The Sushi Shop - Lékařská fakulta UK v Hradci Králové


The Sushi Shop - Lékařská fakulta UK v Hradci Králové
A patient’s last journey
Meet Zdeněk Bureš
Geneva Summer Schools: Global Health & Human Rights
The Sushi Shop
Rozhovor s profesorem Šteinerem
Table of contents
Words from the editorial team
Interview of Prof. Ivo Steiner– Department of Pathology CZ
Graduation‟s night 2014: So what‟s the fuss about Grad‟s night anyway?
Meet the students: Meet Zdeněk Bureš CZ
Meet Marie Holubek EN
Meet Kevin Kuan Boon Sen EN
Summertime: Geneva Summer Schools– Global Health and Human Rights EN
International medical summer schools EN
Agony Aunt: A patient‟s last journey EN
Culinary attractions: The sushi shop in HK
Politics: the CAR crisis– why does it matter? EN
The debate: What‟s the best advice you have ever received? EN
Did you know that…. EN
The Editorial Team
Hello HK and welcome back. My name is Anne, a 5th year medical student and I‟m
very glad to introduce you to a brand new version of our favorite school magazine,
The HK Chronicle !
We can proudly say that we have upgraded: we have added two sections respectively called „‟Meet the students‟‟ dedicated to interviewing students of HK and „‟didyou-know‟‟ in which we talk about strange but interesting facts around the world.
Additionally, our website had a makeover and it is more interactive now.
However, we are both coming towards the end of our studies and are looking for
dynamic students (from the Czech and English programs) who can take over this
school magazine. There are many things you can do: interview teachers and/or students, translate articles, found out what it‟s going on in HK… and if you think that
you are a budding journalist, write articles (believe me, it‟s easier than you think)
and each task is up to your liking. So please contact any of us if you have the slightest interest in this magazine and we will be more than happy to explain to you what
it‟s about.
On a more positive note, this issue is full of surprises: we have learned a lot about Prof Steiner, interviewed our classmates,
got your summer booked in „‟summertime‟‟ and are inviting you to come to Graduation Night 2014 which will surely be a mesmerizing experience for all of us.
Visit our brand new website her and leave us a comment at:
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And last but not least, Please JOIN OUR TEAM.
Milí čtenáři,
opět se shledáváme při čtení našeho školního časopisu.
S malou nostalgií musím podotknout, ţe aţ příště budete číst úvodní slova, budou uţ
psána někým jiným. Já i Anne jsme v pátém ročníku a proto jsme se rozhodly, ţe je
potřeba přenechat časopis Vám mladším spoluţákům. Myslím, ţe se nám podařilo
vytvořit dobrý koncept a získat si slušnou čtenářskou základu. Jsme si vědomy toho, ţe
vţdy je co zlepšovat, a doufáme, ţe ti, kteří přijdou po nás, budou plni nových nápadů.
My uţ jsme naše poslání splnily, vytvořily jsme časopis, do kterého můţe psát opravdu
kaţdý a to o čemkoliv, co ho zajímá. Teď je jen na Vás, jestli v našem snaţení budete
chtít pokračovat. Myslím si, ţe stále existuje spousta moţností, kam se časopis můţe
posunout. Jen bych si přála, aby si naši následovníci uvědomili, ţe za vznikem časopisu
stojí nemalé úsilí hrstky lidí, která se rozhodla, ţe chce kromě plnění studijních povinností
dělat i něco navíc.
A toto něco se dá dělat jen s opravdovým zapálením pro danou věc, proto doufám, ţe
mezi Vámi ještě jsou takto zapálení jedinci, kteří čekají na to, ţe se budou moci zapojit.
V případě zájmu nás neváhejte kontaktovat, buď přes facebook:
nebo e-mailem: [email protected]
Ale teď uţ ke čtvrtému číslu, které máte před sebou. Čeká Vás spousta zajímavých věcí, například se dozvíte něco o našem
oblíbenci profesoru Šteinerovi, seznámíte se v krátkých rozhovorech s dalšími spoluţáky nebo můţete zjistit více informací o letošní
Graduation night. Přeji Vám příjemné čtení.
Protoţe se akademický rok pomalu, ale jistě blíţí ke svému konci, přeji Vám hodně úspěchů u zkoušek a následně
odpočinkové prázdniny.
Za celou redakci, Aneta Matulíková
Prof. MUDr. Ivo Šteiner, CSc
Profesor Šteiner byl pro mne již
od 3. ročníku záhadnou osobou.
Netřeba dodávat, že jsem se
během tohoto rozhovoru o něm
mnoho dozvěděla. Posuďte
Narodil jste se v Londýně ve Velké Británii. Můžete
nám toho trochu říct o svém dětství?
Přestoţe jsem se narodil v Londýně a jsem drţitelem
britského pasu, mám dvojí občanství, české a britské. Oba
mí rodiče byli Češi a z bývalého Československa odjeli přes
Francii ještě před Hitlerem, neţ k nám v roce 1939 přišli
Co vás motivovalo ke studiu medicíny? Proč zrovna
Na druhou otázku je snazší odpovědět. Musím říct, ţe v naší
rodině ţádný lékař nebyl a já jsem jednoduše neměl
nejmenší představu, co dělat. Takţe to byl víceméně nápad
rodičů: „Proč nezkusit medicínu?“ říkali.
Co se týče patologie, kdyţ nám ve 3. ročníku začala,
nesnášel jsem pitvy a snaţil jsem se jim vyhnout. Nicméně
v letním semestru jsme na praktika dostali profesora
Vladimíra Vortela. Byl to nadšený učitel, podporoval nás;
takţe motivován jeho entuziasmem, rozhodl jsem se, ţe
vyzkouším patologii. Mou původní myšlenkou bylo, ţe
nastoupím na ústav patologie, získám atestaci a pak se
začnu věnovat internímu lékařství. Po atestaci jsem se
rozhodl, ţe zde zůstanu.
Můj otec se přidal k československé armádě v Británii a má
matka ho doprovázela. Oba dva tady vystudovali právnickou Jste běžně zvolen nejoblíbenějším vyučujícím
fakultu. Byli právníci, ale nikdy právo nepraktikovali. Chystali studenty 3. ročníku. Tak jaké je vaše tajemství?
svatbu těsně před nacistickou okupací. Vzali se v Paříţi a
Nemám ţádné tajemství (směje se). Jednoduše se více
pak odjeli do Anglie.
povaţuji za učitele neţ za patologa. Mám studenty rád a oni
Narodil jsem se 15. srpna 1940, přesně v den, kdy začala jaksi mají rádi mě. Myslím si, ţe jsem stejně nadšený jako
Bitva o Británii kolem Londýna; moje matka později pan profesor Vortel, moţná toto bude ten důvod.
vzpomínala, ţe se se mnou jako s miminkem musela dvacet
čtyřikrát přesouvat. Po těchto nepokojích v Londýně se Kromě toho, nejedná se jen o zahraniční studenty. Kaţdý
matka spolu se mnou, ještě jako miminkem, přestěhovala rok jsem volen do funkce promotora na promoci českých
do Skotska a ţili jsme v malé vesničce jménem Duns poblíţ studentů, coţ mne také dojímá. Vţdycky si říkám, kéţ by mi
alespoň zvedli plat o více neţ 1000 Kč ... (smích)
Hned po skončení války v roce 1945 jsme se vrátili domů. Mezi lety 1997-2003 jste byl také děkanem.
Oba mí rodiče byli vlastenci, takţe nechtěli zůstat Pamatujete si, jaké byly největší překážky, které jste
v této pozici musel překonávat?
v zahraničí.
Své dětství, přes základní a střední školu jsem strávil
v Praze. Nicméně v éře komunismu bylo nemyslitelné, ţe by
se někdo narodil v Londýně. Nebylo mi proto umoţněno
studium medicíny v Praze. Rok jsem musel pracovat a
teprve potom jsem začal studovat tady v Hradci, v roce
1958. Odpromovali jsme v roce 1964. Letos budeme slavit
50 let od promoce, takzvanou „Zlatou promoci“.
Největší výzvou byl studijní plán. Snaţili jsme se pozměnit
studijní plán tak, aby byl více zaměřen na kliniku a méně na
teoretické obory. Byl to jeden z nejtěţších úkolů.
Museli jsme ale udělat i další změny, například sjednocení
interních oddělení. V minulosti byla interní oddělení dvě, 1.
a 2., a ta vyučovala podle naprosto odlišných plánů.
Studenti, kteří začali na 1. oddělení se nikdy nedostali do
Tolik o mém britském původu. Naneštěstí byla má angličtina kontaktu s 2. oddělením, a naopak.Takţe si myslím, ţe ve
nejlepší, kdyţ mi bylo 5 let, to jsem si hrával s malými kluky studijních plánech jsme udělali pokrok.
ve Skotsku. Pak tady 40 let nebyla příleţitost si ji procvičit.
Nějaký čas jste strávil v Ugandě a Kuvajtu. Můžete
nám říct, jaké to tam bylo? Proč Uganda? Proč Co obvykle děláte ve volném čase?
Literatura. Hudba - klasická hudba, jazz, ... Mám speciální
Světová zdravotnická organizace (WHO) vypsala stipendijní koníček, který nevyţaduje příliš času: sbírám krabičky od
program Junior Research Training Grant na studium čajů. Uţ mám skoro tisíc krabiček – plechových, dřevěných,
kardiomyopatií v Ugandě, tak jsem se přihlásil a tak nějak porcelánových, ... ne papírových. Tak toto je moje záliba.
mne vybrali. Takţe po sloţení mé první atestace z patologie, Máme psa, foxteriéra, který je velmi čilý. Vyţaduje hodně
3 - 4 roky po promoci, jsem odjel do hlavního města pozornosti.
Ugandy, Kampaly.
Již máte důchodový věk. Co vás motivuje k další
Přihlásil jsem se o toto stipendium zaměřené na práci?
kardiomyopatie z toho důvodu, ţe od začátku mne profesoři
Fingerland a Vortel ţádali, abych se zaměřil na patologii Aha. Dobrá otázka. Od minulého roku pracuji na částečný
srdce, jelikoţ zde byla prvotřídní chirurgická jednotka, která úvazek, čtyři dny v týdnu.
hledala patology, se kterými by navázala spolupráci.
No, mám rád patologii, vyučování. Dost vyučuji. Nedovedu
Uganda leţí přibliţně 1300m nad mořem, bylo zde tudíţ si představit, ţe bych celý den měl zůstat doma, takţe je to
velmi příjemné počasí. Tehdy tam byla postavena moderní svým způsobem i můj koníček...
nemocnice jako dárek od Britů k oslavám osamostatnění
Ugandy v letech 1962-63. Pracoval tam také jeden britský Některé studenty by zajímalo, proč se během
profesor patologie a další lidé z celého světa. Strávil jsem školního roku na patologii nepíšou pravidelné testy?
tam rok a půl...
Pohlíţíme na studenty jako na dospělé osoby, ne děti.
Mimochodem Uganda je velmi krásná země s národními Moţná si pamatujete, jak jsme na úplně první přednášce
parky, rezervacemi a muzei.
říkali, ţe patologie je náročným oborem kvůli svému
rozsahu. A doporučili jsme studentům, aby se učili
Kuvajt, to bylo v roce 1989. Odjel jsem tam dva týdny před pravidelně. Můţete se ptát na cokoliv během praktik, či na
Sametovou revolucí. Celý ţivot jsem se těšil na pád přednáškách, ale je to na vás, vy jste dospělí.
komunismu a nakonec jsem to o dva týdny prošvihnul.
Myslím, ţe pravidelné testy jsou pro teoretickou výuku
V kaţdém případě se jednalo o tradiční spolupráci mezi nejlepší. Nicméně po promoci zjistíte, ţe vlastně nic z teorie
touto nemocnicí a lékařskou fakultou zaloţenou v Kuvajtu. nevíte.
Hledali specialisty a vyučující. Jednomu mému kamarádovi,
kardiologovi, který tam měl docela vysokou pozici, se Co by měl student udělat pro to, aby dostal ze
nějakým způsobem podařilo najít místo pro patologa se závěrečné zkoušky 1? Jaké je minimum, se kterým
zaměřením na srdce a cévy.
student u zkoušky projde?
S porovnáním s Ugandou tam byla úplně jiná atmosféra. To je nemoţné (směje se) ... Měl by znát danou látku.
V arabských zemích pitvy nejsou povoleny, takţe se Moţná si pamatujete, ţe se nezaměřujeme na nejmenší
pracovalo pouze na biopsiích.
detaily, ale oceňujeme základní znalosti.
Plánoval jsem, ţe tam pár let zůstanu. Jel jsem tam v říjnu Také by měl student mít dobrý výsledek z písemného testu.
roku 1989 a 2.8.1989 tam invadoval... Saddám Hussajn. Jestliţe má student 90 bodů ze 100, usuzuji, ţe je dobře
Takţe jsem tam zaţil toto.
připraven. Nejspíš mu nebudu pokládat primitivní otázky,
bude to spíš taková diskuze na specifické téma. Je těţké dát
Po nějakých 2-3 týdnech, díky tomu, ţe Československo nějaký recept. Prostě průběţně studujte, to je ten nejlepší
mělo s Irákem dobré vztahy, nám bylo umoţněno ze země způsob.
odjet. Do Iráku a Turecka jel konvoj 20 aut ... trvalo nám
Translated by Barbora Zbrankova
skoro týden, neţ jsme se dostali k hranicím! Kdyţ jsme
Interview by Anne L. Nengue, 5th year GM
konečně přejeli hranice Iráku s Tureckem, uf, ulevilo se
nám, ţe jsme to zvládli.
Prof. MUDr. Ivo Šteiner, CSc
Prof Steiner has always been a mysterious figure to me since 3rd year.
Needless to say that I have actually
learned a lot about him during this interview. Check it out…
them…However, during the second semester we got a
teacher at the practical named Professor Vladimir Vortel.
He was a very enthusiastic and supportive teacher. So motivated by his enthusiasm, I decided that I would try pathology. My original idea was that I would join the pathology department, have an attestation, and then start Internal
Medicine. After attestation I decided to stay here.
You were born in London, UK. Can you tell us about
your childhood back then?
You are commonly voted best teacher among the 3 rd
year students every year. What is your secret?
Although I was born in London and I‟m a bearer of a British
passport, I have dual nationality, Czech and English. Both There is no secret (laughs). I simply regard myself more as a
my parents were Czech and they left former Czechoslovakia
teacher than a pathologist. I like students and they somebefore Hitler, before the Nazis came in 1939, via France.
how like me. I think that I have the same enthusiasm as
My father joined the Czechoslovakian army in the UK and my
Professor Vortel, perhaps this is the reason.
mother accompanied him. Both of them finished their facul- Besides, it is not only among international students. Every
ty of law here. They were lawyers but they never practiced.
year, I‟m voted promoter for the Czech students, during
They were preparing for their wedding just before the Nazi
the graduation ceremony, which is also touching for me. I
take-over. So they married in France, in Paris. Then they
usually say that if only I could get more than a thousand
went to the UK.
crowns increase in my salary…(laughs)
I was born on the 15th August 1940, exactly when the battle
of Britain in Greater London started; my mother later re- You were also the dean of our faculty from 1997-2003.
called that she had to move around with me as a baby 24
Do you remember the main challenges you had to
times. After this riot in London, my mother with myself as a
deal with while being at this position?
baby moved to Scotland and we lived in a small village
named Duns near Berwickshire.
The main challenge was the curriculum. We tried somehow
Well immediately after the war in 1945, we returned home.
to modify the curriculum in order to make it more clinically
Both my parents were patriots so they didn‟t want to stay
oriented and less theoretical. But it was one of the most
difficult task.
I spent my childhood, primary and secondary school in PraWe have also made other changes: for instance, we unified
gue. During the communist period however, to be born in
the department of internal medicine. In the past, there
London was something unthinkable. So I was not allowed
were two completely distinct departments: the 1st and the
to study medicine in Prague. I had to work for 1 year and
2nd department of internal medicine which taught entirely
only afterwards I started my studies here in Hradec, in
different curricula. The students who started at the 1 st de1958.
partment never had any contact with the 2nd and vice verWe graduated in 1964.This year, we will be celebrating 50
years after our graduation, the so called „‟golden graduaSo I think that we have made some progress with the curriction‟‟. That‟s it for my English background.
Unfortunately my English language was best when I was 5,
playing with boys in Scotland, then for 40 years there was
You have spent some of your time in Uganda and in
not an opportunity to train it.
Kuwait. Can you tell us how was it like there?
Why Uganda? Why Kuwait?
What motivated you to study medicine? Why pathology
in particular?
There was a scholarship announced by the World Health
Organization, called Junior Research Training Grant to
The second question is easier to answer. I must say that in our
study cardiomyopathies in Uganda, so I applied and
family there was no doctor at all and I simply had no idea
somehow was selected for it. So after completing my
what to do. So it was more and less an idea of my parents:
first attestation in pathology some 3-4 years after gradwhy not try medicine they said.
uation, I went to the capital of Uganda, Kampala.
Regarding pathology, when we started the 3rd year, in Pathology, I hated autopsies and I just tried to get rid of
I applied for this scholarship aimed on cardiac diseases
because from the beginning, my professors, Fingerland and Vortel asked me to specialize in heart pathology, as there was a first- class clinical cardio surgery
unit which was looking for a cooperation with some
Uganda is approximately 1300m above sea level so
there was a very nice weather. At that time, there
was a modern hospital built by the British as a sort of
gift to celebrate the independence of Uganda, in 1962
-1963. There was also a British professor of Pathology
and a very international staff working at the department. I spent a year and a half there…
By the way Uganda is a very nice country with national
parks, reserves, and museums.
Kuwait, that was in 1989. I left for Kuwait just 2
weeks before the so called Velvet revolution. For my
whole life I was looking forward to the fall of communism and I eventually missed it for about two
Anyhow, at that time, there was a traditional cooperation between this hospital and a medical faculty
established in Kuwait.
So they were looking for teachers and specialists. A
friend of mine, a cardiologist who had a pretty high
position there, somehow arranged a place for a cardiac pathologist.
It was an entirely different atmosphere compared
to Uganda: In Arabic countries, autopsies are not
performed…so it was purely biopsy services.
I was planning to stay there for several years actually. I went there in November 89 and on the 2nd of
August 1990, there was an invasion from …Saddam
Hussein; So I experienced that.
After some 2-3 weeks, due to the fact that the former Czechoslovakia was on good terms with Iraq, we
were allowed to leave the country.
There was a convoy of some 20 cars going to Iraq, took us almost a week to reach our homeland. When we finally crossed the border of Iraq with
Turkey: „‟phew‟‟ we were relieved that we made it.
What do you usually do during your free times?
Literature. Music : Classical music, Jazz music…I have a
special hobby which doesn‟t require much time: Collecting tea boxes. I have almost a thousand metal
boxes, wooden , porcelain… not paper. So that‟s my
hobby. We have a dog, a fox terrier which is very lively…It requires much attention.
You have passed the age of retirement. What
motivates you to keep on going?
Aha. Good question. Since last year I‟m only working part
time. 4 days a week.
Well I like pathology, I like teaching. I teach quite a lot.
I can‟t imagine staying at home the whole day, so it is
a sort of hobby as well…
Some students would like to know why there are
not regular tests in pathology during the year?
We regard students as adults and not as children. You
may remember that at the very first lecture we said
that pathology was difficult because it is so extensive.
And we recommended students to study continuously.
You can ask anything during the practical lessons, or
the lectures but it‟s up to you, you are adults.
I think regular tests fit theoretical subjects best. However, after graduation, you will find out that you know
virtually nothing from the theory.
What should a student do in order to get a 1
during the final exam? What’s the minimum a student should know in order to pass?
It is impossible (laughs)…He should know the matter.
You may remember we don‟t focus on minor details
but we appreciate the basic knowledge.
Well, the student should also have good result in
the written test. If I see that a student has 90 points
out of 100. I conclude that he is mature, and well prepared. Perhaps I will not ask him the primitive questions, it will be more or less a discussion on some
special topics…It‟s difficult to give a recipe. Just study
continuously, that‟s the best way.
Interview by Anne L .Nengue. 5th year GM
Graduation night : So what is the fuss about Grad’s night anyway?
At the discussion table, I sat with our head of sponsorship department and prospective sponsors, a
seemingly casual question has been thrown out but
talks of 10,000 CZK crowns hang heavily in the air.
How much of an incentive is offered in an annual tradition, a motivation for charity or our love for the 6th
year graduates-the soon-to-be doctors, whom for the
majority I do not personally know- would drive 2
medics to do this business talk, on behalf of the few
other serious members?
Perhaps it was the second nature in blagging
through 4 years of exams, I glibly thought up this answer in just a second:
“In this quiet town of Hradec Kralove, there is no bigger event for the international students than the celebration of our graduates, doctors to be in this world.
It is the singlehandedly the most important event for
every student here who is faced with the hell of having left home to a faraway place where their language
is not spoken; they struggle through one of the harshest selection processes and only those who endured
by hook or by crook are those who remain accountable at this event to become the representation of
hope, for those on the journey and the university‟s
pride. Without failure, the university lavishes 15,000
CZK crowns annually upon this success and the town
of Hradec Kralove has its part in the creation of these
expatriate healers who will henceforth answer to their
respective callings, each noble by the effort and intent
invested. If there is a time during which you wish to
show to students that you are interested in them, as
they will be in return, the time is now. Graduation‟s
night is the event!
The Graduates: Class of 2014
According to Prof. Kuba, this year marks the 14th anniversary
since the beginning in 2001. I believe the report lies buried
under the tons of work our Dean for the English program
puts into it, somewhere in a dingy cabinet, alongside the
plethora of complaints that now constitutes a Pandora's box.
that very same year in which I‟m now addressing…
Of greater relevance to me however, was the fact that it also
marked the beginning of my personal involvement with THE
Grad‟s night organization. The venue shifted to the Congress
hall of Aldis (which I believe will remain true for a long time
Nevertheless, I do hope everybody can see what is general- to come). In awareness of our 1st batch of Muslim graduly thought about this event from the man himself, to be fur- ates, the consideration of Halal food became an issue. Nevther „‟Google translated‟‟ stressing on the contents empha- ertheless with all the rising progress and newly sprouted
sised in bold:
issues, the Grad‟s night committee of that year was genuinely bold!
I remember that in line with the theme of international colours, they assembled a whole group of mismatched people
Černigov slavnostní večer na počest svých promujících koto do the catwalk that will showcase our individual culture
legů pod názvem „Graduates‟ Night“. Byl to již druhý ročník
using fashion as a platform.
“17. května uspořádali zahraniční studenti v hotelu Amber –
velmi zdařilé společenské akce, které se zúčastnili téměř
všichni zahraniční studenti naší Lékařské fakulty studující v
angličtině, mnoho učitelů, ale jen velmi málo českých
studentů. Kromě vlastního kulturního programu, představení promujících studentů a slavnostních projevů bylo
součástí večera vyhlášení nejlepších učitelů fakulty
volených studenty v rámci jednotlivých ročníků a také volba
nejlépe oblečených studentů, kteří přicházejí ve velké
míře ve svém tradičním národním oděvu.
Graduate‟s Night byla opět organizována v
důstojném stylu a dokumentovala, že velká část našich
zahraničních studentů má zájem a schopnost se
společensky pozitivně uplatňovat a snaží se i o bližší
kontakty se svými učiteli.
There was a great deal on how we were supposed
to show our stuff out there, on stage and it was all rehearsed. It was a return of the ideal of Grad‟s night highlighted in Prof. Kuba‟s report with a bang. I heard many tales of Yumi Mikajiri and Sunny Hsieh pushing the strings
from behind. I dealt with Sozan Fathi regarding some complications of the performance. Nishant Joshi was a joy alongside Sozan as the Masters of the Ceremony.
It had to be the boldest video Izwar prepared for us
from the 6th year students‟ interviews. I almost laughed
when the graduate student Christer described Prof. Zuzana
Červinkova as his source of fear, candidly, as the Dean attended the ceremony (in the absence of Prof. Kuba) alongside with our lovely physiology teacher being his wife. There
was also a heartfelt confession from our Dean-shared by the
majority of students-about improving the integration of international students. I was overjoyed when I watch the videos of the eminent Prof. Ivo Steiner and Dr. Vladimir Kobli žek
as they addressed the students.
When I look back at my first encounter with Graduation Night, I sardonically realize that I have attended so
many of such nights (every one of them since my first year),
more so than I will ever graduate from medical school. It
was always about striving to make an outstanding perforAll in all, the throngs of Malay students throwing
mance that will top each year in terms of variety and difficulconfetti brought the house down a close.
ty. It was but a mere stage and an event that I could hijack
and personally entertain myself with adrenaline. Grad‟s night
For me, Graduate‟s night started to become real only
for many years made no personal impact on me despite its two years ago, thanks to the people we are now celebrating.
change of venue 3 years ago to Strelecka hall.
Even now with exams coming up, Yumi expresses her concerns, Nishant his feedbacks and Izwar his ever ninja-like
Two years ago, everything at the university seems to be
sessions of giving advice, always with his ever modest
going through big changes: It was the time when the „‟HK
speech “I‟m not good at giving advice. Claire lin has been a
mums and dads‟‟ programme began; students got together
wonder collecting the class pictures just as much as Sozan
and founded a union coined “ISU”. Izwar became an acahas been supportive. The Malay students much like Izwar,
demic senate representative, which results in the creation of
quietly lurk in the background with their much assured supthe LFHK Facebook group that everyone now uses as a platport even if they would not shine like the sun.
form for arranging taxi rides together, promote sales and
provide feedback to the university. With due flattery, Anne
was painstakingly preparing this platform the “HK Chronicle”
There is also much I would like to speak of about the
sequel from the class of Marie Holubek, last year. This was
the year during which my good friends… and somehow by
virtue of inviting myself, gave me the auxiliary role I could
fulfil within the Grad‟s night execution (not organization). I
personally witnessed Agnes Ling Ee San stayed up until 3am
to cook for a bake sale. I had fun talking with Mitul Patel
about the Grad‟s night organization, how its theme changed
from “casino royal” to “ruby royalty”.
dents as wished for by Prof. Kuba. Nevertheless looking at the
3 Spanish Erasmus students leading our Thriller dance that
year, I felt that it was good enough.
Looking back, it was funny how some people swore
to never do anything with Grad‟s night, only to be at the center stage, dancing and singing behind the curtains, or backstage with Miss X cutting out 1,000s of miniscule decoration
items. I will never forget the days we semi – legally climbed
the metal frames of the Aldis hall just to hang balloons. I still
I was also aware of the contention of ISU within the remember spotting a black cloak, during the bake sale for
Grad‟s night organization committee. I addressed this sepa- Christmas looking like the Grim reaper himself.
rately, in order to avoid conspiracy dramas or the likes.
Looking back, I now scoff at how I unhesitatingly deI would just like to mention a personal perspective: clared to my tired friends last year “I will NEVER take part in
Grad‟s night is an entity of 14 years old. It has been based on Grad‟s night organization”. But now, I‟m sitting at my own
the spontaneous instincts of students every year since. Bar- Grad‟s night organization committee, with my own class and
ring the fact that now, I have the logistics and support from the typical list of problems, alongside the magnificent few
my two years of experience behind me, I have a high inclina- leaders … of my own team nonetheless, with brimming pride.
tion to believe that every year, like geese migrating for better
lands, all of us have that innate intention to celebrate hope,
success, diversity and gratitude. Grad‟s night the flame will
I‟m certain that this year I have the greatest support,
not be doused so long as torch bearer is passed one genera- from Graduates as well as from the year just above.
tion to the next; it is not a physical or hereditary nomination
I now address you as the president of Grad‟s night
but rather the kindling of a passion which is deeply imprinted
organization committee 2014 whose theme is Hollywood Bolin an unsuspecting individual for the next great celebration.
lywood and I‟m telling the impressive graduates we have
That same year, the thriller performance most likely now: We‟ll make your Grad‟s night better than the Grad‟s
summarized how the class felt by the time the event was just night two years ago!!
coming to an end: zombies… Miss X was most humorous in
her profuse thanks to all of us who stayed to help her cut 6 th
Graduation night 2014:
year pictures into relevant beautiful frames. That time I swore
she would be my wedding designer. Any year would present a
Theme: Hollywood-Bollywood
random collection of these lists of problems: backbenchers,
Entrance fees: 250 Kc
backseat drivers, cold blankets, histrionics, and gossipers
Date: 10.05.2014
(ironically serving for your personal advertisement), job evaLocation: Aldis
sion and the woes of getting people to work for something
else except studies (even this is hard).
Tickets are sold by 4th year students.
Typical organization faces the difficulty of linking the
methodologies of even the zealous people running in all direc„‟We are searching for talents. If you think you're up
tions. With affliction of some kind, you would almost imagine
for it, please contact Bame Teemane‟‟
that even the tight knit class of my former classmates would
be wrung apart. Nevertheless I only saw that with growing
Kevin Kuan , 4th year GM
conflict, people got closer. Contrary to many people‟s inborn
bias, I have never seen a truer relationship than that harnessed by conflict.
I believe there might not have been more Czech stu-
The Lookbook
Zdeněk Bureš
Zdeněk je student 4.
ročníku všeobecného
lékařství, absolvoval
FChT v Pardubicích a
plní si s nadšením
svůj sen studia
medicíny. Od druhého
ročníku do současnosti je členem
předsednictva Akademického senátu naší
fakulty a od letošního
roku i zástupcem studentů naší fakulty v
senátu Univerzity Karlovy v Praze.
Pak to byli vědci, o kterých jsem hlavně jako
mladší rád četl: Louis Pasteur, Paul Ehrlich, Alexander
Fleming, Marie Curie-Skłodowska a nebo naše málo
známá Vlasta Kálalová di Lotti, která jako mladá lékařka
založila za finanční podpory T. G. Masaryka v Bagdádu
nemocnici, to byl tehdy velmi odvážný krok. Každý den
mě inspiruje někdo další. :)
Kdyby si měl možnost něco vzkázat mladším studentů naší fakulty, co by to bylo?
Ţe i kdyţ je to často náročné a před kaţdou zkouškou
si testujeme svoje hranice, tak je medicína krásný obor,
pro který se vyplatí občas potit krev. Rozhodně jsem na
medicíně „vyrostl“. A hlavně! Nezapomeňte kvůli samému studiu si ho taky užít, dokud je čas!
Tři věci, které by sis s sebou vzal na pustý ostrov.
Čím si myslíš, že tě naše fakulta nejvíc obohatila?
Určitě v mnoha věcech. :) Samotné studium
medicíny je specifické, nabízí pohled do různých
zákoutí lidského života a během klinické výuky se
denně setkáváme s mnoha lidskými osudy. To
člověka nutí si utvářet vlastní pohled na ţivot a
přeuspořádávat si žebříček hodnot. Velmi inspirativní je pro mě stálé setkávání se s odborníky ve
svých oborech, spolužáky, přáteli a pacienty.
Oblíbený hrneček na kávu s knížkou a Aladinovu
lampu. :)
Kde vidíš sám sebe za pět let?
Tak to sám nevím. Po zkušenostech z minulosti
jsem si už raději dlouhodobější plánování odpustil.
:) Uvidíme, kam mě osud zavane, ale vidím se někde v klinice.
Kdo tě v životě nejvíce inspiroval a proč?
Odmala to byli má babička a děda, díky jejich životnímu
postoji, ti jsou pro mě stále v mnoha věcech vzorem.
Aneta Matulikova, 5.vseob
Marie Holubek
Marie is a 5th year
medical student from
Dresden, Germany.
As an academic rep,
she agreed to explain
to us in more details
what the academic
senate is about.
Whenever students have some kind of ideas about
what should be improved or changed, even at the
end of the year, they should know that there is
someone who is in direct contact with the dean.
What have you learned the most about studying
The most amazing thing about this place compared to,
let‟s say, studying at home is the fact that there are
a lot of people from so many different countries
studying here…You get to learn about different cultures and religions. It‟s like they are all coming
together, to get to know each other… I think that‟s
pretty amazing….
Who has inspired you the most in your life and
Why did you run for the academic senate?
Because I think that an academic rep represents all
the international students. I think it‟s important to
have someone from the upper years, someone who
has already gone through all…who knows most
teachers, knows how the system works…I feel confident that I can voice up the opinions of students.
What is important is that they can come up to you and
tell you what they think, no matter the problem.
What is your job as an academic senate representative?
The academic senate is about compromising…There
are 2 international representatives, their Czech
counterparts and the teachers. We discuss different
topics at each session: last time, we discussed
about the expenses from last year. We have the
dean‟s election coming up so we have to talk about
that. We are also going to get some timetable
change maybe…
Seriously (laughs)...I have loads of people who have
inspired me: My parents, my friends, different people for different reasons. It‟s really hard to just pick
Where do you see yourself in 5 years from now?
I‟d rather think about where I‟m seeing myself next
year and I hope I‟ll be graduating…I‟m checking
different options right now: what‟s possible, where
to go to…Basically you are free to go anywhere
when you graduate from here, so we will see...I
will definitely be working somewhere.
Anne L. Nengue, 5th GM
Kevin Kuan Boon Sen
Kevin is a 4th year medical
student from Malaysia. He
is also a prolific member of
the Malaysian community in
As the other half of the
Academic representative for
international students, he
was keen enough to sit with
us for an interview.
What is your best quality? Your worst flaw?
My best quality is persistence to the point of obsession. I won‟t actually back down from any conflicting pressure. Because when I find that something
is necessary, I will simply do it. My worst flaw is
that by nature I‟m not really sociable and I don‟t
actually take interest in other people‟s affairs.
Therefore when I approach them with very serious issues, they actually think I‟m opportunistic.
Three things you will take on an empty island
Why did you run for the Academic Senate?
I run because I thought there were some issues that
were underrepresented among the students and
teachers. In most cases, people don‟t actually
care but there is a minority with interesting inputs. I just wanted to link these two really…
What do you think are the benefits of studying
To be very blunt, it would be an internet connection,
my laptop… and when I do get bored for being
alone, a shotgun (laughs)
where do you see yourself in 5 years from now?
I will be on somebody‟s else‟ s a***s (laughs). I‟d be
creating troubles wherever I go because I thrive
on solutions. If it is physically, it might be Germany for postgraduate studies but… I really have no
Contact: Facebook- Kevin Kuan Boon sen
As I believe (though many people won‟t believe it) it
actually has one of the highest quality of education in terms of Medicine. I mean, when you think
about purkyne and our very own Carl Rokitansky
from Hradec Kralove, they are certainly significant
people! I do believe however that the implementation of the curriculum according to the teaching
system has to be much improved.
Anne L. Nengue ,5th year GM
Geneva Summer Schools (GSS): Global Health and Human rights
Allow me to introduce you to the best
summer school I
have EVER been to,
with the hope that
you will apply for it
and have fun too..
We had a daily schedule (with free weekends), from 9.00
till around 5.30pm.
People came from all over the world, with various professional experience (lawyers, doctors, biological engineers, policy makers, medical students, etc…)
We had lectures, practical lessons, visits (and lectures)
at international organizations (such as the WHO),
group presentations and chilling (including trips). So
get ready.
We had lecturers from prestigious universities and international institutions such as the WHO, Princeton University (USA),
Bocconi University (Italy), etc…
Location : Geneva, SWITZERLAND.
Geneva is the capital city of Switzerland and the humani- The classes took place at a campus of the University of Geneva
tarian capital of the world, home to countless international or- as well as in some international organizations (depending on
ganizations and NGOs: WHO, UN, UNHCR, WIPO, Red Cross the summer course you attend: UN, WHO, ILO, etc…).
As an international city, English is a very common spoken language although French, Italian and German are the official languages.
What you need to know:
Name of the Summer school: Geneva Summer Schools
They are organized by the University of Geneva and cover many topics depending on the personal interests, education
and orientation of students.
This year, there are actually 12 courses on the list, feel free to
apply for the one that fits you best.
As a medical student interested in human Rights, I attended
Global Health and Human Rights (GHHR).
The summer schools are in English.
Here is a short video that summarizes the Geneva summer
Duration: It depends on the summer school you choose.
(on average, it‟s 3weeks)
Global Health and Human Rights: Which is the course I attended was for 3 weeks in June
(This year, it will be from June 16- July 4,
GHHR class of 2013 with Prof Siri Tellier, from the
University of Copenhagen
Group presentations:
We had one presentation per week (usually at the
end of the week), in different groups and on different topics.
The Highlights:
These are the lectures that , in my opinion, were mesmerizing
- Social determinants of health in a global perspective: By
WHO staff.
- Demographic perspective on global health and human
rights: By Prof Siri Tellier-University of Copenhagen
- Health systems: By Dr Paolo Piva, WHO
-Global Governace and Health: Dr Eduardo Missoni. – Bocconi University.
-Digital Divide and Global health: Prof Antoine Geissbuhler.University of Geneva
-Present and future pandemics with Examples: Prof Nicole
Basta, Princeton University
From L-R: Daniel (France), Annika , Maria (USA), Daniel (USA)
At the WHO Headquarters
From L to R: Ruey
(Denmark), Maria
(Ethiopia), Beatrice
(South Africa), Rachel
(Australia) Annika and
Sing Chuen
At the Palais des Nations: United Nations Office in Geneva.(UNOG)
With our coordinators: Dr Astrid Stuckelberger and Beatriz Schulthess.
During a lecture at the UNOG (UN Office in Geneva)
from the Chief, Press and External relations section
How to apply:
 How to get there:
Click on the summer school you are interested in for more
-by Plane
information (dates, duration, school fees, etc..) and description
-by bus
of the course, then click on „‟APPLY‟‟ on the right side
-By train
For more information: contact
-Costs: the Summer school is quite expensive and Geneva
is one of the most expensive city in Central Europe. I
personally couldn‟t afford it so I got a scholarship from
the University of Geneva. I will recommend you to
We have created a blog for those who are passionate
apply for a scholarship if you think that you do not
about human rights and health. In case you would like
have the financial means to attend the school.
to voice up your opinion, please feel free to join us
However you should know that the places for Excellence
Scholarships are limited and competitive. The earlier
you apply, the better
-Accommodation: Is not included in the cost. So you have
to arrange it by yourself. It is quite a hassle to find a
room during the summer, so I will recommend you to
start as early as you can
Anne L. Nengue. 5th year GM
-Once in a lifetime opportunity to visit international organizations and learn about health in a global perspective
-Spend your summer in Geneva and mingle with people
from all over the world
-Have lectures by world class academics from prestigious
-Good on your CV and positive experience for your personal growth.
-You can apply for as many summer courses as you wish!
International Medical Summer school (UK)
Date: 28th July-01st August 2014
Place: University of Manchester, UK
Information for application:
For other summer schools in Europe, per field of study and countries (Medicine iunder health sciences), click on
the link below
Good luck for your application and have fun this summer!
Anne L. Nengue, 5th year GM
A patient’s last journey
When you were born, when you first saw the light of the
The day you left the comfort and safety of your mother‟s
womb and entered this unpredictable world, you, the most innocent creature anyone could carry in their arms, was given the
cruelest certainty of them all: One day you will die.
We love life, we value our community and the question is not
as for Hamlet „‟to be or not to be‟‟, but „‟to belong or not to belong”, as Marcel Proust nicely puts it. We shit our pants for every person close to us who passes away, since we cannot deal
with the “horror vacui” – the emptiness after death. Death is
ugly, since it is the
ultimate weakness
In fact, all of you reading this will, in a hundred years from
and the ultimate
now, not exist anymore. You will be merely a lump of carbon,
loss of control.
or maybe distributed over the seas…
A fate you share with every single of the 7,228,234,195 people
living in this world. Death is the only inevitable and the most
I do not want to
natural thing that will happen to us. So why is it that we fear it
give you a lecture
so much?
about death, in fact,
I know very little
Pascal wrote about the fear of
about it. But what I
death as follow: “Imagine a
do want is to raise
number of men in chains, all
awareness on how
under the death sentence, we learn to deal with the terminally ill and dying patients. Due
some of whom are, each day, to our fear of death, we distance ourselves from them. We
butchered in the sight of oth- medicalize them. We suppress our emotions towards them. This
ers. Those remaining see their way death sneaks past our awareness, while the ongoing event
own condition in that of their is likely to be the most important event in that patient‟s life.
fellows, and looking at each
other with grief and despair
We get little or no practice in taking part in death as secure
await their turn. This is an medical professionals and compassionate human beings. No
image of the human condi- matter how skilled you are, you have to face the fact that every
patient you will have will eventually die one day. It is the cruel
birth gift. This day will be the defeat of medicine, and of you as
This is also an image of the a doctor. On that day, we must not bury our face in our hands,
medical profession. Death doesn‟t visit any other profession but rather bury our hands in our patient‟s hands.
with a higher frequency. As for the doctor, death is the worst Because everyone deserves a last journey with deep dignity,
thing for two reasons:
this feeling that you and the other appreciated the person you
once were.
1.We are human ourselves.
2.It is our ultimate defeat.
Aslak Torgersen, 3rd year GM
The Sushi Shop
Hned vedle Velkého náměstí
v centru Hradce Králové se
nachází specializovaný obchod tzv. Sushi shop, což má
otevřeno už méně než rok .
Vřele vám doporučujeme tento obchod navštívit, zvláště
pokud pocházíte z asijské
komunity neboli prostě vás
zajímají asijské kuchyně .
Od kdy mate otevřeno tento obchod?
Oficiálně od července 2013.
Uyanga Batbayar (z
Je pravda, že můžete koupit některé suroviny ve velkých supermarketech ale výběr těch produktů je tam velmi omezený,
nejspíš to bych označila jako
za “nedostačující”. Takové okolnosti mi stačila pro rozhodnutí
otevřít tuto specializovanou prodejnu.
Chci si dále šířit sortimenty a produkty pro zákazníky, např.
prodej čerstvých ryb.
Proč si myslíte, že potřebujeme Sushi obchod v Hradci
Myšlenka otevřít takový obchod v Hradci Králové vznikla už
před 2 lety. V této době jsem pracovala jako servírka v čínské
restauraci. Začala jsem se zajímat recepty jídel uvedených v
menu. Chtěla
jsem si to vyzkoušet doma.
Tak jsem se
zeptala šéfa té
restaurace kde
bych mohla
najít suroviny
potřebné pro
vaření asijských
specialit. Ale
ţádný obchod
zaměřený na
prodej asijských specialit zvlášť v Hradci Králové. Taky jsem si
všimla, že nejsem sama na to kdo si chce vyzkoušet doma ty
recepty vždyť i zákazníci se občas obrátili na mě jako servírka
s podobnými otázky jak to dělají a kde mohou koupit suroviny.
Jaké jsou ceny? Jsou to pro zákazníky přijatelné? Máte
v nabídce něco speciálního, co jinde zákazník nenajde?
Určitě ano. Ceny jsou levnější než ty, co mají v supermarketech.
Novinka pro zákazníky : O víkendech můžete užít slevy až 1030% na vybrané produkty.
Translated by Ariunjargal Togtokhjargal 6th year GM
The Sushi Shop
Right at the center of Old town,
there is Sushi shop that is less
than a year old. Highly recommended to you, especially if you
are from the Asian community or
Uyanga Batbayar (from
simply interested in Asian food .
When was it launched?
It was officially launched in July 2013.
Why do we need a Sushi shop in HK?
Are the prices affordable? Which products do they
Very affordable indeed. With prices that are cheaper
than the ones found in supermarkets.
The idea came about 2 years ago. When she was workBig news for customers: On weekends there is a 10ing in a Chinese restaurant. During that time, she
30% discount (depending on the products).
was interested in trying the recipes at home so she
asked the owner for the recipes and a place where
Has she encountered any difficulties while openshe could find the ingredients here, in HK. She noing the business?
ticed that customers at the restaurant sometimes
asked for the recipes too.
Looking back now, she can‟t point out any difficulties really…
She realized that
simply because she really wanted to open this shop
there was no
shop in HK specialized in selling
Asiatic ingredients or even a
selling point. In
big supermarkets, though
they offer these
products, the
choice of products is very limited.
That‟s how the idea of creating this small business came
Her dream is to make the shop bigger and increase the
options for the customers by adding more products.
She is also considering selling fresh fishes for the
Anne L .Nengue, 5th year GM
The CAR crisis: Why does it matter?
The Central African Republic (CAR) is a landlocked
country localized in central
Africa. It is bordered by
Cameroon to the West, Chad
to the north, Sudan and
South Sudan to the East and
to the South, the Democratic
Republic of Congo and the
The country gained its independence from France on
the 13th August 1960. It has
relatively been unstable ever
Simplified explanation of the conflict:
The beginning of the latest crisis:
The Seleka coalition rebels that seized power and ousted the
president Bozizé, at the beginning of the conflict are mainly
Muslims, in a country where Christians constitute the majority
according to the ethnic groups
(It should be noted that the CAR has always had a Christian
president before this conflict).
The rebels imposed themselves by force to the population:
Rape, forced executions and torture were common tactics
used. Additionally, there were reports of mass graves with
decomposed bodies discovered at a military camp in Bangui.
The resignation of Michel Djotodia was followed by the withdrawal of Seleka‟s groups from the country‟s south. This immediately lead to scenes of joy and crowd cheering from the
local population , followed by reprisals from Christians antiBalaka militia from that same population seeking revenge from
Muslims who first mistreated them.
As if the multiple coups the Central African government has
experienced in the past 50 years weren‟t enough, Bangui (the
capital city) was to be the stage of yet another military coup
that has led to the most recent humanitarian crisis in central
The Anti-Balaka (whose real names mean anti-machete in
the Sango language) developed a strong desire to eliminate
Muslims from the country, worsening the inter-religious violence, threatening peace and forcing countless Muslims to flee
to neighboring countries.
- In November 2012, new Seleka rebel coalition (formed
mainly by muslims rebels) already controlled some
parts of the country including the North and the
- In March 2013, they have seized power in Bangui, forcing the incumbent president to flee to a neighboring
country. Its leader Michel Djotodia suspended the
constitution and was sworn in president few months
later. Later, in August, Djotodia in sworn in president
of the CAR
- In December 2013: The violence in the country is still
growing. There are reports of tension between religious groups, namely Christian and Muslims.
- 10 January 2014: Michel Djotodia resigns under international pressure and flees the country. Despite officially disbanding the militia group, the killings and lootings continue in the capital Bangui.
- 20 January 2014: Catherine Samba-Panza is elected Interim President .
-5000 soldiers from African Union peacekeeping forces constituting the Misca (Mission Internationale de Soutien à la Centrafique) were deployed in December
France has deployed 1600 troops to support the African
peacekeeping forces (The Operation is called Sangaris)
- The interim president has requested additional troops from
the UN which will take time to be deployed.
Outcomes of the conflict:
Refugees fleeing to neighboring countries:
News reports used the term „‟Ethnic religious cleansing
to actually qualify what is taking place in the CAR. Muslims
used to make 15% of the total population but the majority
has now fled to the north (towards Chad). The High Commissioner for Refugees (HCR) has already registered more
than 8000 people, adding to the 92,000 refugees in Cameroon before the crisis. Others go south (to Congo or to DRC)
Religious cleansing is becoming increasingly widespread
in the region (ex: Boko Haram in Nigeria). This is
threatening the stability of many countries.
h t t p : / / e n . w i k i p e d i a . o r g / w i k i /
Central_African_Republic#Independence_.281960.29 Food is becoming scarce. The World Food Programme african-idUSBREA1B1PF20140212
started a month-long emergency airlift of around 1,800
tonnes of food at the beginning of February
 Human Rights violation: with this crisis, anthropophagy, ARTJAWEB20131219105430/
burning, looting, rape, etc…are just few of the acts that
are committed daily in this country.
Interesting facts:
Anne L. Nengue, 5th year GM
Catherine Samba-Panza has become the 1st woman in
the history of the central African region to be elected Interim President.
What is the best advice you have ever received?
Hakeem Khurum, 4th year GM‟
„‟ Work hard… and you will get your reward...eventually, no matter what‟‟
Nur Adani, 4th year GM
„‟My mom advised me before I came here…to take care
of my prayers and to do my best in final exams‟‟
Ali Masri, 2nd year GM
„‟ Never stop working hard‟‟
Kishan Patel, 2nd year GM
„‟ You have to be different…not like everyone else‟‟
Atlholang Ipatleleng, 4th year GM
„‟ you are your own competitor; do not envy the success of others. Just move at your own pace. - my mother in 2003.‟‟
Anne L. Nengue, 5th year GM
1. Yeezianity:
After Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism…let me introduce you to a new religion: YEEZIANITY
Yeezianity is a newly founded religion in which followers believe in the one who calls himself Yeezus.
It was founded by Brian Liebman, a 23 year old American citizen in January 2014.
The disciples are called „‟Ye‟ciples‟‟ and their church is the
„‟Church of Yeezus‟‟. Anybody can be a Ye‟ciple without renouncing to their primary faith (Christianity, Taoism, etc..).
Just as other monotheistic religions, they have a god
(a savior).
To join, it is pretty simple: Take a photo stating I believe in
Yeezus and post it on your social media accounts
More information:
You can find them on twitter:
3. The invention of the Internet.
Imagine a world without social media (Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram), without emails, websites or even Skype.
Well, that was a reality long time ago, but thanks to
Sir Timothy John Berners-Lee, everything changed.
Sources: -founderclarifies-motive-behind-new-religion-says-kanye-west-figurenot-as-good-as-jesus-interview-113695/
Sir Tim Berners-Lee is a computer scientist from London,
He is the inventor of the World Wide Web (or the Internet
The newest country in the world.
as we know it today). While working at the CERN
(European Organization for European Research), he
The Republic of South Sudan became an independent
used a NeXt computer to launch the 1st website EVER.
state on 9 July 2011, after a referendum of 98.83%,
Put online on 6 August 1991
separating it from the Republic of Sudan.
It is now a recognized state, whose capital is Juba.
Anne L Nengue, 5th year GM

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