Record of Mantis religiosa (Mantodea: Mantidea) in NNM SvaĚec


Record of Mantis religiosa (Mantodea: Mantidea) in NNM SvaĚec
tssN l80l-5972
Acta rerum naturaliuml: 155.2005
Record of Mantis religiosa (Mantodea: Mantidea) in NNM SvaĚec
(Czech Republic, Bohemian-Moravian Highlands)
Nález Mantis religiosa (Mantodea: Mantidea) na zemí NPP Švaňec
M u z e u m V y s o č i n yJ i h l a v a ,M a s a r y k o v o n á m ě s t í5 5 , C Z - 5 8 6 0 l J i h l a v a ,t i c h a @ m u z e u m j i . c z
(Czech Republic, Bohemian-Moravian Highlands,
Abstract: Mantis religiosa (Linnaeus, l758) was found in the NationaINatural Monument Švaňec
t o r d e ro f t h e c o n t i n u o u sd i s t r i b u t i o no f t h i s x e r o t e r m o p h i | o u s
l a n d r e g i s t e rK o r o u Ž n éN
, a t . g r i d N o . 6 4 6 4 ) .T h i s l o c a | i t yi s s i t u a t e do n t h e n o r t h - w e s b
s p e c i e si n M o r a v i a .
Abstrakt: V prácije popsán ná|ez Mantis religiosa (Linnaeus, l758) na zemiNárodnipňírodní památky Švaňec(Českomoravskávrchovina, kat.
tohoto xerotermofilníhodruhu na Moravě.
Koroužné,6464).Tato |okalita |eŽína severovychodníhranici souvis|éhorozšíŤení
Key words: Manlis religiosa, expansion,Czech Republic
Praying mantis (Mantis religiosa) (Linnaeus, 1758)is
a xerotermophilousspecies distributedin Europe, Asia,
Africa and Austra|ia (Bazyluk l960, Hanák et Hudeček
200l). It is native in Moravia in the Czech Republic (Chládek l998; Hanák et Hudeček200l). It appearsto havebeen
introducedto Bohemia,having been found only on one locality in South Bohemia (Hanák et Hudeček2001).
Material: National Natural Monument ŠvaŤec(Nat.
grid. No. 6464), land registerKoroužné,2004ix. ll: l
female observed.
The northernmostpublishedlocalitiesof the occurrence
of M. religiosa in the Czech Republic so far are in Silesia
_ Jeseník,Z|atohorskávrchovina (5769)(Lemon l998 in
Hanák et Hudeček200l) and opava (6072,6073)(ťorboth
see Hanák et Hudeček200l). The possibility of migration from the Poland is discussedin thesecases(Hanák et
Hudeček200l). Velk KosíŤHill, Čelechovicena Hané
(6468)(Piszkiewitz et aL2000) is the northernmostknown
permanentlyoccupiedlocality of its continuousdistribution in Moravia.
In the Bohemian-MoravianHighlands,this specieshas
been reported from KuŤimská Nová ves (6663) (Nenadál
l995), Tišnov-Květnice(6664)and Mohe|no(6863)(both
see Hanák et Hudeček200l). The finding of M. religiosa
in the NNM ŠvaŤec
occurs on the north-westborderof its
continuousdistributionin the Czech Republic.Increasing
recordsof this specieson Bohemian-MoravianHighlands
and Central Moravia supports the hypothesisthat M. religiosa has expanded northwards over the last few years
(C h l áde k l 998, Han á k e t H u d e č e k2 0 0 l ) .
BAZYLUK W. 1960: Die geografischeVerbreitung und
Variabilitát von Mantis religiosa (L.) (Mantodea,Mantidae) sowie Beschreibungenneuer Untetarten.Ann.
Zool. Warszawa18 231212.
CHlÁoprc F. l998: [To the currentstateof distributionof
Praying Mantis (Mantis religiosa) (Linnaeus, 1758)on
the Moravia and notes to its biology. ] (in Czech) Tetrix
l: 1-8.
HnNÁrc F. et HUDEČEKJ. 2001: fDistributionof Praying
Mantis (Mantis religiosa) in the Czech lands with respect to its spreadingin Central Moravia and Silesia.]
(in Czech with English abstract)Čas.Slez. Muz. opava
(A) 50: 137-142.
LEMoN F. 1998:[TermophilousPraying Mantis in Jeseník.](in Czech). Roč.Vlas. Mus. Spol.' Jeseník,l998:
36 in HANÁK F. et HUDEČEKJ. 2001: [Distributionof
Praying Mantis (Mantis religiosa) in the Czech lands
with respectto its spreadindin Central Moravia and
Silesia.l (in Czech) Cas. Slez. Muz. Opava (A) 50:
r 37-t42.
NENADÁL S. |995: [Record of Praying Mantis, Mantis
religiosa(L.) on the Bohemian-Moravianhighlandsl(in
Czech with German Summary).Vlast. Sbor. Vysočiny,
odd. věd. pÍír.|2:24]-249.
P I SZ K |EW I TZJ ., BENEŠJ . and K o NVI ČK A M . 2000 : Record of Praying Mantis, Mantis religiosa (L.), on the
Velk! KosíŤHil|, Central Moravia. Čas. Slez. Muz.
Opava,A ,49: 58.
PRUNER L. et MírA P. l996: Seznam obcí a jejich částí
v Českérepublice s číslemmapovych polí pro sítbvá
mapovánífauny.Klapalekiana32,Suppl.: |-|75

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