Jobs - Bezpečnostně právní akademie Brno


Jobs - Bezpečnostně právní akademie Brno
Číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0036
Název projektu: Inovace a individualizace výuky
Autor: Mgr. Libuše Matulová
Název materiálu: Jobs
Označení materiálu: VY_32_INOVACE_MAT39
Datum vytvoření: 25.11.2013
Vzdělávací oblast: Konverzační okruhy
Ročník: první až čtvrtý
střední škola
• Studenti se naučí vyjadřovat se o záležitostech
zaměstnání, brigád, úřadu práce,
nezaměstnanosti apod.
Metodické pokyny
• Studijní materiál lze použít při konverzaci na
téma práce, žádosti o zaměstnání, pohovoru
ve firmě apod.
Preparing for a job
• As a child you dream about it.
• School prepares you for
your future job.
• At 15 you are often too young to know what you want to be.
• At 19, when you take your graduation exam, you may have a
better idea about your job.
Summer jobs, part-time jobs
While you are a student you may get a part-time job on
weekends, perhaps in a supermarket, or a fast food shop.
You may work during your holidays to
earn some money, e.g. as a life-guard
at a swimming pool.
You may look after children as
a baby-sitter.
Looking for a job
Go through job adverts or
job offers on the internet
or newspapers.
When you find an acceptable job, you can apply for the
Applying for a job
Fill in a job application form and attach your CV
(curriculum vitae) to it with your previous work
Write a letter of application
and send them all to the firm
or company.
If they give you a positive reply, they will invite
you for an interview.
Getting unemployed
• You may get fired (get dismissed) if you make too
many mistakes.
• If the company is in bad financial times you may be
made redundant and lose your job.
• You may decide to start your own business and
become a freelancer.
• If you can´t find a job, you should register with the
employment agency. You are entitled to draw the
unemployment benefit.
Have you ever had a summer job?
Why is a job interview important?
What is a CV?
Who is a freelancer?
Do unemployed people get a financial
• Do you get any sick pay if you get ill?
• Yes, I have. I had one last summer.
• Because it is the first time the company people
see you and their first impression of you.
• It´s a description of your life, family background,
education and work experience.
• It´s a self-employed person with an own business.
• Yes, they do. It is called unemployment benefit.
• Yes. It´s some part from your month income.
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