Technicka data1 Technical data wwwm hacker-rr


Technicka data1 Technical data wwwm hacker-rr
Technicka data1 Technical data
1000 mm
I010 mm
Rc 4oo,,wR
St'avebni navod
SUPER ZOOM 4D TOP FLYER je superakrobaticw model pro 4D akrobaticke Ietani. Model je vyroben rnoderni
technologii na CNC strojich z "nezniCitelneho" rnaterialu EPP. Model by1 naveen ve spolupraci s Davidem Kyjovswm.
Model je pohanl5n elektrornotorem MEGA RC 400/15/7R s vrtuli 10/4,7". Baterie 3 Clanky LiPol 730 mAh spolu s
pohonnouje dnotkou urnoZiiujiziskat letovou vAhu rnodelu pouhych 4:30 grami ! Diky sve konstrukcije model schopen
Ietat ive vgtrU.
Modelje schopen na pfil plynu viset na vrtuli a po plidani plynu lerer ~ o ~ m
je schopen zaletet looping v noiovem
IC L U a vSechily ahludaticke prvky. S modelem mGie letat temgi kaidy a diky sve konstrukci a pouiitym materidlim je
temc8 nezniCitelny a vydrii i "neSetrn6" zachazeni.
Modlelje dodavan ve tiech barevnych modifikacich.
. " . I
zapoCetim prAce proCtete peelive stavebni nAvod. VSem ijkolQmvgnujte nAle2itou pozornost. Na pfesne praci
si I letove vlastnosti modelu. Pied lepenirn zkontrolujte v5echny dily zda spolu pfesne licuji. Pokud dily nesedi,
dvteje neb0 obruSte tak, aby piesne licovaly.
Budete potfebovat
4 kandlovou RC soupravu s 3 mikroservy, elektromotor MEGA RC 40011517R No. HC3550D, regulator F18-3PH 18A
No. HC3353, kuiel28 mm No. HC5320, vrtuli 10/4,7", baterii Lip01730 mAh 3 Cldnky, vteiinove lepidlo, aktivdtor, 5 min
instruction guide
ER ZOOM 4D - TOP FLYER is superaerobatic model for 4D
aerobatic flying. Model is produced by modern
technology from EPP -"almost unbreakable" material. Design of SUPER ZOOM 4D is done by David Kyjovsky (Czech
champion in indoor aerobatic flying) on the base of his experiences in aerobatic competitons.
This model is powered with high performance brushless electromotor MEGA RC 400/15/7R, accus LiPol 3 cells 730
-'-, propeller 1014,7". The wingspan of the model is I000 mm and wing charge is only 18,5 g/ sqdm .Accu pack LiPol
mAh gives together with the power set the pull 600 g while the flying weight of the airplane is only 430 grams ! You
ly also in the wind.
SUPER ZOOM 4D is able to "torque roll" and then after givina more "gas" to rise vertically up, looping in "knife" flight
and all aerobaticfigures.
Please, read these instructionsseveral times until you are fami~rarw l ~ n
each step, before you begin to assembly. If the
parts will join, but with a gap, sand or trim the parts a little at a time until the parts exactly meet with no gaps.
Item!s NeededTo Complete: (Not Included)
4 Channel RC Set with 3 Micro Servos, brushless electrornotor MEGA FORCE 400/15/7R No.HC3550DI speed
contr'oller F18-3PH 18A No.HC3353, spinner 28 mm No.HC5320, propeller 10/4,7", accupack Lip01730 mAh 3 cells,
thin ype cyanoacrylateglue, activator spray, 5 min epoxy.
Maximalni vjichvlkv kormidel - Pro zaletani doporuEujeme pouiit poloviEniv$chvlkv.
Maximum movements of the control surfaces For the first flight are recommended half movements.
7 C sestava 4 kanalova s pohonnou jednotkou
RC set- 4 channel and power set
Elektromotor MEGA
Electromotor MEGA
Seznam dilu1Par-t list
Prave kiidlo1Rightwing
Leve kiidlo1Left wing
VOPIHorizontaI stabilizer
Prava vySkovkaIRight elevator
Leva vjlSkovka1Left elevator
Prava vjlztuha trupuIRight fuselage stiffener
Leva *ztuha trupu1Left fuselage stiffener
Drat 1,ex810mmNVire 1,6x810mm
Vrut 2,9~9,5mmNVoodscrew 2,9x9,5mm
Z drat 1,6xl IOmmIZ wire 1,6xll Omm
Z drat 1,6x145mm/Z wire 1,6xI45mm
PodvozekILanding gear
Kolo 32mmNVhee132mm
TrubiCka 2~0,5xl2mm/Tube2x0,5x12mm
Loie podvozku ILanding gear mount
Loie motoru IIEngine mount 1
Loie motoru 2lEngine mount 2
Loie motoru 2lEngine mount 2
Drat 1,6~95mmNVire1,6x95mm
Smrk 3x6x25OmmISpruce 3x6x250mm
Ostruha /Spur
Superzaves 15~270mmISuperhinge
Paka korrnidlaIControl horn
Zaves kormidlaIHinge
Paka kormidla1ControI horn
Prodlouieni paky serva1Extension of the servo arm
Kryt koIaMeeI pant
Konektor t~hla1Pushrod
Pojistka konektoru/Quicklock
Kryt podvozku1Landinggear cover
Nahradni dilylspare parts:
1292(x)D TrupIFuselage
1292(x)E Kfidla parNVings pair
1292(x)F VOP+~Skovky/Horizontal
sta bilizer+elevators
1292(x)G Sm6rovkalRudder
1292(x)H PodvozekILanding Gear
1292(x)l Motorove IoielEngine mount
1292(x)J Proudloureni paky serva1Extension of the
servo arm
- Bawa 1 Color:
A - Cervena / red
B - Zluta 1 yelow
C - modra / blue
Poloite kiidla 2 a 3 horni stranou dolu na rovnou pracovni desku,
piitisknete je k sobe a dGkladni, slepte iidkym vteiino@m
lepidlem. Ndsledne lehce zastiikejte aktivatorem. Kiidla zajistete
sprdvne poloze, piitisknuta k sob6 a2 do uplneho zaschnuti
~twings 2 and 3 on the flat board, top side down, hold together
d glue it properly. Use thin type CA glue and apply activator
--y. Holdwings in correct position until the glue is dry.
MnAelaiskym noiem profiznete do kiidel 2 a 3 draiku hloubky
r v delce 810 mm.
,he slot in the top of the wings 2 and 3 using sharp knife. The
nust be 3 mm deep.
Polo;ite kiidlo na rovnou pracovni desku. Vtlatte draty 9 do
drailcy v kiidle 2 a 3 a zalepte je do draiek iidkym vteiinojlm
l e, ~ ilem
d a nAsledn6 lehce zastiikejte aktivdtorem. Po zaschnuti
lepidla vyiiznete draiku a zalepte drdt 9 stejnym zpfisobem i do
horni strany kiidla.
Put the wing on the flat board. Insertthe wire 9 into the slot In wing
2 and 3. Glue the wire into the wings 2 and 3 using thin type CA
glue and apply activator spray. (After glue is dry, the same
procedure cut slot and glue wire 9 on top side of the wind.)
Modelaiskvm noiem vviiznete do kiidla draiku pro servo
kiidelek. draika musi b$t o 1mm uiSi ni,i servo a musi bfl v
misti,, kdeje v trupu odpovidajici@iez pro servo.
Using the sharp knife cut an opening for the aileron servo into the
wing. The opening must be 1mm smallerfrom each side.
Poloite trup na rovnou pracovni desku. Vyztuhu 8 piimaCkn6te k
trupu 1a piilepte po celem obvodu iidkym vteiinoem lepidlem k
trupu podle obrazku. Vyztuhy musi piesne licovat s eiezern pro
kiidlo. Po zaschnuti lepidla piilepte stejnym zpesobem v$ztuhu
8A z druhb strany trupul. Trup si poloite na hranu pracovnidesky.
Put the fuselage on the flat board. The fuselage stiffener 8 pressto
the fuselage 1 and glue it around perimeter as shown. Stiffeners
must exactly match with cut hole for wings. (After the glue is dry,,
glue the same procedure stiffener 8A to the second side of the
fuselage 1. Put fuselageonthe edge of flat board.)
Modelaiskym noiem proiiznete do *ztuh 8 a 8A draiku hloubky
3mm podle obrAzku. Do draikyzatlac3e drdt 9 a zalepte ho v cel6
ddce iidkym vteiinovym lepidlem. Po zaschnuti lepidla piilepte
stejnymzpfisobem drat 9 do @ztuhy na druh4 strang
Cut the slot into the stiffener 8 using sharp knife. The slot must be
3 mm deep. Insert wire 9 to the slot and glue it along all length by
CAglue. Afterthe glue is dry, glue the wire 9 into stiffener 8A.
Slepena kiidla 2 a 3 vloite opatrne do trupu 1 podle obrazku,
lnsert wings 2 and 3 carefully into the fuselage 1 as shown.
Kontrolujte sprdvnou polohu kvidel k trupu. Kiidla musi bfl
sournerne a kolmo k trupu.
Check if the wings is in the centre and in the right alignment. Also
check if the wings is perpendicularto the fuselage side.
Dfikladne zalepte po obvodu kiidla 2 a 3 do trupu 1 iidkym
vteiino@rn lepidlem a nasledne lehce zastiikejte aktiv8torem.
Kiidlo je nutne zajistit ve spravne poloze a2 do ~ipln6ho
Glue th
Ice. Use thin type CA glue and apply
s in right position untilglue is dry.
www. hacker-mo
podvozku 16. Spodek trupu piimaCknMe k loii podvozku a kiidlu
a dfikladnl! zalepte iidkym vteiinovym lepidlem a nasledne lehce
zastiikejte aktivatorem. Zajistete a s t i ve spravne poloze a2 do
uplneho zaschnuti lepidla.
Insert the landing gear mount 16 into fuselage 1. Glue the landing
gear mount 16 into fuselage 1. Use thin type CA glue and apply
activatorspray. Hold parts in correct position untilglue is dry.
pracovni desce v)iSkovky 5 a 6 k VOP 4, tak aby mezi nirni byla
rnezera 0,5mm.
Glue superhinge 23 to the elevators 5 and 6 and horizontal
stabilizer4, as shown.
obrhzku. Proiizngte ostrjm noiem do obou polovin v)i5kovky
drhiku tak, aby do ni 5la liSta lehce zasunout. Zalepte IiStu 21 do
v)iSkovek 5 a 6 5rninutov)im epoxydem .
On a flat board place the spruce 21 on the elevators 5 and 6 as
shown. Using sharp knife cut the slot in both elevators 5 and 6.
lnsert the spruce into slot. Glue spruce 21 in place with 5 minute
Kontrolujte rovnobeinost a souml;lrnost VOP 4 s kiidlem - viz
schema na obrazku 8.
Gill- properly the stab 4 into fuselage 1 with 5-minute epoxy.
k the alignment of the stab with the wing, making sure it is
e l with the wing. Also check that the stab is perpendicularto
selage side -see scheme in the picture 8.
- - ,iidkym vteiino@m- lepidlem a 'nasledne zastiikejte aktivatorem.
Zavesy musi bfl v ose SOP.
Pin the hinges 25 into the fuselage 1 as shown. Glue the hinges 25
into fuselage 1 with thin type CA glue and apply activator spray.
The hinges must be in axe of the rudder.
Ohnete Idrat 20 podle obrazku.
Bent the wire 20 as shown.
Pin the hinges 25 into the rudder 7 as shown. Glue the hinges 25
into rudder 7 with thin type CA glue and apply activator spray as
Wiiznete do smerovky 7 draiku pro paku kormidla 26 ~ o d l e
obrAzku a psku 26 do drdiky zalepte iidkvm vteiinowm le6dlem
a nasledne lehce zastiikejte aktivatorem.
Cut a slot in the rudder 7 for the control horn 26. Insert the control
horn in place and qlue with thin type CAglue.
panty trupu podle obrazku. Tim je-zajistena spravna -poloha
smerovky. Prostrete drat 20 do zAv6sG 25 ve smerovce 7 a v
trupu Ia zapichnete ho do smerovky 7. Na druhe strang ho
zajistete otoCenim a zatlaknim ohnuteho konce do zaTezu, ktej
vyiizngte do trupu 1 na miru. Ohnuty konec drfitu 20 zalepte
Tidkym vteiinovym lepidlem do trupu 1.
lnsert the rudder 7 to the fuselage 1 as shown. lnsert wire 20 into
the hinges 25 in rudder 7 and fuselage 1. Pin the wire 20 into the
rudder 7 . Turn the bent end of the wire 20 and push it into custom
slot, in the fuselage I.
iku. ~ g k 24zalepte
do dralky 5minutov)im epoxyder;l.
I slot in the elevator for the control horn 24 and glue in place
!-minute epoxy or foam safe CA.
Servo kiidelek natlaCte do vyiiznute draiky v kiidle podle
Nasadte tAhla I 1 do p&k kiidklek 26. Servo piipojte k piijimaCi.
Zapngte RC soupravu, aby bylo servo kridelek v neutralu. PSku
serva piiSroubujte k servu kiidelek. Druhou stranu tahla 11
nasacfte do konektoru tahla 29. Tahla 11 zajistgte Sroubem
konektoru 29 tak, aby kiidelka byla v neutralu.
Push the ailerons servo into the hole in the wings 2 and 3 as
Insert the aileron pushrods I 1 into the aileron control horns 26.
Install the servo arm on the servo. Insert the pushrods 11 into the
connectors 29. Secure the pushrod 11 with the 2,5x5mm screw.
Cut off the excess pushrod 11, leavingabout 5 mm protruding.
nasadte konektory tahel .29. Ze spodni strany je zajistgte
podloikami Quicklock 30.
Glue the extension of servo arm 27 onto the ailerons servo arm.
lnsert connectors 29 into servo arms and insert Quicklock
washers 30 on the opposite side as shown and press together.
a smgrovky. Diry musi bj4 v obou smgrech o l m m m e n ~ne4
Using sharp knife cut an openings into the fuselage 1 for the
AA-- and the elevator servos. The openings must be 1mm
in both directions.
Do kiidelek vyiizngte zhiezy pro p&kykiidelek 26 podle obrazku.
Paky 26 zalepte do kiidklek iidkym vteiinovjlm lepidlem a
zastiikejte aktivatorem.
Cut a slots in the? ailerons for the control horn 26 as shown. Glue
the w~ntrolhorn5j in place using thin type of CA glue and apply
act ivator spray.
Serva smgrovky a v)iSkovky natlaCte do vyiiznut)ich dgr v trupu 1
podle obrazku.
Push the rudder and elevator servos into the hole in fuselage 1 as
shown. It is hold in place with the foam material of the fuselage 1.
Do krytu podvozku 31 proiiznete modelaiskyrn noiem draiku
hloubky 3mm podle obrszku.
Cut the slot in the landing gear covers 31 using sharp knife as
c h n t s r n. The slot must be 3 mm deep.
Na podvozek namaCkn6te kryty 31 a zaiizn6te hrany, tak aby bylo
6 nasadit trup a kryty kol.
landing gear covers 31 on the landing gear and cut the
;using sharp knife asshown.
vteiino\jm lepidlern a zastiikejte aktivatorern.
Pin the tail wire 22 into fuselage 1 as shown, glue it thin type of CA
glue and apply activator spray.
Do trupu 1 vyiiznirte rnodelaiskyrn noiern diru pro baterii. Baterii
je nutne umistit tak, aby tiriiStir modelu odpovidalo schematu na
obrazku 42. Dira pro baterii musi byt o 1mm niiSi n e i baterie.
Cut in the fuselage 1 opening for accu pack. The accu pack must
be placed so that gravity centre corresponds with schema in the
picture42. The hole must be about Irnm lower than accu pack.
Balance point
Dokonbny model vyvaZime. Poloha tgZiSt6 je 120 130mm od nabGZne hrany kfidla a je nutno ji dodeet.
Model podepfeme v oznaCenem mist& V pfipadg, Ze se
model sklani kupfedu, mGZeme korigovat polohu t6ZiStG
posouvanim baterie smiirem dozadu. Je-li model naopak
Is.LI,... l a piedek, posuMe baterii vice dopiedu. Nikdy
Piilepte kryty podvozku 32 iidkym vteiinovym lepidlem na bdky
krytO kol31 a na podvozek 13 podle obrazku a nasledne lehce
zastiikejte aktiva
y musi bfl zajiBt6ny ure sprhvnb poloze
a2 do uplneho 2
epidla. Kqfiy podvoz!ku ani podvozek
nelepte k trupu.
bUIIll.]llete the lana~nggear as shown. blue rne lanalng gear
covers; 32 into the sides of the wheel pants 31 and into the
landin!3 gear 13 as shown. Use CAglue and apply activator spray.
The pzarts must be ensured in correct position until the glue is dry.
- .
v o not glue the landing gearcovers and landinggear on fuselage.
te s nevyvarenym modele
aupport your modelwith yourfingert~ps.rt snoula balance,
slightly nose down, when your finger tips are 120- 130 mm
behind the leading edge of the wing. Move the battery to
balance Super Zoom properly. Do not try to fly an out-of
balanced model, as i t will crash!
I ode1u
ely model. Musi bfl soumerny a nepokrouceny.
lnskalace RC soupraw
Zkorltrolujte funkci RC soupravy . RozmistFtni jednotli*ch prvkd soupravy je znazorneno v navodu. ZapnFtte RC soupravu a
kontrolujte zda se kormidla pohybuji spravnym sm6rem. Pokud ne, piipojte tahlo na druhou stranu paky serva neb0 piepnete na
aEi revers vypinaE pro poiadovane servo. Akumulator umistgte tak, aby se jeho posouvanim model vyvaiil. Pii provozu
tromotoru postupujte podle instrukci@robce elektromotoru a regulatoru.
PiecI instalaci doporuEujeme obalit serva z boku samolepici paskou. Pak je natlaae do vyiiznutych drazek v modelu a pojistete
~ o l i k akapkami vteiinoveho lepidla mezi lepici pasku a material modelu. Servo je tim dobie zaji5teno ve sve poloze. Po vyjmuti
rva z modelu sejmete lepici pasku a servoje nepo5kozene.
Lkontroluite velikost a smvsl fichvlek na vSech ovladanqch prvcich. Pied letanim vyzkougejte chod motoru v rdznych rerimech
otaCek a iTesv6dEte se zda ~ a i RC
e souprava neni ru~ena.Model poloite na zem, dejte plny ,,plynu a model se musi rozjet rovn6.
Po asi 8 metrech model ziska vySSi rychlost, mime piitahn6te@Skovku a model se odlepi od zemg. Model mGtete hodit i z ruky.
Pfed prvnim zapnutim vysilaee dbejte na maximalni bezpeenost! Pii letani a jakekoliv manipulaci vidy zapinejte nejprve
laC a potom pTijimaC! Pokud jdete letat na misto, kde jiZ ngkdo jiny Ieta, zjistgte jakou frekvenci ma jeho vysilaE, uSetiite si tak
6 zklamaniz rozbiteho modelu.
11 Check
ck the model. It must be symetrical and not twisted.
Radio control set installation
Check the function of your RC set. Layout of parts of the RC set is shown in this construction guide. Accu pack will be used for
balancing the Superzoom. Use instructionguide for speed controller for operatingwith electro power set.
Befc,re installation roll on the servosfrom side by self-adhesive tape. The self-adhesivetape will protect your servos. Then push the
sewo into cuted openings in the model. Fix the servo in the place with few drops of CA glue. CAglue apply between self-adhesive
tapeI and the model.
rface for the correct movement and adjust pushrods. Check running of motor. For taking of you need a flying
field aDour Durn long without trees around. Put your Super Zoom on the flying field , put ,,full gas". During 8 metres get the right
cnec?dfor taking off. Move elevator a little bit up and Super Zoom will be in the air. You can throw the model from hand.
first start of transmitter see to maximum safety. During flying and any manipulation turn on initially
ter and then reciever. If you go to fly to the place where somebody else is flying, check the frequency
de in Czech republic by HACKER MODEL PR(3DUCTI
(+420) 313 562229,562258 E-mail: [email protected]
, Zahradni 465, 270 54
Internet: www. hacker-n

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