

List of author’s papers
• Martin Plesch, Jaroslav Novotný, Zuzana Dzuráková, Vladimı́r Bužek: Controlling bipartite entanglement in multi qubit systems, J. Phys. A 37, 1843 (2004).
• Jaroslav Novotný, Martin Štefaňák, Tamas Kiss, Igor Jex: Control of entanglement in
Ising-type networks with one and two excitations, J. Phys. A 38, 9087 (2005).
• Jaroslav Novotný, Gernot Alber, Igor Jex: Optimal copying of entangled two-qubit states,
Phys. Rev A 71, 042332 (2005).
• Jaroslav Novotný, Gernot Alber, Igor Jex: Completely positive covariant two-qubit quantum processes and optimal quantum NOT operations for entangled qubit pairs, Phys. Rev
A 73, 062311 (2006).
• Jaroslav Novotný, Gernot Alber, Igor Jex: Network implementation of covariant two-qubit
quantum operations, Phys. Rev. A 75, 042309 (2007).
• Jaroslav Novotný, Gernot Alber, Igor Jex: Random unitary dynamics of quantum networks, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 42, 282003 (2009).
• Jaroslav Novotný, Gernot Alber, Igor Jex: Asymptotic evolution of random unitary operations, Cent. Eur. J. Phys. 8, 1001 (2010).
• Jaroslav Novotný, Gernot Alber, Igor Jex: Asymptotic Dynamics of Qubit Networks under
Randomly Applied Controlled Unitary Transformations, NJP 13, 053052 (2011).
• Jaroslav Novotný, Gernot Alber, Igor Jex: Entanglement and Decoherence: Fragile and
Robust Entanglement, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107 Issue: 9, 090501 (2011).
• Bálint Kollár, Tamas Kiss, Jaroslav Novotný, Igor Jex: Asymptotic Dynamics of Coined
Quantum Walks on Percolation Graphs , Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, Issue: 23, 230505 (2012).
• Jaroslav Novotný, Gernot Alber, Igor Jex: Asymptotic properties of quantum Markov
chains, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 45, 485301 (2012).
• Bálint Kollár, Jaroslav Novotný, Tamas Kiss, Igor Jex: Percolation induced effects in
two-dimensional coined quantum walks: analytic asymptotic solutions, NJP 16(2) 023002
• Bálint Kollár, Jaroslav Novotný, Tamas Kiss, Igor Jex: Discrete time quantum walks on
percolation graphs, The European Physical Journal Plus, 129(5), 1-20 (2014).
• Jiřı́ Maryška, Jaroslav Novotný, Igor Jex: Dominant couplings in qubit networks with
controlled interactions, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 48 215301 (2015).
• S. Barkhofen, F. Elster, T. Nitsche, J. Novotný, A. Gábris, I. Jex, Ch. Silberhorn: Photonic quantum walk on finite graphs and with non-localized initial states, CONFERENCE
ON LASERS AND ELECTRO-OPTICS (CLEO) Book Series: Conference on Lasers and
Electro-Optics (2015).
• F. Elster, S. Barkhofen, T. Nitsche, J. Novotný, A. Gábris, I. Jex, Ch. Silberhorn: Quantum walk coherences on a dynamical percolation graph, Scientific Reports 5, 13495 (2015).
• Jaroslav Novotný, Gernot Alber, Igor Jex: Universality in random quantum networks,
Phys. Rev. A 92, Issue 6, 062335 (2015).
• Martin Štefaňák, Jaroslav Novotný, Igor Jex: Percolation assisted excitation transport in
discrete-time quantum walks, New J. Phys. 18, 023040 (2016).
• T. Nitsche, F. Elster, J. Novotný, A. Gábris, S. Barkhofen, I. Jex, Ch. Silberhorn: Quantum Walks with Dynamical Control: Graph Engineering, Initial State Preparation and
State Transfer, accepted in NJP (2016).

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