
use in the cat and to compare with a known thermal threshold
device. ANIMALS: Eight healthy adult cats weighing between 3.0
and 4.9 kg. METHODS: Pressure stimulation was given via a plastic bracelet taped around the forearm. Three 2.4 mm diameter
ball bearings, in a 10-mm triangle, were advanced against the
craniolateral surface of the antebrachium by manual inflation of
a modified blood pressure bladder. Pressure in the cuff was recorded at the end point (leg shake and head turn). Thermal threshold was also tested. Stimuli were stopped if they reached 55
degrees C or 450 mmHg without response. After four pressure
and thermal threshold baselines, each cat received SC buprenorphine 0.01 mg kg(-1), carprofen 4 mg kg(-1) or saline 0.3 mL
in a three period cross-over study with a 1-week interval. The
investigator was blinded to the treatment. Measurements were
made at 0.25. 0.5, 0.75, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, and 24 hours after
injection. Data were analyzed by using ANOVA. RESULTS: There
were no significant changes in thermal or pressure threshold after administration of saline or carprofen, but thermal threshold
increased from 60 minutes until 8 hours after administration of
buprenorphine (p < 0.05). The maximum increase in threshold
from baseline (DeltaT(max)) was 3.5 +/- 3.1 degrees C at 2
hours. Pressure threshold increased 2 hours after administration
of buprenorphine (p < 0.05) when the increase in threshold above
baseline (DeltaP(max)) was 162 +/- 189 mmHg. CONCLUSIONS
AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: This pressure device resulted in
thresholds that were affected by analgesic treatment in a similar
manner but to a lesser degree than the thermal method. Pressure stimulation may be a useful additional method for analgesic
studies in cats.
1) Kombinace buprenorfinu a acepromazinu je hemodynamicky dobře tolerována. Podání
5-10 násobné dávky vedlo u zdravých psů k markantní sedaci, avšak nedošlo k podstatnému zhoršení kardiorespiračních funkcí. 11 psů.
Stepien RL, Bonagura JD, Bednarski RM, Muir
WW 3rd
Am J Vet Res. 1995 Jan;56(1):78-84.
Cardiorespiratory effects of acepromazine maleate and buprenorphine hydrochloride in clinically normal dogs.
Cardiorespiratory effects of the combination of acepromazine maleate (ACP) 0,1 mg/kg and buprenorphine hydrochloride
(BPN), cumulative doses 0,005, 0,01 and 0,1 mg/kg) were studied in 11 healthy, conscious dogs.
Sedation level was further increased by administration of Bupre-
norfine at the lowest dose. The combination of ACP and BPN
resulted in good to excellent sedation, but further depressed
ventricular function.
Results of this study indicate that the combination of ACP and
BPN in clinically relevant doses is well tolerated hemodynamically.
Addition of 10 times the usual clinical dose led to marked sedation, but no substantial deterioration in cardiorespiratory function
in these healthy dogs. We have used this combination of drugs
in more than 300 dogs. A dosage range of 0.03 to 0.05 mg oc
ACP/kg and 0,0075 to 0,01 mg of BPN/kg, mixed and administered IV, has proven to be satisfactory in our experience.
2) Vliv buprenorfinu na kardiovaskulární systém byl v této studii signifikantní, avšak nikoli
dostatečně významný, aby měl u zdravých psů klinický význam. 6 psů.
Martinez EA, Hartsfield SM, Melendez LD,
Matthews NS, Slater MR.
Am J Vet Res. 1997 Nov;58(11):1280-4.
Cardiovascular effects of buprenorphine in anesthetized dogs.
OBJECTIVE: To determine the cardiovascular effects of buprenorphine in isoflurane- and halothane-anesthetized dogs. ANIMALS: 6 healthy adult hound-type dogs given buprenorphine (16
micrograms/kg of body weight, i.v.) or isovolumetric 5% dextrose
solution during anesthesia with isoflurane or halothane. PROCEDURE: Each dog was anesthetized 4 times, with a minimum of 10
days between episodes. Anesthesia was induced with isoflurane
or halothane in O2 by mask, and was maintained with 1.9% isoflurane or 1.3% halothane (end-tidal concentration). The PaCO2
was maintained between 35 and 45 mm of Hg by use of mechanical ventilation, and the following variables were determined:
systolic, diastolic, and mean arterial blood pressures; cardiac
output; cardiac index; stroke volume; heart rate; systemic vascu-
lar resistance; mean pulmonary arterial pressure; and pulmonary
vascular resistance. In addition, arterial blood samples for gas
and acid-base analyses were collected at 30-minute intervals for
2.5 hours. After baseline values were recorded, dogs were randomly assigned to receive either buprenorphine (16 micrograms/
kg, i.v.) or isovolumetric 5% dextrose solution. All variables were
then recorded at 15-minute intervals for 2.5 hours. RESULTS:
During isoflurane anesthesia, buprenorphine administration caused significant (P < or = 0.05) reductions in diastolic arterial
pressure, mean arterial pressure, systolic arterial pressure,
cardiac index, and heart rate, whereas systemic vascular resistance increased significantly. During halothane anesthesia,
buprenorphine administration caused significant decreases in heart rate, cardiac index, mean, systolic and diastolic arterial blood
pressures, and stroke volume, whereas pulmonary arterial blood
pressure and systemic vascular resistance increased significantly. CONCLUSION: Although the changes seen were significant,
they were not sufficiently large to be of clinical importance in
healthy dogs.
Vetergesic Multidose
Vetergesic Multidose
je určen pro kočky i psy
může být kombinován s DEXDOMITOREM
3) Bylo zjištěno, že karprofen a buprenorfin byla dobře tolerovaná analgetika pro pětidenní
podávání u koček. Naopak levometadon způsoboval v použitých dávkovacích schematech
u některých koček centrální excitaci.
Möllenhoff A, Nolte I, Kramer S.
J Vet Med A Physiol Pathol Clin Med. 2005
Anti-nociceptive efficacy of carprofen, levomethadone and buprenorphine for pain relief in cats following major orthopaedic surgery.
A placebo-controlled, randomized blind study was conducted in
cats (n = 60) after fracture repair to compare the analgesic effects as well as the side-effects of carprofen, buprenorphine and
levomethadone during a 5-day treatment. Cats with severe shock
symptoms or increases in blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine were excluded from the study. The cats were randomly assigned to four groups (n= 15). In group 1, carprofen was administered upon extubation at an initial dose of 4 mg/kg body weight,
followed by one-third of that dose three times daily on days 2 to
5. In group 2, buprenorphine was administered in a single dose of
0.01 mg/kg body weight upon extubation and subsequently every 8 h. Levomethadone (group 3) was applied according to the
same scheme at a dosage of 0.3 mg/kg body weight each time.
The placebo (group 4) was given at the same time intervals as
the opioids. Examinations were carried out prior to anaesthesia,
between 30 min and 8 h after extubation, and on the following 4
days, 1 h after administration of the analgesics or the placebo as
well as 1 h before the next administration. Pain and sedation evaluation was carried out with a visual analogue system (VAS) and
with the aid of a numerical estimation scale (NRS). Pain was also
scored by measuring mechanical nociceptive threshold of traumatized tissue. Plasma glucose and cortisol concentration, heart rate, respiration rate, blood pressure and body temperature
were measured. Furthermore, a complete blood count and clinical
chemistry including BUN, creatinine, alanine aminotransferase
(ALT), glutamate dehydrogenase (GLDH), arterial blood pressure
(AP), total protein and electrolytes of the cats were checked on
the day of admission as well as on the last day of this study
(day 5). Defaecation and urination as well as wound healing were
monitored. On the basis of the mechanical nociceptive threshold
of the traumatized tissue, concentrations of plasma glucose and
cortisol and pain assessment using NRS and VAS, carprofen
was found to have better anti-nociceptive efficacy when compared with the two opioid analgesics, while the analgesic effect of
levomethadone was similar to that of buprenorphine. However,
the carprofen group also showed comparably high median NRS
and VAS pain scores in addition to occasional broad deviations
from the group mean on the first post-operative treatment day.
Sedative effects were detected for buprenorphine and levomethadone; in addition, symptoms of central excitation were noted with
levomethadone. There was no indication of any clinically relevant
respiratory depressive or cardiovascular effects, nor of any undesired renal, gastrointestinal or hepatic effects of the analgesics
applied. However, the somewhat insensitive examination methods
did not permit sufficient evaluation of side-effects, particularly
on the gastrointestinal tract and the kidneys. It was found that
carprofen and buprenorphine were well-tolerated analgesics for
a 5-day administration in the cat, whereas levomethadone caused central excitation in some cases in the dosage scheme used
here. However, it was apparent that none of the tested analgesics
induced sufficient analgesia in the post-operative phase. For this
reason, suitable methods must be found to improve analgesia,
particularly in the immediate post-operative phase.
1) Vetergesic Multidose může být používán se širokým spektrem léčiv pro premedikaci
a anestezii. V kombinacích je často možno snížit dávky ostatních léčiv. Buprenorfin může
potencovat účinek centrálně účinkujících léčiv, avšak sám má v klinických dávkách pouze
malý sedativní efekt (obdobně jako většina opiátů).
SPC: When administered for potentiation of
sedation or as part of premedication, the dose
of other centrally-acting agents, such as acepromazine or medetomidine, should be reduced.
The reduction will depend on the degree of sedation required, the
individual animal, the type of other agents included in premedication and how anaesthesia is to be induced and maintained. It may
also be possible to reduce the amount of inhalational anaesthetic
Buprenorphine has been used with acepromazine, alphaxalone/
alphadalone, atropine, dexmedetomidine, halothane, isoflurane,
ketamine, medetomidine, propofol, sevoflurane, thiopentone and
xylazine. When used in combination with sedatives, depressive
effects on heart rate and respiration may be augmented.
2) Buprenorfin s dexmedetomidinem pro premedikaci před indukcí anestezie u psů. 31 psů.
Používané dávky:
Premedikace: dexmedetomidin 5 mcg/kg + buprenorfin
10 mcg/kg, i.v. v jedné stříkačce.
Indukce anestezie: za 5 min propofol i.v. do efektu (1-3 mg/kg)
Udržování anestezie: izofluran + dexmedetomidin CRI
Dexmedetomidin podávaný konstantní rychlostí v infuzi je při anestezii psů (třídy ASA I-II) izofluranem hodnotným prvkem v udržování chirurgické anestezie. Studie prokázala adekvátní celkovou
perfuzi tkání a nízké požadavky na dávku izofluranu. Probouzení po podání atipamezolu bylo hladké
a rychlé.
Uilenreef JJ, Murrell JC, McKusick BC, Hellebrekers LJ.
Vet Anaesth Analg. 2008 Jan;35(1):1-12.
Dexmedetomidine continuous rate infusion during isoflurane anaesthesia in canine surgical patients
OBJECTIVE: To determine the effects of three rates of dexmedetomidine (DMED) constant rate infusion (CRI) on overall tissue
perfusion, isoflurane (ISO) requirements, haemodynamics and
quality of recovery in canine surgical patients. STUDY DESIGN:
Prospective, randomized, blinded clinical study. ANIMALS: Client-owned dogs presented for soft tissue or orthopaedic surgery. METHODS: Following intravenous (IV) pre-medication with
DMED (5 microg kg(-1)) and buprenorphine (10 microg kg(-1))
and propofol induction, anaesthesia was maintained with ISO in
oxygen/air supplemented with a DMED CRI (1, 2 or 3 microg
kg(-1) hour(-1); groups 1, 2 and 3, respectively). Ventilation
was controlled in all animals using intermittent positive pressure
ventilation (IPPV). Monitoring included end-tidal (ET) gases, ECG,
arterial blood pressure, body temperature and sequential arterial
blood gas and lactate measurements. Quality of recovery was
scored after intramuscular (IM) administration of atipamezole
(ATI) (12.5 microg kg(-1)). Immediate post-operative analgesia
was provided with carprofen and/or buprenorphine. An analysis
of variance was conducted for repeated measurements obtained
during 80 minutes after first incision. Categorical data were evaluated with Chi-square analyses. RESULTS: Arterial blood pressure remained stable and within clinically acceptable limits. Mean
heart rate in group 2 was significantly lower than in group 1. The
incidence of 2nd degree AV block type II was significantly higher
in group 3. Mean arterial lactate concentrations remained below
2 mmol/L in all groups during the study, with a significant increase occurring during recovery compared with surgery for group
3. Mean e‘ISO% was similar and <1% in all groups. Complete
recovery from anaesthesia was achieved after ATI administration
and was of good quality in all but three animals. CONCLUSIONS
AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Dexmedetomidine CRI is a reliable
and valuable adjunct to ISO anaesthesia in maintaining surgical
anaesthesia in ASA I-II dogs. Data reported indicate adequate
overall tissue perfusion and a low ISO requirement while enabling
a smooth and rapid recovery following ATI. The DMED CRI of 1
microg kg(-1) hour(-1) following a loading dose of 5 microg kg(-1)
produced the most favourable results.
3) Buprenorfin s dexmedetomidinem pro premedikaci před indukcí anestezie u psů. 60 psů.
Používané dávky:
Premedikace, 3 skupiny:
1) 15 mcg/kg buprenorfinu s 0,03 mg/kg
acepromazinu, i.m.
2) 15 mcg/kg buprenorfinu s 62,5 mcg/m2 dexmedetomidinu i.m.
3) 15 mcg/kg buprenorfinu s 125 mcg/m2 dexmedetomidinu i.m.
Indukce anestezie: po 30 min propofol do efektu
Závěr: dávka propofolu nutná pro indukci anetezie byla u psů
premedikovaných kombinací buprenorfin + dexmedetomidin 125
mcg/m2 ve srovnání s acepromazinem nižší.
Vetergesic Multidose
Vetergesic Multidose
může být kombinován s DEXDOMITOREM
může být kombinován s DEXDOMITOREM
Published as meeting abstracts
Bell A, Pawson P, Auckburally A, Flaherty D.
Abstract from WCVA 2009 31aug-4 Sep, Glasgow, UK,
A comparison of dexmedetomidine and acepromazine
in combination with buprenorphine as premedication
prior to propofol target controlled induction of anaes-
thesia in dogs.
60 dogs (ASA I/II) were randomly allocated to recive 15 micg/kg
buprenorphine combined with either 0.03 mg/kg acepromazine,
62,5 micg/m2 dexmedetomidine or 125 micrg/m2 dexmedetomidine i.m. After 30 minutes anaesthesia was induced using propofol target controlled infusion administered to effect.
4) Buprenorfin s dexmedetomidinem byly používány pro zlepšení sedace u psů. Nicméně v této
studii jsme nedosáhli pro buprenorfin dobrých výsledků. Důvodem může být zahájení operativního výkonu příliš brzy (za 20 min po intramuskulární aplikaci buprenorfinu), přičemž
analgetický účinek buprenorfinu nastupuje později.
Leppänen MK, McKusick BC, Granholm MM,
Westerholm FC, Tulamo R, Short CE.
J Small Anim Pract. 2006 Nov;47(11):663-9.
Clinical efficacy and safety of dexmedetomidine
and buprenorphine, butorphanol or diazepam for canine
hip radiography.
OBJECTIVES: To investigate the usefulness of dexmedetomidine
for restraint and sedation during hip radiographic examination
of hip-extended or stress-radiography views when combined with
either buprenorphine, butorphanol or diazepam. METHODS: One
hundred and twenty-seven client-owned clinically healthy golden
retrievers or rottweilers were enrolled in a clinical trial that
compared hip-extended and PennHIP methods for diagnosing hip
dysplasia and were randomly allocated to receive dexmedetomidine or medetomidine in combination with buprenorphine, butorphanol or diazepam. Subjective assessments were made for re-
sponse to pain, response to noise, palpebral reflex, muscle tone
and overall quality of sedation; non-invasive physiological variables
were also recorded. RESULTS: Overall quality of sedation was
graded as good or excellent for dogs administered with a combination of butorphanol or diazepam. However, more dogs that
received a combination involving buprenorphine had overall a relatively poorer quality of sedation and required additional administration of buprenorphine before the radiographic procedure could
commence. Once sedated, clinically sufficient muscle relaxation
accompanied by a very low proportion of dogs responding to pain
or noise stimuli were observed in all treatment groups. Heart and
respiratory rate, and procedure and recovery times were similar
for all treatment groups, and no adverse events were observed
during the study. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Dexmedetomidine
sedative protocols, particularly in combination with butorphanol
and diazepam, can be used effectively and safely in dogs for radiographic procedures.
6) V této studii testující teplotní nocicepci byl analgetický efekt dosažený kombinací lepší
než analgetický efekt každého léčiva samostatně, bez ohledu na jeho dávku. 12 koček.
Používané dávky:
B10) buprenorfin 10 mcg/kg
B20) buprenorfin 20 mcg/kg
D20) dexmedetomidin 20 mcg/kg
D40) dexmedetomidin 40 mcg/kg
B10)D20: buprenorfin 10 mcg/kg + dexmedetomidin 20 mcg/kg
Published as meeting abstracts
Slingsby LS, Taylor PM, Waterman-Pearson AE.
Abstract: AVA-ECVA, 7-10th March, 2007, Paris.
Antinoceiception to a thermal stimulus in the cat: combination of dexmedetomidine with buprenorphine.
12 adult cats in randomised, crossover, blinded study in 5 groups
of 6.
Feline thermal nociceptive threshold testing device used.
7) Přidání buprenorfinu k medetomidinu při premedikaci u koček následně snižuje dávky
jakéhokoli inhalačního anestetika. Nicméně, dávka propofolu potřebná k indukci anestezie
se mezi jednotlivými skupinami nelišila. 40 koček.
Používané dávky:
Premedikace, 4 skupiny:
1) 30 mcg/kg medetomidinu i.m.
2) 10 mcg/kg medetomidinu + 20 mcg/kg buprenorfinu i.m.
3) 30 mcg/kg medetomidinu + 20 mcg/kg buprenorfinu i.m.
4) 50 mcg/kg medetomidinu + 20 mcg/kg buprenorfinu i.m.
medetomidin + buprenorfin smíchaný ve stříkačce
okamžitě po premedikaci meloxikam 0,3 mg/kg s.c.
Indukce anestezie: po 30 min bylo provedeno skórování sedace.
Indukce proporfol i.v.,
5) Dexmedetomidin a buprenorfin mohou být používány u koček dohromady. 87 koček.
Používané dávky:
Sedace, 2 skupiny:
1) 20 mcg/kg buprenorfinu + 20 mcg/kg dexmedetomidinu p.o.
2) 20 mcg/kg buprenorfinu + 20 mcg/kg dexmedetomidinu i.m
Santos LCP, Ludders JW, Gleed RD, Erb HN,
Basher KM, Kirch P
College of Veterinary Medicine, Cornell University, Ithaca,
Introduction: The objective was to evaluate whether the oral
trans-mucosal (OTM) route of administration produced similar
sedation to the intramuscular (IM) route for dexmedetomidine
(20ug kg-1) plus buprenorphine (20ug kg-1) in cats being catheterized by veterinary students.
Methods: Eighty-seven shelter-owned cats aged 5-48 months
old, scheduled for ovariohysterectomy were randomly assigned
to one of the two treatments: OTM or IM. Heart rate, respiratory
rate, and systolic arterial pressure were recorded before and 20
minutes after drug administration. At the time of catheter placement, posture, response to clipper sound, response to clipping,
and response to restraint were scored by a blinded observer who
also decided if ketamine (5mg kg-1, IM) was needed for successful catheterization. The significance of differences was measured
within treatment groups using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test and
between treatment groups using the Wilcoxon Rank-sum test.
Significance was set at p<0.05.
Results: Cats in the IM group were more likely to maintain lateral
recumbency, to be amenable to restraint, and to be less responsive to clipper sound and clipping. The need for rescue sedation
did not differ between the two groups; eighteen of eighty-seven
cats required ketamine; seven (16%) in the IM group and eleven
(25%) in the OTM group. Heart and respiratory rates declined
after drug administration, at which time heart rate was lower in
the IM group. No differences in blood pressure were detected.
Conclusions: Although OTM provided significantly less sedation
than IM, it provided enough effect to allow an IV catheter to be
placed in 75% of the cats.
Grint NJ, Burford J, Dugdale AH.
J Small Anim Pract. 2009 Feb;50(2):73-81.
Investigating medetomidine-buprenorphine as preanaesthetic medication in cats.
Division of Veterinary Anaesthesia, University of Liverpool, Leahurst, Neston, Wirral CH64 7TE, UK.
Comment in:
J Small Anim Pract. 2009 Jul;50(7):378; author reply
OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study was to investigate medetomidine-buprenorphine preanaesthetic medication in cats.
METHODS: Forty American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA)
I female cats were enrolled in this prospective, blinded, clinical
study. Cats were randomised into one of four groups: group M30
were injected intramuscularly with 30 microg/kg medetomidine,
groups M10+B, M30+B and M50+B received 10, 30 and 50
Dávky propofolu (medián) mg/kg (rozsah)
1) 3,5 mg/kg propofolu (1,4-6 mg/kg)
2) 1,82 mg/kg propofolu (1-4 mg/kg)
3) 1,57 mg/kg propofolu (0,83-4 mg/kg)
4) 2 mg/kg propofolu (0-4 mg/kg)
Udržování anestezie: izofluran
Postoperačně: inhalační anestetikum ukončeno a byl aplikován atipamezol (Antisedan) i.m.:
1) 0,075 mg/kg atipamezolu
3) 0,075 mg/kg atipamezolu
2) 0,025 mg/kg atipamezolu
4) 0,125 mg/kg atipamezolu
microg/kg of medetomidine, respectively, each in combination
with 20 microg/kg buprenorphine. After 30 minutes, a sedation
score was allocated. Anaesthesia was induced using intravenous
propofol and maintained using isoflurane in oxygen, while cats
underwent ovariohysterectomy. Heart rate, respiratory rate, endtidal carbon dioxide tension and oxygen saturation of haemoglobin
were recorded. Atipamezole was administered intramuscularly at
volatile agent discontinuation. Time taken to lift their head, sit
in sternal and stand were recorded along with quality of recovery. RESULTS: M30+B cats required significantly less isoflurane
compared with M30 cats. Heart rate and oxygen saturation of
haemoglobin were significantly lower in M50+B cats than in M30
cats. All M+B groups experienced significantly better recoveries compared with the medetomidine only M30 control group.
CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: The addition of buprenorphine to medetomidine preanaesthetic medication in cats reduces volatile
agent vaporiser setting and improves the quality of recovery from
Vetergesic Multidose
Vetergesic Multidose
může být kombinován s DEXDOMITOREM
může být kombinován s DEXDOMITOREM
8) Buprenorfin může být používán s medetomidinem pro sedaci psů. V této studii se jako
vhodný protokol pro minoritní diagnostické zákroky u zdravých psů jevilo dávkování medetomidin 20 mcg/kg + buprenorfin 10 mcg/kg. Jestliže lze očekávat větší bolestivost
zákroku, je doporučitelné zvýšit dávku medetomidinu na 30 mcg/kg.
Používané dávky:
Sedace, 3 skupiny:
1) 10 mcg/kg buprenorfinu + 10 mcg/kg
medetomidinu i.m.
2) 10 mcg/kg buprenorfinu + 20 mcg/kg medetomidinu i.m.
3) 10 mcg/kg buprenorfinu + 30 mcg/kg medetomidinu i.m.
Anestezie: 24 případů potřebovalo pro provedení zákroku celkovou
anestezii (thiopental 3,1 mg/kg)
Reverze: Atipamezol i.m v pětinásobné dávce medetomidinu.
Trval-li zákrok déle, nebo byla-li použita celková anestezie, dávky
atipamezolu byly sníženy.
Doby zotavení byly v této studii delší než dříve zaznamenané, pravděpodobně jako následek použití buprenorfinu.
Robinson KJ, Jones RS, Cripps PJ.
J Small Anim Pract. 2001 Sep;42(9):444-7.
Effects of medetomidine and buprenorphine
administered for sedation in dogs.
Department of Anaesthesia, University Clinical
Departments, University of Liverpool.
procedures. The heart rate, respiratory rate and degree of sedation were recorded before and 30 minutes after administration of
the drugs. Heart rate fell by a mean of 55 per cent and respiratory rate by a mean of 62 per cent. Mean sedation scores were
increased in all groups. Administration of atipamezole at the end
of the period of sedation produced rapid recoveries, with a mean
time to standing of 12 minutes. Animals that were anaesthetised
required much less thiopentone than the 10 mg/kg recommended
after premedication with acepromazine maleate.
Medetomidine at doses of 10, 20 or 30 microg/kg was administered along with 10 microg/kg buprenorphine intramuscularly to
48 dogs requiring sedation for various diagnostic or therapeutic
9) Buprenorfin a karprofen pro postoperativní analgezii u koček po ovariohysterektomii,
anestezie kombinací medetomidin + ketamin. 84 koček.
Používané dávky:
Premedikace, 3 skupiny:
B) 10 mcg/kg buprenorfinu i.m.
C) 4 mg/kg karprofenu s.c.
BC) 10 mcg/kg buprenorfinu i.m. + 4 mg/kg karprofenu s.c.
Anestezie: 30 minut později: 80 mcg/kg medetomidinu + 7,5 mg/
kg ketaminu smícháno v jedné stříkačce i.m.
Reverze: atipamezol 200 mcg/kg i.m.
Multimodální analgezie by měla být zvažována
i pro takové chirurgické zákroky, které mohou
způsobit pouze slabší až střední bolestivost.
Steagall PV, Taylor PM, Rodrigues LC, Ferreira TH,
Minto BW, Aguiar AJ.
Vet Rec. 2009 Mar 21;164(12):359-63.
Analgesia for cats after ovariohysterectomy with either
buprenorphine or carprofen alone or in combination.
Department of Surgery and Veterinary Anaesthesiology,
School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science,
FMVZ, UNESP, Botucatu, SP, Brazil.
(group B), 4 mg/kg carprofen (group C), or the same doses of
both drugs (group BC). A dynamic and interactive visual analogue
scale (DIVAS) from 0 to 100 mm, and a simple descriptive scale
(SDS) from 0 to 4 were used to evaluate the cats‘ degree of
analgesia and sedation for 24 hours postoperatively. There was
no significant difference in the cats‘ sedation scores by SDS or
DIVAS, and no difference in their pain scores by DIVAS. By SDS,
the cats in group BC had significantly lower pain scores than the
cats in group C (P<0.001) and group B (P<0.05). Nine of the
cats in group B, nine in group C and five in group BC required
rescue analgesia, and the cats in group C required rescue earlier
than those in group B (P<0.05).
Eighty-four female cats undergoing ovariohysterectomy in a blinded, randomised, prospective clinical study were assigned to one
of three groups of 28 to receive either 0.01 mg/kg buprenorphine
10) Buprenorfin, resp. karprofen poskytují vyhovující postoperativní analgezii po prvních 6
hodin, resp. za 24 hodin po ovariohysterektomii u psů. Jestliže bylo třeba potencování
analgezie, byla aplikována druhá dávka buprenorfinu. 60 psů.
Používané dávky:
Premedikace, 3 skupiny:
Všechna zvířata dostala acepromazin 0,05 mg/kg
C) 4 mg/kg karprofenu s.c.
B) 20 mcg/kg buprenorfinu i.m.
B) 20 mcg/kg buprenorfinu i.m. + 4 mg/kg karprofenu s.c.
Indukce anestezie:
C): propofol 5.0 ± 1.4 mg/kg
B): propofol 3.3 ± 1.1 mg/kg
BC): propofol 3.2 ± 0.7 mg/kg
Udržování anestezie: izofluran
Shih AC, Robertson S, Isaza N, Pablo L, Davies W.
Vet Anaesth Analg. 2008 Jan;35(1):69-79.
Comparison between analgesic effects of buprenorphine,
carprofen, and buprenorphine with carprofen for canine
Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences, College
of Veterinary Medicine, University of Florida, Gainesville
32610-136, USA.
Wound swelling measurements (WM) and a visual inflammation
score (VIS) of the incision were made after surgery and 2, 4, 6,
and 24 hours later. p < 0.05 was considered significant. RESULTS: Group C required more propofol (5.0 +/- 1.4 mg kg(-1))
compared with B (3.3 +/- 1.1 mg kg(-1)) and CB (3.2 +/- 0.7 mg
kg(-1)); respectively, p = 0.0002 and 0.0001. Rescue analgesia
was required in nine dogs. B had a higher GCMPS and DIVAS III
score at 6 hours (2.6 +/- 2.5) and (23 +/- 22.5 mm) compared
with C (1.0 +/- 1.3, 6 +/- 7.3 mm) and CB (1.5 +/- 1.4, 8
+/- 10.7 mm); respectively, p = 0.02 and 0.006. Group C had
a lower sedation score at 2 hours (43 +/- 23.6 mm) compared
with B (68 +/- 32.1 mm) and BC (69 +/- 22.1 mm); respectively,
p = 0.03 and 0.004. Group B had a higher WM score at 2 hours
(3 +/- 0.8 mm) compared with C (2 +/- 0.6 mm) p = 0.01 and
at 6 hours (3 +/- 1 mm) compared with C (2 +/- 0.8 mm) and
CB (2 +/- 0.8 mm); respectively, p = 0.01 and 0.008. VIS was
not different between groups. CONCLUSION AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: All treatments provided satisfactory analgesia for the
first 6 hours and at 24 hours. C and CB pain score and WS were
superior to B at 6 hours. No superior analgesic effect was noted
when the drugs were combined.
OBJECTIVE: To compare the analgesic effects of buprenorphine,
carprofen, and their combination in dogs undergoing ovariohysterectomy. STUDY DESIGN: Prospective, randomized blinded
clinical study. ANIMALS: 60 dogs. METHODS: Treatments were
buprenorphine 0.02 mg kg(-1), intramuscularly (IM) (group B);
carprofen 4 mg kg(-1), subcutaneously (SC) (group C); or a combination of both (group CB). Anesthesia was induced with propofol and maintained with isoflurane. A Dynamic Interactive Visual
Analog Scale (DIVAS, 0-100 mm) and the Glasgow Composite
Pain Scale (GCMPS, 0-24) were used to evaluate comfort and
sedation at baseline, 2, 4, 6, and 24 hours after extubation. Rescue analgesia was provided with buprenorphine (0.02 mg kg(-1)).
Vetergesic Multidose
Vetergesic Multidose
může být aplikován intramuskulárně nebo intravenozně
injekční roztok pro psy a kočky (buprenorphinum 0,3 mg/ml) 10 ml
1) Intravenozní premedikace medetomidinem (10 mcg/kg) a buprenorfinem (0.01 mg/kg)
indukovala u psů během 5 min dobrou až výbornou sedaci.
Rauser, P.; Lexmaulova, L
ACTA VET.BRNO 2002, 71:69-76.
Clinical comparison of medetomidine-butorphanol
and medetomidine-buprenorphine combinations
for intravenous premedication of general anaesthesia in
the dog
English Abstract We compared the effects of medetomidine (10
microg/kg) with butorphanol (0.1 mg/kg) and medetomidine (10
microg/kg) with buprenorphine (0.01 mg/kg) used for intravenous
premedication of general anaesthesia during surgical procedures
in clinical practice. The combination of alpha-adrenergic substances and opioids induced within 5 min good or moderately good
sedation. Anaesthesia was induced by intravenous administration
of propofol to achieve loss of laryngeal reflex. General anaesthesia was maintained by a mixture of 02/N20/halothane and, at
moments of insufficient depth of anaesthesia, it was intensified
by propofol re-administration. There was no difference in the dose
of propofol for anaesthesia induction between above-mentioned
combinations used for premedication. The number of re-administration and the total dose of propofol re-administered were significantly (P 0,05) lower when premedicating by buprenorphine. We
found neither differences in respiratory and heart rates, nor in
Sp02. We found significant (P 0.05) differences in ETCO2 values
at the end of anaesthesia, when its concentration was higher in
dogs premedicated by the combination of medetomidine-buprenorphine.
Availability IAFI/CZ (Czech Republic) , Availability number
Serial Title Acta Veterinaria (Czech Republic) , Serial ID - ISSN
Serial number v. 71(1) p. 69-76 , Serial Date (Mar 2002)
Držitel rozhodnutí o registraci:
Reckitt Benckiser Healthcare (UK) Ltd., Dansom Lane, Hull, HU8
7DS, U.K.
Držitel(é) povolení k výrobě:
Vericore Limited, Kinnoull Road, Kingsway West, Dundee, Tayside
Reckitt Benckiser Healthcare (UK) Ltd., Dansom Lane, Hull, HU8
Vetergesic Multidose, 0,3 mg/ml injekčního roztoku pro psy a
Buprenorphinum ve formě Buprenorphini hydrochloridum
1 ml injekčního roztoku obsahuje:
Léčivá látka: Buprenorphinum 0,3 mg ve formě Buprenorphini
hydrochloridum 0,324 mg
Pomocné látky: Chlorokresol 1,35 mg jako antimikrobiální přísada
Čirý bezbarvý injekční roztok
Vetergesic Multidose se podává k úlevě pooperační bolesti u psů
a koček a k zesílení sedativního účinku centrálně působících účinných látek u psů.
Nepodávejte intratekálně nebo peridurálně.
Nepoužívejte před provedením císařského řezu.
Po otevření spotřebujte do 28 dnů.
U psů se může vyskytnout slinění, bradykardie, hypotermie, třes,
dehydratace a mióza. Vzácně pak hypertenze a tachykardie. U koček
se často vyskytuje mydriáza a známky euforie (nepřiměřené vrnění,
přecházení, tření), které obvykle odezní během 24 hodin.
Buprenorfin může vyvolat respiratorní depresi.
Pokud je přípravek použit za účelem analgezie, dochází k sedativním
účinkům velmi zřídka, ale tyto účinky se mohou vyskytnout, jestliže
jsou podané dávky vyšší, než je doporučeno.
Jestliže zaznamenáte jakékoliv závažné nežádoucí účinky či jiné
reakce, které nejsou uvedeny v této příbalové informaci, oznamte
to prosím svému veterinárnímu lékaři.
Psi a kočky
Před použitím důkladně protřepte.
K aplikaci musí být použita vhodně dělená injekční stříkačka, aby
bylo možné odměřit přesnou dávku.
Kontakt pro objednávání
[email protected]
Sedativní účinek se projevuje do 15 minut po podání, analgetický
účinek nastupuje asi po 30 minutách. Aby byla analgezie během
operace a ihned po probuzení účinná, měl by být přípravek podáván před operací jako součást premedikace. Pokud je následně
nutná dodatečná analgezie, je možné aplikovat další dávku (dávky) buprenorfinu nebo současně podat vhodné injekčně aplikované nesteroidní protizánětlivé léky (NSAID).
Pokud je přípravek podáván pro zesílení sedace nebo jako součást premedikace, měla by být snížena dávka jiných centrálně
působících účinných látek, například acepromazinu nebo medetomidinu. Snížení dávky závisí na stupni požadované sedace, zvířeti, typu dalších látek použitých k premedikaci a na tom, jakým
způsobem je anestézie navozena a udržována. Také je možné
snížit množství použitých inhalačních anestetik.
Není určeno pro potravinová zvířata.
Uchovávat mimo dosah dětí.
Uchovávejte při teplotě do 25°C
Uchovávejte lahvičku ve vnějším kartónovém obalu, aby byla chráněna před světlem. Před použitím důkladně protřepte.
Nepoužívejte po uplynutí doby použitelnosti uvedené na etiketě.
Doba použitelnosti po prvním otevření vnitřního obalu: 28 dní
Bezpečnostní opatření:
Buprenorfin může vyvolat respiratorní depresi a proto, stejně jako
u ostatních opiátů, je třeba zvýšené opatrnosti při léčbě zvířat
s oslabenými dýchacími funkcemi nebo zvířat, která užívají léky, jež
mohou tlumit aktivitu dýchacího centra.
V případě dysfunkce ledvin, srdce nebo jater nebo šoku zvyšuje
použití tohoto přípravku možnost rizika.
Ošetřující veterinární lékař by měl před použitím tohoto přípravku
posoudit poměr prospěchu a rizika. Bezpečnost přípravku nebyla
dostatečně hodnocena u klinicky oslabených koček.
Buprenorfin by měl být používán s opatrností u zvířat se sníženou
funkcí jater, a to především při postižení biliárního traktu, vzhledem k tomu, že je účinná látka v játrech metabolizována, může být
u těchto zvířat intenzita a doba jejího trvání ovlivněna.
Bezpečnost buprenorfinu nebyla prokázána u zvířat mladších
7 týdnů, a proto by měl veterinární lékař před použitím přípravku
u těchto zvířat zhodnotit poměr prospěchu a rizika.
Opakované podání v intervalu kratším než je doporučeno pro opakované podání v bodě 9 se nedoporučuje.
Dlouhodobá bezpečnost podávání buprenorfinu u koček nebyla
hodnocena déle než 5 po sobě jdoucích dní.
Účinek opiátů při zranění hlavy je závislý na druhu a vážnosti zranění a poskytnuté podpoře dýchání.
Přípravek by měl být užíván až po zhodnocení poměru prospěchu
a rizika ošetřujícím veterinárním lékařem.
Cesta podání
Intramuskulární nebo
intravenózní podání
10–20 mikrogramů na kg (0,3–0,6 ml na 10 kg).
Pokud je to nutné, opakujte aplikaci pro další úlevu od bolesti
po 3–4 hodinách dávkou 10 mikrogramů na kg nebo po 5–6
hodinách dávkou 20 mikrogramů na kg.
Pooperační analgezie
Intramuskulární nebo
intravenózní podání
10–20 mikrogramů na kg (0,3–0,6 ml na 10 kg).Opakujte, pokud
je to nutné, jednou po 1–2 hodinách.
Zesílení sedace
10–20 mikrogramů na kg
(0,3–0,6 ml na 10 kg)
Vetergesic Multidose
injekční roztok pro psy a kočky (buprenorphinum 0,3 mg/ml) 10 ml
Laboratorní studie na potkanech neprokázaly teratogenní účinky
přípravku. Nicméně tyto studie prokázaly poimplantační ztráty
a časné fetální úhyny.Toto může být způsobeno snížením kondice
rodičů během gestace a následkem sedace matek v době postnatální péče.
Vzhledem k tomu, že studie toxicity na reprodukci nebyly uskutečněny u cílových druhů zvířat, použijte přípravek pouze po zvážení
poměru prospěchu a rizika příslušným veterinárním lékařem.
Tento přípravek by neměl být použit před provedením císařského
řezu z důvodu rizika respiratorní deprese u mláďat během porodu.
Měl by být se zvláštní opatrností použit pouze po zákroku.
Studie u laktujících potkanů prokázaly, že po intramuskulární
aplikaci buprenorfinu se koncentrace nezměněného buprenorfinu
v mléce vyrovnala nebo přesáhla jeho koncentraci v plazmě. Vzhledem k pravděpodobnosti vylučování buprenorfinu mlékem i u jiných
druhů zvířat se jeho užití během laktace nedoporučuje. Přípravek
použijte pouze po zvážení poměru prospěchu a rizika příslušným
veterinárním lékařem.
Interakce s dalšími léčivými přípravky a další formy interakce:
Buprenorfin může vyvolat ospalost, která může být zesílena dalšími centrálně působícími účinnými látkami včetně utišujících prostředků, sedativ a hypnotik.
Doporučuje se nepoužívat buprenorfin společně s dalšími analgetiky morfinového a opiátového typu, jako je např. etorfin, fentanyl,
petidin, metadon, papaverin nebo butorfanol, a to i přesto, že
je u lidí prokázáno, že léčebné dávky buprenorfinu nesnižují analgetický účinek standardních dávek opiátových antagonistů. Pokud
je buprenorfin použit v normálním léčebném rozsahu, mohou být
standardní dávky opiátových antagonistů podávány před tím, než
odezní vliv buprenorfinu, aniž by došlo ke snížení analgezie.
Buprenorfin je používán s acepromazinem, alfaxalonem/alfadalonem, atropinem, dexmedetomidinem, halotanem, isofluranem,
ketaminem, medetomidinem, propofolem, sevofluranem, thiopentalem a xylazinem. Pokud je přípravek použit v kombinaci se
sedativy, může být zesílen jejich tlumivý vliv na srdeční tep
a dýchací funkce.
Bezpečnost uživatele a varování:
Po jakémkoli náhodném zasažení kůže si důkladně umyjte ruce
a/nebo zasaženou oblast.
Buprenorfin má opioidní aktivitu, tzn. že při aplikaci je nutné dbát
zvýšené opatrnosti, neporanit jiné osoby ani sebe. V případě
náhodného samopodání injekce nebo pozření vyhledejte ihned lékařskou pomoc a ukažte příbalovou informaci nebo etiketu praktickému lékaři.
Pokud dojde k zasažení oka nebo kontaktu s pokožkou, důkladně
omyjte zasažené místo pod studenou tekoucí vodou. V případě
přetrvávajícího podráždění vyhledejte lékařskou pomoc.
Při prvním otevření krabice najděte datum spotřeby, které je uvedeno na vnitřním obalu užívaného přípravku a které uvádí, do kte-
rého dne je třeba veškerý zbývající přípravek v této krabici vyřadit.
Toto datum pro vyřazení přípravku by mělo být napsáno do volného
místa na etiketě.
V případě předávkování by měla být přijata podpůrná opatření
a, pokud je to vhodné, lze použít naloxon nebo stimulanty dýchacího ústrojí.
Při předávkování psů může buprenorfin způsobit letargii. Při velmi
vysokých dávkách se může vyskytnout bradykardie a mióza.
Použití naloxonu je vhodné pro povzbuzení snížené dýchací aktivity. Stimulanty dýchacích funkcí, např. doxapram, jsou účinné i u
člověka. Z důvodu prodlouženého účinku buprenorfinu v porovnání
s výše uvedenými léky je nutné, aby byly podávány opakovaně nebo
průběžně v infuzi. Dobrovolné studie u člověka zjistily, že opiátoví
antagonisté nemusí plně zvrátit účinek buprenorfinu.
V toxikologických studiích na buprenorfin hydrochlorid u psů
byla pozorována biliární hyperplazie po perorálním podávání
přípravku po dobu 1 roku v dávce 3,5 mg/kg/den a vyšší. Biliární hyperplazie nebyla pozorována po každodenní intramuskulární aplikaci v dávce nad 2,5 mg/kg/den po dobu 3 měsíců.
Tato dávka značně přesahuje jakémkoli klinické dávkovací schéma u psů.
Všechen nepoužitý veterinární léčivý přípravek nebo odpad, který
pochází z tohoto přípravku, musí být likvidován podle místních
právních předpisů.
Velikosti balení: 1 × 3,0 ml (1 stříkačka na obal)
Vetergesic Multidose je obsažen v 10ml lahvičce z tmavého skla
s chlorbutylovou gumovou zátkou ve formě sterilního, čirého, bezbarvého vodného roztoku pro injekce. V každém 1 ml jsou obsaženy 0,3 mg buprenorfinu ve formě buprenorfin hydrochloridu v 5 %
roztoku glukózy. Přípravek také obsahuje 1,35 mg/ml chlorokresolu jakožto antimikrobiální přísady.
Pouze na veterinární předpis.
Orion Oyj, organizační složka
Zelený pruh 95/97, 140 00, Praha, ČR
Tel.: +420 227 027 263, fax: +420 227 230 661
Kompletní souhrn informací o přípravku najdete v příbalovém
Orion Oyj organizační složka, Zelený pruh 95/97, 140 00 Praha
tel.: +420 227 027 263, fax: +420 227 230 661