22. předložky


22. předložky
Číslo projektu
Název školy
SOUpotravinářské, Jílové u Prahy, Šenflukova 220
Název materiálu
VY_22_INOVACE_AJ 1-2/01/01/22
Mgr. Sylvie Dovenerová
Obor; předmět, ročník
ŠVP Podnikání; Anglický jazyk; 1.ročník
Tematická oblast
Gramatika – předložky
Tematický okruh
Datum tvorby
8. 7. 2013
Otázky slouží k praktickému ověření znalostí gramatického
útvaru, který byl žákům vysvětlen formou výkladu.
Metodický pokyn
Žáci dostanou nakopírované otázky a budou je společně
Vlastní zdroje autora
1. Napište rozdíl mezi následujícími výrazy a doplňte:
a) in time x on time
b) at the end x in the end
My lesson always starts……………
I get my salary…………………….of the month.
I got home……….to see news on TV.
……………………..he gave me all money back.
2. Doplňte předložky in/on/at:
……….Sunday/……….the morning/……….5.30/……….my birthday/……….Christmas/……….Christmas day/
……….midnight/……….winter/……….Friday evening/……….the 16th century/……….June 3rd/……….noon
……….ten minutes/……….the weekends/……….1995/……….September/……….summer´s day/……….Easter
3. Popište pokoj a použijte předložky on/in/by/behind/in front of/under/next to/between/opposite:
4. Doplňte vhodnou předložku:
Have you ever been……….Canada? There are many clouds……….the sky. We were lying……….the
beach. I was……….the dentist´s last week. What is the biggest city……….the world? I have been
waiting here……….2 hours. We will come back……….10 days. The restaurant is closed……Monday
….Wednesday. They haven´t visited us……….last summer. We were……….the theatre yesterday.
I love swimming……….the sea. We met a lot of people………..our holiday. They were too many
people………the bus . I was………Judy´s house two days ago. Will you go……..car? What is……..TV?
Will you pay……..cash or ……..credit card? This programme was watched………millions of people.
5. Přeložte:
Co jsi dělal v neděli? Navštívil jsi o Velikonocích své rodiče? Přišel v noci a odešel ráno. Pozvali nás
před pár dny. Japonské vlaky přijíždějí přesně načas. Viděl jsi ho během tvé dovolené? Tato kniha
byla přeložena Markem Tradem. Nevidím ji mezi všemi slavnými lidmi. Tento dárek je ode mě.
1. in time – znamená včas (abychom to stihli) x on time – přesně načas
My lesson always starts on time. I got home in time to see news on TV.
at the end – znamená na konci (např. měsíce, ulice) x in the end – nakonec
I get my salary at the end of the month. In the end he gave me all money back.
2. on Sunday/in the morning/at 5.30/on my birthday/at Christmas/on Christmas day/at midnight/in
winter/on Friday evening/in the 16th century/on June 3rd/at noon/in 10 minutes/at the weekends/in
1995/in September/on summer´s day/at Easter
3. Každý vypracovává samostatně.
4. Have you ever been to Canada? There are many clouds in the sky. We were lying on the beach. I
was at dentist´s last week. What is the biggest city in the world? I have been waiting here for 2 hours.
We will come back in 10 days. The restaurant is closed from Monday to Wednesday. They haven´t
visited us since last summer. We were at the theatre yesterday. I love swimming in the sea. We met a
lot of people during/on our holiday. There were too many people on the bus. I was at Judy´s house
two days ago. Will you go by car? What is on TV? Will you pay in cash or by credit card? This
programme was watched by millions of people.
5. What did you do on Sunday? Did you visit your parents at Easter? He came at night and left in the
morning. They invited us a few days ago. Japanese trains arrive on time. Did you see him during your
holiday? This book was translated by Mark Trade. I don´t see her among all famous people. This
present is from me.