Mediainformace ke stažení


Mediainformace ke stažení
4 issues per year: Issue 1, March 2015
investment | projects | tenants | facility management | construction | design
office | shopping centres | residential | industry | development | real estate
pro investory, developery,
retailery, nájemce,
uživatele, rezidenty,
facility managery,
stavitele, architekty,
municipality, města.
Termíny vydání pro rok 2015:
Veletrh Bydlení Praha
4 issues per year: Issue 1, March 2014
investment | projects | tenants | facility management | construction | design
oůce | shopping centres | residential | industry | development | real estate
4 issues per year: Issue 2, June 2014
titulka.indd 1
04.03.14 10:43
investment | projects | tenants | facility management | construction | design
oůce | shopping centres | residential | industry | development | real estate
4 issues per year: Issue 3, September 2014
, rezidenční výstavba
investment | projects | tenants | facility management | construction | design
oůce | shopping centres | residential | industry | development | real estate
titulka.indd 1
02.06.14 17:58
4 issues per year: Issue 4, December 2014
titulka.indd 1
19.09.14 14:49
investment | projects | tenants | facility management | construction | design
oůce | shopping centres | residential | industry | development | real estate
BB Centrum Delta, Prague 4 Ϯ Investor: Passerinvest Group
ArtGen, Prague 7 Ϯ Investor: PPF RE
The most oůces in the last seven years to be built in 2015
Oůce development in Prague is catching its second wind. This year there will be
147,000 m2 of new oůce space on the market. In the year 2015 this gure will amount to
196,000 m2, which is the greatest volume in the
last 7 years, according to the DTZ consulting
company. In the rst nine months of this year
there was about 121,300 m2 of newly-occupied
oůce space. The greatest amount was leased
in Prague 8 and Prague 4. The gross take-up,
including lease renewals, reached a value of
221,000 m2 up to the end of September 2014.
The vacancy rate decreased to 14%, though it
is expected to grow toward the end of the year
and in the coming year.
A total of 70,300 m2 of oůce space should be
concluded in the last quarter of 2014, thus
147,400 m2 will be delivered to the market over
the course of the entire year, which is 85% more
than the average of the last four years. The most
signicant projects from the waning days of
2014 include the ArtGen complex of two oůce
buildings (22,900 m2), which PPF Real Estate
Book_IV_2014.indb 27
is building in Prague 7 – Holešovice, and BPD
Development’s The Blox project in Prague 6 offering about 16,300 m2 of oůce space. Quadrio,
CPI Property Group’s agship, opened at the end
of October in Prague 1. In addition to 16,400 m2
of oůces it also includes a shopping mall and
19 apartments. One of the tenants of the complex on Národní tļída is Slovnaft, which will occupy about 2,500 m2 of space. According to the
developer 80% of the building has been leased.
Approximately 283,900 m2 of oůces is currently
BLOX, Prague 6 Ϯ Investor: BPD Development
in various stages of construction or reconstruction. The most construction, according to
the DTZ consulting company, is underway in
Prague 4, Prague 5 and Prague 8. Up to 69%
of the total volume of the space under construction can be found in these three city districts.
The most leases are also in these localities. As
DTZ and JLL agreed, more than half of the new
leases in the rst three quarters were concluded
in Prague 8 (31%) and in Prague 4 (20%). New
15.12.14 20:00
Central Kladno – mall
Central Kladno to open in March 2015 Ϯ Developer: Crestyl
Central Kladno – mall
Central Kladno to open in March 2015 – it will present
the modern wonders of the world from LEGO®
The construction of the Central Kladno shopping-social centre is entering the nal stretch.
It will open to the public in March 2015. Apart
from more than a hundred established brands,
restaurants and services on 26,000 m2 of
space, the project from the Crestyl development company will also be presenting a unique
“Gallery of LEGO®”. The mall will come alive
with gigantic models of the wonders of the
world and monuments of the world’s cities, all
made from thousands of Lego blocks – in an
interactive version. It wants to attract visitors
from the entire region, including Prague.
The modern wonders of the world
– for the rst time in Kladno
The developer is preparing a huge show for
its Kladno project. The dominant feature of the
Book_IV_2014.indb 71
mall is the unique LEGO® Gallery. The building blocks and other products of the brand ow
from the company’s Kladno factory, which is the
city’s main employer, to all corners of the world.
“Cooperation with LEGO is a logical culmination
of our activities in Kladno. We have been jointly
preparing the exhibit, which is the focal point of
the mall and a typical feature of the city, for more
than a year now,” stated Radim Sayed, the Sales
Director of the Crestyl group, which is the investor in the shopping and entertainment centre. “We
decided on a theme of travelling, which is attractive for all generations. We introduce the most
interesting monuments of the world in an educational and playful way. The selected modern
wonders of the world will be a surprise. I am
sure that they will be a real attraction,” he added.
According to Sayed visitors will be able to
see, for example, the leaning tower of Pisa,
London’s Tower Bridge and the Great Wall
of China, all assembled block by block from
Lego – in imposing dimensions on the order of metres. “There are also gems like the
Mexican pyramid in Chichen Itza – the
centre of Mayan civilisation with a thousand-year history, the grand Japanese palace
Himeji Castle and India’s Taj Mahal – the
monumental mausoleum of the wife of the
ruler Shah Jahan and a symbol of India. The
Czech Republic is also represented with
two models. As Radim Sayed divulged, the
exhibits are currently being completed and
the preparations for the grand opening of the
centre are underway. It will first be open to the
public in March 2015.
15.12.14 20:02
08.12.14 0:54
investment | country | city | office | shopping centres | tenants | finance | residential
logistics and industry | construction | design | facility management | faces | trade fairs
Aviatica, Prague 5 Ϯ Investor: Penta Investments
investment | country | city | office | shopping centres | tenants | finance | residential
logistics and industry | construction | design | facility management | faces | trade fairs
investment | country | city | office | shopping centres | tenants | finance | residential
logistics and industry | construction | design | facility management | faces | trade fairs
titulka_fin.indd 1
spoleìností AFI Europe a ProDelta logistický
park D8 European Park, který pod novým názvem CTPark Prague North zaļadí do své sítú
CTParkő. Areál v souìasné dobú zahrnuje jeden
objekt o rozloze 21 000 metrő ìtvereìních a pozemky pro výstavbu zhruba 70 000 metrő ìtvereìních pronajímatelných ploch. Mezi stávající
nájemce parku patļí spoleìnosti 9eský Caparol,
Horizont, Hortim, DME a Agility Logistics.
Ilustraìní foto Ϯ Prőmyslové portfolio CTP zahrnuje pļes 2 miliony m2 distribuìních a výrobních ploch
CTP rozjíždí zahraniìní expanzi,
posiluje i v Praze
Developerská spoleìnost CTP Invest expanduje v Rumunsku. Pro spoleìnost Fränkische,
númeckého výrobce plastových komponentő
pro automobilový prőmysl a bílou techniku,
aktuálnú staví výrobní halu u músta Turda.
CTP hledá také pļíležitosti na polském trhu
a nedávno otevļela poboìku ve Slovinsku,
naopak zmrazila své dļíve chystané aktivity
v Maïarsku. Posiluje pozice i v Praze.
„V souìasné dobú stavíme v CTParku Turda,
ale v Rumunsku máme celkem tļi projekty –
v Bukurešti, Pitesti a Turdú. Plánujeme tady další
development pļedevším pro své stávající klienty,
s nimiž spolupracujeme v 9eské republice,“ ļekl
generální ļeditel CTP Remon Vos.
Takovým pļípadem je právú rma Fränkische,
která je od roku 2007 nájemcem v tuzemském
CTParku Okļíšky u Jihlavy a nyní se rozhodla
expandovat do Rumunska. Zatímco v CTParku
Okļíšky už Fränkische postupnú obsadila plochu
19 000 metrő ìtvereìních, v rumunské Turdú pro
Book_IV_2014.indb 110
ni CTP zatím staví prostory o 3 400 ìtvereìních
metrech, které mají být dokonìeny do poloviny
pļíštího roku. CTPark Turda leží v centrálním regionu Cluj, který je rychle se rozvíjející prőmyslovou oblastí s vysokým podílem high-tech.
„CTP má zájem i nadále investovat v Rumunsku
a na dalších trzích stļední Evropy. Máme kanceláļ v Polsku, zatím tam sice nepracujeme
na konkrétním projektu, ale hledáme možnosti
pro expanzi,“ uvedl Vos. Velké plány nejen na
polském trhu múla spoleìnost CTP už pļed vypuknutím globální nanìní krize v roce 2008.
Jádrem budoucí expanze múla být osa Katovice,
Krakov, Ostrava, Žilina, Trenìín, Brno, Bratislava,
Györ. „V Maïarsku nejsme v souìasné dobú aktivní, na Slovensku rozvíjíme projekty v Žilinú
a v Prešovú,“ doplnil Vos s tím, že klíìovým byznysem pro CTP zőstává 9eská republika.
V poslední dobú se nejvútší tuzemský developer
prőmyslových nemovitostí zamúļuje na nákupy
v okolí Prahy. Letos na podzim CTP koupila od
„Nyní je vhodná doba na to, abychom rozšíļili
naše portfolio do okolí Prahy. Dőležitá je pro nás
i zpútná vazba od našich stávajících klientő, pro
které je tento region zajímavý. Na trhu v tomto
regionu chybí obdobný koncept budov, jaký nabízíme v našem portfoliu, což mőže být pro CTP
konkurenìní výhoda,“ vysvútlil strategii obchodní ļeditel CTP Jaroslav Kaizr.
CTP se dļív orientovala hlavnú na Brno, Ostravu
a regiony, právú pļed rokem zaìala nakupovat
projekty v okolí metropole. Na konci loğského
roku získala od investiìní rmy Pramerica z americké pojišņovací skupiny Prudential Financial
logistický areál Airport Logistics Park nedaleko letištú Václava Havla. Zaìátkem letošního
roku pak koupila sklady a pozemky v Nupakách
u dálnice D1 od ìesko-irské investiìní skupiny
Kilcullen Kapital Partners a britské realitní spoleìnosti Mosaic Property. „Akvizice je souìástí
strategického plánu CTP vyrőst do roku 2017 na
tļi miliony metrő ìtvereìních pronajímatelných
ploch,“ komentoval obchod Remon Vos.
Celková rozloha prőmyslových i administrativních areálő, které CTP nyní provozuje, dosahuje
2 125 000 metrő ìtvereìních, oìekávaný pļíjem
z pronájmu pro letošní rok ìiní 138 milionő eur.
Zatím se Vos nechtúl vyjadļovat k chystanému
prodeji jeho spoleìnosti CTP s tím, že více jasno
by v této vúci mohlo být v druhé polovinú prosince. Podle dļívújších vyjádļení rmy zvažovala
CTP joint venture, který by mohl naopak urychlit
stávající zahraniìní expanzi.
15.12.14 20:04
nájemci obch. center, řetězce, hypermarkety, supermarkety, nábytek, sport, fashion
, nájemci, investoři, rezidenti
10 300 ks
7 100 ks
David Friday
Lucie Slavíková
Tereza Hronová
arch. Yvona Bělíková
Alžběta Dejmková
Eva Hronová
Jiří Havelka
Marek Matoušek
František Wanke

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