
5 - 10. června 2008
Odjezd: v cca 18h. autem (čtvrtek)
Trasa auta: Pardubice, Brenner, Florencie, Pisa, Rosignano – Gabro (cca 1200km cca 14h. jízdy)
Možná trasa zpět: Rosignano – Gabro , Padova, Viena, Pardubice, (cca 1200km cca 14h. jízdy)
Předpokládaný odjezd zpět: pondělí ráno z Rozignana (příjezd od Pardubic v úterý večer)
Den 1 - čtvrtek: odjezd z ČR směr Itálie
Den 2 – pátek: prohlídka Pisi a příjezd do Rosignana Gabra
Den 3 – sobota: prvý výlet s Italy (Sanbuca’s Hermitage)
Den 4 - neděle: druhý výlet s Italy (Populonia – Salivoli), večer slavnostní zakončení
Den 5 - pondělí: odjez z Rosignana, prohlídka Florencie
Den 6 – úterý: možný trek v Dolomitech, popř. prohlídka Padovy nebo Venezie, návrat do ČR
Ubytování: v autě nebo na parkovištích (popř. v kempu), v Rosignanu zajišťují nocleh Italové
Prezenty – dárky pro Italy: Italy potěší české pivo, becherovka a pardubický perník + dárky od radnice
Občerstvení: jídlo v Rosignanu zajišťují Italové, jinak jídlo na cestu si vzít sebou
Mapa: Autoatlas, mapy navštívených měst, průvodce severní Itálií
Kontaktní osoba: Ondřej Valášek; tel: 608 566 180; email: [email protected]
Zajímavosti cestou:
Pisa (latinsky Pisae) je město v Toskánsku, hlavní město stejnojmenné provincie. Město má rozlohu 185 km² a zhruba
88 400 obyvatel. Město se nachází na březích řeky Arno, 10 km východně od ústí.
Pisa je známá po celém světě díky své šikmé věži na Piazza dei Miracoli (Náměstí zázraků) Výstavba samostatně
umístěné cylindrické zvonice byla zahájena v roce 1174. Když v roce 1185 dosáhla výšky tří pater, projevilo se jasně její
naklonění. Práce byly přerušeny, ale o 90 let později byla nakloněná věž protažena o další poschodí. Stavitelé nakonec
rezignovali na realizaci původního projektu (měla se stát nejvyšší zvonicí své doby) a v roce 1350 bylo šesté patro
zakončeno stolicí pro zavěšení zvonů.
Florencie (italsky Firenze) je metropole italského Toskánska, ležící na řece Arno. Ve středověku byla Florencie centrem
významné městské republiky, která se za vlády rodu Medicejských přeměnila na toskánské vévodství (1531), které se
později stalo velkovévodstvím (1569). V dobách republiky a především za Medicejských došlo k velkému kulturnímu
rozkvětu města. V 15. století se Florencie stala kolébkou renesance a kulturním centrem severní Itálie.
Od roku 1982 je historické centrum Florencie zapsáno na Seznamu světového dědictví UNESCO.
Padova je italské město v oblasti Benátsko a hlavní město provincie Padova.
Ve městě se nachází jedna z nejstarších světových univerzit; i dnes je Padova ekonomickým centrem oblasti.
Benátky jsou kouzelné dóžecí město omývané vlnami laguny, které je poseto 118 malými ostrovy. Krásu ostrovů
umocňuje panorama na Serenissima, jejich nespočet kupolí a zvonů. Ostrov Lido má také krásné, dlouhé a jemné pláže.
Hlavní ulice nahrazuje asi 100 kanálů. Ve městě je přes 400 kamenných mostů a asi 15 000 domů, které stoji na
dubových kůlech zaražených do moře. Dopravní tepnou je Canal Grande, 4 km dlouhý a asi 70 m široký. Spojuje hlavní
nádraží s náměstím svatého Marka. Ve městě zajišťuje dopravu asi 500 gondol, které dnes slouží především turistům.
Sanbuca’s Hermitage
Round trip Itinerary
: Springs County Road, Talcum Soapstone Mill, Corbolone Knoll,
Hell’s fall, Big Cross, Villa Cristina, Sanbuca’s Hermitage, Collesalvetti Ice Storage, Big Cross,
Corbolone Knoll, Talcum Soapstone Mill, Springs County Road.
Uphill Elevation
: m 383
Downhill Elevation
: m 383
Difficulty Level
Course Time
: 4 Hrs
: km 8.0
The course routes between the medium and the high valley of the Ugione Torrent, up to the old and
abandoned Sanbuca’s Monastery.
From Spring County Road (m 40), near the old Talcum Soapstone Mill, we will travel by auto,
after about a kilometer and an elevation difference of 70 meter, we will use the parking at the
Corbolone Knoll Shooting Range (m 110).
We will start walking, over the bar, on the white road, marked with the sign no. 1 that traverses the
west side of Corbolone Knoll, with a large view over the city of Leghorn and its Harbor.
After about 1.5 km, on the right, we will see the abandoned Furnace (m 190) with its two ovens and
shortly after at the crossroads of the Big Cross, we will see the sign with the following directions:
W = La Puzzolente (The stinky one), S = La Sanbuca, E = Talcum Steatite Quarry, N = Corbolone
Shooting Range.
In this area, the Leghorn hills show a large amount of talcum quarries and after been grinded at the
mills would be further processed in the city.
A short visit to the quarry and then back to the main path now marked “00”, following the path we
will arrive at a house at which point we will leave this marker to travel the downhill path that takes
us to the Lower Mill of the Ugione Torrent. In this old water mill the 70 meters “bottaccio” (millpond) and the “gora” (millrace) are still identifiable within the feed and drainage lock-gate.
The millrace that fed the now disappeared water wheel is still well defined.
A bit over the mill are the “Ice Storage Holes” fenced for security reasons. Lined with stone and
mortar they go down for about 7 – 8 meters and have a diameter of about 6 meters.
They use to be filled with ice and snow and layered with straw, to act as insulation and finally
covered with boards.
In the 1800 and early 1900, they supplied Leghorn with ice in the summer months. At the bottom
was a drain that would feed the mill-pond, close by the bank over the road it is still visible a hole in
the ground with its interior of stone and bricks.
Over the hedge, the Ugione Torrent with its cute little fall can be observed and we will continue
uphill to the Sanbuca’s Hermitage. Before arriving to the monastery a small spring pool is found
and continuing coasting the torrent and after crossing a small bridge, we will arrive at the
restructured monastery (m190).
The structure has been completely restored and in order to avoid robbery and vandalism it has been
fortified with metal sheeting over the windows and doors. The location is provided with a picnic
Along the monastery’s stone-stacked-wall the calm flow of the Ugione Torrent is interrupted by
small rocky falls that lead to another little arched stone bridge.
Leaving the Hermitage crossing over this second bridge, slowly rising until we find the road that
leads to the Valle Benedetta (blessed valley) path-marker (00) we will proceed toward Villa
Cristina, managed by the Leghorn Boy Scouts Chapter. From here is a sweet trek to the Procione
area and then the Shooting Range. Continuing down-hill until the unpaved road flattens, then
bearing right with the path that leads to Hell’s Fall (Cascata dell’Infernaccio).
This beautiful suggestive place deserves to be photographically documented.
From here uphill, takes us to the parking area
Populonia – Salivoli
(Pionbino’s Promontory)
: Red, Blue (Fire-break) and unmarked.
Round trip Itinerary
: Populonia, Poggio Grosso (Big Knoll), Mnt. Massoncello, Ghiaccioni (Glaciers),
Salivoli, Spiaggia Lunga (Long Beach), Rio Fanale Knoll, Spiaggia delle canne
(Canes Beach), Cala del Termine (End Cove), Poggio della Galera (Prison Knoll),
Cala S. Quirico St. Quirico Cove), Populonia.
Uphill Elevation
: m 250
Downhill Elevation
: m 250
Difficulty Level
: T (Very Easy)
Course Time
: 7.5 Hrs
: km 14.0 circa
From S. Vincent to Populonia, a few hundred meters before town, we will reach the location “Il Reciso”;
to the left of the parking area, we will start on a gated unpaved road (Blue path), gently sloping upwards
toward the water dividing ridge arriving shortly after to the abandoned church of St. Quirico (182 m).
We will continue coasting Mt. Pecorino and Aia del Prete (Priest Threshing-Floor) in southward direction
until we reach Poggio Grosso (Big Knoll) 278m; there the road follows the east side of the ridge allowing
us to view first the sea and then Piombino,s Plain.
Passing Mt. Massoncello, the highest elevation in the area (286 m), we will reach Campo della Sughera
(Sughera’s Field). Here the intense work of wood gathering can be noticed. We will stop here to enjoy the
fantastic surf-N-turf panoramic views. From here the path follows a wide fire break, this unpaved road
runs down hill and it is busy with mountain bikers. We will follow it until the south side of the park
toward Salivoli, part of the town of Piombino, now more visible together with the Island of Elba.
This road takes us to a wide opening that we will cross in the direction of some oak trees visible in front
of us and at which point we will take a path that follows the ridge that will take us in the Ghiaccioni area.
From there we will go downhill t arrive at the Cala Moresca (Moor’s Cove), close to the north part of
If so desired it is possible, in a few minutes, to go down to the Cala Moresca beach below. At the tip of
the Strunzo di Orlando Promontory is Punta Falcone (Falcon’s Cape) where during WW2 were stationed a
guns battery that together with the one on Elba would cover the Piombino Canal. At night, track
mounted search lights, will scope out the sea for enemy ships and the Operation Center will dictate the
coordinate to the artillery group aligned on the promontory.
One of the cannons, well preserved, is still there, of the other four or five are still visible the mounts and
the shelters for men and ammunitions. These shelters are now used as historical museum and are open
for view during regular operating hours.
On the cliffs to the south grows the beautiful flower called “Fichi degli Ottentotti” (Mesembryanthemum
acinaciformis) “Giant pigface Hottentot Fig” (Fico Gicante degli Ottentotti dalla faccia di porco).
Originally from Africa, this flower has adapted well in the Italian coast line.
These purple colored flowers grow to 20-30cm in height (8-12 inches) and 8-10 cm in diameter (3-4 inches), they
grow on sunny dry ridges blooming from May to July they open during the day and close at night.
This is the season were they start to bloom and in a few weeks they will cover the cliffs in beautiful purple.
From here we will travel uphill up to the small Piombino’s Observatory e then downward to the break area over the
Moresca Cove.
We will start the way back following the Via dei Cavalleggeri ( Light-Brigate-way) that turn into an ever-smaller bu
well maintained path. It is necessary, reaching the fork marked on the left, to go down to the pebbles beach called
Spiaggia Lunga (Long Beach), noticeable are the floors remaining of a big beach cabana’s village from the 50 and 60.
Paying attention in avoiding the paths on the right, leading to the fire break, we will follow one of the many dry bed
streams, there we will find a small well called “La Fonte del Soldato” (Soldier’s Fountain).
Following the red path we will reach the beautiful Fosso Delle Canne pepples beach (Canes Hole) there we will take
a refreshing break at a sunny and well maintained picnic area.
The mall welcoming beach will invite you to a dip in the sea, if the temperature would permit.
We will restart walking to the north. If along the way we can find deer stands, true engineering feats, we
should claim them to enjoy the incredible panorama of the coast from the tree tops.
Continuing in towards Populonia, then uphill we will pass the ruins of a monastery, we will reach the ST
Quirico Church and finally the parking area in the Reciso .