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Tematické okruhy ke státní magisterské zkoušce
Bezpečnostní studia
LS 2016 (zahájení studia 2014/2015)
Teorie bezpečnosti, konfliktů a strategických studií
1) Konceptualizace bezpečnosti v realistické tradici MV: rovnováha moci,
hegemonie, kolektivní obrana
Jervis, R., 1998. Realism in the Study of World Politics. International
Organisation, 52(4), pp. 971-991
Walt, S. M. 1991. Renaissance of Security Studies. International Studies
Quarterly, 35, pp. 211-239
Walt, S., M. 1999. Rigor or Rigor Mortis: Rational Choice and Security
Studies. International Security 23(4), pp. 5-48
Mearsheimer, J. J. 2001. The Tragedy of Great Power Politics. New York:
Collins, Alan (ed.): Contemporary Security Studies. Oxford University Press,
2) Konceptualizace bezpečnosti v liberální tradici MV: kolektivní bezpečnost,
demokratický mír, bezpečnostní společenství
Drulák, Petr (2000) Teorie mezinárodních vztahů. Portál
Keohane, Robert O. – Nye Jr., Joseph S.: Power and Interdependence in the
Information Age. Foreign Affairs, Sept/Oct 1998, Vol. 77, Issue 5, s. 81-94.
Collins, Alan (ed.): Contemporary Security Studies. Oxford University Press,
Frederking, Brian: Constructing Post-Cold War Collective Security. American
Political Science Review, Vol. 97, No. 3, August 2003, s. 363-378.
3) Koncept bezpečnosti a hladiny analýzy
Waltz, K., 2001. Man, the State, and War: A Theoretical Analysis, Columbia
University Press
Emmanuel Adler, Imagined (Security) Communities: Cognitive Regions in
International Relations, Millennium, 26, 1997
Karl W. Deutsch et al., Political Community and the North Atlantic Area:
International Organization in the Light of Historical Experience, Princeton:
Princeton University Press, 1957
Adler, E., Barnett, M. ed. 1998. Security Communities, Cambridge University
Spiegel, S., 2003. Regional security and the levels of analysis problem,
Journal of Strategic Studies, 26 (3), 75-98
4) Koncept bezpečnosti: rozšiřování a prohlubování konceptu bezpečnosti,
sektory bezpečnosti
Collins, Alan (ed.): Contemporary Security Studies. Oxford University Press,
Krause, K. and Williams, M. 1996. Broadening the Agenda of Security
Studies: Politics and Methods. Mershon International Studies Review, 40, pp.
Buzan, B., Wæver, O. De Wilde, J. 1998. Security: A New Framework for
Analysis. Publisher, Lynne Rienner Pub.
Kolodziek, A. E. 1992. Renaissance in Security Studies? Caveat lector!
International Studies Quarterly 36(4), pp. 421-438
5) Sekuritizace: teorie a praxe sekuritizace
Buzan, B., Wæver, O. De Wilde, J. 1998. Security: A New Framework for
Analysis. Publisher, Lynne Rienner Pub.
Balzacq, T., 2005. The Three Faces of Securitization: Political Agency,
Audience and Context, European Journal of International Relations, vol. 11
no. 2, 171-201
McDonald, M.,2008. Securitisation and the Construction of Security,
European Journal of International Relations, vol. 14, 563-589
6) Sekuritizace: kritické hodnocení konceptu sekuritizace
Balzacq, T., 2005. The Three Faces of Securitization: Political Agency,
Audience and Context, European Journal of International Relations, vol. 11
no. 2, 171-201
McDonald, M.,2008. Securitisation and the Construction of Security,
European Journal of International Relations, vol. 14, 563-58
McSweeney, B. 1999. Security, Identity and Interests: A Sociology of
International Relations, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
7) Kritická bezpečnostní studia
Krause, K. ‘Critical Theory and Security Studies’, Cooperation and Conflict,
1998, Vol.33 (3)
Fierke, M., K., 2007. Critical Approaches to International Security, Polity
Press Cambridge, PART I
Krause, K. and Williams, M. 1996. Broadening the Agenda of Security
Studies: Politics and Methods. Mershon International Studies Review, 40, pp.
Peoples, C., Vaugha-Williams, N. 2010. Critical Security Studies: An
Introduction, London: Routledge, chapter I
McSweeney, B. 1999. Security, Identity and Interests: A Sociology of
International Relations, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Ken Booth (ed). 2005. Critical Security Studies Series. Boulder, CO and
London: Lynne Rienner (Chapters 1, 9, 11).
Keith Krause and Michael C. Williams, 1997. Critical Security Studies:
Concepts and Dilemmas, Routledge (Preface, Chapters 1 and 2)
8) Lidská bezpečnost: dějiny humanitarianismu a bezpečnostně-politickoekonomický nexus
Hynek, Nik (2010): "Rethinking Human Security: History, Economy,
Governmentality". In: Chandler, David and Hynek, Nik (eds.): Critical
Approaches to Human Security: Rethinking Emancipation and Power in
International Relations. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 157-171.
Foucault, Michel (2010): The Birth of Biopolitics. London: Picador.
9) Lidská bezpečnost: liberální východiska lidské bezpečnosti a význam lidské
bezpečnosti po konci studené války
Axworthy, Lloyd. 2001. "Human Security and Global Governance: Putting
People First," Global Governance 7 (2001), pp. 19-23.
Hampson, Fen O. et all. 2002. Human Security and World Disorder. Oxford
and New York: Oxford University Press (Chapter 1: "Introduction: Madness in
Multitude," pp. 1-13
Lidská bezpečnost: kritické hodnocení
Chandler, David and Hynek, Nik (eds.): Critical Approaches to Human
Security: Rethinking Emancipation and Power in International Relations.
London and New York: Routledge
Hynek, Nik and Chandler, David (2013): "No Emancipatory Alternative, No
Critical Security Studies". Critical Studies on Security, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 5471
Humanitární intervence a doktrína zodpovědnosti chránit:
charakteristika a vývoj konceptu, klíčová dilemata
Holzgrefe, J. L., Keohane, O. R., 2003. Humanitarian Intervention: Ethical,
Legal, and Political Dilemmas, Cambridge University Press
Sarooshi, D., 2002. Humanitarian Intervention After Kosovo: Emergent Norm,
Moral Duty or the Coming Anarchy?, International Affairs 77 (1), 113-128
Knight, W. Andy. The Responsibility to Protect as an Evolving International
Norm. Global Responsibility to Protect (3) 2011. p. 3–36
Chandler, David. 2004. "The Responsibility to Protect? Imposing the 'Liberal
Peace'", International Peacekeeping 11(1), pp. 59-81
Definice konfliktu, konfliktní cyklus, vysvětlení vzniku a průběhu
konfliktu (Ozbrojené konflikty a mezinárodní bezpečnost)
Nye, Joseph S.: Understanding International Conflicts: Introduction into
Theory and History. Harper Collins, 1993.
Waisová, Šárka: Řešení konfliktů v mezinárodních vztazích. Portál, 2005
Wallensteen, Peter: Understanding Conflict Resolution. War, Peace and the
Global System. SAGE Publications, 2002.
Konceptualizace moderního válčení: "staré" a "nové" války, generace
válčení, postmoderní válka, asymetrická válka; virtuous or virtual war
Coker, Christopher, 2004. The future of war: the re-enchantment of war in the
twenty first Century, Blackwell manifestos. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, UK
Coker, Christopher, 2004. Asymmetrical War, Institutt for Forsvarsstudier,
Der Derian, J., 2000. Virtuous War/Virtual Theory, International Affairs, 76/4
Stone, John, 2004. Politics, Technology and the Revolution in Military Affairs,
Journal of Strategic Studies 27 (3)
Echevarria, A., J., Fourth-Generation War and other Myths, Strategic Studies
Klasické koncepce války: Sun C‘, Clausewitz
Sun Tzu (1993) The Art of War. Hertfordshire: Wordsworth Editions, 100-134.
Clausewitz, Carl von (2005) What is War? In: Diehl, Paul F., ed., War, vol. I.
London: Sage, 25-40.
Clausewitz, Carl von (1959) O válce. Praha: Naše vojsko, 1959.
Herberg-Rothe, Andreas (2007) Clausewitz‘s Puzzle. The Political Theory of
War. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2-87.
Strategická studia: vývoj, role, cíle, definice strategie
Gray.C.S. Modern Strategy, Oxford 1999
Baylis, John et al (2002/2007) Strategy in the Contemporary World. Oxford
University Press
Paret P., Makers of Modern Strategy: From Machiavelli to the Nuclear Age,
Princeton 1986
Terry Terriff, Stuart Croft, Lucy James, Patrick M. Morgan, Security Studies
Today, Cambridge1999
Brzezinski Zbigniew, Velká šachovnice, Praha 1999
Strategická studia: principy odstrašování v průběhu a po skončení
studené války
Gray.C.S. Modern Strategy, Oxford 1999
Paret P., Makers of Modern Strategy: From Machiavelli to the Nuclear Age,
Princeton 1986
Baylis, John et al (2002/2007) Strategy in the Contemporary World. Oxford
University Press
Freedman, Lawrence (2004) Deterrence. Polity Press
Jervis, Robert (1989) Rational Deterrence: Theory and Evidence, World
Politics, 41, 2
Soudobé bezpečnostní hrozby
1) Terorismus: debata o definici a kořenech terorismu
Crenshaw, Martha. “Terrorism and Global Security.” In Leasing the Dogs of
War: Conflict Management in a Divided World, edited by Chester A. Crocker,
Fen Osler Hampson, and Pamela Aall, 67-81. Washington, D.C.: United States
Institute of Peace Press, 2007.
Ganor, Boaz. "Terror as a Strategy of Psychological Warfare." 07/15 2002.
International Policy Institute for Counter-Terrorism.
Nicholson, Marc. "An Essay on Terrorism." American Diplomacy, 19/08 2003.
Post, Jerrold M., Ehud Sprinzak, and Laurita M. Denny. "The Terrorists in
Their Own Words: Interviews with 35 Incarcerated Middle Eastern Terrorists."
Terrorism & Political Violence 15, no. 1 (Spring 2003): 171-85.
Freeman, Michael. Democracy, Al Qaeda, and the Causes of Terrorism: A
Strategic Analysis of U.S. Policy. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism. 31(1),
2008: 40-59.
2) Terorismus: "starý" a "nový" terorismus, teorie vln, proměny terorismu
Crenshaw, Martha. "'New' Vs. 'Old' Terrorism: A Critical Appraisal." In Jihadi
Terrorism and the Radicalization Challenge in Europe, edited by Rik Coolsaet,
25-36. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2008.
Gregg, Heather S. "Fighting the Jihad of the Pen: Countering Revolutionary
Islam's Ideology." Terrorism and Political Violence 22, no. 2 (2010): 292-314.
Gunaratna, Rohan & Aviv Oreg. “Al Qaeda's Organizational Structure and its
Evolution.” Studies in Conflict & Terrorism 33, no. 12 (2010): 1043-1078.
Weinberg, Leonard & William Eubank. "An End to the Fourth Wave of
Terrorism?” Studies in Conflict & Terrorism 33, no. 7 (2010): 594-602.
3) Terorismus: Al-Kaida jako představitel nového typu terorismu
National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States. The 9/11
Commission Report. 2004. ONLY Chapter 2: The Foundation of New Terror
(p. 47-70 of the actual report = p.64-87 in the on-line entire report .pdf file),
URL: (Accessed
Gregg, Heather S. "Fighting the Jihad of the Pen: Countering Revolutionary
Islam's Ideology." Terrorism and Political Violence 22, no. 2 (2010): 292-314.
Hoffman, Bruce. "Al-Qaeda’s Uncertain Future." Studies in Conflict &
Terrorism 36, no. 8 (2013): 635-653.
Gunaratna, Rohan & Aviv Oreg. “Al Qaeda's Organizational Structure and its
Evolution.” Studies in Conflict & Terrorism 33, no. 12 (2010): 1043-1078.
4) Proliferace zbraní hromadného ničení: význam, teoretická diskuze,
deterence, protiproliferační opatření
John Mueller, The Essential Irrelevance of Nuclear Weapons: Stability in the
Postwar World, International Security, 13/2, 1988
Nina Tannenwald, Stigmatizing the Bomb: Origins of the Nuclear Taboo,
International Security, 29/4, Spring 2005
Alex H. Montgomery, Ringing in Proliferation: How to Dismantle an Atomic
Bomb Network, International Security, 30/2, Fall 2005
Chaim Braun, Christopher F. Chyba, Proliferation Rings: New Challenges to
the Nuclear nonproliferation Regime, International Security, 29/2, Fall 2004
William Walker, Nuclear Order and Disorder, International Affairs, 76:4, 2000
Scott Sagan, Why do states build nuclear weapons? Three models in search of
a bomb, International Security, 21, Winter 1996/1997
5) Ozbrojené konflikty: přístupy k jejich klasifikaci a analýze
Dick, C. J.: The Future of Conflict: Looking Out to 2020. Defence Academy of
the United Kingdom, 2003.
Eriksson, Mikael – Wallensteen, Peter: Armed Conflict, 1989-2003. Journal of
Peace Research, vol. 41, no. 5, 2004, s. 625-636.
Gleditsch, Nils Petter et al: Armed Conflict 1946-2001: A New Dataset.
Journal of Peace Research. Vol. 39, No. 5 (Sep., 2002), s. 615-637.
Nye, Joseph S.: Understanding International Conflicts: Introduction into
Theory and History. Harper Collins, 1993.
Waisová, Šárka: Řešení konfliktů v mezinárodních vztazích. Portál, 2005
Wallensteen, Peter: Understanding Conflict Resolution. War, Peace and the
Global System. SAGE Publications, 2002.
Harvey, Frank P. (ed.): Conflict in World Politics: Advances in the Study of
Crisis, War and Peace. Macmillan, 1998.
6) Mezistátní ozbrojené konflikty po skončení studené války: příklady; vývojové
tendence, předmět sporu; způsoby řešení
Correlates of War,
Dick, C. J.: The Future of Conflict: Looking Out to 2020. Defence Academy of
the United Kingdom, 2003.
Eriksson, Mikael – Wallensteen, Peter: Armed Conflict, 1989-2003. Journal of
Peace Research, vol. 41, no. 5, 2004, s. 625-636.
Gleditsch, Nils Petter et al: Armed Conflict 1946-2001: A New Dataset.
Journal of Peace Research. Vol. 39, No. 5 (Sep., 2002), s. 615-637.
Uppsala Conflict Data Program,
Wallensteen, Peter: Understanding Conflict Resolution. War, Peace and the
Global System. SAGE Publications, 2002.
7) Vnitrostátní ozbrojené konflikty o moc po skončení studené války: podstata,
možnosti řešení, otázka demokratizace, insecurity dilemma a nefunkční státy
Dick, C. J.: The Future of Conflict: Looking Out to 2020. Defence Academy of
the United Kingdom, 2003.
Eriksson, Mikael – Wallensteen, Peter: Armed Conflict, 1989-2003. Journal of
Peace Research, vol. 41, no. 5, 2004, s. 625-636.
Gleditsch, Nils Petter et al: Armed Conflict 1946-2001: A New Dataset.
Journal of Peace Research. Vol. 39, No. 5 (Sep., 2002), s. 615-637.
Uppsala Conflict Data Program,
Wallensteen, Peter: Understanding Conflict Resolution. War, Peace and the
Global System. SAGE Publications, 2002.
8) Vnitrostátní ozbrojené konflikty o území po skončení studené války:
problematika diskriminace, autonomie, federalizace a nezávislost jako
možnosti řešení
Dick, C. J.: The Future of Conflict: Looking Out to 2020. Defence Academy of
the United Kingdom, 2003.
Eriksson, Mikael – Wallensteen, Peter: Armed Conflict, 1989-2003. Journal of
Peace Research, vol. 41, no. 5, 2004, s. 625-636.
Gleditsch, Nils Petter et al: Armed Conflict 1946-2001: A New Dataset.
Journal of Peace Research. Vol. 39, No. 5 (Sep., 2002), s. 615-637.
Uppsala Conflict Data Program,
Wallensteen, Peter: Understanding Conflict Resolution. War, Peace and the
Global System. SAGE Publications, 2002.
9) Konfliktní komplex: vymezení, postupy a institucionální rámce při jejich
řešení, role velmocí
Buzan, Barry - Waever, Ole – de Wilde, Jaap: Bezpečnost: nový rámec pro
analýzu. Brno: Centrum strategických studií, 2005.
Wallensteen, Peter: Understanding Conflict Resolution. War, Peace and the
Global System. SAGE Publications, 2002.
Současná bezpečnostní situace v oblasti Blízkého Východu (aktéři,
problémy, konflikty)
Carpenter, T. (2013): Tangled Web: The Syrian Civil War and Its Implications,
Mediterranean Quarterly, 24 (1), pp 1 – 11.
Denoeux, G. (2011): The Forgotten Swamp: Navigating Political Islam. In
Volpi, F. (ed. 2011): Political Islam: A Critical Reader, New York, Routledge.
Hinnebusch, R. (2002): Introduction: The Analytical Framework. In
Hinnebusch, R. - Ehteshami, A (eds. 2002): The Foreign Policies of Middle
East States, Boulder, Lynne Rienner Publishers.
Jones, C. - Milton-Edwards, B. (2013): Missing the ‘devils’ we knew? Israel
and political Islam amid the Arab Awakening. International Affairs, 89 (2), pp
399 – 415.
Roy, O. (2012): The Transformation of The Arab World. Journal of
Democracy, 22 (3), pp 5 – 18.
Najem, T. (2012): Lebanon: The Politics of Penetrated Society, New York,
Routledge. Chapter 5: Post-war foreign policy: Syrian penetration and
Lebanese interests, pp. 99 – 121.
Waltz, K. N. (2012): Why Iran Should Get the Bomb. Foreign Affairs, Vol. 91,
No. 4.
Současná bezpečnostní situace v subsaharské Africe (aktéři, problémy,
konflikty) (Regionální aspekty mezinárodní bezpečnosti, Lidská bezpečnost)
Abrahamsen, R. - Williams, M. C. (2011): Security Beyond the State: Private
Security in International Politics, New York, Cambridge University Press, pp
122 – 148.
Boege, V. et al. (2009): On Hybrid Political Orders and Emerging States: What
is Failing – States in the Gobal South or Research and Politics in the West? In
Fischer, M. - Schmelze, B. (eds. 2009): Building Peace in the Absence of
States: Challenging the Discourse on State Failure, Berlin: Berghof Research
Center for Creative Conflict Management, pp 15 – 35.
Dua, J. - Menkhaus, K. (2012): The Context of Contemporary Piracy: The
Case of Somalia. Journal of International Criminal Justice,10 (4), pp 749 –
Francis, D. (2013): The regional impact of the armed conflict and French
intervention in Mali. Noref Report Series.
Současná bezpečnostní situace v postsovětském prostoru (aktéři,
problémy, konflikty) (Teorie a praxe bezpečnosti, Regionální aspekty
mezinárodní bezpečnosti)
Jackson, N. (2010): The role of external factors in advancing non-liberal
democratic forms of political rule: a case study of Russia's influence on Central
Asian regimes. Contemporary Politics, 16 (1), pp 101-118.
MacFarlane, N. (2009): Frozen Conflicts in the Former Soviet Union – The
Case of Georgia/South Ossetia. In OSCE (ed. 2009): OSCE Yearbook 2008,
pp 23-33.
Sanchez, W. A. (2009): The 'Frozen' Southeast: How the Moldova-Transnistria
Question has Become a European Geo-Security Issue. The Journal of Slavic
Military Affairs, 22 (2), pp 153-176.
Souleimanov, E. (2011): The Caucasus Emirate: Genealogy of an Islamist
Insurgency. Middle East Policy, 18 (4), pp 155-168.
Tsygankov, A. P. (2003): Mastering Space in Eurasia: Russia’s
Geopolitical Thinking after the Soviet Break-up. Communist and PostCommunist Studies 36 (1), pp 101-127.
Současná bezpečnostní situace v oblasti jižní Asie (aktéři, problémy,
konflikty) (Regionální aspekty mezinárodní bezpečnosti)
Basu, I. (2011): Security and development – are they two sides of the same
coin? Investigating India's two-pronged policy towards left wing extremism.
Contemporary South Asia, Dec2011, Vol. 19 Issue 4, p373-393.
Bhatnagar, A. et al. (2012): The Naxal Problem: Understanding the Issues,
Challenges and Alternative Approaches. IPCS Conference Report, March
2012, Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies.
Dasgupta, S. (2013): Regional Politics and the Prospects for Stability in
Afghanistan. Peaceworks No. 86, United States Institute for Peace.
Miller, M. Ch. (2013): India’s Feeble Foreign Policy. Foreign Affairs,
May/June 2013, Vol. 92, No. 3.
Pakistan: Countering Militancy in PATA (2013) Asia Report No. 242, 15
January 2013, International Crisis Group.
Pakistan’s Relations with India: Beyond Kashmir? (2012) Asia Report No.
224, 3 May 2012, International Crisis Group.
Současná bezpečnostní situace v oblasti Dálného Východu (aktéři,
problémy, konflikty) (Regionální aspekty mezinárodní bezpečnosti)
Bernkopf Tucker, N. – Glaser, B. (2011): Should the United States Abandon
Taiwan? The Washington Quarterly, 34/3, Autumn 2011, pp 23-37.
Bisley, N. (2012): China's Rise and the Making of East Asia's Security
Architecture. Journal of Contemporary China, Jan 2012, Vol. 21 Issue 73, p1934.
Dangerous Waters: China-Japan Relations on the Rocks (2013) Asia Report
No. 245, 8 April 2013, International Crisis Group.
Jisi, W. (2011): China’s Search for a Grand Strategy: A Rising Great Power
Finds Its Way. Foreign Affairs, Vol. 90, No. 2.
Park, G. (2011): A New Kind of Korea: Building Trust Between Seoul and
Pyongyang. Foreign Affairs, Vol. 90, No. 5.
Stirring Up the South China Sea (I) (2012) Asia Report No. 223, 23 April
2012, International Crisis Group.
Stirring Up the South China Sea (II): Regional Responses (2012) Asia Report
No. 229, 24 July 2012, International Crisis Group.
Humanitární intervence: praxe v mezinárodní politice
Dembinski, Mathias. Reinold, Theresa. Libya and the Future of Responsibility
to Protect. Frankfurt am Main: PRIF 2011
Greenwood, C., 2002. Humanitarian Intervention: the Case in Kosovo, Finnish
yearbook of international law. Helsinki, Finland: Kluwer Law, available at
Holzgrefe, J. L., Keohane, O. R., 2003. Humanitarian Intervention: Ethical,
Legal, and Political Dilemmas, Cambridge University Press
Sarooshi, D., 2002. Humanitarian Intervention After Kosovo: Emergent Norm,
Moral Duty or the Coming Anarchy?, International Affairs 77 (1), 113-128
Knight, W. Andy. The Responsibility to Protect as an Evolving International
Norm. Global Responsibility to Protect (3) 2011. p. 3–36.
COIN: protipovstalecký boj jako asymetrická strategie
Theo Farrell, T., Gordon, S., 2009. COIN Machine: The British Military in
Afghanistan, Orbis, Volume 53, Issue 4
Chin, W., 2007. British Counter-insurgency in Afghanistan, Defency and
Security Analysis, 23 (2), 201-225
Burton, B., Nagl, J., 2008. Learning as we go: the US army adapts to
counterinsurgency in Iraq, July 2004–December 2006, Small Wars and
Insurgencies 19 (3), 303-327
Coker, Christopher, 2004. Asymmetrical War, Institutt for Forsvarsstudier,
Bezpečnostní politika ČR: Hlavní bezpečnostní hrozby a rizika ČR,
ochrana kritické infrastruktury
Balabán, Miloš et al. (2007) Kapitoly o bezpečnosti, Karolinum
Gnessotto, Nicole et al (2006) The New Global Puzzle. What World for the EU
in 2025. European Union Institute for Security Studies. Paris
Bezpečnostní a obranná politika
1) Protiteroristická politika EU: kriminální model protiteroristické politiky
Bureš, Oldřich. EU Counterterrorism Policy: A Paper Tiger? (Burlington,
USA: Ashgate, 2011).
Guild, Elspeth. "The Uses and Abuses of Counter-Terrorism Policies in
Europe: The Case of the ‘Terrorist Lists’." Journal of Common Market Studies
46, no. 1 (January 2008): 173-93.
Jiri Vlastnik, "Eurojust - A Cornerstone of the Federal Criminal Justice System
in the EU?" in Security Versus Justice: Police and Judicial Cooperation in the
European Union, ed. Elsepeth Guikd and Florian Geyer (Aldershot: Ashgate
Publishing Company, 2008), 35-49.
Bossong, Raphael. The EU's Mature Counterterrorism Policy – A Critical
Historical and Functional Assessment, LSE Challenge Working Paper. June
/EFPUchallengewp9.pdf, pages 10-26 ONLY.
Dalgaard-Nielsen, Anja. “Violent Radicalization in Europe: What We Know
and What We Do Not Know.“ Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, Vol. 33 Issue
9, 2010: 797-815.
Dalgaard-Nielsen, Anja. “Promoting Exit from Violent Extremism: Themes
and Approaches.“ Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, Vol. 36 Issue 2, 2013: 99115.
Huband, Mark. "Europe’s "Home-Grown" Terrorism Threat." The NYU
Review of Law & Security No. Special Issue Summer 2005: 22-24. Accessed 1.4.2008.
Roy, Olivier. ""Euro-Muslims" in Context." The NYU Review of Law &
2005: Accessed 1.4.2008.
2) Protiteroristická politika USA: válečný model protiteroristické politiky
Counterterrorism Trends in the United States and Israel.” Studies in Conflict &
Terrorism, Vol. 35 Issue 1, Jan. 2012: 37-58.
Counterterrorism Gap." The Washington Quarterly 29, no. 4 (Autumn 2006):
Stevenson, Jonathan. "How Europe and America Defend Themselves," Foreign
Affairs 82, no. 2 (March/April 2003): 75-91.
National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States. The 9/11
Commission Report. 2004.
Hoffman, Bruce. A First Draft of the History of America’s Ongoing Wars on
Terrorism. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism 38:1 (2015), 75-83.
McIntosh, Christopher. Counterterrorism as War: Identifying the Dangers,
Risks, and Opportunity Costs of U.S. Strategy Toward Al Qaeda and Its
Affiliates. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, Vol. 38 Issue 1, 2015: 23-38.
Kathleen Bouzis Countering the Islamic State: U.S. Counterterrorism
Measures. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism. 38(10), 2015: 885-897.
3) Transatlantická obranná integrace: vývoj během studené války
Lundestad, Geir. 2003. The United States and Western Europe since 1945.
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Kaplan, Lawrence. 2004. NATO Divided, NATO United: The Evolution of an
Alliance. London: Praeger.
Aybett, Gülnur, 2001. The Dynamics of European Security Cooperation, 194591. Lomdon and NewYork: Palgrave
Lindley-French, J.: A Chronology of European Security and Defence, 19452007. Oxford – New York: Oxford University Press, 2007.
4) NATO: vývoj po konci studené války
Behnke, Andreas. 2013. NATO’s Security Discourse after the Cold War.
London: Routledge.
Herd, Graeme and Hohn Kriendler, eds. 2013. Understanding NATO in the
21st Century: Alliance Strategies, Security and Global Governance. London:
Calla, B., R., NATO's Persistence after the Cold War, International
Organization, Vol. 50, No. 3 (Summer, 1996), pp. 445-475
Duffield, S., J. 1994-95. NATO’s Functions after the Cold War, Political
Science Quarterly 109 (5)
Wallander, C., 2000. Institutional Assets and Adaptability: NATO After the
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