The Unhandsome Prince


The Unhandsome Prince
The Unhandsome Prince
by John Moore
A village Sorcress has cursed Prince Hal, third in line for the throne, into a frog and released him into a murky
swamp. Village beauty Caroline is determined to be the one who rescues the prince. After three long months of
kissing frogs she finally finds her prince. There is only one problem. He is not as handsome as the fairytales
promised he would be. Unless Prince Hal can convince her beauty is more than skin deep then it is back to the
frog pond for him!
This was another fun fantasy/fairytale parody story set in John Moore's hilarious Twenty Kingdoms. Just like
Moore's other books this had a great mix of humor, action, magic, romance, and surprises twists. Despite this
being a comedy fantasy there is still an engaging story and a bunch of likeable characters to root for.
As well as the tale of the Frog Prince this story also had fun twists on the tales of Rumpelstiltskin and Rapunzel.
Rating: 3.5 stars
Audio Note: Amy Rubinate gave an acceptable performance of the story. Her character voices were good, but it
did feel like she missed some of the humor at times.
|3,5 / 5*
Ach. Další autor, co pravděpodobně píše pod vlivem omamných látek. ^^
Nenechte se oblbnout na první pohled zvracení vyvolávající obálkou!
Ponořte se do milého, nesmyslného, absurdního a monstrózně vtipného příběhu, který začíná v Bublavce, kde v
Ponořte se do milého, nesmyslného, absurdního a monstrózně vtipného příběhu, který začíná v Bublavce, kde v
posledních měsících řádila pohádková verze Zlaté horečky. Žádné rýžování zlata... jen profi líbání žab ve snaze najít
sexy prince (a celé království k němu). Krásná Karolína zbyla jako poslední zoufalý líbač, jako jediná má naději. A
pak BUUUUM - povedlo se, princ je tu. A je fakt KUS! *ironie*
Můj Hal. ^^ :* - K sežrání!
Jako celek fakt fajn, možná mi vadil trochu židovský (trochu úchylný) Rumpl Cimpr Campr a nesedla mi ani
Každopádně jedna humorně zabijácká situace za druhou (nebo trapná, záleží na úhlu pohledu) a magie, co si
zaslouží větší prostor. Děj šálený, jak se sluší a patří. Jou, přečtěte to!
PS: Až někdy budu vlastnit smrtonosnou zbraň, zde je moje inspirace na její jméno: Meč, co jsem kopil od
námořníka v docích, kterému utrhnu hlavu, jestli ho ještě někdy potkám. Ultrapekelné, ne? :)
|11.1.2015 - 4*
Oh my, ta kniha! Už dlouho jsem nečetla tak vtipný a nápaditý příběh. Iracionální a skvělý. Připomíná mi svou
absurditou Pratchetta. Až na technické odbočky, kdy se dopodrobna probírala magie. Tuhle část(i) jsem milovala.
A postavy! Různorodé, živé, propracované. Šílený a zamotaný děj. Skvělá knížka. :))|Moore is not only funnier that
Pratchett, he puts some interesting twists into his plots. In this one, the third son of the King, Prince Hal, has been
turned into a frog by a very powerful village Sorceress. Of course, everyone knows that if you kiss the right frog, it
turns into a handsome prince, right?
So, Caroline, the-most-beautiful-girl-in-the-village, sets about a systematic means of finding the right frog and
kisses a lot of them until she finds that prince... only he's not quite handsome. In fact, he's quite the dork. But that
doesn't stop her from going back to the Palace (with the Sorceress' apprentice & daughter, Emily, in tow) in search
of better prospects.
Caroline wants to be a princess, but can't be unless she either marries Hal or he releases her from that
responsibility. Emily isn't quite as shallow as Caroline and is falling in love with Hal, but doesn't want to interfere
with Caroline's plans.
And Hal has plans of his own for the Kingdom.
It's a fun read, believe me!|This book is billed as a spoof on fairy tales, and it is certainly that. The humor sucked
me in, but oddly enough, I found I was disappointed when it was over, not so much because the jokes were done,
but because I liked the characters enough. I say "oddly enough" because the interest of most humor writing is not
characters. After reading "Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy," for example, when you stop laughing, you don't
particularly want to pal around with Arthur or Ford- but you might, with Caroline, Emily, and Hal in this book. At
least I felt that way.
I think the reason is that, silliness aside, you find that the main characters are in fact quite admirably moral: the
kind of people you really want good things to happen to.
As other reviewers have noted, some of the humor is a bit dark, but not all of it. And even in the dark parts, where
the characters are making questionable moral choices, one can still see why someone might actually do that
without being evil at the core. Fortunately, that was only a relatively minor part of the plot.