„Evidence based psychiatric services“ Howard H. Goldman, MD, Ph.D.


„Evidence based psychiatric services“ Howard H. Goldman, MD, Ph.D.
Seminář Psychiatrické 1. LF UK a VFN Praha se koná
v knihovně Psychiatrické kliniky
dne 10.6. 2009 ve 14:00
na téma
„Evidence based psychiatric services“
Howard H. Goldman, M.D., Ph.D.,
is Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Maryland School of Medicine. Dr. Goldman is the editor of Psychiatric
Services, a mental health services research and policy journal published monthly by the American Psychiatric Association.
He also serves on the editorial boards of several other journals, including the American Journal of Psychiatry and the
Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics. During 2002 and 2003 Dr.Goldman was a consultant to the President’s
New Freedom Commission on Mental Health. In 1996 he was elected to membership in the National Academy of Social
Insurance, and in 2002 he was elected to the Institute of Medicine.
Vybrané recentní publikace autora:
Goldman HH, Morrissey JP, Rosenheck R, Cocozza J, Blasinsky M, Randolph F. “Lessons from the Evaluation of the ACCESS Program.”
Psychiatric Services 53(8):967-969, 2002.
Goldman HH. “How do you pay your rent? Social policies and the president’s mental health commission. Health Affairs 22(5):65-72, Sep/Oct, 2003.
Goldman HH. "Progress in Mental Health Policy in Conservative Times: One Step at a Time," Schizophrenia Bulletin 32: 424-427, 2006.
Goldman HH, et. al. “Behavioral Health Insurance Parity for Federal Employees.” New England Journal of Medicine 354(13, March 30): 1378-1386,
Goldman HH, Grob GN. “Defining Mental Illness in Mental Health Policy,” Health Affairs 25 (3, May/June): 737-749, 2006.
Seminář je evidován v centrálním registru vzdělávacích akcí České lékařské komory
a ohodnocen 2 kredity. Potvrzení bude vydáno na požádání v sekretariátu kliniky.
K účasti srdečně zvou:
as. MUDr. M. Anders, Ph.D.
koordinátor seminářů
Prof. MUDr. J. Raboch, DrSc.
přednosta Psychiatrické kliniky