Zkušební okruhy k ústní přijímací zkoušce z


Zkušební okruhy k ústní přijímací zkoušce z
Zkušební okruhy k ústní přijímací zkoušce z jazyka anglického 2015
1. Describe your current school.
2. If there were one thing you could change about your school, what would it be?
3. What does your school do well?
4. How have you changed or matured personally in the last few years?
5. What are your strengths academically?
6. Have you made good relationships with any of your teachers? How and why?
7. What elements make a great teacher for you?
8. How do you hope BMA will be different from your last school?
9. What are key characteristics you are seeking in a high school?
10. What exactly do you hope to gain from your overall BMA experience?
11. How would your teachers describe you? Do some teachers see you differently than
12. What have you done during the summers?
13. Is there someone you share a special interest with?
14. Is there someone in your life who has had an impact on your life and why?
15. Tell me about your current schedule and activities.
16. Can you tell me about your favorite music or literature?
17. Do you have any experience with other countries or cultures? If not, what
experiences would you like to have?
18. Our teachers like to have discussions in class about interesting issues. What do you
think makes a good discussion?
19. What kind of classmates are you hoping to find?
Zkouška zahrnuje rozhovor uchazeče s učitelem po dobu 10 minut. Otázky jsou pouze výchozím
vodítkem pro rozhovor (uchazeč si netahá otázky – nejde o pamětní učení, je tedy zbytečné se je učit
nazpaměť). Hodnoceno bude výstižné vyjadřování po obsahové stránce, mluvnicky správné
vyjadřování, postoj mluvčího, vhodnost zvolené formy, porozumění situaci a motivační složka.