Obecná škola 23


Obecná škola 23
Fidler-not for commercial use
Obecná škola 23
(1) Písemné úkoly
Vyplňte. V závorkách napište gramatický či lexikální komentář, proč jste
napsal/a daný tvar.
Ve třídě
žáci: Pane učitel..., pane učitel....(
), dejte mi...
H: Dušička, Lerch!
Dušička, Lerch: Hurá, já to říkal!
ostatní: Jé...
dvojčata: Dobrý den.
H: Dobrý den, slečn....
jedno dvojče: Jestli chcete, vám t... sešit...(
) vezmem!
druhé: No, my ......(
) ......(
) klidně ponesem.
H: Ne, ne, ne, ne, ne, ne, děkuju, děvčata, mám tady na to spolehliv.... sluh...(
jedno dvojče: My nemáme co děláaat.
druhé: To je fáaakt. Nemáme co dělat stejně... Pane učiteliiii...
H: Tak, až příště, chlapc....(
Dvojčata: Hm!! To je dobře!
manželka tramvajisty: Igor...(
spolehlivý adj. reliable
sluha m. servant
mít co dělat - to have something to do
mít +question word (Wh-word) plus inf. makes a construction "to have
something/someone to...." e.g. mít čím psát - to have something to write with.
Odpovězte na otázky:
(1) Something bad happened because your friend didn't listen to your warning/advice.
Criticize him (“I told (you so)!”. (omit the helping verb)
(2) How would you express your boredom?
(3) Modify the structure in (2) and translate:
I don't have anyone to talk to (lit. to talk with)
I don't have anything to talk about.
(4) Express your agreement with your close friend.(use the construction "To je...")
(5) Your child wants you to buy icecream but you know he has just recovered from
stomach flu and shouldn't eat any dairy products. How would you avoid buying the
icecream? (in the sense of “later”)
Fidler-not for commercial use
Spisovná čeština - Standard Czech
Replace the colloquial forms in the text with the standard Czech forms.
Explain why you chose each form
follow formats of the types: "The form X should be Y because the word has Zgrammar function and the ending for this function for *-type noun is Y,"
"the word in standard Czech has the stem Z," or
"the the lexicon is colloquial; the standard Czech lexicon is Z")
My je vám vezmem a ponesem!
Edo, napiš tvoje dnešní dojmy ze školy.
(2) Ústní úkoly
(a) Based on what you know and what you see in this scene, describe Mr.Hnízdo as a
school inspector (školní inspektor). Use formal speech.
Read pp. 160-1 and use the following elements:
already - již
that - onen
whether - -li
být + I (např. Je studentem)
jelikož (=protože)
(b) What would Tramvajáková do? Discuss what she might do.
Use "mohla by +inf"
to denounce Mr. Hnízdo to the police (udat A na policii)
to call the police (zavolat na policii)
to complain about Hnízdo in the principal's office (stěžovat si na A u pana ředitele)
to recommend the principle to fire the teacher (recommend - doporučit; to fire - propustit)

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