the International Conference “The World of Baroque Theatre” que


the International Conference “The World of Baroque Theatre” que
Český Krumlov, March 15, 2010
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
The Baroque Theatre Foundation of Český Krumlov Castle, in cooperation with
The National Institute of Historical Monument Care and Castle Administration,
is announcing the ninth year of
the International Conference “The World of Baroque Theatre”.
The Conference will be held in the Český Krumlov Castle
on Friday–Sunday, June 4–6, 2010.
The main topics of this year’s conference are:
– “Private Theaters of 17th–19th Century”,
– “Garden as Theatre” and
– “Conservation and Documentation of Historic Theatres”.
For details see attached preliminary program (which, of course, is subject of change).
As became usual, the Conference consists of lectures translated to Czech or English,
Friday Baroque evening including experimental performance in the Baroque Castle
Theatre (1767) and baroque festivities in the castle garden, guided tour of the Castle
Theatre and other castle interiors, or visit of summer house Bellaria in the castle
Included is an exhibition of stage decorations and costumes at the Castle Theatre
Museum. The participants usually appreciate the friendly atmosphere, discussions
and attractive location of the Conference.
The Conference fee is 150 Eur (students and seniors 100 Eur), payed in advance or at
the beginning of the Conference.
We hope you would be interested in the Conference. In case you decide to attend
it, please fill attached form and send by May 7, 2010. The number of participants is
Looking forward to meeting you in Český Krumlov,
Sincerely Yours,
Pavel Slavko
Executive of Baroque Theatre Foundation
Identification Organisation Number: 60084081
Foundation is registered in Foundation Register
by Regional Court in České Budějovice, section N, insert 27
IBAN: CZ20 0300 0000 0004 1208 7253
Zámek 59
381 01 Český Krumlov
Czech Republic
Phone/Fax: +420 380 711 298
E-mail: foundation@
Aline Dobrzensky de Dobrzenicz
Hendrik Dobrzensky de Dobrzenicz
Jana Preissová
Viktor Preiss
Regula Schwarzenberg
Dr. Friedrich Schwarzenberg
Univ. prof. Petr Peřina
Executive Board
Jiří Bláha
Vladimír Darjanin
Václav Mikule
PhDr. Pavel Slavko
Josef Zbořil
Advisory Board
František Jenerál
Vratislav Kulhánek, Dr. h. c.
Petr Pavelec
Václav Straka

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