cartoones matka syn


cartoones matka syn
Miroslav Barták (CZ)
Narodil jsem se roku 1938. Absolvoval jsem øadu škol a jako hodný chlapeèek jsem uèitelùm a písmenkám vìøil skoro všechno. Brzo se však školou nabízený
a každodenní obraz svìta zaèaly od sebe lišit, aby se posléze rozešly na vzdálenost poøádné deprese. Pud sebezáchovy mi jako terapii doporuèil ironii a kreslení. Pomohlo to a když vám nìco dìlá dobøe, bylo by škoda se toho nedržet. Jsem tedy od svých tøiceti karikaturistou na volné noze a stále mne to ještì baví.
I was born in 1938 and graduated from a number of schools. Being a good boy I believed nearly everything my teachers and books told me. But soon the
picture of the world promoted by the school and the picture of the everyday world began to differ. Gradually, they were so far away from each other that
I started to get depressed. The self-preservation instinct within me led me to a therapy of irony and drawing. It helped and if something works it would be
a shame not to stick with it. Thus, I have been a freelance caricaturist since I was thirty, and I am still greatly enjoying it.
Andrea Bersani (I)
Jmenuji se Andrea Bersani. Narodil jsem se v Boloni, v Itálii 5. kvìtna 1955. Stále v tomto mìstì žiji a pracuji ve svém malém studiu. Vystudoval jsem bakaláøský obor Aplikovaného umìní na místním Umìleckém institutu, kde jsem též vyuèoval Malované dekorace. Již po 31 let se vìnuji ´vizuální komunikaci´ jako
grafický návrháø, návrháø reklam a ilustrátor. Vždy jsem mìl rád grafický humor a kreslené vtipy. Vìci, jež jsem vytvoøil, byly pro mé vlastní potìšení, a doufám,
že mé publikace snad potìšily i jiné.
My name is Andrea Bersani and I was born in Bologna - Italy - the 7th May 1955. I live and work in my town where I have a small studio. I received a Bachelor Degree in Applied Arts at the local Art Institute where I also taught Decorative Art. I have been doing ´visual communication´ as a graphic designer, advertiser and illustrator for 31 years. I always liked graphic humour and cartoons so I produced many works for my passion, and being published also for amusement of others.
Adriano Crivelli (CH)
Žije a pracuje v mìsteèku Breganzona blízko Lugana. Zde také vystudoval Centro Scolastico Industrie Artistiche - obor grafika. Jako karikaturista a ilustrátor spolupracuje øadu let se švýcarskými èasopisy a novinami. Rozvíji také svùj talent jako kreslíø-humorista v reklamì, kde má ideální možnost spolupracovat s grafiky a artdirektory, dále spolupracuje jako grafik s nìkolika poradenskými a obchodními agenturami. Vydal tøi knihy: "Jablko, které pálí", " In medias res", "To je život". Svoje
kresby vystavoval jak ve své vlasti, tak i v zahranièí, na autorských i kolektivních výstavách, rovnìž tak i na významných festivalech karikaturistù.
Adriano lives and works in the small town of Breganzona near Lugano. He graduated from the local Centro Scholastico Industrie Artistiche with Graphic Arts as
his major. He has worked as a caricaturist and illustrator for a number of Swiss magazines and newspapers. He has developed his talent as a cartoonist in advertisements where he has had an ideal opportunity to work with other graphic artists and art directors. He has also worked as a graphic artist with several advisory and business agencies. He has published three books: ´Apples that Burn´, ´In Medias Res´, and ´That's Life´. His cartoons have been exhibited in his homeland
and abroad, at his own and joint exhibitions, and also at several important festivals of caricaturists.
Alessandro Gatto (I)
Narozen v Castelfranco Veneto (provincie Treviso) v roce 1957. Malíø, grafik a ilustrátor - jako mladý naèerpal pøedevším umìní a techniku mozaiky a fresky
v dílnì svého otce.
Vìnuje se také úspìšnì technice akvarelu a všem druhùm rytin. Svoji produkci, a je to již reklamní grafika nebo satirické èi humoristické kresby pøedstavil již
prakticky v celém svìtì, od Spojených státù po Argentinu, od Mexika po Nìmecko, od Kanady po Øecko, od Velké Británie po Alžír, stejnì tak i ve Švýcarsku.
Alessandro was born in Castelfranco Veneto (Treviso Province) in 1957. He is a painter, graphic artist and illustrator. As a young artist he learnt the art of mosaics and fresco painting in his father's workshop.
His main technique is aquarelle painting and engraving. His work, either in the field of graphic art advertising or cartoons has been exhibited pretty much all
around the world: the USA, Argentine, Mexico, Germany, Canada, Greece, Great Britain, Algeria and Switzerland.
Jiøí Koštýø (CZ)
Narozen 1.1. 1968 v Poèátkách u Kamenice nad Lipou.
Humor bych rozdìlil do ètyø základních kategorií - dobrý pro mne a špatný pro nìj, druhá je špatný pro mne a dobrý pro nìj, tøetí možnost je nehorší - špatný pro oba. Naopak nejideálnìjší varianta je dobrý pro všechny.
Takže dávám pøednost dobrému pro všechny. Intelektuála nepohorší a hlupák má pocit, že je intelektuál.
Jiøí was born on 1.1.1968 in Poèátky near Kamenice nad Lipou.
I would divide humour into four basic categories - the first category would be humour which is good for me but bad for the humour itself, the second is bad
for me and good for humour, the third category is the worst, i.e. bad for both, but the fourth category is ideal, good for everyone.
And I do prefer humour which is good for everyone. Intellectuals are not horrified and fools can feel intellectual.
Ivan Kováèik (SK)
Narozen 14. 8. 1959. Studoval Støední prùmyslovou školu strojnickou. Je karikaturistou, kreslíøem a grafikem.
Ivan was born on 14.8.1959. He studied Engineering at Technical College. He is a caricaturist, cartoonist and graphic artist.
Bøetislav Kovaøík (CZ)
Narozen 26.2.1950 v Pardubicích. Jako absolvent Pedagogické fakulty v Hradci Králové (1972) byl pùvodním povoláním uèitel základní školy. Pak pracoval jako
uèitel autoškoly, øidiè náklaïáku, vychovatel, vedoucí programového oddìlení domu kultury, noèní hlídaè a pak již svobodné povolání (od roku 1991). Karikatuøe se vìnuje od roku 1975, první otištìná kresba v roce 1977, poté postupnì spolupráce s mnoha èeskými (èeskoslovenskými) periodiky i zahranièními agenturami. Nìkolik zahranièních a celá øada domácích ocenìní v soutìžích v kresleném humoru. Vedle kresleného humoru se vìnuje i portrétní karikatuøe a další
výtvarné èinnosti. Pøedseda Èeské unie karikaturistù. Spolupoøadatel mezinárodního bienále soutìže v kresleném humoru HUMOREST Hradec Králové.
Je ženatý, má tøi syny, psa, koèku a papouška. Žije a pracuje v Hradci Králové.
Bøetislav was born on 26.2.1950 in Pardubice. He graduated from the Pedagogy Faculty at Hradec Králové University in 1972 and got his first job as a primary school teacher. Later on he also worked as a driving instructor, lorry driver, tutor, manager of the programme department of a Cultural Institute, a night
warden and since 1991 he has been working freelance. Bøetislav has been interested in cartoons since 1975 and had his first cartoon published in 1977. Gradually, he started working for a number of Czech (Czechoslovak) magazines and international agencies. His cartoons have received a number of international and
national awards. Apart from cartoons he is also interested in portrait caricatures and other art activities. He is the Chair of the Czech Union of Caricaturists.
Bøetislav is one of the organisers of the International Cartoon Biennale HUMOREST in Hradec Králové.
Bøetislav is married, has three sons, a dog, a cat and a parrot. He lives and works in Hradec Králové.
Heinz Ortner (A)
Narozen v roce 1953 ve Villachu. V letech 1974-76 studoval Vysokou školu krásných umìní ve Vídni. Od roku 1980 se zabývá kresleným humorem a ilustrací.
Heinz was born in 1953 in Villach. From 1974 to 1976 he studied at the University of Arts in Vienna. Heinz has been working as a cartoonist and illustrator
since 1980.
Roger Penwill (GB)
Roger žije v hlubinách anglického venkova nedaleko starého tržního mìsta Ludlow v hrabství Shropshire. V roce 1999 se vzdal kariéry v Londýnì, kde pracoval jako architekt, aby se mohl plnì vìnovat kreslenému humoru a ilustraci. Pøestìhoval se na venkov a jako kreslíø na volné noze využívá svobody, jež mu nabízí moderní komunikaèní vymoženosti. Jeho práce zahrnuje kreslené vtipy, kreslené seriály, redakèní seriály v novinách, ilustrace kresleným humorem, blahopøání, kalendáøe, propagaèní materiály, knihy pro dìti a reklamní materiály. Veškeré jeho kreslené vtipy jsou plnì digitální, jak pro práci s barvou, tak øádkami.
Vyhrál nìkolik cen na mezinárodních soutìžích kresleného humoru a jeho práce byla vystavena v mnoha zemích po celém svìtì. Od roku 2001 zastává funkci hlavního prezidenta mezinárodní federace organizací karikaturistù (FECO). Pøedtím byl ve funkci prezidenta této organizace ve Spojeném království.
Roger lives in the depths of the English countryside near the old market town of Ludlow, Shropshire. In 1999 he forsook a London career as an architect to
become a full-time freelance cartoonist and cartoon illustrator, moving into the countryside and taking advantage of the freedom afforded by modern
communications. His work spans gag and strip cartoons, editorial cartoons, cartooon illustration, greetings cards, calendars, promotional material, children’s
books and advertising. All his cartoons are fully digital for both line and colour work. He has won prizes in several international cartoon competitions and his
cartoons have been exhibited in many countries around the world. He has been General President of the international Federation of Cartoonists Organisations (FECO) since 2001, previously being UK President.
Bohuslav Pernecký (SK)
Narodil se 8. èervna 1950 v Liptovské Osade, v roce 1956 se pøestìhoval do Piešan, kde žije dodnes. V roce 1974 ukonèil studia na SvF SVŠT a nastupuje do
praxe v Piešanech jako architekt. v roce 1980 se oženil, má dceru a syna. Od 70. let minulého století intenzivnì vystavuje, ilustruje knihy, získal øadu ocenìní
na domácí i mezinárodní kreslíøské scénì.
Bohuslav was born on 8 June 1950 in Liptovská Osada and in 1956 he moved to Piešany where he has been living ever since. In 1974 he finished his studies
at SvF SVŠT and started working as an architect in Piešany. He got married in 1980 and has a daughter and a son. Since the 1970´s Bohuslav has been illustrating books and exhibiting his work which have received a number of awards on the national and international cartoon scene.
Heinz Pfister (CH)
Narodil se v Bernu dne 10.5.1945. V roce 1979 se rozhodl zmìnit svùj pùvodní studijní obor logistiky na studium oboru umìní a stal se kreslíøem na volné noze,
rytcem a karikaturistou. Od roku 1988 se též vìnuje psaní povídek. V roce 1994 vytvoøil své první filmy. Žije a pracuje v Bernu.
Born in Berne on 10. 5. 1945, switched from logistics to art in 1979 and became a freelance painter, etcher, cartoonist and, from 1988 on, also a short story
writer. In 1994 came the first trick films. Lives and works in Berne.
Marie Plotìná (CZ)
Vystudovala Støední umìleckoprùmyslovou školu a Masarykovu univerzitu v Brnì. Za svou tvorbu získala autorka 20 ocenìní, z toho 8 mezinárodních. Její práce
jsou zastoupeny v muzeím a sbírkách kresleného humoru. Je èlenkou Unie výtvarných umìlcù, Èeské unie karikaturistù, Sdružení Q, Sdružení Bienále Brno,
Icogrady a Federace evropských karikaturistických organizací. Žije a pracuje v Brnì.
Marie graduated from the Secondary School of Fine Art in Brno and then Brno University. Her work has received 20 awards, out of which 8 have been international, and some of it can be seen in various museums and cartoon collections. She is a member of the Union of Artists, the Czech Union of Cartoonists, the
Q Association, the Biennale Association in Brno, the Icograda and the Federation of European Cartoonists Organisation. She works and lives in Brno.
Radek Steska (CZ)
Narozen 4. 7. 1963 ve Zlínì. Vystudoval jsem Pedagogickou fakultu UP Olomouc a od roku 1987 se až dodnes „potýkám“ se svými žáky. Vždycky jsem mìl rád
humor a k tomu kreslenému jsem poprvé pøièichnul v roce 1986. Za šestnáct let svého „èmárání“ jsem se zúèastnil nìkolika spoleèných výstav ÈUK, publikoval v humoristických èasopisech, pokusil se ilustrovat knížky o èeské historii.
Mám rád humor beze slov, ale nevyhýbám se ani slovnímu humoru, protože èeský jazyk pøímo vybízí k høíèkám a hraní se slovy a slovíèky.
Radek was born on 4.7.1963 in Zlín and graduated from the Pedagogy Faculty at the Palackého University in Olomouc. He has been teaching since 1987 and ever
since then he has been ´tackling´ his students, as he says. I always liked humour and the first time I developed a taste for cartoons was in 1986. Over the sixteen
years of my ´scrawling´ I have participated in several joint exhibitions of ÈUK, got published in cartoon magazines and attempted to illustrate books on Czech
history. I love humour with no words, but I do not avoid verbal humour, as the Czech language lends itself to puns and wordplay.
Daniel Strzelczyk (PL)
Narodil se 30. èervence 1972 v Trzciance. Vystudoval fakultu umìní na Koperníkovì univerzitì v Toruni a nyní žije ve Wolini. Kreslíø, illustrator a karikaturista.
Born in 30 July 1972 in Trzcianka. He graduated from Faculty of Arts of Kopernik University in Toruñ, now lives in Wolin. Cartoonist, illustrator, caricaturist.
Jan Tomaschoff (D)
Narodil se 30. 3. 1951 v Praze, od roku 1966 žije v Nìmecku, kde se po studiu na düsseldorfské akademii výtvarných umìní rozhodl studovat medicínu, takže
dnes pracuje v oborech neurologie, psychiatrie a psychoterapie...a karikatura. Graduovaný lékaø se tak stává perfektním diagnostikem potíží jednotlivcù i spoleènosti. Jeho charakteristická linka znázoròuje ve zkratce reálné prostøedí s využitím všech nuancí kompozice prostoru. Svou, široké veøejnosti srozumitelnou,
výtvarnou formou tak infikuje publikum intelektuálními podnìty.
Jan was born on 30.3.1951 in Prague and since 1966 he has been living in Germany. After studying at the Academy of Art in Düsseldorf he decided to study
medicine, and today he works in the fields of neurology, psychiatry, psychotherapy and… caricature. A graduated doctor seems a perfect diagnostician of
problems encountered by individuals and society itself. His distinctive line embodies the real environment in a nutshell using all the nuances of space composition. His artistic form, comprehensible to the general public, excites its audience with intellectual stimuli.
Ivailo Tsvetkov (BG)
Narozen 27. 3. 1964 v Bulharsku, v roce 1983 ukonèil studia na umìlecké škole v Sofii. Spolupracuje s èasopisem TEMA a týdeníkem DUMA. Je èlenem Svazu
bulharským umìlcù, prezidentem FECO Bulharsko.
Born on 27.3.1964 in Bulgaria. Graduated in 1983 from the Faculty of Arts in Sofia. Worked for the TEMA magazine and the weekly magazine DUMA. Member
of the Union of Bulgarian Artists and the President of FECO in Bulgaria.
Jano Valter (SK)
Narodil se v roce 1959 v Bratislavì. V roce 1984 ukonèil studium na elektrotechnické fakultì Technické Univerzity v Bratislavì. V roce 1983 se oženil a dnes
žije v Bratislavì Petržalke se svou ženou Ankou, dìtmi Matoušem, Zuzanou, Lukášem, Markem a dvìma èernými koèkami. Od roku 1990 se vìnuje výhradnì
volné tvorbì. Vytvoøil více než ètyøi tisíce karikatur a grafik. Vydává autorský obèasník Valternativy. V souèasné dobì je pedagogem na Katedøe marketingové
komunikace FiF UK.
Jano was born in Bratislava in 1959. In 1984 he graduated from the Electro-technical Faculty of the University of Technology in Bratislava. In 1984 he got
married and he lives in Petržalka, Bratislava with his wife Anka and their children Matouš, Zuzana, Lukáš, Mark and their two black cats. He has been working
freelance since 1990 and he has created more than four thousand cartoons and graphic pieces of art. He publishes his infrequent periodical Valternativy.
Currently, he works as a lecturer for the Department of Marketing Communication FiF UK.
Alex Noel Watson (GB)
Narodil se ve Skotsku a studoval na slavné škole umìní v Glasgow. Pozdìji se pøestìhoval do Londýna. Profesionálnì se vìnuje kreslenému humoru a žurnalistice. Jeho kreslené vtipy byly otištìny v pøedních novinách a èasopisech ve Velké Británii, Kanadì, Spojených státech, Itálii, Japonsku a dalších zemích. Pro jednu
obchodní spoleènost v Èeské republice vytvoøil postavu bobra Tobíka, jež byl použit jako logo, a figuroval v animovaných propagaèních materiálech. Vytvoøil
programy do rádia o kresleném humoru pro BBC ve Velké Británii a CBC v Kanadì.
Born in Scotland, Alex Noel Watson studied at the famous Glasgow School of Art and later moved to London. He has combined regular professional cartooning with journalism. His cartoons have appeared in leading newspapers and magazines in Great Briatain, Canada, The United States, Italy, Japan and elsewhere. For a company in the Czech Republic he created a beaver character, Tobik which has been used as a logo and featured in animated promotional material. He has broadcast about cartoon on the radio in Great Britain (BBC) and Canada (CBC).
Silvan Wegmann (CH)
Narodil se 27. 12. 1969 v Solothurnu ve Švýcarsku. Pracuje a žije v Badenu. Je ženatý, má dceru. Jeho pùvodní profesí je celní úøedník, posléze vystudoval na
Vysoké škole F+F Zürich. V diplomové práci se vìnovat tématu Volné umìní a nová média. Od roku 1996 je èinný jako karikaturista.
Born on 27.12.1969 in Solothurn in Switzerland. Lives and works in Baden. Married, one daughter.
Originally a Custom´s Officer by profession, Silan continued in his studies at Zürich University F+F. In his diploma work he explored the subject of Free Art and
New Media. He has been working as a cartoonist since 1996.
Alexander Wolf (A)
Narodil se 25. 4. 1952 jako dítì umìlecky zamìøených rodièù. Jeho zpùsob zobrazení svìta se však silnì liší od ztvárnìní jeho rodièù. Absolvoval technickou
školu a nìkolik let se vìnoval studiu tìchto „suchých“ vìd. Souèasnì ale dosahoval prvních úspìchù ve své umìlecké práci. Jeho manželka je lékárnice, má
devatenáctiletého syna a šestnáctiletou dceru. Pracoval pro nakladatelství Heye Verlag a zpracovával reklamní kampanì pro velké firmy. Dnes se vìnuje pravidelnému kreslení pro Kronenzeitung a Nebelspalter.
Alexander was born on 25.4.1952 to a very artistic orientated family. Nevertheless, his way of depicting the world was rather different to his parents'. He went
to a technical college and for several years he was studying these rather ´dry´ subjects. At the same time he was experiencing his first successes with his art
work. His wife is a pharmacist, and they have a 19-year old son and a 16-year old daughter. He worked for the Heye Verlag Publishing House and worked on
advertising campaigns for big companies. Nowadays, he supplies cartoons for The Kronenzeitung and Nebelspalter.
Hanspeter Wyss (CH)
Jeho matka snila o malíøi, jeho otec o bankovním úøedníkovi. Nakonec se stal z jejich v roce 1937 narozeného syna jeden z nejznámìjších švýcarských karikaturistù. Absolvoval Bernskou Školu umìleckých øemesel a pracoval pro místní i zahranièní èasopisy. Vìnuje se i tvorbì animovaných filmù, za kterou získal
mnohá ocenìní. Jeho kreslený humor byl ocenìn cenou Zlatý datel a Zlatá palma v letech 1988 a 1989 na Salon internationale umorismo Bordhigera.
His mother dreamt about him becoming a painter, his father dreamt about him becoming a bank clerk. In the end their son, born in 1937, became one of the
most popular Swiss cartoonists. He graduated from the School of Fine Art in Bern and has worked for national and international magazines. He has been
working on animated films, many of which received awards. His cartoons were awarded the Golden Woodpecker Prize and the Golden Palm Prize in 1988 and
1989 at the Salon Internationale Umorismo Bordhigera.