duben - Webnode


duben - Webnode
Month: April Week I.
Sub-themes: What happens in the grass
Explore with children the world in the grass –
Nouns-Beetles, spiders, caterpillars, earthworms, garden
Verbs- to garden, to weave, to spin, to change
Book: The hungry hungry caterpillar
Song; Spiders spiders
Activities/games: make spiderwebs, pretend play caterpillars changing to butterflys. Take walk and
Month: April Week: II.
Sub-themes: Animal World - ZOO
Vocab- review of zoo animals
-What kind of animals can be seen at the zoo / jungle. Identify where different animals live and what
they eat
Book: a day at the zoo
Activities: sorting animals by continent. Writing a poem about our favorite animal.
Month: April Week: III.
Sub-themes: Earth Day / Environmental Education
-Why do we need to protect our planet? After we recycle paper, plastic, glass ... what's happens to
it? How to behave towards nature and when in nature
Book: The Lorex
Activities- making paper
Song: recycle recycle
Month: April Week: IV.
Sub-themes: The sharp teeth of
-Learn to identify the different animals that live in water, The life cycle of a frog, and exploring the
underwater world.
Book: finding nemo
Activity/game: make our classroom the ocean, play headbands with different sea creatures.
Song: under the sea
Topic: Life on Earth
Butterfly, butterfly,
Butterfly, butterfly, flutter around
Butterfly, butterfly, touch the ground
Butterfly, butterfly, fly so free
Butterfly, butterfly, land on me!
Butterfly, butterfly, reach the sky
Butterfly, butterfly, say goodbye
5 Little Ladybugs
5 ladybugs sitting on a leaf
Soaking in the sunshine and the soft,warm breeze
Along came mr. bird, quiet as can be
And snatched that ladybug off the leaf…
The ants go marching 2 by 2, hurrah, hurrah,
The little one stops to tie his shoe…..
The fuzzy caterpillar
Curled upon a leaf
Spun her little chrysalis
And then fell fast asleep
While she was sleeping
She dreamt that she could fly
And later when she woke up
She was a butterfly
I’m a little zebra white and black
With a bushy main running down my back
I like to gallop run and play
Out on the African plains all day
5 little monkeys swimming from a tree, along came mr alligator quiet as can be….
Baby shark!
Let’s go swimming, let’s go swimming….
Week 1: What happens in the grass (bugs!)
Vocabulary: insect, worm, caterpillar, ladybug, bee, butterfly, firefly, cricket, snail, to slide, to
jump, to blink, to fly, to march, wings
Book: The Hungry Caterpillar Eric Carle
The Greedy Bee
The Grouchy Ladybug Eric Carle
There was an Old lady who swallowed a fly
In the tall, tall grass
Bugs, bugs, bugs by bob barner
Art: Worm painting with spaghetti noodles
Art: Paper play bugs
I is for Insect letter tracing worksheet
Sort those with wings and those without, draw wings coloring worksheet
Sequence butterfly life cycle pictures
Movement activity (slide like a snail, jump like a cricket, march like an ant)
Hot potato/bumblebee
Birds catching pipe cleaner worms- #s
C is for caterpillar
Week 2: Animal World- ZOO
Vocabulary: to live, striped, spotted, mane, jungle, zoo, cage, animal names
Books: Put me in the Zoo Dr. Seuss
Head to Toe Eric Carle
The Lion King
Rumble in the Jungle
Sorting animals and insects worksheet
Speaking game (this animal lives on the farm or at the zoo)
Match skin/fur pattern to animal
Worksheet match animal to home
Worksheet counting spots and tracing numbers
Actions game
Z is for zebra
Week 3: Earth Day/Environmental Education
Vocabulary: to recycle, to sort, plastic, glass, paper, earth, planet, trash, to throw away (trash)
Sort recycle versus garbage
Shaving cream marble painted earth
Garbage truck shapes craft
Cheerio bird feeders
E tracing handwriting worksheet
The Lorax
Trashy Town by Andrea Zimmerman
Week 4: The sharp teeth of sharks/ Walpurgis Night- Burning the Witches
Vocabulary: aquatic animals (whale, dolphon, jellyfish, octopus, crab, starfish), ocean,
seaweed, beach, seashells…..witches, burning, good and bad?
Books: Rainbow Fish
A house for hermit crab
Ocean in a bottle
Paper plate aquarium with salt paint (2 tsp salt, 1tsp liquid starch, food coloring)
Sort sizes of ocean animals
Crab walk motor activity
Go fish numbers
The Little Monkeys
Main topic: Life on the Earth
Color of the month: Blue Shape of the month: Oval
Revision of:
basic colors, shapes, counting up to 10, weather, emotions
phrases: What is your name? How are you? What color...?
songs: 5 little monkeys, Rain, rain go away, I can sing a rainbow
New vocabulary:
nouns: beatle, spider, caterpillar, earthworms, lady bug, butterfly, grass, bunny, eggs, Easter,
animals – lion, zebra, tiger, aligator, giraffe etc., plastic, paper, glass, bottle, bag, container
verbs: to jump, to crawl, to skip, to climb, to hatch, to paint
Songs and rhymes:
Easter eggs
This is the way bunny hops: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hb9tt7LiYrc
10 little Easter eggs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EgvfJeT2FuQ
Monkey dance: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvq9TGAt1OU
Humpty Dumpty: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bdrif9iwGwI
The Incy Wincy spider: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQZNBkdxCMY
Easter bunny's lost egg
Late night ZOO
Mouse and the Lion
Very lazy lady bird
using recyclable materials for craft
decorating school for Easter
digging earthworms
magnifying glass observing spiders and bugs
sorting plastic, paper and glass
cleaning up our garden and near forest
Arts and crafts:
painting paper eggs
marbled zebras, tigers
paper plate laced spider web
egg carton caterpillar
Class project:
Giant papermaché egg collage
Pranostika: V dubnu hrom, nebojí se mrazu strom
Hlásky: J, L
2. 4. Velikonoce
Významný den - 1. duben – Apríl
Velikonoční koleda: Hody, hody zdravíčko,
dejte klukům vajíčko,
na pomlázku mašli,
že k Vám cestu našli.
Hra: „Aprílové nedopatření“ - děti objevují předměty, které do skupiny nepatří
Pracovní listy: Znalosti – Velikonoce (Mensa), Vybarvi tvary na vajíčkách
9. 4. Bezpečnost
Duben – měsíc bezpečnosti
Básnička: Auto jede tú, tú, tú,
dávej pozor na cestu.
Je-li řidič nešika,
tak tě blátem postříká.
Je-li řidič nešika,
boule bude veliká.
Hra: V autobuse (posílání kelímku s vodou nad hlavou)
Pracovní listy: Alkoholový test, sudoku – kolo, dopravní špička (Mensa)
16. 4. Ekologie
Významný den: 22. duben – Den Země
Písnička: Svěrák, Uhlíř – Chválím tě Země má
Hra: Pytlík, krabice, sklenice (pytlík – leh, krabice – sed, sklenice - vstát)
Pracovní listy: Které věci do lesa nepatří, popelnice
Logico piccollo: Prostorová orientace
23. 4. Knihy
Významný den: 23. duben – Světový den knihy a autorských práv
Básnička: S knihami se kamarádím
a já vám to také radím.
Kdo si nečte, ten nežije,
tomu chybí fantazie.
Na počítač nespoléhám,
s pěknou knihou rád uléhám,
Hra: Kuličky - cvrnkání
Pracovní listy: Stíny na zahradě, Jaro – denní doba (Mensa)
Logico picollo: Protiklady
30. 4. Filipojakubská noc
Významný den: 30. duben – Filipojakubská noc (pálení čarodějnic)
Básnička: Na dnešní noc babice
už se těší velice,
nastartují košťata
a poletí - ratata!
Hra: „Koště“ - děti si na hudbu podávají koště v kruhu, po zastavení hudby, kdo drží koště, obletí na
něm třídu
Pracovní listy: Čarodějnice – hledej rozdíly, logická posloupnost
Hody, hody doprovody
St. Patrick´s Day

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