
MiG-15 fighier aircraff bas beeame one of thé post-WW2 aircraft developinent symbols, especially Ihe one of tho communist block
lead by So\i Union. If played crucial rôle in thé Korcan War, took part of thé Suez Crisis as well as in other less important confliets
in Asia, Africa. Carribean etc. The key part sof thé aircraft - thé enginc and Ihc swept wing - were not developed in Soviet Union but
in othcr countrics. The swcpt wing was elaborated by German researchers and Ibund ils way lo Soviet Unon as a pari of thé war prize. The
engine, under licence built Rolls Royce Nene, was created by British engincers. The spécifications lhat led to thé MiG-15 birlh werc
issued în 1947. Ternporary Soviet atlenipts to develop theirown jet enginc failed and captured German Jumo 004 and BMW 003 jet
engines became obsolète. Under such a situation Soviet Union decided lo buy few tens of British Mené 1, Nene I and Derwent V engînes.
The lieenee to buiit thèse engines was built also. Three type sof thé fighter airplanes were buill using thèse engines. The Dcrwcnt was thé
heart ofYak-23 wîth slraighl wing and Nene found ils way to Lavochkin 168 and MiG-15, both wîth thé swept wing and horizontal
stabilizator. Soviets believed that at least one of two différent wing designs will fulfil thé rcquirements. Finally Yak-23 and MiG-15
entered thé sériai production but only thé latter became world-wide known lhanks to its perfonnance and high numbers of airplanes
manufactured. The first prototype under 1-301 désignation was finished on December 19 and made ils maiden flight on Deecmber
30, 1947. The second prototype powered by rnore powerful Nene II enginc flcw for thé fîrst tîme on May 27, 1948. The third prototype
joincd préviens two ones afterwards but test flight were so satisfying that sériai production of thé aircraff under désignation MiG-15 was
ordered on July 17,1948. The fîrst production aïrcraft was assembledin June, 1949 and thé sériai production was stepby step launehed
in many facilities across Ihe Soviet Union. The production MiG-15 was powered by RD-45F engine and armed with two 23mm cannons
NS-23KM and one 37mm camion N-37. The various bombs and unguided air-to-ground missiles (LR-130 and S-21 ) could be attached
to thé hardpoints on thé wing undersurface. A bi t later, in 1950 - 1951 thé production of MiG-15bis begun. Powered by VK.-1 engine with
thé hïgher outpul thèse were easily reeognizable thanks to thé inodified aerial brakes on thé tail. The ,,bises" were produced till 1953
when thé MiG-17 repSaced Ihem on thé assembly lines. The Fifteens were manufactured ouside thé Soviet Union. The Aeroand Lel
facilities in Czechoslovakia and PZLMielec in Roland built them in relalively high numbers. The twoseaters were built byChinese also.
Apart of thé fight ers more variants were built. [ hc twoseater UTI MiG-15 was flown as a training aircrafl. The majoriryoflhem left Ihe
production linein Czechoslovakia. In Czechoslovakia many MiG-15s and bises were underwent thé modification to thé fighler-bomber
MiG- I5SB and MiG-15bisSB version with tour underwingpyions. The MiG-15R/MiG-15bisR was thé recce version wîth caméras and
MiG-15Tsertvedasa target-towing aircraft. The Fifteens were given with thé NATO code désignation. The singlescaters were coded
Fagot Afor MiG-15 and Fagot B for MiG-15bis. The twoseater UTI MIG-15 was known under thé codename Midget.
Stîhaci letoun MiG-15 se slal jednïm ze symbolû rozmachu povàleëného letcetvi, zcjména pak vyvoje technîky na stranè vojenského
bloku pod kuratelou Sovëtského svazu. Zâsadni roli hrâl ve vâlce v Koreji, ûëastnii se bojîi behem Suezské krize a fady dalsich vice,
ci mène vyznamnych konfliktû. Za klicové soucâsti letounu - motor a sipové kfidlo - vsak Sovëli vdëcî jinym nârodûm. Sipové kfidlo
vzniklo na zâkladë vyzkumnyeh praei nèmeckychfconsfruktérùa do Sovëtského svazu putovaly jako vàlecnâ kofist. Motor, licencnï
Rolls Royce Nene, pak vznikl na pûdë Velké Britânie. Zadâni smëfujiei k MiGu-15 se datujc do roku 1947. Dosavadni pokusy
sproudovymi motory domâci provenîence skoncily neûspèchem a koristni nëmecké Jumo 004 a BMW 003 svymi vykony jiznestaèily.
Proto se Sovëtsky svaz odhodlal k nàkupu britské licence na vyrobu motorû Nene a Derwent a nëkolika desitek jiz hotovych kusû molorii
Nene I. Nene II a Derwent V. Zatlmco okolo Derwentu byl postaven Jak-23 s pfimym kridlem, okolo Nene vznikly Lavockin 168
a MiG-15 se sipovym kridlem a ocasnimi plochami. Rozdîlné pojeli konstmkci mélo zajistit, ze v pfipadë ncûspcchujcdné bude mozné
vyuzivat druhou. Nakonec se do sériové vyroby dostal Jak-23 a MiG-15, aie MïG-15 svého konkurenla zcela zastinil. Jak poètem
vyrobenvchkusù, tak celosvëlovou slâvou. Prototyp MiGu-15 pod znacenim 1-301 byl dokoncen 19. prosince 1947 apoprvé se vznesl
do vzduchu 30. prosince téhoz roku. Druhy prototyp jiz doslal vykonnëjsï motor Ne ne H a prvni let vykonal 27. kvëtna 1948. Zâhy
je doplnil jestë tfeti prototyp, aie zkousky probihaly natolîk uspokojivè, ze jiz 17. cervence 1948 padio rozhodnutï o sériové vyrobc typu
pod oznaccnim MiG-15. Prvm sériovy letoun byl dokoncen v cervnu 1949 a postupnë se rozebéhla vyroba v nëkolika lovâmàch
po celém Sovétském svazu. MiG-15 pohânël motor RD-45F,eoz byl liccncni Nene 11. Vyzbroj tvoriladvojice 23mm kanonûNS-23KM
ajeden37rnm kanon N-37. Pod kfidlo bylo mozné podvësilpumy a nefïzené protizemnî rakcty (LR-130 a S-21). Zâhy, jiz vletech 1950
- 1951 zacaly z montâznich linek sjïzdët MiGy-15bis. Pohânëlje vykonnëjsi motor VK-1 a vizuâlnè se odlisovalymj. jinym tvarcm
aerodynamiekyeh brzd nazâdi trupu. Vyrobabisùprobihalaazdo roku 1953,kdyje nabradSly MiGy-17. Produkcipamâcteksezabyvaly
itovârnyrnimo Sovëtsky svaz. Jednalo se o ceskoslovenské zâvody Let a Aero, polsky PZLMielec a dvoumïstnâ verzebylastavënataké
v Ciné. Vznikla fada verzi a variant. Nejpocetnèjï zasîoupeny byl cvicny dvoumistny UTI MiG-15. Vyrâbèly se zcjména
v' Ceskoslovensku. V tétozemi vyniklataké stihaci bombardovacî verze MÎG-15SB a MiG-15bisSB se clyrini zâvèsniky podkiidlcm.
Vyrâbèly se téz prùzkumné MiGy-15R / MiG-15bisR a pro rahâni cvicnych tercû urcené MÎG-15T. Typ dostal v systému kodovych
oznaceniNATOjménaFaeolAaFagot Bpro MiG-15 aMiG-15bïs. Oznaëeni Midgetpatfilo dvoumismému UTI MIG-157057-NAV1
Corefullyteod instruction sheetbeforeassembling.Whenyou use glueot point, donol use nearopenflame and use in well venlilated
room.Keepoutof reachofsmalIchildren.Children mustnolbealtowedlosuckany part, or pull vinyl bog overlhe head.
Ffed zopocelim stavby si peclivè prosiudujte stavebni nâvod. Pri pouzivôni barev a lepidel pracujte v dobfe vêtranë mistnosti.
Lepid la anibarvy ne pou zïvejfevblizko$nolevïenèl"ioohnë. Model nenrutcenmQlymdëlem.mohlobydojitkpozitidrobnychdilû.
m 0 - 0,8 mm
A MiG-15, 29th GIAR Dachang Air Base, Shanghai, China, spring - summer 1950
29th GIAP(GuardsFighter Air régiment) moved from Soviet Union to Shanghai in spring 1950. Soviet pilotshelped to protectChinesetown from thé
Taiwanese aircraft and to prezent Taiwanese ships from entering thé Yang-tze river delta. The Dachang was selected as a their homebase The
régiment was active in China from Aprilto October 1951 and MiG jockeys downedtwoenemyaircrafl in thisperiod-F-5E Lightningrecceairplane and
B-24 bomber. The Chinese national insignia were painted on thé 29ih GIAP MiGs and ail of them were overhanded to thé Chinese aimed forces when
thé Soviet un if moved back to its homeland in October 1950. From November 1950 toearly February 1951 the29th GlAPfougritinKorean War. The
upper part of thé wings is not visible in thé photos, we suppose that thé national insignia was not painted hère.
d u BI rd . e; o m/s/"7"O 5 T
MiG-15, c/n 108023,176tti IAP,Antung Air Base, Korea, April 1951
Thisaircrafl look part in thé air battle on April 12,1951. The photo ofthis aircraftwith no wings and upper part of theiail was taken shortly after thé
battis. Soviet pilôts managedlo shoot down threeB-29bombersatthecostoffiveMiG-15fightersdamaged. B 823"wasoneofthem. The distin clive
red nose wore thé MiGsfrom 324th IAD (Fighter Air Division). The 176th IAP (FighterAir Régiment) was a part ofthis division thaï was based in Korea
fromearly April 1951 till theend of January 1952. The famous WW2 fighter ace Ivan N. Kozhedub (64 victories) was appointed iheCOofthe324th
MiG-15, c/n 120077, flown by Major Alexei A. Mikoyan, thé DeputyCO of 274th IAP, Kubinka Air Base,
C early
This aircraft was flownby Maj. Alexei A. Mikoyan wlio was was appointed thé COof thé 274th IAP in 1951.Thisunitwasestablishedinthisyearand
former Deputy CO Mikoyan became its second CO in succesion. Alexei Mikoyan was a member of thé élite communist farnily. Mis father Anastas
I. Mikoyan was oneof thé top leader sof thé Soviet communist political party. Beside other posts he was thé chairman of thé Presidiurnof thé Suprême
Soviet in mid 60ties, de jure thé headof thé Soviet Union. Alexei's uncleArtem I. Mikoyan lead thé aircraft design bureau MiG, where many famous
aircraft weredeveloped-MiG-15 amongothers.ThusAlexeiflew thé aircraft developedbyhisuncle's team.
iG-15, Polish Air Force, 1st PLM, Warsaw-Babice Air Base, 1951
Thisaircraftwasflownbylst PLM (Fighter Air Régiment) and was one of thé veryfirstfiveMiG-15sdeliveredto Polish Air Force. AN fiveaircraft were
manufactured in Soviet Union in 1949. They were transferred from one of thé airfields near Berlin. Gerrnany to fhe Babice (Bemowo) air base near
Warsaw on July 19,1951. Polish MiG-15swereshown to thé public for thé firsttime on August 26,1951 atan military parade over Warsaw-Okecie
international airport. Note thé wings with no walkways.
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MiG-15, c/n 231767, Romanian Air Force, Deveselu Air Base, 1962
The total of 204 MiG-15s wasflownby Romanian airforce. Thèse were manufactured in Czechoslovakia and overhanded fo Romania in thé period
from December 1952 to Septeber 1954. Romania becimethemost significant user of MiG-15s produced by Czechoslovak Aero Vodochody factory.
This particular aircraft was a part of thé batch of 34 Jifteens" delivered to Romania on March 24. 1954. The national insignia in thé form of thé
live-pointed star wasused from 1949to 1985.
©EDUARDM.A., 2014
Prinîed in Czech Republic

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