General Didactics - Inovace studijních oborů na PdF UHK


General Didactics - Inovace studijních oborů na PdF UHK
General Didactics
Tomáš Svatoš,
Jana Doležalová
Authors: doc. PaedDr. Tomáš Svatoš, Ph.D., PhDr. Jana Doležalová, Ph.D.
The text was created in the cooperation with: Bc. Lucie Hůlková
Title: General Didactics
Year and place of publication: 2014, Hradec Králové
Publication: first
Reviewed by: Mgr. Daniela Vrabcová, Ph.D.
This publication is not for sale.
Tento materiál byl vytvořen v rámci projektu
„Inovace studijních oborů na PdF UHK“ reg.č. CZ.1.07/2.2.00/28.0036
Background Information about the Subject
Contact: [email protected]
Number of Direct Training Hours: 26 hours
Optimum Term to Teach the Subject:
3rd term
Pedagogical Propaedeutic is a prerequisite for this subject; and General Didactics is a
prerequisite for Theories of Education.
Rules for Communicating with the Instructor:
Full-time study: Normal consultations (including electronic consultations)
Part-time study: By email, based on pre-agreed consultations with a check of individual
papers and passing of an assessment test based on an application for consultation and
assessment dates specified in the Faculty Information System (FIS).
Introduction in the Subject (Summary)
This discipline provides a communication- and skill-based cognition base in the first
half of their teacher training. General Didactics is of a theoretical and application
nature, providing information to learn the fundamentals of didactic thinking and verify
its elements within their practice during seminars.
Subject Objectives
With its intent and concept, General Didactics is a follow-up to the previous subject of
Pedagogical Propaedeutic. Its primary aim is to develop the professional
pedagogical (teaching) thinking of student-teachers, understand the historical and
comparative context and consider the immediate application within their teaching
Outline of the Subject
See the Table of Contents
See Annex A
Requirements for Completion
Completed skill-based activities (see the practical section of each topic); successful
passing of a didactic test.
See Annex B
Annex 1: Společenské vědy v kostce
(Social Sciences in a Nutshell) - Extract
Annex 2: Polák, M. Pracovní podmínky učitelů a syndrom vyhoření
(Working Conditions of Teachers and Burnout Syndrome)
Annex 3: Reception Form
Annex 4: Murphology
Annex 5: Classroom observation Report Form
Annex 6: Bloom’s Taxonomy of Learning Domains – Action Verbs
Annex 7: Block Plan Form
Annex 8: Observation Sheet DČU - 1
Annex 9: Observation Sheet ČOS - v2.0
Annex 10: Evaluation Questionnaire EDO OD - 1
Annex B: INDEX
1.1 Dear reader,
As authors of this publication, we want to devote the first lines of this text to the
motives behind its origin.
With the production of a new (and not only written) work, authors usually strive to
deliver something brand new invoking extraordinary interest in readers, viewers, the
audience, the public. Authors of publications are not always successful in their
intention to ‘write it in a different way’, and this is for a variety of reasons.
It is not difficult to find the reasons why we write this in the introduction to this
university textbook. We have also made resolutions that we will ‘at last’ produce an
educational text which will have its secured audience and readers. We have had the
good intention to prepare certain didactic and communication topics for the seminar
instruction designed for prospective teachers where theoretically specified content
would take turns in an enviable symbiosis with applicability in practice. We have sought
to push the challenging nature of this text even higher by the requirement that the
overall style and diction of this textbook speak in a language that will on the one hand
maintain a professional tone and be close to readers on the other. Now only those who
will read this text through and make their own evaluation can judge to what extent we
have managed to fulfil our initial intentions and resolutions.
This text is designed for moderately advanced prospective primary and secondary
school teachers, for prospective educators, leisure time pedagogues or for prospective
teachers at art schools. For all who have passed Pedagogical Propaedeutic and the
basic communication training but who have not encountered subject preparation or
subject didactics yet. They should be in the first half between a ‘starting studentteacher’ and a ‘student-teacher on a continuous practice’. This textbook corresponds
much more to the overall preparation of prospective teachers-educators at a given
professional stage and its aims can be specified as follows:
To guide students to an understanding of the development of pedagogical thinking, to
the cognition of the influences which have formed the didactic reasoning now and
during previous epochs;
To develop system didactic reasoning, to focus on the cognition of the basic didactic
procedures resulting in the fulfilment of educational objectives;
To learn how to work with scientific literature and what to do with technical terms and
seek the necessary relations;
To guide students to couple the theoretical and practical part of the general didactic
training and thus contribute to the creation of an educational style of teachers,
educators, social workers;
To reinforce the elementary didactic and communication skills and integrate them in
the built professional structure of individuals.
What exactly should a student know at the end of the didactic training
using this study text?
We expect that the communication and didactic training or the completion of ‘General
Didactics’ will create an opportunity for the development of professional training
towards an understanding of the basic didactic procedures, terms and methodology, as
well as the conditions for many practical exercises and ‘action’ application, especially in
the seminar environment.
Through application, students should be guided towards mastering and developing
the following skills:
to create meaningful and functional abstracts (syllabi) from scientific
literature; they should be able to search important information in an educational text,
sort it out, structure it and express it in brief and in their own way;
to prepare and make a verbal communication with scientific content
as a targeted seminar activity produced through elaborate training, search for
appropriate forms of communication and the knowledge of one’s self as a
communicating ‘being’;
to understand the development of pedagogical thinking using an
example of period documents, text samples, thoughts and quotations of authorities in
pedagogy; to update them using a critical approach and determine their significance
for the present period;
to produce didactic teaching materials in practice which process scientific
content and are integrated in fictitious planning of lessons and use electronic
to understand the concept of educational objectives and their relation
to the content as a product of didactic transformation of scientific content;
to apply the knowledge about the creation of teacher’s preparation
(plan) into the form of an educational concept of lessons using Maňák’s didactics
system model.
to simulate the professional conduct as a pedagogue within pre-planned
teaching situations produced from the previous plan for the ‘lessons’ and taking the
form of ‘micro-teaching sessions’.
to develop the previously initiated procedures of evaluation and selfreflection following teaching activities; to focus on the creation of an alternative
communication and didactic conduct.
Well, this is easy to write and also easy to read. However, it may be difficult to fulfil
these expectations; it will take a long time and it definitely transcends the borders of
‘General Didactics’. This is why other disciplines are involved in the execution of the
intentions and creation of the said skills, whether simultaneously or subsequently.
The concept of communication and didactic training presented in this textbook is based
on the search of a balance between theory and practice. Our intention (in particular at
the level of application) was to give students specific examples of and suggestions for
their ‘micro-teaching performance’ in the seminar environment. To put it in a folk
saying: ‘We bring both grey theory and the option to ‘graft’ it onto the green tree of
After a glance at the contents of this educational text, readers should not be surprised
that they will encounter the content described above in particular chapters of this text.
What else should we do to fulfil our theoretical objectives and practical skills than to
provide the given curriculum in the chapters to follow.
The first topic involves the work with an educational text and the skill to
produce the syllabi necessary not only for the study needs. We must admit that
many of us underestimate the work with literature and work more or less intuitively.
This chapter will persuade you that ‘reception’ of a scientific text is a sophisticated
linguistic activity which can be acquired after we have learned and tried its basic
procedures. Effective work with literature constitutes the base for good acquisition of
knowledge and is a precondition for effective learning in its broadest sense.
The work with an educational text is followed by a chapter about scientific
communication. It answers the following question: How to prepare for a scientific
communication; what knowledge do we have to have about social and educational
communication and about one’s self as someone being in the role of a communicator?
The quality of communication and the resulting communication effect are influenced by
many factors, including those related purely to communication (whether verbal or nonverbal) up to the level of mental states or influences of the environment where one
It is not off the point to say that the first two topics are closely related and that we
have deliberately put them one after another.
It is not only in our scientific practice that we are involved in many situations where we
are to express our opinions and assume an attitude to a certain fact or statement. The
third chapter gives an opportunity to train these situations using the samples of
quotations of J. A. Komenský who was in many respects ahead of his time, and left
his knowledge, contemplations and thoughts about an approach to humans in
education, didactic reasoning of a teacher and the importance of the learner’s role for
education. We will see that it makes difference 'to read about Komenský' as compared
to 'read Komenský'.
The informal first part of the textbook is concluded by the issue of creating didactic
means of instruction by using (how else nowadays) the electronic media. It contains
the production of audiovisual presentations based on the knowledge of education with
electronic support. We act rather intuitively in this area, too, which should be ‘replaced’
by an exact approach.
The second part of this text is more sophisticated, bringing a student to the knowledge
which is much closer to the real school practice. To be able to perform other activities,
we had to at first become familiar with the first four chapters.
Chapters 5 and 6 deal with two terms which are crucial for pedagogy: teaching
objectives and their content. We have many times heard that education is
premeditated (purposive, intentional) and we must know what form the objectives can
take and how to set them in practice. All of this will be explained not only in general
but primarily using examples within the necessary co-existence with the other
important term - content (curriculum, educational information).
If the student and attentive reader reach the seventh chapter, he/she should be able
to (given the necessary batch of optimism) analyse the theoretical knowledge about
the production of a written teaching plan and produce it for the specific
curriculum using examples. An understanding of the didactic system as specified by
Josef Maňák in his work is the theoretical and methodical key to it. We consider
Maňák’s concept of instruction or instruction planning to be comprehensible, logical
and most typical for ‘normal’ lessons.
If we have a teaching plan and if we have set our educational objectives and prepared
specific scientific content of the curriculum with its individual stages supplemented with
media presentations, ‘all we have to do’ in the simulated (seminar) environment is to
‘teach’ a part of the fictitious lesson by means of a ‘micro-teaching session’. What do
we get? A lot: experience from transforming our plan into a real lesson; we check our
communication and didactic predispositions in front of an ‘audience’; we can live the
role of a pedagogue and we will think and consider our teaching activities together
with other participants.
And this is, after all, the topic of the last chapter of this textbook. The reader will be
given an answer to the question of how to evaluate education, what methods
should be used, and how to understand the terms ‘reflection’ and ‘self-reflection’.
Contemplations about a teaching plan and its subsequent implementation and other
possible forms based on an analysis of actual behaviour are among the crucial
teacher’s activities and are also an attribute of advanced professionalism.
So much for the individual chapters of this text. We believe that our readers have
noticed that we have deliberately put the individual content units one after another
according to their growing sophistication, with the escalating level of the developed
skills and in good faith that they will be useful for students during this stage of their
professional training.
We should not forget mentioning the annexes which supplement certain topics, gather
the terms used and guide towards corresponding scientific literature.
How to work with this textbook or: the didactic system of the ‘General
Didactics for Student-Teachers’.
If you open any of the six thematic chapters, you will always see a very similar
structure. For the spirit’s enjoyment, each topic is opened with two quotations which
not always have something to do with the chapter’s content. But they can be used in
the seminar instruction as indicated in the third topic.
Each topic contains nine icons having their constant meaning and accompanying the
reader from the first paragraph to the chapter’s final lines.
Since we believe that our text is ‘didactical’ (what else we should believe in when
teaching general didactics!), we have decided to ‘furnish’ icons to each chapter to
make navigation in the knowledge easier and to create a similar structure in the entire
text. All of this enables (to the best of our belief) a fast passage through the sections
of this teaching material which are attractive for readers and with whose content they
need to become familiar.
Objectives introduce each chapter and give an idea of its theoretical and practical
Intensity of Acquisition
This is expressed as efforts needed for the topic’s acquisition at three levels: lowmiddle-high
Each topic is motivated by a problem situation which, following a description and
explanation, draws to the questions whose answers are to be found in the next text.
Basic Theory Perspective
The fourth icon (the ‘light of cognition’) opens a space for the so-called information
panel based on great optimism that no one gets killed by some theory. Whether or
not we are fond of theoretical cognition, we must admit its importance when looking
for answers to our initial questions. The authors sought to present the necessary
knowledge in an easily digestible way, often rather schematically and using only certain
scholarly sources.
Practical Application – Assignments,
Activities, Skills
This icon introduces the topic in the practical context and presents a practical solution
in applications and examples. It would be inappropriate to speak about instructions
for use for students but the given examples may be inspiring for the follow-up
assignments related to independent student activities. Similarly to the previous
application in examples, the seminar assignments take the form of the so-called
‘micro-teaching’. It might be sometimes necessary to search additional information
in annexes provided at the end of the textbook. This closes the imaginary circle
started with the ‘lack of knowledge’ and ended with the knowledge and practical skill to
solve problems and issues related to the given topic.
Terms to Remember (Key Words)
When woken up at midnight with the question ‘When does science become science?’,
we will apparently answer: ‘If it has its subject matter of research, methodology and
terms.’ This is why each chapter contains this icon (‘smart words’) with the terms
having a closer or more distant relation to the discussed topic. All invented terms can
also be found in annexes.
When taking a closer view, we can see that it is a mixture of purely scientific terms and
those we know from a more general perspective. We do not want to give any advice
but we know from our experience that a student having a tactic can confuse even an
erudite pedagogue by ‘amazing’ him/her by many terms which can disguise an
occasional lack of knowledge.
Issues for Thought
The authors admit that the compound ‘Review Questions’ or ‘Knowledge Checking
Questions’ is not a popular form of communication. This is why they have preferred to
dub this section in each chapter as 'Questions for Thought'. Their meaning is to give
feedback on the curriculum acquired, create the necessary relations at the topic’s
theoretical level and sometimes create space for personal opinions and attitudes.
The summary given at the end of each chapter has two forms. It primarily contains a
‘condensation’ of the most important knowledge contained in each chapter (a sort of a
content abstract of the main knowledge and ideas). To be honest: this summary is not
enough for the complete acquisition of the curriculum; it rather recapitulates than
The summary also contains a so-called ‘Crib – Good Advice Is Better Than Gold’. You
can see from its very heading that it gives a rather informal and detached view. Its aim
is to ‘collaborate with students’ in a tolerable way and view the discussed topic through
pragmatic eyes by using ‘good advice that is better than gold’. It is not advice in the
true or other sense of the word but they are rather observations resulting from many
years of teaching practice which could 'be handy' or at least guide students to thoughts
about them.
When presenting available theory, we usually use only some of the literary sources
offered and we must admit that it was sometimes intentional. If students are so keen
on acquiring additional knowledge that they could not sleep at night, they can resort to
other sources of information contained in the annex part of this textbook.
And how to conclude this introduction? Best with a wish that your investment
into this textbook proves (at least to an adequate extent) to be meaningful over time
and that it helps, in its own way, to your future transformation from the role of a
student-teacher into a well-trained starting pedagogue.
Best wishes with optimism on the keyboard and in our mind from
Tomáš Svatoš and Jana Doležalová
T. Svatoš, Chapter 1: How to Write a Syllabus
Law of geometry in household: Any horizontal surface is soon piled up …
Murphy’s Laws
Theoreticians, use a correction pen when writing!
M. Holub
The purpose of the first chapter is to give students the ‘first aid’ if they face
the task of working with scientific reference sources (writing a seminar paper, a
reflection essay, an essay; getting prepared for an exam, etc.). This involves all
the situations when one has to identify the necessary information, understand
and remember it. With regard to the skills acquired, the student will be able
to, after studying this chapter,
understand the characteristics of an educational text;
distinguish the characteristics of individual stages of the so-called
‘reception’ and understand their meaning;
analyse a text using the most frequent reception procedures;
apply ‘reception’ on a scientific educational text using the examples
Intensity of Acquisition
Middle intensity - to understand educational theory and to verify it in skillbased practice.
I have recently met a second-year student in the university’s corridor and seen
him having difficulties to force his way through a crowd of students. I
remembered him from the year-earlier educational propaedeutic seminars, as
well as his name, Mr Light. He really stuck out of the crowd, especially for
carrying incredibly many books borrowed from the university library in his
rucksack, in both hands, as well as in a plastic bag from a well-known
supermarket. In other words: he was no credit to his surname at all … We had
a short chat and I was told that he was soon going to an exam and that he
‘must read all of this’, make notes, ‘get it into his head’ and that he had terribly
little time to do that. In the end, he surprised me by a sudden, yet logical
question whether I did not know how to make well-arranged, quick and rational
excerpts (theses, syllabi) from these piles of books. I think this is not only a
difficult case for our colleague, Mr Light, but that other colleagues having a
similar ‘handicap’ would also welcome effective help. I have not abandoned this
thought and buried myself in the available literature. I was greatly inspired by a
text by P. Gavory (1992) which offered an answer to the basic question: How
do we learn from an educational text?
Basic Theory Perspective
Literature around us offers many distinct genres to cover a reader’s appetite,
ranging from novels for girls (but what about us - boys?!) to horror stories or
mystery sci-fi works. In this range, the so-called educational texts are a
highly specific group of information sources which are endowed with some
specific characteristics, different from the common fiction. Basically, they are
distinguished by pre-set intentions whose aim is to help human development
and learning. They primarily include the following intentions:
They didactically depict the scientific knowledge through
curricula (the wise heads bequeathed some scientific knowledge that we must
be given in a 'modified' form, i.e. after a psycho-didactic transformation to put
it in professional words, in order to be understood);
They lead to exercises, repetitions, systematisation ...
(each educational text has its basic mission determining the prevailing didactic
procedures to be employed, which should be apparent after reading the first
few pages of the text, but ...);
They are a means to self-education and self-control (which
indicates an ideal situation where a keen reader, avid for knowledge, takes, on
his/her own will, without being threatened by corporal or other punishments
and in a sober state, a textbook in his/her hand and reads and hangs on every
word … We must admit that we usually achieve the state of 'self-education'
through development and intentional work ‘on one’s self’;
They affect attitudes, motives, interests (by coming into
contact with the author’s thoughts, we develop an attitude to the curriculum
and its presentation, which is true not only about educational texts). As a
result, we are interested in the given issue - problem - author, and we want to
read other similar texts, or we condemn the entire work and its author forever
and erase it from history.
How do we learn from an educational text (‘reception’)?
By text reception, we mean reception and internal analysis of information
(not only reading) within the meaning of its internal acquisition. We will better
understand the reception procedure if we split this definition into three basic
gradual steps that we make on each occasion when we encounter a textbook or
university textbook:
At first, we perceive the educational text; then we try to understand
it, and finally we strive to remember it.
To do ‘all of this’, we must spare no effort and also fulfil certain conditions:
There must be motivation (whether ‘supplied’ from the outside or from one’s
own sources); efforts to achieve the set goal; we should get stimulating
encouragement and necessary feedback about the ‘quality' of our reception,
and last, but not least, we should be learning under such conditions which are
pleasant and deep-rooted for us. (I know students who study in the morning
while others study only at night. Some need deathly silence while others listen
to their pop beloved with earphones on; some must ‘walk’ while others absorb
the text information in the position of a lying shooter, not to speak about the
supply of food and drinks … It must be noted that however individual these
stereotypes may be, they are necessary and deepen reception as a whole.
Now let us briefly comment on the individual reception stages indicated
Within this activity, we distinguish and perceive individual graphical text
elements (letters, words, gaps) while assigning meanings to them. The very
name will tell us that this involves both sensory reception of the text (eye
movements, fixations and saccades), and perception of the content (graphic
aspects) of the text. Fixation means a situation where we intentionally stop at
a certain element (a compound, a part of a sentence, etc.) which we believe to
be important; saccade means that we get back to certain information, as we
either did not understand it or again regard it as important.
If we perceive a certain text, its content is normally passed to operational
memory where we keep about seven words or text and graphic elements for a
short period of time. At the same time, we create conditions for long-term
remembering (e.g. by highlighting the text with a marker pen, underlining the
text or indicating the first interrelations). However, text perception need not
necessarily result in successful internalisation. We can sometimes face
difficulties due to an improper size of the text or its vague graphic form or due
to an inadequate style of the author who speaks with us and guides us
throughout the entire work. Nonetheless, this phase is decisive for
understanding the text in its detail and as a whole.
We have spoken about three stages of reception: perception – understanding –
remembering. However, we cannot say that someone studying educational
texts must necessarily undergo all of these stages. For some students (which is
true for both sexes), it is ‘enough’ to perceive a text and remember it without
actually understanding (comprehending) it. Logically enough, the quality of the
knowledge retained and later retrieved is directly proportional to this way. It is
similarly useless to note that we should always strive to understand what we
are reading and what we want to remember. (Some students have been given
fitting nicknames for their extraordinary ability to remember a great amount of
data without their internal understanding, such as a crammer, a swot, a digital
/apparently due to their image memory/, a fount, a genius, a disc, and the
The issue of understanding a text is nothing new in education or psychology. As
it has emerged again and again, we could see that comprehension
(understanding) is tied to the intellectual faculties of a reader and the related
skills. In expert words, it involves a sophisticated psycholinguistic activity
with three types of connections:
· The phenomena of objective reality are connected with the text
elements expressing these phenomena (the author gives names to the ‘things
around us’ by using text and graphic information).
· The individual text elements are interconnected (we seek the context
of individual information and ask about their relations and importance).
· The text elements are connected with the elements of the
recipient’s knowledge structure (which is apparently the most important
thing): We seek relations between what we already know and the ‘new’
knowledge while supplementing and enriching the current knowledge structure,
as well as re-arranging it and 'shaping' it according to our own notions).
Specific procedures resulting in the understanding of an educational
Procedures of text understanding:
Text analysis
We distinguish a mechanical way of text analysis guided by superficial efforts to
understand the text information and based on the repeated reading of the text
and the prevailing memory-burdening mechanical learning. On the contrary, the
non-mechanical way is accompanied by efforts to penetrate into the essence of
the text content, give names to its dominants and relations and generate a
new, one's own and individual form.
Arrangement of information
The arrangement of knowledge is one of the common activities of the recipient.
The meaning behind the arrangement of information is to understand individual
words and seek relations within sentences or sentence units, as well as
relations between sentences, chapters or thematic units.
Selection of information
If we study an educational text, we either intuitively or intentionally consider
the weight of individual information and its positioning within the system of the
cognised curriculum. To make a knowledge selection by its importance, we can
use the classification according to Brown (in Gavora, 1992) who gives the
following typology:
Thematic sentences (crucial, most essential and summarising information);
Trivial information (common and detailing knowledge);
Redundant information (redundant or insignificant).
Paradoxically enough, we usually remember information in the opposite
sequence (we often recall a colour or details of military uniforms of warriors
while we can have problems remembering who fought whom and we must
strain every nerve to answer the question ‘What was the cause of the war
conflict and what were the consequences for both sides?’.
Text condensation
Text condensation is the most sophisticated procedure of understanding an
educational text. Following perception, content analysis, arrangement and
selection of information, text condensation results in the verbal reduction of the
text, i.e. text condensation by the pupil/student, generally taking the form of
one-sentence generalisation or integration in two or several
In other words: We have read a part of an educational text; we have perceived
its text and graphic component; we have understood its content and in the end,
we have created our own summarising (condensed) text in which we have
expressed the very essence of the text using our own means of communication
(speech) in one or several sentences. The condensed text is assumed to
become our permanent 'asset' because its content 'has passed through us’ = it
has been internalised, and it has been expressed through our own lingual
means (we have become new authors of the summarising knowledge).
Generally, this is a process of imprinting information into memory and
intentional retrieval thereof. Though this definition may seem simple, the entire
issue is highly problematic and it is for other, much more erudite authors to
deal with it. This is why we will not get into detail about the issue of
remembering and will give only a few observations that are important from our
point of view.
It is well-known that short-term memory has a simpler structure than long-term
memory, but long-term memory is much more important in terms of its
meaning. It is because it involves an interaction of the previous and new
knowledge that is further analysed and changed into new and better-organised
learning units.
How to better remember an educational text (examples)?
If we put the information (knowledge) into a certain context, a specific
If we try to develop a logical and well-arranged knowledge structure;
If we highlight various text information by importance and contexts.
How can we endanger our ability to remember an educational text
If we strive to retain excessive amounts of information and overburden
our short-term memory;
If we make inappropriate individual selection of information;
If we structure information and information units in an inappropriate and
illogical way.
Summary: Consequences of the theory of reception for making
excerpts from textbooks
If we are to make a greater amount of excerpts from the rich literature we have
available, we must believe that we can do it and that 'reception' makes sense
(and not only for the single purpose of an upcoming exam). First of all, we
must make a primary selection of representative titles which are well-arranged
and close to our heart.
In each publication, we must at first get familiar with the content and structure
of the work. Then we must choose core chapters and issue themes that we
regard as necessary to embrace the problem area – the theme. We then read
each selected chapter and strive to be active in our reception of the curriculum
(subject matter) learned.
Afterwards, we can see how the author arranged individual information; we
highlight such information by importance (thematic sentences, trivial and
redundant information) and make an attempt to generate our own content
summary in a condensed text. In the end, we strive to find a relation between
the curriculum we have previously acquired and the new knowledge, even at
the cost of re-assessing all of its meaning.
It is time (it is the ‘highest’ time for some impatient readers) to verify and test
the previous brief theory of working with an educational text on practical
examples. Firstly, we will test the necessary skills on a classical text from a
textbook for secondary schools. The second example involves an attempt to
make a syllabus of a scientific article in a magazine that can later serve
as the base for an oral communication (for instance, we will present it during a
seminar of an educational discipline).
Example 1
Annex 1 contains a part of the following educational text: HLADÍK, J. Společenské vědy v
kostce (Social Sciences in a Nutshell). Pro střední školy. Havlíčkův Brod: Fragment, 1996,
p. 80 - 82, ISBN 80-7200-044-6. Specifically, there is a chapter ‘Leading Figures in the
Modern Czech Philosophical Thinking’ (‘Významné osobnosti českého novodobého
filozofického myšlení’). We will use this text to test the application of the basic and detailed
reception procedures in accordance with the structure below:
a) characterise the mission of this publication and the nature of the
communicated curriculum as a whole;
b) specify the basic didactic functions which the selected text is set to
perform (approximation of new information, exercising, repetition,
systematisation, etc.);
c) indicate the means of self-education and self-control which may
arise as a result of the study of the selected text passage;
d) provide your relation to the communicated content (attitudes
aroused, motives for further study of a similar theme, interest or lack of interest
in its representatives, etc.).
e) give your opinion on the curriculum contained in the selected part
of the chapter – after the first text perception
(as a whole)
f) analyse the curriculum in the selected part of the chapter (what
scientific knowledge is rendered in the didactic form?);
g) give examples of passages and their mutual relations (specific most
essential information and knowledge);
h) specify the criteria used by the author to arrange information one
piece after another in the specific curriculum;
i) Examples of selection of information:
give specific examples of thematic sentences from any part of the text,
j) Examples of selection of information: Give specific examples of trivial
information from any part of the text;
k) Examples of selection of information: Give specific examples of
redundant information from any part of the text;
l) indicate the means of self-education and self-control which may
arise as a result of the study of the selected text passage;
m) make a summary of the given passage in the form of text
condensation by integrating it into one sentence and condensing it into more
n) And finally, indicate the procedures that can result in the long-term
remembering of the text and its permanent fixation.
a) Publication’s characteristics and nature of the communicated
The educational text that is subject to our assessment is an example of a
publication bringing the essential knowledge from a range of disciplines into
brief chapters. They specifically include the fundamentals of psychology,
sociology, ethics, and philosophy, including an outline of the development of
philosophical thinking and reasoning about some fundamental issues of this
science; the author adds knowledge from economics, theories about law and
the state, and the final passages are devoted to the fundamentals of informal
logic. The purpose of the text is apparently to summarise and systematise the
basic knowledge in the form of a curriculum and to give the reader a deeper
insight into and an overview of the disciplines mentioned above.
This publication could be useful for secondary school students (and not only for
them) who need to acquire the basic knowledge about particular sciences but
do not want to be very much concerned with details. The lack of mutual
connections and relations between particular chapters is a certain drawback of
this publication as a whole. This fact poses a risk of isolation of the knowledge
b) Basic didactic function of an educational text
Taking a linguistic and didactic view, the textbook subject to assessment is
based on the approximation of new information, in particular in the form of
short, apt or even schematic sentences that normally contain the crucial terms
and the terminology applied in the given science. In addition to raising the
profile of new knowledge, the publication aims at systemising and sorting the
curriculum. On the other hand, the text subject to assessment does not provide
any space for exercises or intentional repetition.
c) Means of self-education and self-control
The study of this educational text provides more or less indirect means and
inspiration for further education and self-control. As an example, we can use
the final overview of terms that we do not have to know in the full extent, but a
reference to the respective page will show us the way to a specific passage
where this term is explained.
The frequently quoted works by the characterised authorities (books, essays)
can be an inspiration for additional studies, offering not only the primary
information to be acquired, but also a source for becoming familiar with the
reasoning and the literary style of the persons described in the text subject to
d) Relationship to the communicated content
As a whole, the publication subject to analysis seems to be nice, both in terms of its
content and its well-arranged graphical layout. Its power
is in the good arrangement of the text, coloured highlighting of essential
information, as well as in the black-and-white drawings of the personalities who
are described in each chapter.
A further study of similar topics (as we have already said) can be fuelled by the
interest to read and become familiar with the original works of these authors.
However, the order of individual chapters gives rather a negative impression.
We believe that there should be a different ‘order’ (e.g. the knowledge about
ethics should be provided closer to the knowledge from sociology and
e) Nature of the curriculum contained in the selected chapter - after
the first text perception
It is a brief or even schematic search for the answer to the following question:
Which modern Czech philosophers have had an impact on our recent
development of philosophical thinking and what is their relation to the European
developments? The text is written in two columns, with the names of individual
representatives and their works being highlighted in a well-arranged manner.
The text covers two and half pages printed in an adequate font (Times) and
font size. The text contains one drawing (B. Bolzano); the other authors are not
f) Analysis of the curriculum contained in the selected part of the
The individual representatives of philosophical thinking (B. Bolzano, A.
Smetana, T. G. Masaryk, E. Rádl and J. Patočka, etc.) are partly characterised
by their biographies, partly by their philosophical orientation, publications and
also by their relation to certain philosophical concepts and their representatives.
The focus was primarily set on the issues of objective scientific cognition, the
origin and functioning of the world and the human society, the position of the
‘Czech issue’ in the national history and in the international context, the relation
between the religion and the society, the crisis factors of humanity, the
humanitarian issue, and the relations within philosophy of history and their
varied interpretations. Formally, the text depicts the period from the beginning
of the 18th century to the modern times.
g) Examples of passages and their mutual relations
Emanuel Rádl is characterised as a philosopher having an opinion that
philosophy should not be a mere systematic theoretical science, but a space
where provoking human questions are asked and where the so-called
transpersonal truth is sought in an empirical way. His work and thoughts were
subsequently followed by the Czech philosopher Jan Patočka …
The idea behind Patočka’s philosophy of the natural world of humans and
nature drew on Husserl’s and Hegel’s phenomenology … In his work, he
explained Bolzano’s place in the history of philosophy and the philosophical
importance of this authority for the next generations …
h) Please name the criteria which the author used to arrange the
in the specific curriculum
The temporal (chronological) aspect was the main criterion used by the author
to arrange the knowledge units. In the particular units, he continued over the
biographical line of individual representatives and the final parts were devoted
to wider importance of the given personality or his relation to another
i) Examples of selection of information: Specific examples of thematic
Bolzano strove for exact and objective cognition which will become a source of
mastering the nature and subsequently of societal transformation ...
Masaryk’s activities were a combination of the historicising view of the Czech
society and a strong social and political engagement at his time …
j) Examples of selection of information: Specific examples of trivial
Bolzano was not Czech, but his life and work were marked by the
Czech environment …
Smetana said that the human spirit is developing simultaneously with
the development of nature, but has its own genesis and history …
Patočka had to leave university twice: For the first time in 1949 and
then in 1972 …
k) Examples of selection of information: Specific examples of redundant
In December 1819, Bolzano was reprimanded by the emperor …
Smetana left the church in 1850 ...
Patočka made Husserl hold a lecture in Prague …
l) Means of self-education and self-control
Indirectly – interest in the work and publication activities of the characterised
Directly – clarification and further elaboration of concepts and terms.
m) Summary of the given passage through text condensation:
Through integration into one sentence:
The content of this section of the educational text provides a characteristic of
major modern Czech philosophers from the viewpoint of their life fates,
philosophical thoughts, works, and also their relation to the local development
of philosophical thinking and European developments.
Through condensation into sentences:
The content of this part of the educational text provides a characteristic of five
major modern Czech philosophers living from the 18th to the 20th century. The
author describes their life fates, philosophical approaches, published works, as
well as their relation to the local development of philosophical thinking and in
the European context.
B. Bolzano was, among other things, famous for his efforts to make
philosophical considerations scientific using logical and mathematical
procedures. A. Smetana developed from an orthodox believer to an atheist,
which was reflected in his conception of the natural development (of the world,
of the nature, of humans, of the spirit) towards the goals of humanitarian
human ideals.
T. G. Masaryk and his philosophical and socially engaged activities was
indisputably the greatest personality characterised in the text. He was in
particular famous for his efforts to demythologise the ‘Czech issue’ and rid it of
half-truths and develop an objective view of the human’s position in the current
society on the basis of undisputable moral qualities and humanity.
Masaryk had an influence on many, including Emanuel Rádl. In the interwar
period, Rádl was mostly concerned with the history of philosophy, the relation
between science and theology and the search for transpersonal truth. His work
was continued by the current philosopher Jan Patočka. As a result of his strong
moral principles and opinions, he had a moved fate. His ideas were inspired by
phenomenology (Hegel and Husserl); he often took a historicising view on the
development of philosophy here and abroad. He was engaged in various
activities as a citizen and became one of the leading representatives of the
Charter 77.
n) Procedures resulting in long-term remembering of the text
application of a good selection of information based on multiple perception and
visual fixation of important information in the text – by the author of the
highlighted passage;
visual fixation of important information in the text – own underlining or
seeking connections between what we already know about T. G. Masaryk or
Jan Patočka.
Example 2 (Less Strenuous and Less Extensive)
Annex 2 contains an article from a specialised educational periodical: POLÁK, M.
Pracovní podmínky učitelů a syndrom vyhoření (Working Conditions of Teachers
and Burnout Syndrome). Pedagogická orientace 2004, No. 1, pp. 60-73. We will
use this text to repeat (in an abbreviated version to please you) the
development of some detailed reception procedures as we have in detail done
in the first example.
Analysis of knowledge in selected journal communication
In his text, the author contemplates the strenuousness of the teaching
profession and the risk factors which could weaken one’s health in the role of a
teacher – educator. This communication is empirical and theoretical. Its content
is primarily centred on the ‘burnout syndrome’ that is one of the most
dangerous manifestations of the weakening of a teacher’s mental powers. The
research part draws on the course and results of a questionnaire-based survey
which the author repeatedly applied on a part of the teaching population.
The received text is supplemented with four tables illustrating the described
topic. At the end, it contains a list of some reference sources relating to the
described issue. Formally, the study of knowledge is available even to a less
privy reader.
Criteria which the author used to arrange the information
When outlining the issue of the ‘burnout effect’, the author applied a logical
order. At first, he considered the working conditions in the school system in
general and stated major reserves which can result in the burnout syndrome.
In the empirical part, the author provides information about his many years’
research among Czech teachers aimed at monitoring the trends in the mental
and physical exhaustion of respondents over a longer period of time. M. Polák
presents his results both verbally and in tables. Based on the disturbing results,
made an attempt in the last part to name the circumstances which, if changed,
could reduce the mental and physical burden of teachers.
Examples of the most important specific information (thematic sentences in
the text):
➦ The working conditions of teachers and educators are among the particular
issues which the competent bodies have virtually absolutely neglected so far ...
➦ An analysis of educational programmes and Czech language lessons at
primary schools have shown serious deficiencies that were negatively reflected
in the teachers’ work and that are among the reasons for the burnout syndrome
Summary of the communication – text condensation
Through integration into one sentence:
The article contemplates the mental and physical burden of teachers nowadays,
which is supplemented by the not very encouraging results of many years of
research and by indication of a solution.
Through condensation into sentences:
This specialised article contains a contemplation about the strenuousness of the
teaching profession and the risk factors which could weaken one’s health in the
role of a teacher – educator. This communication is empirical and theoretical.
The content is primarily centred on the 'burnout syndrome', which is one of the
most dangerous manifestations of weakened mental powers of a teacher who
for many years performs his/her profession in the conditions that are largely
neglected by the state administration or school authorities.
As for the knowledge provided, the second part of the communication contains
the richest material, describing the methods applied in and the results of an
empirical investigation (in the period 1998-2002) focusing on the identification
of the burnout effect on a sample of almost 220 active teachers (in the
Moravian-Silesian Region and in the Olomouc Region) teaching the Czech
language at primary schools. The attached tables clearly show that the burnout
phenomenon exists and is a permanent phenomenon in the personality of
teachers active over a longer period of time and is reflected in their everyday
educational work. Some of the many causes include the absence of recognition
and appreciation and wrong appreciation by supervisors.
The question ‘And what shall we do about it?’ is answered with proposals for
general improvement of working conditions, accelerated introduction of
motivating procedures at schools (career growth) and reduction of the workload
by, for instance, introducing teacher assistants.
Practical Application – Assignments, Activities, Skills
Now the textbook will change into a workbook where you will try to write down
the results of certain reception activities as mentioned in the next text. Allow
me to note that it should best be a journal article whose syllabus (abstract,
conspectus) can be handy for an oral communication later on (for instance, you
can present it during an educational discipline seminar).
Choose a specialised article from an available educational periodical (at your
own discretion) and apply the following reception procedures:
Magazine (Year):
, No. , pp. - , ISBN
Analysis of knowledge in selected journal communication
Criteria which the author used to arrange the information
Examples of the most important specific information (thematic sentences in the text):
Summary of the communication – text condensation through
integration into one sentence:
Through condensation into more sentences:
Terms to Remember (Key Words)
Educational text analysis, long-term memory, fixation, educational text
parameters, text condensation, short-term memory, psycholinguistic view,
reception, redundant information, saccade, selection of information, syllabus,
thematic sentence, trivial information, perception
Issues for Thought
o We have introduced two important terms for reception: fixation and saccade.
Please use your own words to explain their meaning and think whether there is
any relation between them.
Please describe your own way of working with an educational text if you
are to make a syllabus (abstract) from specialised scientific literature.
Please consider: why is it natural to remember rather redundant
information than the essential and important information? Do the mental
characteristics of certain people play any role?
o Prof. J. Mistrík says in one of his books about rhetoric that for a normal
reader, it is sufficient to read the first chapter to ‘know’ straight what kind of a
demanding text he/she faces. Do you share this view? If not, say why.
If we are to make a greater amount of excerpts from the rich literature we have
available, we must believe that we can do it and that 'reception' makes sense
(and not only for the single purpose of an upcoming exam). First of all, we
must make a primary selection of representative titles which are well-arranged
and close to our heart. In each publication, we must at first get familiar with
the content and structure of the work.
Then we must choose core chapters and issue themes that we regard as
necessary to embrace the problem area – the theme. We then read each
selected chapter and strive to be active in our reception of the curriculum
learned. Then we see how the author
arranged individual information; we highlight such information by importance
(thematic sentences, trivial and redundant information) and make an attempt to
generate our own content summary in a condensed text.
In the end, we strive to find a relation between the curriculum we have
previously acquired and the new knowledge, even at the cost of re-assessing all
of its meaning.
‘Crib’ (Good Advice Is Better Than Gold)
If we find ourselves in an awkward situation where we need to 'pore over
heaps of books', let us basically do three things: Do not hand in the credit book
to the study department right away, avoid panic, and believe that you can do it.
You can achieve this goal by making a rational selection of the ‘must-see’
publications. Each book has useful sections which are handy to make the first
acquaintance with the text. For instance, we will always appreciate a brief
outline on the jacket flap or on the last cover page. A structured content is also
useful. We should also pay greater attention to the opening chapter (or better
to say, to the foreword), as well as to the final glances of the author at the
work that is about to end.
These sections usually provide characteristics of what the text about, and look
back upon the entire author’s efforts. And finally, an index of terms should
go with each educational text without saying. It is a manifestation of the
mature tactic to learn the key words which, if being captured at the right time
and in the right place, have a much stronger effect than laborious copying of
long abstracts of which we (often in vain) hope that we will ‘learn’ them once
they are ‘thrown on the paper’.
Only then we should put the really representative publications to the reception
‘torture’, just like we have described above both in terms of theory and practice
Note: Annex 3 contains a form where you can write down other
reception attempts.
BLOCH, A. (1993), GAVORA, P. (1992), HLADÍK, J. (1996), HOLUB, M. (1987),
MAREŠ, J., KŘIVOHLAVÝ, J. (1995), POLÁK, M. (2004.), PRŮCHA, J. ed. (2009),
PRŮCHA, J., WALTEROVÁ, E., MAREŠ, J. (1997) další reedice, SPOUSTA, V et
all. (2000), SVATOŠ, T. (2009a), ŠEĎOVÁ, K., ŠVAŘÍČEK, R., ŠALAMOUNOVÁ,
Z. (2012), ŠVEC, V., FILOVÁ, H. ŠIMONIK, O. (1996).
Note: Full bibliographic quotations are provided in the list of literature.
Lieberman’s law: Everybody lies, but it does not matter since nobody listens.
Murphy’s laws
All people are actors, but where to find a repertoire for them?
M. Holub
The purpose of Chapter 2 is to provide structured information about interpersonal
communication, focusing primarily on verbal expression. This issue is both theoretical
and practical and in many ways affects university students (most frequently in active
communication during seminars). With regard to the skills acquired, the student will
be able to, after studying this chapter,
 master the theoretical background of the issue of social (pedagogical)
 identify and explain the circumstances affecting interpersonal
 understand the procedures necessary for the preparation to
communicate scientific content;
 apply these procedures in concrete examples from his/her expertise (teaching
Intensity of Acquisition
Middle intensity - to understand the educational theory and to verify it in skill-based
The situation where a university student (and a starting student in particular) is to
appear before his/her colleagues and present a communication (or a paper if you
want) about a certain topic is one of the difficult situations in the student’s life. I can
say from my own experience that speakers not always assume the communication role
so as everybody (including the speaker) is satisfied with the course and results of their
communication. Although we have already gone through the period of preferred
materialism, the act of communication remains a situation where a positive attitude to
the matter (materiae) comes in handy and for some speakers, it is even a necessary
precondition to perform the communication task. What I am referring to is the
situation where the speaker sticks to the paper (both virtually and literally), reading the
text even with punctuation and hoping that this ‘captured’ matter will give him/her the
necessary support and confidence. Allow me to add that the prepared writing serving
as a basis for an oral communication cannot be usually used 'after being used',
because the letters melting together from sweat on a strongly crumpled paper doom it
to the role of a thing that will become part of sorted waste.
What to do to be successful in communication, to make oral
communication different from its written version, to find such support which will award
the proud modifier ‘professional’ to our communication? This is again a fly over the
available literature the list of which is given at the end of this chapter. We have already
been concerned with the issue of social and pedagogical communication for some time,
which is why we have chosen our textbook (with all modesty) re-edited over the past
decade as the primary source for this contemplation (Svatoš, 1995 … 2005, 2009).
Basic Theory Perspective
There have been and are hosts of publications about transpersonal
communication whether produced by local authors or translated work from abroad. It
is understandable, as the very close topic of ‘communication’ has been related to the
man’s individual existence and life in each society. We have selected three groups of
works that are different from one another and are at the same time designed for three
different groups of addressees.
The first group covers scholarly works by recognised authorities (e.g. by
Janoušek, Průcha, Mistrík) providing in-depth descriptions and relations within
communication or rhetoric. As a rule, they have a strong scholarly profile, which is
disappointing for those readers expecting practical instructions on ‘how to
communicate’. The second group includes the texts which, on the other hand, advice
on (even in their title) ‘how to learn’ the skill to speak, to communicate. These are socalled practical publications which usually abandon the necessary communication
theory and clearly prefer skills, i.e. the practicing aspect (often fairly schematically).
The two groups intersect in the theoretical and application works providing both
the available theory and a space for examples in practice (authors: Gavora, Mareš,
Křivohlavý, and others) whose ‘form’ we find the most convenient for us.
The topic of ‘social communication’ had to go through a fairly difficult and
ambiguous way to the school system or to the pre-service training of prospective
teachers. Here is a brief overview:
1.1.1 HISTORICAL SOURCES and today’s approach to communication at
The phenomenon of ‘communication’ has been strongly reflected in teacher
training at Czech (or Czechoslovak) faculties of education for almost 40 years. If we
are to speak about its current form, we must not forget to mention individual
developmental transformations resulting from the circumstances arising over time. And
what are these most important influences?
The first wave of interest (in the 1960s and 1970s) was provoked by a variety
of communication theories emphasising the social, psycholinguistic, cybernetic,
information and communication, mathematically logical, education or psychological
aspects. They were necessary for the later solution of theoretical and methodological
issues of creating communication dispositions during the pre-service teacher training.
They were followed by detailed micro-analytical procedures enabling to penetrate into
the bowels of the procedural aspect of instructional interaction and communication – at
the expense of great laboriousness and research efforts.
Figure 1: Influences Forming Current Socially Communication Training (Svatoš, 2000)
Communication theory (1970s)
Micro-analytical research methods to describe teaching
Application of new streams of teacher training (1970s)
Research probes about pedagogical communication (1980s)
Tradition of drama education (educational drama)
Technical support in teacher training
Efforts for new educational paradigms
Curricular transformations in teacher training
Humanistic re-definition of the student-teacher’s role
Socially psychological training in teacher training
New practicing methods (self-reflection and authentic
Crucial inspiration was brought by E. Vyskočilová in her work in the 1970s.
She analysed new streams in practical teacher training and designed a system for
creating communication skills (supported by social and educational psychology) in the
system of theoretical and practical training. This development brought a major
enrichment of the theme: Researches focused on communication between a man and
a machine; other works described communication between a learner and a text; others
were centred on dyadic (pair) communication between a parent and a child, and nonverbal communication attracted a lot of attention, as well. The communication training
gained the position of an independent discipline at many faculties of this time as
part of the practical teacher training. It must be noted that technical means (mainly
audio- and video recordings) have from the very beginning been used for practical
communication training, and not only in drama education applied for many years.
The importance of a teacher’s (a student-teacher’s) communication readiness
has grown significantly with the new philosophy of the teaching profession (after
1989). The immediate goals include training aimed at authentic communication at
school and the related social and educational environment. For a student teacher to be
able to cultivate a learner’s personality, he/she needs to cognise one’s self, one’s
capabilities and potentials. Only then the student-teacher is given an opportunity to
influence, develop and ‘hit’ others.
The methods of practical teacher training (including procedures of
communication practice) have undergone massive development since the 1990s, too.
Dominating is the idea of approximation to the school practice (introduction of microteaching performance activities, assistant roles at schools, attempts of team or dyadic
teaching; adoption of reflexive and self-reflexive methods).
Socially psychological training entered teacher training as the fairly
youngest variable. The essential mission is to guide student-teachers from 'knowing' to
'being', experiencing, understanding one's self and others. This is the base for today's
concept of socially communication training in teacher education. Its very purpose has
been to create conditions for social and communication development of student
personality from the beginning of teacher professionalization through the development
from external factors to autonomous conduct and self-development.
1.2 How is pedagogical communication perceived today?
As part of the paradigm of education of prospective teachers (a holistic
philosophical and programme approach to pre-service education and its
generally human values can be found in the works by Spilková, KantorkováLukášová and others);
 As part of teacher competences (see Helus, Maňák, Spilková, Slavík, Švec,
Vašutová, etc.);
 As part of research activities and evaluations (Gavora, Mareš, Průcha, Svatoš,
 As part of deepened specialisation (Kotková, Lukášová, Nelešovská, etc.);
 As part of a broad approach to communication and socially personality
education (Řezáč, Spilková, Svatoš, Šmahel, Valenta, Vyskočilová, and many
Let us get back to the topic of ‘good communication' and make it theoretically
clear what circumstances (factors, means) have a direct or mediated impact on
interpersonal communication. We must say that it is not about a sonorous voice or
good preparation.
There are many circumstances affecting effective communication between
people. The general public will usually understand them from the following statement:
what do I say and how do I say it. That is using verbal means to express ideas (by
formulating language means in a certain style) and to pronounce them in a voice
having its acoustic aspect. It is almost reprehensible to put it so simple and say that
the lexical component of communication has a close relation to reason.
The longer we encounter other people (We have intentionally avoided saying
‘the older we are’), the more we are interested in non-verbal circumstances
accompanying verbal communication. They are significant not only for their support
provided to the overall efforts to communicate better and understand each other.
Interpersonal non-verbal communication is rich in forms, intensity of manifestations
and communicated contents … All in all, it includes means which often truly speak
volumes about the internal states of the communicator and his/her relation to other
people (listeners-communicants). It is also excusable if we put it so simple when
saying that non-verbal circumstances are much more tied to our emotions and
Verbal and non-verbal communication is one of the direct circumstances
determining the final quality of communication. But other circumstances having an
indirect, yet apparent effect on the level of communication are equally
important. It is because each communication act is performed in a certain environment
and is intended for specific addressees. The directness of a communication often
retroactively determines the vocabulary used, the composition of the language means
or parameters of the sound aspect of speech.
Communication is an integral part of the speaker’s personality and the
impression he/she makes on addressees. (Listeners see the way in which the speaker’s
personality characteristics were reflected in communication, the speaker’s individual
approach to the communication and last, but not least the physical appearance and
overall integrity.)
Figure 2: Expression of Personal Expression – Communication Circumstances (Svatoš,
aspect of
with items,
Cumulatively, this is an imaginary equation saying that the overall level of
communication is given by the sum of the speaker’s verbal and non-verbal qualities
that are intensified (or negatively affected) by indirect circumstances.
The lines below will outline a picture of a perfectly communicating personality.
It will be just a metaphorical outline, and this for two reasons. First: Although the
author has principally a positive attitude to artistic activities, he has very limited
specific artistic skills being at the level of inhabitants of a Cro-Magnon cave (he draws
even a pear with a help of a triangle …).
The other reason is the existence of the idea that the figurative description uses
the terms of the theory of social and pedagogical communication, which will expand
both the topic and the readers’ vocabulary. So let us draw...
Verbal Characteristics of Perfect Communicator (PC)
For us, the listeners, a perfect communicator is a very nice speaker caring for
comprehensibility of communication through ansianism (selection of words) so that
we understand it (he/she knows our usual vocabulary) and on the other hand, he/she
seeks to expand it and enrich it. We also appreciate that he/she is aware (and also
speaks accordingly) of differences between speaking and writing and respects both
The speaker is likeable for ‘knowing to whom he/she speaks’ and for modifying
the variability of communication. He/she is good to listen to: his/her expression is
cohesive (‘we can make head or tail of it’), has its rhythm (it is naturally dynamic and
accentuates essential information), and where there is a risk of a lack of
understanding, examples and practical use are provided. The expression directed
towards us is clearly intentional (goal-directed, recognisable and clear for us, the
His/her words flow seamlessly, in an easy manner, as if everything was born on
the spot and without any preparation. It is quite on the contrary, which is evidenced
through situational readiness for the current changes during his/her speech. Last,
but not least, we like his/her approach to the topic which is based on a dialogue
(although it is a classic monologue lecture, 'what he/she says' makes us think and
argue about the given content).
We see the perfect communicator as a professional also mastering the sound
aspect of speaking. We can hear him/her working with breathing, avoiding any
burden on his/her speech organs beyond a bearable level through the verbal
production (tempo, intensity and pitch of the voice, its melody and breaks). But the
overall expression is agogic (dynamic in all respects) and consistently based on correct
orthoepy (pronunciation) of both words and sentences and sentence units. Everyone
(regardless of sex) likes his/her voice timbre (tone colour) which is a ‘supporting
wave’ of information heading towards us. We can be only ingenuously envious,
because the voice colour is primarily affected by the anatomic arrangement of speech
organs, i.e. predetermined genetically.
Non-verbal Characteristics of Perfect Communicator (PC)
We cannot say much about this perfect communicator’s gesticulation: Only
that the gestures are functional and always have some relation to what we hear. It
was even when this speaker entered the auditorium, we could see his/her mimic
indicating a good mood. His/her relation to the communicated content and to us, the
listeners was ‘legible’ throughout the entire communication. (We know that one’s
mimic expressions exteriorise lived experience and internal states. As opposed to
interiorisation of external influences.)
The fact that he/she is a perfect professional is apparent from the eye contact
that he/she maintains with us. He/she is reasonable both in terms of the direction,
duration, orientation towards addressees of communication and supports the
impression of overall communication confidence.
The feeling for social standards and established rules of communication are
seen in haptic communication. He/she uses it to a very limited extent; it was in fact
just shaking the hand with the organiser and a couple of handshakes with the listeners
who came to thank him/her in person after the lecture.
Other manifestations of the speaker’s non-verbal behaviour also document the
interesting and empathic ‘body language’. The perfect communicator moved naturally
in front of the listeners; his/her motor activities often brought him/her near to us
(proxemic circumstances of communication), but never went beyond the
expected limits. His/her bodily posture (posturology) was clear and legible: He/she
appeared before us in an open and friendly position, which was apparent from the
overall position of his/her extremities, body and head.
There is one more non-verbal circumstance that must be mentioned with
praise. Let me note that the importance of this expression for listeners and the overall
impression of communication is either underestimated or underrated by many
communicators. The lecture was accompanied by many picture presentations and
demonstrations mediated by technical means whose operation (handling and the
necessary skills) were perfectly mastered by the perfect communicator.
Indirect Communication Circumstances and Perfect Communicator
We noticed that the perfect communicator behaved in the communication
environment with confidence and with knowledge of its physical properties
(dimensions, segmentation, distribution of addressees, lights, surrounding noise,
acoustic properties, etc.). When he/she occasionally ‘travelled' to us, the listeners, we
could take a closer look at his/her dress. It is needless to say that the dress generally
matched the communication opportunity and satisfied all requirements (with neatness,
matching, cleanness and completeness). It perhaps was – or was not – important that
he/she also delicately kept our other senses busy – with delicate smell of a perfume
being a standard and expected circumstance which we attach to the overall impression
of someone communicating with the public.
It was apparent throughout the entire communication that he/she seeks to
have a good relationship with us, the addressees of the communication, which
was completed by his/her positive (openly friendly) behaviour (with frequent smiles
and constructive expressions of likings).
After his/her communication, we were all convinced that he/she is a real
personality showing high professionalism of approach (cumulatively, the proportion
of correctness, perfectness, the level of communication skills and competences
based on a balance of verbal and non-verbal means and respect to the environment,
the listeners and the overall situation). This was also proved by other opportunities
where we saw and heard this perfect communicator. It is only good that ‘only’ topics
changed in his/her other lectures and everything else remained at the expected level.
We have been provided with certain theoretical knowledge about
communication and its importance in the teaching profession or in the training of
prospective teachers. We have said that communication skills must be, among other
things, practiced and honed, because the mere theoretical knowledge is not enough.
This is what ‘social and pedagogical communication’ or ‘effective communication at
school’ has in mind. It is offered by all teaching study programmes and we have
addressed it (both theoretically and in practice) in a re-published textbook (Svatoš,
2005, 2009).
Considering the needs of the general didactics study, the nature of the seminar
communication activities is a bit different. This is why we have prepared two
communication activities which can be used in didactics and which maintain elements
of practice, but using scientific content.
The first topic provided information about the reception procedures related to a
scientific educational text, which resulted in the production of syllabi (abstracts, thesis,
content condensations). Let us use these acquired skills in a follow-up and in a way
similar activity.
This time, our task will be to search, study and comment on a current journal
text and communicate it to other students within a short communication. To avoid
ambiguity, let us name this communication assignment as a communication of
educational news.
1.2.2 BASIC COMMUNICATION activities:
a) search any current educational text (an article, a commentary, essay, piece of
news) describing a specific and current polemic issue in our school system;
b) study the text so as to understand its content and intentions behind its origin;
c) analyse the content of the written communication and sort out the main and
trivial information (for details, see Chapter 1)
d) write it down in a way serving as your support during your later speech in front
of your study group colleagues;
the aim of the communication will be to give brief and apt
information about its author, the periodical where the news was
published, and primarily its content;
the communication will also include your personal opinion on
the topic described, best with the reasons and the necessary arguments;
e) prepare and practice your oral communication in a way suiting you best so
as to avoid the mere reading of information and maintain the nature of an oral
f) communicate the educational news to the addressees and, depending on
the circumstances, discuss the chosen topic and its polemic view with your
g) evaluate your communication performance within self-reflection, setting
the positive aspects of communication and indicating other possible alternatives.
a) searching the current educational text:
VŠ by měly být hodnoceny i podle absolventů bez práce /Universities Should
Also be Evaluated According to Graduates without a Job/ 05.12.2005
University rectors resolved in Zlín that the quality of schools should also be measured
according to the number of graduates who remain unemployed. The respective records
should be kept by the Ministry of Education, Petr Sáha, the vice chair of the Czech
Rector Conference and rector of Zlín University, has told journalists.
(Published in Učitelské noviny on 5 December 2005,, author
not mentioned)
b) We studied the text and understood its content and intentions;
c – d) Analysis of content of the written communication:
main information:
Universities should also be measured according to graduates without work
(published on the website of the Učitelské noviny magazine on 5 December
2005, author not mentioned);
It deals with the general and specific evaluation of activities and the overall
quality of universities in the Czech Republic;
The employment rate of university graduates in normal practice should be
an important criterion;
This proposal was put forth by university rectors at their meeting;
The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic (not
schools) should be responsible for keeping the records of the number of
jobless graduates and employed graduates.
trivial information:
The meeting was held in Zlín;
The information was provided by Petr Sáha, the vice chair of the Czech
Rector Conference and rector of Zlín University.
own opinion:
The evaluation of university activities is a must; but a question begs to be asked
whether finding employment on the labour market is a valid criterion;
It will differ in various fields: It will be more unequivocal in medicine, in the
fields of engineering or electrical engineering or in justice;
It will not be that clear in the socially focused fields. In my opinion, a graduated
Czech language teacher working in a regional periodical is a successful graduate even
if he does not work as a teacher.
conclusion: One can agree with the recordkeeping of graduates in practice, but
it should rather be an auxiliary perspective.
e) and f) Let us assume that we have prepared the communication and
communicated the educational news through an oral expression to the
addressees. We have two questions for any potential discussion:
What is your opinion on the evaluation of university activities ‘through’ the eyes
of finding employment in practice after graduation?
What other criteria would you choose for evaluation and why?
g) Similarly, let us assume that we have made self-reflection of the
communication and sought other communication alternatives.
Practical Application – Assignments, Activities, Skills
We can believe that the previous application using the example described above
was sufficiently exemplary and instructive. This is why you legitimately expect that the
purpose of your assignment for another micro-teaching performance will be to test the
preparation, implementation and evaluation of your educational news using your own
example. You can use the journal article syllabus you have made according to the
procedures described in Chapter 1.
Using the example from pp. 22-23, please choose a current educational text
and prepare, implement and evaluate a communication of educational news in the
seminar environment using all the aforementioned procedures. To make it easier for
you, you can use this draft:
a) Searched current educational text:
b) Text has been studied (its intentions and content are clear)
c – d) Analysis of content of the written communication:
main information:
trivial information:
own opinion:
e) - f) Questions prepared for potential discussion:
g) Self-reflection notes – pros, polemic spots, what to do better next (alternatives)
1.3 Example 2
Observe a communication of any of your colleagues during the General
Didactics seminar. Evaluate his/her educational and communication skills using the
sheet below. Please add the level from 1 (lowest) to 5 (best) next to each parameter.
Table 1: Observation Sheet KoD v. 1.5 (Svatoš, 1996)
2.8 standard level of
3.6 handling with items
1.1 formal (banal, snapping,
2.9 frequent occurrence of
simple sentences
1.2 adequate (to the topic,
addressees, environment,
2.10 frequent occurrence of
more complicated
4.1 apparent friendly
1.3 snapper (original, apt,
witty, etc.)
2.11 work with breathing
4.2 efforts for empathetic
behaviour (expression)
2.12 speech impediments
4.3 readiness for microteaching performance
2.13 rhetoric questions
4.4 adequate dress and
accessories to the
purpose of the microteaching performance
2.1 seamlessness and
confidence of expression
2.2 speech flow intensity
4.5 examples and views from
2.3 overall pronunciation of
the text
3.1 bearing and posture
4.6 clear intention of
2.4 voice melody
3.2 movement within defined
4.7 performance of objectives
– intentions of the microteaching performance
2.5 agogy (overall speech
3.3 sight support of
4.8 clear and fluent start of
the micro-teaching
2.6 accent and breaks in
3.4 mimic expressions and
4.9 clear and functional end
of the micro-teaching
2.7 vocabulary (considering
the topic and addressees)
3.5 haptic communication
4.10 apt self-evaluation after
the micro-teaching
Terms to Remember (Key Words)
Agogy, accent, ansianism, dialogue, empathy, exteriorisation, gesticulation, haptic,
voice timber, intentionality, voice flow intensity, interiorisation, voice intonation
variables, cohesiveness of communication, handling with items, motor activity, nonverbal circumstances, orthoepy, posturology, proxemics, situational readiness, tempo
of verbal production, variability, verbal circumstances, eye contact.
Issues for Thought
The text contains many scholarly terms and definitions. Think about the
meaning of and relations within this trio: joint activity – interaction –
interpersonal communication (ideally using an example).
Describe the communication characteristics which you use to create an image
of the person you encounter for the first time.
Professor Křivohlavý once wrote the ‘immortal’ sentence that ‘noncommunication is impossible among people’. How do you understand this and
would you find appropriate examples of situations supporting this idea?
1.4 Consequences of Communication Theories for our Communication
The first consequence may be the paradoxical finding that however much one
knows and internally analyses theory, it is no guarantee for our skills and abilities to
communicate (impact on, share with, etc.) with the environment.
The second consequence is the persuasion that human communication qualities can
change, especially through intentional and well-situated training. It is appreciable in all
socially-centred professions, let alone the teaching profession. We should expect two
things from communication practice: greater self-cognition (cognition of our current
and future communication possibilities and limitations) and we should be searching an
answer to the following questions in the follow-up stage of training: ‘How to
communicate with others; how to create the necessary relations when we have learned
who they are and what they are like?’“
This is why the third consequence should be the awareness that it is rational to
focus on positive changes in our communication profile in its particularities that can be
influenced (‘moved’) in the necessary direction. A simple example for all: I can do
nothing about my 170 cm in height (ossification of my bones successfully passed 40
years ago). But what I can influence is the dress and its quality that I will use when
appearing in front of the addressees of my communication, as well as the
preparedness and distinction of my communication …
‘Crib’ (Good Advice Is Better Than Gold)
Communication (and not only communication of current pedagogical affairs) in front of
peers in a seminar group is a frequently used communication and didactic activity in
university instruction. As anything in personal and professional life, it is about ‘the first
time’. How to manage it so that the memories and experiences from the premiere and
later re-runs remain good, nice, not stressful? Believe us or not, but the ten ‘NOs’ will
be useful:
Do not underestimate the situation: It is a cheap argument that you will 'read
something loud out there', uselessly pointing to our too liberal reasoning. In a better
case, the participants will cherish the right, yet not very flattering opinion on the
speaker. In a worse case, the assignment is not regarded as performed; there is a
higher pedagogical punishment followed by closely observed repetition.
Do not overestimate the situation: Communication is transpersonal and we have
done it for years and with success. Still, it requires some preparation unlike the
normal social situations. The ‘non-mathematical types’ shall also apply the following
proportion: The rate of success directly depends on the rate of preparation.
Do not regard detailed preparation (‘practicing’) as manifestation of your inability.
Do not try to ‘look into papers’ very much; try to persuade listeners that you can
differentiate spoken and written communication and that you have the written
preparation for quotations only and to make a check of content.
Do not try to present the entire text by heart. It can easily happen that our mind goes
blank and the lacking word will disturb our seamless communication and following
Do not regard all participants as hunters waiting for your fault if you make a slip of
the tongue.
Do not collapse if you sometimes say a ‘new word’; make a correction – no one is
Do not avoid eye contact with your listeners; their apparent ‘sympathy’ can be
Do not be afraid to say your own opinion – it is no offence even if you disagree with
And finally, do not frown. A light smile is a permitted aphrodisiac softening the mind
of all those present.
ALLEN,D., RYAN, K. (1969), BLOCH, A. (1993), HOLUB, M. (1987), MAŇÁK, J., ŠVEC,
V. (2004), MAREŠ, J., KŘIVOHLAVÝ, J. (1995), PRŮCHA, J. ed. (2009), PRŮCHA, J.,
WALTEROVÁ, E., MAREŠ, J. (1997) další reedice, ŘEZÁČ, J. (1998), SVATOŠ, T.
(2012), ŠMAHEL, I., ŘEZÁČ,
J. (1996), ŠVEC, V. (1999), VALENTA, J. (2000), VYSKOČILOVÁ,
E. (2002).
Note: Full bibliographic quotations are provided in the list of literature.
Physical appearance,
dress, external integrity
Láska je práce, při které city pracují přes čas a rozum má náhradní volno!
Láska hory přenáší, ale s blbostí ani nehne.
J. Žáček
Jak se zachovat tehdy, máme-li vyjádřit osobní názor nebo postoj k myšlenkách
jiných lidí? Jak mohou obohatit naše uvažování ti, kteří „fyzicky“ už nejsou mezi námi,
ale jejich duchovní odkaz v nás a naší společnosti stále žije a ukazuje sílu ducha nejen
pro dnešní dobu? V otázkách jsme naznačili cíle, které spojujeme v pořadí se třetím
tématem skript. Se záměrem, který neskrýváme jsme kapitolu spojili s osobností J. A.
Komenského. Pohledem osvojovaných dovedností student po prostudovaní bude
 Seznámit se s nevšední osobností J. A. Komenského a jeho životními
 Snažit se proniknout do jeho myšlenek ve formě citátů,
 Osvojit si dostupný postup analýzy citátů, myšlenek, výroků…
 Aplikovat je na příkladech duševního odkazu Jana Amose Komenského
z různých období jeho tvořivého života.
Náročnost na osvojení
Pro porozumění pedagogické teorii i pro ověření v dovednostní praxi nízká.
S citáty, bonmoty a moudrými výroky můžeme pracovat rozmanitými způsoby. V mé
roli učitele budoucích učitelů se osvědčila následující procedura. Pravidelně zařazuji do
seminárních forem výuky citáty a myšlenky některých filozofů výchovy, kteří se
významně podíleli na proměnách pedagogického myšlení a nám – jejich potomkům
zanechali nehmotné dědictví, ke kterému můžeme (ale také nemusíme) nalézt ten
správný klíč. V české kotlině by nemělo nikoho překvapit, že často takto „sahám“
k odkazu J.A. Komenského. Přiznávám bez palečnic a španělské boty (a dalších
donucovacích prostředků), že můj vztah k této nevšední a mimořádné osobnosti se
vyvíjel: od naprosté ignorace a nepochopení, přes občasné přiznání, že na jeho
myšlenkách „něco je“, až po dnešní hluboký obdiv a uznání za inspirace a nadčasové
úvahy. Změnu postoje způsobila jedna podstatná zkušenost: přestal jsem totiž „číst o
Komenském“ a naopak jsem se začal seznamovat s původními díly Komenského - bez
vlivu jeho přemnožených vykladačů.
Obdobnou proměnu postoje zažívám pokaždé, když studentům učitelství oznamuji, že
dnes budeme pracovat s myšlenkami J.A.K. Nejprve sleduji na tvářích přítomných
výmluvně hovořící mimiku o tom, že jsem (diplomaticky řečeno) tentokrát sáhnul vedle.
Jakmile však každý student dostane „svůj“ citát k zamyšlení, pokusí se o jeho dnešní
interpretaci a uvažuje o jeho nadčasovosti, počne se dít věc nevídaná. Jakoby přes
kopírák se mnozí diví, jak mohl někdo před více než čtyřmi stoletími vidět tak prozíravě
do budoucnosti, jakoby s námi žil a prožíval radosti i strasti doby, jíž žijeme. Je dobře,
když porozumění dnešním pohledům na výchovu a polemiky o vzdělávání člověka
spojujeme s pohledy a názory těch, kteří v minulosti (nedávné i vzdálené) jaksi
nerespektovali tehdejší letopočet a viděli i uvažovali dál. Mnohdy však nám bohužel
nezanechali návody, jak pracovat s jejich myšlenkami a citáty.
Téma pohledem základní teorie
Osobnost J. A. Komenského je v naší literatuře přibližována často
prapodivným způsobem. Jeden výklad jeho významu se obvykle orientuje na
faktografický výčet dat jeho častých zahraničních poutí a dominantních událostí (kdo
z nás neslyšel o tragédii, která postihla jeho dílo při jednom z lešenských pobytů).
Druzí autoři vidí jako prioritu „nakupení“ (někdy s charakteristikou) podstatných děl,
která tento velmi plodný učenec napsal. Najdou se i tací, kteří jeho odkaz shrnou do
transparentu „velký filozof výchovy a pedagogický optimista“, aniž by blíže objasnili,
v čem tkví důvody tohoto označení. V dalších stránkách se pokusíme propojit obě
hlavní linie, tj. životopisnou a tvůrčí, protože jen tak se můžeme co nejvěrněji
přiblížit k této postavě, jejíž spisovatelské počiny vždy odrážely místo a situaci, ve které
se Komenský nacházel.
Jan Amos Komenský, někdy zvaný polatinštělým jménem Comenius, se
narodil 28. března 1592 v Nivnici na Uherskobrodsku. On i jeho rodina vyrůstali
v prostředí Jednoty bratrské. Jeho otec i matka pocházeli z Komni. V roce 1604
Komenský osiřel a ujala se ho teta ze Strážnice na jižní Moravě. A právě tam zažil první
hrůzy války, když vojsko protihabsburského povstalce z Uher I. Boczkaie vtrhlo na
Moravu a vypálilo celou Strážnici. Až v šestnácti letech byl poslán na bratrskou střední
školu do Přerova, a to díky přerovskému pánovi Karlu st. ze Žerotína. Když Jan
absolvoval tříleté studium, byl plně připraven na vysokoškolská studia (1611-1614)
v Herbornu a Heidelbergu.
V Herbornu rozšířil obzor zájmu Komenského profesor J. H. Alsted svými
encyklopedickými soubory z různých oborů vzdělanosti a filozofických proudů. Po
vzoru Alsteda začal skládat encyklopedii pro obohacení národní vzdělanosti, sbíral
látku k velkému latinsko-českému slovníku, dále se snažil sepsat dějiny rodu svého
mecenáše Karla st. ze Žerotína. V Heidelbergu ho ovlivnil profesor David Pareus svými
snahami o mír mezi evangelickými církvemi. V Německu se také seznámil s
chialistickým hnutím. Tato víra v blízký konec světa, před nímž nastane tisíciletá vláda
Kristovy spravedlivé říše, Komenského ovlivnila až v pokročilejším věku. Ve svých dílech
odmítal pasivní očekávání konce světa a naopak preferoval aktivní formu chialistického
hnutí. Podle Komenského je příchod Kristova tisíciletí podmíněn lidskou prací a
nápravou všeho, co bylo špatné.
Po studiu v cizině a po první cestě do Nizozemí působil v Přerově jako učitel, a
to na stejné bratrské škole, kde dříve studoval. Zde vydal svou první učebnici Pravidla
snazší mluvnice (1616). V témže roce byl ordinován na bratrského kazatele. Svou
duchovní činnost zahájil krátkým výchovným spiskem Listové do nebe (1617).
Námětem Listů jsou stížnosti chudých a bohatých ke Kristu.
V roce 1618 byl ustanoven kazatelem ve Fulneku na severovýchodní Moravě.
Sám Komenský považuje toto krátké období za nejšťastnější dobu svého života. Po
sňatku s Magdalenou Vizovickou zde založil rodinu. Fulnek byla jazykově smíšená obec,
proto Komenský kázal v češtině i němčině. Nepůsobil jen jako kazatel, jeho
hospodářské rady plně využíval snad každý obyvatel Fulneku. Z pramenů , které se
týkají severovýchodní Moravy, se dozvídáme, že Komenský byl propagátorem
včelařství. I když tyto všechny činnosti zabíraly Komenskému téměř všechen čas,
nepřestával psát další díla. Právě ve Fulneku začal pracovat na české encyklopedii
Divadlo veškenstva věcí (Theatrum universitatis rerum). Dílo je uvedeno dvěma
předmluvami - v češtině a pro vzdělance v latině. V té latinské uvedl, že není nic, co by
se nedalo vyjádřit v češtině, která je bohatá a půvabná a měli by ji co nejvíce používat
i učenci. První předmluva se týká oslavy a výkladu moudrosti. Dále propracovával
výbor z Písma. Zde ve Fulneku ho také zastihl začátek třicetileté války. Komenský
bedlivě sledoval politickou situaci a neskrýval své sympatie k českým stavům a
králi Friedrichovi Falckému, jehož rodu zůstal celý život věrný.
Doba pronásledování a skrývání ve vlasti 1621-1628
Bělohorské vítězství Habsburků znamenalo, že se Komenský stal ve vlasti
psancem. V roce 1623 byl vydán zákaz působení pro všechny nekatolické kazatele a o
rok později vyšel dekret zakazující všechna nekatolická vyznání. Nekatolíci nesměli být
přijímáni za měšťany, nesměli provozovat řemesla, být oddáváni a pohřbíváni
s obřadem atd. Od roku 1624 začala systematická rekatolizace vymáhaná silou.
Komenský nejprve odstěhoval rodinu z Fulneku do Přerova, sám se však musel
skrývat. V souvislosti s rekatolizací neminula Komenského konfiskace majetku a v roce
1623 byla na fulneckém náměstí veřejně spálena jeho knihovna. O rok dříve ho však
postihla největší ztráta. Manželka a druhorozený syn podlehli pravděpodobně morové
epidemii. Po této tragické události se Komenský ještě více upnul k víře, ve které se
snažil nalézt tu vytouženou životní jistotu. V těchto chvílích vznikla tato díla:
Nedobytelný hrad jméno Hospodinovo, O sirobě, Labyrint světa a ráj srdce,
Truchlivý. Toto dílo nepsal na Moravě, kde se již necítil bezpečný, ale na Brandýsku
ve východních Čechách. Tamní panství patřilo Karlu st. ze Žerotína.
Ve chvílích deprese přepracovával Komenský své dílo Theatrum universitatis
rerum v Amphitheatrum universitatis rerum. Dílo je mnohem pesimističtěji laděno
a dochovalo se z něj pouze torzo. Kolem roku 1625 dokončuje mapu Moravy a v roce
1626 ji vydává v Amsterodamu. V roce 1624 se Komenský podruhé oženil, a to
s dcerou svého přítele a ochránce Dorotou Cyrilovou. Spolu se museli odstěhovat ze
žerotínského panství do Bílé Třemešné u Dvora Králové. Tam na panství Jiřího
Sadovského ze Sloupna pracoval Komenský na díle Didaktika. Ta nebyla jen
souborem rad, ale také stavěla reformu vzdělávání a výchovy na filozofii člověka a jeho
života. Rozvinul zde také principy přirozeného, nenásilného, radostného a důkladného
vzdělávání a výchovy všech dětí a mládeže českého národa od útlého dětství do
Po vydání Obnoveného zřízení zemského v roce 1627 nebyl v českých zemích
život nekatolíků možný. Komenský spolu s Cyrilovými a Sadovskými odešel se ženou a
dcerou přes Žacléřský průsmyk do polského Lešna, kde našel až do roku 1656 nový
První pobyt Komenského v Lešně (1628-1641)
Komenský přišel do Polska za vlády Vladislava IV. Jeho vláda se vyznačovala
náboženskou tolerancí a rekatolizace byla pouze otázkou několika měšťanů. Komenský
byl v Lešně mnohostranně zaměstnán. Působil jako učitel na lešenském gymnáziu, psal
vychovatelské a filozofické spisy, pracoval jako písař Jednoty bratrské. Pro Jednotu psal
kázání a spisy na její obranu. Také vydal Řád Jednoty, příručku Praxis pictatis,
napsal Otázky některé o Jednotě bratří českých. Jeho nejvýznamnějším dílem
tohoto údobí jsou spisy pansoficko-vychovatelské. Dokončoval česky psanou
Didaktiku, kterou začal psát ještě ve vlasti.
Vojenskopolitická situace v letech 1631-1632, kdy obsadilo švédsko-saské
vojsko velkou část Čech, dávala naději na návrat do vlasti. A proto začal Komenský
plánovat první velký vychovatelský projekt, který nazval Paradisus ecclesiae (Ráj
církve, někdy Ráj český). Měl sloužit k restituci národní české vzdělanosti, a to
reformou národních škol. V této době dokončil příručku Informatorium školy
mateřské. Byla zaměřena k cílům, obsahu a metodám výchovy nejmenších dětí od
narození do šesti let, aby byly dobře připraveny pro školu i pro život. Z učebnic pro
národní školu se zachovaly jen poetické názvy: Violarum (fialkový záhon), Rosarium
(záhon růží), Viridarium (zeleniště) atd. Když naděje na návrat do vlasti zklamala
(Albrecht z Valdštejna vyhnal protihabsburská vojska), neopustil Komenský myšlenku
na vychovatelský projekt. Navíc v Polsku byl žádán, aby své školní návrhy použil i pro
latinské školy. Začal tedy svou didaktiku překládat do latiny. Překlad a veškeré úpravy
dokončil v roce 1638, a tak vznikla Didactica magna, vydaná až v roce 1657.
Práce Komenského v Anglii 1641-1642
Osobní kontakt s Komenským, o který přátelé v Anglii usilovali, se uskutečnil na
podnět Samuela Hartliba v době, kdy byla už vydána řeč J. Gaudena, doporučující
parlamentu práci Komenského a skotského ekumenisty Johna Duryho. Z diskusí o
reformách škol a o reformách společnosti vzniklo dílo Via lucis (Cesta světla). Dějiny
lidstva zde pojal jako cestu postupného šíření vzdělanosti, jímž se podle Komenského
zlepšují i životní podmínky obyvatel.
Práce Komenského pro reformu švédských škol 1642-1648
Ve Švédsku byl financován holandským kupcem Louisem de Geer, zakladatelem
švédského železářského průmyslu. O reformě vzdělanosti s ním dlouho rozmlouval i
švédský kancléř Oxenstjerna, který mu k práci vybral Elbing (Elblag). Tehdy bylo toto
pobaltské město ještě pod švédskou správou. S pomocníky začal upravovat učebnice a
vykládal filozofii na tamním gymnáziu. Komenský přišel z Anglie s velkými plány stvořit
obrovské pansofické dílo, které by spočívalo v celospolečenské nápravě.
V roce 1643 vydal spis Pansophiae diatyposis. Zároveň pracoval na projektu
celospolečenské nápravy, který nazval Obecná porada o nápravě věcí lidských (De
rerum humanarum emendatione consultatio catholica). V Elbingu také dokončil první
díl Excitatorium universale. Po splnění závazků ke Švédům odjel s rodinou zpět do
Lešna, a to v srpnu 1648. Těžce nemocná manželka po návratu zemřela.
Druhý pobyt Komenského v Lešně 1648-1650
Konec Třicetileté války definitivně zmařil možnost návratu exulantů do Čech.
V této době vydává třetí díl Truchlivého nazvaný Řvaní hrdličky v rozsedlinách
skalních a skrýši příkré dlouho zůstávající. Již jako senior, tedy biskup jednoty
bratrské, vydal roku 1650 Kšaft umírající matky Jednoty bratrské. Šestero odkazů
Jednoty národu vybízí k hledání Boží pravdy, k lásce ke Kralické bibli, ke svornosti a
snášenlivosti, k řádu a kázni, k péči o rodný jazyk a k pečlivé výchově mládeže.
V Lešně byl Komenský opět přetížen pracemi. Vydával spisy, psal nové, staral se o
jednotu, pro niž za pobytu v Elbingu vymohl materiální pomoc od pana de Geer. Dále
kázal a pečoval o kazatelský dorost jednoty, dozíral na gymnázium a nepochybně
pokračoval v práci na Obecné poradě. V roce 1649 se potřetí oženil a za manželku
pojal Janu Gajusovou. Zanedlouho dostal pozvání do Uher, aby zde pomohl reformovat
Činnost Komenského v Uhrách 1650-1654
Komenský šel do Uher dvakrát. Nejprve aby si vyjednal práci v Blatném Potoku
na tamním gymnáziu, pak aby si vyjednal v Potoku delší pobyt. Při obou cestách
navštívil bratrské sbory na Slovensku ve Skalici, Púchově aj. V Potoku měl plnou
podporu kněžny i knížete Zikmunda Rákocziho. Komenský zde vypracoval plán
sedmitřídní pansofické školy. Pro nedostatečnou úroveń žáků došlo však k uskutečnění
jen trojtřídní školy. Stále se však potýkal s nedostatkem aktivity, s leností a lhostejností
žáků. K odstranění těchto překážek směřoval spis Fortius revidivus (Vzkříšený Fortius
čili jak vyhnat ze škol lenost) a Praecepta morum (Pravidla chování). Ilustrovaná
učebnice Lucidarium vznikla ještě v Uhrách a vydána byla v roce 1653. Při prvním
vydání se tato kniha jmenovala Orbis pictus. Podobnou funkci zpříjemnit vzdělávání
měla také Schola ludus.
Na zpáteční cestě z Potoku se zastavil Komenský opět na mnoha místech na
Slovensku, zejména v proslulých školách v Prešově a Levoči, kde ho s úctou vítali.
Třetí a poslední pobyt Komenského v Lešně 1654-1656
V Lešně zaměstnávaly Komenského opět církevní povinnosti a práce na Obecné
poradě. Zde vytvořil dílo Panegyricus Carolo Gustavo, a to při příležitosti nástupu
Karla Gustava na švédský trůn. Lešno už však nebylo ono známé tolerantní město
v tolerantním státě. Komenský zde přišel o dům, veškerý majetek, nejvíce však želel
ztráty knihovny a rukopisů. Celou tuto katastrofu Komenský vylíčil ve spise Lesnae
Excidium (Ztráta Lešna).
Poslední útočiště Komenského v Nizozemí 1656-1670
Do Holandska přišel na pozvání pana Laurentia de Geer. Městská rada mu
v Amsterdamu nabídla čestnou profesuru a finanční podporu, aby mohl vydávat své
knihy. K vydání připravil starší spisy pro školy jako např. Diogenes cynicus. Mnoho
práce věnoval jednotě bratrské, např. Manuálník, Kancionál. Dále vydává čtvrtý díl
Truchlivého - Smutný hlas zaplašeného hněvem Božím pastýře
k rozplašenému hynoucímu stádu. Komenský psal i spisy politické. Příkladem je i
Angelus pacis (Posel míru). Toto dílo nabádá ke smíru Anglii a Nizozemí. V posledních
čtrnácti letech Komenského života vznikly dva velké projekty, v nichž Komenský
vyjádřil ideál dílny lidskosti v nápravě škol i ve společenské všenápravě. První byl
soubor vychovatelských prací Opera didactica omnia. Druhý zůstal v rukopise jako
velkolepé torzo. Toto dílo Komenský nazval De rerum humanarum emendatione
consultatio catholica (Obecná porada o nápravě věcí lidských). Z posledních let
Komenského se nám dochovalo několik rukopisů, jako např. Triertium catholicum
(Trojumění obecné), Unum necessarium (Jednoho je potřebí).
15. listopadu 1670 J. A. Komenský zemřel v Amsterodamu, pohřben je
v Naardenu.
I/ Obecně o člověku a výchově
I/1: Kdyby nás kdy Bůh uznal za hodny slitování, především se musí pomoci mládeži
co nejrychlejším zřízením škol, které je nutno opatřiti dobrými učebnicemi a světlou
učební methodou...
I/2: Vláda věcí tvých tobě se zase navrátí, ó lide český...
I/3: (J.A.K. o Labyrintu světa ráji srdce): ...jest světlé vymalování, kterak v tom světě
a věcech jako nic není matení a motání, kolotání a lopotování, mámení a šalby, bída a
tesknost a naposledy omrzení všeho a zoufání, ale kdož doma v srdci svém sedě s
jediným pánem Bohem se uzavírá, ten sám k plnému a pravému mysli uspokojení a
radosti že přichází...
I/4: Didaktika - jest umění umělého vyučování, kterak by totiž člověk dřív než na těle
vzrost a stav svůj zlepšil, všemu tomu, což ku potřebě a ozdobám přítomného a
budoucího života přináleží, šťastně, snadně, plně vyučen, a tak potěšeně k životu
obojímu nastrojen býti mohl...
I/5: (J.A.K. o Informatoriu školy mateřské): pořádná a zřetelná zpráva, kterak
rodičové pobožní i sami skrze chůvy, pěstouny a jiné pomocníky své nejdražší svůj
klenot, dítky své milé v prvním jejich a počátečním věku rozumně a počestně k slávě
Bohu, sobě ku potěšení, dítkám pak svým ku spasení vésti a cvičiti mají...
I/6: mnoho se ptát, podržet to v paměti a učit tomu je tajemství celého vzdělání.
Vzájemným srovnáváním vespolek se zhodnotí...
I/7: …starostí učitelů bude, aby dobrým příkladem vedli žáky účinně ke všemu
dobrému. Vedení, které záleží jen v slovech a předpisech, nemá sílu, může přinést jen
hubený prospěch. Naši učitelé tedy nesmějí být podobni sloupům u cest, které pouze
ukazují, kam se má jít, ale samy nejdou…
I/8: ..od snadného k obtížnějšímu, od známého k neznámému, od jednoduchého k
složitému, od blízkého k vzdálenému, od konkrétního k abstraktnímu...
II/ O slovu, jazykovém vyjadřování a verbálním sdělování:
II/1: ..tedy slovům ať se vyučuje a učí jen ve spojení s věcmi, tak jako se prodává,
kupuje a přenáší víno s nádobou, meč s pochvou, dřevo s kůrou, ovoce se slupkou.
Neboť co jiného než slova než obaly a pochvy věcí ?
II/2: ..tedy kterémukoliv jazyku se budou žáci učit, i mateřskému, buďtež jim
ukazovány věci, které mají býti slovy, a naopak zase, aby dovedli vyjádřit slovy, cokoliv
vidí a slyší, čeho se dotknou a cokoliv ochutnají, aby jazyk a rozum vždycky pokračoval
a zdokonaloval se souběžně...
II/3: ..ať tedy platí jako pravidlo: kolik kdo rozumí, tolik ať zvyká vyjadřovat , a
naopak, co pronáší tomu ať se učí rozumět. My vzděláváme lidi a chceme je vzdělat
úsporně, to se stane, když bude řeč s věcmi a věci s řečí půjdou spolu stejným
II/4: ..toliko bude potřebí umění udržovat pozornost celku i jednotlivců, aby byli
přesvědčení, že ústa jsou oním pramenem, z něhož k nim plynou potůčky vědění, a
kdykoliv zpozorují, že se tento pramen otvírá, ať zvykají hned nastavovat nádobu
pozornosti, aby nic neodteklo mimo...
II/5: ..tedy přední péčí učitelovou tu bude nic nemluvit, než když žáci poslouchají, a
ničemu neučit, než kdy jsou pozorní, neboť platí-li připomenutí Senecovo, platí zde:
"Nikomu se nemá něco říkat, než tomu, kdo chce slyšet"...
II/6: ..bude-li mysl na začátku každé práce buď získaná doporučením látky, jež má
být probrána, nebo bude-li podnícena dáváním otázek, buď o tom, co již bylo
předneseno, aby se tak předešlo souvisle k přítomnému učivu, nebo o tom, co se má
předkládat, aby žák poznal po té stránce svou nevědomost a tím se dal podnítit k
dychtivějšímu přijímání výkladu o té věci...
II/7: ..jestliže někdy uprostřed práce přeruší řeč (rozuměj učitel) a řekne: Ty nebo ty,
co jsem nyní řekl? Opakuj tuto větu! Ty, pověz jak jsme na to přišli? ..a podobně podle
stavu každé třídy. Bude-li někdo postižen při nepozornosti, budiž hned pokárán nebo
potrestán, tak se zbystří bedlivá pozornost...
II/8: ..Hlas mluvčího má být klidný a měkký, nikoli hlučný, aby jím uši odlehly, nebo
rovný šepotu, jenž sotva dojde k uchu. Musíš-li se v řeči dotknout něčeho neslušného,
požádej předem o odpuštění, nebo věc opiš, aby se to, co je neslušné, dostávalo k
uchu a k mysli slušně zabaleno...
II/9: ..skákat do řeči tomu, kdo mluví, dřív než dokončil řeč, je velmi
neslušné...všechno má být podáváno krátce a jadrně, aby se rozum odmykal jakoby
klíčem a věci se otvíraly před ním samy...
II/10: ..vzdělávat řádně mládež neznamená cpát do jejich hlav směsici slov, frází,
výroků a myšlenek, sebranou ze spisovatelů, nýbrž otvírat jim porozumění pro věci,
aby z něho jako ze živého pramene prýštily potůčky a jako by z pupenců stromů
vyrůstalo listí, květy a ovoce, druhého pak roku aby zase z každičkého pupence
vyrůstala nová větvička se svým listím, květem a ovocem..
III/ O pohybu, o tváři, držení těla
III/1: ..život je oheň a oheň pak nemá-li volného vzduchu a plápolání, hasne. Tak i
dětem je třeba, aby každodenní hýbání svá měla...
III/2: ..hrát se má tak, aby hra prospívala stejně tělesnému zdraví jako duševní
svěžesti. Proto nepřipouštíme hry, které unavují tělo přílišnou prudkostí nebo oslabují
ducha i tělo. Sem patří hry, které hrají žáci v sedě a které napínají mysl buď nadějí na
výsledek, nebo strachem z něho, např. hry, kde rozhoduje náhoda... hry našich žáků
musejí záležet v pohybu, procházce, běhu, mírném skoku atd..
III/3: ..hrát se má tak, aby naše hry byly převážně předehrou vážných věcí. Mohou
tedy žáci vycházet z města, prohlížet si stromy, rostliny, pole, vinice, i práci. Také se
jim může ukázat, jak se staví a jsou-li na stavbě řemeslníci, mohou se žáci podívat, jak
III/4: ..bude-li se náležitě dbát všeho, co bylo uvedeno, dosáhneme toho, že hra
nebude hrou, nýbrž vážnou věcí, to znamená buď upevněním zdraví, nebo duševním
odpočinkem, nebo předehrou jednání v životě nebo tím vším...
III/5: ..postav se zpříma, smekni, tvář neměj smutnou nebo zamračenou, ani drzou
nebo těkavou, nýbrž buď skromný a přívětivý, čelo buď hladké nesvraštělé, oči nechť
nejsou roztěkány, nehledí úkosem, nekruť jimi... neupínej je bůhví kam, naopak nechť
jsou oči vážné, vždy slušně obráceny k tomu, s nímž mluvíš...
III/6: ..ústa neměj otevřena, roztažena, vyšpulena nebo silně zavřena, nýbrž zavřena
tak, aby se rty navzájem lehce dotýkaly, do rtů se nekousej a tím méně vyplazuj nebo
ukazuj jazyk...
III/7: ..ramena měj ve stejné výši, nevysunuj jedno nahoru a druhé dolů..ruce se
nesmějí pohybovat, to znamená: ani se jimi neškrábej na hlavě, ni v uších, ani
nedloubej v nose, nenatáčej si jimi vlasy, ani nedělej podobné nevhodné věci...
IV/ O dorozumění mezi učitelem a žáky:
IV/1: ..pedagog se musí snažit, aby jeho práce plně odpovídala jeho jménu, to jest
musí žáka nebo žáky ustavičně vést, pracovat s nimi a pomáhat jim, aby stále a dobře
prospívali...ať každý miluje svého učitele upřímně jako druhého otce, ať ho ctí a ve
všem na slovo poslouchá...
IV/2: ..pozornosti bude dosaženo, jestliže učitel, stoje na vyšším místě, bude se dívat
na všechny strany a nebude trpět nikomu, aby dělal něco jiného, než navzájem upínal
oči na něj. Pozornost můžeme podporovat tím, že předvedeme všecko tolika smyslům,
kolika je možno...
IV/3: ..celkem tedy mladý, který touží vniknout v taje věd, musí dosáhnout čtvero,
a/ aby měl čisté okno duševní,
b/ aby byly k němu přibližovány předměty,
c/ aby vládla pozornost,
d/ aby se mu podávalo k zření jedno po druhém a náležitou metodou, pochopí všechno
jistě a čile...
IV/4:, čemu se mají žáci ve škole naučit, budiž názorně předváděno, aby se na to
žáci mohli podívat a pak to nelze vyjádřit ani slovem, ani obrazem,
má být přece jen vyjádřeno napodobováním, v tom budiž učitel sám živým vzorem...
někdy lze místo věcí, když jich není, užíti náhrady, totiž modelu nebo obrazů,
pořízených za účely školskými...
IV/5: ...knihy ať jsou velmi přesné, avšak psány přístupně. Mají býti sepsány formou
dialogickou. Není nic důvěrnějšího, nic přirozenějšího nad rozmluvou. Rozmluvy
vzbuzují, oživují a podporují pozornost. Forma dialogu upevňuje vědění...
IV/6: ..nic není marnějšího, než vědět a učit se mnoho, totiž co přinese užitku, a
moudrý je ne ten, kdo ví mnoho věcí, nýbrž ten, kdo ví užitečné věci, proto bude
možno ušetřit práci škol, když se ušetří leccos i z věcí...
IV/7: ..při zkoušení nechť všichni dávají pozor, aby mohl odpovědět každý, komu
bude dána otázka. Všichni ať si zvykají číst, psát a mluvit přesně, rozčlánkovaně, ať se
vyhýbají všem nejasnostem.
IV/8: ..když dáš otázku jednomu a ten vázne, hned přeskoč na druhého, třetího.. a
žádej odpověď, ale otázku neopakuj...Také se může státi, neví-li něco jeden nebo
druhý, že se dá otázka celé třídě. Buď pochválen přede všemi ten, co odpověděl
V předchozích stránkách jsme se seznámili s osobností J.A. Komenského, který
s obrovským celoživotním nasazením plnil poslání duchovního, pedagoga, reformátora
výchovy a systému vzdělávání, spisovatele, politika a vlastence a v neposlední řadě
také manžela a otce rodiny. V jeho objemné bibliografii jsme nalezli mnoho citátů,
výroků a myšlenek, se kterými můžeme aktivně pracovat a hledat dnešní souvislosti.
1.5 Příklad
1.5.1 Zadání:
Na dalších stránkách jsou autentické ukázky Komenského přístupu k výchově,
vzdělání, člověku v roli učitele i žáka a také ke komunikaci mezi lidmi. Naším úkolem je
vybrat jeden citát, porozumět jeho obsahu, „převyprávět“ – interpretovat jeho obsah
dnešními jazykovými prostředky, porovnat s osobním pohledem, pokusit se aplikovat
na příkladu z osobní zkušenosti a nakonec zdůvodnit, proč je či není dnešní – současný
– nadčasový.
1.5.2 postup:
IV/5: ...knihy ať jsou velmi přesné, avšak psány přístupně. Mají býti sepsány formou
dialogickou. Není nic důvěrnějšího, nic přirozenějšího nad rozmluvu. Rozmluvy
vzbuzují, oživují a podporují pozornost. Forma dialogu upevňuje vědění...
Jeho interpretace – jak rozumím jeho obsahu:
Komenský obrátil pozornost k učebnicím, pro které máme dnešní název
„pedagogické texty“ (viz téma č.1). Už ve své době vznášel požadavek na jejich autory,
aby mysleli méně na sebe a více na ty, kteří z učebnic získávají nové poznatky.
Neznamená to, že by pedagogické texty měly být málo odborné („přesné“), odbornost
by však měla být zprostředkována takovým způsobem, kterému budou čtenáři
Za nejpodstatnější Komenský považoval způsob (formu, styl), jakým psané
slovo promlouvá ke čtenáři. Jeho základním znakem má být dialogičnost ve smyslu
„rozmluvy“ mezi autorem, přibližovanými poznatky a studentem. Takováto interakce
podporuje příjímání nových znalostí, urychluje zvnitřnění a upevňuje jejich místo
v našem poznatkovém systému.
Moje stanovisko (a příklad):
Mnohokrát se mi stalo, že jsem hodnotili „výkon“ učitele slovy: „Určitě je to
odborník ve svém oboru, ale naučit neumí“. Nebo naopak jsem ocenil vyváženost
pedagogicko-didaktické složky s hloubkou vědních znalostí. Obdobné hodnocení platí i
pro pedagogické texty, ze kterých čerpáme nové poznatky. Na jejich pojetí a celkový
přístup také klademe požadavek, aby byly nám uživatelům přístupné při zachování
odbornosti i náročnosti.
Ona přístupnost by měla vyplývat nejen z volby jazykových prostředků (jak
konkrétně k nám autor promlouvá), didaktické transformace poznatků (jakými
metodami a postupy převádí vědecké poznatky do podoby srozumitelného učiva), ale
také použitým stylem. Líbí se mi především ty publikace, kde nepřicházím k „balíku“
hotových poznatků, naopak jsem lehce zmaten nejednotností pohledů na popisované
téma. Nezbývá mi (v nejlepším slova smyslu) než hledat pravdu v polemice (či dialogu)
se všemi směry autorova uvažování a mým osobním názorem. O prospěšnosti tohoto
způsobu by mohly nejlépe hovořit zbývající mozkové závity, které vlastním.
Naopak se občas setkávám s knihami, jejichž sdělovaný obsah – přes veškerou
snahu autora i čtenáře zůstává nesrozumitelný a těžko pochopitelný. Jako příklad mám
na mysli (cituji): „referenční uživatelskou příručku…“ k jednomu výkonnému a
oblíbenému grafickému editoru. Softwarový manuál je sice plný barevných ilustrací,
příkladů a vzorových postupů, nicméně pro běžného uživatele je styl a vedení čtenáře
mnohastránkovým textem trnitou cestou, která příliš nerozšiřuje jeho poznání. Možná
je nepodstatné, možná má význam, že autory jsou inženýři, jejichž jména jsem dosud
nezaznamenal v pedagogických souvislostech.
Je jeho obsah současný – dnešní – nadčasový?
O pojetí a obsahu mnohých učebnic můžeme směle polemizovat a diskutovat,
ne tak o citátu J.A.K, který jsem si z mnoha vybral. Pro všechny dnešní i budoucí tvůrce
pedagogických textů bezpečně platí to, co nám zanechal na necelých třech řádcích…
Praktická aplikace – úkoly, činnosti, dovednosti
Váš úkol je stejný, jak byl uveden na předchozím příkladu. Záměrem je vybrat
jeden citát, porozumět jeho obsahu, vysvětlit ho dnešními jazykovými prostředky,
vyjádřit osobní názor s příklady a zdůvodnit, proč je či není dnešní – současný nadčasový. (Pozn. na další straně můžete pokračovat v této zajímavé činnosti)
Jeho interpretace – jak rozumím jeho obsahu:
Moje stanovisko (a příklad):
Je jeho obsah současný – dnešní – nadčasový?
Pojmy k zapamatování (klíčová slova)
bonmot, citát, didaktika, encyklopedie, exil, faktografie, chialistický, interpretace,
narativní, pansofie, reforma, rekatolizace, rekonstrukce, sympatie, tolerance.
Otázky k přemýšlení
Vyberte z uváděných citátů J. A. Komenského ty, u kterých jste přesvědčeni, že
jsou poplatny době svého vzniku, a tedy nemají větší duchovní význam pro
dnešní společnost, resp. pedagogiku. Stačí vybrat 1 – 2 a zdůvodnit vaše
Vyberte z uváděných citátů J. A. Komenského ty, u kterých jste přesvědčeni, že
jsou nadčasové, a tedy mají větší duchovní význam pro současnost, ať již
z obecnějšího důvodů nebo pro pedagogické myšlení,
dnešní společnost, resp. pedagogiku. Stačí vybrat 1 – 2 a zdůvodnit vaše
Uvažujete: nakolik se v díle Komenského (a tedy i jeho myšlenkách) projevila
skutečnost, že byl duchovní a silně věřící člověk? Brání nebo naopak rozvíjí víra
(v jeho případě) myšlenkový odkazu?
Nejen z „cvičných důvodů“ prolistujte celými skripty a vyberte z úvodů kapitoly
ty citáty a myšlenky, které jsou Vám blízké a zdůvodněte, proč a v čem.
1.6 Shrnutí: důsledky pro práci s citáty a výroky moudrých
Pokud jste nabyli dojmu, že jsme pod poměrně atraktivní téma „citáty – bonmoty –
slavné výroky“ rafinovaně uschovali poznatky o J.A. Komenském, nebudete daleko od
pravdy. Nicméně záměr byl zřejmý: pokud chceme porozumět postojům a myšlenkám
lidí, kteří nám imponují svými názory, bylo by dobré, kdybychom o nich věděli více, než
kolik nám dává tušit věta či odstavec po nich „pozůstalých“ citátů.
Odpovědět na otázku v úvodu kapitoly: co s citáty, je jednoduché i složité zároveň.
Pokud chceme být především pasivními adresáty cizího uvažování, opravdu stačí citát
přečíst, zasmát se, přitakat či odsoudit jeho obsah. Jiná situace nastává, pokud chceme
být v aktivnější interakci s myšlenkami i jeho autorem. Pak jde o hledání hlubších
souvislostí, obsahu, s častým srovnáváním autorových postojů s našimi a ve finalitě pak
přijetí poznatků ve smyslu osobního obohacení. Vyzkoušíme si „to druhé“ na
následujícím příkladu.
„Tahák“ (dobré rady nad zlato)
Vůbec nemusíte mít obavu ze situace, kdy máte říci, co si myslíte o myšlence nebo
citátu, jehož znění čtete poprvé a třeba před větším počtem posluchačů. Klidně můžete
začít slovy, že textu zatím nerozumíte, ale že se to pokusíte změnit. Prvotní je získat
čas. Pak výrok opakovaně pročítejte, až se dostane na úroveň bezproblémového
vnímání a dojde k vytváření prvních myšlenkových spojů a vztahů. To již umožňuje,
abyste do pléna sdělili řečnickou otázku „tak o čem ten citát – myšlenka vlastně je“.
Pokusíte se o převyprávění jeho obsahu svými slovy a dnešní dikcí.
Naše zkušenosti říkají, že se začne „rozjasňovat“ a mnozí studenti začnou postupně
v plném rozsahu chápat, „o co autorovi jde“. V interpretaci můžete zdůraznit zajímavé
myšlenky – slova – postoje, které se vám velmi hodí při formulování vlastního názoru
na dané téma. Polemiku (srovnávání) moudrých vět s naším postojem ocení obvykle
všichni zúčastnění – i v případě nesouhlasu či zdůvodněného odmítání. Možná se hned
nepodaří nalézt vhodný příklad, který by doložil vztah k tématu, nevadí. Podstatnější je,
že jsme to nevzdali a naopak si vyzkoušeli zajímavou formu rozvíjení našich
myšlenkových a komunikačních dovedností.
BLOCH, A. (1993), HOLUB, M. (1987), KOMENSKÝ, J.A. (1947, 1948), PRŮCHA, J. ed.
(2009), PRŮCHA, J., WALTEROVÁ, E., MAREŠ, J. (1997) další reedice, SVATOŠ, T.
Pozn.: úplné bibliografické citace jsou uvedeny v závěrečném seznamu použité
Talking about multimedia is a lot like talking about love. Everybody agrees
that it's a good thing, everybody wants it, wants to participate in it, but
everybody has a different idea of what 'it' really is. Now the multimedia
industry makes me think of teenagers dabbling in something that instinctively
feels right.
Georgia McCabe
The first two chapters presented the issues of how to create and communicate text
information. This chapter wants to combine the creation of information into a higher
unit through presentation and explain what approaches we now take towards
multimedia education and why presentations can be useful in the educational process.
With regard to the skills acquired, the student will be able to, after studying this
 understand the basic terms relating to the material means of instruction
and focusing on the ‘new technologies in education’;
 describe the multimedia chain and characterise its elements;
 determine the general principles for the creation of multimedia
 apply them in the bootstrapped creation of a presentation with a specific
subject area within the studied teaching qualifications.
Intensity of Acquisition
Low intensity - to understand the educational theory and to verify it in skill-based
I really have a positive attitude to technical means and unlike Miroslav Horníček (as he
once put it), I can see the difference between an iron and other electrical appliances.
This is also why I welcomed the once new opportunity to produce media presentations
for ‘my’ students. The necessary technical equipment was available even at that time:
a computer with the necessary program equipment (the well-known PowerPoint of MS
Office), as well as a robust data projector which produced reliable ‘light’ in the
auditorium for 300 listeners! After one year of using this method in my lectures, I
asked my students for feedback to the then state-of-the-art exploitation of technology
in the university practice. I, of course, expected clearly positive reactions and so-to-say
even a ‘standing ovation’. All of this came partly true; nonetheless, I can still
remember one student writing the following opinion: ‘The presentations are a disaster;
the text is lost in loads of colours; my eyes are tired from flying over the headings up
and down, and the best 'smasher' is that in the end, the author gives himself a big
hand through a recorded sound effect'. I believe that the following chapter will give my
readers a chance for their presentations to receive much more lenient reactions than
my early work did.
Basic Theory Perspective
There are many terminological ambiguities about multimedia, so for a ‘good
insight’, let us now define a few key terms:
Multi-: As the first part of many compound words, many dictionaries and
encyclopaedias say it means ‘multiplicity', ‘multiple’ of something.
Medium: This one is generally connoted to the word ‘mediation’ as a mediating agent,
means, environment or person. Dictionaries and encyclopaedias specify this term
depending on the field it is used in.
In theories of communication, medium is a component mediating the process of
transmission of information, the technical means of communication.
‘The medium is the message’ (Marshall McLuhan)
Electronic educational media (EEM) mean educational programs mediated to users
through electronic media aimed at facilitating the process of learning, self-learning and
the current and future self-development of a learning subject through an elaborate
structure of text, visual and auditory information.
New technologies in education mean time-accentuated educational procedures
drawing on the material and technical development and bringing new and nontraditional opportunities for the teacher’s teaching activities and student’s learning, and
program support of these procedures.
The current scientific sources give a variety of definitions of the term
‘multimedia’, most of which are articulated using the ‘technical language’, and
educational intentions are rather indirectly indicated. For instance: Multimedia means
computer-integrated, time-dependent or time-independent media which can be
interactively (meaning individually and selectively) produced or analysed (Sokolowsky,
Šedivá, 2002).
For a good understanding, it is appropriate to explain what new technologies in
education mean, how they follow the standard instructional means and why they are
different and what is typical of them.
In the educational context, the term technology in education (with the later
attribute 'new') is used very often and in many forms. It is a part of the didactic
vocabulary (didactics = theory of teaching and education) and has both theoretic and
practical forms. Most frequently, technologies in education are a part of the didactic
system contained in each teaching hour or providing material and program support
during a lesson enhancing its overall effect.
The general meaning of the term ‘educational technology’ is linked to each
educational and instructional activity where it is the basic didactic variable. For
instance, Maňák (1994) says in the general model of an educational activity that
educational technology is the second most important part of the didactic model
together with stages of teaching.
Another meaning of this term expresses specific material, technical and
software support of teaching. The standard terminology speaks about teaching aids,
didactic equipment and teaching programs (or teaching software). Categorisation of
didactic means is not coherent, or it develops over time depending on the technical
and technological progress intervening into normal lessons. The classical means of
educational technology include equipment enabling curriculum visualisation (based on
overhead, film or television projection), equipment reproducing acoustic information
(based on optic, magnetic or mechanic sound recordings) and other means. Basically,
they are used independently during lessons and do not normally create any
interconnected didactic units.
The third meaning of this term (new educational technologies) includes the
current technically-technological didactic units symbolising the term ‘multimedia’. It
means an intentional combination of a variety of didactic (material and non-material)
means in a single and meaningful functional unit.
The following definition must be mentioned to unite the approach to this topic
area in its further interpretation (Průcha, Walterová and Mareš, 1995, p. 228):
Technology in education: In a broader context, it means projection and
objectivisation of such technology procedures enabling optimal management of a
learner’s learning in educational situations. It is not a set of knowledge recommended
to be used in practice where it is up to the teacher and the learner what they choose,
but it comprises comprehensive management procedures 'built in' special programs (in
special textbooks, computer programs, trainers, simulators).
Their projection draws on the knowledge from cognitive psychology, psychology
of motivation, psychology of management, theory of regulation, artificial intelligence,
etc. In a narrower perspective, it means the exploitation of technical means
(computers, television equipment, etc.) in education.
Standard didactic means – basis of new technologies in education
New educational technologies open up new opportunities not only for the
current, but also for the future education. They draw on the previous development of
material and non-material means of education, thus creating the necessary continuity.
Current educational technologies are based on the classical (standard) didactic means
known and used by teachers and learners since the 1960s.
No single typology is known and used even in this area. It is usually due to
a non-uniform selection of the classification criterion. The most general classification
covers the basic nature of didactic means which are further divided into material
(tangible) and non-material (intellectual) means. The material means are then
subdivided into teaching aids and didactic equipment. Maňák’s classification (1994, pp.
53-54) is a classical and fully convenient typology.
The current trends in technology-supported education involve the mutual
connection of particular means and their integration with other technologies (especially
audio-visual technologies and computer networks). In a simplified way, this group of
interconnected didactic means (meaning both hardware and software) is called
New multimedia-based technologies in education
The new educational technologies ‘grew up’ on the basis of classical (standard)
didactic means. They have outmatched them in particular through interconnection and
opening of new opportunities for all participants in education. The new educational
technologies apparently have at least three components:
a) application and possibilities of computer networks (known as intranet and
internet, online libraries, video- and audio-conferences);
b) multimedia (hypertext, video sequences, animation, graphically produced
c) a variety of mobile means for fast access to information (Freely according to
Průcha, Walterová and Mareš, 2003 p. 139).
What do the multimedia definitions have in common?
 To pass educational information, several types of presentations can be used –
text information, computer graphics, auditory and audio-visual components and
dynamic presentation methods (as provided schematically in Figure 1),
 Attention is centred on the didactic aspects (no multimedia presentation is
accidental; it always performs pre-defined intentions and objectives; the didactic
principle of a learner’s activity and the illustrative nature are on the front burner; the
roles of the teacher and multimedia in relation to the learner are identified, including
the ‘outcomes’, i.e. changes to be achieved as a result of instruction);
 Psychological aspects are both considered and ‘used' (aspects of sensory
perception during human learning; active participation in learning; motivation, effects
of visualisation and repetition on remembering and its quality, etc.);
 Interactivity is principally used (active selection and access to the mediaunited information, or management of the learning process and its evaluation);
 Multimedia presentations are mediated through more sophisticated
technical systems where computer technology plays a crucial role. Only computer
technology can transform information from a variety of sources into a common
environment through the process of digitalisation. The result (=multimedia
presentation) is displayed on a television screen or projected through a data projector.
(The most recent presentation possibilities offer individual visual display units (VDUs)
for virtual reality, glasses and monitors for augmented reality, etc.)
The increasing number of multimedia presentations is a trend in the use of
multimedia in school and out-of-school (e.g. corporate) education, which is a proof of
constant interest in their creation. The following definition of multimedia
education can thus be formed on the basis of the above information:
It is one of the new educational technologies which uses – in order to perform
the educational intentions - the parallel effects of educational information from a
variety of media sources that are intentionally and purposefully united (commonly in an
electronic format) and interactively offered to a learner for sensory perception and
intellectual analysis.
Figure 3: Multimedia Presentation Components (According to Chapman and Chapman,
Multimedia Presentation
Multimedia presentation components
Text component of multimedia presentations
In multimedia presentations, the text component accounts for more than 50% of all
presented information ( Its aim is not only to bring cognitive
content, but also to search and combine knowledge units through text references (this
is the so-called hypertext activated by the user).
On the one hand, the text is produced fairly fast (in the usual graphic editor), but on
the other hand, there are many problems with its specific form.
Graphic component of media presentations
The purpose of graphic information in the educational multimedia is to mediate the
‘curriculum’ (subject matter) to users in a visual way, most frequently through
pictures, figures, tables, charts, schemes or photographs. The scenic background and
control elements (buttons, icons, pictograms) also have their own graphic form. The
quality of the graphic aspect of a presentation is reflected in efforts for a single visual
Acoustic component of media presentations
Likewise, the aim of the acoustic component is to open up another information channel
through activation of auditory perception. The acoustic part usually has two purposes:
It is a bearer of additional information and an accompanying element (auditory
background) creating the necessary atmosphere.
The multimedia ‘understand’ only digital acoustic information. This is why all acoustic
components (voice recordings, instrumental accompaniment, or theme music) must be
digitised and saved in an acoustic format which the user of the presentation has
Audio-visual component of media presentations
The means of audio-visual communication (in particular television) have been
accompanying education for several decades and have had a certain tradition in
various types of school in our conditions, as well. Logically, their development heads
towards their functional integration within multimedia programs where they bear
dynamic actions with a visual and auditory component.
Term: visual materials: (according to Mareš, 1995)
It is a collective term for a wide scale of materials, including those giving a
fairly true picture of reality (photographs, instructional film sequences, video
programme, realistic drawing) or even more general and abstract expression of reality
based on certain conventions (a simple picture or drawing, map, scheme, diagram, and
chart). Such didactically shaped materials, dominated by non-verbal elements, can thus
be used in learning. The majority of texts one uses to learn from have at least two
aspects: verbal and non-verbal (visual). The latter aspect (non-verbal or visual)
is harder to grasp in terms of research. Looking at human learning from a learner’s
development perspective (from the position of developmental psychology), we can see
clear differences during the preschool, school and adult periods.
Learning from visual materials is based on an analysis of visual information. Its
principle is both about capturing the perceived image and determining the place where
it can be gradually stored, and about mental processes analysing the image perceived.
The information contained in an image is clearly perceived on a selective basis. The
image can be decomposed into individual elements; their mutual relations are
identified. The image elements are combined in certain groups and prioritised. The
selected information is then stored in sensory memory.
Certain information, meaning the prioritised information, is recoded and stored
in short-term memory. During subsequent selection, the information which one regards
as important moves to long-term memory (for months or years), which results in the
reorganisation of the existing stored information. If necessary, the visual information is
normally accessible in individual types of memory and can be retrieved in order to be
Levels of communicating visual information
Similarly to verbal communication, visual communication, too, offers three
levels of information:
Syntactic: Asking questions like: In what manner is it displayed? How do the
individual elements relate to each other? Answers can be different: In the front, at the
back, from the outside, inside, touching, intersecting, following, growing from …
Semantic: Asking questions like: What is it? What is its meaning-sense?
Pragmatic: Asking questions like: Can I do anything according to this picture? What is
the best procedure to follow during the displayed activity?
Table 2: Aspects for Analysing an Illustration (Goldsmith, 1987, p. 55)
Communication levels
Visual factors
Illustration’s integrity
Spatial localisation
Emphasis scaling
Detailed research has assigned four visual factors to these three levels
(Goldsmith, 1987). The number of aspects to analyse an illustration (visual material)
has been expanded to twelve (see Table 5).
Functions of visual information
The visual materials contained in didactic texts can fulfil a range of functions (even
several at a time). We will specify the psycho-didactic functions of images with an
emphasis on the relations between the image – the text – the curriculum.
Decorative function
The picture has no material relation to the remaining text. It can be provided for a
variety of reasons. For instance, it should ‘fill in’ a too empty space or make the text
‘more interesting’ and thus more easily to sell for a normal reader.
Representative function
Its aim is to create adequate image ideas in learners. The picture has no direct relation
to the text, but is its visual ‘paraphrase’. The concepts and relations described in the
text are concretised and displayed collectively. It can be a fairly realistic illustration of
things and phenomena at various degrees of schematisation (charts and diagrams).
Organising function
Its aim is to arrange the existing knowledge and ideas in an appropriate manner and
feed them with coherence. Another mission is to provide a learner with a guideline like
‘how is this related to each other’, ‘what to do if …’, ‘what happens if …’. For instance,
this group includes visual instructions for performing a certain activity, phased images,
an orientation map or a map of a certain locality, a flowchart of a certain activity.
Interpreting function
Its aim is to facilitate the learners’ understanding of the curriculum which is known to
make the biggest difficulties. The visual material has an uneasy task: to create the
right ideas in learners and prevent any misapprehensions.
Transforming function
Its aim is to affect the manner in which a learner learns and the way of analysing
Teacher and student amid new educational technologies
An effective use of multimedia in education is conditioned by many
circumstances. Remarkably, it is primarily the degree of a learner's independence to
study or his/her dependence on the educational and social environment which is worth
mentioning (in addition to intentions). Generally, there are five basic educational
models differentiating the ‘distance’ between an educator and an educated person:
Table 3: Models of Education and Role of Multimedia (Svatoš, 2006)
Model of education
Role of multimedia
instructionopen education (public media,
Commonly the only source of information
volumes, means of motivation and positive
stimulation, learning management to a lesser
extent, no interactivity
instructiondistance learning (organised
by a school institution)
A means of education management, source of
information with interactivity, source of
feedback, initiator of self-education and selfevaluation
Part-time study
Prevailing source of targeted information, selflearning coordinator relating to direct instruction,
assignments for consultations
Contact (full-time)
study-higher level
‘substitution’ of a teaching hour, presentation of
the curriculum in its entirety, integration of
sources of information in a single media whole
Contact (full-time)
study-lower level
Segment of the teaching hour project (audiovisual illustration, exposition of a certain part of
the curriculum, testing and other common
didactic functions)
A pedagogue and students meet every day during normal contact instruction. A
multimedia presentation combined with the teacher’s real influence can effectively
regulate student learning and provide the necessary assistance.
The image of the student (and especially of his/her learning process and
knowledge of needs) is fairly vague and distant in distant forms of study. Tham and
Werner (2005, in: Mareš, 2004) pointed to this fact, speaking about ‘invisible students’
for whom it is very difficult to create the mechanisms for managing their learning. A
user of electronic educational media is apparently a crucial variable which should
impact on the creative reasoning when producing and using multimedia programs in
educational practice.
The new educational technologies are a step forward in the development of
didactic means supporting the educational intentions. They are generally
characterised by:
 integrity (interconnection of particular means into ‘higher’ units);
 multimedia nature (various information presented from one source);
 interactivity (a user is actively engaged in the teaching-learning process);
 higher importance of the relationship between hardware (technical means) and
software (educational programs);
 independence of educational roles (especially greater independence for a
 opening of relatively new forms of study (distance learning, e-learning, blended
learning, individualised instruction) based on the management of an individual’s
learning activities and supporting self-education.
These technologies are on the boundary of technical equipment, media
technologies and educational use. Their description is usually ambiguous for they
represent the focus of individual curriculum subjects.
Production of multimedia presentations (authoring)
Technologically, as well as from the user’s perspective, a multimedia
presentation is normally a set of internally arranged educational information (text,
auditory, graphic or audio-visual information) searched by the user (the instructor or
the learner) through the user interface (searching software) and subsequently
displayed on a computer's screen or projecting screen.
The very essence of the media education makes it clear that creating a
presentation is a sophisticated procedure assuming teamwork (especially if made at a
professional level) and professional specialisation. The pedagogue – author of the
media project plays a crucial and indispensable role. A presentation must
 follow the input intentions and pathways to their continuous fulfilment;
 ‘dose’ the curriculum units with regard to the learners’ psychological and
didactic profile;
 ensure the necessary study activities and continuous motivations;
 guarantee the functionality and interconnectedness of all presentation parts;
 intermediate feedback and evaluate learning activities, etc.
Sophisticated projects are mostly developed in the forms of education focused
on independent learning activities relating to the part-time forms of study and distance
learning (‘non-contact forms of instruction’).
In direct instruction, the new educational technologies play a less important
role and often account for a minor part of the teaching process. (This can be
documented by recent publications about general didactics, cp. SKALKOVÁ, J. Obecná
didaktika. Praha: Grada, 2007, 2. rozšířené vydání; or: KALHOUS, Z., OBST, O. Školní
didaktika. Praha: Portál, 2002. Vyd. 1.). This is why they can be developed (usually
through self-help) with lower demands for team cooperation and quality of the final
product. Still, individual components of a multimedia presentation must be
produced with regard to the entrusted functions and their importance in the
educational whole.
Practical approach to multimedia production (Myška, 2008)
When preparing a presentation, its author must, among other things,
consider the following:
 Whether the presentation is designed for self-instruction (for being viewed on a
computer screen by one person) or whether it is to be used as a supportive
means by the instructor during a lecture.
 How many people will take part in the presentation (the size of the lecture hall
and the screen);
The audio-visual equipment, the projector output, the sound system
installation, the option to play audio- and video-recordings.
 The sociological composition of the audience (age, highest education);
 What the audience knows about the topic beforehand;
 To what extent the audience is interested in the topic;
 Whether the audience has a positive or negative attitude to the topic;
 How much time do we have to hold this lecture.
The purpose of the presentation is normally to
 provide information to the audience;
 support the audience’s or an individual’s decision-making process regarding a
certain matter;
 acquire new information or reinforce and widen the curriculum during selfinstruction;
 Blue and greenish colours are most appropriate; as well as dark background
and light fonts are preferred on the screen. We can use yellow or red to draw
the audience’s attention. If the slides are to be printed out, we should choose
light background and dark fonts.
 Be sure to make a suitable choice of the font size depending on the size of the
room where the presentation will be held and on the number of viewers (e.g.
size 40 for headings and 30 for the basic text).
 Generally, we should choose the same format for all slides in the presentation
(with the exception of a special and important chapter)
Possible deficiencies of a presentation
Taking the communication perspective, a teacher can make mistakes in the content of
the verbal expression or in its written format (presentation, records).
An oral presentation can have the following mistakes:
• using parasite words (well, actually, in fact, okay, etc.);
• interlarding the expression with foreign and scholarly words without explaining
them, using unknown slang abbreviations, phrases, etc.;
• stylistic mistakes, mispronunciation, bad case endings, etc.
A written presentation can be characterised by the following deficiencies:
• a disorganised and poorly arranged presentation structure;
• poorly legible text models (e.g. foil) – small font size, excessive amount of text;
• too many mistakes and mistyped characters;
• too many slides, e.g. fast ‘clicking’;
• inappropriately selected type and background in a PowerPoint presentation;
• incorrect presentation methodology; poorly distributed time for presentation.
Practical Application – Assignments, Activities, Skills
Please choose any topic (chapter) from any textbook within the subject area of
your teaching qualifications and read it. Then prepare a multimedia presentation (e.g.
in PowerPoint) with at least three slides containing both text and graphic information.
Use the following steps:
a) Set your presentation objective (see Chapter 5 and 6 of this textbook);
b) Try to divide your objectives (as a practice) into instructional (cognitive,
bringing knowledge) and educational objectives (emotional, postural,
c) Make an annotation (i.e. condensed content; see Chapter 1) summarising the
essential information contained in your presentation;
d) Prepare a structure of your presentation, i.e. divide the content into units
following each other and creating a specific content of individual presentation
e) Define the basic terms typical of the curriculum you use;
f) Create individual slides (see part D/) to contain both text and visual
information (photographs, schemes, representations, charts, etc.); please have
the correct distribution over the slide area in mind;
g) Choose the correct font (e.g. Ariel, Tahoma, Century Gotic, etc.), its size (at
least 18; and differentiate the ‘simple text’ from chapter and sub-chapter
headings), and choose the correct distribution over the slide area ;
h) Choose an appropriate background (you can use presentation templates) and
align the graphics of the templates with your concept;
i) Fuel the presentation with the necessary dynamics (switching between
the slides, movement of certain parts if it is functional);
j) Try the whole and make a rehearsal of your verbal expression in
cooperation with your presentation.
Note: The pictures below show a part of a presentation prepared in accordance with
the steps described above. And the following chapters will give you a notion of how to
work with objectives, content and other didactic variables.
Figure 4: Opening Slide of a Didactic Presentation
OBECNÁ DIDAKTIKA – ukázka prezentace
eníí, objasnit ně
vysv tlit princip vznáš
n které
pojmy z aerodynamiky,
zm nit vztah k létaní
létání rozvinutá
rozvinutá lidská
lidská činnost, ví
víme ale proč
letadla létají? K porozumě
porozum ní je tř
t eba zná
u a leteckou
leteckou konstrukci
obrazová motivace, vzduch jako prostř
prost edí
letadlo ve vzduchu,
vzduchu, profily ptá
pták ů, konstrukce
odpor, proudě
proud ní, vztlak, 3 prostorové
prostorové osy,
zatá čení
ení, klopení
klopení, kloně
klon ní, profilprofil- žebro,
Figure 5: Slide about ‘Air as the Environment’
Vzduch jako prostř
prost edí
Situace s vlakem,
proud ní,
profil a vztlak…
Vztah tvaru a
• Kolmá
Kolmá deska,
• Koule,
• Rovinná
Rovinná deska,
• Profil
Figure 6: Final Slide – Deliberately Inappropriate Version
Profil pták ů a profil letadel B
Profily ptač
pta ích kř
k ídel a
letadel se v mnohé
podobají, ke vztlaku
oba použ
pou ívají
zak ivení
ivení profilu (v
d ůsledku rozdí
rychlostí obté
Mistakes in the slide production (Figure 6): oversized content, overlapping of sources
of information, low-quality copies of models, a too small font size and a too detailed
Terms to Remember (Key Words)
Animation, audio-visual information, blended learning, computer networks, didactic
equipment, distance learning, educational objectives, e-learning, feedback, hypertext,
instructional objectives, multimedia, new technologies in education, presentation, slide,
standard teaching aids, syntax, technology of education, visual information.
Issues for Thought
What criteria must a presentation fulfil to become a multimedia presentation (in
your opinion)? Please specify:
What criteria must a presentation fulfil to become a didactic presentation (in
your opinion)? Please specify:
Think about a teacher’s activities and name and justify those about which we
can say that they can substitute a teacher during a lesson.
Please consider two teaching alternatives: a) normal – when the teacher is
present as the main source of information; b) e-learning – when the main
source of information is available in an electronic (digitised) format. Take a
critical approach to a learner’s position in both ‘types’ of instruction and his/her
role as a learning and socialising being.
The recent development in the real educational practice has been inextricably linked
with the use of material means of instruction. The multimedia-based means have
become an addition to the traditional aids, bringing new dimensions into the learning
and teaching process. However, it remains true that they are only mediators of didactic
objectives and intentions, but in many aspects, they can have a greater effect than the
usual opinion and word of the teacher.
It has been proved that it is within a pedagogue’s powers to work with the available
computer and projection equipment, but not every instructor can create a suitable
media content fulfilling the necessary functions. PowerPoint presentations are the most
widely used type of presentations containing at least two sources of information: text
information and visual models. On the other end of the scale, there are sophisticated
educational systems not only presenting information in a variety of forms, but also
managing learning processes, working adaptively with the learners’ performance and
guiding them through optimal ways depending on their individual properties.
‘Crib’ (Good Advice Is Better Than Gold)
From our experience we know that students take different approaches to the
production of self-directed presentations, but there are two basic approaches:
‘defensive' approach which is typical of students being at their wits’ end and seeing
great obstacles in their construction. The other group includes excited students looking
forward to making a presentation and having ambitions to 'push' as many suggestions,
effects or information in general into their content as possible. Their efforts result in a
visualisation like ‘How Doggie and Pussycat Were Making a Cake'.
Let us try the middle course. It is not difficult to make a presentation if we know the
fundaments of ‘THE pedagogical’ (WHAT, WHAT FOR, FOR WHOM, HOW, etc.) and of
‘the manual’ (how to operate computer software). The first tries will give us not only
the precious experience but also a unique element for pedagogy, i.e. that there are
many successful though different ways for how to achieve the same goal and
objective. Working with multimedia provides space for creativity and will definitely
result in the feelings of joy and satisfaction …
BLOCH, A. (1993), BURNETT, R. (2004), BUSHER, H. (1989), ČIŽINSKÝ, D., MAREŠ,
Jan (1998), FIALOVÁ, I. et all. (1994), HALSALL, F. (2000), HOLSINGER, E. (1995),
HOLUB, M. (1987), CHAPMAN, N., CHAPMAN, J. (2004), KULIČ, V. (1992), MAREŠ, J.
(1976, 1995), MAYER, R. E. (2001), NĚMEČEK, M. et all. (1985), PRŮCHA, J. ed.
(2009), PRŮCHA, J. ed. (2006), PRŮCHA, J., WALTEROVÁ, E., MAREŠ, J. (1997) další
reedice, SLAVÍK, J., (1997), SVATOŠ, T. (2006b, 2009a, 2009b), VRBA, J, VŠETULOVÁ,
M. (2003).
Note: Full bibliographic quotations are provided in the list of literature.
"The straight line is not always the shortest distance between two points.”
“One always has to have a target but is not always successful in hitting it.”
Jan Werich
The purpose of this chapter is clear: To discuss one of the most important
attributes of pedagogy – objectives and intents. On the one hand, each educational
activity should be clearly intentional (leading to a certain objective), but on the other
hand, it is difficult to set the objectives and implement them in practice. With regard to
the skills acquired, the student will be able to, after studying this chapter,
 understand the essence of the objective-directed focus of education;
 differentiate individual types of objectives and characterise them;
 create relations among objectives and other basic didactic variables;
 apply theoretical principles of educational intents in the specific formulation of
objectives according to the examples provided.
Intensity of Acquisition
Middle intensity - to understand the educational theory and to verify it in skill-based
Situation (Common for Chapters 5 and 6)
There is one situation which stuck in my memory and which involved interesting
communication between a student who was about to make a practical teaching
attempt and a pedagogue who was to judge her written preparation for the coming
lesson. When asked his initial question: ‘What is the objective of your future lesson?’,
the student gave a prompt answer: ‘Prague – the capital city of the Czech Republic’.
The pedagogue repeated his question and received the same student answer. With this
answer, the fate of the student-teacher was sealed at that moment, because it was
followed by this piece of advice from her pedagogue: ‘When you make it clear what
the difference between an objective and content of teaching is, please come again and
we will discuss your plan as two teachers …’. I am mentioning this as a classical
example of misunderstanding of the terms ‘objective’ and ‘content’ or as an example of
a lack of understanding of the two terms. One term cannot be apparently replaced by
the other. If ‘Prague – the capital city of the Czech Republic’ is the intention, we do not
know what happens to this topic, whether pupils will be informed about it (it will be a
new subject matter) or whether it will be a subject of revision, application, verification.
Each of these objectives is different; each of them involves a different method and
procedure and each of them represents absolutely different mutual activities for the
teacher and the pupil.
‘Freedom without an objective is nothing but slavery of personal whims.’
(Rýdl, 1995)
‘The teaching objective is an intended and expected result against which the teacher
and pupils are directed.'
Educational objectives are historically conditioned. They depend on
many factors: on the society’s historical epoch, on the characteristic conditions of the
political and economic establishment, on the cultural and social conditions, on the level
of science and the character of work. That is also why the society always had a
different conception of the human being, objectives and educational practices in each
historical era.’ (Spilková, 1996).
Educational concepts (conceptions of education and instruction) have an
immediate impact on objectives. They are based on various philosophical,
psychological and other theories. The concepts which are based on the assumption
that the child’s development completely depends on the child’s internal powers reject
any objectives.
Other concepts require objectives to be defined precisely and in detail (these
primarily include the concepts adopted by totalitarian regimes). We can now encounter
both views. However, extremes are never far-sighted. We can recommend mostly
unambiguous and meaningful objectives, because they improve efficiency of
educational processes.
In the hierarchy of objectives, we can differentiate
 attitudes and values (towards one’s self, towards nature, education);
 skills (e.g. work with information);
 and knowledge.
Educational objectives are articulated in teaching documents such as
standards, curricula, educational programmes (school curricula), graduate profiles.
They are also included in international documents about education, in school acts
(which also set out objectives for individual school stages). The teaching and
educational objectives are specified in the content of lessons.
Categorisation of objectives based on various criteria:
 from the temporal perspective (long-term vs. short-term objectives);
 from the perspective of their concreteness (general vs. specific objectives);
 from the perspective of who formulates the objective and for whom (group
vs. individual objectives; the objective is formulated by the teacher, by the
pupil for himself/herself or by both of them together);
 from the perspective of their content (according to the subjects taught or a
specific topic);
 from the perspective of institutions (according to the school type where the
above perspectives are also reflected /in respect of time, content, but also
age, etc.), and other perspectives.
Figure 7: Setting the General Instructional Objectives according to Tyller’s Principle
(modified according to Pasch and coll., 1998, p. 45).
of the curriculum (subject matter)
When thinking over the general objective, we must consider the cycle, stage
and type of the school, its focus and the profile of this institution’s graduate.
When articulating the general and specific instructional objective, we must
remember to categorise the objectives into three areas (domains, objective items):
cognitive, training (conative, psychomotor) and attitudinal (affective, value -–we
sometimes speak about educational objectives of instruction). These three dimensions
of educational objectives correspond to the three basic personality elements. The
categorisation into three areas of objectives has a practical importance. It enables to
implement and check the balance of educational activities so that we influence pupils
in a comprehensive way and develop the entire personality. If we realise this as early
as when specifying our objectives, we will adjust the instructional content and
strategies to this principle, thus enriching the entire educational effect. The complexity
of objectives need not be addressed individually for each teaching unit, but is sufficient
for any thematic whole.
Conditions for Effective Work with Instructional Objective
For an objective to actually improve efficiency of the work between the teacher
and the pupil, several conditions must be satisfied:
1) Acceptance of the objective by the pupil – This happens if the pupil sees its
meaning and is involved in the setting of the objective together with the teacher; in
such event, they seek not only the most suitable objectives, but also the steps and
ways to achieve them (during lessons, pupils act in the spirit of their needs and
interests and based on their own goals and objectives);
2) Satisfaction of the requirements for an objective’s formulation (see below).
Both long-term and short-term objectives must be workable, evaluable and formulated
in the pupil’s activities.
As for efficiency, the objective for a specific lesson (teaching unit or thematic whole)
must meet the following requirements:
It must be adequate, functional and realisable, specific and clear and
formulated in a way to enable verification of its fulfilment (i.e. it must be
It is recommended to express the objective in the pupil’s performance. It is
good to use the so-called Bloom’s taxonomy of learning domains (instructional
objectives) to define objectives in the cognitive area. It indicates not only the required
levels of cognitive activities in a hierarchical system, but also offers verbs to be used to
express these instructional objectives (see Annex 6).
Poláková (1999) gives three requirements for the formulation of instructional
 The target (required) performance of the learning subject (through an observable
 The performance standard with a scale for evaluating the performance quality.
The formulation of objectives (both when creating a curriculum and planning a
specific lesson) is related to
1) the selection and arrangement of the subject matter and thus to its didactic
Through this formulation, the teacher will realise what knowledge must be
unconditionally acquired by all pupils to be known and what knowledge is only to
be provided, what skills (motor, psychomotor, mental) and to what level must be
developed, what attitudes and values will be strengthened (the didactic analysis of
the subject matter will be in more detail described in the next chapter).
2) the realisation of teaching methods and organisational forms;
3) the realisation of methods or forms of establishing the results and evaluations
The instructional objective is interconnected with other didactic categories. Under
certain circumstances, they have a positive impact on all other elements in the
teaching system.
Figure 8: Impact of Instructional Objective on Selected Elements in the Teaching
instructional objective
conditions, etc.)
teaching methods
organisational forms of work
The scheme shows only a one-sided relation between objectives and
instructional elements. It is in fact both-sided (e.g. a new work procedure which a
teacher wants to apply during the lesson will have an impact on all the instructional
elements, including the objective). This figure, however, should highlight its impact on
the planning and course of the instructional process. We are aware that an objective is
also influenced by the needs of a learner, field of study, etc.
The examples below containing incomplete sentences schematically indicate the
relationship between an objective and other instructional elements (here presented
ideally through the most frequent means):
1) Objective: The pupils will explain …
* content: knowledge
* method: presentation
* form of organisation: mass instruction:
* verification and evaluation: Pupils will orally explain ... based on questions ....,
with a drawing …
*time: 1 lesson
2) Objective: The pupils apply …
content: knowledge, skills
method: problem presentation, training methods
* organisation form of the lesson: mass, group, independent work
*verification and evaluation: Pupils independently solve 2 out of 4 analogy
problems scaled by their difficulty.
*time: 2 lessons
3) Objective: Pupils make a solution proposal …
so that it suits … (e.g. economic, environmental, aesthetic goals) based on the
pre-set criteria … … evaluate the best and the most original solution proposal.
content: knowledge, skills, habits, attitudes, experience
*method: heuristic, project
*form of organisation: Individual, cooperative form
*verification and evaluation: They submit a proposal as a group and evaluate
the best one according to
agreed aspects
*time: 3 lessons
The examples of instructional objectives indicated above clearly show that they
impact on the structuring of the curriculum elements. In the first case, pupils
(students) primarily acquire information. In the last case, the objective results in a
richer structure of the curriculum; for instance, pupils acquire richer and varied skills
applicable in normal life and experience. In this case, their attitudes towards the
cognitive processes and to the problems resolved are created in a more intensive way.
The recommended work with objectives (specifically their formulation) requires
from the teacher fairly time-consuming preparatory activities. On the other hand, the
positive impact on the course and results of learning is indisputable.
Practical Application – Assignments, Activities, Skills
Annex 6 contains a table with samples of formulation of objectives according to
the Bloom’s taxonomy. Below is only a part of this table and your task is to supplement
a verb to the right using the specific topic of your teaching qualification.
Objective category by
acquisition level
specific information)
Typical verbs and their ties used to define
Terms to Remember (Key Words)
Bloom’s taxonomy of learning domains (objectives); long-term objectives, specific
objectives; short-term objectives; general objectives; Dave’s taxonomy of objectives;
types of objectives; Niemierk’s taxonomy of objectives; requirements for objective
formulation; structure (components) of objectives; school educational programme;
curriculum; key competences.
Issues for Thought
Why are educational and instructional objectives helpful?
The text mentions the positive impact on the instruction in the event that the
objectives are used in accordance with the aforementioned recommendations.
What do the positive effects consist in?
What is in your experience the greatest problem when formulating objectives?
How are objectives formulated within the respective framework educational
programmes for your instructional subject (or educational area)? If they are not
formulated according to the recommended requirements, please try to reformulate them.
Is there any relation between the age of learners and the type of instructional
objectives? What kind of a relation?
What is the impact of objectives if they are formulated a) through teacher’s
activities, b) through activities of educated persons controlled by objectives?
What is the relation between expected outcomes (instructional outcomes)
specified in the framework educational programme and key competences?
Educational activities centred on objectives are among the chief characteristics of
education. Without intents, we cannot speak about education, we cannot even speak
about its stages nor can its effects be verified. On the one hand, it is a logical and
understandable sign of education while on the other hand, there are many problems in
formulating and implementing objectives. General objectives are very ‘easy’ to set and
formulate (e.g. development of learners in conformity to their age and mental
properties, etc.), but difficulties arise upon when they are to be used operatively
(action, concretisation).
Categorisation of objectives by various circumstances and criteria can be problematic,
too. For training reasons in the conditions of pre-service education, objectives are
categorised as educational and upbringing although they are closely tied and cannot be
easily separated. This division aims at pointing to two basic aspects of instruction, i.e.
guidance towards the fulfilment of attitudes, relations, opinions, etc. and towards the
fulfilment of skills (in the broadest sense of the word) and knowledge.
An idea of what didactic activities should be performed with the curriculum during a
lesson and what relation they should have to the positive changes on the part of
learners can be of good support when setting specific instructional intents.
‘Crib’ (Good Advice Is Better Than Gold)
If we are to develop objectives of instruction (even for training reasons), we should at
first satisfy a few conditions: a) we should have in-depth knowledge of the curriculum
(knowledge content) to be applied during instruction (what a simple condition!); b) we
should have it clear what the intent was in the previous lesson – what we follow so as
to connect 'the new stuff' with the previous knowledge; c) we should know the
learners with whom we will fulfil the objectives and what we 'ideally' imagine that the
learners will know and master after our ‘intervention’, at what they will be more or less
skilful and what attitudes they should have when leaving the classroom.
It is not to the detriment at all if we imagine the concept of the lesson from the
viewpoint of both of its actors, especially from the perspectives of learners, within a
tolerable dual role. And it will apparently do no harm if we seek inspiration for the
specific verbal formulation of objectives for certain subject matter in the work of our
more experienced colleagues or in appropriate literature (see Bloom's taxonomy of
learning domains).
On the other hand, we know that objectives in instruction are inseparable of
procedures and methods of their implementation, which is a topic which you have not
encountered at this stage of your teaching study yet and which is a domain of field
Literature (Common for Chapters 5 and 6)
BERTRAND, Y. (1998), BLACK, A., DAVERN, L. (1998), BRUNER, J. S. (1965),
BYČKOVSKÝ, P. et all. (1981), CARLGREN, F. (1991), DOLEŽALOVÁ, J. (2002, 2009,
2011), FISHER, R. (1997), GRECMANOVÁ, H., URBANOVSKÁ, E., NOVOTNÝ, P. (2000),
HEJNÝ, M. et all. (1990), HOLUB, M. (1987), HORÁK, F. (1988), JANIŠ, K. 2003),
JANIŠ, K., KRAUS, B., VACEK, P. (1998), KASÍKOVÁ, H. (1997), KASÍKOVÁ, H. (1999),
KOVALIKOVÁ, S. (1995), KYRIACOU, CH. (1996), MAŇÁK, J. (1990), MAŇÁK, J., ŠVEC,
V. (2004), Národní program rozvoje vzdělávání v České republice (2001), PAŘÍZEK, V.
(1984, 1996a, 1996b, 2000), PASCH, M. et all. (1998), PETTY, G. (1996), PIKE, G.,
SELBY, D. (1994), POLÁKOVÁ, E. (1999), PRŮCHA, J. ed. (2009), PRŮCHA, J. (1997),
PRŮCHA, J. (1983), PRŮCHA, J. (2002), PRŮCHA, J. (1999), PRŮCHA, J., WALTEROVÁ,
E., MAREŠ, J. (1997) další reedice, Rámcové vzdělávací programy, (2002), RÝDL, K.
(1998), ŘEZÁČ, J. (1998), SCHÖN, D. A. (1983), SKALKOVÁ, J. (1995, 2007),
SPILKOVÁ, V. (1997, 2004), SVATOŠ, T. (2006a), ŠIKULOVÁ, R., MÜLLEROVÁ, L.
(2001), ŠTURMA, J. (1996), ŠVEC, V. (1998, 1999, 2002, 2005), VALENTA, J. et all.
(1993), VALENTA, J. (2000), VALIŠOVÁ, A. (1997), VALIŠOVÁ, A., KASÍKOVÁ, H.
(2011), VAŠUTOVÁ, J. et. all. (2008), VORLÍČEK, CH. (2000), VYBÍRAL, Z. (2000),
WALTEROVÁ, E. (1989),
Note: Full bibliographic quotations are provided in the list of literature.
Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.
M. Holub
If you don’t know, we will teach you; if you can’t, we will help you; if you
don’t want, we don’t need you.
Jan Werich
The previous chapter has made it clear that there is an inseparable relation between
objectives of education and its content. This chapter is an integral continuation of the
previous text, as is apparent from the same starting situation and the list of reference
sources. The purpose of the first chapter is to expand the didactic reasoning with
the variable named ‘content of education’ viewed from the perspective of
representative pedeutologic literature. With regard to the skills acquired, the student
will be able to, after studying this chapter,
 understand the concept of educational content viewed from the positions of
philosophy of education, general pedagogy, general didactics and school
 determine and differentiate the components of educational content through
various characteristics;
 analyse the factors influencing the selection and structure of content (of the
 apply the knowledge presented in examples and assignments.
Intensity of Acquisition
High intensity - to understand the educational theory and to verify it in skill-based
Situation (Common for Chapters 5 and 6)
There is one situation which stuck in my memory and which involved interesting
communication between a student who was about to make a practical teaching
attempt and a pedagogue who was to judge her written preparation for the coming
lesson. When asked his initial question: ‘What is the objective of your future lesson?’,
the student gave a prompt answer: ‘Prague – the capital city of the Czech Republic’.
The pedagogue repeated his question and received the same student answer. With this
answer, the fate of the student-teacher was sealed at that moment, because it was
followed by this piece of advice from her pedagogue: ‘When you make it clear for
yourself what the difference between an objective and content of teaching is, please
come again and we will discuss your plan as two teachers …’. I am mentioning this as
a classical example of misunderstanding in the terms ‘objective’ and ‘content’ or as an
example of a lack of understanding of the two terms. One term cannot be apparently
replaced by the other. If ‘Prague – the capital city of the Czech Republic’ is the
intention, we do not know what happens to this topic, whether learners will be
informed about it (it will be a new subject matter) or whether it will be a subject of
revision, application, verification. Each of these objectives is different; each of them
involves a different method and procedure and each of them represents absolutely
different mutual activities for the teacher and the learner.
Basic Theory Perspective
Definition: The authors of the Dictionary of Pedagogy (‘Pedagogický slovník’)
define content of education (curriculum, learning content) as follows: ‚It is a means of
human cultivation reflecting the level of cognition and social experience and providing
for integrity and continuity of the societal development. It reflects the system of
values, ideas and social behavioural patterns, cultural traditions, scholar and artistic
cognition, socio-political and economic needs … The content of education is a
structured and functionally arranged selection of educational content adequate to the
objectives of the respective school grade (type) and respecting the environment, age,
predispositions and experience of learners … It is captured in school documents
(curricula, educational programmes, etc.). The very content of instruction means the
curriculum actually implemented during lessons.’ (Průcha, Walterová, Mareš, 2001, p.
Factors influencing content of education:
 needs of the society (relating to the activities of people in the decisive spheres of
life in society: at work, in social relations, in health and the environment, in care
for the young and in the life patterns during leisure activities);
 development of the social cognition (art, science) and practice;
 development and possibilities of both learners and teachers, as well as objective
circumstances and means of instruction (Pařízek, 1984, p. 10).
Figure 9: Factors of Educational Content
Sources of educational content
For the content collected from various areas of life in society to become a
curriculum, it must be transformed. ‘A curriculum is created through the processing of
contents linking various areas of culture (science and technology, art, activities and
values) into school education, i.e. into the curricula, textbooks, in the instructional
process. Here we can speak about didactic transformation.’(Skalková, 1999, p. 63)
This transformation takes into account categories of objectives, learners’ particularities
relating to age and the role of the teacher. This means that the scientific knowledge
and its structure cannot be transferred into lessons without any transformation and
adjustment to the given conditions and, in the first place, to the learners' compass.
Writers concerned with the content of education define three to five content
components (elements). Cipro (1967, p. 58), as well as Walterová (1989), structure
the content of education from the viewpoint of its educational function as
 informative component (knowledge – tools to a further study);
 instrumental – or conative - component (skills and activities to have
understanding of modern science, technology and culture);
 formative – or value - component (learner’s interests, attitudes, values,
motivation, etc., to form the learner’s personality traits).
Cipro points out that education as a whole must perform all the three functions
even though different functions prevail at various school system stages. The initial
instruction is dominated by the instrumental function while the formative and
informative elements come in later (1967). Skalková also defines three components of
the content of education which in fact correspond to the structure above. They include:
1. material knowledge; 2. operant, procedural component, and 3. value component
(1995, p. 68).
Pařízek (1996, pp. 8-14) whose content structure is used by the most of the
current pedagogues when making curriculum analysis distinguishes four content
 knowledge-based (facts, terms, relations between phenomena and knowledge,
evaluation, laws, hypotheses and theories);
 skill-based (intellectual, sensory, motor skills) (author’s note: we must note that
this also includes social skills);
 value-based (ethical, intellectual, emotional, religious, aesthetic, health and
 personality traits – emotional and volitional, physical and intellectual.
The author notes that the knowledge-based and skill-based components are
inseparable and that through the acquisition of knowledge, activities and values, they
also foster one’s personality traits.
Maňák (1997, p. 18) also included thought operations among knowledge, skills,
habits and attitudes. Skatkin (In Kasíková, 1997, p. 59) and Kovaliková (1995, pp. 1415) separately set aside the learners’ experience within the curriculum elements, thus
legitimately underlining its importance for the acquisition of the curriculum and its
application. In addition, Kovaliková provides justification for this element based on the
new results of the brain research. Table 4 gives a summarising overview of the
selected structuring of the content of education.
Table 4: Structuring of Educational Content by Various Authors
M. Cipro, E.
J. Skalková
V. Pařízek
J. Maňák
personality traits
Various components of objectives, i.e. various components of the educational
content and instruction, prevailed at different historical periods (Vorlíček, 2000, p. 57).
We will later point to other factors affecting the selection of the content of teaching
(curriculum) and its structure.
There are varied factors influencing the selection of the content (curriculum).
They never act separately; they always blend and amplify one another. For instance,
they include objectives of education, theories of education, theories of curriculum
selection, school type and grade, a teacher’s approach to instruction, national
traditions, ideas included in supranational educational projects (e.g. the European
dimension of education), as well as reactions to future prognoses. We have already
mentioned the objectives of instruction, some theories of education, concepts of
instruction, as well as educational documents. We will now focus only on brief notes
related to other factors.
Objectives of education and instruction
The induced elements of the curriculum should also correspond to the
components of objectives.
Theory of education and theory of curriculum selection
The differences in what should be taught and included in a curriculum are also
based on various theories of curriculum selection (e.g. Bruner's theory of structures or
Chlup's theory of fundamental curriculum, scientistic theory or pragmatic pedagogy,
theory of typical, exemplary and fundamental curriculum, etc. (for details see Pařízek,
1996, pp. 15-19)
Teaching concepts
Each teaching concept is characterised by the composition of the curriculum. It
is reflecting the theory on which it is based. We can see major differences between the
classic alternative schools and modern schools.
Influenced by religious philosophy, Waldorf schools prefer panhuman values,
social consciousness, and cultivation of emotions. And these values are also actually
implemented, not only proclaimed. Based on anthroposophy, the curriculum is passed
with a certain selection of topics and learning quantities for various age groups.
Affected by the theory of multiple intelligence, the integrated thematic instruction
selects and arranges the content so as to correspond to the ways the brain learns (for
details, see Kovaliková, 1995). The author recommends that rather terms than isolated
pieces of knowledge be taught. They should be created through the learners’ own
experience, exploration, lived experience (see Kovalikova again). M. Hejný (1990) also
recommends construction and experiments for their strong motivating drive and effects
on the development of mathematical thinking.
Curriculum, standards, educational programmes and other school
These documents articulate not only objectives, but also content of the
curriculum. They are influenced by theories of education. In the Czech Republic, they
are now mostly defined on the basis of humanity and the constructivist theory of
education. Teachers must become familiar with these documents to be able to
competently transform them from the general into the specific form when planning and
implementing their lessons. (Note: Despite being a bearer of the content of education
and instruction, a textbook is not binding in terms of the scope and depth of its
content, or even of the procedure during a lesson).
Teaching methods and organisational forms of work
The content of instruction is connected with all elements of the complex and
dynamic system of instruction. It has one of the most immediate and closest relations
to methods and organisational forms of work.
Methods and organisational forms of teaching affect the scope and the
structure of the content of instruction. They also impact on the character of interaction
between a learner and the curriculum. For instance, when giving a presentation, a
teacher passes the curriculum on the learners in a well-arranged system and compact
structure, mostly within a collective form of instruction. The objective is to understand
and remember what has been communicated. However, in the problem-type form of
teaching, learners learn a certain principle and procedure or solve a problem through
independent theoretical and practical activities. They work on their own or in groups
with intensive thought activity and using their current experience. This is why both the
quantity and quality of the curriculum structuring of this type of teaching is different
from a curriculum’s presentation by the teacher. The new curriculum (knowledge to be
remembered) does not get to the learner that fast and in such a wide scope as during
a presentation, but it will involve the learner’s intensive thought activities and a variety
of thought operations. If the induced learning activities take place during cooperative
teaching, the learner gets enriched with the lived experience and experience resulting
from social contacts, which has a positive effect on learning processes.
These examples indicate that methods have their own organisational framework
(form). They involve either independent learning, learning in a cooperating group or
learning within the entire class. Each alternative conditions the character of interaction
between a learner and a teacher, between a learner and his/her peers, and also
between a learner and the curriculum. It also provides different degrees of personal
engagement and responsibility of each and every learner. This is why it has a different
impact on a learner’s cognitive and social development, which is part of the objectives
of modern and effective teaching (Vašutová, 1998, p. 161).
Besides other components, the teaching methods and organisational forms of
work form the base of teaching strategies which can be characterised as a general
structure of the didactic procedure (Vašutová, 1998). They, too, have an impact on the
method of curriculum structuring.
School type and grade, learners’ age
When addressing the issue of structuring content in education, it is important to
know that the first years of school attendance must induce holistic experience in
learners, which will later be followed by specialised cognition and by organisation of
the subject-categorisation of the curriculum in higher years. This is also why the
project method is more intensively applied at lower educational levels than in higher
years of education.
The immediate structuring of the curriculum during a lesson is affected by the
learners’ educational needs and interests, their intellectual predispositions and
particularities, by the previous knowledge and experience. The school grade and type
(its professional focus) are decisive factors, too. There is a difference between
technical schools and schools targeting humanistic studies; between schools equipping
their learners (students) with special professional competences and schools with a
general focus.
Teacher’s approach to the curriculum
The teacher’s approach to the curriculum is affected by his/her idea of what a
lesson should look like, what a learner should master, what means should be used to
achieve this, as well as by his/her personality and professional predispositions and
National traditions
If we compare the structure of educational content in the Czech Republic and
abroad, we can make a conclusion that it is also conditioned by the tradition. In
England and in the USA, stronger emphasis is placed on the skill-based component of
education. The situation is the opposite in the Czech Republic. It is rather the sum of
knowledge which an individual remembers than the ability to use it in practice which
has a tradition and gets respect here.
Thoughts of supranational educational projects
Today, we also often speak about the ‘European dimension’ in education.
Generally and based on humanistic ideas, it has articulated the requirement for
preferential navigation towards human values through skills and knowledge. This
aspect is highlighted in particular by Kalhous and Obst (2002), Spilková (1997) and
other authors.
Průcha and Walterová, too, recommend the reinforcement of the formative and
active component of education as the current trend in curriculum planning (In:
Spilková a kol., 1996, p. 24). With the Czech Republic’s accession to the European
Union, higher requirements are imposed on the mastering of language competences,
information and communication technologies and abilities (and motivations) for lifelong
Future prognoses
We have already indicated that it is not only the current situation and needs of
the society, but also the future prognoses which impact on the setting of objectives
(goals) and the content of education. These ideas are increasingly breaking into the
projecting work relating to the educational contents (see the work of Průcha and
Pařízek) because of the increasing changes taking place around us and the school’s
need to react to them with its activities.
The so-called global education is an example of the current school of pedagogy
seeking to systematically prepare the young generation for the understanding of the
interconnectedness of the world and for the solution of global problems, in particular
relating to the environment. For details about global education, see e.g. Pike, Selby
(1994), Horká, Hrdličková (1998) or environmental education.
Definition: Didactic analysis of the curriculum is a teacher’s thought activity
focusing on the separation of the curriculum elements. By analysing the curriculum,
one can more easily make the decision which curriculum is basic and valuable and
what structure it will take.
Didactic analysis of the curriculum is a sophisticated thought activity requiring a
teacher’s expertise and detached view. It is a good precondition for effective
management of the teaching process. Didactic analysis of the curriculum is also a
material part of the development of educational programmes at individual schools.
For details about didactic analysis of the curriculum, see V. Švec a kol., 1996,
Vališová, 1997, and others.
Procedure to be used in didactic analysis of the curriculum:
1) Didactic analysis of the curriculum can also include the work with teaching objectives
as we have said earlier.
2) There is also a stage of the curriculum selection and its formation into a
thematic unit and its arrangement. Here it is important to consider the following
 the basic terms and concepts, facts and theories (to choose only the important
ones and structure them);
 the necessary skills;
 to determine the basic relations within the curriculum (using structural maps,
schemas and classifications);
 educational values of the selected curriculum; it is about defining the learner’s
personality qualities, attitudes and value orientation to be developed;
3) During the following stage of didactic analysis of the curriculum, the teacher thinks
over the activities to be used for a learner to acquire the learning content,
as well as over the teaching methods, organisational forms of work and didactic
means to be chosen.
4) Vališová recommends (and it has been confirmed by practice) that questions and
assignments be articulated during didactic analysis of the curriculum in order to
motivate and activate the learner as much as possible (Vališová, 1997, p. 75).
The structuring of the curriculum into the subjects of study clearly
prevails in the local school system. The subjects of study copy the respective fields of
science and their content is adjusted to the age capacity of children. This structure has
both its pros and cons.
J. S. Bruner, the author of a remarkable theory which impacted on the teaching
methods in the 1960s and has been inspiring for the local system until today, sought to
resolve the issue of the knowledge quantity in the content of lessons. He
recommended that teachers give their students such knowledge structures of the
subject of study which represent natural relations within a certain science. This enables
to understand mutual relations within its content. If it is expressed in a language
adequate to a child’s age, it facilitates the child’s fast orientation in the basic scientific
principles and relations, helps to acquire and understand a variety of new problems in
the given area (Bruner, 1965). The curriculum in structures is passed down in the
subjects of study. This type of instruction has positive features under the given
However, problems with the subject arrangement of content occur if the intersubject relations are not induced and if the curriculum is passed down to the learner in
a passive manner. This results in the encyclopaedic nature and verbalism of
knowledge. Learners do not get a holistic view of the world, a certain problem or
subject either.
Options of redress:
The current life reality and integrative processes going on in scientific findings
are best reflected in the teaching of complex subjects (which is possible thanks to
the areas of education within the framework educational programmes) and the
teaching using the project method.
Complex (or integrated) subjects combine a variety of fields of study such as
history, geography and civic and citizenship or environmental education, biology, etc.
within one subject (Průcha, Walterová, 1983, Spilková a kol., 1996, RVP, 2007). The
separateness of the curriculum of individual subjects can also be addressed by
teaching methods and organisational forms which will remove this insufficiency. Such
methods include the project method applied in project teaching, stage teaching, block
teaching and module teaching.
The project arrangement of the curriculum can be implemented using the
project method. It can be characterised as a purposive, organised and elaborated
procedure (activities) where learners solve theoretical and practical aspects of a
complex situation which is important and interesting for them (also from the teacher’s
perspective). The activities developed are centred on a certain idea. It is most
frequently a problem, or a general theme or a specific motivation.
The project work brings about changes in the entire personality of the learner.
It develops not only the intellectual aspects, but also social and emotional feelings,
qualities (e.g. responsibility) and skills. When implementing a project (solving a
problem, a situation), learners use their knowledge from a variety of disciplines, apply
various levels of thought activities (analysis, synthesis, deduction, etc.) (freely
according to Valenta, 1993). Projects are characterised by practical activities and useful
Project teaching has had its tradition in the Czech Republic since the reform
movement in the 1930s. Many schools (even secondary schools) are today again
attempting to include this method in their activities. Schools and secondary schools
have recently implemented projects relating to the issues of the European Union or
projects where students worked at fictitious firms (see Pařízek, 2000).
In project teaching, the content is communicated in a less arranged form in
terms of the logic of this field of science. Significantly enough, it is a complex and
meaningful process close to normal life. The approach to activities is motivating for
learners as it enriches their individual experience and emotions. The aforementioned
incompleteness of knowledge that may seem to be a drawback of the project method
can be remedied by the teacher by giving and arranging the content in the logical and
material context with a short explanation, etc.
Compared to a classic lesson, some organisational forms of teaching such as
block and stage teaching provide greater flexibility of time, a long-term and deeper
focus of attention on the topic discussed. They facilitate a deeper, more
comprehensive and in some cases also multidisciplinary view of the themes discussed.
They form an organisational condition of project teaching.
The module arrangement of the curriculum offers a specific structure of
the teaching content. Modules are relatively compact units that can be included in the
instruction, connected, combined or replaced depending on objectives, specific needs
and study profile (Průcha, Walterová, Mareš, 2001, p. 127). Module is a learning
content section independent of the other curricula, which is why it can be prepared
absolutely independently. A module is often a certain problem (Rýdl, 1998, p. 29).
Pařízek compares it to a building set making it possible to combine parts as necessary
(Pařízek, 1996a, p. 21).
In this case, too, the curriculum is not arranged from the perspective of one
discipline, but the learner (student, course attendant) is provided with a more complex
(multidisciplinary, broader and deeper) view of the problem or theme. Similarly to
projects, it is again difficult to maintain the curriculum system.
The module system of the primary school teaching studies can serve as an
example (see Spilková, 1997b). Educational projects of the Ministry of the Interior are
another example. In 2002, the ministry had about twenty employees trained in the
area of economic crimes using the module system. Module names and themes:
‘organised crime’, ‘financial crime’, etc.
Workshop is another form we want to draw attention to. Workshop is a form
of course or working group organisation where opinions and experience are compared,
skills are trained and where workshop participants jointly search and find problem
solutions formulated by them. For the work to be efficient and managed by workshop
participants, a variety of teamwork methods are applied (Průcha, Walterová, Mareš,
2001, p. 45). Workshops are mostly applied in adult training.
Practical Application – Assignments, Activities, Skills
Analyse the content of planning a simulated lesson (see Chapter 8). What elements are
prevailing? Please give the reasons.
Search the available sources (literature) to see the findings of brain researches. How
are they reflected in instruction?
Design a specific project of module instruction in your field of study - and possibilities
of its implementation in the seminar instruction of General Didactics.
Write down the changes that we are currently witnessing and what significant
moments in the changed life conditions – whether now or in the future – will impact on
the content of school education.
What life competencies (or skills for life) do you want to develop when teaching your
subject and which ones do you have to strengthen or even newly integrate in your
Terms to Remember (Key Words)
Bloom’s taxonomy of learning objectives, content of instruction (education),
curriculum, curriculum arrangement, curriculum structure (items), didactic analysis of
the curriculum, framework educational programme, school educational programme,
Issues for Thought
Use your own words to explain the relation between: content of education –
means of teaching – organisational forms – teaching objectives – teaching
methods – level of science, technology, society.
Recall the meaning of ‘didactic analysis of the curriculum’. Think: is it a form of
the teacher’s lesson planning? If it is, say why.
Get familiar with the Framework Educational Programme for the respective
school levels and types. Focus on the structure of the educational content. How
do you see it?
Developing the content of (school) education is a highly sophisticated and complicated
process. It has multiple levels: from the most general ones, including the needs, status
and values of the society, up to the lowest level at which a specific pedagogue works
at his/her school and teaches specific learners a specific subject. From our perspective,
there is no ‘danger’ that we would be those choosing the curriculum for the respective
field of study (maybe in the case of the development of new and specific subjects, J.
D.) or type of instruction. Nonetheless, the concept of the framework or school
educational programmes is based on the democratic method of selecting the
curriculum, updating it and amending it so that a specific school (or instructor) could
choose and form the communicated curriculum according to its/his/her professional
ideas and in an optimal manner. We have several times emphasised that general
didactics only opens the door to (not only) this topic area and that its true values will
be communicated to students during the lessons of their subject-related didactics.
‘Crib’ (Good Advice Is Better Than Gold)
This chapter and the previous one dealt with the ’foundation stones’ of the educational
work. We have become familiar with the categories of ‘objective’ and ‘content’ rather
through the necessary theory than practice. Let us admit that it is too early to make
any deeper insight even though the following chapter focuses on the creation of the
teaching plan, including the setting of the target intentions and work with a specific
curriculum. If we are facing the task to create a specific teaching content, the easiest
way to do is to communicate with instructors from the school practice and let them
explain their ways of making didactic analyses of the curriculum finalised in a written
plan. Then, we can use observations to see the transformation from the plan to
authentic education and the way the pedagogue adjusts his/her immediate conduct to
achieve the necessary intentions through acquisition of the pre-determined curriculum.
Literature (Common for Chapters 5 and 6)
BERTRAND, Y. (1998), BLACK, A., DAVERN, L. (1998), BRUNER, J. S. (1965),
BYČKOVSKÝ, P. et all. (1981), CARLGREN, F. (1991), DOLEŽALOVÁ, J. (2002, 2009,
2011), FISHER, R. (1997), GRECMANOVÁ, H., URBANOVSKÁ, E., NOVOTNÝ, P. (2000),
HEJNÝ, M. et all. (1990), HOLUB, M. (1987), HORÁK, F. (1988), JANIŠ, K. 2003),
JANIŠ, K., KRAUS, B., VACEK, P. (1998), KASÍKOVÁ, H. (1997), KASÍKOVÁ, H. (1999),
KOVALIKOVÁ, S. (1995), KYRIACOU, CH. (1996), MAŇÁK, J. (1990), MAŇÁK, J., ŠVEC,
V. (2004), Národní program rozvoje vzdělávání v České republice (National Programme
of Educational Development in the Czech Republic) (2001), PAŘÍZEK, V. (1984, 1996a,
1996b, 2000), PASCH, M. et all. (1998), PETTY, G. (1996), PIKE, G., SELBY, D. (1994),
POLÁKOVÁ, E. (1999), PRŮCHA, J. ed. (2009), PRŮCHA, J. (1997), PRŮCHA, J. (1983),
J. (1997) other re-editions, Rámcové vzdělávací programy (Framework Educational
Programmes), (2002), RÝDL, K. (1998), ŘEZÁČ, J. (1998), SCHÖN, D. A. (1983),
SKALKOVÁ, J. (1995, 2007), SPILKOVÁ, V. (1997, 2004), SVATOŠ, T. (2006a),
ŠIKULOVÁ, R., MÜLLEROVÁ, L. (2001), ŠTURMA, J. (1996), ŠVEC, V. (1998, 1999,
2002, 2005), VALENTA, J. et all. (1993), VALENTA, J. (2000), VALIŠOVÁ, A. (1997),
VALIŠOVÁ, A., KASÍKOVÁ, H. (2011), VAŠUTOVÁ, J. et. all. (2008), VORLÍČEK, CH.
(2000), VYBÍRAL, Z. (2000), WALTEROVÁ, E. (1989),
Note: Full bibliographic quotations are provided in the list of literature.
Futility factor: No experiment is ever a complete failure – it can always serve
as a bad example.
Murphy’s Laws
Science is for those who learn. Poetry for those who know.
M. Holub
This chapter opens up the imaginary second part of this study text where the reader
embarks on more demanding topics in general didactics and its communication
context. Its aim is to show the scope of the term ‘lesson planning’ to prospective
teachers and to guide them toward a theoretical understanding of this issue and to
appropriate attempts to create their own concept of the future instruction. With regard
to the skills acquired, the student will be able to, after studying this chapter
 understand the term ‘lesson planning’, not only in the narrow sense of the
word (i.e. planning of a specific teaching lesson);
 reconstruct the didactic system according to J. Maňák as a conceptual
inspiration for the future practice;
 characterise the stages of a classical combined (i.e. multi-focal) lesson and
determine its didactic profile;
 apply the didactic system in practical examples of block planning for special
topic areas within the studied qualification.
Intensity of Acquisition
Middle intensity - to understand the educational theory and to verify it in skill-based
If I take a look at the students who are now participating in a didactics seminar, they
can be divided into two groups should I judge from their seating positions and external
behaviour. The first group is a relaxed one; with legs stretched out, a light smile and a
wandering look over the classroom, all of this speaks volumes about their feeling that
today there is no danger that they would display any increased activity in front of their
colleagues. The other group, having some educational news prepared for today’s
seminar, a micro-teaching or individual performance, can be recognised by their vain
attempts to concentrate and by the clearly nervous expectations of what comes next.
When it is their turn or ‘when it is over’, one can hear sighs of relief, and the face that
was pale and transparent just a minute ago regains its natural colour indicating that
the basic life functions are working again. The common reflections of their acts are
closed by a negativist sigh that they cannot imagine themselves ‘slaving away the
entire lesson’ if the micro-teaching session has taken so much effort.
We can all remember our teaching beginnings and we can note that we were not
principally different. We can recall how intensive feelings we had about the occasional
transformations from the role of the student into the role of the student-teacher, how
we have gradually gained firm ground and confidence with the growing load (e.g.
during the continuous teaching practice). In this period (which we can tenderly call the
period of pedagogical pre-natality), we probably reached the well-known and many
times repeated rule of proportion saying that a ‘teaching performance’ is directly
proportional to the effort we have invested into preparations and planning. We hereby
open up (and believe it is the right time to do it) the fifth chapter which is set to
answer the following question (using the minimum theory combined with practical
procedures): How to plan a lesson – teaching attempts?
Basic Theory Perspective
Surprisingly enough, the well-known Dictionary of Pedagogy (‘Pedagogický
slovník’, Průcha, Walterová and Mareš, 1997 …) does not contain the term planning
of instruction – teacher’s plan of a lesson. This does not mean that the authors
have avoided this topic. Let us remind you of the aged publication by Rys (1979) which
directly dealt with the preparation for and planning of the pedagogical influence. We
can say that both the older and the current educational (or didactic) textbook devote
more or less space to the preparatory stage of prospective teaching. The more classic
approach is primarily based on an overview of the possible teaching methods and
procedures which can be used in the future lesson project (e.g. Pretty 1996, coll. 1996,
Maňák and Švec 2004, Šimoník 2005 and other.).
The current view of this topic is an intersection of teacher competences and
skills, which include various aspects of lesson projects or activities related to their
planning and preparation (e.g. Švec, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2005, …, Vyskočilová
2002, Průcha 2004, Janík 2005, and others). However, there are in fact only few
publications ‘giving advice’ on how to design and write a teacher’s plan, mostly
referring to the above mentioned book by Rys and the collective text by Švec, Filová
and Šimoník (1996). The last and final group includes the works taking a detached
view to this issue and saying that the everyday teaching is influenced by higher factors
(educational paradigms, a teacher’s approach to teaching, effects from macro- and
micro-environments, etc.). Here are a few examples: Spilková (2004), Koťa (1994),
Mareš, Slavík, Svatoš and Švec (1996), Maňák (1990 and 2003).
Do not panic, we do not want to flood you with a sum of information and make
an in-depth analysis of individual schools or authors’ views. The above lines were to
persuade you that the issue of lesson planning or preparation is one of the
fundamental areas on which pedagogy-didactics (both in the past and now) has always
commented and in which it is continuously interested.
Below we will work through a system of questions and answers. Here we have
drawn inspiration on the works by Maňák, Švec, Mareš, Spilková and Koťa.
Figure 10: Levels of Preparation for a Lesson (Svatoš 2005)
Teacher’s approach to
idea of the lesson, basic framework,
considerations about objectives,
concept, difficulty, impact of experience
Didactic analysis of
future instruction
considerations about objectives, the curriculum,
terms and their relations, induced
learners‘ activities in cooperation with
the teacher
Written block plan (preconcept)
brief written plan, content stages and their
didactic characteristics (see the
Classic written lesson
1.7 Answer:
detailed chronological project of teaching
content, inventory of necessary methods
and means, socification of tasks,
characteristics of mutual activities,
Yes, we do differentiate at least four basic approaches to a teacher's
preparation for a lesson. The first two represent rather an idea view of teaching as ‘my
profession’ while the other two have taken the form of a written document.
The first level is mentioned by Mareš, for instance, when he considers
a teacher’s approach to a lesson that is a product of many years of teaching and
contains all the collected experience and our holistic approach to this profession.
Similarly, Koťa says that the form of our everyday educational activities is influenced
by many years of self-reflection and the resulting modifications in our approach to
education, learners, the school and our self.
A didactic analysis of the curriculum can also be an ‘intangible product’ (idea
– idea of prospective instruction) which is connected with a specific curriculum and (as
Skalková puts it) which is based on considerations about the instructional and learning
objectives, terms and relations between them, about the teacher’s collaboration with
learners and the importance of the curriculum for the development of a learning
human being.
The block plan (preparation) will be explained in the answer to Question C,
but it is a brief form of planned teaching and its basic stages as compared to the
classic written preparation for a lesson which takes the form of a detailed script of
all relating didactic actions in the future teaching project.
We refer to Appendix 5 where a simple form is provided.
Figure 11: Didactic System According to J. Maňák (1990-2003)
Objectives - accomplishment
ve of
informative - heuristic – productive - regulative
EIP (educational and instructional process)
EIP outcome
1.8 Answer:
Maňák, too, is considering both more general and more specific circumstances
having an influence on a teacher’s everyday teaching, which, in the end, is reflected in
a written preparation as the basic pedagogical document. In the first group, he
includes conditions and means being a kind of a transpersonal extension which
cannot be directly influenced by the teacher from his/her position as a pedagogue, but
its nature and condition have a stronger effect on the teacher’s everyday pedagogical
Examples include the state and development of pedagogical-psychological
theories, the state concept of education and preferred models, school legislation,
continuous innovation and modernisation of the educating system, up to the quality of
the prevailing relations to the school system and education in the society.
The ‘remaining’ part of figure 5 gives a more specific didactic model showing
schematically how a plan for a lesson is produced, implemented and what results it
brings. A wise and clever reader will surely understand that this is the ‘entire didactic
landscape’ with all of its fundamental terms, relations and continuities. Then it will
really be enough to acquire this scheme and materialise it in a specific curriculum.
The general applicability can be summarised as follows: At first, we must
always respect the objectives (lesson intentions) related to the specific curriculum.
The curriculum is normally distributed into lower content units (It has its own
structure.). The objectiveness and the content together determine the type of a
lesson to be considered, which will basically characterise the educational and
instructional process (commonly known as lessons – teaching hours). This process
has two components: a procedural component (stages of a lesson) and a
technological component. Both of them must be filled with specific procedures and
activities to enable a comparison between the planned and actual results after the
1.9 Notes on objectives – intents of a lesson:
Not only the above lines and scheme clearly show that a teacher’s didactic
reasoning about the prospective instruction depends on the following terms:
objectives – intentions. The dominant position of these terms is clear and is based
on the most fundamental pedagogical theorem saying that 'education is
intentional=leading to a certain, pre-defined objective'. Its accomplishment is realised
through a set of numerous methods and procedures. It has almost become a rule
that each didactic theoretician (or each author of some work about didactics) has
his/her own approach to teaching methods and a specific list of them.
The category of ‘objectives’ is considered not only in our reasoning about the
future lesson. We should be that brave to make it clear with our first words in a lesson
what intentions we plan to reach together after the end of the lesson. However, the
many years of practice have shown that teachers feel more ‘comfortable' in not
communicating to the learners what the objective of the lesson is; they prefer saying
what the topic area is, which does not bind them to anything (… ‘Today, we will talk
about alkali metal salts’ … ‘about the Hussite period’ … ‘about the construction of
compound sentences’ … ‘about an inclined plane’). After the lesson, both the satisfied
pedagogue and the learners can say: ‘Yes, we have talked about …’. However, we
know nothing about the extent of their understanding or about their relation to the
curriculum, about the fulfilled expectations, about the initial intentions and their
For your inspiration, use Appendix 6 which contains a dictionary of action
verbs to define teaching objectives in accordance with Bloom’s taxonomy (in: Švec,
Filová a Šimoník, 1996, p. 27). And what is most important regarding objectives and
the continuing content: the next Chapter 6 contains detailed information about what
teaching and learning objectives are and what their relation to the curriculum is.
Figure 12: Stages – Structure of a Combined Teaching Hour (Svatoš, 2006)
Stages of classic (combined) teaching hour
Motivation (stimulation)
intentions, previous and new knowledge,
useful value of curriculum, aroused interest,
efforts necessary to reach objectives
Mobilisation of previous
knowledge system
repetition of previous curriculum, its sorting
and activation,
Prologue (introduction)
Exposition of new
Practicing - repetitions
Practical application
1.10 Answer:
new knowledge and information and its
adequate approximation to students,
strengthening, integration into current knowledge
structure, systematisation, mental map
reflection of th degree of understanding
What is the practical importance of the
curriculum? Knowledge, personal and
social practice
comparison of input intentions (objectives) and
their accomplishment; what next?
We are facing a task of making a written draft outline of a prospective lesson
and we consider this to be a ‘normal’ teaching hour. This means that this lesson will
comprise several didactic procedures within the pre-set 45 minutes. Such lessons are
called ‘combined’ or ‘multi-focal’ lessons.
Any such lesson has its particular stages (see Maňák’s didactic system) with
particular intentions and didactic activities, but creating a unity and coherence. Figure
4 clearly shows that the start of a lesson (prologue) should provide the understanding
of what this lesson will be about and what results should be achieved after its
The prologue alone is not enough, so it is up to the pedagogue to arouse the
necessary interest in learners (motivate them) and determine what efforts must be
taken to accomplish the contemplated objectives. The systematic nature is one of the
old didactic principles, saying that permanent knowledge can be created only through
regular and systematic acquisition linking the new knowledge to the previous one. A
combined lesson, too, should not omit the part reminding of the previous curriculum
(mobilisation of the previous knowledge system) which creates a natural
knowledge base for the new information.
Approximation of the new curriculum (exposition of the new knowledge) is
one of the most sophisticated didactic procedures giving the notion about the overall
level of the teacher, his/her approach to the curriculum and primarily to the way and
level of learning. The teacher’s psycho-didactic competence is mostly manifested
during this stage of the lesson, saying that ‘I teach in a way that I know that my
pupils/students are capable of learning’. Now we have communicated the new
knowledge in the best way we could and it is necessary to ensure that its ‘supply’ was
meaningful, i.e. learners must find new relations to what they have already known.
This stage is called fixation and systematisation of the curriculum, and it is, among
other things, also important for more permanent remembering and retrieval later on.
The concluding parts of the lesson include practising or repetitions, which
are important not only for the learners, but also for the instructor. The general level of
practising will definitely show to what extent the new curriculum has been
‘successfully’ exposed, which is an indirect indicator of our teaching abilities and skills.
Attempts to apply the new knowledge in examples and demonstrations (practical
application) are the activities for which no time is usually left during the lesson. It is
always a pity if it is so. We deprive the learners of another (often more accessible)
view of the presented curriculum, which is reflected in their relation to the learning
content and after all, also to us, the instructors.
Every lesson should be finished with a joint (!) contemplation of the instructor
and the learners about to what extent the planned objectives have been met
(comparison of the ‘input and the output’) and what is ahead of us in the coming
lesson (do not forget about the systematic nature …). An important (although timeless
for you) note at the end: each stage of a lesson described above accomplishes
particular objectives through specific teaching methods and didactic
procedures. By giving any description of these methods, we would transcend the
borders of general didactics and come too early to the territory of subject-related
didactics. But we are at least free to give examples of certain teaching and didactic
Notes on teaching methods and didactic procedures
during a lesson:
Allow me to say in advance that I have chosen two publications speaking about
the issue of teaching methods in an effort to innovate them, expand them and enrich
them with current (modern) procedures. Maňák’s slim book (2001) gives an overview
of both classic teaching methods and the characteristics of the procedures aimed at
activating learners and bringing them towards creative collaboration with the
instructor. The group of traditional teaching methods includes the usual work with an
educational text, an instructional interview and its alternatives, dialogue procedures
and discussion activities, written products or descriptions of an experimental activity.
We must admit that the characteristics of the other group of methods having an
attribute of ‘activating – creative’ are much more interesting. Here Maňák includes the
procedures based on the verbal interaction between and among the lesson’s
stakeholders; let us mention the well-known brainstorming, panel discussions or the
so-called synectics method. Now we have appeared in the group of situational
procedures which are usually based on ‘imagine this situation …’, creating ways of
understanding through active role playing or role acceptance using staging procedures,
drama procedures (psycho- or socio-drama). The last example of creative procedures
is called 'didactic games’, fulfilling the instructional and educational objectives in a
playful form, often using competitiveness and creativity of stakeholders.
Another publication on this topic is the translated work by Flechsig (1995),
bringing the ‘western’ didactic procedures to the local educational environment. It must
be taken as an inspiration enriching the procedures currently employed. The author
mentions 20 didactic models aimed at developing the communication predispositions
during the teaching or learning process.
We can see they include the well-known procedures employed all the way
from primary schools to universities. For instance, it is a didactic dialogue, dispute
(meaning an arguing dialogue), excursion, frontal methods, (didactic) games, projects,
lectures or workshops.
The less common procedures include: assistance, distant learning, individual
learning, cabinet (acquisition of knowledge in a specially created environment),
conference, cooperative procedures, a roundtable, practical studies and their
presentations, networking (a network of persons mutually communicating the new
knowledge), tutorial procedures (students in the teacher's role), exhibitions (acquiring
knowledge in 'public places').
We can make a figurative comparison of the issue of teaching methods and
didactic procedures to a ‘pedagogical hypermarket’ offering users a large selection of
traditional and less embedded procedures to accomplish the educational objectives.
However, their appropriate selection and application is much more complicated and
goes beyond the intentions we have set when creating this text.
Practical Application – Assignments, Activities, Skills
So this ‘bit of theory’ has in fact been a bit more sophisticated and voluminous
than in other chapters. But this was a must due to the topic area alone. Let us assume
that this information has been useful and will facilitate your completion of the tasks
given at the end of this chapter. As usually, the author will again try to solve the first
example as an inspiration and informal ‘instructions’ for the readers. Again, we must
add that practising through making written concepts of a lesson is a difficult task
for a student and should rather be considered as a loan for the future.
1.12 Example
Let us choose any subject where we have a textbook available and let us
choose a specific curriculum (subject matter). We have chosen physics for the seventh
grade of primary school and the topic of ‘Velocity of a uniform motion’. We use the
following textbook: Kol. (1991). Our task is to make a teaching pre-concept for a
combined lesson in accordance with Figure 6.
SOLUTION: Table 5: Teaching Pre-concept Example – Characteristics and Stages
Basic Characteristics of Contemplated Lesson
School – Educational Establishment: primary school
School Year:
Lesson: 8-9
Day: 15.
Year: 2013
Form: 7C
Note: contents for 2
Instructional Objectives: To strengthen the notion of the difference between a uniform
and non-uniform motion; to deduce a formula for the calculation of velocity of a uniform
rectilinear motion
Educational Objectives: To create a model for safe behaviour in the street based on the
information acquired
Specific Curriculum: A body performing a uniform motion; velocity as a physical quantity;
velocity as the distance that a figure covers per unit of time – a formula for calculating
velocity; units
Terms: uniform and non-uniform motion; distance; time; velocity; quantity and its
measurement; quantity identification; quantity units; basic unit
Final Knowledge – Outcome: To be able to explain velocity as a physical quantity; to
calculate velocity of a body from the distance and time measured; to have an understanding
of units and their conversion
Note: To verify the knowledge and use it in practice, pupils carry out laboratory wok in any of
the subsequent lessons
Stages and Brief Content of Contemplated Lesson
In a teaching monologue, inform the pupils about the
objectives and course of the lesson. Remind them that they
have already encountered this subject matter in previous
years (e.g. the physical quantity of time); the outcome of the
lesson should consist in the knowledge of the theory of
uniform motion and in the skill to apply theory in typical
examples (to calculate, to consider, to compare);
Use a media demonstration (BESIP: ‘How pedestrians
behave on a crossing’) to show an illustrative example of a
pedestrian knocked down by a driven car. During your
discussion with pupils, emphasise the usefulness of the
knowledge about a steadily (uniformly) moving vehicle for
our safety;
Previous Knowledge
Show a presentation and repeat the previous curriculum
about rectilinear motion and the basic physical quantities (in
particular about time); Try to systemise the knowledge and
make a difference in its significance; Practise various
methods for measuring time (as a physical unit) with
available devices;
New Knowledge
Present an experiment: Release a toy car on a plane
plate and measure the time and distance between two
Change the distance and repeat the experiment.
Deduce the term velocity of a uniform motion and write
down the formula for its calculation (distance ‘s’ divided by
the travelling time ‘t’);
Provide the basic velocity unit (meters per second; m/s)
and other units (kilometres per hour; km/h).
Compute a sample problem; explain the procedure and
outcome in the necessary units or repeat the entire sample
procedure so that the method of solving the problem is
FIXATION of the New
Show your presentation with incomplete sentences
containing the basic knowledge from today’s lesson (from
the new curriculum); The pupils (working in three groups)
are to complete the sentences and compare and justify the
results in all groups;
EXERCISES Repetition
Two pupils will be solving the problems given in the textbook
(p. 24) on the reverse sides of the blackboard. Other pupils
will be solving the same assignments (A-B) in the class and
the course and results of their work will then be compared;
PRACTICAL Application
Use your presentation to show a simple traffic situation in
front of the school; there is a vehicle travelling at uniform
velocity and approaching a pedestrian crossing; we use the
problem method to bring the learners to answer the
following question: How long will it take for the vehicle to
pass the crossing? Compare the procedures and results for
solving this problem.
In the final dialogue with the pupils, consider to what extent
you have managed to accomplish the objectives identified at
the beginning of the lesson. In the end, communicate the
objectives and topics for the next lesson (average velocity of
non-uniform motion);
Note: We have consulted this pre-concept with primary school physics and
mathematics teachers and found out that it is over-dimensioned for the common
school practice. Its structure and stages would rather fit into two consecutive lessons.
Well, even a writer must sometimes face reality and adjust the otherwise well-meant
procedures to real situations.
1.13 MICRO-TEACHING – Assignment:
The assignment is foreseeable: Make a written pre-concept of a future
lesson with ideas following Table 5, i.e. it will again be designed for a combined type of
a lesson. It is up to you to choose the subject and curriculum and to use your own
fantasy and creativity to tune yourself in the pleasurable idea of the ‘future instruction’.
Use the well-known form to perform your assignment.
School – Educational Establishment:
School Year:
Year: 20..
Instructional Objectives:
Educational Objectives:
Specific Curriculum:
Final Knowledge – Outcome:
Stages and Brief Content of Contemplated Lesson
Previous Knowledge
New Knowledge
FIXATION of the New
EXERCISES Repetition
PRACTICAL Application
Terms to Remember (Key Words)
comparisons of objectives and outcomes, diagnosis, didactic analysis, educational
practice, educational skills, exposition of the new knowledge, heuristic, learner’s
performance, macro-environment, mental map, methodology, micro-environment,
mobilisation of the knowledge system, paradigm, pre-concept of a lesson, prologue,
reflection of the educational performance, stimulation, knowledge systematisation,
teaching competencies..
Issues for Thought
We have said at the beginning of this chapter that the ‘teacher’s preparation for
a lesson/teaching plan’ can be understood both from a general perspective and
in specific form. Please explain the concept under which also your university
study is a kind of a pedagogue’s preparation for a lesson.
Search the dictionary of foreign terms, the Dictionary of Pedagogy, the
Pedagogical Encyclopaedia, the internet, etc. to find the term ‘pre-concept’ and
explain it in general and in relation to the teacher planning.
Why do we think that the (internalised) knowledge of Maňák’s didactic system
‘makes’ us pedagogues? Why does his concept include a way to understand the
teacher’s work?
The structure of stages of a classic combined lesson contains a fixation part.
What is its mission? Why is it different from the identification with the new
curriculum and from practising?
You had a practical assignment to prepare a block plan for your lesson.
Remember its content and comment on the most difficult parts and why it was
so. And vice versa.
The students of General Didactics are in a slightly complicated position. They are still
the students who have just become familiar with the basic knowledge of general
education and didactics, and the notion of teaching a lesson at school on one’s own
(autonomously) is still far away. On the other hand, the disciplines that they study
should help them speed up their successful entry into school so that their first teaching
attempts do not become an unguided hazard with the health of those who are to earn
money for our well-earned rest in in the retirement in the coming decades.
We believe that general didactics should pave the way for subject-related didactics by
introducing some generally applicable principles (including block planning, teaching
pre-concepts) in an acceptable theoretical format and by providing appropriate
examples for practising and obtaining the first experience. The latter will be discussed
in more detail in the next paragraphs.
‘Crib’ (Good Advice Is Better Than Gold)
If we have an assignment to prepare a teaching pre-concept on our own, we
should accept it as a slightly timeless challenge to prove our creativity and relationship
to the future everyday role as a teacher. As students of general didactics, we know
quite a lot and we can use it to perform the assignment. But let us also be honest that
we do not know a lot of things either and so it exceptionally comes in hand that we are
not alone to meet this task.
Where can we seek advice and assistance? For example, it can be our nearest
and dearest who have also been ‘diagnosed as pedagogues’; we can get ideas from
our older colleagues or use subject-related departments and consult the issue with
their methodists. But we can also, with thrilling sensation, go and see our former
teachers at primary or secondary schools to gain precious advice from the old school
stagers during a friendly talk. However, we can never be sure whether our perfect and
verified written plan will be a safe guideline for our real lesson.
We have heard many times that the teacher study is mostly about lengthy theories
that are sometimes (during the last years) alternated with the practical opportunity to
teach at faculty schools. We believe that it is part of the true reflection of pre-service
teacher training. But each view and judgment has two sides. According to the opinion
that is rather on the other side of the coin, one should be ready for teaching attempts
and implement them only when the future teacher’s professionalism is at the required
level. This is why teaching attempts are as a rule preceded by the training of teaching
situations through micro-teaching that will be explained in the last but one chapter.
Note: Appendix 7 contains a form to train the preparation of a written plan.
BERTRAND, Y. (1998), BLACK, A., DAVERN, L. (1998), BLOCH, A. (1993), BUDIŠ,
all. (1995), DOLEŽALOVÁ, J. (2002, 2009, 2011), DYTRTOVÁ, R., KRHUTOVÁ, M.
(2009), FLEICHSIG, K.H. (1995), GAVORA, P. (2005b), HOLUB, M. (1987), JANÍK, T.
(2005), JANÍK, T., Havel, J. (2005), JANIŠ, K. (2003), JANIŠ, K., KRAUS, B., VACEK, P.
(1998), JUKLOVÁ, K. (2008), KALHOUS, S., OBST, O. (2002), KASÁČOVÁ B. (2009),
Kol. (1991, 1998), KOMENSKÝ, J.A. (1947, 1948), KORTHAGEN, F. et all. (2011),
KOŤA, J. (1994), MAŇÁK, J. (1990), MAŇÁK, J., ŠVEC, V. (2004), PETTY, G. (1996),
PRŮCHA, J. ed. (2009), PRŮCHA, J., WALTEROVÁ, E., MAREŠ, J. (1997) –other reeditions. SKALKOVÁ, J. (1999), SPILKOVÁ, V. (2004), SVATOŠ, T. (2003, 2006a),
ŠIMONÍK, O. (2005), ŠVEC, V. (1998, 1999, 2002, 2005), ŠVEC, V., FILOVÁ, H.
ŠIMONIK, O. (1996), VAŠUTOVÁ, J. et. all. ( 2008).
Note: Full bibliographic citations are provided in the list of literature.
Loftovo postesknutí: Nos nelze dost dobře nestrkat nikam.
Murphyho zákony
Když mi bylo čtrnáct, byl můj táta takový ignorant, že jsem ho sotva vystál.
Ale když mi pak bylo jednadvacet, byl jsem překvapen, jak se stařík za těch
sedm let naučil.
M. Holub
Věřme že logicky po kapitolách o přípravě na vyučování a stanovování cílů a obsahu je
zařazen text, jehož záměrem je přinést informace o možnostech nácviku a
simulování role pedagoga – jako účinného prostředku profesního rozvoje. Tyto postupy
– souhrnně označované jako mikrovyučování – tvoři most mezi didakticko-komunikační
přípravou a reálným působením ve školním prostředí. Pohledem osvojovaných
dovedností student po prostudovaní bude schopen:
 Identifikovat a pojmenovat podstatu mikrovyučování a jeho významných
 Zrekonstruovat schéma tzv. komunikační situace a vysvětlit její jednotlivé
 Vysvětlit základní pojmy (reflexe, sebereflexe, profáze, postraze atd.),
 Aplikovat teorii mikrovyučování na příkladu své přípravy, jak byla popsána
v tématu č. 5.
Náročnost na osvojení
Pro porozumění pedagogické teorii i pro ověření v dovednostní praxi střední.
Dnes už to zní skoro jako pohádka: bylo - nebylo. A ono bylo a před dvaceti lety.
Tehdy se na mne obrátila studentka učitelství pro 1. stupeň základní školy V.M.
s dotazem, zda vím o nějakých postupech, které umožňují budoucím pedagogům
nacvičit některé části budoucího vyučování „nanečisto“ – ještě před tím, než
v podmínkách průběžné pedagogické praxe odučí celou vyučovací hodinu. Studentka se
velmi obávala, jak zvládne výkladovou část vyučování a byla ochotna „spolčit se nejen
s ďáblem“, dokonce s metodiky fakulty, jen aby nacvičila potřebnou část hodiny.
Protože byla V. M. = velmi mladá a chtěla být V. M. = výborná metodička, nabídli jsme
ji s týmem didaktiků u nás v té době ojedinělé řešení.
z titulku
odpovědět: procedurou tzv. mikrovyučování (microteachingu). Jde o postup, se
kterým zahraniční učitelskou veřejnost poprvé seznámili Allen a Ryan (1969) a jež za
dobu existence dal vzniknout dalším podobným postupům, které našly své místo
v zajímavém světě technologie vzdělávání.
Téma pohledem základní teorie
S mikrovyučováním jako účinnou metodou učitelské přípravy se setkáváme
v zahraniční literatuře přibližně od poloviny 60. let minulého století. Obdobně jako v
zahraničí našlo mikrovyučování i v našich podmínkách nadšené domácí propagátory. S
prvními vážněji míněnými pokusy, datovanými do počátku 70. let 20. stol., se
setkáváme v pracích Hapaly, Kratochvíla, Januse a dalších. Na rozdíl od jiných postupů
(ve své době slibně rozvíjených) má mikrovyučování i dnes své pevné místo ve
vzdělávání, především budoucích učitelů a ve firemním managementu.
1.14 Mikrovyučování a jeho podstata
Původní záměry mikrovyučování vystihuje i dnes heslo v Pedagogickém slovníku
(Průcha,J., Walterová,E., Mareš,J. 1995, s. 119), z nějž citujeme: Heslo
Postup užívaný v učitelské přípravě při nácviku pedagogických dovedností. Principem je
zjednodušení (miniaturizace) podmínek pro vyučovací činnost učitele. Sníží se počet
žáků ve třídě (např. na 10), zkrátí se vyučovací jednotka (např. na 5 - 15 minut),
zredukuje se škála nacvičovaných dovedností (např. jen výklad, jen opakování, jen
procvičování). Adept procházející výcvikem absolvuje v rámci mikrovyučování tuto
sekvenci činností: příprava výuky - provedení zkrácené výuky - důkladný rozbor, na
němž se podílejí specialisté i kolegové (často s využitím videozáznamu) - promýšlení
připomínek a přepracování koncepce - opětovné provedení výuky s jinou skupinou
žáků - opětovný rozbor adeptovy činnosti.
Obr. 13: Etapy mikrovyučování
Cíle, příprava,
Mikrovýstup A
provedení, rozbor,
Konečná podoba,
zobecnění pro další
pedagogickou praxi
Mikrovýstup B
provedení, rozbor,
Mikrovýstup C (je-li
potřeba, se stejným
Dnešní mikrovyučování, jak ho známe z uskutečňování v podmínkách
učitelského studia na našich vysokých školách, je potomkem původního záměru, který
byl rozšířen a povýšen na vzdělávací koncepci. Základním prvkem je mikrovýstup,
který si můžeme představit jako záměrně připravenou a reflektovanou pedagogickou
situaci (Slavík 1995, Švec 1996). Sledujeme-li pozorně obrázek č. 11, zjišťujeme, že
mikrovyučování má svou vnitřní strukturu a jejím základním stavebním kamenem je
tzv. mikrovýstup.
Tab. 6: Fáze mikrovýstupu jako pedagogické situace (Svatoš 2000)
zadání (smysl, teoretický kontext)
rozvíjené dovednosti a soubory, úskalí a možné
chyby, mediální ilustrace, objasnění nejasného
prekoncepční analýza
prožitkový rámec "před",
hledání předchozího analogického jednání,
(s televizním
jedinec, dvojice,
versus student:
prekoncept akce, jistoty, očekávání a otazníky,
komunikační aktivita rozvíjející určený soubor
pedagogických - komunikativních dovedností
sebereflexní analýza:
prožitkový rámec „po“
naplnění očekávání, bilancování, pojmenování
komunikačních změn dlouhodobější povahy,
adresná reflexe,
osobní názory a postoje
vzájemný dialog s obhajováním a objasňováním
postojů a osobního mínění
stimulující hodnocení,
inventura kladných a diskutabilních stránek
mikrovýstupu, další inspirace
video (audio) reprodukce, hodnocení,
(pozorovací archy, dotazníky)
opakovaná, resp. modifikovaná činnost (jak
příště jinak a „lépe“)
I když se mikrovýstupy v A, B případně C od sebe liší konkrétním obsahem, je
zřejmé, že jejich obecná struktura „uvnitř“ zůstává stejná a jako celek představuje
pedagogickou (nacvičujeme-li pedagogické dovednosti) nebo komunikační situaci
(nacvičujeme-li komunikační dovednosti).
Mikrovýstup je cvičná, záměrně navozená a monitorovaná pedagogická
(komunikační) situace, jejímž hlavním smyslem je poskytnout příležitost k utváření,
upevnění, rozvíjení nebo obměně pedagogických (komunikativních) dovedností. Na
straně komunikanta (jednajícího studenta) záměrně vytváří stimulující napětí (plynoucí
z novosti, nezkušenosti..), jež vede k pedagogické (komunikační) aktivitě, která je
reflektována okolím a sebehodnocena.
Podmínkou účinného nácviku je, aby se týkal každého jednotlivce zvlášť, s
ohledem na jeho individuální potřeby, dosavadní dispozice, dovednosti a postoje.
Mikrovýstup jako nácviková metoda je jednou z účinných cest od vnější regulace
chování k autoregulaci, od vnějších zásahů k autonomnímu projevu…
Podívejme se ve větším detailu na tabulku č. 6 a pokusme se jej „lidsky“
vysvětlit. Už letmý pohled říká, že se jedná o pět mezi sebou spojených činností,
kterými musí projít student, rozhodne-li se pro nácvik.
V první části (PREFÁZI) je mu významně k ruce pedagog, který vysvětlí, co
bude záměrem mikrovýstupu, zadá úkol, sdělí potřebnou teorii, určí, které dovednosti
je potřeba rozvíjet, s jakými chybami se student může setkat. Jsou-li k dispozici filmy,
televizní záznamy atd., tak je promítnuty v takové podobě, aby nebyly chápány jako
„návody“ na opakování či kopírování. Od připravujícího se studenta se očekává, že
připraví prekoncept činnosti, který doplní popisem prožívání „před" akcí. Je velmi
dobré, když se snaží hledat předchozí podobné jednání, resp. situaci, ve které byl, a
ujasní si jistoty i otazníky s činností, která ho čeká.
Takto připraven a vybaven uskuteční připravenou didaktickou činnost před
svými kolegy podle připraveného prekonceptu. Jeho jednání (AKCE) má podobu
sledovatelných dovedností, resp. jako diváci a posluchači můžeme pozorovat vnější
stránku dovedností, která však úzce souvisí s vnitřními stránkami předváděných
činností. Nejen pro lepší zapamatování je výkon studenta snímán a zaznamenán
prostředky videotechniky. Určitě namítnete, že jde o velkou zátěž samo o sobě, a natož
s televizní asistencí. Máte pravdu, vědomí „co řeknu, pak uvidím a uslyším“, je v mnoha
směrech svazující. Na druhou stranu si připomeneme známý vztah mezi cvičištěm a
bojištěm, jak se traduje ve zlidovělém přísloví. „A o tom to je…“
Předpokládejme, že vystupující student přežil bez úhony popisovanou část
mikrovýstupu a dále ho čeká „ohlédnutí“ po svém výstupu (POSTFÁZE). K jejímu
průběhu přispívají všichni zúčastnění. Nejprve se ale slova ujímá hlavní aktér a
popisuje, jaké má prožitky „po“ akci, jak se naplnila jeho očekávání, a snaží se
pojmenovat, co by v příští podobné situaci zachoval a co naopak změnil a proč.
Připomeňme, že většinovým znakem studentských sebereflexí, jak je po mnoho let
slýcháme při nácviku, je velmi kritický tón vůči sobě samému, jenž se dá vyjádřit
silnými slovy: sebezničení, sebeznehodnocení, verbální demontáž apod. Proto je nutné,
aby do hodnocení vstoupila reflexe ostatních přítomných. Jejich názorová paleta
obvykle upravuje velmi kritický pohled aktéra na sebe sama a zároveň začíná přinášet
cenné ovoce v podobě nápadů, návrhů a konceptů „jak příště jinak“. V obdobném
duchu se do diskuse zapojuje i přítomný pedagog, od nějž se neočekávají silná slova
ani kladným či záporným směrem. Spíše by měla být na místě polemika, zakončená
úvahami “co a jak dál“.
Téměř jsme zapomněli, že máme k dispozici audiovizuální (televizní) nahrávku
akce, jejíž přehrávka má podobu zpětné vazby. Nezpochybnitelným způsobem z ní
můžeme opět vyčíst jednotlivé elementy jednání a pedagogickou situaci jako celek.
S výhodou využijeme všech obvyklých technických vymožeností, které videotechnika
skýtá (zastavení – zopakování – zpomalení apod.) Pochopitelně vždy s jasným účelem
a taktem nám vrozeným. Je-li součástí zpětné vazby vyplnění dotazníků či pozorovacích
archů, provádíme to po přehrávce didaktické akce (např. Svatoš a Holý 2005).
Konečnou fází mikrovýstupu (jako nácvikové pedagogické situace) je tzv. nová
konstrukce jednání. Je logickým završením výše zmiňovaných útrap a má podobu
upravené (modifikované) činnosti, která by měla přinést vyšší celkovou kvalitu v další
podobné situaci. Ve schématu, které jsme před chvílí popsali, mají své
nepřehlédnutelné a nezaměnitelné místo postupy hodnocení, spojené s reflexivními a
sebereflexivními činnostmi. Považujeme je za tak významnou složku učitelské přípravy,
resp. mikrovyučování, že jim věnujeme prostor a potřebnou pozornost v dalším textu.
Obdobně jako vyučující po každodenní pedagogické činnosti, také student
učitelství po mikrovýstupu si klade otázky, jak svou pedagogicko-komunikativní roli
zvládal, jak jeho sdělování vnímali jeho adresáti, jak ovlivnil společné činnosti, jak se
dařilo přetvářet prekoncept mikrovýstupu v autentické jednání a konečně: jak jinak
postupovat v obdobných situacích. Budoucí učitel na rozdíl od zkušeného pedagoga
hledá odpovědi obtížněji a ve větší závislosti na okolí (ostatních studentech, vyučujícím
atd.). Ukazuje se, že studentské interpretace svého komunikativního či pedagogického
jednání jsou často neúplné a mnohé v nich chybí. Důvodů je nejméně pět a vlastně
odrážejí poněkud zvláštní pozici člověka, „který se učí učit“:
 nevybavování si předchozích způsobů jednání ze situací obdobného typu (student
učitelství mnohdy nemá na co vzpomínat a s čím srovnávat),
 přílišná závislost na konkrétním průběhu výuky (chybí mu nadhled a projevuje se
silný vliv situací, ke kterým v mikrovyučování nepředvídaně došlo),
 upjatost na jedno řešení, jednání... postup (ve větší míře není schopen kreativního
 neodpovídající postupy (kroky) reflexivní činnosti (může být „poškozen"
neprofesionálním a neodborným hodnocením) a s tím související
 užití nevhodných metod reflexe a sebereflexe.
Správně prováděná reflexe a sebereflexe mikrovyučování má svá nesporná
pozitiva. Předmětem reflexní analýzy je praktická a konkrétní činnost, která probíhala v
„ohraničeném" ději, v zapamatovatelných a vybavitelných souvislostech. Pro všechny
zúčastněné není obtížné spojit dovednostní situaci s proběhlým dějem, s konkrétními
reakcemi posluchačů apod. Smyslem rozboru mikrovýstupů není hledání jediného
řešení, naopak. Legitimní možnost různého individuálního ztvárnění obdobných
dovednostních situací upevňuje vědomí svobodné a tvořivé podstaty učitelství a
posiluje studentovu osobní i profesní identitu.
Způsob, jakým se budoucí učitel s řešením nácvikových situací vyrovnává, jak
zvnitřňuje hodnocení druhých, jak obhajuje své postoje a upravuje (modifikuje) další
obdobnou činnost, napovídá o jeho rodících se profesních kvalitách. Je potřebné
zdůraznit, že výsledky reflexivních postupů mají velký význam především pro
jednajícího studenta a záměrně v pozadí zůstávají většinové - skupinové názory.
S jakými reflexivními a sebereflexivními postupy se v dovednostním nácviku můžeme
1.14.1 a) sebereflexivní bilance
Naše zkušenosti ukazují, že mezi nejvýznamnější reflexivní metody můžeme
zařadit tzv. sebereflexivní bilance, které popisují stavy "před" mikrovýstupem a "po"
něm. Jejich podoba může být formálně různá, např. volný nebo návodnými otázkami
vedený písemný popis očekávání a skutečnosti a jejich vzájemné srovnávání. Na obr.
11 uvádíme „sebereflexivní bilanční dotazník“, se kterým po mnoho let pracujeme při
nácviku dovedností budoucích učitelů.
Obsahově studentské zápisy nejčastěji vypovídají o těchto dílčích tématech:
individuální představa o činnosti, která je čeká, očekávané obtíže i jistoty, naplnění
nebo neuskutečnění očekávání, výčet pozitivních a negativních znaků proběhlé činnosti,
pojmenování prvků, které se objeví v budoucím (obdobném) jednání. Často také
vystupující studenti ve stavech „po“ popisují proměny v psychickém stavu, dávají si
dobrá předsevzetí k sobě samým a konečně se rozepisují o trvalejších a obecnějších
změnách, ke kterým došlo nebo o které budou v dalším jednání programově usilovat.
Připomínáme několikrát uvedenou skutečnost, že studentská bilancování (v
písemné nebo mluvené podobě) je součástí každého mikrovýstupu a je spojeno
reflektujícím hodnocením zbývajících účastníků nácviku - včetně vyučujícího. Především
v této podobě (jak je naším přesvědčením) může sebereflexivní bilance přispívat ke
vzniku posunů ve studentském sebeobrazu (jaký jsem, jak se vnímám a jak mne
vnímají a hodnotí ostatní), což blahodárně přispívá k urychlování a prohlubování
profesní přípravy.
1.14.2 B) sebereflexivní deníky
Na půdě moravské, přesněji na Pedagogické fakultě MU v Brně, mají dlouholeté
zkušenosti s jinými postupy reflexe a sebereflexe v dovednostním nácviku (kupř. Švec
1996). Výchozí myšlenkou je zavedení, průběžné doplňování a analýza sebereflexivních
deníků, které vlastní každý student a do nějž zapisuje a hodnotí všechny aktivity,
kterými v delším období procházel. Jde o postup, jehož záměrem je v delším čase
postihnout proměny studentského uvažování a načrtnout trendy jeho dalšího
profesionalizačního vývoje.
Vraťme se k proceduře sebereflexe a reflexe mikrovyučování a v závěru
připomeňme, jaká pravidla by měla být dodržována při hodnocení studentských
1.14.3 zásady správného hodnocení mikrovýstupů
 každý hodnotí každého,
 také vystupující student hodnotí sám sebe,
 hodnocení se skládá jednak z připravené osnovy hodnocení, dílem z volných
 každý mikrovýstup by měl být chápán jako alternativní a také tak hodnocen,
 reflexe má obvykle dvě hodnotící roviny: komunikativní (výrazovou) a rovinu
obsahovou (pedagogicko-didaktickou),
 při sebehodnocení by neměly chybět výpovědi o prožitcích před, při a po
 hodnocený student má možnost obhajovat svůj postup,
 hodnocený student má možnost opakování (opravy, modifikace..)
mikrovýstupu, jestliže to situace vyžaduje,
 vyučující by se měl zdržet jednoznačně správných či odmítavých soudů (může
studenta poškodit),
 jeho hodnocení by mělo mít podobu úvahy, rozvahy nad výkonem, inspirace,
naznačení dalších možností apod.
 hodnocení má v sobě obsahovat prvky teorie i praxe,
 při hodnocení jiným studentem jsou oba natočeni k sobě a hovoří k sobě
(hodnocení nemůže probíhat "přes" vyučujícího).
 všichni studenti by měli při mikrovýstupu i hodnocení na sebe vidět,
 reflexe (resp. sebereflexe) by se měla dotýkat jak psychických stavů (proměny
motivace, prožívání, návratnost mentální investice do výkonu atd.), tak i
konkrétních dovedností (jejich provádění, celkové úrovně a budoucích úprav a
V následující tabulce (tab. č. 7) uvádíme příklady nacvičovaných a později
reflektovaných dovedností komunikativní a didaktické povahy. Ve skutečnosti
nejde o jednotlivé činnosti, ale o složitější dovednostní struktury (někdy se jim říká
„dovednostní trsy“). Určitě nejde o vyčerpávající přehled, dovednostní celky uvádíme
spíše pro inspiraci a jako námět ke konkrétnímu reflexivnímu posouzení
Tab. 7: Příklady nacvičovaných a reflektovaných dovedností (abecedně)
interpretovat připravený obsah sdělení před adresáty
modifikovat budoucí činnost na základě reflexe a sebereflexe proběhlé činnosti
pojmenovat „po“ výkonu polemické stránky didaktické činnosti
pojmenovat „po“ výkonu pozitivní stránky didaktické činnosti
posoudit obsah učiva z pohledu jeho významu (učivo základní x elementární x
provést sebehodnocení po mikrovýstupu (rekonstruovat etapu přípravy)
připravovat mikrovýstup s vědomím pozice adresátů
připravovat mikrovýstup s vědomím prostředí, ve kterém se bude odehrávat
přiřadit k dílčímu obsahu odpovídající metody, vedoucí k očekávaným cílům
reflektovat kvalitu mimoslovního projevu - všechny složky neverbálního sdělování
reflektovat kvalitu slovního projevu - zejména jazykových prostředků a zvukové
stránky řeči
reflektovat míru splnění vstupních výchovně vzdělávacích cílů s jejich realizací
rozpracovat výchovné a vzdělávací záměry do fází mikrovyučování
stanovit cíle a výchovně vzdělávací záměry na příkladu konkrétního učiva
stanovit materiálně technické a psychohygienické podmínky vyučování
stanovit míru přípravy a improvizace před mikrovýstupem
ujasnit požadované žákovské činnosti, resp. míru kooperace vyučujícího se žáky
uplatnit při mikrovýstupu fantazii a tvořivost v celkovém projevu
utřídit základní pojmy učiva a vyjasnit vztahy mezi nimi
vnímat nepříznivé reakce posluchačů a regulovat vnější chování očekávaným
vnímat příznivé reakce posluchačů a regulovat vnější chování očekávaným
vyjmenovat způsoby hodnocení a reflektování úrovně žákovských činností
vysvětlit své postoje a názory s ohledem na téma a adresáty sdělení
vytipovat (v přípravě) očekávané obtíže v mimoslovním projevu - v mimickém
vytipovat (v přípravě) očekávané obtíže v mimoslovním projevu - v motorické aktivitě
vytipovat (v přípravě) očekávané obtíže v mimoslovním projevu - v haptickém
vytipovat (v přípravě) očekávané obtíže v mimoslovním projevu - v posturologii
vytipovat (v přípravě) očekávané obtíže v mimoslovním projevu - v proxemickém
vytipovat (v přípravě) očekávané obtíže v mimoslovním projevu – ve zrakovém
vytipovat (v přípravě) očekávané obtíže ve slovním projevu - zaměřeno na sdělovaný
vytipovat (v přípravě) očekávané obtíže ve slovním projevu - zaměřeno na zvukovou
zakončit mikrovýstup odpovídajícím způsobem (komunikačně, didakticky, celkovým
zkonstruovat časově obsahový koncept mikrovyučování s detailizací dílčích učebních
zveřejnit své pocity a prožitky s ohledem na téma a adresáty sdělení
zvolit v přípravě vhodné jazykové prostředky
Praktická aplikace – úkoly, činnosti, dovednosti
V kapitole o nácviku vyučování není dost dobře možné, aby autor aplikoval
potřebné znalosti na příkladu konkrétní činnosti. Proto také není možné ani nacvičovat
a konkretizovat postupy reflexe či sebereflexe. Nicméně pro větší připravenost vás
budoucích učitelů na mikrovýstup, jehož zadání bude následovat, přinášíme na obr. 14
příklad jednoduchého formuláře, který lze použít pro sebereflexivní bilancování stavů
„před“ a „po“ mikrovýstupu.
Obr. 14: Formulář pro sebereflexivní bilancování v dovednostním nácviku (Svatoš
studijní skupina:
Charakteristika mikrovýstupu:
Cíl mikrovýstupu (MV):
Téma MV:
Datum MV a prostředí:
Čas MV:
Většina úvah o mikrovýstupu, který mě teď čeká, se týkala ……………………..
Na mikrovýstup jsem se připravoval(a) tak, že jsem …………………………….........
Myslím si, že mikrovýstup by mohl dopadnout dobře, kdybych využil(a) svých
schopností …………………………………………………….………………………………..
Očekávám od videozáznamu mikrovýstupu ……………………………………………
což umožní, abych příště …………………………………………………………...............
Záměry, které jsem si stanovil(a) před mikrovýstupem, se mi ........…………............
Podle očekávání jsem ........................………………………………….............................
což si vysvětluji tím, že ............................................................…………………………….
Naopak mě překvapilo, jak jsem ......................……………………………………….….
Bylo to tím, že ...............………………………………………………………………………..
Své reakce bych charakterizoval(a) jako …………….……………………..…………...
a ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ,
i když ...........................……………………….………………………....................................
Příště budu ..................................……………………………………..................................
méně ….………………………….........………………………………………………………..
* pro interní potřebu katedry pedagogiky a psychologie připravil T. Svatoš (c) 2001 *
2 Mikrovýstup - zadání
Čeká vás určitě nejnáročnější úkol ze všech, které jsou zadány v této publikaci.
Záměrem je připravit simulovanou pedagogickou situaci ve formě prekonceptu
vyučování a formou mikrovyučování situaci uskutečnit, zaznamenat, analyzovat a
navrhnout upravený model původní představy didaktické činnosti. Na druhou stranu by
vás zadání nemělo příliš překvapit, protože většina předchozích témat vám dala
příležitost k postupnému „vyladění“ na blížící se mikrovyučování.
Připomeňme si, že jsme se v prvním tématu učili pracovat s pedagogickým
textem, ve druhé kapitole jsme pronikali do tajů sociální a pedagogické komunikace a
měli příležitost nacvičovat komunikativní dovednosti všemi výrazovými prostředky, ve
čtvrté jsme konstruovali didaktickou prezentaci a páté téma bylo bližším seznámením
s problematikou přípravy vyučujícího na výuku a konečně tato kapitola vám přiblížila
mikrovyučování jako nácvikovou proceduru.
2.1.1 Zadání:
a) Tvorba prekonceptu vyučování
Zvolte si jakýkoliv předmět, ke kterému máte k dispozici učebnici, a vyberte
konkrétní učivo. Z uvedeného učiva vytvořte prekoncept vyučování v hodině
smíšeného typu - podle příkladu na obr. 10 a zapište do formuláře v Příloze č. 7. Podle
svého uvážení zvolte jednu z dílčích fází vyučovací hodiny, kterou chcete
v podmínkách mikrovyučování nacvičit a později reflektovat. Výběr zdůvodněte.
b ) Konzultace s vyučujícím
Vaši představu budoucího vyučování konzultujte s vyučujícím, společně
připravte podmínky (např. učební pomůcky a didaktickou techniku) a seznamte se
s prostředím budoucího vyučování. Dohodněte se na časově obsahové charakteristice
vyučování, roli posluchačů a technologii snímání a záznamu vašeho výkonu.
d ) Nacvičované dovednosti, resp. komunikativní a didaktické činnosti
Při konzultaci pojmenujte a vyčleňte ty didaktické a komunikativní
činnosti (s využitím inspirací z obr. 10), které stojí v centru vaší pozornosti a jejichž
podobu a úroveň chcete nacvičovat. Tato informace je také důležitá pro obsluhu
technického zařízení, aby snímání mikrovyučování bylo orientováno potřebným
e ) Popis stavů „před“ mikrovyučováním
Bezprostředně před mikrovýstupem vyplňte záhlaví formuláře pro
sebereflexivní bilancování (uvádíme na obr. 11) a také část A: pocity a stavy před
mikrovýstupem a zapište do formuláře v Příloze č. 7. Formulář je vodítkem uvažování
„před“ mikrovýstupem, další vaše úvahy zapište na volné listy, aby bylo možné pozdější
srovnávání rozšířit a prohloubit.
f ) Realizace prekonceptu části vyučování
Uskutečněte v dohodnutých podmínkách Váš mikrovýstup, který bude
realizací vašeho prekonceptu vyučování v daném prostředí. Zaměřte se na nacvičované
dovednosti (dovednostní celky) a využívejte Vám dostupných komunikačních
prostředků a ovládnutých vyučovacích postupů. Pokuste se při realizací prekonceptu
vyučování vnímat ty dílčí situace, o kterých jste při přípravě neuvažovali, které však
výrazněji mění povahu a děj vyučování. Pokuste se na nepředvídané situace
reagovat nejlepším možným způsobem, k čemuž využijte všech komunikačních a
improvizačních dovedností.
g ) Sebereflexivní bilancování
Bezprostředně po mikrovýstupu vyplňte do formuláře pro sebereflexivní
bilancování část B (stavy „po“). Opět podotýkáme, že jde o vodítko uvažování „po“
mikrovýstupu a další vaše úvahy je možné zapsat na volné listy.
Proveďte sebereflexní analýzu vašeho mikrovýstupu, zaměřte se na srovnání
prožitků „před, při a po“ mikrovýstupu. Srovnávejte fázi přípravy s její realizací,
pojmenujte míru naplnění (nebo nenaplnění) očekávání. Vyjádřete se k úrovni a
provedení vytipovaných dovedností a uvažujte o jejich příčinách. Pokuste se popsat
změny, které ve Vašem mikrovýstupu nastaly nebo v podobné (opakované) příležitosti
h ) Reflexivní bilancování
Sledujte odezvu, jakou Vaše vystoupení vyvolalo mezi účastníky. Vyslechněte
jejich reflexivní názory, osobní postoje a poznámky ke komunikativní i pedagogickodidaktické stránce mikrovyučování. Ve vzájemném dialogu obhajujte své názory a
objasňujte osobní mínění. Pokuste se o polemické vnímání připomínek a uvažujte o
všech kladných a diskutabilních stránkách mikrovýstupu.
i ) Zpětná vazba
Po televizní přehrávce doplňte „sebeobraz“ o další postřehy a názory všech
přítomných. Pokuste se vnímat sebe sama nezaujatě a soustředěně.
j ) Nová konstrukce
mikrovyučování. Využijte všech poznatků, které vzešly z přípravy, realizace a reflexe
mikrovyučování. Uvažujte o nadčasovém významu celého pokusu a potřebných
změnách (modifikacích), které se projeví jako nová konstrukce budoucího jednání
v podobné situaci a obdobných podmínkách. Konečně: vyjádřete se k významu
skončeného mikrovýstupu z pohledu vaší profesionalizace.
Pojmy k zapamatování (klíčová slova)
analogie, audiovizuální nahrávka, autentické jednání, bilancování, didaktická akce,
konstrukce nové činnosti, kreativní jednání,
management, mentální investice,
microteaching, mikrovyučování, modifikovaná činnost, postfáze, pozorovací arch,
profáze, profesionalizační etapa, simulovaná situace, trajektorie.
Otázky k přemýšlení
V textu jsme uvedli některá schémata, která jsou významná pro porozumění
pojmu „mikrovyučování – mikrovýstup“. Vyhledejte vyobrazení č. 11 a 12 a
vysvětlete jejich obsah.
Co student, který nacvičuje vyučování formou mikrovýstupu tímto postupem
Jak se na „zisku“ podílí skutečnost, že jeho výkon je snímán a zaznamenán (a
později i reprodukován) audiovizuálními prostředky?
V čem je podle Vás účinný postup, založený na uvažování PŘED a následně PO
mikrovýstupu? (připomeňte si schéma č. 12).
Také pro Vás bude platit, že Vašem mikrovýstupu budete pro jeho celkové
zhodnocení potřebovat jak sebereflexi (Váš pohled „na věc“) + reflexi (tedy
názor Vašich kolegů, kteří mikrovystoupení sledovali, proč?)
Uvažujeme-li dnes o postupech, které mají dát budoucímu učiteli již v podmínkách
pregraduálního vzdělávání příležitost získávat potřebné dovednosti, bude mezi těmi
nejpřednějšími zcela jistě procedura, které říkáme mikrovyučování – microteaching.
Cenné je, že se student učitelství ocitá v simulované (realitě podobné) situaci, která má
všechny znaky skutečného vyučování, nicméně je zaměřena na výcvik dovedností a
jeho hodnocení a sebehodnocení. Probíhají-li všechny postupy a fáze nácviku podle
doporučení (jak jsme o nich hovořili), je výsledkem konkrétní zkušenost vyrůstající
z konkrétní situace a jednání, která po reflexi přináší inspirace pro potřebnou změnu
budoucího jednání. Odborně řečeno: mikrovyučování (a všechny další dobře
provedené nácvikové postupy) urychlují individuální profesní cestu (trajektorii)
jedince a významně přispívají k jeho připravenosti na běžnou pedagogickou činnost.
Téměř jsem zapomněl na někdejší studentku V. M., která svým příběhem
otevírala kapitolu o nácviku vyučování. Rád a s oceněním vzpomínám na to, že prošla
všemi fázemi mikrovyučování (obr. 11) – tedy třikrát stála před kamerou a třikrát
rozebírala kvalitu svého mikrovyučování – a teprve poté (resp. po úpravách) se
postavila před žáky na základní škole. Ve vyučovacím pokusu prokázala, že mentální
investice do přípravy vůbec nebyla marná a že jí ve výsledku přinesla prožitky radosti a
spokojenosti nad zvládnutým vyučováním.
„Tahák“ (dobré rady nad zlato)
Cesta od stavu „učím se“ do stavu „vyučuji druhé“ má svá pravidla a je spojena
s dlouhodobým vývojem. Není dobrým místem pro urychlené experimentování („házení
do vody“), naopak by v ní měly převládat postupné kroky, gradace zátěže a nácvik
před tím, než opravdu vstoupíme do školy v roli učitele. Naše zkušenosti říkají, že první
vyučovací pokusy zvládají především ti studenti, kteří využívají každé příležitosti a
podoby přípravy: účastní se hospitací na školách, v seminářích aktivně vystupují a
zveřejňují své názory a postoje. V neposlední řadě jde o budoucí pedagogy, kteří
využívají mikrovýstupů a dalších nácvikových forem k „osahání“ budoucí role a jejího
vnímání všemi zúčastněnými. Opačná taktika „nebýt viděn, nebýt slyšen“ je
kontraproduktivní: oddalováním situací „zkouším – laboruji – předvádím jako…“
přibližuje příležitost k vyučovacím pokusům s nebezpečím rizika nepřipravenosti a
ALLEN,D., RYAN,K. (1969), BLOCH, A. (1993), BUDIŠ, J. et all. (1995), BUSHER, H.
(1989), HOLUB, M. (1987), HORKÁ, H. (1997), JANÍK, T., JANÍKOVÁ, M. (2006),
KLINZING,H.G., FLODEN,R.D. (1991), MAREŠ, J. (1976), MAREŠ, J., SLAVÍK, J.,
SVATOŠ, T. a ŠVEC, V. (1995), NEZVALOVÁ, D. (1994), PRŮCHA, J. ed. (2009),
PRŮCHA, J., WALTEROVÁ, E., MAREŠ, J. (1997) další reedice, SPOUSTA, V et all.
(2000), STONES, E., MORRIS , S. (1976), SVATOŠ, T. (1997, 2006a, 2006b, 2011),
O. (1996), VYBÍRAL, Z. (2000), WALKER, R., ADELMAN, C. A (1978), WALLACE, M. J.
(1994), WHITTE, B. C. (2000).
Pozn.: úplné bibliografické citace jsou uvedeny v seznamu použité literatury.
Poznatek Mae Westové: Chybovat je lidské, ale pocit je to božský.
Murphyho zákony
Není to tím, že nevidí řešení. Je to tím, že nevidí problém.
M. Holub
Záměrem poslední kapitoly je přinést základní poznatky o evaluaci (=hodnocení)
vyučování a jejích obvyklých i méně používaných metodách. V širších souvislostech se
uzavírá „kruh“ témat, která této kapitole předcházela: víme jak psát přípravu na
vyučování, jak pracovat s cíli a obsahem, jak nacvičovat a uskutečňovat první
vyučovací pokusy a konečně se dozvíme, jak hodnotit průběh a výsledky edukace.
Pohledem osvojovaných dovedností student po prostudovaní bude schopen:
 Pojmenovat evaluační postupy a to především ty které jsou spojeny s běžnou
školní praxí, rozumět,
 Nacvičovat i v praxi uskutečňovat hospitační činnost tak,a b byla metodicky
správná i poznatkově objevná,
 Hodnotit vyučování prostřednictvím pozorovacích archů,
 Aplikovat hodnocení vyučování prostřednictvím některé z náročnějších metod
mikroanalýzy průběhu edukace ve cvičných i reálných podmínkách škol.
Náročnost na osvojení
Pro porozumění pedagogické teorii i pro ověření v dovednostní praxi střední.
Asi stárnu, znělo mou myslí, když jsem se v poslední době často přistihl, jak si
promítám některé dávné vzpomínky z časů, kdy jsem byl čerstvě přijat na učitelskou
fakultu a vychutnával novotou vonící roli vysokoškolského studenta. Přiznávám, že
jsem skoro nevěděl, co obnáší „studovat na učitele“, nicméně už první týdny na škole
podporovaly mé sebevědomí, které po svém zvyšovali rodiče, pečující o mé duševní i
materiální potřeby. Hmatatelné důkazy byly pravidelně uschovány v objemných
taškách, po jejichž otevření na vysokoškolských kolejích došlo k „velkému třesku vůní“
z jídlem přecpaných nádob. Určitě jsem nebyl sám v situaci, kdy starostliví rodiče
jednali podle neověřené hypotézy, že rozvoj šedé kůry mozkové je přímo úměrný
energetickému příjmu média „cnedlikus bohemicus“, nebo alespoň dvakrát
obalovaného řízku podle babiččina receptu.
Ve vzpomínkovém scénáři je také jedna událost, která se hodí jako úvodní příběh
posledního tématu publikace. Někdy zkraje druhého ročníku nás čekalo první
nahlédnutí do běžné školy v podobě tzv. hospitace (staročesky „náslechu“). Byli jsme
už usazeni na židlích vzadu učebny, na klíně poznámky a čekali na zazvonění. Nevím,
koho v tu chvíli napadlo se polohlasně zeptat, „co budeme zapisovat?“. Otázka tichou
poštou obletěla všechny přítomné a zastavila se u pedagoga, který nás doprovázel.
Jeho odpověď byla rychlá a rázná: „zapisujte všechno, co uvidíte“. A tak se stalo. Není
třeba dodávat, jak naše „hospitační záznamy“ vypadaly a co obsahovaly. Z logiky věcí
také vyplývá, že ze směsi osobních a neúplných poznámek se nedal vytvořit
objektivizující obrázek sledovaného vyučování a jeho základních charakteristik. Na vině
byla nepřipravenost na hospitační činnost a neadresné (příliš laické a obecné) zadání
pozorovacího úkolu.
Otázka „co budeme zapisovat“ měla být širší a znít „jak sledovat a hodnotit
vyučování“, co všechno je třeba vykonat, aby naše návštěva ve škole měla smysl a
přinesla potřebná data a poznatky.
Téma pohledem základní teorie
Téma „hodnocení vyučování“ patří k tradičním ve starší i novější pedagogické
literatuře. Je to pochopitelné, protože každého učitele zajímá, jak se duševní energie
vložená do přípravy odrazila v její realizaci a jak změnila žáky – studenty v jejich
vědomostech, názorech, postojích či dovednostech. Tento směr uvažování by nás opět
přivedl k tématice reflexe a sebereflexe, které jsme věnovali prostor v předchozí
kapitole. Nás však bude více zajímat procedura vnímání a hodnocení vyučování
z pozice „návštěvy“ ve škole, která má různým účastníkům přinést poznatky o výuce,
ať již pro obohacení zkušeností, získání nových impulzů pro svou didaktickou činnost
nebo z důvodů obvyklé kontroly pedagogovy práce, jak je pravidelně konají orgány
školské správy. V dalších řádcích budeme věnovat pozornost hospitaci a jejím
základním zřetelům. A začneme poněkud zeširoka…
Pozorování a hodnocení výchovy, resp. pedagogických jevů a dějů, má své
letitě používané postupy, metody, možnosti i omezení. Základní obtíže jsou dány
jednak metodologickou náročností pozorování a hodnocení, zároveň je obvyklé, že
předmětem pozorování a hodnocení jsou velmi složité jevy, které se projevují vnějšími
znaky (jsou sledovatelné), ale vždy souvisí s vnitřními (obtížně dostupnými) příčinami.
Moudře a obecně řečeno: Hodnocení výchovy a vzdělávání je typické obecnou
složitostí probíhajících dějů, z čehož plyne obtížnost v jejich úplné poznatelnosti,
utřídění (systematizaci) i zobecnění.
Oproti přírodním vědám (nebo technice) je sledování, popis, hodnocení a
interpretace zjištění ve společenských vědách (sociologii, psychologii… pedagogických
vědách) daleko obtížnější, nejednoznačnější a více ovlivňující (i když to není záměrem)
zkoumaný jev.
2.2 Kterými metodami je možné výchovu (výchovné jevy)
Badatelské metody v pedagogických vědách můžeme roztřídit (klasifikovat)
podle nejrůznějších kritérií. Uveďme zažitou základní typologii, která postupy rozděluje
na metody teoretické a empirické.
Teoretické metody jsou spojeny se základními duševními procesy: metoda
analýzy, syntézy, indukce, dedukce, komparace, generalizace atd.
Empirické metody pedagogického hodnocení a zkoumání jsou bezprostředně
spojeny s výchovně vzdělávací skutečností. Při rozboru sledované praktické činnosti je
však potřebné použít také metody teoretického poznání. Tím se naplňuje vztah teorie a
praktické činnosti.
Metody empirického výzkumu v pedagogických vědách se obvykle člení na:
 pozorování (observace, součástí hospitace)
 rozhovoru (dialogu, interview)
 dotazníku (ankety)
 pedagogického experimentu (nejnáročnější metoda, resp. soubor metod)
 studia dokumentů (např. historickosrovnávací metoda)
 sociometrických šetření (např. měření sociálně komunikativního klimatu
Není záměrem detailněji pojednat o všech metodách a postupech, které
můžeme využít tehdy, chceme-li poznávat a hodnotit pedagogické jevy, děje a trendy.
Nejsme k tomu kompetentní, ani to není cílem skript. Čtenářům s hlubším zájmem o
toto téma doporučujeme např. publikace Průchy (1996, 1999), Gavory (1996) a
Z množiny inventovaných metod se zaměříme bezprostředně na ty, které mají
společného jmenovatele v pojmech „hospitace – pozorování“.
2.3 Co je hospitace a k jakým účelům slouží?
Je sympatické, že v překladu slovo „hospitatio“ znamená „být na návštěvě“ =
vykonat návštěvu… Budeme-li se držet původního výkladu, pak hospitant navštěvuje
školu (obecně pedagogické prostředí) a má se chovat jako host, který sice přišel
s určitým záměrem, nicméně má respektovat prostředí, do kterého vstupuje, a roli i
pozici jejích účastníků.
Nejobecnější vymezení pojmu „hospitace“ říká, že jde o metodu (či soubor
metod), jejímž prostřednictvím se získávají informace o činitelích pedagogického
procesu, o jeho průběhu, výsledcích, práci jeho účastníků a podmínkách, za nichž se
vyučování uskutečnilo. Je zřejmé, že důvodů, proč navštěvujeme školní prostředí, je
mnoho a ty úzce souvisí se vztahem, který existuje mezi hospitantem a „navštíveným“
a jejich profesionální úrovní.
Z tohoto pohledu můžeme záměry hospitační činnosti rozdělit do tří situací.
Záměrem je:
 získávat první zkušenosti z „cizí“ výchovně vzdělávací činnosti (situace
studentů učitelství nebo začínajících pedagogů, kterým chybí osobní zkušenosti a
pro něž je pohled na „cizí“ vyučování důvodem „k napodobení“ ve svých
vyučovacím pokusech),
 rozvíjet další pedagogické zkušenosti z tvořivé práce jiných učitelů
(situace, kdy pedagog s potřebnými zkušenostmi a praxí navštěvuje výuku kolegy,
který pracuje s novou a zajímavou metodikou nebo výchovně vzdělávací koncepcí,
sledované vyučování je inspirací k vlastnímu laborování a obměně současných
metodických postupů). Specifickou podmnožinu tvoří tzv. kolegiální hospitace,
jejichž posláním je poskytnout kolegovi příležitost k neformálnímu náhledu na práci
druhého pedagoga, který obvykle působí na stejné škole a zajímá se o jiný pohled
na vyučování, obvykle stejného předmětu či tématu),
 kontrolovat a hodnotit (zřejmě nejčastější důvod hospitační činnosti, který
provádí management školy, orgány školské správy nebo instituce školní inspekce).
2.4 Je hospitace totéž co pozorování?
Lapidárně řečeno - není. Pozorování (observace) je základní metodickou
formou hospitace a tvoří její jednu součást. Nebo jinak: hospitační procedura je
složena z několika fází (budeme o nich hovořit v dalším textu) a pozorování bývá
jednou z jejích součástí.
„Pozorovat“ (sledovat, vnímat…) se jeví jako jednoduchá a člověku přirozeně
blízká činnost. V případě pozorování pedagogických jevů a dějů je však potřebné splnit
některé požadavky, aby pozorování mohlo přinést očekávané výsledky. Především je
třeba se na pozorování připravit a podle potřeby i nacvičit v simulovaných podmínkách.
Ještě předtím bychom ale měli znát záměry – cíle pozorování, které by měly být
přiměřené naší pozici, úrovni vykazovaných dovedností a zkušeností. Trojlístek
požadavků: cílevědomé - plánovité - soustavné hovoří o základních
předpokladech, které by měly být naplněny, aby hospitační činnost nesla znaky
profesionality a snahy po objektivnosti.
Hlubší zahloubání v tématu pozorování přinese zjištění, že není pozorování jako
pozorování a že existují různé typologie pozorování jako badatelské činnosti.
Příklady klasifikace observační činnosti opět uvádíme jako ilustraci a nebudeme se
pouštět do hlubších charakteristik a srovnávání. Z pohledu času se pozorovávání
obvykle rozděluje na krátkodobé a dlouhodobé (longitudinální), nebo sledování
v časovém vzorku či průběžné. Pro naše účely je zajímavé členění, které hovoří o
přímém pozorování (jsme účastni ve vyučování v autentickém prostředí) nebo
zprostředkovaném technickými prostředky (nejčastěji televizní záznam výuky).
Podstatou pozorování (jako významné součásti hospitační činnosti) je jednota
smyslového a racionálního při poznávání výchovně-vzdělávací skutečnosti. Jak
tomu rozumět? Ať jde o přímou nebo zprostředkovanou hospitaci, vždy pozorujeme
(smyslově vnímáme) vyučování a jeho znaky, o kterých také uvažujeme, ptáme se po
příčinách a hledáme širší souvislosti (vykazujeme intelektuální činnost).
Ještě o jedné okolnosti je třeba se zmínit v případě přímého pozorování ve
škole. Vzpomeňte na původní význam slova „hospitace = návštěva“. Obdobně jako se
chováme při návštěvě příbuzných či známých, měli bychom vystupovat a jednat při
hospitaci v „cizím“ edukačním prostředí. Je přirozené, že naše návštěva v soukromí
druhých není provázena volným pohybem po všech místnostech obývaných hostiteli
(včetně pořizování bohaté fotodokumentace nebo přemísťováním nábytku na vhodnější
místo). Obdobně přirozené by mělo být co nejméně zasahovat do přirozeného
průběhu vyučování, které sledujeme. Bohatě už stačí naše přítomnost na citlivém
území, ve kterém se odehrává pedagogický děj, který scenáristicky připravil, režíroval i
herecky zvládl někdo jiný. Nám je přisouzena pozice zdvořilého a taktního diváka
(takže: při hospitaci nešustit se sáčky bonbonů).
2.5 Co lze na vyučovací hodině pozorovat – sledovat hodnotit?
Každé vyučování bývá velmi rozmanité a typické nejrůznějšími svými
charakteristikami a znaky. V mnoha případech bývá originální také prací jednotlivých
učitelů i interakcí mezi jejími účastníky. To samo o sobě vyvolává otázku, zda je vůbec
možné sledovat různé vyučovací hodiny a poté je vzájemně srovnávat. Domníváme se,
že to lze v případech společných témat, která mohou být předmětem (obsahem)
hospitační činnosti bez rozdílu vyučovaných předmětů, úroveň profesních kompetencí či
věku žáků – studentů. Uvedeme některá a okomentujeme je:
Předmětem (obsahem) hospitační činnosti může nejčastěji být vyučování:
 jako charakteristický celek (sledujeme její časově obsahovou strukturu,
pozorujeme didaktické činnosti, které za sebou následovaly, a dáváme je do vztahu
k činnostem učitele a žáků, jako příklad uvádíme pozorovací archy na obr. 13 a
v Přílohách č. 8 a 9),
 jako k cíli vedoucí postupy (orientujeme se na výukové činnosti učitele a učební
postupy žáků, sledujeme použité vyučovací metody a organizační formy,
zaměřujeme se na využití vyučovacích prostředků, vytváření pracovních podmínek
 jako realizace učitelské přípravy (zajímáme se, jak byla naplněna vstupní
učitelova představa o vyučování, a konformujeme ji s jejím uskutečněním
v reálném prostředí školy),
 jako srovnání „vstupu“ a výstupu“ (sledujeme a hodnotíme vstupní záměry a
jejich splnění na konci výuky, zajímáme se o míru nového žákovského poznání,
úroveň nově utvářených dovedností, míru praktického využití a další),
 jako prostor pro interakci a komunikaci mezi jejími účastníky (pozorujeme a
hodnotíme komunikační procesy mezi účastníky vyučování, sledujeme úroveň
sdělování, dotazování, snažíme se poznat charakteristiku sociálně komunikativního
klimatu ve třídě…).
Pozn.: nemusíme se přesvědčovat, že různý předmět hospitační činnosti vyžaduje také
potřebné zkušenosti pozorovatele. Zatímco pořízení časově obsahové charakteristiky
vyučování je v podstatě lehký úkol, pozorování a hodnocení metodické činnosti učitele
je těžším zadáním, které předpokládá základní orientaci v oborových didaktikách i
osobní zkušenosti.
2.6 Jak by měla hospitace probíhat?
Tab. 8: Fáze hospitační činnosti
Ujasnění záměrů, vytvoření podmínek, organizační
zajištění, konzultace s vyučujícím, volba metody a
způsob záznamu dat
Přímé (zprostředkované) pozorování vyučování,
spojené se záznamem - zápisem sledovaných jevů,
poznámky k pohospitačnímu rozboru
Rekonstrukce proběhlého vyučování, hledání vztahů
mezi jevovou stránkou a příčinami, diskuse ke
sledovaným stránkám vyučování a polemika
možných variantách
obecnějších závěrů
Včlenění nových informací do poznatkového systému
hospitanta, vytvoření modelu pro budoucí jednání
Archivace výsledků
Uspořádání společných zápisů do složek a
zpřístupnění ostatním, v opakovaném pozorování
možnost srovnání výuky a stanovení vývojových
Jak je zřejmé, hospitace opravdu nezačíná usazením hospitujících na připravené
židle. Jde o komplexnější a vzájemně propojenou proceduru, kde každá fáze má své
záměry a význam. Proto nelze říci, co je v hospitačním postupu nejdůležitější. Naše
zkušenosti však říkají, že kvalitu hospitační činnosti (nejen v přípravě budoucích
učitelů) výrazně ovlivňuje především míra přípravy a celková úroveň pohospitačního
rozboru, v obojím jsou dosud skryté rezervy
Mnozí badatelé se již před lety snažili hospitační procedury racionalizovat a
usnadnit tak, aby průběh i výsledky hospitací byly více srovnatelné. Jedním z účinných
prostředků, které po těchto snahách vznikly, jsou tzv. pozorovací archy. Zpravidla mají
podobu písemného protokolu (tabulky), který slouží k zjednodušujícímu zápisu
sledovaných jevů. Možnosti zápisu (záznamu) jsou různé:
 v některých případech jde o „volnou“ výpověď o jevech podle přiloženého vzoru,
 v jiném případě pozorovatel zatrhuje stupeň nabízené škály, charakteristický pro
daný jev (resp. míru výskytu, intenzity apod.)
 nebo se využívá schematického znázornění (tzv. piktogramů) či
 dokončení (dotvoření) neúplných vět.
Tabulkové provedení usnadňuje částečnou i celkovou orientaci v hospitačním
zápise, umožňuje téměř okamžitě po hospitaci komentovat první výsledky pozorování a
sjednocovat závěry různých pozorovatelů pracujících s jedním typem pozorovacího
Máme připravené čtyři příklady pozorovacích archů pro sledování vyučování.
První je opravdu letitý (uvádíme v Příloze č. 8) a byl publikován (včetně metodiky)
v Rysově knize z roku 1975. Svou mimořádně zajímavou procedurou vyhodnocení
předběhl dobu o několik desetiletí … Druhá ukázka (arch ČOS v1.0) je v následujícím
vyobrazení (v podobném tvaru se používá na řadě institucí, které mají v „popisu práce“
hodnotit vyučování – ať již v chronologickém průběhu nebo ve shrnujícím rezultátu).
Obr. 15: Hospitační arch ČOS v1.0
Škola – výchovné zařízení:
cíle: vzdělávací:
Tematika pozorování:
Údaje o hospitujícím
jméno a příjmení:
Pedagogický vedoucí praxe:
Charakteristika sledovaných pedagogických jevů - situací
- proměnných
k rozboru
2.6.1 Otázky k pohospitačnímu rozboru:
* Pro interní potřebu katedry pedagogiky a psychologie připravil T. Svatoš (2000) *
Zjišťujeme, že formulář pamatuje také na velmi důležitou část hospitační
metodiky, kterou je pohospitační rozbor. O čem všem by měli hospitanti po shlédnutém
vyučování uvažovat? Inspirací může být pozorovací arch ČOS v2.0, který je uveden
v Příloze č. 9.
Konečně poslední ukázkou je na obr. 14 hospitační arch ZASU 1 (Tuček a
Svatoš 1986), který sumuje (celkově vyhodnocuje) 18 pedagogických jevů po
proběhlém vyučování. Hospitant při pozorování pořizuje poznámky tak, aby po
skončené výuce mohl kvalitu daného jevu ohodnotit jedním stupněm škály (od 1 do 5 –
nejvyšší kvalita).
K celkovému vyhodnocení můžeme použít statistických metod (např. spočítáme
tzv. Spearmenův koeficient, to v případě hodnocení jednoho vyučujícího vícero
hospitanty nebo jednoho pedagoga ve vícero vyučovacích hodinách). Dodejme, že
s archem ZASU 1 může pracovat hospitant s určitou praxí.
Obr. 16: Hospitační arch ZASU 1 (Tuček a Svatoš 1986)
Jev - kategorie:
Cíl a jeho konkretizace
Přijetí cíle žáky
Dosažení cíle
Osobní projev učitele
Učitelovy otázky
Rozhodování učitele
Prostředky řízení (stimulaceinhibice)
Práce učitele se třídou
Práce učitele s jednotlivci
Reakce učitele na chybu žáka
Aktivita žáků
Práce žáků s učivem
Učitelův výběr učiva
Kontrola a hodnocení žáků
Adekvátnost vyučovacích metod
Spojení teorie s praxí
Využití učeb.pomůcek a didak.
Organizace vyučování - činností
Stupeň škály
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
výraz osobního
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
vztahy ve třídě
žáci - studenti
ve třídě
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
Dosud jsme hovořili o hodnocení vyučování, resp. jedné vyučovací hodiny, a
uvedli jsme, že můžeme (mimo jiné) hodnotit její průběh (arch ČOS v1.0) nebo její
výsledky (arch ZASU 1). Dnešní pohled na hodnocení pedagogické činnosti dostává
nový rozměr v tom, že přibývají snahy o hodnocení (resp. evaluaci) pedagogické
činnosti vyučujících za delší časové období, než je jedna vyučovací jednotka. Obzvláště
je to potřebné v podmínkách vysokých škol, které pracují specifickými postupy se
skupinou univerzitních studentů. Jejich reflexe pedagogického působení konkrétních
vyučujících může být vodítkem k úpravám (optimalizaci) výukové činnosti na vysoké
škole. Po mnoho let se touto problematikou zabývá J. Mareš (1988). V Příloze č. 10
přinášíme náš pokus o tzv. evaluační dotazník (EDO OD-1), který po několik let
používáme pro hodnocení pedagogicko-psychologických disciplín na pracovišti autora
skript. Lze jej aplikovat na všechny podobné disciplíny a vzájemně porovnat.
K velkým tématům hodnocení vyučování patří otázka: zda je cennější sledovat a
analyzovat průběh výuku, nebo její výsledky. Z ukázek, které jsme dosud uvedli, se
ukazuje, že jednodušší a dostupnější je sledovat spíše výsledek, než průběh.
K metodám, které jsou zaměřeny na procesuální stránku hodnocení vyučování po
mnoho let patří i postup N. A. Flanderse, známý jako Metoda FIAS (Flandersova
metoda interakční analýzy). Protože jde o postup na jedné straně náročný a velmi
exaktní, na straně druhé ale lehce použitelný ve v učitelském vzdělávání i školské praxi,
seznámíme se s jeho podstatou a vysvětlíme jeho možnosti.
Princip metody
Vycvičený pozorovatel sedí ve třídě a dění, které se tam odehrává, zařazuje
do jedné z mnoha předem definovaných kategorií činností. Nezapisuje však název
činnosti, ale její číselný kód. Kódování probíhá podle přesných pravidel, zpravidla ve
třísekundových intervalech. Výsledkem pozorování je posloupnost číselných kódů (z
jedné vyučovací hodiny jich bývá až 900). Získané údaje se pak zpracovávají, analyzují
a interpretují.
Původní Flandersova metoda obsahuje 10 kategorií činnosti (Flanders 1970 ):
1. Akceptuje žákovy pocity, projevuje sympatie konstruktiv ním způsobem,
2. Chválí a povzbuzuje, žertuje, souhlasí s žákovým výkonem,
3. Využívá, akceptuje, objasňuje a rozvíjí myšlenky žáků,
4. Klade otázky, stimuluje žáky, nejde o řečnické otázky,
5. Vykládá, sděluje, přednáší, uvádí své názory,
6. Dává pokyny či příkazy,
7. Kritizuje, uplatňuje svou autoritu, chce změnit žákovo nevhodné chování nebo
8. Odpovídá učiteli, ale kontakt inicioval učitel,
9. Žák sám začíná hovor, je aktivní a iniciativní v kontaktu s učitelem,
10. Ticho nebo zmatek ve třídě, přestávky v komunikaci.
Později byl počet kategorií rozšiřován, jejich podoba obměňována a
doplňována. Uveďme modifikaci rozšířením sledovaných činnostních kategorií na 15
(Svatoš, Doležalová /2009/).
Pozn.: „učitelské“ činnosti zůstaly v podstatě stejné, změnily se sledované činnosti u
žáků a to takto:
Z1. Klade dotazy, hledá oporu a pomoc u učitele (další osoby: asistent
pedagoga, mentor, vychovatel, pracovník muzea, lektor atd.).
Z2. Klade dotazy, hledá oporu a pomoc u spolužáků (dominantní činnost
jedince - jedinců ve skupinové nebo hromadné výuce).
Z3. Sděluje, vysvětluje, uvádí názory – „tlakem“ a působením učitele (další
Z4. Sděluje, vysvětluje, uvádí své názory – z vlastní aktivity a motivace
(dominantní činnost jedince - jedinců ve skupinové nebo hromadné výuce).
Z5. Řídí, modifikuje, poskytuje pomoc při činnosti druhého (druhých) v
žákovské skupině.
Z6. Probíhá zřejmá skupinová diskuse v žákovské skupině.
Z7. Provádí (provádějí) samostatnou učební činnost – bez zjevné interakce.
O1. Netvůrčí přestávka v interakci (ticho – zmatek – neproduktivní pauzy).
Ukázka kódování metodou FIAS (1970)
Princip metody nejlépe přiblíží názorná ukázka komunikace učitele (U) se žáky
(Ž) ve 2. třídě základní školy (kódovací interval cca 3 sekundy):
Přepis komunikace:
kategorií metodou FIAS:
U: Čím je pokryto
tělo slepice ?
U: Podívejte se pořádně
na obrázek na tabuli.
U: To se týká Martine
taky tebe!
U: Nikdo neví ?
Ani Jana ?
Tak snad celou větou ...
Tělo slepice je pokryto...
pokryto peřím.
Ano, správně.
Jaké je peří ? Co se vám vybaví, 4
když slyšíte slovo "peří"?
Je lehký, bílý a dává se
do polštářů.
Lucka nám chtěla říct, že
peří slepice domácí má
význam pro člověka v tom,
že se jím vycpávají polštáře.
Ale máme i jiný užitek z
těchto domácích zvířat...
Číselné kódy se potom seskupují po dvojicích a zapisují do matice 10x10.
Matice umožňuje určit, jak často se určitá činnost ve vyučování vyskytla, co po
čem nejčastěji následovalo. (Lze také poznat s jakou pravděpodobností následuje po
určité činnosti činnost jiná, nebo jaké vyučovací strategie ve sledované hodině
převládaly apod.
Metoda FIAS umožňuje rekonstruovat nejen celou vyučovací hodinu, ale také
její libovolné části. Uživatel si může zvolit některý úsek z vyučovací hodiny, např. část,
kdy bylo upevňováno nové učivo a ptát se, jaké činnosti byly typické pro pedagogické
působení učitele, jaké pro učební činnost žáků a v jakých poměrech a vztazích.
Ukázka analýzy kódování z grafického vyjádření
Pro ilustraci a také objasnění analýzy hodnocení metodou N. A. Flanderse
uvádíme v grafu č. 1 výsledek kódování jedné konkrétní vyučovací hodiny. Jednalo se o
výuku českého jazyka v 7. třídě základní školy, typem vyučovací hodiny byla hodina
smíšená, tedy víceohniskový – s rozmanitými didaktickými činnostmi učitele a žáků.
Vyučoval pedagog s mnohaletou pedagogickou praxí. Dodáváme, že evaluační zápis
metodou FIAS jsme prováděli při reálném (přímém) pozorování vyučování a využili
jsme ke kódování a základnímu zpracování výpočetní techniku a software CodeNet.
Bližší poznatky uvádíme v příspěvcích: Svatoš a Doležalová (2009), Svatoš (2011 a
2013). Pozorování a hodnocení vycházelo z upraveného systému FIAS, bylo o 15
sledovaných činnostech a kódování probíhalo vždy každou 3. sekundu.
Jaký komentář přísluší údajům z grafu č. 1: Ukázalo se, že pohledem výsledků
se jednalo o klasické vyučování, ve kterém najdeme mnoho činností učitele i žáků.
Z tohoto pohledu byla sledovaná výuka participační, podstatě vyvážená v činnostech
obou hlavních aktérů.
Na straně učitele dominovala přímá pedagogická činnost (výklad, výukový
dialog, interakce se žáky při práci s učebnicí), druhou nejčetnější činností byla
organizace a řízení. De o logický „nález“, protože vyučován (jak smíšené vyučovací
hodiny bávají) bylo náročné na změny činností, pro které musel pedagog vytvořit
vhodné podmínky. Relativně častou činností učitele bylo kladení otázek, které měly dva
záměry: motivovat žáky k součinnosti s vyučujícím, a zároveň prověřovat jejich
pozornost a nabývané znalosti.
Ostatní sledované činnosti byly v celkovém pohledu nevýznamné; na jednu
straně jde o dobrou zprávu (např. v případě kategorie č. 7 = učitelovy snahy změnit
žákovou nevhodné chování), na stranu druhou jsme očekávali větší podporu žákovské
aktivity souhlasem, nebo pochvalami (kategorie U2).
Graf 1: Ukázka kódování vyučování metodou FIAS (Svatoš, Doležalová)
3. Část
2. Část
1. Část
kategoriečinnost, prováděná v lavici (Z7).
Na straně žáka byla dominantní
S téměř stejnou intenzitou probíhaly žákovské činnosti Z3 a Z4, tedy aktivity jak
vyvolané pedagogem, tak tzv. spontánní. Poslední významnější činností byla práce ve
skupinách (Z6), která dokreslovala změny v organizačních formách výuky.
Uváděli jsme, že metoda FIAS umožňuje rekonstruovat nejen celou vyučovací
hodinu, ale také její jednotlivé části. Proto jsme v grafu zobrazili také dynamiku
vzniku a provádění jednotlivých sledovaných činností, a to tak, že jsme vyučovací
hodinu rozdělili zhruba na 3 stejné úseky a po 15 minutách (3 části). Hodnotiteli se
otevírá další možnost, kterou je srovnávání četnosti sledovaných činnostních kategorií
právě v závislosti na průběhu vyučování.
Praktická aplikace – úkoly, činnosti, dovednosti
Na jiném místě jsme doporučovali, abychom před skutečnou návštěvou
konkrétní školy (máme-li tu možnost) využili příležitosti k nácviku hospitační
činnosti, kupř. z televizního záznamu. Získáme tak první zkušenosti z pozorování a
hodnocení vyučování takříkajíc „nanečisto“, zároveň využijeme všech možností, které
poskytuje technika. Jako příklad uvádíme záznam ze simulovaného vyučování.
2.7 Příklad
2.7.1 Zadání:
V předchozí kapitole jsme vysvětlili princip mikrovyučování, metody, kterou
může označit jako „trénink“ základních pedagogických dovedností v simulovaném
prostředí školy. Bude-li kombinován s analýzou z audiovizuálního záznamu, pak se
obvykle urychluje nácvik potřebných dovedností a zároveň se urychluje i celková
připravenost na autentickou školní praxi. V podobném duchu byla uskutečněna
mikrovýstupová praxe studentů – budoucích učitelů chemie. Jejich úkolem bylo
uskutečnit mikrovýstup za asistence televizní techniky, ve které budou (po předchozí
odborné a didaktické přípravě) demonstrovat chemický experiment před skupinou
Naším úkolem bylo pořídit časově obsahovou charakteristiku simulovaného
vyučování chemie a využít k zápisu pozorovací arch ČOS v1.0. Ukázku uvádíme jako
motivační, „jak by mohl zápis vypadat“, nakolik by měl být detailní a být základem pro
pohospitační rozbor.
2.7.2 Řešení:
Škola – výchovné zařízení: PedF Univerzity Hradec třída: 8. ročník ZŠ
škol.rok: 2010/2011 předmět: chemie vyuč.hodina: 1 Učivo: kyslík a jeho vlastnosti
den: 7
měsíc: listopad
rok: 2010
Pozn.: mikrovyučování
cíle: vzdělávací: seznámit s kyslíkem, demonstrovat vliv na hořlavost a pojmenovat vlastnosti
výchovné: připomenout význam chemických látek (peroxidu vodíku) pro zdraví člověka
Tematika pozorování: časově obsahová charakteristika vyučování – nácvik hospitace
Údaje o hospitujícím
jméno a příjmení: Tomáš Svatoš
ročník: (raději neuvádět)
Vyučovala - pedagogický vedoucí praxe: vyučovala studentka Ladislava M.
Charakteristika sledovaných pedagogických jevů - situací
- proměnných
(k rozboru)
Zahájení vyučování, učitelka (dále jen U) připomíná
předchozí učivo (složení vzduchu), snaží se žáky (žž)
motivovat předchozími experimenty,
opakování 1: cíl – zopakovat vlastnosti vzduchu
(podporuje hoření, barva, složení…), výukový dialog
s jednotlivými žáky,
Pokračuje po přerušení: opakování 2: připomenout
význam kyslíku pro hoření, role dusíku při hoření svíčky
v uzavřeném prostoru, dialog,
nové učivo: kyslík, cíl: charakterizovat tento plyn,
připomenout chemickou značku, později dokázat jeho
přítomnost ve vzduchu,
popis chemické aparatury pro pozdější experiment, cíl:
upevnit pojmy: kádinka, dělící nálevka, frakční baňka,
odměrný válec (žáci sami pojmenovávají),
pojmenování potřebných chemikálií: peroxid vodíku
(připomenutí výchovného cíle – ošetření ran), oxid
příprava experimentu, U popisuje prováděné činnosti,
žáci pozorují, jsou připraveny chemikálie v aparatuře,
vlastní experiment: cíl: prokázat přítomnost vodíku
v peroxidu působením oxidu manganičitého, U se ptá žž, co
pozorují ve frakční baňce, většinou sama si odpovídá na
dotazy, současně jímá kyslík do odměrného válce,
důkaz kyslíku: zapaluje špejli a zasunuje ji do válce
s najímaným kyslíkem, chvíli ji nechá hořet, poté sfoukne a
žhnoucí špejli zasunuje do válce s najímaným plynem, špejle
pouze žhne, důkaz se nezdařil,
opakování pokusu: cíl – dokázat kyslík, fixovat průběh a
výsledky demonstrační činnosti,
fixace nových poznatků: cílem je formou výukového
dialogu upevnit nové poznatky (z konkrétního chování látky
vyvodit jeho obecnou vlastnost = kyslík podporuje hoření),
slovní zápis chemické reakce: cíl – upevnit názvy
(nikoliv chemické značky a vzorce) reagujících látek,
závěreční opakování: vlastnosti kyslíku (hořlavost, barva,
srovnání jeho hmotnosti se vzduchem… zakončení
s několika
s aparaturo
žáci pozorují
opakuje a
vede se žž
2.7.3 Otázky k pohospitačnímu rozboru:
1. Splnila vyučující cíle, které stanovila před vyučováním?
2. Zvládla manipulačně i odborně použití učebních pomůcek a chemikálií?
3. Co by v roli učitelky měla při další podobné činnosti pozměnit – dělat jinak?
Studentka v roli učitelky s menšími obtížemi splnila základní cíle stanovené před
výukou. Nejvíce se jí dařilo provádět a hodnotit chemický experiment, kterým
dokazovala přítomnost kyslíku v jiné látce. Při demonstraci prokázala základní zručnost
a potřebné dovednosti pracovat s chemickou aparaturou a chemikáliemi, méně se jí
dařilo podporovat žákovskou aktivitu. Vyučující by mohla (v dalším vyučovacím pokusu)
více usilovat o celistvější průběh vyučování (oceňujeme snahu dál vyučovat i po
krátkém výpadku činnosti). Také by bylo užitečné více využít vztahu učiva
k výchovnému působení na žáky pojmenovat význam pro osobní praxi). Přes tyto
připomínky hodnotíme vyučovací pokus jako ukázku připravené a v zásadě ovládnuté
role učitele v simulovaném prostředí. V předchozím příkladu jsme nacvičovali konkrétní
hospitační dovednosti na ukázce vyučování. Zápis je tvořen sledem didaktických
činností v časové posloupnosti, případně doplněn poznámkami. Podobným způsobem
budete pracovat při posledním mikrovýstupu.
2.7.5 Zadání:
Vaším úkolem je pořídit časově obsahovou charakteristiku skutečného
vyučování na jakékoliv základní nebo střední škole. K zápisu využijte pozorovací arch
ČOS v1.0 (formulář na obr. 15), pro rozbor pak náměty z Přílohy č. 9.
Pojmy k zapamatování (klíčová slova)
anketa, dedukce, experiment, generalizace, hospitace, ilustrace, indukce, inspekce,
interview, inventář, kategoriální systém, klasifikace, laborování (elaborace), kvalitativní
výzkum, kvantitativní výzkum, lapidární, longitudinální, náslech, pozorování, respekt,
sociometrická šetření, syntéza, typologie.
Otázky k přemýšlení
Z inventáře výzkumných metod vyberte jakékoliv dvě; porovnejte je mezi sebou
pohledem kladných i polemických stránek (dotazník x rozhovor),
Vyjádřete Váš postoj k názoru, že: a) hospitace nerovná se pozorování, b)
hospitace = náslech, c) kvantitativní metody jsou jiné než kvalitativní.
Evaluace v pedagogice je jako v dalších sociálních vědách velmi složitá. V souhrnu sice
existuje mnoho kvantitativních i kvalitativních metod určených k popisu školní edukace,
nicméně každá metoda má své přínosné i polemické stránky. Pro běžnou školní práci
jsou nejrozšířenějšími metodami hospitační činnost (se základem v pozorování) a
rozhovory. Hospitace má mnoho významů, nicméně v učitelském vzdělávání je
prostředkem poznávání základních obrysů reálné výuky a poznávání práce jejích
aktérů. Aby byla úspěšná, je třeba provádět všechny její fáze – včetně pohospitační.
K evaluaci vyučování přispívají zejména ty postupy, které jsou zaměřeny na
průběhovou stránku edukace. Příkladem je metoda FIAS, jejíž užití v učitelském
přípravě má svoji tradici a obohacuje ji o mikroanalytické přístupy, čímž se posiluje
odborná i metodologická komptenece budoucích učitelů.
„Tahák“ (dobré rady nad zlato)
Úspěšnost pozorování a hodnocení vyučování je přímo úměrná několika okolnostem:
ujasnění cílů a záměrů, míře naší připravenosti, znalostem o sledovaných
pedagogických jevech a konec konců i zkušenostem, které s hospitačními postupy
dosud máme. Zkušenosti získáváme jen praktickou činností a je dobré, když se jí
nebráníme a naopak ji vyhledáváme (ať již v podobě nácviku nebo přímého hodnocení
autentického vyučování).
Jak si počínat při hospitaci? Měli bychom mít stále na mysli, že naše poznámky by měly
v pohospitačním rozboru vést k tzv. rekonstrukci vyučování. Měly by být tak detailní
a návodné, abychom si bez problémů vybavili, jak jsme vyučovacím činnostem
rozuměli a v jakém sledu a vztazích. Pokusme se tedy zapisovat co nejvíce údajů
z vyučování, pro urychlení využívejme různých zkratek a symbolů. Nesnažme se tzv.
„psát na čisto“, výběr vhodných formulací by nás příliš zdržoval. Zapisujme také obsah
zápisu na tabuli (nebo jiné projevy názornosti) – lépe se nám vybaví další souvislosti.
Konečně: těšme se na pohospitační rozbor, právě v něm můžeme prokázat naši
schopnost pozorovat a obhajovat (pozměnit) své postoje.
BLOCH, A. (1993), BUDIŠ, J. et all. (1995), BUSHER, H. (1989), FLANDERS, N. A.
(1970), GAVORA, P. (1992, 1996, 2005a, 2008), HOLUB, M. (1987), HORKÁ, H.
(1997), JANÍK, T., KRECHT, P., NAJVAR, P. et all. (2010), JUKLOVÁ, K. (2008), Kol.
(1998), MAŇÁK, J., ŠVEC, Š, ŠVEC, V. (2005), MAŇÁK, J., ŠVEC, V. (2004),
MANĚNOVÁ, M. 2012), MAREŠ, J. (1976, 1988), PELIKÁN, J. (1999), PÍŠOVÁ, M. et all.
(2011), PRŮCHA, J. ed. (2009), PRŮCHA, J. (1996, 1997, 1999), PRŮCHA, J.,
WALTEROVÁ, E., MAREŠ, J. (1997) další reedice, RYS, S. (1975), SLAVÍK, J. (1999),
SPOUSTA, V. et all. (2000), STONES, E., MORRIS, S. (1976), SVATOŠ, T. (1995,
2006a, 2006b, 2012), SVATOŠ, T., DOLEŽALOVÁ, J. (2011), ŠEĎOVÁ, K., ŠVAŘÍČEK,
R., ŠALAMOUNOVÁ, Z. (2012), ŠVAŘÍČEK, R., ŠEĎOVÁ, K. (2007), ŠVEC, V. (1998,
1999), VAŠUTOVÁ, J. et. all. (2008), WALKER, R., ADELMAN, C. A (1978), WHITTE, B.
C. (2000).
Pozn.: úplné bibliografické citace jsou uvedeny v seznamu použité literatury.
Leading Figures in the Modern Czech Philosophical Thinking
Jan Hladík
Czech philosophy has always been closing on the European philosophic
development. We have always been at least one generation behind. Bernard Bolzano
was our greatest philosopher.
Bernard Bolzano (1781-1843)
He was born as a son of an Italian art seller, Bolzano, and a Prague native of
German origin, Maurerová. He spent all of his life in Prague and its vicinity. He was
raised in the spirit of Josephinian Enlightenment. In 1800, he started studying
theology, yet without any religious motivation but upon his mother’s request and in the
spirit of the Josephinian concept of the clerical profession as the most appropriate
moral sphere of activity among people. In 1806, he became professor of the religious
doctrine. It was established by the government to face the progressive thoughts of the
revolutionary Enlightenment. But Bolzano used a completely different content to fill his
activities. Josephinism originally tended to support the feudally bureaucratic state in a
rational way. But with Bolzano, it mostly became the criticism of the status quo.
During his work at university, Bolzano educated a range of generations of free-thinking
clerics who later played an important role in the Czech national revival. He was
accused of subversion. Although Josephinian officers and some noblemen supported
Bolzano, the emperor decided in December 1819 after a denunciation that Bolzano
should be dismissed with a reprimand and without any pension entitlement. In the
Czech environment, Bolzano’s trial reminded of Hus and the Hussite movement.
The sufficient amount of leisure time enabled him to dig into scientific work. His
efforts resulted in the theory on functions (completed in 1830) and in particular in
his logic called ‘Wissenschaftslehre’ (Theory of Science) also completed in 1830, but
published in 1837. This work should have become part of general social reform.
Science placed in perfectly prepared textbooks should have contributed to the spiritual
growth and welfare of all. The theory of science should have reformed the entire
philosophy by upgrading its to true science. His interpretations contain an ingenious
criticism of almost all classical philosophical doctrines and in-depth knowledge about
the most important philosophical categories. According to Bolzano, the ultimate moral
law was one of the ‘truths about one’s self’: You should act so as to be beneficiary
as much as possible both for the whole and for any of its parts if you
consider all possible consequences of your behaviour.
Bolzano was one of the great scientific and philosophical personalities of the
19th century who strove for deeper, logically more consistent science corresponding to
science as such. Bolzano’s philosophical and scientific activities can be characterised by
efforts to prove the possibility of absolutely exact, unambiguous and objective
cognition which could be used as the base to escalate the man's rule over the nature,
as well as to gradually re-create the entire society. This notion followed the older
Czech tradition, especially the all-corrective efforts of J. A. Komenský. Bolzano’s
importance consists primarily in his analysis of sciences, scientific procedures and
internal structure. He often chose procedures and reached conclusions which
anticipated the later concepts of modern logic and methodology. This is the nature of
his method of the variety of ideas, the method of formal operations examining
statements such as sentences through their variable parts and the related methods of
dealing with the issue of compatibility and deducibility of sentences, etc. In this
respect, he was concerned with mathematics and its problems. Independently of the
French mathematician Cauchy, he was one of the first to take a critical approach to the
logical structure of mathematics (Paradoxes of the Infinite, Theory of Functions,
Theory of Numbers).
He also addressed ontology issues (i.e. issues about the being, existence),
especially in his ‘Athanasia or Reasons for the Immortality of the Soul' (1827).
All existence is formed either through substances (through what persists for oneself) or
adherences (through what persists on something else such as his learning). His
approach to the substance followed Leibniz’ monadology. He attributes eternity, nondestructibility, soulfulness (imagination, activity, tendency to constant improvements)
to the substance. Bolzano’s disciples and supporters followed his social and reform
teachings and his liberal Catholicism. Although he was not Czech, Bolzano's work was
marked by the Czech environment where it originated. This is why he enjoys an
important position in the history of the Czech philosophical thinking.
Augustin Smetana
In addition to Bolzano, Augustin Smetana (1814-1851) was the most significant
philosopher of the Czech society of the 19th century. He worked at the Faculty of
Humanities of University of Prague as philosophy adjunct (1842-1845) and later as
supply professor of philosophy. In the revolution year 1848, he became dean of the
faculty of humanities. In 1850, he officially parted with the church, was additionally
excommunicated and was exposed to prosecution from the church and Austrian
authorities until his death. Smetana developed from an orthodox believer and member
of the order of the Knights of the Cross with the Red Star to an unbeliever and atheist
who publicly abandoned the religious belief and demonstratively parted with the
Catholic Church. He was on the revolution’s side in 1848 and called upon students to
take up arms and fight for freedom.
His philosophical orientation was influenced primarily by his study stay in
Germany (1842) where he attended lectures at universities in Leipzig, Halle and Berlin.
This experience resulted in his lectures on the history of philosophy in 1849 where he
for the first time introduced German post-Kant philosophy, especially Hegel and his
logic, to the Prague University in its full extent. In his work, he attempted to synthesise
the most precious knowledge brought by the development of philosophy. His concept
of the history of philosophy presented in his 'Importance of the Current Age'
(1848) was further elaborated in the 'Turnaround and Denouement of History of
Philosophy’ (1850). Philosophy is drawing to its denouement, to the fulfilment of its
task: To liberalisation of human consciousness; to human’s liberalisation. Philosophy
that was based on religion and law will cease to exist in love and artistic creations. The
cognition of the history of philosophy is also the only way leading to the ‘cathedral of
truth’. Smetana hoped that the new society would come with liberalisation of the
human consciousness. He believed that the ‘Slavonic nation’ will play a special role in
this process which will combine political freedoms of the French and the German
education and ennoble them through artistic activities (About the Mission of our
Czech Homeland from the General Development Perspective, 1848). He made
an attempt to place the history of the human spirit in the broadest developmental
context in his ‘encyclopaedia of philosophy’ Spirit’s Origin and Termination that
was published after his death in 1856. The original immediate unity (the finiteness –
concreteness which together with infinity constitute the being-reality) amid the
permanent fight of opposites gradually changes into cosmic substances, the world, the
nature, the man. The human consciousness reflects the finiteness as a concreteness
understood in its unity. Human beings are part of the nature and its historical product.
At the same time, they transcend its boundaries when creating their own human
Smetana interprets the origin of cosmos and our planet, life on the Earth and
plants, animals and men, the development of the human spirit and the transformation
of a man into a higher ideal being as a natural process in development. Through the
fight of the divine and terrestrial opposites, the society develops from the original nonsegmented units, from lower levels to higher ones where religion and law (the state)
are negated as temporary historical stages that must give way to higher developmental
forms. According to Smetana, human spirit appears at a certain stage of the
development of nature. Giving a parallel to the development of nature, Smetana also
interprets the spiritual development to prove that even the human spirit has its
genesis, palaeontology, history and that even the human spirit has gone through the
stages of preparation, origin and development. In Smetana’s concept, divinity is an
absolutely secular principle. It is a kind of an abstract humanitarian ideal, an idea of
full humanity and unlimited activities of men.
Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk
T. G. Masaryk (1850-1937) was a significant Czech philosopher, politician and
statesman, the first president of the Czechoslovak Republic (1918-1935). He was born
in Hodonín. He studied philosophy, aesthetics and psychology at University of Vienna.
He completed his studies with doctor’s degree in philosophy. He met his future wife
Charlotte Garrigue in Leipzig where he was preparing for readership. He was
awarded the degree of senior lecturer for his writing about suicide. He lectured in
Vienna between 1879 and 1882. In 1882, he moved to Prague University as professor
of philosophy.
He brought a global aspect into Czech philosophy: However, he did not see the
meaning of philosophy only in theoretical activities, but also in the solution of practical
issues. This is why his philosophy targets the issues of history, morality and
politics. They primarily include the issue of the meaning of Czech history which
Masaryk addressed in relation to the political programme of the Czech nation. He also
focused on the crisis of the modern man, ethical issues of democracy, religion and
ethics and problems of the social development, etc.
Masaryk named his philosophy and political concept as ‘realism’. Although he
did not identify himself with A. Comte’s positivism, he was convinced about the
authority of scientific cognition to which he subjected other areas of the man's
theoretical and practical activities. For instance, he wanted religion not to be in conflict
with scientific requirements. He believed that democracy must be supported by
scientific cognition, etc. In his philosophy of history, Masaryk used the concept of
František Palacký, but interpreted it so that the religious issue was the leading
idea in the Czech history. The Czech history is marked by efforts for purer Christianity,
which is manifested both in the Czech and European history through a clash between
corrupted Catholicism and reformation Protestantism. In Bohemia, specifically, this is
reflected in Jan Hus’ performance and in the religious ideas of the Bohemian Brethren.
This is where Masaryk saw the crucial contribution of the Czech spirit to the history (a
combination of humanity and religion).
Masaryk saw the European history as a development from middle-age
theocracy to new-age democracy, from aristocratism to realisation of humanitarian
ideals. This is also how he perceived World War I, as a ‘battle between theocracy
and democracy’. The issue of humanity enjoys a special place in Masaryk’s
philosophy. He postulated the humanitarian ideal, the ‘pure humanity’, as a
programme of brotherly love and relationships between humans (both understood in
an absolutely specific sense). He integrated even the resolution of social issues in this
programme. In his concept, this was no issue of workers, but an issue of morality. It is
about ‘restoring the feeling for justice in the entire society’. It is in this sense that
ethics should be the base for forming a democratic society.
A sociological survey of suicide rates that was in the centre of his inaugural
dissertation brought Masaryk to the issue of the crisis of the modern man. In his
opinion, this crisis is manifested through the ambivalence of the society, spiritual
anarchy, exaggerate individualism and subjectivism, a lack of harmony of spiritual and
physical powers. Its cause is in the loss of the single world view. This was caused by
deformation of Christianity by Catholicism which resulted in theocracy and by scientific
cognition which interfered with the traditional values. Masaryk sought a remedy in the
creation of a new religion which would unite humanitarian ideals and societal reforms,
moral values and democratic organisation of the society. His credo was: to be
objective and tolerant, yet firm and consistent.
Masaryk required reconciliation of science and religion, humble submission of
the unreliable reason to the security of belief. He recommended believing in God,
because religion provides spiritual peace. In his basic writings, Masaryk flexibly reacted
to all fundamental idea problems of his time. Masaryk’s philosophy combined the
requirement for empirical exploration and rationalist criticism with the recognition of
the role of emotional and volitional attitudes of the man to the world, along with the
requirement to explore metaphysical problem, especially the questions of the meaning
of the world and man’ life. With this attitude, Masaryk emphasised the anthropological,
ethical and practical (life) mission of philosophy. He was reinforcing influences of the
Anglo-Saxon thinking and reducing the impact of German (especially Hegel’s)
philosophy and Marxism. Combined with the great social and political authority of his
personality, Masaryk’s historical suggestions had a strong impact on the Czech
philosophical thinking, Czech sociology and ideology of the Czech social democrats. He
influenced Emanuel Rádl and many other philosophers and sociologists. Masaryk’s
Sebevražda (Suicide) (1881), Základy konkrétní logiky (Foundations of
Concere Logic) (1885), Počet pravděpodobnosti a Humova skepse (Number of
Probabilities and Hume’s Scepsis) (1883), Rukověť sociologie (Sociology Handbook)
(1901), Česká otázka - Naše nynější krize (Czech Issue – Our Current Crisis)
(1885), Karel Havlíček (1896), Jan Hus (1896), Palackého idea národa českého
(Palacký’s Idea of Czech Nation) (1898), Moderní člověka náboženství (Modern Man’s
Religion) (1896 - 1898), Ideály humanitní (Humanitarian Ideals) (1901), Otázka
sociální (The Social Question) (1928), Světová revoluce (World Revolution) (1925),
Cesta demokracie (Way of Democracy) (1934), etc.
Emanuel Rádl
Emanuel Rádl (1873-1942) was professor at Charles University in Prague, a
representative of Masaryk’s philosophical realism between two world wars and one of
the most significant personalities of the Czech philosophical life. He worked as an
editor at the New Atheneum (‘Nové Atheneum’) and Christian Revolution (Křesťanská
revoluce), as well as the chairman of the Philosophical Unity and a member of the
Czech Mind ('Česká mysl') editorial team.
Originally, he was a biologist. Before WWI, he published his work in biology,
especially his synthetic History of the Development of Theories in Biology in the
19th Century (1909). Unlike the sociologically centred Masaryk, Rádl used this natural
starting point to develop all basic topics of Masaryk’s philosophy. This can be seen in
the pre-war collection of his essays (Scientific and Philosophical Considerations,
1914) and specifically after the establishment of Czechoslovakia when he focused on
philosophical, religious and social and political issues. He dealt with the settlement with
the tradition of German philosophy (Romantic Science, 1918). He also addressed the
problems of the subject matter and methods of modern science (Modern Science,
1926). He reached the strictly defined subordination of science to philosophy and of
philosophy to theology (Philosophy and Theology, Křesťanská revue, 1927-1928). He
worked to the synthetic view of the history of philosophy (History of Philosophy I-II,
1932-1933) and to Consolation from Philosophy (completed in 1942 during a
serious and lengthy disease and published in 1946) where he put even a stronger
emphasis on the existence of the absolute moral order over the world. We must not
forget Rádl’s studies on religion and politics, relations between the East and the West,
the German problem and philosophy of the Czech history.
His philosophy centres on the issue of the relation between empirical science
and transpersonal truth, the theological issue (meaning of things, development,
history) and the practical issue (personal engagement, activity and moral responsibility
of the man). He focused his philosophy against positivism and irrationalism and
realised it rather as a provocative presentation of problems than a systematic
theoretical work. Rádl strongly influenced the protestant circles. Jan Patočka was the
only actual successor to Rádl’s thoughts.
Jan Patočka
Jan Patočka (1907-1977) lectured in the history of philosophy at Charles
University. He was one of the last disciples of Edmund Husserl. He studied in France
between 1928 and 1929 where he heard Husserl’s lectures for the first time. He
studied at Husserl and Heidegger in Berlin and Freiburg in 1932 and 1933. Later on,
he was conducive to Husserl's lectures in Prague. He held a lecture on the ‘crisis of
European sciences’ which was the core of his last incomplete work. In 1936, Patočka
was awarded a degree of senior lecturer in Prague with his writing ‘Natural World as
a Philosophical Problem’. In his first book, he addressed the issue of the meaning
of philosophy, its relation to science and its mission in the man’s life at all. He believed
it was meaningful to strive for the creation of a compact, single image of the wold and
to search the place for 'human existence' in this world.
Patočka analysed the context where we do not have particulars, but the world.
His interpretation of the natural world is not an interpretation of things we encounter,
but he analyses what makes us understand things, i.e. the world in the original sense
of the word. Exploring the ‘natural world’ means capturing what is 'part of all ways of
human life and what is common for them’. The natural world must be understood as
the base for all options of our existence. Patočka’s philosophy of the natural world as
the movement of human existence is phenomenology leading from Husserl over
Heidegger to our times. After WWII, he wrote papers relating to J.A. Komenský,
Bolzano and works about the history of Antique and modern philosophy. Together
with J. Kopecký and J. Kyrášek, he published the book J. A. Komenský. Nástin
života a díla (J.A. Komenský. Outline of Life and Work) (1957).
Patočka also wrote Bolzanovo místo v dějinách filozofie (Bolzano’s Place in
History of Philosophy) (1958), Aristoteles, jeho předchůdci a dědicové (Aristotle,
his Predecessors and Heirs) (1964). He translated Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit
(1960). In 1965, he published in the Magazine of Philosophy (Filozofický časopis) No. 5
extensive Introduction into Husserl’s Phenomenology.
Patočka had to leave the university in 1949. He came back as
professor in 1968 and was forced to leave once again in 1972.
During regular private seminars, he informed his listeners about
the issue of phenomenological philosophy. In his declining
years, he became one of the main initiators and first
spokesmen for Charter 77. His Heretic Essays about
Philosophy of History were published in 1990. A set of these
studies is the most significant proceed of his reasoning about
philosophy of history that he continued after his second forced
departures from the faculty of humanities.
HLADÍK, J. Společenské vědy v kostce (Social Sciences in a Nutshell). Pro střední školy.
Havlíčkův Brod: Fragment, 1996, pp. 80 - 82, ISBN 80-7200-044-6.
Working Conditions of Teachers and Burnout Syndrome
Milan Polák
Abstract: In his contribution, the author summarises the knowledge resulting from a
questionnaire-based survey focusing on the burnout syndrome in Czech language
teachers at primary schools. He identifies some causes resulting in the worse results in
the monitored area in 2003. With reference to this outcome, he proposes possible
measures that have already been implemented in the developed countries. The need
for further teacher training is therefore crucial, according to the author.
Key words: teaching profession, concept of education, Czech language teacher,
working conditions, questionnaire-based survey, burnout syndrome, causes, measures,
further teacher training
The teaching profession is not only one of the most significant professions in
terms of the long-term development of each society but also one of the most complex
and demanding professions. However, the local mass media mention the work of
teachers only occasionally, mostly in connection with the starting holiday period, etc.
News with a tincture of sensation or scandal is another newsworthy topic. However,
the lack of objective information about education results, among other things, in the
underestimation of teachers’ work by the general public.
And the lacking knowledge about the school system among politicians (MPs,
senators and cabinet members) has even more serious consequences for the local
system. This unsatisfying state is also apparent from the fact that no educational
concept has been produced so far which would enjoy long-term support across the
entire political spectrum and which would also gain financial support. The working
conditions of teachers and educators are among the particular issues which the
competent bodies have virtually absolutely neglected so far; however, there are many
researches and works pointing to the unsatisfying situation in this area and showing
alarming results (e.g. Blížkovský, Kučerová, Kurelová a kol., 2000). It is because the
deficiencies ascertained have a negative impact on the work performance of teachers
and can result in the burnout syndrome or, also, the burnout effect.
In 1998, a questionnaire-based survey was carried out among Czech language
teachers at primary schools, which, among other things, also focused on the burnout
syndrome. An analysis and comparison of the educational programmes, text books and
outputs in the Czech language at the end of primary education showed serious
deficiencies in the current concept of teaching the Czech language at primary schools
which are negatively reflected in the work of teachers and are among the causes of the
burnout syndrome (for details, see Polák, 2002). When addressing a particular project
within a grant assignment (Grant Assignment GAČR No. 406/02/1113, ‘Evaluation
Pedagogical Surveys and their Methods; principal investigator and coordinator: Prof. M.
Chráska), we decided to carry out another questionnaire-based survey in the period
2002-2003, also focusing on the burnout syndrome in order to make a comparison of
the results with the previous situation.
2.9 1 Survey Concept and Applied Analysis Methods
1.1 Questionnaire Production and Distribution
The content of the questionnaire was based on the author’s previous work
(Polák, 2002). However, it has a limited scope and the questions focus on some other
factors related to the working conditions of teachers. The common part of the survey
includes two questionnaires centred on the burnout syndrome. During particular
surveys, the questionnaire was distributed among teachers in three different ways:
 during workshops and meetings with Czech language teachers (in Moravia);
 through the students of the third year of the Faculty of Education of Palacký
University in Olomouc during their continuous practical training (mostly in Olomouc
and its vicinity);
 through the students of the second year of the upgrading programme for Czech
language teachers (also outside Moravia).
Methods of the guided interview with teachers and a questionnaire-based survey were
applied in line with the survey objectives.
1.2 Characteristics of the Surveyed Set of Teachers
A total of 218 Czech language teachers at primary schools joined our burnout
syndrome survey carried out in 1998, 2002 and 2003. Other characteristics are
provided in the tables below.
Table 1:
Respondents by Length of Service (the brackets after the year give the
total number of respondents)
Table 2:
Additional Information about Respondents
In our opinion, the characteristics contained in these overviews can provide a
starting point for the interpretation of the burnout syndrome results (see below).
2.10 2 Results of the Burnout Syndrome Survey
2.1 Evaluation of Questionnaire A
The questionnaire was taken from the publication ‘Antistresový program pro
učitele’ (Anti-stress Programme for Teachers) (Hennig and Keller, 1995). It contains
twenty-four statements about the stress and burnout syndrome effects in the
cognitive, emotional, physical and social areas. Each item is marked according to the
frequency of occurrence (0-4 points); with 24 being the maximum at each level, i.e. 96
points for the entire test. The questionnaire will thus provide an individual stress profile
at each level.
2.1.1 Comparison of Results of Surveys Carried Out in 1998, 2002 and 2003
Initially, we made an evaluation within individual levels subject to the survey
objectives (for details, see Polák, 2003). In our contribution, we give a comparison
with the survey results from 1997 where Milota Zelinková of the Faculty of Education of
Charles University used the same questionnaire.
The author focused on the total scores achieved within individual levels; she
was not concerned with individual items. The sample surveyed covered 102 primary
school teachers (21 men and 81 women) at an average age of 41 years.
Table 3:
Individual Levels by Average Score (range between 0 and 16)
A – survey by Faculty of Education of Charles University (1997); B- our survey (1998);
C – our survey (2002); D – our survey (2003)
The above overview clearly shows that teachers suffer most at the emotional
level from the long-term perspective. In this area, Item 18 ‘I suffer from a lack of
recognition and appreciation' scored the highest average levels. Interviews with
teachers unveiled that they not only mind the inadequate wage conditions in the
school system but also the lack of objective evaluation of the teachers’ work by their
supervisors and the media.
Item 3 ‘I feel physically ‘washed up’' (d7) had the highest score in the entire
survey. This fact is definitely related to the mental strenuousness of the teaching
profession. If it is not compensated by other activities, it results in mental tiredness
and subsequently in the feeling of physical exhaustion.
2.2 Evaluation of Questionnaire B
This questionnaire was taken from the publication ‘Jak se bránit pracovnímu
vyčerpání’ (How to Resist Work Exhaustion) (Potterová, 1997), and it is used to
determine the burnout syndrome stage within various professions. It contains 25
items, with each scoring points by the frequency of occurrence (1-5 points; maximum
being 125).
Table 4: Teachers and Burnout Stage (range of 25-125)
The results are not very encouraging. While the 1998 survey showed that more
than 47% of respondents, i.e. almost half of them, were in the risk area of the burnout
syndrome (third to fifth stage), and the 2002 survey had a bit better results, the 2003
survey showed significantly worse results, because almost 55% of respondents were
found to be in the risky area.
There might be several causes of this situation, one of them being a higher
average age of respondents and the length of service. In our opinion, these results
mostly reflected the unsatisfactory situation in the school system connected with its
financing at the beginning of the school year 2003/2004 which culminated in the onehour strike at primary and secondary schools.
Teachers also quoted the ambiguous concept of education, primarily related to
the introduction of the Framework Educational Programme for Primary Schools, as
another negative factor in the long term. Neither teachers nor school managers receive
appropriate information about the planned change, which results in their feelings of
uncertainty and often in scepticism.
2.11 3 Proposed Measures
In addition to the measures arising in particular out of the comparison with the
situation in the developed countries and resulting in improved working conditions of
teachers (e.g. introduction of the sabbatical, motivating career guidelines, assistants at
schools, enhanced care for teachers’ health, etc.), further training of teachers emerges
as one of the fundamental problems.
Considering the planned changes in the educational system, this training ought
to focus not only on prevention of negative social phenomena (drugs, bullying, etc.)
and occupational hygiene of teachers but in particular on the acquisition of new
methods and forms of work.
2.12 Literature
BLÍŽKOVSKÝ, B. KUČEROVÁ, S., KUNCLOVÁ, M., a kol. Středoevropský učitel na prahu
učící se společnosti 21. století. Brno: Konvoj, 2000.
HENNING, C, KELLER, G. Antistresový program pro učitele. Praha: Portál, 1995.
POLÁK, M. Učitel českého jazyka a současná základní škola. Olomouc: Vydavatelství
UP, 2002.
POLÁK, M. Učitelé českého jazyka a syndrom vyhořeni. In CHRÁSKA, M., TOMANOVÁ,
D., H0LOUŠOVÁ, D. Klima současné české školy. Sborník příspěvků z 11. konference
ČPdS. Brno: Konvoj, 2003, pp. 266 - 272.
POTTEROVÁ, B. A. Jak se bránit pracovnímu vyčerpání. Olomouc: Votobia, 1997.
ZELINOVÁ, M. Učiteľ a burnout efekt. Pedagogika, 1998, Year 48, No. 2, pp. 164-169.
Polák, M. Pracovní podmínky učitelů a syndrom vyhořeni.
Pedagogická orientace 2004, No. 1, pp. 60—73. ISSN 12114669.
Reception Form
Magazine (Year)
, No.
, pp.
Analysis of knowledge in selected journal communication
Criteria which the author used to arrange the information
Examples of the most important specific information (thematic sentences in the
Summary of the communication – text condensation through integration
into one sentence:
Through condensation into more sentences:
Reception Form
Magazine (Year)
, No. , pp. - , ISBN
Analysis of knowledge in selected journal communication
Criteria which the author used to arrange the information
Examples of the most important specific information (thematic sentences in
the text)
Summary of the communication – text condensation through integration
into one sentence:
Through condensation into more sentences:
Prepared by Tomáš Svatoš for the department’s internal needs (2013)
Quotations and Thoughts: Murphology
Shortly after the origin of a new and progressive field of study, morphology, in
1977, researchers from all over the world started joining its founder to elevate
research in the new and promising discipline to a new level, to the level of teamwork,
in line with the global trends. The discipline’s nerve centre remains in Los Angeles.
The basic proposition of morphology is, ‘If anything can go wrong, it will’.
Quantisation revision of Murphy’s laws:
Everything goes wrong all at once.
Schnatterly’s summing up of the corollaries:
If anything cannot go wrong, it will. (If anything just cannot go wrong, it will anyway)
Extended Murphy’s Law:
If a series of events can go wrong, it will do so in the worst possible sequence.
Kohn’s corollary:
Two wrongs are only the beginning.
O‘Toole’s commentary on Murphy’s Law:
Murphy was an optimist.
Silverman’s paradox:
If Murphy’s Law can go wrong, it will.
Futility factor:
No experiment is ever a complete failure – it can always serve as a bad example.
Meyer’s Law:
It is a simple tax to make things complex, but a complex task to make them simple.
Gioia’s theory:
The person with the least expertise has the most opinions.
Hanggi’s law:
The more trivial your research, the more people will read it and agree.
Sweeney’s Law:
The length of a progress report is inversely proportional to the amount of progress.
Parkinson’s Sixth Law:
The progress of science varies inversely with the number of journals published.
Horner’s five-thumb postulate:
Experience varies directly with equipment ruined.
Genius in employment: No boss will keep an employee who is right all the time.
Shapiro’s law of reward:
The one who does the least work will get the most credit.
Johnson’s Law:
The number of minor illnesses among the employees is inversely proportional to the
health of the organisation.
Grossman’s lemma:
Any task worth doing was worth doing yesterday.
First rule of superior inferiority:
Don’t let your superiors know that you are better than they are.
Whistler’s Law:
You never know who’s right, but you always know who’s in charge.
Murphy’s Law of thermodynamics:
Things get worse under pressure.
Poulsen’s prognosis:
When anything is used to its full potential, it will break.
Mr Cooper’s Law:
If you do not understand a particular word in a piece of technical writing, ignore it. The
piece will make perfect sense without it.
Fahnenstock’s rule for failure:
If at first you don’t succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried.
Lowery’s Law:
If it jams – force it. If it breaks, it needed replacing anyway.
Fowler’s note:
The only imperfect thing in nature is the human race.
The Lippman lemma:
People specialise in the area of their greatest weakness.
Steele’s plagiarism of somebody’s philosophy:
Everyone should believe in something – I believe I’ll have another drink.
Livingston’s laws of fat:
1. Fat expands to fill any apparel worn.
2. A fat person walks in the middle of the hall.
First law of socio-genetics:
Celibacy is not hereditary.
Hartley’s second law:
Never go to bed with someone crazier than you are. Average husband’s note: Then I
could not come home at all.
Zandra’s law of biomechanics:
The severity of the itch is inversely proportional to the reach.
Mae West’s observation:
To err is human, but it feels terrific.
Law of climatology:
Wind velocity increases directly with the cost of the hairdo.
The pineapple principle (generally applicable):
The best parts of anything are always impossible to remove from the worst parts.
Law of the search:
The first place to look for anything is the last place you would expect to find it.
Law of household geometry:
Any horizontal surface is soon piled up.
Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle:
The location of all objects cannot be known simultaneously.
If a lost thing is found, something else will disappear.
Hamilton’s rule for cleaning glassware:
The spot you are scrubbing is always on the other side.
Lemar’s First parking postulate:
If you park six blocks away, you’ll find two spaces right outside the building.
Law of Murphological inapplicability:
Washing your car to make it rain does not work.
Lovka’s law of driving:
There is no traffic until you need to make a left turn.
The bumper to bumper theorem:
Traffic congestion increases in proportion to the length of time the street is supervised
by a traffic control officer.
Law of highway construction:
The most heavily travelled streets spend the most time under construction.
Herblock’s law:
If it’s good, they’ll stop making it.
Law of duality:
Of two possible events, only the undesired one will occur.
Nonreciprocal laws of expectation:
Negative expectations yield negative results. Positive expectations yield negative
Anything that begins well ends badly. Anything that begins badly ends worse.
Allen’s law:
Almost anything is easier to get into than out of.
Nagler’s comment on the origin of Murphy’s law:
Murphy’s law was not propounded by Murphy, but by another man of the same name.
Farnsdick’s corollary:
After things have gone from bad to worse, the cycle will repeat itself.
Evans’s and Bjorn’s law:
No matter what goes wrong, there is always somebody who knew it would.
Felson’s law:
To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism; to steal from many is research.
Law of the great idea:
The only time you come up with a great solution is after somebody else has solved the
Fox’s axiom:
When a problem goes away, the people working to solve it do not.
Two definitions of scientific committees:
1. A committee is twelve men doing the work of one.
2. A committee is the only life form with twelve stomachs and no brain.
Jacobson’s law:
The less work an organisation produces, the more frequently it reorganises.
Owen’s theory of organisational deviance:
Every organisation has an allotted number of positions to be filled by misfits. Corollary:
Once a misfit leaves, another will be recruited.
Strano’s law:
Where all else fails, try the boss’s suggestion.
Murphy’s paradox:
Doing it the hard way is always easier.
Lackland’s laws:
1. Never be first.
2. Never be last.
3. Lever volunteer for anything.
Murphy’s fourth corollary:
It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are too ingenious.
Perrussel’s law:
There is no job so simple that it cannot be done wrong.
Churchill’s commentary on man (law of truth):
Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he will pick himself
up and continue on.
Katz’s law:
Men and nations will act rationally when all other possibilities have been exhausted.
Lieberman’s law:
Everybody lies; but it doesn’t matter since nobody listens.
Boling’s postulate:
If you’re feeling good, don’t worry. You’ll get over it.
The Rockefeller principle:
Never do anything you wouldn’t get caught dead doing.
Stewart’s law of retroaction:
It is easier to get forgiveness than permission.
Drazen’s law of restitution:
The time it takes to rectify a situation is inversely proportional to the time it took to do
the damage.
Greer’s third law:
A computer program does what you tell it to do, not what you want it to do.
First law of computer programming:
Any given program, when running, is obsolete.
Jana’s law of love:
A dandelion from a lover means more than an orchid from a friend.
Law of observation:
Nothing looks as good close up as it does from far away.
First law of money dynamics:
A surprise monetary windfall will be accompanied by an unexpected expense of the
same amount.
Political principles:
1. No politician talks taxes during an election year.
2. No matter what they’re telling you, they’re not telling you the whole truth.
3. No matter what they are talking about, they are talking about money.
Law of political machinery:
When no viable candidate exists someone will nominate a Kennedy.
The sausage principle:
People who love sausage and respect the law should never watch either one being
General law:
The chaos in the universe always increases.
Zappa’s law:
There are two things on earth that are universal, hydrogen and stupidity.
Law of regressive achievement:
Last year’s was always better.
Tracey’s time observation:
Good times end too quickly. Bad times go on forever.
Kierkegaard’s observation:
Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards.
Kranske’s law:
Beware of a day in which you don’t have something to bitch about.
Holten’s homily:
The only time to be positive is when you are positive you are wrong.
MURHY‘S LAW DESK CALENDAR 1987. Los Angeles: Price/Stern Sloan, 1987, BLOCH,
A. Murphyho zákony. Praha: Svoboda 1993).
Classroom Observation Report Form
School – Educational Institution:
School Year:
Objectives: educational:
Specific Curriculum:
Final Knowledge – Skills:
Type of Lesson:
Characteristics of teaching stages (stage objectives, methods,
organisation, assignments, activities, communication, etc.)
Other Didactic Materials – Appendices:
Prepared by Tomáš Svatoš for the department’s internal needs (2003) *
Action verbs to define teaching objectives according to the Bloom’s
Objective category by
acquisition level
(knowledge) specific
Understanding comprehension
Evaluating judgment
Typical verbs and their ties used to define goals
explain, etc.
check, etc.
interpret data
arrange, etc.
specify, etc.
conclude, etc.
compare pros and cons
justify, etc.
Block Plan Form
Basic Characteristics of Contemplated Lesson
School – Educational Institution:
School Year:
Educational Objectives:
Upbringing Objectives:
Specific Curriculum:
Final Knowledge – Outcome:
Stages and Brief Content of Contemplated Lesson
Previous Knowledge
New Knowledge
FIXATION of the New
EXERCISES Repetition
Individual form items can be enlarged depending on the specific content of individual parts of
the block plan.
Prepared by Tomáš Svatoš for the department’s internal needs (2013)
Observation Sheet ČOS; v. 2.0
School – Educational Institution
School Year:
Objectives: educational:
Observation theme:
Information about Supervisor:
name and surname:
Pedagogic manager of the placement/practicum:
teaching qualification:
1. Provide a brief characteristic of the lesson’s educational objectives:
2. Provide a brief characteristic of the lesson’s upbringing objectives:
3. In your opinion, this lesson was:
a so-called repetitive lesson where the knowledge of the curriculum is strengthened; a
so-called mixed-type lesson where the new curriculum is developed, as well as
practical activities are checked and evaluated, systemised; another type
(please check one alternative only)
4. Please characterise the teacher’s verbal expression:
strong, weak, adequate, variable
other: …………………………………….
high, low, adequate, variable
excellent, good, satisfactory, bad
5. How many important parts did the lesson have?
6. What part of the lesson was the most time-consuming?
Specify one part of Item 5 *
7. Please characterise the teacher’s graphic expression on the blackboard:
large, small, adequate, variable in size;
corresponding – not corresponding to the standard;
excellent, adequate, unsatisfactory.
8. Please characterise the teacher’s motion expression:
He/she mostly sit; he/she mostly moved around the class; he/she mostly stood;
he/she often/adequately/rarely approached pupils;
he/she often/adequately/rarely used teaching aids and didactic equipment.
9. What knowledge, findings, skills, attitudes, etc. were the pupils expected to
master – repeat – acquire during the observed lesson?
10. What kind of communication was typical of the teacher-learners' relationship
during the lesson (check one) – in your opinion?
a) The teacher was speaking in all parts of the lesson; his/her activities involved
frequent questioning of the pupils; he/she used/approved/disagreed with/modified the
answer and continued by himself/herself;
b) The teacher was speaking about the curriculum; he/she introduced the problem,
invited the learners to find an independent solution; learners were dealing with the
issue on their own in groups; the results were communicated to the classroom and the
teacher commented on the results of their work;
c) The teacher mostly spoke about the curriculum on his/her own; he/she sometimes
used teaching aids; learners were observing his/her activities; the instructor called on
some of them, made evaluations of (additions to) the learners’ statements;
d) other: ……………………………………………………………………………………………
11. What teaching aids did the teacher uses during the lesson?
overhead projector; school board; electronic board;
film projector;
wall picture;
map; visual aids;
(video-) tape-recorder;
data projector with PC;
musical instrument;
written preparation;
other: ………………………………..
12. What teaching aids did the learners use during the lesson?
overhead projector; school board; electronic board;
film projector;
wall picture;
map – visual aids;
(video-) tape-recorder;
data projector with PC;
musical instrument;
working exercise book;
other: ………………………………..
13. In your opinion, did the teacher meet the overall objectives of the
Basically, yes
No (state why) ………………………………………
14. During the lesson, the learners were:
very active;
partly active;
15. Who was mostly active?
individual learners
groups of learners
classroom as a whole
Prepared by Tomáš Svatoš for the department’s internal needs (2000) *
Evaluation Questionnaire EDO OD-1
2.24 What is this questionnaire about and what is its purpose?
Dear student,
You have completed your study of general didactics which was the third
educational and psychological discipline where the Department of Education and
Psychology of Hradec Králové University participated in the conception and actual
format of this study. It is understandable that we want to know how we have
managed to fulfil our considerations about the study, how you - the recipients - have
accepted it and what the lectures and seminars have given to you both professionally
and personally. Also, we want to know where our efforts have had no effect in respect
of your expectations. For this purpose, we have prepared this questionnaire that we
regard as individual feedback on the level of the just completed discipline. At the same
time, we want to use your evaluation, ideas and observations when preparing and
implementing a new tutorial cycle.
2.25 How to complete this questionnaire?
There are two ways of completing this questionnaire as follows: You are
provided with individual sentences (statements) and your task will be to express the
rate of agreement (or disagreement) between your opinion and the given statement by
marking (with a cross) one level in the scale from 1 to 7 where 1 means an absolute
disagreement with the statement while 7 means the highest level of agreement with
the statement (contents of the sentence). There are only a few items where we want
you to give your own comment.
Note: The questionnaire is anonymous. You can sign it if you want. Anonymity
does not apply to the cases where you are to evaluate teaching of a specific lecturer.
Therefore, please give the name of the lecturer. It is useless to say that your personal
opinions have no impact on your position as a student.
A.1 Overall, the discipline ‘General Didactics’ (the ‘GD’) met my expectations in respect
of the deepening of the study of educational sciences.
A.2 Still, I believe that the GD was rather theoretical than practical.
A.3 The level of lectures and seminars in the GD was absolutely comparable.
A.4 I was mostly attracted by the lectures held by (please specify the lecturer’s name)
and I mostly want to appreciate ………………………………………………………..
A.5 I was not satisfied with the lectures held by (please specify the lecturer’s name)
because …………………………………………………………………………………….
B.1 The seminars were held by (please specify the lecturer’s name) ……………..
and I would evaluate the overall level of individual parts of the professional approach
as follows:
B.1.1 The lecturer was always prepared for the lessons.
B.1.2 The objectives – intentions were always clear at the beginning of the
B.1.3 The lecturer knew the topic (teaching content) and was professionally
B.1.4 He/she often used less usual methods and procedures.
B.1.5 The teaching methods were always adequate to the subject matter of the
lesson and our capabilities.
B1.6 The lesson was very often illustrative and involved various aids.
B.1.7 However, it is a pity that the seminars were mostly the work of the
teacher than the students.
B.1.8 Still, I think that the seminars appropriately developed our communication
and teaching skills.
B.1.9 I recommend that the lecturer give more space to our personal opinions
and improve the overall approach to us, the prospective teachers.
B.1.10 Finally, I appreciate the teacher's communication skills and his/her
interaction with us.
B.2 I feel positive about the lecturer’s seminars because of his/her ……………..
B.3 On the other hand, I have reservations to his/her ……………………………..
And finally, I have the following recommendations to the lessons in general didactics:
Student /this field can remain empty/
Date … /…. /201
Prepared by Tomáš Svatoš for the department’s internal needs (2013) *
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pořadí kapitole
Pořadí v
Pojem – termín - výraz
analýza pedagogického textu,
audiovizuální informace,
audiovizuální nahrávka,
autentické jednání,
Bloomova taxonomie cílů,
cíle dlouhodobé,
cíle konkrétní,
cíle krátkodobé,
cíle obecné,
cíle výchovné,
cíle vzdělávací,
Daveova taxonomie cílů,
didaktická akce,
didaktická analýza,
didaktická technika,
distanční vzdělávání,
dlouhodobá paměť,
druhy cílů,
Pojem – termín - výraz
Pořadí v
expozice nových poznatků,
hlasový témbr,
charakteristika pedagogického textu,
intenzita hlasového proudu,
intonační proměnné hlasu,
kategoriální systém,
klasické učební pomůcky,
koheznost sdělení,
komparace cílů a výsledků,
kondenzace textu,
konstrukce nové činnosti,
krátkodobá paměť,
kreativní jednání,
kvalitativní výzkum,
kvantitativní výzkum,
laborování (elaborace),
Pojem – termín - výraz
manipulace s předměty,
mentální investice,
mentální mapa,
mobilizace poznatkového systému,
modifikovaná činnost,
motorická aktivita,
neverbální okolnosti,
Niemierkova taxonomie cílů,
nové technologie vzdělávání,
obrazové informace,
obsah výuky (vzdělávání),
pedagogická praxe,
pedagogické dovednosti,
počítačové sítě,
pozorovací arch,
pozorování (také observace),
požadavky na formulaci cílů,
prekoncept vyučování,
profesionalizační etapa,
psycho-lingvistický pohled,
rámcový vzdělávací program,
redundantní informace,
Pořadí v
Pojem – termín - výraz
selekce informací,
simulovaná situace,
situační připravenost,
sociometrická šetření,
struktura (složky) učiva,
struktura (složky) cílů,
systematizace poznatků,
školní vzdělávací program,
technologie vzdělávání,
tématická věta,
tempo slovní produkce,
triviální informace,
učební osnovy
učební plán,
učitelské kompetence,
Učivo - učební látka,
uspořádání učiva,
verbální okolnosti,
výkon žáka,
zpětná vazba,
zrakový kontakt