35M2 Anežka Hošková hosté / guests Jakub Hošek


35M2 Anežka Hošková hosté / guests Jakub Hošek
Anežka Hošková
hosté / guests
Jakub Hošek,
Anežka Hošková
*1982 v Praze
studia / education:
Faculty of Fine Arts in Brno
Studio Intermedia
(doc. Václav Stratil)
Imparmuveszeti Egyetem,
Budapest, Hungary
Facultas des Bellas Artes,
Cuenca, Spain
Galerie 35 m2
Víta Nejedlého 23
Praha 3
Výstava trvá
pondělí–pátek 10 –19 hodin
víkend 12–19 hodin
Součástí výstavy jsou společné
malby s Jakubem Hoškem
a kresby s HLG.
Jakub Hošek
*1979 v Praze, žije a pracuje
v Praze. www.myspace.com/
*1979 ve Švédsku, žije
a pracuje v Berlíně. www.hlg.se
Anežka Hošková has over
the past few years marked
herself as one of the most
original contemporary artists
on the Czech Art scene. She
is a member of the AM.180
collective, a group which
organizes exhibitions in its
own gallery from some of the
most progressive Czech Artists
and presents concerts from
the international independent
music scene.
Anežka Hošková draws
inspiration from a range of
contemporary graphics as
well as symbols and elements
from art historical context.
This mixture has a result in
psychedelic compositions,
a visually dense wilderness
which s held together by
an intense stylistic grip. In
her work she also manages
to transfer this to several
mediums, such as painting,
watercolour, ink-drawing and
mural work, while at the same
time maintaining her own
distinct style.
In her work we are invited
into symbolically loaded
contemporary fairytales, sharp
ornamentation and expressive
(Anders Grønlien)
[email protected]
In her work she not only
presents her own independent
work but also dynamic and
communicative collaborations
with other artists.
T: 00420 737 710 507

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