Angliètina vs. èeština, aneb co se do uèebnic nevešlo


Angliètina vs. èeština, aneb co se do uèebnic nevešlo
Angliètina vs. èeština, aneb co se do uèebnic nevešlo
Pøíspìvek pøidal DD
Sobota, 30 prosinec 2006
* damage to speak = Å¡koda mluvit
* don’t wake up a swan = nebuï labu•
* relax in the living room = odpoèÃ-vej v pokoji
* where she married herself, here she married herself = kde se vzala, tu se vzala
SlovnÃ- spojenÃ* unvomitable thruth = nezvratná pravda
* welded wine = svaøené vÃ-no
* hand-bag TV = kabelová televize
* from-under-her laundry = spodnÃ- prádlo
* pulling birds = tažnÃ- ptáci
* poisoning mechanism = trávicÃ- ústrojÃ* selective driving = výbìrové øÃ-zenÃ* crotch writing = klÃ-nové pÃ-smo
* guilty basements = vinné sklepy
* sausage of lovers = párek milencù
* goose burp = husÃ- brk
* Paincelebrate Soup = Boleslav PolÃ-vka
* Tunecelebrate Littlecarrot = Ladislav Mrkvièka
* Martin Give-a-present = Martin Dejdar
* Peacecelebrate Little-miner = Miroslav HornÃ-èek
* Fun Titman = Švanda Dudák
* Springcelebrate Hedgehog = Jaroslav Ježek
Vìty a fráze
* she is lubricated like a fox = je mazaná jako liška
* all the hydrogen probably made love in the solution = veÅ¡kerý vodÃ-k se asimiloval v roztoku
* he vomitted a long postcard on her = vrhl na ni dlouhý pohled
* your eyes September = tvé oèi záøÃ* she was sitting on between = sedìla na mezi
* I am not smelling myself in my leather today = necÃ-tÃ-m se dnes ve své kùži
* stop knitting my head = pøestaò mi plést hlavu
* he afterdid himself = podìlal se
* world champion in tanks on ice = mistr svìta v tancÃ-ch na ledì
JednoslovnÃ- názvy
* half-blame = polovina
* overgossip = pøeklep
* simplegreeknes = prostoøekost
* behind-without-baking = zabezpeèenÃ* meeter = potkan
* spasmer = køeèek
* neo-raked = neohrabaný
* aftersteak = poøÃ-zek
* undergater = podvra•Ã¡k
* ghostess = duchna
Studentské pøeklady do èeÅ¡tiny
* Easter = Východòár
* Pubescent = ten, kdo smrdÃ- hospodou
* general Failure reading disc C = generál Failure ète disk C:
* I passed the exam = propásnul jsem zkoušku
* Sportswear = sportovnÃ- nadávka
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Generováno: 12 October, 2016, 23:01
* he stopped smoking = pøestalo se z nìho kouøit
* close relatives = zavøÃ-t pøÃ-buzné
* to deliver = odjátrovat
Tento kurs je urcen pro posluchace vysokych skol, prekladatele, ale i pro sirokou verejnost, ktera pocituje unavu z prilis
rozsahlych znalosti anglickeho jazyka. Po dukladnem procteni nasledujicich cviceni by se mela objevit uleva, zapricinena
snizenim a destrukci Vasich jazykovych vedomosti.
This rate is designated for listeners of mountainous schools, transferers and also for the wide public exhausted by too
high amount of English tongue knowledge. After a massive for-reading of the following trainings there should be
discovered a discount behind-caused by enlowment and downgrade of your tongue knowledge.
Frazeologie (Phrases, Idioms & Proverbs)
Basa tvrdi muziku. A prison makes music stronger.
Beru te za slovo. I am taking you by the word.
Bozi mlyny melou pomalu, ale jiste. God’s mills are more insured than functional.
Dejte mne pokoj! Give me an apartment!
Hodim si sprchu. I’ll throw myself a shower.
Jaka duchaplna myslenka! What a ghostful idea!
Je mazana jako liska She is lubricated like a fox.
Je mi to jedno. It’s one to me.
Je tam jak v pradelne. There is a yak in the laundry room.
Je to takovy divny pavouk. He is such a strange spider.
Jsem z toho cela pryc. I am all away of it.
Komu se neleni, tomu se zeleni. He who isn’t lazy has a green one.
Kouka jak tele na nova vrata. She is looking like a calf on a new gate.
Lhala ostosest. She has lied about one hundred and six.
Mam te plne zuby. I have my teeth full of you.
Mela nemistne poznamky. She had non-local comments.
Minul jsem se povolanim. I have passed myself with a profession.
Necitim se dnes ve sve kuzi. I am not smelling myself in my leather today.
Nechval dne pred vecerem! Don’t praise the day in front of the evening!
Neotravuj me! Don’t poison me!
Nevychazel z udivu. He didn’t stop coming out of his wonder.
Odpocivej v pokoji! Relax in the living room!
Padli si do oka. They have fallen into each other’s eyes.
Pro me - za me … For me - behind me …
Prestan mi plest hlavu! Stop knitting my head!
Prijde soudny den. The court day will come.
Pustila jsem ho k vode. I have released him to the water.
Remeslo ma zlate dno. A craft has a golden bottom.
Strasi ji ve vezi. She has a ghost in her tower.
Sel zpity pod obraz. He went drunk under the picture.
Tahala me za nos. She pulled me by the nose.
Tve oci zari! Your eyes September!
Tohle te prijde draho! This will arrive you expensively!
Venku je pocasi pod psa. There is weather under the dog outside.
Venku se certi zeni. There is an infernal gypsy wedding outside.
Videla ho dnes vecer. She sawed him tonight.
Vrhl na ni dlouhy pohled. He vomited a long postcard on her.
Vzal nohy na ramena. He took the legs on the shoulders.
Zije si na vysoke noze. He lives himself on a high leg.
hazet flintu do zita - to throw the rifle into the rye
hrat si na slepou babu - to play on a blind squaw
lezt na nervy - to climb upon the nerves
mit brouka v hlave - to have a beetle in one’s mind
mit po ptakach - to have after birds
mit z pekla stesti - to have a fortune from the hell
postavit vodu na caj - to set a water on a tea
skoda mluvit - damage to speak
vypalit nekomu rybnik - to burn out someone’s pond
Geograficke nazvy (Geographical Names)
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Generováno: 12 October, 2016, 23:01
Domazlice - Home-spoons
Banska Stiavnica - Mine Juice
Lednice - Fridge
Casta - Frequent-girl
Nove Straseci - New Ghost-town
Dunajska Streda - Danubian Wednesday
Pisek - Sand
Komarno - Mosquitos
Prcice - Asshole
Liptovsky Mikulas - Liptov Santa Claus
Pribor - Cutlery
Marianka - Ganja-ville
Trhove Sviny - Pigs-for-sale
Michalovce - Michael-sheep
Uhersky Brod - Hungarian Ford
Nalepkovo - Sticker Valley
Ustek - Misbark
Povazska Bystrica - After-scales Mountain-river
Valasske Klobouky - Walachian Hats
Partizanske - Guerillas / Bandit-ville
Zebrak - Beggar
Roznava - Grill-side
Zeleznice - Railway
Trencianska Tepla - Trenchiner Lesbian
Vlastni jmena (First Names)
Gejza - Gay-behind
Blanka - Membrane
Kazimir - Spoiler
Eliska - E-fox
Ladislav - Tuner
Jarmila - Spring-lover
Lukas - Archer
Jaroslava - Spring-celebrator
Mojmir - My-peace
Lesana - Forestie
Prokop - Spader
Ludmila - Man-lover
Radovan - Joyster
Svetlana - Lantern
Roman - Novel
Servac - Shit-more
Svatopluk - Holy-squad / Saint-regiment
Vitezslav - Winner-fan
Historicke osobnosti (Historical Personalities)
Krystof Harant z Polzic a Bezdruzic
Christopher the Bastard of Afterspoons and Withoutsatellites
Ustalena slovni spojeni (Collocations)
domaci potreby - domestic needs
dopravni zacpa - to-the-right stop-shittment
korunni svedek - one-crown-coin witness
matka predstavena - a mother introduced
metrovy textil - one meter long textile
nadzvukove letadlo - an over-sounded plane
nahradni reseni - an on-the-castle resolution
naslovovzaty odbornik - a for-a-word-taken expert
nezvratna skutecnost - an un-vomitable fact
ostrileny pravnik - an over-shooted lawyer
parek milencu - a sausage of lovers
podnapily prodavac - an under-drunken forgiver
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Generováno: 12 October, 2016, 23:01
rucni prace - handy jobs
studena fronta - a frigid queue
tazni ptaci - pulling birds
travici ustroji - a poisoning mechanism
uzkoprsa osetrovatelka - a narrow-breasted sister
vinny sklep - a guilty basement
vysoke postaveni - a high erection
vyberove rizeni - a selective driving
Instituce (Institutions)
Armada spasy - The Army with belts
Matica Slovenska - The Slovak Matrix
Jidla a vareni (Meals & Cooking)
cerstve rohliky - fresh mini-corners
pikantni ocka - spicy eyes
svarene vino - welded wine
svickova omacka - candle sauce
zeleninova - obloha vegetable sky
Naradi a nastroje (Tools and Devices)
dobijecka - an up-beater
hreben - a hair synchronizer
obouvak - a shoe on-putter
vodovaha - a water-weight
vrtacka - a wall-hole maker
vytah - an out-puller
Nazvy filmu (Film Titles)
Beauty and the Beast - Krasavice a hovado
Kill Bill - Zabit ucet
Lara Croft Tomb Raider - Lara zahumenkovy hrobovy lupic
Married with Children - Vdany s detmi
Cestovani (Travel)
Imigracni urednik dukladne zkoumal muj pas.
An immigration officer was thoroughly examining my suspender belt.
Hobby (Hobby & Pastime Activities)
V lete, kdyz byva poradne horko, chodi vsichni surfovat na pobrezi.
In flight, when it’s precise warmthness, everybody is browsing banks.
Jazyk techniky (Tek-Tongue)
kabelova televize - a handbag TV
stopove prvky - footprint elements
vysoke napeti - a tall tension
zemska pritazlivost - a ground attraction
zpetna vazba - a backward arrest
Mohl byste laskave zavrit okno?
Would you mind pressing ALT+F4?
Pocitac oznamil chybu.
An after-reader has pronounced a mistake.
Stahni mi kalhotky!
Download my knickers!
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Generováno: 12 October, 2016, 23:01
Kovovymi vodici muze prochazet elektricky proud.
An electrical stream can walk through metallic drivers.
Memu mobilnimu telefonu prave dosla baterie.
A battery of my movable telephone has just arrived.
Venku padaji trakare.
There are mono-track agricultural vehicles falling outside.
Vodik se asimiloval v roztoku.
Hydrogen probably made love in the solution.
Zlocinec zjistil, ze vzduch je cisty.
The bad-maker found out that the air-conditioning was working perfectly.
Literatura (Literature)
Dlouhy, Siroky a Bystrozraky
Long, Extensive and Clever-eyesighted
Svanda Dudak
Fun Titan
Kralovna zije na zamku.
A kingess lives on a lock.
Medvidek Pu se sebral ze zeme a tezce vstal.
The Pu-bear harvested himself from the Earth and erected hard.
Janosik zatancil odzemek a zatocil valaskou.
The Chic John performed an off-ground dance and then screwed a Walachian girl.
Medicina (Medicine)
Kdyz budete dlouho sedet na hole zemi, muzete chytit vlka.
If you sit on the bare Earth for a long time, you may catch a wolf.
Moda a obleceni (Fashion and Dressing)
Koupil jsem si plazove slapky. I have bought a pair of beach whores.
Skocim si na burzu koupit dziny. I’ll jump on the stock exchange to buy jeans.
Slang (Slang)
Dala mu kopacky. She gave him a pair of mining-shoes.
Dali jsme si do nosu. We have got into our noses.
Je mi to platne jak hadovi nohy. It’s valid to me like legs to a snake.
Je to vsechno pro kocku! It’s all for a pussy-cat!
Kdo to zacvaka? Who will click it?
Kouka jak suva z nudli. He is looking like an owl from pasta.
Mam to na haku. I have it on the hook.
Nejspis hodim savli. I am going to throw a sword.
Podelal se. He did himself after.
Ty vole! You ox!
Visis mi dvacku! You’re hanging me a twenty!
Vlez mi na hrb! Climb up my back-mountain!
Ten bordel ve tvem pokoji je teda pekna vizitka!
That whorehouse in your room is a nice business card!
Sport (Sport)
mistri sveta v tancich na lede
the world champions in tanks on ice
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Generováno: 12 October, 2016, 23:01
Byl nasazen jako turnajova jednicka.
He was sown as a tournament unit.
Potvrdil tak predpoklady horkeho favorita.
This way he claimed the before-treasures of the warm favourite.
Zavodnik se dostal do cela zavodu.
A behind-waterman has reached the forehead of the manufactory.
Skola (School)
Dostala jsem kuli z telesne vychovy.
I have received a sphere from the bodily upbringing.
Pri zkousce budu nucen pouzit tahak.
I will be forced to use a puller during the trial.
Zdvorila konverzace (Polite Conversation)
Vazeni hoste, vitejte v nasi zemi.
Weighted visitors, welcome to our landscape.
Citte se tu jako doma.
Smell yourselves here like at home.
Bude mi potesenim Vas zastoupit.
It will be a pleasure to tread on you.
Doprovodim Vas k vychodu.
I will accompany you to the East.
Po uvazeni zaujmeme stanovisko.
After scaling we will capture a place for a tent.
Prosim Vas, kolik mate hodin?
Hey, how many watches have you got?
Vystrihejte se techto problemu.
Try to cut out of these problems.
Postaveno na systému Joomla!
Generováno: 12 October, 2016, 23:01