Výukový materiál zpracován v rámci projektu EU peníze školám


Výukový materiál zpracován v rámci projektu EU peníze školám
Výukový materiál zpracován v rámci projektu
EU peníze školám
Registrační číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0996
č. materiálu:
Jméno autora:
Mgr. Petr Kubík
3. r.
Datum vytvoření:
10. 1. 2014
Vzdělávací oblast:
Jazyková výchova
Tematická oblast:
health and a healthy lifestyle
Anglický jazyk
Výstižný popis způsobu využití, případně
Prezentaci lze využít při výkladu či procvičování maturitní otázky
metodické pokyny:
health & hygiene/healthy lifestyle. Student popíše a rozpozná části
těla včetně vnitřních orgánů a s ustálenými spojeními, v nichž se
objevují. Seznámí se a popíše postup při návštěvě lékaře, názvy
běžných infekčních i vážných nemocí, osoby i místa, které se podílí
na zdravotní péči, jakož i slovní zásobou na téma zdraví a nemoc.
V závěrečné části procvičí oba minulé časy prostý a průběhový.
Klíčová slova:
Health, a healthy lifestyle, organs, body, surgery, hospital, doctor,
healer, treat, cure, heal, disease, wessels, skeleton, past simple,
past continuous
Druh učebního materiálu:
Pracovní list + textový dokument
Parts of the body + organs
Mgr. Petr Kubík
Men‘s and woman‘s body
Parts of the body + organs
Human‘s parts of body + organs
Organs of the body
Body, Health and disease
1: Indefinite article: use indefinite article after these: a cold, a headache, a sore throat, a
temperature, a nosebleed, a runny nose, a cough, a rash, a pain, a bruise, a wound…
2: HW: Rewrite the pronuciation: Illness/disease × disorder f.e. flu/cancer × anorexia;
inherited – diabetes ...infectious/catching
[smo: lpoks], [mamps], [mi:zlsz], [ska:let fi:v∂], [dζ:maen mi:zlsz],
[hu:piŋ kof], [difti:ri∂], [po:li∂], [broŋkaitis], [tonsilaitis], [flu:], [dζo:ndis]/hep∂titis…])
3. People: a doctor/physician × a healer/ homeopath, a GP × consultant/specialist (a surgeon,
a psychologist, a dentist, paediatrician, ...), a nurse, a patient
4. Places: surgery, dentist‘s, health centre, health spa, rehabilitation centre, sanatorium,
hospital – wards ( emergency & accidents, casualty, surgery, infectious, maternity home...)
5. Body organs, vessels + skeleton: brain, trachea (the tube for breathing), larynx (helps you speak),
heart, lungs, diaphragm (a muscle for breathing), liver, spleen (helps the quality of your blood),
kidney, large/small intestine, bladder, stomach, pancreas (helps your body digest food), artery,
vein, skeleton, skull, bone, ribs, spine, joint, skin, muscle
Body, Health and disease
6. Treatment: make an appointment with a doctor, see a doctor, examine a patient, (at the surgery), have
an X ray, take a temperature/blood pressure/ tests, put a plaster/bandage/splint/compress, give a
prescription (for some medicine, pills, drops, ointment…), collect it at the pharmacy/chemist’s) suffer
from, be/feel ill × be/feel sick, be allergic to, die from/off, treat × cure × heal the
patient/disease/injury, be operated on/ undergo an operation, recover from = get well, survive, die
treat (for)
to deal with, to try to cure, to give medical aid or apply
medical techniques to symptoms of a disease to cure it.
léčit (na)/léčba/ošetření
cure (of)
to solve health problems, to restore a sick person to
cure (for/of)
vyléčit(z)/ lék(na)/léčení/
to become healthy again, to make a person healthy
Use the words from the box:
vyléčit, zahojit, uzdravit
The new medicine will _____________ his rash.
When will the wound _______?
You can play, the twisted ankle seems to be ________.
The doctor _______ the athlete for a pulled muscle.
Do you know any medicine which would _____ my headaches?
She got an immediate ______ after the crash.
Solution: cure, heal, cure, healed, treatment, treats
Body, Health and disease
7. Nouns: have got a pain in ..., = I‘ve got a pain in my stomach.
have got a head/tooth/stomach/backache = I‘ve got a stomachache.
8. Verbs: ... (it) hurt(s)= My stomach hurts., sneeze, scratch, cut×cut off,
bleed, twist/sprain/dislocate, break, bruise, hit, bang, stub, get stung,
pull/tear, burn/get (sun)burnt, scald, pass out/faint, dress,
hurt/injure yourself = get hurt/injured.
9. Adjectives: painful, sore, wounded, scratched, twisted/sprained, bruised,
stubbed, burnt, injured, swollen, stiff...
He’s all fingers and thumbs.
We’ll play it by ear.
She didn’t lift a finger, but he gave
me a hand.
I’ll keep an eye on her.
I want to put my feet up.
He’s still wet behind the ears.
Keep your nose out of that!
Learn it by heart.
What do you have in mind?
She’s got butterflies in her stomach
before the
She’s mouthy and have a sweet
He keeps his nose clean.
She’s a laid-back person.
I’m all ears.
You should sometimes put your foot
Match the qualities to the right idioms
(inexperienced, easy-going, get angry,
help, clumsy, mean, memorize,
curious, not care, watch, relax, not
plan, nervous, like sth, be careful)
Guess the meaning:
Help: být velmi zamilovaný, dát tomu
ránu, utahovat si z někoho, hádat se
pro maličkosti, přemluvit někoho, říci,
co tě dlouho trápí.
to get sth.off your chest
to split hairs
to twist sb’s arm
to put sb’s leg
to put your foot in it,
to be head over heels in love.
Past continuous:
Scene 1: I was going from school. =
a) setting the scene
• A car coming which was coming from the
side road didn‘t give the way to the other car
which was driving along the main street. b)
The long-term action was interrupted by
another short-term action.
c) I was skiing in the mountains and the same
as the other people I was having a good
time. = more actions happened at the same
• When I was skiing downhill, another skier
crossed my way and we crashed.
• I fell onto the ground and lost consciousness.
• d) At ten o‘ clock They were operating on
her. an action in progress at a specific time.
Past simple:
Suddenly I saw a car crash. = a)short
complete action.
Someone called the ambulance and the
police. They came after a few minutes. b) =
the actions followed one the other.
Scene 2: What were you doing you have your
arm in a plaster cast?
• How did it happen?
• What did you do?
Pokud se ptáme na detaily: c) When?/ Where?
How? Why? did it happen?
we use past simple
Použité zdroje a literatura:
obrázky staženy z www.google.cz/obrázky
http://i-base.info/ttfa/section-1/14-basic-organs-of-the-body/ www.woodwardenglish.com.