Guest - Corinthia Hotels


Guest - Corinthia Hotels
South Moravia: Burãák est arrivée
JiÏní Morava: Burãák est arrivée
Charles IV, the “Father of the Nation”
Karel IV. – „otec vlasti“
Autumn @ Corinthia
Podzim v Corinthii
2 0 0 5
From the island of Malta, influenced by cultures, ideas
and experiences from all points of the compass, comes
the Spirit of Corinthia.
Our genuine passion for hospitality goes beyond
service, to the warmth of feeling when a guest is
welcomed into our home.
More than pure luxury, a creativity that surprises and
delights. Not just efficiency, a vitality that achieves
and delivers more every day.
welcome contents
Dear Guests,
“Where is the summer?” You may be asking that question as much
as we are because there hardly was any this year. The passing of the
seasons was almost invisible. But you, our regular guest, will notice the
change: the VIK and the Bohemia brunches are back, another “gourmet
invasion” is in sight, and a whole host of events requests your attention and attendance! Read about all of them in this issue of Guest@.
As strange as it may seem, we are now in the middle of winter season
already – with our preparations for Christmas and New Year in full
swing. This issue of Guest@ magazine gives you a sneak preview of
what is being prepared for you at the end of the year. Your Corinthia
is not just a hotel. It is your temporary home. Your Guest@ is not just a
hotel magazine. It is your source of information and relaxation. Enjoy
it as much as we enjoy your presence.
Yours Truly,
Christian Grage
General Manager
Corinthia Towers Hotel
Kamil Madej
General Manager
Corinthia Panorama Hotel
VáÏení hosté,
Stejnû jako my se mÛÏete ptát „kde je to léto?” – protoÏe
letos jako by snad ani Ïádné nebylo. Nástup nové sezony byl
sotva postfiehnuteln˘. Vy, na‰i pravidelní hosté, ov‰em zmûnu
zaznamenáte: VIK a Bohemia brunche jsou zpût, je tu dal‰í
„gurmánská invaze”, o Va‰i pozornost a úãast soupefií ‰iroká
‰kála akcí. Doãtete se o nich v tomto vydání Guestu@.
Jakkoli se to mÛÏe zdát divné, my uÏ jsme uprostfied zimy
– s pfiípravami Vánoc a Silvestra v plném proudu. Toto ãíslo
Guestu@ Vám dá moÏnost nahlédnout, co se chystá.
Va‰e Corinthia není jen hotel. Je to Vበdoãasn˘ domov.
A Guest@ není jen ãasopis. Je to Vበzdroj informací a zábavy.
UÏijte si jej stejnû, jako si my uÏíváme Va‰í pfiítomnosti.
V úctû,
Christian Grage, General Manager, Corinthia Towers Hotel
Kamil Madej, General Manager, Corinthia Panorama Hotel
10 20
Obsah • Autumn 2005
04 Autumn
@ Corinthia
Podzim v Corinthii
06 JiÏní
South Moravia: Burãák est arrivée
Morava: Burãák est arrivée
10 Charles
IV, "the Father of the Nation"
Karel IV. – "otec vlasti"
12 Události
Events @ Corinthia
v Corinthii
16 Kam
What’s up
v Praze?
19 Hits
4 Kids in Prague
Hity pro dûti
20 The
DG of the Czech National Museum Michal Luke‰
Rozhovor s Michalem Luke‰em
22 Festive
Season @ Corinthia
Vánoce a Nov˘ rok v Corinthii
Michal Schofiálek
Corinthia Panorama
T: 261 166 061
F: 261 217 211
Corinthia Panorama Hotel
Milevská 7, 140 63 Praha 4
Tel: (+420) 261 161 111, fax: (+420) 261 164 141,
e-mail: [email protected]
Corinthia Towers Hotel
Kongresová 1, 140 69 Praha 4
Tel: (+420) 261 191 111, fax: (+420) 261 225 011,
e-mail: [email protected]
Daniel Maj
Front Office
Corinthia Panorama
T: 261 161 190
F: 261 217 211,
Zdenûk Kovafiík
Director of Sales
– Leisure
Corinthia Towers
T: 261 191 260
F: 261 225 045
Top.Spirit, a.s., IâO 49240137,
© 2005 Corinthia Hotels International,,
MK âR E 13651
Boomerang Publishing,
Editor: Václav Sochor
Josef Pa‰ek
Duty Manager
Corinthia Towers
T: 261 191 111
F: 261 211 623
Guest @
Corinthia Towers Hotel
v Corinthii
Invaze ‰keblí
Po obrovském úspûchu Invaze
humrÛ zaútoãí na Corinthia
Towers Hotel lahodné ‰keble!
Snûzte tolik mu‰lí, ‰keblí,
svatojakubsk˘ch mu‰lí a dal‰ích
„delikates ve skofiápce“,
kolik chcete, za neuvûfiitelnou
v‰ezahrnující cenu! Motto zÛstává: Snûzte je dfiív, neÏ oni
snûdí vás! Skvûlá vína doplní
neomezenou konzumaci této
v˘teãné mofiské pochoutky.
Rezervujte si místo na pátek
23. záfií od 19:30. âím dfiíve
zakoupíte, tím ménû zaplatíte!
Cena se zvy‰uje dennû o 25 Kã.
Invasion of the Clams
After the huge success of our Invasion of the Lobsters, delicious clams are invading the Corinthia
Towers Hotel! Eat as many clams, mussels, Coquille
Saint Jacques and other delicious shellfish as you
can for an incredible all-inclusive price! The motto
is as always: eat them all before they eat you! Excellent wines accompany unlimited consumption of
this superb seafood. The feast takes place on Friday,
23rd of September, from 7.30 p.m. Book early, pay
less! The price increases daily by CZK 25.
V.I.K. (Very Important Kids)
Probably the best family brunch in
town. Each Sunday enjoy our superb
cuisine while your kids have fun in the “children
only” play area. Adults can have brunch all-inclusive for CZK 690; children 4–12 years old pay just
CZK 1.50 per centimetre of their height, and underfours eat for free! During the autumn season we will
prepare the following special theme brunches: 4.9.
Back to school Brunch, 2.10. World of magic brunch,
30.10. Halloween Brunch.
Guest @
New State-of-Art Menu
The guests of Toscana Restaurant
@ Corinthia Towers Hotel can now
enjoy excellent Tuscan specialities of the new superb menu. Our chefs have gathered best recipes
and learnt the know-how directly in this wonderful
Italian region. They have prepared a wide choice of
delicious canapés.
V.I.K. (Very Important Kids)
Zfiejmû nejlep‰í rodinn˘ brunch
ve mûstû. UÏijte si kaÏdou
nedûli ‰piãkovou kuchyni,
zatímco si va‰e dûti hrají
v dûtském areálu. Dospûlé
stojí all-inclusive brunch jen
690,- Kã, dûti od 4 do 12 platí
1,50 Kã za centimetr v˘‰ky,
mlad‰í ãtyfi let zdarma! Bûhem
podzimní sezony pfiipravíme
navíc tyto tematické brunche:
4. 9. Brunch „·kola zaãíná”,
2.10. Kouzelnick˘ Brunch,
30.10. Duchafisk˘ Brunch.
·piãkové nové menu
V restauraci Toscana pro vás
na‰i kuchafii pfiipravili jedineãné
toskánské chuÈovky. Recepty
na nû shánûli na pracovní stáÏi
pfiímo v Toskánsku!
Nepfiipravte se o nezapomenutelné kulináfiské záÏitky
z nejpopulárnûj‰ího italského
regionu a pfiijìte ochutnat.
Corinthia Panorama Hotel
Uruguayan beefsteak and a wide selection of open
grill specialities. Refreshing ice-teas and gorgeous ice
cream round off the summer feeling up to the end of
September. Open daily 7.30 a.m. – 11 p.m.
Best Wines @ Panorama
Our guests at the Corinthia Panorama Hotel have the
chance to try the best wines from all over the world.
Every month we introduce selected wines from one
region, for you to sample the best examples and to find
out your new favourites. Don’t miss the best wines from
Australia in September, enjoy the products of skilled
Spanish winemakers during October, find out the most
exquisite wines of Argentina in November, watch out
for the new Beaujolais and, in December, let the Chilean
wines enchant you.
It's Mushroom Time with Brand
New Menu!
Chefs of the Piazza Restaurant @ Corinthia Panorama
Hotel have created very unique Mediterranean menu
with specialities from Spain, Italy, France, Croatia, and
Greece. Book an unforgettable culinary experience
and come to savour! Throughout September our
restaurant will also serve delicious mushroom menus
and variations. Don’t miss this period when fresh
mushrooms take over our kitchen and our chefs create
some very special dishes for you!
Summer Terrace
Enjoy the last months of the BBQ season on our
Summer Terrace at the Lobby Bar. Taste delicious
Bohemia Brunch Is Back!
After the Summer break the bestvalue family brunch in Prague is held again every
Sunday at the Mezzo Restaurant from the 30 th of
October. Have a wonderful, relaxed Sunday while our
award-winning chefs prepare a lavish buffet for you, full
of international specialities and an exciting extra buffet
for kids. Included in the price is the use of the Top Deck
swimming pool – so why not have a swim before the
feast? All this and even more for the all-inclusive price
of CZK 550 per adult, children aged 6–13 pay CZK 1
per centimetre of their height, under-sixes eat for free!
And don’t miss our special theme brunch on the 30th of
October when it’s time for Halloween!
Feeling the Origins of Blues
Mississippi restaurants are unique. From savoury
barbecue and crispy fried catfish, to Shrimp Creole and
Crépes Suzette. You will have a chance to experience the
authentic Southern cuisine for yourself! On the 10th of
November, Cocktail party @ the Mezzo Bar followed
by Gala dinner @ the Mezzo Restaurant will take place
in a big style: Dixie live music, blues band, waiters in
authentic dresses, raffle, typical drinks, and a movie
about the legendary river will create unforgettable
atmosphere – a Mississippi shore in the centre of Prague!
All this in hard-to-believe price of CZK 890 only.
v Corinthii
Zcela nové menu v sezonû hub!
Na‰i kuchafii pro vás sestavili
nové, vzru‰ující stfiedomofiské
menu! A v záfií zaplní kuchyÀ
Piazza restaurantu ãerstvé houby
a recepty na speciální pokrmy.
Letní terasa
Vychutnejte si v˘teãn˘ uruguaysk˘
steak a vyberte si ze ‰iroké ‰kály
specialit na grilu Letní terasy
v Lobby baru. OsvûÏující ledové
ãaje a skvûlé zmrzliny zavr‰í
pozdnû letní pohodu na konci
záfií. Otevfieno dennû 7:30–23 h.
Nejlep‰í vína @ Panorama
Ochutnejte ta nejlep‰í vína
z nejzajímavûj‰ích regionÛ:
záfií Austrálie, fiíjen ·panûlsko,
listopad Argentina a samozfiejmû –
Beaujolais, prosinec Chile.
Bohemia Brunch
Vynikající bufet pln˘ mezinárodních specialit plus speciální bufet
pro dûti. V cenû vstup do Top
Deck fitness centra a bazénu.
V‰e v all-inclusive cenû 550
Kã/os. Dûti 6-13 let platí 1 Kã za
cm v˘‰ky, mlad‰í mají brunch
zdarma. V‰e zaãíná tematick˘m
Halloween brunchem 30. 10.
Zpût ke kofienÛm blues
Mississippi poteãe centrem Prahy!
10. 11. mÛÏete ochutnat autentickou jiÏanskou kuchyni na cocktail party a na gala veãefii (Mezzo
bar a restaurant). Îiv˘ dixieland
a blues, stylové odûvy, tombola,
koktejly, drinky i film o legendární fiece. Mimofiádnû pfiíznivá
all-inclusive cena jen 890 Kã/os.
Guest @
Lednice – arguably the most romantic castle in the country
South Moravia
Burãák est arrivée
° The Czech Republic is renowned for good beer, but unfortunately only a few visitors know
that there are lots of good vineyards here as well. There are more
than 11,000 hectares of vineyards in
the Czech Republic, over 10,000 of
them in Moravia. In this part of the
country there are many small, family-run vineyards producing wine
just for the owners and for friends,
and they hardly make any profit.
These establishments are always
happy to share their wine with a
visitor. But the big wine companies,
which produce mainly white wine,
are equally worth visiting. Many
of them now have guided tours
Guest @
and wine shops, and tasting sessions are laid on. The best time for
a visit to the Czech wine regions is
the autumn – harvest time – when
burãák – a semi-fermented young
wine - is available everywhere. But
there is more to South Moravia
than wine. Let's explore the many
castles and UNESCO sights in this
Brno Wine District
The principal landmark of the
Moravian “capital” is the ·pilberk
castle. Built in the first half of
the 13th century, the medieval
castle was transformed during the
18th century into an enormous
Baroque fort. It then became
a feared prison, and the former
cells are open to visitors today, as
is the entire castle, which houses
a museum. Another interesting
sight in Brno is Villa Tugendhat. It
is one of the most important works
of Functionalist architecture and
is listed as a UNESCO monument.
The villa was built in 1930 for the
Tugendhat family, reconstructed
in the 80's and is now open to the
Znojmo Wine District
The wine of Znojmo is the biggest
such area in Moravia. The centre
of this traditional district is the
town of Znojmo, under which is
a labyrinth of huge wine cellars.
Also worth visiting is Znojmo
Château, the original residence of
the Znojmo Přemyslid Dukes and
founded in the first half of the 11th
century. A Baroque château was
built at the beginning of the 18th
century on the foundations of the
medieval castle. It now houses an
interesting exhibition called ”The
History of the Znojmo Region”.
Mikulov Wine District
Mikulov and its surroundings have
viticulture traditions that go back
centuries. A landmark in Mikulov
is its château, which houses an
JiÏní Morava:
Burãák est arrivée
Burãák (in Germany it's known as Federweisser) is a fermenting must.
Once yeast has been added, the grapes must start to ferment rapidly.
As soon as an alcohol content of four percent has been reached, burãák
can be sold. It continues to ferment until all the sugar has been broken
down and an alcohol content of about 10 percent has been reached.
Burãák tastes quite refreshing, not unlike a fizzy grape juice or a sweet
sparkling wine. In general, burãák is made from white grapes; red
grapes are only rarely used. Due to the rapid fermentation, burãák can
not be stored for long and should be consumed within a few days.
interesting exhibition about vinegrowing, wine production and the
wine trade. Also in the region
is the Lednice-Valtice Cultural
Landscape. It has been listed in
the UNESCO World Heritage List
since 1992, and it amazes visitors.
The château of Valtice is one of the
largest secular Baroque buildings
in Moravia and dates back to the
17th century. Both the Lednice and
Valtice Châteaux have beautiful
large parks with a number of
romantic buildings.
Valtice is situated in the middle of beautiful large park
âeská republika je proslavená sv˘m dobr˘m pivem, ale bohuÏel
jen málo náv‰tûvníkÛ ví o tom, Ïe tu mohou najít také kilometry vinic. V âesku se víno pûstuje na více neÏ 11 000 hektarech, z toho se pfies 10 000 nachází na Moravû. V této ãásti
zemû existuje bezpoãet mal˘ch, rodinn˘ch vinic, jejichÏ majitelé
vyrábûjí víno pro sebe a své pfiátele, nikoli na prodej. VÏdy je
ov‰em potû‰í, pokud se mohou s náv‰tûvníkem podûlit o svou
p˘chu. Za náv‰tûvu ale stojí i velké vinafiské spoleãnosti, které
produkují zejména bílá vína – mnohé z nich pofiádají organizované prohlídky, provozují prodejní vinotéky a pfiipravují
ochutnávky. Nejvhodnûj‰í dobou k náv‰tûvû ãesk˘ch vinafisk˘ch
oblastí je podzim, doba skliznû, kdy se v‰ude nabízí burãák
– napolo zkva‰ené mladé víno. Ale jiÏní Morava, to není jen
víno. Lze tu objevit mnoho hradÛ, zámkÛ a památek zapsan˘ch
na seznamu kulturních památek UNESCO.
Vinafiská oblast Brno
Symbolem moravské metropole je hrad ·pilberk. Byl postaven
v první polovinû tfiináctého století a v prÛbûhu století osmnáctého pfiemûnûn v ohromnou barokní pevnost. Pak se stal
obávan˘m vûzením – b˘valé vûzeÀské cely jsou dnes pfiístupné
náv‰tûvníkÛm a cel˘ hrad slouÏí jako muzeum. Dal‰í turisticky
atraktivní pamûtihodností je vila Tugendhat. Je to jedno ze
stûÏejních dûl funkcionalistické architektury, které je zapsáno
na seznamu kulturních památek UNESCO. Vila byla postavena
roku 1930 pro manÏelsk˘ pár Tugendhatov˘ch, v osmdesát˘ch
letech byla zrekonstruována a nyní je pfiístupná vefiejnosti.
Vinafiská oblast Znojmo
Je to nejvût‰í zemûdûlská oblast na Moravû s centrem ve mûstû
Znojmo. Pod cel˘m mûstem je labyrint obrovsk˘ch vinn˘ch
sklepÛ. Za náv‰tûvu stojí i místní hrad – pÛvodní rezidence
znojemsk˘ch kníÏat z rodu PfiemyslovcÛ, kter˘ byl zaloÏen
v první polovinû 11. století. Na základech stfiedovûkého hradu
byl na poãátku 18. století postaven barokní zámek. Dnes je
v nûm umístûna zajímavá v˘stava nazvaná „Historie znojemské
Vinafiská oblast Mikulov
Mikulov a jeho okolí je synonymem nûkolik staletí trvající
vinafiské tradice. Symbolem Mikulova je zámek s poutavou
v˘stavou, jeÏ se vûnuje zpÛsobÛm pûstování vína, jeho v˘robû
a obchodu s vínem, a to od prvních historick˘ch záznamÛ aÏ
po souãasnost. K této oblasti náleÏí i Lednicko-valtick˘ areál,
kter˘ je od roku 1992 zapsán na seznamu kulturních památek
UNESCO a uchvacuje náv‰tûvníky svojí krásou. Valtick˘ zámek,
jedna z nejrozsáhlej‰ích svûtsk˘ch staveb na Moravû, pochází
ze 17. století. Souãástí lednického i valtického zámku jsou nádherné rozlehlé parky s bezpoãtem romantick˘ch staveb.
Guest @
Komerãní prezentace
Na zdraví
Nápoj, kter˘ âe‰i nejãastûji pozdvihají
k pfiípitku, je – vy to víte – pivo. Ale
dává to smysl? Pivo – a na zdraví?
Pivní bfií‰ko není zrovna dÛkazem
skvûlé kondice, stejnû jako potíÏe
s rovnováhou, kterou mají brzy k ránu
náv‰tûvníci ãesk˘ch hospÛdek. Pivo
je také velmi v˘Ïivné, coÏ spolu
s obsahem alkoholu nadzvihne kaÏdého
kardiologa ãi dietologa.
Nicménû – stejní lékafii se shodnou, Ïe
umûfiená konzumace piva vám mÛÏe
pomoci! Bezpoãet studií prokázal, Ïe
pivo, a zvlá‰Èe svûtl˘ leÏák, v˘raznû
zlep‰uje zaÏívání. Vûdecky bylo
prokázáno, Ïe pivo razantnû sniÏuje
ÏízeÀ a stimuluje nervov˘ systém.
Pivo je oblíbeno v kaÏdém kulturním
prostfiedí na svûtû, bez ohledu na místní
zvyky, kofieny, náboÏenství, zákony nebo
chutû. Nikde ale není populárnûj‰í,
neÏ v zemi, v níÏ vzniklo. âe‰i – to je
známá vûc – pijí více piva v pfiepoãtu
na obyvatele, neÏ kter˘koli jin˘ národ
svûta. A vypadá to, Ïe svému pfiípitku
„Na zdraví!“ opravdu vûfií.
Na Zdraví!
“To your health!“ This is the Czech
equivalent of the English “Cheers!“ The drink
that Czechs raise their glasses most often with
is – you’ve guessed it – beer. But does that make
sense? Can beer improve your health anyway?
dumpling with every meal). It has been scientifically shown that beer quenches thirst extremely efficiently, and it stimulates the nerve
system too.
A beer belly is not exactly a clear sign of great
health, nor are the difficult balancing exercises
you can witness in the early morning in front
of pubs all over the country. Beer is also a very
nutritious drink, which in regard to its alcoholic
content makes it a villain for every cardiologist
or dietician.
Beer has become popular with every culture in
the world, regardless of the local habits, cultural
roots, laws and tastes. But it is nowhere more
favoured in the world than in the country of its
birth. The Czechs, as you may know, consume
more beer per capita than any other nation. And
it seems that they really do believe the idiom
“Na zdraví!“ each time they shout it as a toast.
However, the very same doctors agree that
moderate consumption and enjoyment of beer
can actually help you. Numerous studies have
proved that the Pilsener (lager) type of beer
in particular greatly improves the digestion
(that’s why all Czechs quaff beer after each
By the way, do listen to how they say it before
you do. The usual pronunciation you hear from
time to time in a Hollywood movie (“Na zdoro-wie“) is Russian, not Czech. This, for obvious
reasons, is not the best way of drinking a toast
in Prague.
Guest @
Guest @
Charles Bridge and the Castle – two of the most important symbols of Prague
Charles IV
"The Father of the Nation"
° Charles IV (14 May 1316 – 29
November 1378) of the House of
Luxembourg was one of the most
prominent leaders of the Middle
Ages and is still an impressive
figure today. He was King of Bohemia – his mother was Elisabeth
(Eli‰ka) heiress of Bohemia of the
Pfiemyslid dynasty – and uncontested ruler of the Holy Roman
Empire till his death. He was fluent in five languages: Latin, German, French, Italian and Czech.
Guest @
With his four wives he had 11
children; the first was born when
he was 19, his last child was born
when he was 61 years old, less
than one year before his death.
Among his most noted achievements was the Golden Bull, which
codified the procedures for imperial elections and assured the privileges of the first Central European
university. But in the Czech Lands
he is still known simply as the
“Father of the Nation”.
Born as Wenceslaus, Charles IV
concentrated his energies chiefly
on the economic, intellectual and
religious development of Bohemia, so no wonder that when you
walk through the Czech capital,
he seems to be present everywhere.
Saint Vitus Cathedral
The beautiful cathedral is the
main landmark of Prague and the
most imposing building of Prague
Castle. In 1344 Charles IV laid the
foundation stone, but it took nearly
600 years to complete the structure.
From 1352 the young Petr Parléfi
was the leading architect, working on the cathedral for 46 years.
Unfortunately neither Parléfi nor
Charles IV saw Saint Vitus Cathedral ever finished, as the building
was completed in 1929. The crypt
of the cathedral deserves special attention: Charles IV is buried there,
beside other rulers.
Charles Bridge
Nowadays the bridge is home to
guitar players, dozens of souvenir
sellers and is actually an event in
its own right. But for 400 years the
Charles Bridge was the only connection between the Old Town
(Staré Mûsto) and the Lesser Quarter (Malá Strana). Charles IV had
it built in 1357 under the supervision of his favourite architect, Petr
Parléfi. Nowadays, the Charles
Bridge is unimaginable without its
characteristic feature – the statues
– but they are Baroque and were
only added between 1657 and 1714.
One of the first and most known is
the figure of St. John of Nepomuk.
Touching the scene on the relief on
the statue base is supposed to bring
luck – the shiny parts make clear
how many people believe this.
Charles University
Based on the model of the universities of Bologna and Paris, Prague
University was founded in 1348 by
Charles IV as the first university in
Central Europe. At the beginning,
monasteries and churches were
used as lecture halls, as they were
the biggest buildings at that time.
In 1383 the Collegium Carolinum
building was constructed, the first
of many, and nowadays Charles
University is spread all over the
capital. One of the most attractive
buildings is stillis the Carolinum,
with blocks of stone of different
colours in its facade. They were
added during the centuries to mark
the different renovations.
Our Lady of the Snows Church
Charles IV planned this church for
coronations, and therefore the construction plans were accordingly
ambitious. The church was supposed to be even higher than Saint
Vitus Cathedral, but the building
was never finished according to
the original plans and the planned
cathedral remained a church. Nevertheless, with a height of 33 metres, Our Lady of the Snows is the
tallest church in Prague.
Saint Vitus Cathedral took nearly 600 years to complete
Carolinum: the centre of Charles University
Karel IV. – „otec vlasti“
Karel IV. (14. 5. 1316 – 29. 11. 1378) z rodu LucemburkÛ byl jedním
z nejv˘raznûj‰ích panovníkÛ stfiedovûku. Byl nejen ãesk˘m králem,
ale i vládcem Svaté fií‰e fiímské. Mezi jeho nejv˘znamnûj‰í poãiny
patfií vydání Zlaté buly. Ta ustanovila proces volby fiímského císafie
a zároveÀ zajistila privilegované postavení první stfiedoevropské univerzitû. âe‰i Karla IV. dodnes naz˘vají prozaicky – otec vlasti, protoÏe
vûnoval ve‰kerou svou energii k tomu, aby pozvedl hospodáfiskou,
intelektuální a náboÏenskou úroveÀ âeského království.
Katedrála svatého Víta
Nádherná katedrála je symbolem Prahy a nejpÛsobivûj‰í z budov
komplexu PraÏského hradu. Její základní kámen poloÏil Karel IV.
uÏ v roce 1344. Roku 1352 se hlavním architektem stal mlad˘ Petr
Parléfi, kter˘ na katedrále pracoval dal‰ích 46 let. BohuÏel ani Parléfi,
ani Karel IV. nemûli moÏnost uvidût katedrálu v celé její kráse, protoÏe byla dokonãena aÏ v roce 1929. Zvlá‰tní pozornost si zaslouÏí
katakomby katedrály; v královské kryptû je totiÏ vedle nûkolika
dal‰ích ãesk˘ch panovníkÛ pochován i sám Karel IV.
KarlÛv most
Dnes je domovem kytaristÛ, tuctÛ prodavaãÛ suven˘rÛ a Ïije si
tak trochu vlastním Ïivotem. Ale po cel˘ch 400 let byl KarlÛv most
jedinou spojnicí mezi Star˘m Mûstem a Malou Stranou. Karel IV. jej
nechal postavit v roce 1357 a dohledem nad stavbou povûfiil opût
architekta Petra Parléfie. Dnes si KarlÛv most nedovedeme pfiedstavit
bez soch, které jsou pro nûj pfiíznaãné; ty v‰ak pocházejí z období
mezi lety 1657 a 1714. Jednou z prvních a dnes nejznámûj‰ích je
socha svatého Jana Nepomuckého. Pokud se dotknete v˘jevu na
reliéfu podstavce sochy, pfiinese vám to pr˘ ‰tûstí – a soudû podle
toho, jak se reliéf leskne, tomu mnoho lidí opravdu vûfií.
Univerzita Karlova
PraÏská univerzita, inspirovaná sv˘mi pfiedchÛdkynûmi v Boloni
a v PafiíÏi, byla zaloÏena Karlem IV. v roce 1348 a stala se první
univerzitou ve stfiední Evropû. ProtoÏe tehdy nebylo vût‰ích budov
neÏ klá‰terÛ a kostelÛ, pouÏívaly se právû tyto církevní stavby jako
posluchárny. Teprve v roce 1383 dostala univerzita první z mnoha
sv˘ch nynûj‰ích budov – budovu Karlovy koleje (Karolinum). Dnes
jsou objekty univerzity roztrou‰eny po celém mûstû. Karolinum je
v‰ak se svou pestrobarevnou fasádou také jednou z nejkrásnûj‰ích.
Guest @
Our team of experts is ready to provide perfect service and highly professional
catering for you, no matter if the occasion is a small private party or an annual
gala ball. We take care of everything, so just relax and enjoy your special
occasion. For more information see
T˘m odborníkÛ je pfiipraven poskytnout vám své bezchybné sluÏby
a vysoce profesionální catering. Postaráme se o v‰e, vy mÛÏete jen relaxovat a plnû si uÏívat svou akci. Podrobnosti na
Corinthia Hotels Prague, in cooperation with Sixt Czech Republic and Smart/
Bohemia Automotive Daimler Chrysler, offer the brand new Smart Forfour
models in the concierge of the Corinthia Panorama Hotel and the Corinthia
Towers Hotel. It is a part of wider partnership between these companies in
an effort to offer our guests even more comfort and choice. This funky car is
a very special attraction for everyone staying in or visiting the hotels.
Corinthia Hotels Prague ve spolupráci s firmou Sixt âeská republika/
Bohemia Automotive Daimler Chrysler nabízejí na concierge obou hotelÛ
zcela nové modely vozu Smart Forfour. Jde o souãást ‰ir‰í spolupráce
mezi tûmito spoleãnostmi ve snaze nabídnout na‰im hostÛm je‰tû
vût‰í pohodlí a v˘bûr. Toto akãní „funky“ auto je pro kaÏdého hosta ãi
náv‰tûvníka na‰ich hotelÛ velmi nezvyklou atrakcí.
In splendid interiors of Prague's National Museum, the highlight of
the Grand Chapitre celebrations took place. The Strawberry Party –
a celebration of summer fruits – was crowned by 7-course gala dinner.
The Baillie Delegué of Chaine des Rotisseurs, and GM of Corinthia Towers
Hotel, Mr. Christian Grage, presided over the ceremonial induction of
new members to the Chaine.
V nádherném prostfiedí praÏského Národního muzea v ãervnu probûhla
Jahodová párty pofiádaná v rámci oslav Grand Chapitre, Chaine des
Rotisseurs. KaÏdoroãní oslava letního ovoce vyvrcholila sedmichodovou
gala veãefií. Generální fieditel Corinthia Towers Hotelu, Baillie Delegué
Chaine des Rotisseurs, pan Christian Grage, pfiedsedal ceremoniálu
uvedení nov˘ch ãlenÛ do organizace.
Guest @
The Superbrands programmes have been launched in over 40 countries
to celebrate the role the most famous brand names play in the lives of
people around the world. The final Superbrands of the Czech Republic
were selected from over 1,200 well-known brand names established in the
country. The Corinthia Hotels Prague are among the 40 finalists chosen to
be presented in the Superbrands book. The official launch of the book and
announcement of the Superbrands of the Czech Republic took place on
13 July 2005 at the Corinthia Towers Hotel. On the picture: Mr. Christian
Grage, General Manager of Corinthia Towers Hotel, and Mr. Karmenu Vella,
Corinthia Hotels International Chairman, during the Superbrands launch.
PraÏské hotely Corinthia se staly souãástí prvního vydání knihy
Superbrandy âeské republiky. Finálních 40 SuperbrandÛ bylo odbornou porotou vybráno z více neÏ 1 200 brandÛ v âeské republice.
Oficiální uvedení knihy a pfiedstavení 40 finalistÛ SuperbrandÛ
âeské republiky probûhlo 13. ãervence 2005 v hotelu Corinthia
Towers za pfiítomnosti reprezentantÛ spoleãností zafiazen˘ch do
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Fine Dining @ Corinthia
° The entire autumn season is one big culinary feast here @ Corinthia. Harvest time brings many fresh ingredients direct to our kitchens. This time,
autumn @ Corinthia Hotels Prague is even more special with our brand new menus! So let our chefs share newest seasonal recipes with you.
P I A Z Z A R E S TA U R A N T @
T O S C A N A R E S TA U R A N T @
Guest @
Mr. Martin Jiskra,
Chef of Corinthia Towers Hotel
very hot oil. Add fresh tomatoes
and tomato purée. When the meat
is tender, add the sliced anchovies
and capers. Serve in a deep plate
or bowl with freshly baked baguette or focaccia.
Mr. Vladislav Stupariã,
Chef of Corinthia Panorama Hotel
Work the dough
from the flour,
butter, eggs, and salt and leave it to
rest covered in foil. Heat the oven
to 190 degrees Celsius. Mix the
curd cheese, cottage cheese, eggs,
pepper, thyme and salt. Roll out
the dough until it is around 2mm
thick and place it in the greased
tin. Pierce the dough with a fork
and bake it. As soon as it starts to
What you need:
1 whole chicken (1.3kg)
30g salt
120g olive oil
400g tomatoes
100g tomato purée
10g rosemary
120g Italian anchovies
50g garlic
30g pickled capers
1 French baguette
Rinse the chicken in
cold water and cut it
into four pieces. Partially remove
the drumstick bones and cut off
part of the spinal bone. Then add
salt to the chicken, moisten it with
few drops of olive oil, season with
fresh rosemary and garlic, and let
it rest in a cold place for a minimum of 2 hours, better overnight.
Roast the chicken portions on
What you need (4 portions):
125g butter, 250g flour, 2 eggs,
pinch of salt
250g soft full-fat curd cheese
200g cottage cheese, 2 eggs,
pinch of crushed thyme,
white pepper, salt,
300g tomatoes, 1 glove of garlic,
2 tablespoons of olive oil,
butter to grease the tin
70g rucola, 80ml olive oil,
50g feta cheese, 1 spoon of
honey, 1 spoon of cream
turn purple, lower the temperature
to 150 degrees and let it bake until
golden. Pour the filling into the
pastry, add the slices of tomato,
sprinkle with olive oil mixed with
mashed garlic and bake for 15 minutes at 150 degrees. Then bake for
a further 30 min. Put the rucola in
hot salty water for a few seconds,
then mix it with oil, cream, cheese,
and honey until smooth.
Kulináfisk˘ svût
Cel˘ podzim je u nás v Corinthii jedním velk˘m kulináfisk˘m festivalem. Teì v dobû, kdy v‰e dozrává, mají na‰i kuchafii skvûlou
pfiíleÏitost vyuÏít ty nejãerstvûj‰í suroviny pro své rafinované
recepty. Nabízíme vám pár receptÛ zcela nového menu.
Toscana Restaurant
@ Corinthia Towers Hotel
Pollo al buongustaio
Co potfiebujete: 1 celé kufie, 30 g soli, 120 g olivového oleje,
400 g rajãat, 100 g rajãatového protlaku, 10 g rozmar˘nu,
120 g italsk˘ch anãoviãek, 50 g ãesneku, 30 g sterilovan˘ch kapar,
1 bagetu
Celé kufie oãistíme a dÛkladnû omyjeme studenou vodou, rozporcujeme na ãtvrtky, ãásteãnû vyjmeme stehenní kosti a odsekneme
ãást kosti pátefiní. Poté kufie osolíme, pokapeme olivov˘m
olejem, ochutíme ãerstv˘m rozmar˘nem a ãesnekem, necháme
odleÏet v chladu minimálnû dvû hodiny, lépe pfies noc. Na rozpáleném olivovém oleji ãtvrtky kufiete opeãeme, pfiidáme ãerstvá rajãata a také protlak z rajãat. KdyÏ je maso témûfi mûkké,
pfiidáme nasekané anãoviãky a kapary. Servírujeme pokud moÏno
v hlub‰ím talífii nebo misce. Podáváme nejlépe s ãerstvû upeãenou italskou bagetou nebo focacciou.
LATERNA MAGIKA´s secret is in
its mixture of film and live perfor−
mance. The continuous search for
novelty and originality stemming
from the combination of these
elements lies at the heart of the
ensembles creative work.
Piazza Restaurant
@ Corinthia Towers Hotel
Koláã z ricotty s rajãaty a omáãkou z rukoly
Co potfiebujete na 4 porce:
Tûsto: 125 g másla, 250 g mouky, 2 vejce, ‰petka soli
NáplÀ: 250 g mûkkého tuãného tvarohu, 200 g luãiny, 2 vejce,
bíl˘ pepfi, ‰petka drceného tymiánu, sÛl, 300 g rajãat, 1 strouÏek
ãesneku, 2 lÏíce olivového oleje, kousek másla na vymazání
Omáãka: 70 g rukoly, 80 ml olivového oleje, 50 g balkánského
s˘ra nebo brynzy, lÏiãka medu, 1 lÏíce smetany
Tickets available at the concierge
desk in the hotel´s lobby.
Theatre box office and ticket
reservation: Národní 4, Praha 1,
tel.: +420 224 931 482
Z mouky, zmûklého másla, vejce a soli zpracujeme vláãné tûsto
a necháme je zabalené ve fólii odleÏet. Troubu zapneme na
190 stupÀÛ. V míse smícháme tvaroh s luãinou, pfiidáme vejce,
pepfi, tymián a sÛl. Tûsto vyválíme na 2 mm siln˘ plát a vyloÏíme
jím vymazanou formu. Na nûkolika místech tûsto propíchneme
vidliãkou a dáme péct. KdyÏ zaãne rÛÏovût, sníÏíme teplotu na
150 stupÀÛ a dopeãeme do svûtle zlaté barvy. NáplÀ nalijeme
do formy, poklademe plátky rajãat, pokapeme olivov˘m olejem
smíchan˘m s utfien˘m ãesnekem a peãeme pfii 150 stupních 15
minut. Dopeãeme pfii 120 stupních je‰tû asi pÛl hodiny. Rukolu
krátce spafiíme v osolené vodû a spoleãnû s olejem, smetanou,
s˘rem a medem vymixujeme dohladka.
group orders: 222 222 041
fax: 222 222 039
[email protected]
Guest @
What’s up?
Autumn 2005
This is the final event of this year's Prague Marathon: besides
several exciting runs with different courses through Prague, one
of the highlights will be the Marathon Music Festival. Runners
and spectators will be entertained all along the route. The festival
includes a wide variety of music, everything from rock to jazz and
from classical music to samba.
The Prague Autumn Festival ends a string of major European summer festivals in the same way that the Prague Spring Festival
began Europe-wide artistic frenzy five months earlier. Since 1991
the Prague Autumn has rapidly gained a reputation for attracting
the world's great artists and ensembles.
He definitely belongs to the pop music elite. Phil Collins, the former
drummer and singer of the legendary group Genesis, is coming to
Prague again. After releasing his wonderful album “Love Songs:
A Compilation… Old And New” last year he will now perform for two
days in the Czech capital. Fans can look forward to his world tour
“First And Final Farewell Tour”, even if the title seems sad. But at
least now we can listen once again to classics like “Against All Odds”
or “Groovy Kind Of Love”. Sazka Arena, 8 p.m.
The Strings of Autumn will present unique productions for the
tenth time this year. The Festival will also live up to its traditions
and present premiere performances by international performers
and projects commissioned by the The Strings of Autumn. For
example, this year's festival will witness the Czech debut of the
coloratura soprano Natalie Dessay and the post modern accordionist Teodoro Anzellotti. The festival will also include the premieres
of original projects, such as the Bach in 3D project or the performance of the Benjamin Britten's Parable for Church Performance.
A classical black light theatre performance based on “Alice in
Wonderland” by Lewis Carroll. A performance whose imagination,
poetry and perfect technical effects have been admired by audiences
in more than thirty countries on three continents. The creative design,
the large-screen projections, the animated film produced specially for
this performance, the puppets, the unique stage tricks and black light
effects, wonderful contemporary music by Petr Hapka, classical music
– from the My Country symphony by Bedfiich Smetana and Slavonic
Dances by Antonín Dvofiák – and your imagination: all of these come
together to create an experience which cannot be seen in any other
theatre. Starts at 9.30 p.m. daily.
Guest @
Classical concerts are held in the cosy surroundings of the wonderful Jakubská Gallery. Alexander Shonert (violin) and Natalie
Shonert (piano) interpret pieces by, for example, Dvofiák, Bach,
Paganini, Tchaikovsky and Rachmaninov. The concerts take place
throughout the autumn season, every Thursday at 6pm. in Galerie
Jakubská. Tickets are available at Galerie Jakubská (Mo-Sat 10 a.m.
– 6 p.m.). Bookings by telephone on: 224 827 926 or email at:
[email protected].
Exhibition in the Mihulka Powder Tower of the Prague Castle with
a simple title – “The Sword” – is showcasing the development of
swords from the 11th to the 17th century. On display are swords
used for coronations, various ceremonies and executions, and
also examples from the Orient, Far East and Japan. Another exciting collection in Mihulka is the permanent exhibition of armoury
introducing Czech military history. Open daily 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.,
admission: CZK 50.
Festival of theatre ensembles from Austria, Germany and Switzerland
takes place for the 10th time this year and it has already become
a firm component of Prague's cultural life. The festival presents
a symbiosis of Czech, German and Jewish cultures, but it also is
an important inspiration for Czech theatres. The 10th year will be
in token of two big anniversaries: of Friedrich Schiller and of Hans
Christian Andersen.
Guest @
Kam v Praze
Léto 2005
Poslední akce leto‰ního PraÏského maratonu. Kromû nûkolika vzru‰ujících bûhÛ Prahou na rÛznû dlouh˘ch tratích bude
souãástí programu i Maratonsk˘ hudební festival. BûÏci i diváci
si uÏijí spoustu zábavy podél celé trati. Bûhem festivalu zazní
‰iroká ‰kála hudebních ÏánrÛ: od rocku po jazz a od klasické
hudby po sambu.
12. 9. – 2. 10. PRAÎSK¯ PODZIM
Hudebním festivalem PraÏsk˘ podzim vrcholí série velk˘ch
evropsk˘ch letních festivalÛ klasické hudby – podobnû, jako
PraÏské jaro tuto sérii o pût mûsícÛ dfiíve zaãalo. Od roku 1991
PraÏsk˘ podzim rychle získal povûst festivalu plného hvûzd.
25. 9. – 20. 11. STRUNY PODZIMU
Jubilejní, desát˘ roãník festivalu pfiedstaví premiérová vystoupení umûlcÛ a souborÛ z fiady zemí. VÛbec poprvé se
v âeské republice pfiedstaví sopranistka Natalie Essayová
a postmoderní akordeonista Teodoro Anzellotti. Souãástí festivalu bude napfi. i premiéra projektu „Bach v 3D“.
24. – 25. 10. PHIL COLLINS
B˘val˘ bubeník a zpûvák legendárních Genesis, souãasné elita
pop music, se vrací do Prahy. Collinsovi fanou‰ci se mohou tû‰it
na koncert z „Prvního a posledního rozluãkového turné“, bûhem
nûhoÏ zazní jak písniãky ze skvûlého nového alba „Love Songs:
A Compilation… Old and New“, tak i nejvût‰í hity jako „Against
All Odds“ nebo „Groovy Kind Of Love“. Sazka Arena, 20 hodin.
Alenka v fií‰i divÛ – pfiedstavení ãerného divadla
Klasické pfiedstavení ãerného divadla na motivy románu Alenka
v fií‰i divÛ od Lewise Carrolla. Zveme vás na pfiedstavení,
jehoÏ nápaditost, poetiãnost a ukázkové technické efekty
byly obdivovány publikem jiÏ ve více neÏ tfiiceti zemích svûta.
Neobvyklá dekorace, promítání na velké plátno, animovan˘
film natoãen˘ speciálnû pro toto pfiedstavení, loutky, unikátní
jevi‰tní triky, kouzlo ãerného divadla, úÏasná moderní hudba
Petra Hapky stejnû jako klasická hudba pocházející ze symfonie Má vlast Bedfiicha Smetany a Slovansk˘ch tancÛ Antonína
Dvofiáka a va‰e fantazie – to v‰e, ruku v ruce, vám poskytne
nev‰ední záÏitek, kter˘ neuvidíte v Ïádném jiném divadle.
Zaãátek dennû ve 21.30.
Guest @
V útulném prostfiedí jedineãné Galerie Jakubská probíhají
koncerty klasické hudby. Alexander Shonert (housle) a Natalie
Shonertová (klavír) vám zahrají skladby Dvofiáka, Bacha,
Paganiniho, âajkovského, Rachmaninova a jin˘ch. MÛÏete se na
nû tû‰it kaÏd˘ ãtvrtek v 18 hodin po celou podzimní sezonu.
Vstupenky na pfiedstavení lze zakoupit v Galerii Jakubská od
pondûlí do ãtvrtka v dobû od 10 do 18 hodin. Rezervace na tel.:
224 827 926 nebo na adrese [email protected]. www.
V˘stava v Pra‰né vûÏi Mihulka na PraÏském hradû s
jednoduch˘m názvem „Meã“ pfiedstavuje pfiedmûty mapující
v˘voj této zbranû od nejstar‰ích exempláfiÛ aÏ do souãasnosti.
Náv‰tûvník se mÛÏe seznámit s v˘vojem meãÛ od 11. do 17.
století. Vystaveny jsou meãe korunovaãní nebo ceremoniální,
ale i popravãí, dvouruãní, fiádové, a to vãetnû zbraní z Orientu,
Dálného v˘chodu nebo Japonska. Dal‰í vzru‰ující kolekcí v
Mihulce je stálá expozice zbraní pfiedstavující nûkolik etap
z ãesk˘ch vojensk˘ch dûjin. Otevfieno dennû 9 – 17 hodin,
vstupné: 50 Kã.
Festival divadelních souborÛ z Rakouska, Nûmecka a ·v˘carska
se letos koná uÏ podesáté a stal se neodmyslitelnou souãástí
praÏského kulturního Ïivota. Pfiipomíná symbiózu ãeské, nûmecké
a Ïidovské kultury, ale zároveÀ je v˘znamnou inspiraci pro ãeská
divadla, která v poslední sezónû uvedla neb˘vale mnoho her
nûmeck˘ch autorÛ. V programu desátého roãníku se odrazí dvû
velká v˘roãí – Friedricha Schillera a Hanse Christiana Andersena.
Hity pro dûti
Vítejte ve svém
Corinthia Hotelu!
While staying
in the Corinthia
Hotels Prague,
you can do and discover many
really great things here: You can
practise swimming and have fun
at both Corinthia Hotels, which
have stunning pools overlooking
Prague. At the Corinthia Towers
Hotel's Beer&Bowling Restaurant
it gets really sporty; you can try
your bowling skills, play darts,
table tennis, table football, billiards or even karaoke. Our chefs
have prepared a special kids menu
there; just ask for it and enjoy the
yummy food. A very special
brunch for the whole family is
organized every Sunday at both
hotels. The VIK Brunch at the
Corinthia Towers Hotel and the
Bohemian Brunch at the Corinthia
Panorama Hotel offer kids' entertainment and a special buffet for
you. Just make your choice and
find out more about your favourite Sunday Brunch!
Prague has lots of museums, and
if you think a visit to a museum
is boring, you haven't tried these!
Many of the museums in Prague
offer special attractions for kids,
and some don't have to, as the exhibitions themselves are really interesting, interactive and entertaining. Don't believe it? You'll see!
The huge museum at Wenceslas
Square is a majestic building
with splendid interiors. It has,
beside lots of other exhibitions,
an enormous zoological collection. Six exhibition rooms have
more then 5,000 animals on display. A walk under the 22metre
long skeleton of a whale is one
of the highlights. And you will
probably never get so close to a
Tasmanian Wolf, King Cobra or
hammerhead shark again.
This permanent exhibition is
quite new, and you can find it
in the castle buildings. It tells
the story of the main castle complex and the people connected
with it. “The Story of Prague
Castle” gives you a chance to
walk through Prague Castle as
a helper of an artist, craftsman,
guard, servant, or priest. You can
become, for a moment, a historical figure, and experience all the
exciting adventures of his or her
life, face all sorts of challenges
and govern the castle like the
most powerful rulers did in the
past. You can take part directly
in the Story by fulfilling special
tasks and missions.
Bûhem svého pobytu
v Corinthia Hotels Prague
mÛÏete objevit fiadu opravdu
skvûl˘ch atrakcí: oba hotely
Corinthia mají ‰piãkové
bazény s v˘hledem na Prahu.
V restauraci Beer&Bowling
v Corinthia Towers Hotelu
mÛÏete vyzkou‰et bowling,
‰ipky, stolní tenis, stolní fotbal, a dokonce i karaoke. Na‰i
kuchafii pro vás navíc pfiipravili
speciální dûtské menu! V obou
hotelích pofiádáme kaÏdou
nedûli oblíbené brunche pro
celou rodinu. VIK brunch
v Corinthia Towers Hotelu
a Bohemia Brunch v Corinthia
Panorama Hotelu – nabízíme
Ïivou hudbu, bohatou zábavu
a speciální bufet pro dûti. Staãí
si vybrat!
Pfiíbûh PraÏského
Tato stálá expozice umístûná
v základech hradu vypráví
pfiíbûhy nejdÛleÏitûj‰ích ãástí
hradního komplexu a lidí, ktefií
jsou s hradem spojeni. V˘stava
Pfiíbûh PraÏského hradu vám
dává jedineãnou pfiíleÏitost
projít hradem, jako byste byly
pomocníky umûlcÛ, fiemeslníky,
stráÏemi, slouÏícími nebo
Národní muzeum
Obfií muzeum na Václavském
námûstí nabízí kromû mnoha
jin˘ch v˘stav také rozsáhlé
zoologické sbírky. V ‰esti
v˘stavních sálech se pfiedstavuje
na 5000 zvífiat. Koho by nenadchla procházka pod 22 metrÛ
dlouhou kostrou velryby? Kde
jinde mÛÏete b˘t doslova pár
centimetrÛ od tasmánského
vlka, kobry královské nebo
Ïraloka kladivouna?
Guest @
Interactive Tradition
Michal Luke‰
The DG of the Czech National Museum
° He runs a state institution
with 650 employees. A deeply
traditional institution, one of
the strongest symbols of Czech
nationhood. When he took up
the post four years ago, he was
just 27. A young historian with
no managerial experience, but
a very clear and powerful vision. A vision that is materialising very quickly under his able
leadership. Let us introduce you
to the Director General of the
Czech National Museum, Dr. Michal Luke‰. We asked him how
difficult was it to take over such
a venerable institution and what
has changed during his four
years of management:
Interaktivní tradice
Michal Luke‰,
generální fieditel Národního muzea
Vede instituci s 650 zamûstnanci. Instituci velice tradiãní, jeden
z nejsilnûj‰ích symbolÛ ãeské státnosti. KdyÏ se své funkce
pfied ãtyfimi lety ujal, bylo mu teprve 27. Mlad˘ historik bez
manaÏersk˘ch zku‰eností, ale s velmi jasnou a silnou vizí. Dovolte
nám pfiedstavit generálního fieditele Národního muzea v Praze,
PhDr. Michala Luke‰e. Zeptali jsme se ho, jak se dá spojit tradice
a majestát starobylé instituce s potfiebou b˘t inovativní, moderní
a atraktivní pro souãasné, mladé publikum?
„Za prvé si nemyslím, Ïe by
tradice mûla odrazovat. Tradice
je vítána. Co není vítáno, je
nezdrav˘ konzervatizmus.
fieknûte mi jedin˘ dÛvod, proã
by i ta nejtradiãnûj‰í instituce
jako Národní muzeum nemohla
dûlat moderní, interaktivní
a atraktivní v˘stavy? Vûdût, jak
s lidmi komunikovat, je souãástí
této tradice. Dnes uÏ nestaãí
pouze vystavit pfiedmûty, lidé
Guest @
chtûjí pfiíbûh. V˘stava potfiebuje
spoleãensk˘ rozmûr. A musí
b˘t hravá. Náv‰tûvníci Ïádají
vyspûlé technologie, pohyb
a chtûjí b˘t souãástí toho
Které v˘stavy si za ta ãtyfii léta
ceníte nejvíc?
„To je samozfiejmû nemoÏné
takhle fiíct. Jednou z nejvût‰ích
v˘zev byla obrovská v˘stava
s rozpoãtem 60 milionÛ korun
o PraÏském hradû, kter˘
mapoval evropskou historii od
roku 1000 aÏ do souãasnosti.
Cel˘ tento projekt jsem
koordinoval jen tfii mûsíce
poté, co jsem nastoupil
do nového zamûstnání. Ale
povedlo se. Za první tfii mûsíce
jsme mûli neuvûfiiteln˘ch
100 000 náv‰tûvníkÛ. Asi kaÏd˘
PraÏan i náv‰tûvník hlavního
mûsta si také pamatuje
loÀskou v˘stavu ‚Voda
a Ïivot'. Obrovsk˘ úspûch
této interaktivní expozice
zaloÏené na nejmodernûj‰ích
technologiích byl opravdu
pfiekvapiv˘. No a musím zmínit
i nedávnou v˘stavu o fotbale.
Vefiejnosti jsme se ptali po
smyslu vlastenectví. Proã
nosíme vlajky a vzpomeneme
si na text na‰í hymny pouze na
sportovních utkáních?“
“I have built up the structure of
the museum from scratch. My
predecessor is an excellent scientist and I count myself among
his devoted admirers. But his
approach to the directorship
was: 'The museum runs itself
and I represent it.' So there was
no real structure and system
running this institution. What
I regard as one of my most rewarding long-term successes is
the fact that nowadays you can
hear and read about the National
Museum everywhere. It wasn't
the case four years ago. We are
visible and the media are very interested in us. Including Guest@
magazine (laughs).”
Jaké nové v˘stavy chystáte na
„Teì probíhá vzpomínková
v˘stava o tragicky zesnulém
hokejovém trenérovi Ivanu
Hlinkovi. Z dal‰ích akcí bych
urãitû zmínil pro nás velice
v˘znamnou a pro v‰echny
doufám zajímavou událost
– otevfiení národopisného
muzea v Letohrádku Kinsk˘ch.
V listopadu potom zahajujeme
rozsáhlou ultramoderní
expozici nazvanou ‚Zlatá
doba médií', na níÏ na‰im
náv‰tûvníkÛm pokládáme
otázku, zda my ovlivÀujeme
tisk, anebo naopak. A nemÛÏu,
kdyÏ dovolíte, nevzpomenout
na‰i vÛbec nejvût‰í akci
s pracovním názvem ‚Lovci
mamutÛ' – dlouhou realistickou
procházku prehistorick˘m
svûtem. Tu ale plánujeme aÏ
na pfií‰tí rok.“
The National Museum was founded in 1818. It is one of the grandest and most traditional of Czech
institutions. How do you bring together this tradition and the need
for being innovative, modern and
attractive to a young, contemporary audience?
“First of all I do not think that
tradition needs to put people off.
Tradition is welcomed; what is
not is unhealthy conservatism.
Why on earth should a most traditional institution like the National
Museum be barred from creating
a modern, interactive, attractive
exhibition? The knowledge of
how to communicate to the public
is a part of this tradition. Today,
it is not enough to exhibit items:
people want to hear a story. The
exhibition needs to have a social
dimension. And must be playful.
People want high-tech, they want
movement, and they want to be
a part of the presented story.”
What exhibition in your four years
do you value most?
“It is, of course, impossible to
say. One of the biggest challenges
was the enormous EUR 2 million
exhibition about Prague Castle,
mapping European history from
the year 1000 till today. I had to
coordinate the preparations just
three months after I started my
new job. But it worked. We had
the amazing figure of 100,000
visitors in the first three months.
Probably every local and visitor
alike remembers the 'Water and
Life' exhibition from last year.
The huge success of this interactive state-of-the-art exhibition
was really surprising. And I must
also mention our recent extensive
display devoted to football. In
this exhibition we asked the public about the meanings of patriotism. Why is it that we carry flags
and remember our anthem just at
a sports event?”
What new, temporary exhibitions
do you plan for this autumn?
“Now we have on display an exhibition about the late Ivan Hlinka,
the legendary Czech ice-hockey
couch, who died last year. The
opening of the new Ethnic Museum
in Kinsk˘ Pleasure House will be
a very large and interesting event.
And in November a large high-tech
exhibition called 'The Golden Age
of Media' will commence, where we
ask whether we are influencing the
press or vice versa. And I can't leave
out our biggest project, 'The Mammoth Hunters', a long walk through
pre-historic world, planned for the
next year.”
Just the maintenance of the splendid main old building of the National Museum must be financially
very demanding. How do you
“Our budget is about EUR 10 million a year. A substantial part comes
from the state, but we earn money
by charging entry and, above all,
by renting out the most prestigious
rooms and halls. The interiors of
the museum are breathtaking for
every first-time visitor. No wonder
it is so popular with film-makers.
Some of the key scenes of 'Mission
Impossible' were shot here. Czech
TV is a regular, as well as foreign
film and TV crews.”
Finally, a traditional question for
the Guest@ interviewees: How
often do you travel? And what accommodation do you prefer?
“I travel all the time, mostly on
business. The accommodation is
almost always set up and provided
for me by the hosts, so I am not
choosing where I am staying. It is
usually a very comfortable hotel.
Probably this is why whenever I go
on holiday, I prefer to rent a studio
flat and be just on my own for
a while .”
Guest @
New Year 2006:
The Best View in the World
This year the Corinthia Towers Hotel
is preparing a very special New Year's Eve
celebration for you. A luxurious buffet selection
of food from many culinary corners of the
world will be prepared by our award-winning
chefs for this special evening. The wonderful
buffet will be accompanied by a wide choice of
quality drinks. A perfect live band that will lure
everybody onto the dance floor will guarantee
New Year's Eve entertainment with style.
It starts at 7 p.m. at the Lobby Bar, with
Australian and New Zealand bush finger
food. Enjoy a great Australian aperitif while
watching Sydney's spectacular New Year's
celebrations and listening to Didgeridoo
From 8 p.m. it is dinnertime at the Bellevue
Hall, which looks over the roofs of Prague.
A spectacular “temple” of oriental cuisine from
Thailand, China, Japan, Indonesia, Malaysia and
Singapore. Sip saké and sample sushi. Watch the
Far Eastern celebrations and prepare yourself to
enter the New Year with a purified spirit.
At 9 p.m. we are joining the Middle East with
an original live band and dancing. Explore the
delights of a lavish Arabic mezze and witness
the Gulf celebrating!
At midnight champagne for a toast will be
served, while you enjoy a fabulous firework
display over Prague and follow a live broadcast
of the New Year's Eve celebrations in major
European capitals, on our large screen. And
watch out – there are great prizes in our raffle!
The all-inclusive price for this special New
Years' Eve celebration is just CZK 6,000 per
individual ticket and CZK 54,000 for a table
of 10. The quoted prices are valid till the 30th
of September. From October tickets will be
available for CZK 7,000 / CZK 60,000. For
more information or reservation please contact
Ms. Martina ·evãíková, tel. +420 261 191 103,
or e-mail to [email protected].
Guest @
Nov˘ rok 2006:
Nejlep‰í v˘hled
na svûtû
V‰e zaãíná v 19 hodin v Lobby
baru s australsk˘mi a novozélandsk˘mi jednohubkami
„z bu‰e”. Vychutnejte si skvûl˘
australsk˘ aperitiv, zatímco
pozorujete velkolepé oslavy
pfiíchodu Nového roku u protinoÏcÛ a posloucháte Ïivou
Didgeroo hudbu. Od 20 hodin
je ãas veãefie v Bellevue Hall,
odkud je fantastick˘ v˘hled na
Prahu. Podávají se úÏasné pokrmy orientální kuchynû z Thajska, âíny, Japonska, Indonésie,
Malajsie a Singapuru. Upíjejte
své saké a ochutnejte sushi.
Shlédnûte oslavy na Dálném
v˘chodû a pfiipravte se na vstup
do Nového roku s ãistou du‰í.
Ve 21 hodin se pfiidáme k oslavám Nového roku na Blízkém
v˘chodû – i s Ïivou kapelou
a tancem. Prozkoumejte kulináfiská potû‰ení ‰tûdrého
arabského stolu a staÀte se
svûdky oslav v Perském zálivu!
O pÛlnoci bude k novoroãnímu
pfiípitku podáváno ‰ampaÀské,
zatímco si hosté uÏívají pohledu na velkolep˘ ohÀostroj nad
Prahou a sledují na velkoplo‰né
obrazovce pfiímé pfienosy novoroãních oslav v nejvût‰ích evropsk˘ch velkomûstech. A pozor
– pfiipravena je tombola s hodnotn˘mi cenami! All-inclusive
cena této speciální novoroãní
oslavy je pouh˘ch 6.000 korun
pro jednotlivce a 54.000 pro
desetiãlenn˘ stÛl. Tyto ceny
platí do 31. záfií. Od fiíjna budou
vstupenky k dispozici za 7.000
a 60.000 Kã. Pro více informací
nebo rezervaci kontaktujte prosím sleãnu Martinu ·evãíkovou
na 261 191 103, nebo pi‰te na
e-mail: [email protected].
The Festive Season
is Approaching…
…and the Corinthia Panorama Hotel brings
you the most imaginative ideas for enjoying it.
Are you looking for the perfect way to celebrate
Christmas or New Year’s Eve? Look no further!
buffet and a rich programme for kids including a
visit and presents from Santa Claus.
During Christmas our award-winning chefs give
you lots of opportunities to try traditional Czech or
international Christmas menus. It starts early: on the
5th of December, with our Christmas delicacies in the
Lobby Bar. Until the 26th of December the Lobby is
THE place to enjoy the taste of Christmas.
From 7 p.m. on New Year’s Eve we await you at
the Mezzo Restaurant with a welcome cocktail to
celebrate the last day of 2005. Our chefs will prepare a
grand Gala buffet for you, with plenty of specialities
and good food. At midnight, a glass of sparkling
wine complements the stunning fireworks over the
roofs of Prague. All this is accompanied by live music
and dancing.
From Christmas Eve until Boxing Day our restaurants
offer you a special Christmas menus. At the Piazza,
choose between a 3-course Czech Christmas menu or
a 4-course Mediterranean Christmas menu. In case
you prefer a buffet, enjoy it at our Mezzo Restaurant,
with Christmas specialities from all over Europe and
entertaining live music.
A more informal party starts at 8 p.m. at the Mezzo
Bar. After a welcome cocktail you can enjoy our
rich finger buffet with selected wines. Perfect
entertainment is provided by a DJ and GoGo dancers.
The bravest can try karaoke. Enjoy the fireworks at
midnight with a complimentary glass of sparkling
On Christmas Day there’s a gourmet Bohemia Brunch
at the Mezzo Restaurant, with a lavish Christmas
For more information, or reservation please call:
+420 261 166 311, or e-mail [email protected].
Vánoce a Nov˘ rok
jsou za dvefimi
A Corinthia Panorama Hotel vám
pfiiná‰í lákavé tipy, jak si konec
roku uÏít. Hledáte, kde slavit? UÏ
jste na‰li! Bûhem Vánoc vám na‰i
‰piãkoví kuchafii dají fiadu pfiíleÏitostí
okusit tradiãní ãeské i mezinárodní
vánoãní menu. Kulináfiská sezona
zaãíná brzy: uÏ 5. prosince s na‰imi
vánoãními delikatesami v Lobby
baru. Ten je aÏ do 26. prosince
tím prav˘m místem, kde si proÏít
autentickou chuÈ Vánoc. Od ·tûdrého veãera aÏ do ·tûpána vám na‰e
restaurace budou nabízet speciální
vánoãní pokrmy. V Piazze si mÛÏete
vybrat mezi tfiíchodov˘m ãesk˘m
nebo ãtyfichodov˘m stfiedomofisk˘m
vánoãním menu. Dáváte-li pfiednost
bufetu, uÏijte si ho za doprovodu
Ïivé hudby v Mezzo restaurantu
s vánoãními specialitami z celé
Evropy. Na První svátek vánoãní pro
vás v Mezzo restaurantu pfiipravujeme gurmánsk˘ Bohemia Brunch
s velmi bohat˘m vánoãním bufetem
a pestr˘m programem pro dûti
vãetnû náv‰tûvy a dárkÛ od Santy.
V Mezzo restaurantu vás oãekáváme
i na Silvestra v 19 hodin. Pfiivítáme
vás koktejlem na oslavu posledního dne roku 2005. Na‰i kuchafii
chystají grandiozní Gala bufet se
‰irokou ‰kálou specialit a delikates.
O pÛlnoci doplní velkolep˘ ohÀostroj
nad praÏsk˘mi stfiechami obligátní
sklenka sektu. Cel˘ veãer doprovodí
Ïivá hudba Neformální party mezitím
(ve 20 hodin) vypukne v Mezzo
baru. Po uvítacím koktejlu si dopfiejte v˘teãn˘ch chuÈovek a vybran˘ch
vín. Perfektní zábavu zajistí diskÏokej
a go-go taneãnice. OdváÏní mohou
zkusit karaoke. PÛlnoãní oblohu rozsvítí ohÀostroj a zpfiíjemní sklenice
sektu. Pro více informací a rezervaci
volejte: 261 166 311 nebo pi‰te na
[email protected].
Guest @