Demokracie (1993)


Demokracie (1993)
Demokracie (1993)
Karel Kryl
Democracy (1993)
Karel Kryl
Demokracie rozkvétá, byÈ s kosmetickou vadou:
ti, ktefií kradli po léta, dnes dvojnásobnû kradou,
ti, kdo nás léta t˘rali, nás vyhazují z práce,
a z tûch, kdo pravdu zpívali, dnes nadûlali zrádce.
Ti, kdo nás léta t˘rali, nás vyhazují z práce,
a z tûch, kdo pravdu zpívali, dnes nadûlali zrádce.
Democracy is flourishing, though with a cosmetic blemish:
Those who were stealing for years are stealing doubly now,
Those who tormented us for years are firing us from work,
And those who sang the truth are now branded as traitors,
Those who tormented us for years are firing us from work,
And those who sang the truth are now branded as traitors.
Demokracie prospívá bez nás a pragmaticky,
brbláme spolu u píva, jak brblali jsme vÏdycky,
faráfi nám slíbil nebesa a ãeká na majetky,
my nakrmíme forbesa za dvû ãi za tfii pûtky.
faráfi nám slíbil nebesa a ãeká na majetky,
my nakrmíme forbesa za dvû ãi za tfii pûtky.
Democracy is doing well without us in a pragmatic way,
We grouse together over beer as we always groused,
The parish priest promised us heaven and waits for property,
We feed the one-arm bandit with twenty or thirty in coins,
The parish priest promised us heaven and waits for property,
We feed the one-arm bandit with twenty or thirty in coins.
Demokracie zavládla, zpívá nám Gott i Walda,
zba‰tíme sóju bez sádla u strejdy McDonalda,
král Václav jedna parta je se ‰melináfisk˘m ‰mejdem,
pod stfiechou jedné partaje se u koryta sejdem.
král Václav jedna parta je se ‰melináfisk˘m ‰mejdem,
pod stfiechou jedné partaje se u koryta sejdem.
Democracy took over, Karel Gott and Walda Matu‰ka sing to us,
We eat soya burgers without lard at McDonald's,
King Václav is of one kind with moneychanging scum,
Under the roof of the single party, we'll meet at the trough,
King Václav is of one kind with moneychanging scum,
Under the roof of the single party, we'll meet at the trough.
Demokracie panuje od A‰e po Humenné,
samet i nûha v pánu je a zuby vylomené,
Dali nám nové postroje a, aã nás chomout pálí,
zaujímáme postoje, místo abychom stáli.
Dali nám nové postroje a, aã nás chomout pálí,
zaujímáme postoje, místo abychom stáli.
Democracy reigns from A‰ to Humenné,
The velvet and gentleness have joined the Lord, teeth have been broken,
They gave us new harnesses, and though the yoke burns us,
We take positions instead of standing,
They gave us new harnesses, and though the yoke burns us,
We take positions instead of standing.
Demokracie dozrává do Ïaludeãních vfiedÛ,
bez poctivosti, bez práva a hlavnû bez ohledÛ,
a je to m˘lka soukromá, snad z optického klamu,
Ïe místo srdce bfiicho má a místo du‰e tlamu.
A je to m˘lka soukromá, snad z optického klamu,
Ïe místo srdce bfiicho má a místo du‰e tlamu.
Democracy is bearing fruit of gastric ulceration,
Without honesty, without law and, what's most, without consideration,
And it's a misconception, perhaps from an optical illusion,
That instead of a heart it has a stomach, instead of a soul a muzzle,
And it's a misconception, perhaps from an optical illusion,
That instead of a heart it has a stomach, instead of a soul a muzzle.
Translated 2014 by The Fleet Sheet, [email protected]