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with Variables, Complete Rubrics
and Commentary
UUq.lhptU fO'wpq.uwUnlJUhunip
P-wgWUlpW4WU QWlhlnlwb"ntlp
Translated by
Revised Fifth Edition
<"f!Gq.lqmp;1J- SUJUlq.p,nquf!lG
tl.ap,UlpGGaUll al nUL1/. aUll
Unl'-r8 uurq.pu ~U8 bllbfl.bBp
,grJlUsn<vtlJ.lllJ.'"u q.JlSnf1.f{)'blJ.'"u 'o'lJ.f1.lJ.llflJ.'"u Q'"ullbrnf1.f{)'Jlf1.'"u
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ISBN 0 9509243 0 X
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May the Lord in His mercy
reckon her with the righteous in
His heavenly Kingdom
Analysis of the Divine Liturgy
The Divine Liturgy
Memorial Office
Midday Office
Variables of the Divine Liturgy
Brief Directorium with Sunday Lections of the
Midday Office
Ritual of the Divine Liturgy
Practices related to the Celebration of the Divine Liturgy
Vestments and Vessels used in. the Divine Liturgy
Brief Commentary
English translations of the Armenian Liturgy
The present translation of the Divine Liturgy of the Armenian Apostolic
Orthodox Church has been made from the 'Mystery-Book' printed in
Jerusalem in 1927 in accordance with the reading of the oldest texts under the
supervision of the late Armenian Patriarch ofJerusalem, Archbishop Eghishe
Durean (1860-1930).
The Armenian Liturgy has had several translations into English. Almost all
the previous translations are out of print. Some ofthem are incomplete, in that
they do not contain the celebrant's secret prayers. Others are printed together
with the liturgies of other churches and are intended for purposes of study by
liturgists. All of them are arranged in a manner which is confusing to the
reader, especially to those who try to use them for devotional purposes during
the performance of the Sacred Liturgy. Above all, none of them is wholly
satisfactory from the point ofview ofexactitude ofrendering. In this respect the
best among them are the works ofF. E. Brightman and ofF. Theodorus Isaac
In making the present translation great pains have been taken to render the
meaning ofthe Armenian text correctly and faithfully. We have not indulged in
free rendition. For psalms King James' Version ofthe Bible has been followed,
but only where it agrees with the Armenian Version which is a translation from
the Septuagint. Where the Authorized Version clearly differs from the
Septuagint, the Armenian reading has been preferred.
In one instance the Armenian text ofthe Liturgy has been corrected: the last
line of the Cherubicon, which is borrowed from the Greek Liturgy of St. John
Chrysostom, is devoid ofmeaning in the form in which it is ordinarily printed.
We have reconstructed the line, in conformity with the Greek original. For the
Armenian word, 'astuadsadsin ~ which is the familiar translation of the term
theotokos, we have used the phrase Mother-of-God, because ofthe wide use of
this latter title in the Western Church although theotokos could be translated
better as 'Godbearer'. In the Bidding for the Kiss ofPeace, in translating: 'and
have gone outside the doors, pray', we have followed the text of Nersessof
Lambron, by changing the place ofthe word 'and'. In the Prayer ofEpiclesis we
have rendered the word 'phokharkel~ changing, although literally it means
The words 'hagiody' and 'hagiologize' have been coined in this translation
to render the, Armenian words 'srbasatsut'iwn' and srbaban linel ~ both denoting
hymns of a special kind in which God's holiness is praised by singing 'holy'
thrice, on the example of angels in heaven. The words 'economy', 'economize'
have been used as literal translations of the word 'tnorinutiwn~ 'tnorinel~ or
'tntesef' (oikonomia in Greek), referring to the acts by which the Son subjected
Himself to the laws and conditions of this world.
All matter enclosed within brackets are insertions by the translator. These insertions in the text are: (a) headings of different parts ofthe Liturgy, based on
careful analysis; (b) rubrics which are in strict accordance with ceremonial
usages prevalent in Armenian churches, at the present time, particularly in
Jerusalem, and which, however, are not found in the texts we have used; (c)
words which are explanatory of the cryptic phrases of the rubrics in the
Armenian text.
All matter in the text which is not found in the 1927 Jerusalem edition
of the 'Mystery-Book', but is found either in the 'Hours-Book'
(Zhamagirq=Breviary) or in the 'Hymn-Book' (Tagharan), both printed and
used in Jerusalem, has been enclosed in parentheses. Rubrics or textual matter
from these books have been incorporated only when we have found these to be
well established in current usage. These are considerable and in some cases
important, although apparently later additions to the Liturgy.
The preponderant majority ofthe titles ofthe different parts and items ofthe
Liturgy are well known and commonly accepted by liturgists. We have
however found necessary to give titles of our own choosing to some items in
order to make the Table of Analysis complete.
The broad outline ofthe briefcommentary on the Divine Liturgy, containing
some eucharistic doctrine is based on the text ofthe Liturgy, on historical data
and especially on the commentaries of Xosrov of Andzev (950 A.D.) and of
Nersess of Lambron (1177 A.D.). Only some of the minor points in this brief
commentary constitute our own opinions.
We are indebted to Revd Dr. V. Nersessian for his assistance with the editing
and production of this edition.
The Analysis of
the Divine Liturgy
The Hymn of Vesting (0 Mystery deep
). The Bidding for Mercy (Let us request ... ).
The Psalm of Vesting (Let thy priests
). The Prayer of Vesting (0 Jesus Christ ... ). The
Prayers over the Vestments (Put, 0 Lord ... ).
The Lavabo (I will wash ... ). The Bidding for Intercession (Let us make the Holy
Mother ... ). The Prayer of Intercession (Receive 0 Lord our supplications ... ). Confession (I confess before God ... ). The Prayers for Forgiveness (May God the
Almighty ... ).
The First Psalm ofEntrance (Cry unto the Lord ... ). The Bidding ofthe Church (Through
the Holy Church ... ). The Prayer in the Temple (In the midst of.this t~mple ... ). The
Second Psalm of Entrance (I will go in before the altar ... ). The Litany In the Sanctuary
(Let us bless the Father ... ). The Prayer in the Sanctuary (In this dwelling. o.f
holiness ... ). Chant before the Melody (Chosen ofGod ... ). The Prayers to the Holy Spzrzt
(Almighty, beneficent ... ).
The Melody (According to the proper of the day). The Words of the Prothesis (Remembrance
ofour Lord ... ). The Prayer of the Prothesis (0 Lord our God ... ). The Psalm of the Prothesis (The Lord reigneth ... ). The Words of the Annunciation (The Holy Spirit shall
come ... ).
The Hymn of Censing (In this sanctuary of votive ... ). The Prayer of Censing (I offer
incense ... ). Hymn of the Church (Rejoice exceedingly ... ).
The Blessing ofthe Enarxis (Blessed be the Kingdom ... ). The Monogenes ~Only-~egotten
Son ... ). The Introit (According to the proper ofthe day). The Prayer ofthe fmt Antlphon (0
Lord our God whose power ... ). The Midday Responsory (According to the proper of the
day). The Midday Chant (According to the proper of the day). The Prayer of the Second
Antiphon (0 Lord our God, save .. ;). The Prayer of the Third Antiphon (0 thou that hast
taught ... ).
The Prayer of the Lesser Entrance (0 Lord our God who hast ... ). The Trisagion (Holy
God, holy and mighty ... ). The Prayer of the Trisagion (0 God the holy one ... ). The
Great Litany of the Synaxis (For the peace ofthe whole world ... ). The Prayer with Open
Arms (0 Lord our God, accept. .. ).
C2g. THE ELE VATION. The Hymn ofElevation (One is holy ... ). The Prayer ofElevation (Look down from heaven ... ).
C2h. THE DOXOLOGY. The Blessing of the Holy Trinity (Blessed art thou holy
Father ... )~ The Hymn of the Doxology (Holy is the Father ... ).
B4. THE LECTIONS (According to the proper of the day)
The Midday Psalm. The Prophet. The Messedi (Prokimenon). The Apostle. The Alleluia.
The Gospel.
The Creed (We believe in one God ... ). The Anathema (As for those who say ... ). The
Doxology after the Creed (As for us, we shall glorify ... ).
The Litany after the Lections (Again in faith let us beseech ... ). The Prayers after the Lec~
tions (Our Lord and Saviour Jesus ... ). The Blessing of Dismissal ofthe Synaxis (May the
Lord God bless ... ).
CIa. THE GREAT ENTRANCE. The Dismissal of the Catechumens (Let none of the
catechumens ... ). The Hymn of the Great Entrance (The body of the Lord ...). The
Prayer of the Great Entrance (None ofus that are bound ... ). The Bidding of the Hagiody
(Sing psalms unto the Lord ... ). The Hagiody (According to the proper of the day). The
Responsory before the Cherubicon (In the sun has he set ... ). The Cherubicon (We represent
the cherubim ... ). The Responsory of the Great Entrance (Lift up your gates ... ).
CI b. THE LA YING OF THE GIFTS. The Litany of the Offertory (Again in faith and
purity ... ). The Prayer of the Offertory (Lord God of hosts ... ).
Clc. THE KISS OF PEACE. The Greeting (Peace unto all). The Bidding of the Kiss of
Peace (Greet ye one another ... ). The Hymn ofthe Kiss ofPeace (Christ in our midst ... ).
C2a. THE PROLOGUE. The Responsory of the Prologue (Ye who stand with faith ... ).
The Responsory of the Anaphora (Let us stand in awe ... ). The Preface (It is verily meet
and right ... ). The Hymn of the Preface (And we offer unto thee ... ).
C2b. THE ANAMNESIS. The Sanctus (Holy, holy, holy ... ). The Remembrance (Holy,
holy, holy art thou ... ). Hymn to the Father (Heavenly Father who didst ... ). The Hymn
of Praise (In all things blessed art ... ). The Prayer of Humble Access (We do verily praise
thee ... ).
C2c. THE EPICLESIS. The Hymn to the Son (Son of God ... ). The Prayer of the
Epiclesis (We bow down and beseech ... ).
C2d. THE DIPTYCHS. The Hymn to the Holy Spirit (Spirit ofGod ... ). The Litany of
General Intercessions (Of the holy apostles ... ). The Prayer of General Intercessions
(Through this grant love ... ). The Litany of Special Intercessions (Thanksgiving and
glory ... ). The Prayer of Special Intercessions (Be mindful, Lord ... ).
C2e. THE LORD'S PRA YER. The Litany of the Lord's Prayer (By all the saints ... ).
The Prayer of the Paternal Name (0 God of Truth
). The Dominical Prayer (Our
Father ... ). The Embolis (Lord of lords, God of gods
C2f. THE INCLINA TION. The Prayer of Inclination (0 Holy Spirit, who art...).
C3a. THE INTINCTION. The Prayer of Intinction (0 Lord our God, thou hast ... ).
The Exhortation to Communion (In holiness let us taste ... ).
C3b. THE FRACTION. The Biddingfor Psalmody (Sing psalms unto the Lord ... ). The
Prayer of Fraction (What blessing and what thanksgiving ... ).
C4a. THE PRA YERS BEFORE COMMUNION. The Hymn of Communion (Christ
the sacrifice ... ). The Prayers of Communion (Holy Father who hast
C4b. THE TASTING. The Prayer ofthe Tasting (In faith do I believe
). The Hymn of
Communion (0 thou who didst prepare ... ). The Prayer after Communion (Save thy
people 0 Lord ... ).
C4c. THE THANKSGIVING. The Hymn of Glory (We have been filled ... ). The Bidding of Thanksgiving (Having received again ... ). The Hymn of Thanksgiving (We give
thanks to thee ... ). The Prayers of Thanksgiving (We thank thee 0 Father ... ).
The Prayer of Saint Chrysostom (0 Lord that blessest them ... ). The Prayer of Completion (Thou art the· perfection ... ).
The Gospel according to John (In the beginning ... ). The Bidding ofthe Cross (By the holy
Cross ... ). The Prayer of the Cross (Guard us, 0 Christ ... ).
The Anthem of Dismissal (I will bless the Lord ... ). The Blessing of Dismissal (Be ye
blessed ... ). The Psalm of Dismissal (My soul shall make its boast ... ).
The Words of Institution
And while they were eating, Jesus took bread, blessed, and broke it, and gave it
to the disciples, and said, "Take, eat; this is my body". And he took the cup,
gave thanks, and offered it to them, saying, "Drink ofit, all ofyou; for this is my
blood of the new covenant, which is poured out for many, for the remission of
sins. But 1say to you, from now on 1shall not drink again ofthe fruit ofthe vine,
until that day when 1 will drink it anew with you in my Father's kingdom".
(Matthew 26:26-29)
And while they were eating, Jesus took bread, blessed, and broke it, and gave it
to them, saying, "Take, this is my body". Then he took the cup, gave thanks,
and offered it to them, and they all drank ofit; and he said to them, "This is my
blood ofthe new covenant, which is poured out for many. Truly 1 say to you, 1
will not drink anymore of the fruit of the vine, until that day when 1 will
drink it anew in the kingdom of God". (Mark 14:22-25)
And taking the cup, he gave thanks, and said, "Take this and divide it among
yourselves. 1 say to you that henceforth 1 will not drink of the fruit of the vine,
until the kingdom of God comes." And he took bread, gave thanks, broke it,
and gave it to them, saying, "This is my body, which is given for many; do this
in remembrance of me". Likewise he took the cup after the supper, and said,
"This cup is the new covenant in my blood poured out for you". (Luke
The Lord Jesus, in the night in which he was betrayed, took bread, gave thanks,
broke it, and said, "This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance
ofme". Likewise he took also the cup after supper, and said, "This cup is the
new covenant in my blood; drink it, in remembrance ofme". As often as you eat
this bread, and drink this cup, proclaim the Lord's death, until he comes. (1
Corinthians 11 :20-26)
(Text in conformity with the Armenian version of the N.T .)
Title page of St. John's Gospel, Havowtstha;(;ospels, A.D. 1214.
urqUublns UflIUU
[U. .
f1) U.S r U.USn}1. fcl' p }1.U
1· 9.CJ.l;USllJ1.flPflJ1.U'L]
BnTlduuJ qwujl,gjl, -Rwfiwliwlli U/wmwTlwq. uwmnzgwliaz, U/wTlmp, wluU/tu
funTlfiTlTJ-wpwTl qq.aumwmTljl,z:U'mgt lWzwliTJ-wmnzlili, fiwliTJ-aTla UWTlqwzwq.O]2, nzTl qq.aum]2li ali '1JwmwTlwq/lli, az qq.agawz U/w2molitjl,gli l':um jl,zTlw]2wlilftzTl wumflliwlijl" WU/W wuwugali.[Uuuzunu ~tu{iTJ.hf!aft]
The Divine Liturgy
The canon of the Ministration
of the Church
When the Priest wishes to offer the Sacrzfice he shall put on vestments mystically
in this wise: Together with the Deacons he shall go into the vestry where the
vestments for the Liturgy are kept. Then the Servers having put on their vestments
everyone according to his rank shall say:
lignzTlTJ-. -fwhwGwJf fn qqhggr G qWP!lwpnLp-rLG hL unLppf fn gG~lml
ePnfu. Br2 hw , Sl::p, qf).wLrp-, hL qwtfhGwJG hhqnLp-rLG Gnpw:
npUIl::u hpq.nLwL mhwnG· hL nLlumu hq. UumnL~nJ BwqnpwJ'
ra-l:: nl tfmrg r Jwpqu mwG rtfnJ' p-l:: hlrg JwGqnqrGu tfwhfiwg rtfng.
ra-l:: mwg fnLG wlwg rtfng qwtf GrGf wpmhLwGwGg rtfng qwtf hwGqrumrpwGwGg rtfng. tfrGl hL qmrg qmhqr Jwpqr mhwnG UumnL~nJ BwqnpwJ:
Uhw InLwf qGtfwGl:: Jbt}tpwp-wJ' hL qmwf qGw r q.w2mu tfwJphwg:
lfmgnLf r Jwpqu Gnpw. hpqrpUIwqgnLf r mhqLnf nLp qw9hwl hG nmf
Upr', Sl::'p, r hwGqr um fn· q.nL hL mWUIwGwq qmwqr uppnLp-hwG fn:
bprgnLGf fn qqhggrG qwpq.wpnLp-rLG. hL unLppf fn gG~lml
[The Psalm of Vesting] Ps. 132
V. Let thy priests be clothed with righteousness; and let thy saints shout
for joy.
R. Lord, remember David and all his meekness.
How he sware unto the Lord; and vowed unto the God of Jacob.
Surely I will not enter into the tabernacle of my house; nor go up into my
I will not give sleep to mine eyes; or slumber to mine eyelids, nor rest to my
temples, until I find the place for the temple of the Lord God of Jacob.
Lo, we heard ofthe same at Ephratah; we found it in the field ofthe cedars.
We will go into his tabernacles; we will worship at his footstool.
Arise, 0 Lord, into thy resting place; thou and the ark of thy holiness.
Let thy priests be clothed with righteousness; and let thy saints shout for
fIIUSU ru (HllJUS nB8
1.}.UlUG ~UlLP-P. up.phlLnJ £n- l1'p.' I}-Ulp6.nLgUlGhp qhphuu £n Jo~hlnJ
bpI}-nLUlL Stp ~UlLP-P. G2l1'UlpmnLp-hUll1'p hL n~ umhUlg Gl1'Ul- p. UJ.mqnJ
npnqUlJGp. GnpUl GumnLgUlGhl JUlp-nn Gnpw:
fil'tUJ.whhughG npI}-p.£ £n qoptGu p.u - bL q~4wJm p-lnGu p.u qnp nLunLgp.g
npI}-p.£ Gngw Gumgp.G JUlLp.mhwGu JWLp.mbGp.g Jwp-nn £n:
i,WGhgWL Stp }!GI}- Up.nG bL }!Gmpbwg pGw4P.l p. Gl1'w - wut - w'Ju t pl1' JWLpmbwGu JWLpmbGpg, p ul1'w pGwqbgwJg qr hwGbgwJ
}!Gq uw:
~wJPpu unpw ophGblntl ophGbgpg. bL qwq£wmu unpw WnLgpg hwgpL:
bprgUlGg unpw qqbgnLgpg qtPpqnLp-p.LG- bL unLpp£ unpw gG~lnq
For thy servant David's sake, turn not away thy face from thine anointed.
The Lord has sworn in truth unto David, and has not turned from him; of
the fruit of his loins will he set upon his throne.
If thy children will keep my covenant, and my testimony that I shall teach
Their children shall also sit upon thy throne for evermore.
. For ~h~ Lord has chosen Sion, and he has desired it for his habitation, saymg: ThIs IS my rest for ever, here will I dwell, for I have pleasure therein.
I will abundantly bless her provision; and I will satisfy her poor with bread.
I will also clothe her priests with salvation; and her saints shall shout for joy.
There will I make the horn ofDavid to bud; I have ordained a lamp for mine
His enemies will I clothe with shame; but upon himself shall my holiness
Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit;
Now and always and unto ages of ages. Amen.
UGq ~qbgpg bq~pLp P ~WLPP-' UJ.wmpwum wpwppg qupwq o~blnJ
fil'2GUll1'bwg unpw qqbgnLgpg qwl1'op-. bL r qbpwJ Gnpw ~qqbugp.
uppnLp-pLG pl1':
¢lUlnf' ""op bL npqLnJ bL i,nqLnJG UppnJ'
UJd-l1' bL l1'p2Ul bL JWLpmbwGu JWLrmbGpg: UutG:
VZ puqmqlwgt UuqtqUUutq1i.
bL bLU luUlqwqnLp-bwG qStp wqw~bugnL£:
]UGI}-pbugnd' hWLUlmnq l1'pwpwGnLp-bwl1'p p SbwnGl::. qr qn'lnpunLp-bwG
q2Gnphu pLp UlpWUgt P qbpwJ l1'bp:
UubGw4wl Sl::p UumnLW~ l1'bp 4bgnLugt bL n'lnpubugp:
And the Deacon shall proclaim:
[The Bidding for Mercy
Again in peace let us beseech the Lord.
Let us ask of the Lord in faith with one accord that he may bestow upon us
the grace of his mercy.
May the almighty Lord our God save us and have mercy upon us.
And they shall say twelve times:
Lord, have mercy.
Gz utUutug"ttG "ttrtqnmutuutG utGq.utu.
The private prayer of the celebrant Priest before vesting:
Stp nqnpubw:
lJ.11.0ptp utnutGiiGutqutG
.fJ.utfiutGutJpG, Jutnut£ putG qqq."ttumut-
np qqb9bwl bu qlnJu npUJ.tu hwGI}-bp6 Sl::p ubp 8punLu ~ppumnu,
wGuwnblp.lunGwphnLp-bwl1'p Jbpqpp. bpbLbgwp bL }!Gq uwpq4 wG 2P~bgwp­
np bqbp £ JWLhmbGpg }!um qUlpqpGlfblf'pubqb4P bL qwpqwphghp qbqbqbgp £n unLpp:
St'p UluhGwqwb np UJ.WpqbLbgbp ubq qGnJG qbpqGwJpG hwGqbp6
qqbGnLl' wpd-wGp' wpw bL qru p d-wl1'nLu JWJul1'p.q, qwGUJ.rUlwG ~nwJu
tn, np hWl1'Ulp6.UlqpU bL l1'bp6.bGwl1' p GnJG hnqbLnp UJ.W2UlOG tPwnwg £ng,
npUJ.tu qp. qwl1'bGwJG wl1'pwp2mnLp-rLGu ubp4 wgwJ9, np l:: hwGqbp6.
UJ.q~nLp-hUlG, bL qUlpqwpbgwJg InLunq £nq: CGqbw' JpGtG q~wppu pl1' bLt
[ The Prayer of Vesting 1
. 0 Jesus Christ our Lord who art clothed with light as with a garment, thou
dIdst appear upon earth in unspeakable humility and didst walk with men.
Thou hast become eternal high-priest after the order of Me1chizedek and hast
adorned thy holy church.
o Lord almighty who hast granted us to put on the same heavenly garment,
make me, thine unprofitable servant, also worthy at this hour when I make bold
to approach the same spiritual service ofthy glory, so that I may divest myselfof
all ungodliness which is a garment of defilement, and that I may be adorned
with thy light. Cast away my wickedness from me and shake me out ofmy transgressions that I may be made worthy of the light prepared by thee in the world
to come.
41Iusuruq.urrusn 88
p-op-ullphw' qJwllgwllu Ini', npU{tu qp hlltg hwllq.hpnhwllnLunJq.
wn p £tll:
ollnphhw' plln £whwllwJwqwll 1}1wno£ uUlwllhl p u{W2UlOll uppnLp-hwllg
£ng ellq. WJ llnupq' np£ wlluhllnLp-hwup U{whhgpll qU{wUlnLppwllu £n. qp
hL hu U{WUlpWUUl q.UlWJg hpqllwLllp wnWq.WUUlpq. ellq. puwuUlnLll qnLuwllull
1}1wnwLnphl q£hq, ~ppuUln/u, np pwpnhp quhllu wuhllhgnLll: Rp q.nL hu
uppnLp-pLll wllnwllg uhpng hL £hq pwphpwppq. UUUlnL~nJ qWJhlt 1}1wn£ ,
P2luwllnLp-pLll hL U{WUlpL, wJuu hL up2Ul hL JWLPUlhwllu JWLPUlhllpg:
01 uwmnlgliuq UWfLZ,W1Wq.nllipli' qq.lignluglili liuw qliwliTJ.lifLiiuli wuliznt/..
bL hLU luwllwllnLp-hwll qStp wllw~hugnL£.
Cllqwb qhgn hL nllnpuhw:
OphllnLp-pLll hL 1}1wn£ ~op hL npq.LllJhL
hL JWLPUlhwllu JWLPUlhllpg: Uutll:
[l},'10 fUP
UppnJ, WJUU hL up2 Ul
Grant me to enter with priestly glory upon the ministry of thy holy things
together with those who have kept thy commandments innocently, so that I also
may be found prepared for the heavenly nuptial chamber with the wise virgins
to glorify thee, 0 Christ, who didst bear the sins ofall. For thou art the holiness
of our souls and unto thee, 0 beneficent God, befits glory, dominion and
honour, now and always and unto ages of ages. Amen.
[The Prayers over the Vestments]
And the Deacon shall draw near and shall robe the Celebrant with the vestments,
saying [before each vestment]:
Again in peace let us beseech the Lord:
Receive, save and have mercy.
The Priest:
Blessing and glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now
and always and unto ages of ages. Amen.
1J.aTlw,J nw, u1J.aTliif!g]
li1 Jlim OfLlilinrfUliwli' TJ.jI,gt Jwnw~ q}unJfLli jI, q.Znl}uli li1 wuwugt.
fl.p/p, St/p, UWIlWLWPUl 1}1pqnLp-hwll p q.lnLIu pu U{wUlhpwquhl ellq. qopnLp-pLllu P-2llwULllJ ll, 2llnpho£ Shwnll uhpnJ 8punLup -¥ppuUlnup, npnLu
qWJhlt 1}1wn£, P2luwllnLp-pLll hL U{WUlpL, WJd-u hL up2Ul hL JWLPUlhwllu
JWLPUlhllpg: Uutll:
A nd after the blessing, he shallfirst put the crown [khoyr] upon his head, saying:
Put, 0 Lord, upon my head the helmet of salvation to fight against the
powers of the enemy, by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ unto whom befits
glory, dominion and honour, now and always for ever and unto ages of ages.
Rq.hgn' plln, St/p, hwllq.hpn 1}1pqnLp-hwll hL U{wUlundiwll nLpwlunLp-hwG,
hL 2nLPf U{wUlhw' qqq.huUlnqu 1}1pqnLp-hwll. 2llnpho£ Shwnll uhpnJ
8punLup ~ppuUlnup, li1WJlli:
For the alb [or sticharion, shapikl:
Clothe me, 0 Lord, with the garment of salvation and with a robe of
gladness, and gird me with this vestment ofsalvation, by the grace ofour Lord
Jesus Christ, etc.
Rq.hgn / , St'p, U{wpwllngp punJ qwpq.wpnLp-pLll hL upphw' quppUl
pu JwuhllwJll wllUlhllnLp-hllt uhllwg. 2llnpho£ Shwnll uhpnJ 8punLup
~ppuUlnup, li1WJlli:
For the stole [or epitrachelion, phorourar]:
Clothe my neck, 0 Lord, with righteousness and cleanse my heart from all
filthiness of sin, by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, etc.
onLpf U{wUlhugt qwuwp hWLwUlnJ qutf UpUlp punJ hL UUlwgU hL
2PfnLugt p ungwllt qlunphnLpq.u wllUlhllpu hL qopnLp-pLll 2llnphwg £ng
JwuhllwJll d-wu pllwqhugp p unuw· 2llnpho£ Shwnll uhpnJ 8punLup
~ppuUlnup, li1WJlli:
For the cincture [or zone, gotzl:
May the girdle offaith encircle me round about my heart and my mind and
quench vile thoughts out ofthem and may the power ofthy grace abide in them
at all times, by the grace, etc.
fl)usuru (HUrUS 088
1.J..wuU fl-WLP-lt ultphlLnJ £n- ll'lt' q.wp6.nLgwUhp qhphuu £n Jo~hlnJ
bpq.nLwL Stp fl-WLP-lt U21l'WpulDLp-hwll'p hL n~ umhwg Ull'w - It lllmqnJ
npml.wJ Ult Unpw UumnLgwUhl Jwp-nn Unpw:
ra-tlllwhhughU£ £n qoptUu ltll' - bL q~4wJm p-lllGu ltll' qnp nLunLg~g
Ungw:£ Ungw UumgltU JWLltmbwUu JWL~mhU~g Jwp-nn £n:
l,WUhgWL Stp {!Uq. UltnU hL {!Umphwg pGw4ltl ~ Gll'w- wut- w/Ju I::
hwUqltum ltu JWL~mhwUu JWL~mbGltg, r uuw p Gw 4 b gwJg q~ hwfibgwJ
{!Uq uw:
~wJP~u unpw ophUbln~ ophGbg~g- bL qwq£wmu unpw 19nLg~g hwgr L:
bprgwUg unpw qqhgnLgrg ql}1p4nLp-rLU - hL unLpp£ unpw gU~lml.
For thy servant David's sake, turn not away thy face from thine anointed.
The Lord has sworn in truth unto David, and has not turned from him; of
the fruit of his loins will he set upon his throne.
If thy children will keep my covenant, and my testimony that I shall teach
Their children shall also sit upon thy throne for evermore.
. For ~h~ Lord has chosen Sion, and he has desired it for his habitation, saymg: ThIs IS my rest for ever, here will I dwell, for I have pleasure therein.
I will abundantly bless her provision; and I will satisfy her poor with bread.
I will also clothe her priests with salvation; and her saints shall shout for joy.
There will I make the horn ofDavid to bud; I have ordained a lamp for mine
His enemies will I clothe with shame; but upon himself shall my holiness
Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit;
Now and always and unto ages of ages. Amen.
UUq ~qbgrg hq~rLp r fl-wLrr-' lllwmpwum wpwprg qfipwq o~blnJ
ra-2Gwll'hwg unpw qqbgnLgrg qwll'or-' bL r ~bpwJ Gnpw ~q4bugr
uppnLp-lt LG r u :
clJwnf' ""op bL Opq.LnJ bL l,nqLnJG UppnJUJrru bL ur2m bL JWL~mbwGu JWL~mbUrg: Ull'I::G:
Dz Jluqmqlmgt. UWl',lfwzwq.£i.
bL bLU luwqwqnLp-bwG qStp wqw~bugnL£:
luUqpbugnLf' hWLwmn~ ll'rwpwGnLp-bwll'p r SbwnGI::. qr qnfJnpunLr-bwG
q2 Gn phu rLp wpwugl:: r ~bpwJ ll'bp:
Ull'bUw4wl Stp UumnLw~ ubp 4bgnLugt hL nfJnpubugr:
And the Deacon shall proclaim:
[The Bidding for Mercy I
Again in peace let us beseech the Lord.
Let us ask of the Lord in faith with one accord that he may bestow upon us
the grace of his mercy.
May the almighty Lord our God save us and have mercy upon us.
And they shall say twelve times:
Lord, have mercy.
UZ wuwugau al1lfnmwuwu wuq.wu.
Stp nqnpll'bw:
lJ.T/.0JUP wnwuduwlfwu UfWlnwr-wqjtl .f!.wfiwuwlftu, lwnw£ pwu qqq.aulnw-
znr-az u.
np qqb9bwl bu qlnJu npllll::u hwUq.hp6 Sl::p ubp 8runLu f-pr umnu ,
wGfiwnblr lunUwphnLp-bwll'p Jhp4plt hphLbgwp bL {!Uq uwpq4 wG 2P~bgwp­
np hqhp £whwUwJwtqbm JWLhmhGrg {!um 4wpqrG lfbl£rubqb4r bL qwpq.wphghp qb4bqhgr f'n unLpp:
Sl::/p wll'bUw4wb np tqwpqbLbgbp ubq qUnJU qbp4GwJrG hwUqbp6
qqhUnLl' Wp<twG~1 wpw bL q~u r <twll'nLu JWJull'r4, qwGtqr mwG ~nwJu
tn, np hwll'wp6w4rll' bL ll'bp6bGwll' r UnJG hnqbLnp tqw2moG q.wnwg £ng,
npllltu qlt qwll'bGwJU wll'pwp2mnLr-rLGu ubp4 wgwJg, np t hwUq.hp6
lllq~nLp-hwU, bL qwpqwpbgwJg InLun~ £n~: CG4bwi JrGI::G q~wpru rll' bLt
The private prayer of the celebrant Priest before vesting:
[ The Prayer of Vesting 1
. 0 Jesus Christ our Lord who art clothed with light as with a garment, thou
dldst appear upon earth in unspeakable humility and didst walk with men.
Thou hast become eternal high-priest after the order of Me1chizedek and hast
adorned thy holy church.
o Lord almighty who hast granted us to put on the same heavenly garment,
make me, thine unprofitable servant, also worthy at this hour when I make bold
to approach the same spiritual service ofthy glory, so that I may divest myselfof
all ungodliness which is a garment of defilement, and that I may be adorned
with thy light. Cast away my wickedness from me and shake me out ofmy transgressions that I may be made worthy of the light prepared by thee in the world
to come.
JH>~Wl}1hW' qJwGgwGu ru, npUJ.1:u qr wpchuGr bq1:g hwGqhpo.bwllnl.-unJIl
Grant me to enter with priestly glory upon the ministry of thy holy things
together with those who have kept thy commandments innocently, so that I also
may be found prepared for the heavenly nuptial chamber with the wise virgins
to glorify thee, 0 Christ, who didst bear the sins ofall. For thou art the holiness
of our souls and unto thee, 0 beneficent God, befits glory, dominion and
honour, now and always and unto ages of ages. Amen.
wn r £1:G:
tJGnphhw' rGo. £whwGwJwqwG l}1wno£ umwGbl r UJ.w2moG uppnl.-~hwGg
£ng {!GIl wJGnurq' np£ wGuhqnl.-~hwup UJ.whhgr G qUJ.wmnl.-rpwGu £n· qr
hl.- hu UJ.wmpwum qmwJg hpqGWLllp wnwqwumrll{!GIl rUwumnl.-G qnl.-uwGuG
l}1wnwLllph l q£hq, 'fprumn/u, np pwpo.hp quhqu wuhGhgnl.-G: ~r Iln l.- hu
Uppnl.-~rLG wGo.wGg uhpng hL £hq pwphpwprll U.UmnL~nJ tlwJ h l1: l}1wn£ ,
r2IuwGnL~rLG hL UJ.WmrL, WJUU hL ur2m hL JWLrmhwGu JWLrmhGrg:
UZ uwmnzglw.q UWfLZ,wzwqRZU12U' qq.agnzugau uuw qnwUTJ.afLaUU wuaznt[.
bl.- hLU Iuwqwqnl.-~hwG qSl::p wqw~hugnl.-£.
CGqwb qhgn hL nqnpuhw:
OphGnL~rLG hL l}1wn£ !"op hL npllLllJ hL !"nqLllJG UppnJ, wJlhf hl.- ur2 m
hL JWLrmhwUu JWLrmhUrg: u.ul::G:
[ The Prayers over the Vestments]
And the Deacon shall draw near and shall robe the Celebrant with the vestments,
saying [before each vestment]:
Again in peace let us beseech the Lord:
Receive, save and have mercy.
The Priest:
Blessing and glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now
and always and unto ages of ages. Amen.
[U,1l0TUP fi 1/.ttpwJ fiwG1J.ttpiifig]
az lam ofLnunzruawu' TJ./lgt lwnw£ qlunlfLu
q.znzluu az wuwugt.
'l-r/p, Sl::/ p , uwqwLwpm l}1pqnL~hwG r qlnl.-Iu r u UJ.wmhpwquhl {!GIl qopnL~rLUU ~2GWULllJG, 2Gnpho£ ShwnG uhpnJ SrunLUr ~prumnur, npnLu
tlwJhll:: l}1wn£, r2IuwGnl.-~rLG hL UJ.wmrl.-, wJlhf hL ur2 m hl.- JWLrmhwGu
JWLr mh Grg: u.ul::G:
Ow U/ Z,/lu .
Rqhgn' rUo., Sl::/p, hwGq.hpo. l}1pqnL~hwG hL UJ.wmundiwG nLpwIunL~hw(l,
bL 2nLp~ UJ.wmhw' qqqbumntlu l}1pqnL~hwG. 2Gn pho£ ShwnG uhpnJ
SrunLUr 'fprumnur, azwllu:
A nd after the blessing, he shallfirst put the crown [khoyr] upon his head, saying:
Put, 0 Lord, upon my head the helmet of salvation to fight against the
powers of the enemy, by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ unto whom befits
glory, dominion and honour, now and always for ever and unto ages of ages.
For the alb [or sticharion, shapikl:
Clothe me, 0 Lord, with the garment of salvation and with a robe of
gladness, and gird me with this vestment ofsalvation, by the grace ofour Lord
Jesus Christ, etc.
Rqhgn/ , Sl::/ p , UJ.wpwGngr runJ qwpq.wpnL~rLG hL upphw' qurpm
r u JwubGwJ U wqmbqnL~hGl:: uhqwg. 2Gnpho£ ShwnG uhpnJ Srunl.-Ur
'fprumnur, azwllU:
For the stole [or epitrachelion, phorourar]:
Clothe my neck, 0 Lord, with righteousness and cleanse my heart from all
filthiness of sin, by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, etc.
tJnLp~ UJ.wmhugl:: qwuwp hWLwmnJ qul::~ upmr runJ hL umwgu hL
2r~nLugl:: r ungwGl:: qIunphnLpq.u wqmbqr u hL qopnL~rLG 2Gnphwg £ng
JwubGwJU UWU pGwqhugr r unuw· 2Gnpho£ ShwnG uhpnJ SrunLUr
'fprumnur, azwllu:
For the cincture [or zone, got11:
May the girdle offaith encircle me round about my heart and my mind and
quench vile thoughts out ofthem and may the power ofthy grace abide in them
at all times, by the grace, etc.
U£ 1/111u wfiliwlj pwqUfwG/lG.
Sn/Lp, srp, qopnLF-p.LG w~nJ (ljwu uwlunJ) uhnp.G p.tfnJ lnLW qwtfhGwJG wqmhqnLp-p.LGu, npU}l::u qp. lJmpnq uU}wuwLnphl fhq
wGwlumnLp-hwtfp hnqLnJ hL tfwptfGnJ' 2Gnphof ShwnG tfhpnJ, lizwJlG:
For the maniple [or epimanikia, bazpanJ on the right (and left) hand:
Give strength, 0 Lord, to my right (or left) hand and wash all my filthiness,
that I may be able to serve thee in health of soul and body, by the grace of our
Lord, etc.
For the amice [or ephod or super-humeral, vakasJ:
Qqbgn / , Sl::/ p , UJ.wpwGngp. p.tfnJ qwpI}-WpnLp-p.LG, hL upphw
p.u JuufhGwJG wqmbqnLp-hG~ uhqwg. 2Gnphof ShwnG uhpnJ 8p.unLup
~ppumnup, hzwJlG:
Clothe my neck, 0 Lord, with righteousness and cleanse my heart from all
filthiness of sin, by the grace, etc.
For the cope [or phelonion, shurdjar]:
uwljmp;m}1G' nll 1:: Gnzll£wn.
S~/p, nqnpunLp-bwup fml qqbgn' pGo. qqbum UJ.wJ~n hL U}wpuUJ.hw'
eGI}-I}-hf Gbpqnp~nLp-hwG ~wppG, qp wpd-w.Gp bq~g t}twnwLnphl qfn t}twnWl.npbwl wGnl.GI}-o 2Gnpho£ SbwnG uhpnJ 8punLup., lizwJlG:
Slim qQ-humwznllhznj ullpwqutG qQ-liumnzpG, wuwug1::.
8G~ug~ wGo.G pu P S~p, qp qqbgnJg pGo. hwGI}-hpo. t}tpqnLp-hwG
bl. UJ.wmundiwG nLpwlunLp-bwG: rpphL t}tbuwJp hI}- pGa. U}uwq bL npUJ.~u qhwpuG qwpI}-nL qwpI}-wpbwg qpu o 2Gnpho£ ShwnG uhpnJ 8punLup
'P-ppumnup, lizwllG:
fO' w 2q/lGwq/lu.
Uppbw', S~'p, qo.bnu pu JwubGwJ G wqmhqnLp-hGl:: uhqwg. 2Gnpho£
SbwnG ubpnJ 8punLup, lizwllu:
[UfU1:: !unllnWl-w{mzu .f).wfiwuwj z/lu/lg/l, q W ll ofU u UllpnjG q.ll/lQ-nll/l UWllliqwgznjU 'wn UnzllP ~nQ-/lu jWjUU mlillzn£ wuwug1::,
(GwllwqwG fiwuTJ.lilla/l, jnlldtuu qQ-liunz .f).wnwuwjG).
[GUq1UlZ,tuu fituu1j-liflii/l]
lunl'~nLI"t funl'"t, Ult~UJU, UltUft"qpt, nl' 'iUll''fUIl'bSbl' 'i"- bl'"t
Ufbumtjl"Lt'f" JUlIUUIfUlUUl UltJUlUlnJS lnLunJt, 'fbl'UlUfUlt~PUlTZ-O.p 'i'fUI uu
lJ.t&.UlIUU~l'Ull. 'i0l'ntjlbUlJp uUlb'Z~bl' 'ilJ.'fUIJ, UfUlUlftbl' Ul"l'UlftUlt, bL
tUl'lby, PUlTZ-O.p 'l'fbuUlUlLnl'bsbl' " 'fl'UlfuUlt lJ.'f bt", Ulb'Z" pbl'ftl'UltUlS:
fJWl'l..Wl'UltO.p .pn unLl'p U"w~t,,'f tnl'n'fbSUlt UIl'UIl'UI~.p UlJbtUlJt .bL
"-bl'UUl,,t JWl''ft UltJUI~w9wL, 'lUll''fUIl'bUll'' 'l'f bUUl Ultftn'ZnUfUlby,:
lJ.tJ.l'bLUl~"t pUlJWft ~l'w~nuUlt, nl' ~b'ZUIl' JUlIUU.pbUllut " unLl'p
"-bl'tWUlUltt, t.b''Z bL" Jb'i' l,n'flr'f UnLl'p lJ.uUlnLUl~, l!..t'f UfUlUlJnL&.Ult" \
' 'iPJwuUlnLp"Lt:
Swt .pnLJ "-wJbl!; ul'pnLp"Lt, nl' 'l'fbs w l' 'i"-UlJbanLp"Lt ul'pnLp"Lt
PWIUUS l!..t'f J!;£ .pn UI~bUll: flJUlUl bUl, 'lJ!;£u Jbl' &.l.JUIl'UlnLpbUlJp :
In thy mercy, 0 Lord, clothe me with a radiant garment and fortify me
against the influence ofthe evil one, that I may be worthy to glorify thy glorious
name, by the grace, etc.
After being apparelled with the sacred vestments, he shall say:
My soul shall rejoice in the Lord, for he has clothed me with a raiment of
salvation and with a robe of gladness. He has put upon me a crown as upon a
bridegroom and has adorned me like a bride with jewels, by the grace, etc.
For the towel:
Cleanse my hands, 0 Lord, from all filthiness of sin, by the grace of our
Lord, etc.
[If the Celebrant be a Priest, the prayers
the Holy Spirit by St. Gregory of
N arek may be said here, in secret. See page 33. ]
(While the Priest is vesting the Clerks shall sing the following:
[The Hymn of Vesting]
o mystery deep, inscrutable, without beginning, Thou that hast
decked thy supernal realm as a chamber unto the Light unapproachable and hast adorned with splendid glory the ranks ofthe fiery
With ineffably wondrous power thou didst create Adam, the lordly
image, and didst endue him with gracious glory in the paradise of
Eden, the place of delights.
Through the passion of thy holy Only-begotten all creation has
been renewed and man has again been made immortal apparelled in
raiment indespoilable.
As a chalice showering down a rain of flre thou didst pour thyself
down upon the apostles in the holy upper-room, 0 God the Holy
Spirit, pour down also upon us thy wisdom with this garment.
Holiness becomes thine house, who didst clothe thyself with
majesty, girding thyself with the holiness ofglory. Gird thou our loins
with truth.
flp qUlpUlpt.Ullfnp~ pUlqnL't. U -fn UlUlpUl~bObp eh'l:JI;£ UluUlb'[UlO'
4.UluUlUlUlbUl'qpUlqnL't.u Jbp 't.Ulpn'[nLflbUlJp, 4.UlJp UlpdJUlJp dblUUO UlTL
Thou who didst stretch forth thy creating arms against the stars
strengthen our arms with power that we may lift up our hands to intercede with thee.
By the wreathing of the crown about our heads encompass our
thoughts and gird our senses with the cross-emblazoned stole as with
the stole ofAaron which was worked with flowers embroidered in gold
to adorn the Tabernacle.
o Lord, God and sovereign ofall assemblies, thou hast invested us
with the cope of thy love to be ministers of thy holy mystery.
Heavenly king, preserve thy Church unshaken and keep the worshippers of thy name in peace.)
-fbq J"£hnp'l:bl:
J."LUJUlJp flUlIf " IflnLfu UfUlUlbuObu qJ"UlU bL qqlfUlJUlpUlhu fuUlt.Ulh"l.
nLpUlpJUlJp e UUl 114.Ulpnh", ~UI'['t.bUll Jnu't.bflbl " qUlp'l: funpUlh":
fUlJ"po pnlnp"o Ul"PUlUfl;u
lluUlnLUl~ UfbUlUl't.Ulh, hUlqlnpUlUlUfUlUl u"pml
qJbq qlfbuUlUlLnpbobp -fnLJ UnLpp funp4.p'l:nJ'l: l"hbl UUfUlUUlLnp:
fiJ'UlIfUILnp bp't.hUlLnp, qb't.b'[bO" -fn Ulhl.UlpJ UfUl4.bUl' bL qbp't.pUfUllfnLu
UlhnLUlh'l: -f nLJ UfUl4.bUl' " fuUl,[UI,[nLflbUlh:
[2. LflJ.llOflJ.Ut]
Then they shall come before the holy Table [in the ChancelJ, and the Priest shall
wash his hands, saying, [alternately with the Deacon]
tlz il:wmJ hZ{hugbli umut<, UppnJ uhTJ.utlinJli:
tlz -RutfiutliutJli znzutugl:: q3,hnu utuhzml.
[The Lavabo 1Ps. 26
[On ordinary days this psalm is said in secret.]
The Priest:
V. I will wash my hands in innocence; and will go around thine
[UU111Unu ZnzwgUudi]
UW1J.unu flo.
[fl fiutuutputq qfi,zputql::u utJU uutTJ.unu utufi, fi, o-uto-nzq:] .
'-1gnzTtTJ.. LnLUlo"o uppnLflbUlJp qdbTLU "J bL l.nLp£ 1,'[1;0 qub,[Ulhml-fml,
(J)nfu. 1-UlUl UlpUl' "hd, S/;,p, qf' bu JUlJp~nLflbUlh"JnLJ IfhUlO'" " Sl;p
JnLUUlOUlJ, q" J'" 1,'[1;0 4."LUlh'l::
4JnpdbUl' qf'u, SI;'p, bL -fhhbUl' q"u. pnpdbUl'qbp"'t.UlJnLhu "J bL
qU"pUl "J:
fl'[npJmjiJ"Lh -fn, S/;'p, UlIUUf} Ult.UlO "JnO' bL 4.UI'&nJ 1,'[1;0 '&l.JUlpUlnLflbUlh -fnLJ:
flt. hUUlUlJO bu JUlflnTLu hUlhpUlO' bL eh'l: Ulhopl;hu bu nt. JUl"O:
llUlbo" bu qJn'[mlu t.UlpUlO· bL eh'l: UlJpUlP"l.UlU bu nt. hUUlUlJO:
LnLUlO"O uppnqJbUlJp qdbTLU "J. bL l.nLp£ 1,'[1;0 qub,[Ulhml-fml, S/;'p:
Lubl "hd qdUlJh op4.hnqJbUlh -fn. bL UfUlUlJbl qUlJbhUlJh u-fUlht.bLfu -fn:
SI;'p, u"pbO" q"-UlJbLi..nqJ"Lh UlUlh -fn. bL qUlb'[" .JUlp't." pUlIUUO -fno:
U,,' 'LnpnLuUlhbp eh'l: UlJpUlP"l.UlU qUlhdh "J.
Ulp"LhUl4.b'[u q't.bUlhu "J:
bL J'"
eh'l: UlpU
flpno dblZ,[! "LpbUlhO JUlhopl;hnqJbUlh bh. bL UI£ hnOUl Lf I; 't.Ull.UlTL0-f:
altar, 0 Lord.
The Deacon:
R. Do judgment for me, 0 Lord, for I have walked innocently; my
trust has been in the Lord that I may not be confounded.
Examine me, 0 Lord, and prove me; try out my reins and my
Thy mercy, 0 Lord, is before mine eyes; and I am well pleased with
thy truth.
I shall not sit in the seats of the vain; neither will I enter with the
I have hated the congregations of the wicked; I will not sit among
the ungodly.
I will wash my hands in innocence; so will I go around thine altar, 0
That I may hear the voice of thy blessing; and tell of all thy wondrous works.
Lord, I have loved the beauty of thy house; and the dwelling-place
of thy glory.
Destroy not my soul with the ungodly; nor my life with those who
shed blood;
Whose hands are in iniquity; and their right hand is full ofbribes.
bu JUlJp~nl-/iJbUlL"JnLJ 'l:LUlS'" ",[',,-bUl' l:J.fu, SI;'[', bL nlzn['JbUl' "LJ:
nUlL "J 't.Ulssl; JnL'l'lnLfi/bUlL. Jb't.b'lbS"u Jb~u o['~LbS"S q.pbq :
l/JUlTl,{! ~o[' bi.... n[,'lLnJ bL ~n'l:LnJL U[,pnJ'
llJCfJ bL J"lUl bL JUlL"UlbUlLu JUlL"UlbL"S: llJI;L:
-Rwn utli w JU.
t/..UluL u['pnL~LnJ lluUlnLUl~UI~L"L pUl[,bfuounLfi/bUlLL, SI;'[', eL't.UI'[
qUl'lUltUl"bu Jb[' bL 't.bsn' qJbq:
UnL['p qlluUlnLUl~UI~"LLbL qUlJbLUlJL unL['pu pUl[,bfuou UI['Ulusn'-.p UlTl.
~UlJ[, " Jb[''t."Lu,
qUl['UI['UI~u "L[':
't.UlJbSbUll n'ln['Jbus" bL 'l:fi/UlsbUl[ 't.bsnLusl;
llJbLUI"-Ul[ SI;[' lluUlnLUI~ Jb[', "-bsn' bL n'ln['JbUl:
[lJ.1J.0ruP RWflhfuounzptlwJ,u]
CL,,-Ul'[, SI;'[', qUl'lUltUlLu Jb[' pUl['bfuounLfi/bUlJp u['pnL~LnJ lluUlnLUl~UI~L""b UlLUI['UlUl Mmqp J"UI~L" n[,'lLnJ .pn bL UI'lUltUlLo.p UlJbLUlJL u['pns
.pns: LnL[' Jb q , SI;'[', bL n'ln['JbUl', Lb['bUl', .pUlLbUl' bL fi/n''l qJb'lu Jb[':
ll['cfUlLUlLn['bUl' 'l:n~nI-/iJbUlJp"'UlTLUlLn[,b[ q.pbq eL'l n[,'lLnJ bL eL'l U['pnJ
~n'l:LnJ'l' UlJcfJ bL J"lUl bL JUlL"UlbUlLu JUlL"UlbL"s: llJI;L:
[Ul TJ.wllali,wI wn UnT/.mlmllTJ.u wuwugl:.]
IunUUlnllUlL"J UlTLUlf} lluUlnL~nJ bL u['pnL~LnJ lluUlnLUI~UI~L"L bL
As for me, I have walked innocently; deliver me, 0 Lord, and be
merciful unto me.
My foot shall stand aright; in the great congregations I will praise
Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,
Now and always and unto ages of ages. Amen.
The Priest:
By the intercession ofthe holy Mother-of-God, 0 Lord, receive our
supplications and save us.
The Deacon:
[The Bidding for Intercession 1
The holy Mother-of-God and all the saints let us hold as intercessors with the Father in heaven, that he may be pleased to have
mercy and compassion upon us, his creatures, and save us.
Almighty Lord, our God, save and have mercy.
The Priest:
[The Prayer of Intercession]
Receive, 0 Lord, our supplications through the intercession of the
holy Mother-of-God, the immaculate bearer of thine only-begotten
Son, and by the supplications of all thy saints. Hear us, 0 Lord, and
have mercy; forgive, expiate and remit our sins; make us worthy to
give thee thanks and glorify thee together with the Son and the Holy
Spirit, now and always and unto ages of ages. Amen.
(Then [turning to the people] he shall again say:)
UlTLUlf} UlJbLUlJL u['pns bL UlTLUlf} Jb[', ~UI'['.p bL bqpUl[,.p, qUlJbLUlJL Jb'lu
qn['u 'l:n['~bUl[ bJ. .pUlLq" Jb'lUlJ fun[,~[,'lnll, pUlL"L bL 'l:n['~nll bL
I confess before God and before the holy Mother-of-God and before
all the saints and before you, fathers and brethren, all the sins that I
have committed; for I have sinned in thought, word and deed and with
all the sins that men commit. I have sinned, yea, I have sinned; I pray
you, ask of God forgiveness for me.
UlJbLUlJL Jb'l0.p' qn[' 'l:n['~bL JUI[''l'''t.. Jb'lUlJ' Jb'lUlJ, UI'lUltbJ qJbq ,
fuL'l['bSI;.p "-UluL "J JlluUlnL~nJ qfiJn'lnLfi/"LL:
[UlUl: uli,,,,aw 4wJ -RwnwuwJ Iftupgp, wuwugl:. wUJw lUl: n~'] UJwmwu!uwup mwgli,u
nllP uli,,,,au li,u.
[lJ.1J.0ruP ljwuu fO'n1J.nzruhwu]
n'ln['Jbus" .pbq lluUlnLUl~ ~qo['L bL fi/n'lnljJ"LL lLn['~busl; UlJbLUlJL
JUlLsUl"bUls .pns, UlLsb[nJL bL UlJcfJnLu, bL JUlTLUI£UI't.UlJI;L "'[''t.busl; bL
~UlUUlUlUlbusl;JUlJbLUlJL ~['~u pUl['''U bL ~UlL~LUsl; q.pbq " ~UlL¥['JbUl[
't.bUlLu"b: llJI;L:
f1'Jwmwu!uwuli,ugl: li,l pupu.
llqUlUJUlusl;' bL qJbq JUI[''fUIul;['L lluUlnLUl~ bL fi/n'lsl; qUlJbLUlJL
JUlLsUl"bu Jb['. UlUlSI; cfUlJUlLUI't. UlUfUllfuUl[,b[nJ bL 'l:n['~b[nJ CfPUI['''U'
[If there be a Priest present he shall answer, but 1f not,] those standing by shall
[The Prayers for Forgiveness]
May God the almighty have mercy upon thee and grant thee
forgiveness of all thy transgressions of the past and the present, and
may he deliver thee from those that are to come and conflrm thee in
all good works, and give thee rest in the life ofthe age to come. Amen.
And he shall answer:
May God, who loves mankind, set you also free and may he remit
fIIusuruq.urrusn 88
nLlI'llwol; bL 'lUIIUU£UI"-UlJ "-bUiLu Jb[' l..Ln['t.o.p UnL['p ~n'l:Ln/b, t.'l0['L bL
n'ln['JUllrt, bL LJUI +UI~ JUlLpmbUlLu: llJI;L:
all your transgressions; may he give you time to repent and to do good
works; may he also direct your life in the time to come by the grace of
the Hoiy Spirit, the mighty and the merciful, and unto him be glory for
ever. Amen.
OP1..buf/r[' bL 'lJb'l UlTUUf/r UlLJUIt. 'l:UIlZ.pLL llumnLti-nJ:
The Clerks:
Remember us also before the immortal Lamb of God.
0P1.. bUll Lfrf/r.p UlTUUf/r UlLJUIt. 'l:UIlZ.pLL llumnLti-nJ:
The Priest:
Ye shall be remembered before the immortal Lamb of God.
[3. tlllullUflPS]
[U.nut£/lfi Uut1f1Inu lfm/lg]
Uut1f1Inu '1,fO'. cPnfu.
ll'lUl'lUl,,-bol;'.p UlIZ. SI;[' UlJbLUlJL b['''-p['
U ml/.p UlTUUf/r Ln['UI oLti-nLfilbUlJp
tUi UI['UI[' 'lJb'l'
ti-UlTUUJbOI;'.p SbUlIZ.L nL['UI-
The Clerks, in antiphon:
[The First Psalm of Entrance 1Ps. 100
LUI I; SI;[' lluulnLUlti-
bL nt Jb.p I;UI.p. Jb.p cfn'lnllnL[''l: bL fuUl1..L UI['omp Ln['UI:
U ml;'.p eL'l: 'l:['nLLu Ln['UI funumnllUlLnLfilbUlJp, bL o['t.LnLfilbUlJp \ p
JUI[,"-U Ln['UI:
IunumnllUl'L b'lb['n~ SbUlIZ.L, bL o['t.LbOI;'.p 'lUlLnLL Ln['UI:
-P-Ul'lO[' 1;[' SI;[', JUlLpmbUiL I; n'ln['JnqJpLL Ln['Ulo JUI'l'l:1; JpLt bL JUI'l'l:
I; D.1.. JUI['mnLfilpL'b Ln['UI:
l/JUI~ ~o[' bL fl[,'l:LnJ bL ~n'l:LnJL U[,pnJ.
llJcfJ bL JP1..m bL JUlLpmbUiLu JUlLpmbLpo: llJI;L:
Cry unto the Lord all ye lands; serve the Lord with gladness.
Enter into his presence with joy; know that he is the Lord our God.
It is he who made us and we were not by ourselves; we are his
people and the sheep of his pasture.
Enter his gates with thanksgiving; and his courts with praise.
Give thanks unto the Lord; and bless his name.
The Lord is gracious, his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endures from generation to generation.
Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,
Now and always and unto ages of ages. Amen.
The Deacon shall proclaim:
[The Bidding of the Church 1
UWp,qWlWq.U pwp,nqli.Ugt.
UnL['p b,,-b'lbOb-,UlLU UI'lUitbuon~ 'lSI;[', 'lfr UnllUiL +[',,-buol; 'lJb'l p
Jb'lUl9 bL ,,-bonLuol; l..Ln['t.PL n'ln['JnLfilbUiL pL[,nJ:
llJbLUI"-Ull SI;[' llumnLUlti- Jb[', "-bon' bL n'ln['JbUl':
Through the holy Church let us beseech the Lord that through her
may he deliver us from sin and may save us by the grace ofhis mercy.
Almighty Lord our God, save and have mercy.
The Priest:
/l ut£ Suttiutp/l]
/J JI;£ mUlD.UI['pu bL UlTUUf/r UlumnLUlti-eL"-Ull bL UfUlJti-UlIZ.UlObUil unL['p
L1..UlLUIOu bL unL['p mb'lLnJu funLUI[,t.bUll b[,"-pLqfrL b['''-P['UfUl'l:UlLbJ.p:
!J.unL['P bL 'It.['Ul1..UlLfr bL 'lJUlqfiJn'l 'lml;['nqJpLL' +UlTUULn['bJ.p, bL .pb'l
JUlmnLOUlLbJ.p 'l0[,t.LnqJpLL bL 'l+UlIZ.U, eL'l: ~o[' bL eL'l: ~n'l:LnJ'l: U['pnJ'
UlJcfJ bL JP1..m bL JUlLpmbUiLu JUlLpmbLpo: llJI;L:
[The Prayer in the Temple 1
In the midst of this temple, 0 Lord, and before the holy signs and
before this holy place that hold God up to us and are made resplendent, we bow down in fear and worship; we glorify thy holy, wondrous
and triumphant dominion, and we offer praise and glory to thee with
the Father and with the Holy Spirit, now and always and unto ages of
ages. Amen.
fltUSU rU(HUrUS n88
And going up to the Altar, the Priest shall say, antiphonally with the Deacon.
[lJpJ/TmrtTJ. Uut1J.Unu U'm/1g]
Uut1J.unu fuR.
[The Second Psalm of Entrance] Ps. 43
l.JgmTtTJ-. ifUl"S UIn.lUfP ul"ZUltnJ lJ.uUlnL~nJ. UlTl. lJ.uUlnLUl~ np nLpUlfu; '1.JUltlt.nLfJ"Lt "J:
[The Deacon: ]
R. Give judgment for me, 0 God; and justify me in my cause.
(J)n]u. ').UlUl UlpUl'
I will go in before the altar of God; unto God who makes my
youth joyful.
"td, lJ.uUlnLUl~. bL "PUl'L UlpUl "td " 'l:UlUlUlUUlUlt"
BUI'1.'f1; np nt I; unLpp, " JUlp'l:nJ JluZUlLnpl;, tbt'fUILnpl;, +plt.bUl' qpu:
').nL lJ.uUlnLUI~, (,,'1.0p"t "J bu. e.t'l:f"p JnTl.UlSUlp '1."u, e.t'l:fp UlpUlnLJ
'f tUlJ bu " tb'lbl fJl..tUlJLnJ "JnJ:
lJ.Tl.UI.[!bUl', Sfp, 'llnJu.[!n In '1.$.l..JUlpUlnLjiJ"Lt .[!n.
'1." UlTl.UI£tnp'l:busbt
"td bL ("UltSbt '1."u " lbUlTl.t unLpp bL " JUlplt.U .[!n:
ifUl"S UlTl.UlfP ub'lUltnJ lJ.uUlnL~nJ. UlTl. lJ.uUlnLUI~ np nLpUlfu;
'1.JUltlt.nLfJ"Lt "J:
!unuUlnilUlt b'lI;S .[!b'1. op("tnLfJbUlJp • lJ.uUlnLUI~, lJ.uUlnLUI'~ "J:
lJ.P'l:' e.t'l:I;"'p UlpUlnLJ bu Ultdt "J It. UlJ e.t'l:I;"'p fuTl.n1lbu '1."u. JnLuUl'
UlTl. lJ.uUlnLUl~, fun UUlnilUltbUl' tJUI, +plt."t bpbuUlS "JnS lJ.uUlnLUl~ 1;:
l/>UlTZ,[! 1,01' bL flp'l:LnJ bL 1,n'fLnJt UppnJ.
From the unholy generation; from the sinful and deceitful man
deliver me.
Thou art, 0 God, the giver ofmy strength; why hast thou forgotten
me? Why go I so exceedingly sorrowful while my enemy oppresseth
Send out, 0 Lord, thy light and thy truth that they may lead me;
and bring me unto thy holy hill and unto thy dwelling.
I will go in before the altar of God; unto God who makes my youth
I will give thanks unto thee with praises, 0 God my God.
Then why art thou grieved, 0 my soul, and why dost thou disquiet
me? Put thy trust in God, give thanks unto him; the deliverer of my
countenance is God.
Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,
Now and always and unto ages of ages. Amen.
lJ.rfJ bL J"l..Ul bL JUlL"UlbUltU JUlL"Ulbt"S: lJ.Jl;t:
The Deacon shall proclaim:
UWTtqUtlWq.U ]2wTtnqhugt.
[The Litany in the Sanctuary]
/t Butrtz, /1 UrtPnlfit/;'utG)
f;L bLU fuUl'lUl'lnLfJbUlt '1.Sl;p UI'lUltbuSnL,[!.
Op("tbusnL,[! '1.1,UlJp SbUlTl.t JbpnJ B"unLu" ~p"uUlnu", np UlpJ-Ult"
UlpUlp '1.Jb'" Ulb'lLn£u +UlTl.UIpUltnLfJbUlt bL bp'fbl '1.bp'fu ("n'fbLnpu:
lJ.JbtUllt.Ull Sl;p lJ.uUlnLUI~ Jbp , n ' bL n'lnpJbUl:
Again in peace let us beseech the Lord.
Let us bless the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has made us
worthy to stand in this place of praise and to sing spiritual songs.
Almighty Lord our God, save and have mercy.
The Priest, aloud:
Butrtz,/1 Urtpnlfit/;,utG]
/J JUlplt." uppnLfJbUlt bL" Ulb'lLn£u
+UlTl.UIpUltnLfJbUlt~ ("pbl..UlUllt.UlS
ptUllt.UlpUlt"U bL JUlp'l:lt.Ult .[!UlLUlpUlt"U, UlTl.UIfP UluUlnLUl~e.tlt.Ull bL Uf.UlJ~UlTl.UISbUll unLpp tl..UltUlSU bL unLpp Ulb'lLnJu, funtUlp("bUll bPlt."L'l"L
bplt."pUf.UI'fUItbJ.[!. '1. unLpp bL '1.("pUll..Ull" bL '1.JUI'lfJn'l '1.Ull;pnLfJ"Lt'l: .[!n
op("tbJ.[! bL +UlTl.UILnpbJ.[!. bL .[!b'1.e.t'l: bplt.tUlJ"t '1.0put JUlUlnLSUltbJ.[!
'1. 0p(" tnLfJ"Lt bL '1.+UlTl.U, e.t'l: 1,01' bL e.t'l: 1,n'fLnJt UppnJ' UlJJ-J bL J"l..Ul
bL JUlL"UlbUltu JUlL"Ulbt"S: lJ.Jl;t:
[The Prayer in the Sanctuary]
In this dwelling ofholiness and place ofpraise, in this habitation of
angels and the place of expiation of men, before these holy signs and
the holy place that hold God up to us and are made resplendent, we
bow down in fear and worship. We bless and glorify thy holy,
wondrous and triumphant dominion and, together with the heavenly
hosts, we offer blessing and glory to thee with the Father and the Holy
Spirit, now and always and unto ages of ages. Amen.
lJIusuru9-UlfUSn 88
Ufitt uuifmqnUjnu zfl,ufI,gfl, lunplillTJ-Utumu' Utugt fI, l[~llUtJ zUtuP.Utgu qUjUttnmUtqUtU uufl,Tjtnllnuu, ~z UUttnnzg~UtZ Utn CUUUtJUtllUtU U~rzUtunJu, ~z fI, unzuqu UtUq~Utz, JnllTJ-Utnnu UtlltnUtunzop znzn ~z Utuunmu}.. UtUUtugt qUtrzofitu Utn UnzllP ~n­
qJtu, tnUOllfl,ufl,}.. q:nllunJu.
If the Celebrant be a Bishop~ he shall put the precious omophorion over his
and approaching the table of the gifts by the Altar~ andfalling on his knees~
shall say~ with streaming tears silently and speechless~ these prayers to the Holy
Spirit~ who is the economizer of the act.
[But zf the Celebrant be a Priest~ the Veil shall be drawn and these prayers shall
be said in secret behind the Vei~ zf they have not already been sa,id after vesting.]
[huq· ~fitt .fl.UtnUtuUtJ z{I,UfI,gfl, lu nflFillTJ-Utumu, aq.~ug~u ql[UtllUtq:nJllU, ~z
.fl.UtnUtuUtJu UtUUtugt qUtrzOfitu fI, U~llPU l[UtllUtq:nzll{I,U, fI, uUtunzq:]
CJ.1lfl,q:n1lfl, UUtll~qUtgznJu
Of Gregory of Narek
[U,'lo,a-p tun UnZTtJ! ':'nq/tu]
[The Prayers to the Holy Spirit]
UtfhGwqwI, pwphpwp, uwpqwu~p UumnLwa- pnlnprg, JoprGnq
hphlllLp-rg hL wGhphLnLp-rg, t}tpqnq hL hwumwmnq, luGwunq hL
luwqwqwpwp, ~op hqop ~nqr, hWJgbuf pwqqwmwpwa- uWIJ.p-wGwg qn~­
uwup hha-nLp-bwG, JwGqruwG hqhwi fhq whwLnprq: lfwm~ruf Uha-wL
qnqnLp-hwup, uwumrq hpqrLqpL uwmnLgwGhl Gwlu qpwGwqwGu qWJU
tqwmwpwq fnLU wGqGrG qopnLp-hwGq, ppp wp-nnwqgp, lJtwnwqglt hL
wpwp~wqglt hWJphGlt wGqwtqnLm tqwmLnJq, bL fGGnqr a-wa-qnLp-hwG
lunpng lunphpqng wtfhGwqwmwp qwuwg ~opq l;uuwGnL~lr, qfhq
wnw£~lt, t}tpq~lt hL qhGqwGwmnLr hL wpwp~r wuhGwJGlt:
Almighty, beneficent, lover ofman, God ofall, maker ofthe visible and the
invisible, saviour and restorer, provider and pacifier, 0 mighty Spirit of the
Father, we entreat thee with open arms and pray with sighs and cries standing
before thine awful presence. We draw near with great trembling and utmost
fear to offer first this reasonable sacrifice to thine unsearchable power, as to the
sharer of the unalienable honour of the Father in throne, in glory and in
creation; to thee, the searcher of the hidden depth of the mysteries of the allperfect will ofthe Father ofEmmanuel, who sends thee and who is the saviour,
the life-giver and the creator of all.
Through thee was made known to us the triune personality of the one
Godhead, whereofthou also art known to be one, 0 thou who art incomprehensible! By thee and through thee did the ancient scions ofthe patriarchal family,
named seers, declare in plain language the things past and the things to come,
the things that have come to be and the things that have not come yet to be.
o Spirit ofGod, Moses proclaimed thee as the one who, moving on the surface of the waters-uncircumscribed power as thou art-and brooding with
tremendous envelopment, covering and defending the newly born under thy
wings in tender love, hast made known the mystery ofthe font. On the example
ofthe same pattern, before setting up the fluid element ofthe last curtain, thou
didst form in lordly manner, 0 mighty one, the complete natures ofall beings
and of all things out of nothing.
Through thee all these thy creatures are created for the renewing of the
resurrection, which will be in that time which is the last day ofthis life and the
first day of the land of the living. The first-born Son, being of the same
generation as thou art and of the same essence of the Father, obeyed thee also
with oneness ofwill, as he did his Father. He, being in our likeness, announced
thee as very God, equal and consubstantial with his mighty Father. He declared
blasphemy against thee to be unforgivable and he stopped the impious mouths
of those who rebel against thee, as of such that fight against God, while he
forgave blasphemy against himself, the righteous and the spotless one, finder of
all, who was betrayed for our sins and rose again for our justification.
P 6.hnG fn a-wGnLgwL uhq hpphwq wGo.GwLnpnLp-lnG ultwuGwqwG
UumnLwa-nLp-hwGq, Jnpng ult hL qnL fiwGw~ru wGhwu: ~hL hL It o.hnG
fn wnwfltG£G GwhwtqhmwqwG mnhultG 2wnwLP.q£, mhuwGnqf wGnLwGwqnlhwlf, qwGghwluG hL qqwlnguG, qhqhwluG bL qn~ qnJwghwluG
wGumnwpwpwp pwppwnnq pwGp. qhpwtqwmtfhgp.G:
~nqr' UumnLa-nJ, fwpnqhwi qfhq lfmlurup., np p. qGwlG fn r qbpwJ
fnLpgG, wGtqwpwqp.p qopnLp-rLG, whhq 2PfwpqnLp-hwup mwa-nqwqwGwL'
p-bLWUJWPtPWq tqw2mtqwGnqop~G qp-wuP.phwl It a-GnLGqu Gnpnqu, qWLWqwGlt G lunphnLpq a-wGnLghp: 8np qhptqwpwG opp.GwqnLp-bwG' Gwlu fwG
qqwnnLgwGhl qlnJa-q uwa-nLwa- qhpfGnLu qwpwqnLprq' Jopp.Ghghp,
qw'pnq, mrpwUJ~u qpnqwGqwq pGnLp-p.LGu wuhGrg pGWLltg pnlnprg
qnJp.g wuhGwJG ~p.g JwG~ltg:
~hL umhqa-wGltG p GnpnqnLp-rLG JwpnLp-bwG wtfbGwJG bqhwlfu wn p
f~G JWJGu uwuwGwqp., np ~ op qhpfpG wJuu qhGgwqr hL op wnwfp.G
hpqppG qhGqwGhwg: ~hq hGwqWG:q.hgWL up.nLp-hwup qwuwgG' nptq~u
hopG pLpnLu, wqqwqp.gG fn, ~wlJltgG ~op, UlGqpwGrqG npqr, uhpnqu
qhptqlt L' qfhq wwmwpwGhwg fi2tfwppm UUlnnLW«Y' hWLWUWp hL hwuwqnJ
hop Inp hqopp.. hL qwn p £hq hWJhnJnLp-rLGG wGfwwlr fwpnqbwg. hL
ltpp qwumnLwa-wUWpmrg G' q£n hhumhlngG ~wpwpwGwlJwG epbpwGu
qwpqhwg. hL qP.LpG 2Gnphhwg wpqwpG hL wGwpwmG, qmp.~G wuhGwJGp.,
flIusuru9-UrrUSn 88
np qUlUo. tl'hqUlg tl'hpng tl'UlUlo.hgUlL, hL JUlphUlL qUlUo. qtl'hq Ulpq.UlpUlgnLgUlo.hlnJ :
Unto him be glory through thee, and unto thee be praise with the Father
almighty, unto ages of ages. Amen.
UUUl 1}tUlnf ~ 6.hno. fn, hL fhq pUlphpUlo.nLF-rLo.l!o.q. ~op Ultl'ho.UlqUllh,
JUlLrUlhUlo.U JUlLrUlho.rg: Utl'~o.:
f"J.uqtlllmqZrp,quu'gftg ft unJu quqtq. putuft, UftU{b,l T.[umutfinqftftlu T.[u'rtfiutJu,gnrfitu,utu
znlUnJ firtut2utUJtu JutJmuu'ugft, utqTJ.u,utZ, utlu,mutrtutUu,utZ T.[u'rtumftu qrtqftu q!uutYJ.utYJ.nrfitftlu:
UqUllhtl'f hL Ulqhpuhtl'f UlpUlUlunLUllrg hUlnUlltl'Ultl'p JUluho.UlJo. Ulo.6.o.~
q1JtwnUlLDphUll UlpUlPlnLF-rLo.q.' Ulo.hq~ hL Ulo.Umhq~'Ulo.Ulq ~nqLDJq.
qF-Ul~r, np pUlphJuouq. hu qUlUo. tl'hp'nnLo.l hh~nLF-rdlu Uln
nqnptl'Ul~ ~UlJP, np qunLppuo. UJ.Ulhhu hL qtl'hqnLghUliuo. tl'Ulfphu hL
UlUlflUlpU qUlqtl'hu qho.q.Ulo.r hL qhgnLgrl qUltl'Ulg pUlp6.phUllq. ~op:
Upq.' UlqUlUlhUl' qtl'hq JUltl'ho.UlJo.'UlfnLp qnp~g, np nl ~ hUlflnJ
fnLtl'q. po.UlqnLF-hUlo.. hL tl'r' 2rfgro.,w.n r tl'~o.f InLunJq. 2o.nphUlg 1}tUlJltl'nLo.f r UlhuUlqUlo.UlgU UllUlg rtl'UluUlrg· qUlUo. qr qfhq nLUUlf tl'rUlo.Ull
r tl'hq r 6.hno. UlqOF-rg hL l!o.Ulrp qUlpnLg Juo.qhlng:
bL fUlo.qr tl'ro.q. Jbppnpq.nLF-ho.~q. UJ.UlUlUlpUlqr hL tl'rLUq. l!o.q.nLo.r'
hUlflhUll l!o.q. tl'hq hUl2UlUlpUlp UlphUltl'p Ulo.q.pUlo.qr InpnJ. ruq q.nL l!o.qUllgr'u qtl'hp UJ.UlqUlUlUlo.U hL JUlpq.Ulphughu qtl'hq OF-hLUlo.U UJ.UlUlnLUlqUlo.u Ultl'ho.UlJ 0. UlUlUlpUluUlnLF-hUltl'p r qUlJhlnLtl'o. flUl2wqtl'Ulo. hpqo.UlLDp qwnro.q.,
wnUlo.g UJ.UlUld-ng q.UlUlUlUJ.UlpUlnLF-hUlo. l!o.q.nLo.rl qUIJU'whUlgnLgrltl'Ulo.Ulo.UlJU qho.Ulg o.npnJ 1}tpqnLF-hUlo.:
bL hUllhugr' r hpnJu JUlJUtl'Ulo.~ qUlJF-UlqqnLF-rLo.U tl'hp, npUJ.~u
tl'UlpqUlp~rG qhq.Ulo.UlJuUlpnJq qUlJ~qUltl'po. r 6.hno. nLo.hlhUlgo. tl'UlUlnLg-
tl'tito.. qr JUltl'ho.UlJo.r fnJq. fUlpnqhugr qF-nLF-rLo., npUJ.~u npq.Lnqq.
UUUlnL~J ~op fwqgpnLF-rLo.. np qUlo.UlnUlq'hp6.hgnJg r hUlJpho.r
d-w.nUlo.qnLF-rLo.o. hL qUJ.nno.rquo. JUlnUlf~nJg Jhpqo.UlJro. UlpfUlJnLF-rLo.o.
Ulpq.Ulpngo. hpUlo.nLp-hUlo.:
UJn', UlJn', hL hu tl'r htl' r o.ngUlo.~, hL qru l!o.qUl'l l!o.q. o.nur G rpp
tl'Ulpq.UlUrpnLF-hUlo. qUlpoUlhUll tl'h~r, 2o.nphof fn UlUJ.PhUll' qUlphUltl'p
f-pruUlnur uUlUlghUllu: Rr JUlJUtl' Ultl'ho.UlJo.r' JUltl'ho.UlJo.r ~o.rgr fn
UUUlnLUl~LF-rLo.q.l!o.q. ~op 1}tUlnUlLDphUll hUltl'UlUJ.UlUlnLUlpUlp r tl'rqUltl'u
hL r tl'}1 r2JuUlo.nLF-r Lo. qnqnLF-hUlo.:
[17fitt GUJftuqnUJnu zftuftgft !unrtfirtTJ.utanlu, f"J.UJftrtPu u,YJ.utuutqu'ugu,u qu,rtq.u utJU
uftu~ 17UJftu qnUJnuu utut qutYJ.ofitu utn UnlrtP ~nqJtu, ft aUlanlq:
fluq u,fitt !unrtfirtTJ.utamu -RutfiutuutJ zftuftgft, llq.u'ugu'u qT.[utrtutq.nJrtu U,l f"J.UJftrtPu
u,YJ.utuutqaugu,u qlfu,YJ.u,TJ.ftu llum UJutm2uttift utlnlrtU:]
I shall again repeat the same order ofspeech, until confidence in the upward contemplation oflight be wonderfully revealed, announcing and bringing the good news
of peace once more from on high.
We beseech and implore thee with tearful sighs from the depth ofour souls,
glorified creator, uncorruptible, uncreate, timeless, merciful Spirit, who
makest intercession for us to the Father with unutterable gJoanings, who
keepest the saints and cleansest the sinners and makest them temples of the
living and life-giving will of the Father most high.
And now, deliver us from all unclean deeds that are not agreeable to thy
dwelling, and may the shining light ofthy grace be not quenched within us, in
the perceiving eyes of our understanding; for we have learnt that thou dost
unite with us by means of prayers and of approved conduct that are sweet like
And inasmuch as one of the Trinity is offered and another accepteth the
same, being well pleased in us through the reconciling blood of his first-born,
do thou accept our supplications and prepare us to be habitations ofhonour in
all readiness to be worthy to taste ofthe heavenly Lamb and to receive, without
the punishment of damnation, this immortalizing manna of life of the new
And let our offence be consumed by this fire, as was that ofthe Prophet by
the live burning coal held to him with the tongs, that in all things thy compassion be proclaimed, as the loving-kindness of God the Father was proclaimed
through the Son, who brought the prodigal son into the paternal inheritance
and advanced the harlots into the heavenly kingdom of the blessed righteous.
Yea, yea, I also am one ofthem. Receive me also with them as one who is in
need ofgreat loving-kindness and who has been freed by thy grace and has been
purchased by the blood of Christ; that in all this thy Godhead may be made
known to be in all, being glorified with the Father, in equal honour, in one will
and in one praised authority.
[If the Celebrant be a Bishop, the Clerks shall sing the following hymn while the
Bishop is saying the Prayer to the Holy Spirit, in secret.
But if the Celebrant be a Priest, the Veil shall be drawn and the Clerks shall sing
a melody according to the proper of the day.]
(Chant before the Melody)
(Chosen ofGod, 0 blessed holy priest, thou resemblest Aaron and
Moses the Prophet, who prepared the garments which Aaron always
llIusuru9-UrrUSn 88
(Vpq. uui/u pwu
(ChUl['JII.I.IL'l: JUuUlnLtt-nJ n'''- b['f.Ulh"'t. unL['p .pUl~UlhUlJ' hJUlhbUlL
U~UI['nh" bL Un"-u!;u" JUI[''fUI['!;''h, UlJhJ n[' 'I'l:buUlnLsh!;[' Jo['"hml' 'I n['
U~UI['nh J,,1...Ul 'I'l:bhnJ[,:
B0l'''h!;l' 'IUfUlUlJnLnUlh, 'I n [' "'''S 't.UI'IJbUlL h"4Jns· " 't.UI['J['nJ'
" 't.UlUfnLUlnJ, " pb~b'InJ' " tt-"['UlhLnJ: {iJ-bL #bLh Jo['"h!;[', 't.UlI''l:h Uln.UI£.ph !;[' 't.UI[''t.b~Ulh:
l... nL['f.UlhUl't."
l;L Jl!.hfJUlSu
'fUI[,1... UlUfUl['''h ~ht.!;[' b[''t.''[', Shtt-UlJ[, fun[,Ulh:
U[,'l: " hnJh hJUlhn4J"Lh \ ~['''uuinu 'IJb[' Ul!;['U Jo['''h!;:
Bn['JUlJ JUlSbu " unL['p fun['Ulh, Ulh'l: J"1...buSbu 'IJb[' hhf.bsbUlLu:
Bn['JUlJ UllLl,bu 'IUfUlUlUl['UI'l:U, J"1...bUl' bL qpu 'lPUI'IJUlJb'lu,
n'ln['Jbus" " J"LU Ulh'l:UlJ "L[' 'fUILUUlbUlh:
'1." bL Jb'I
1, 0l'h +UlIL.[!, fl[''l:LnJh UfUlUl"L bL UnL['p 1,n'l:LnJh UlJJJ JUlL"UlbUlh,
JUlL"UlbUlhu JUlL"Ulbh"S' ~['''uUlnl.l 01'~hbUlL " ~UlJUlJh"S:)
(U W"
He fashioned the robe of linen woven of four elements; in scarlet,
blue, gold, and purple. Threads upon threads were worked in. The
f"lrst row was of carbuncle.
And the sacred ephod was skirting round about and at the treading
of his heels the earth resounded and the tabernacle rejoiced.
So now likewise Christ prepares thee, our -priest. When thou
enterest into the holy tabernacle, remember therein those of us who
have fallen asleep.
When thou ofJerest this oblation, reme~ber me also, a man of
many sins, that he may be pleased to have mercy upon us also at his
second coming.
Glory to the Father, honour to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now
and for ever. Christ is blessed by all, unto ages of ages.)
(The Deacon:
Bless, Lord.)
[The Bishop] aloud:
For thine is the compassion, the power, the loving kindness, the
strength and the glory unto the ages.
O['~hbUl', S!;[':)
[vU/ltu~mqnuu] It aWIu.
[After these prayers the Veil shall be drawn.]
.pn' !; "'ffJn 4J"Lh bL 't.UI['n'lnLfJ"Lh bL JUI[,'f:UIu"['nLfJ"Lh, 'I0l'nLfJ"Lh
bL +UlIL.[!, JUlL"UlbUlhu JUlL"Ulbh"s: UJ!;h:
[Blim wIu9 W1J.0rultg aq.liugliu q1/.WT"wq.nrrtu:]
u,U/W IWT"mgliwz q.wI wn CUO"WIWT"WU Uli1J.wunIu, wn nT" uwmmgwut uwluwuwT" qu2/uWT"u, [wulizn1/.. ~
bL hLU luwqwqnLp-hwll q~ep wqw~hugnL£.
C,llqw'b qhgn' hL nqnpuhw':
Vz -RwnwuwIu luWi w~upliugt It 1/.liT"WI u2/uWT"ltu, wulizn1/..
OphllnLp-pLll hL 1Jlwn£ ~op hL npl}-LnJ hL ~nqLnJll UppnJ, wJ<h1' hL tfp2 Ul
hL JWLPUlhwllu JWLPUlhllpg: Uuell:]
!l.u2/uWT"u wnliwz -RwnwuwIu, ~ut
UW1J.quwIu, wulizn1/..
[Rwup U.nw£wWlnzTU~WU]
8p2wUlWq Shwnll tfhpnJ 8punLup '¥ppuUlnup, np pwqtfhwl hwllq~p"
JwllwpnLhuUl wp-nn:
Rtfwh luw~p Jwllcill ewn qwull wqqp tfwpl}-qwll:
Ophllhge£, qnqhge£ hL pwpcip wpwpe£ qllw JWLPUlhwll:
Then the Celebrant shall approach the Table of Gifts by the Altar and the
Protodeacon shall offer him the wafer, [saying:
Again in peace let us beseech the Lord:
Receive, save and have mercy.
And the Celebrant shall take the wafer in his hand and making the sign of the
cross over it, shall say:
Blessing and glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now
and always and unto ages of ages. Amen.]
And he shall place the wafer on the paten, saying:
[The Words of Prothesis]
Remembrance of our Lord Jesus Christ, who is seated on the throne not
made with hands.
He accepted the death of the cross for mankind.
Bless, praise and exalt him for ever.
[UU/w"iJWJuWUWflZ,wzwq.{i uwmnzugt qq]lu/tu, wuazn{
[Then the Protodeacon shall offer him the wine, saying:
bI. hI.U lUluqwqnI.p-bwG qS1::p wqw~bugnI.£.
CGqw/b qbgn l bI. nqnpubw/ :
Again in peace let us beseech the Lord:
Receive, save and have mercy.
Vz -Rwfiwuw]u JuWlz,upaugt
/t i/.aflW] q]luzn]U, wuazni/..
OphGilI.p-pI.G bI. tPwn£ ~op bI. npll1.DJ bI. ~nq1.DJG UppnJ. wJdU bI. up2m
bI. JWI.pmbwGu JWI.pmbGpg: Uu1::G:]
Vz wnawz qq]lU/tU WflZ,wut JuWlWU/t2
/t uZ,/tfiu, wuazni/..
Swqwqu JP2wmwqp tPpqwqnp~ mGop1::GnI.p-bwG SbwnG UUmnI.~nJ bI.
c1Jpq~pG ubpnJ SpUnI.Up ~ppumnup.
npnJ p qnqwhnu wphwG wqpbp1::G GnpnqhgwG wpwpw~£ bI. wGuwhwgwG:
OphGbg1::£, qmlbg1::£ bI. pwp6.p wpwp1::£ qGw JWI.pmbwG:
Vz wuwugt qWTJ.OfitU 8ni/.fiwuunz nUZ,apaflwu/t,
/t awanzz,.
And the Priest shall make the sign of the cross over the wine, saying:
Blessing and glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now
and always and unto ages of ages. Amen.]
Then taking the wine, he shall pour it crosswise into the chalice, saying:
In remembrance of the redeeming~conomy of our Lord God and Saviour
Jesus Christ;
Through the fountain of whose blood flowing from his side all creatures
have been renewed and made immortal.
Bless, praise and exalt him for ever.
And he shall say the following prayer of St. John Chrysostom.
[lJ.rzorup lJ.nw£w1J.Ttnzruhwu]
S1::p UUmnI.W~ ubp, np qbpqGw1.Dp hwgll qS1::pG ubp SpUnI.U ~ppumnu,
qqbpwqnI.PIl wubGwJG w2luwphp, wnw£bgbp tPpqp~ bI. bI.
pwpbpwp, ophGbl bI. uPpbl qubq. pG£GpG IlDI., S1:: /p, ophGbw It bI. wJdU
qwnwfwllpnI.p-pI.Gu qWJU· eGqw/l quw JbpqGwJpG £n ubqwGIl:
Sp2bw npUJ.1::u pwpbpwp bI. uWPllwu1::P quwmnI.gnqu bI. qwuG npng
JWmnI.gwGp: bI. qJbq wGllwmwUJ.wpm UJ.whbw p £whwGwJwqnp~nI.p-pI.G
WUmnI.W~J pG lunphpllng £ng: Rp UnI.pp bI. t wubGWUJ.WmpI.
ub~qwJbl~nI.p-pI.G tPwnwgll ~op bI. npllI.nJ bI. ~nqI.nJIl UppnJ, wJd-u bI.
up2m bI. JWI.pmbwGu JWI.pmbGpg: Uu1::G:
Vz upnTJ.augt [quZ,/tfiu] wuazni/..
[Uwrzunu lJ.nw£W1J.TlnZruhwu]
UwrzJ'nu '1.g. cPnfu·
S1::p p-wqll}ipnpbwg, qWJbl~nI.p-pI.G qqbgWI.. qqbgWI. S1::p, qopnI.p-pI.G
eGIl J1::f pI.p 1::w~:
~wumwmbwg qW2luwph qp Upl uwuwGbugp. UJ.wmpwum 1:: wp-nn £n p
uqqpwG1::, JWI.pmbwGu IlnI. bu:
Uupwp6.wG qbm£, S1:: /p, bI. hwupwp6.pG qhm£ q6.wJGu pI.pbwGg. bI.
JwppgbG qbm£ p qGwgu pI.pbwGg:
P 6.wJG1:: fnI.P9 pwquwg, u£wG~blP bqbG qpouwG£ ~nqnI.:
U£wG~blP bu IlnI. , S1:: p, p pwp6.nI.Gu. qqwJnI.p-bwGg £ng ub£ JnJdhWI.wmwgw£ :
SwG £nI.u qWJbl1:: uppnI.p-pI.G, S1:: /p, eGIl bpqwJG wI.nI.pu:
c1Jwn£ ~op bI. npllI.nJ bI. ~nqI.nJ G UppnJ·
UJd-u bI. up2m bI. JWI.pmbwGu JWI.pmbGpg: Uu1::G:
[The Prayer of the Prothesis]
o Lord our God, who didst send our Lord Jesus Christ, the heavenly bread,
the food ofthe whole world, to be saviour and redeemer and benefactor, and to
bless and to sanctify us; do thou, 0 Lord, bless now also this presentation,
receive this upon thy heavenly Altar.
Be mindful, beneficent and lover ofman as thou art, both ofthose who offer
it and ofthose for whom it is offered and keep us without condemnation in the
priestly ministration ofthy divine mysteries. For holy and glorious is the most
honourable majesty of the glory of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy
Spirit, now and always and unto ages of ages. Amen.
And he shall cover the chalice, saying:
[The Psalm of the Prothesis] Ps. 93
The Lord has reigned, he is robed with majesty; the Lord is robed, he has
girded himself with strength.
He established· the world so that it shall not be moved; thy throne is
established of old, thou art from everlasting.
The floods have lifted up, 0 Lord, the floods have lifted up their voices; the
floods shall rise in their course.
Above the voices of many waters, the mighty breakers of the sea;
Thou art mighty, 0 Lord, on high; thy testimonies are very sure.
Holiness becomes thy house, 0 Lord, for length of days.
Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
Now and always and unto ages of ages. Amen.
C1Iusuruq.UlfUSn 88
fuut~ utqupZmgt
hp,/lgu, utuhzntJ..
[Rwap lJ.zhmuwa].
~nqpG Um.pp
t hqhugl:: p £hq,
hl. qopnl.p-pl.G pwpciphlnJG hmlwGp IPgp
p qhpwJ £nJ:
(vz fJ.Uj/lp,pu h11.utuutqhughu lYh11.h1J./l l}um Ujutm2utfi/l utznzp,u:
lYh11. h 1J./l Butp,nzruhutu 4/lzp,utqt/lg.
bu qdw/il wn."L~nLII wubJ, np £f:ntJp " .pwn.wfilllL"lI:
I» .pwlZ.UlfilbL"1I
£f:ntJp, dWJII wn.lIl;p " uwllrpupwJbulU:
(4p,quhut': )
lYh11. h 1J./l luut~/l.
luwt.1I " IIwfullnLJJJ bpbLb9wL ~w'l'tbwL " 'l:pwfuUlII wUUlnLUl~wUlnLII't:
Ufu"filwp"t. b'lWL UbfilwJ, IIwfuw£f: nLlw't \ ~opll lJ.rpuJwJ:
Ub.p " JWJII pWJUlII bJ.p JnLuw9bwL' Jnp Sl;p fJ"unLu pbLbn.b9wL:
bL funllwp~bwL bp'tP"lw£f:bJ.p wUlirnLUl~l!.II'twL unLpp IIl~II"II:
lYh11.h1J./l Uumnzutautau/l.
lJ.t..p1l ~"'l " ~"'l ~"~W'lWfu"Ul ~wLwLwllwJp:
fJwlZ.UILoUlnLII bp'tnL pWJLw'tllwdbL wpbEfUl'twll IIJwll:)
[.9.lIh11. h1J./lu l}um Ujutm2utfi/l utll utznzp,g mou/lg, q.mghu /l-d'utlIutwp,uu:]
[ro. fIll).lIS0u
1· lutt,,nfa.fiJ'I»fa.t]
Vz ut",qutut qfunzuqu, utuhzntJ..
[lJ.'I. 0 fUP tualfwfllfnzfUhwa]
lunl.llq tl'wmnl.gwGhu wnwfp £n, ~pp'umnu,'G hnqhl.npwqwG:
Cllqw'l quw p unl.pp JhpqGwJpG hl. JPtl'UlGwlP £n tl'wmnl.gwpwGI} p hnm
Unw£hw' wn tl'hq 'Imluwpl::G q2Gnphu hl. qUIwpqhl.u ~nql.nJI} UppnJ'
hl. £hq tl'wmnl.gwGhu£ q1}twnu {!GI} ~op hl. {!GI} ~nql.DJI} UppnJ, wJd-tl' hl.
tl'p2m hl. JWl.pmhwGu JWl.pmhGpg: Utl'l::G:
[vz PutP,2hughu qtJ.utP,utq.nlP,u:]
VZ utUjut fuuqhzntJ.' /l lItf vqh11.hgznlu /lfutut fiutu1J.hp,ii Uutp,qutZutq.opu, h~
hzhutZ /l tJ.hp,' hp,q/lp, Uh11.utunlu:
And [the Priest] shall burn incense, saying:
[The Prayer of Censing]
I offer incense before thee, 0 Christ, for a spiritual fragrance. Receive it for
a sweet-smelling savour into thy holy, heavenly and intelligible place of offer~~
Send down upon us in return the graces and the gifts ofthy Holy Spirit. And
unto thee we offer glory with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and always
and unto ages of ages. Amen.
[And the Veil shall be withdrawn]
And then censing he shall come down into the church together with the Deacons
and going up again he shall bow to the Altar three times.
fIIusuru9-uU'usn 88
[And the Clerks shall sing:]
(Guqw.tljutli luliljutl1ljnlfituutli.)
(The Hymn of Censing)
(BIUJu JIU[,'t tnL"['lUtlUs nL/uUl" SblUTLt UlIUD.IUl'''U cfn'1nllblUl.pu IUUUllUtO[' " fun['t.nL[''l Uf.~lUlIUJlUt Uf.1U'1IUUllUtlUs IUTLIU£P'tIUJ unL['p Uf.IUUlIU['1U'f:"u, fut't0.p IUtnLlPL,[! funLJp IUTLblUl Uf.1U['bJ.p " t[b[,tIUJIU[,'t U['IUt.U
flL'1'1nL/ilbIUJp l!..t'tIU'l qlU'1of/u Jb[' n['Uf.l;u pnL['nLJt IUtnLllUt.nUl fut'tns,
UUllUlfu"s bL 't"tIUJntIUS' bL qJIUUlnLsn'1u Uf.1Ut.blU' u['pnLf/bIUJp J"lUl
bL t.lUtlUUf.lUq .pbq uUf.lUuIULn[,bl :
~1U['bfuounL/ilbIUJp Jo[' .pn bL 't nLu" l!..t'tIU'l qlU'1lUllUtu .pns Uf.1U1.-",otl;"s'
n[' 'f:b[,IU'f:nJt .plUt qb[''t"tu Uf.IUJ~IUTLlUsnLsb['unL['p qb'tb'1bS" lU['blUJp
.pnt[ ~['''uUlnu, bL l!..UUl b[''ttIUJtnst 't1U[''f:bSb[, " UJIU q'fIUuu IUTLIU.pblns
bL JIU[,'l:IU['I;"s, unL['p t[1U[''fIUUf.bUllUs:
llJuo[' cfn'1nt[blUl 'fIUu.p .p1Ut.lUtIUJ"S' UIU[''tIULIU'l:IUS, 'l"l['IUS bL 't'1b[''''tnulUs, funLt't JIUUlnLSlUtbJ.p IUTLIU£P .pn, SI;'[', Jo['"tlU't \ l!..UUl t.tnLJt
9..1U.p1U[,"IUJ: Ct'tIU'l IUTL" Jl;tf. qfufi'tlUtnLI;[' JlUqfJlUtU, n['Uf.l;u qUf.IUUlIU['1U'f:t llpl;iP, q tnJ" bL qllp['IUt.IUJnL:
~1U['bfuounLf/bIUJpt[b['"t .pn
qo['IUS'l' J"lUl 'IUtllU'l'cf Uf.1Ut.blU qllf/nTL
(In this Sanctuary ofvotive offerings in the temple of the Lord, we
are assembled together for the mystery ofthe service ofsupplications
of the approaching holy oblation. We are grouped in a choir with
sweet-smelling incense in the upper court of this tabernacle.
Receive our prayers ascending straight unto thee as the saviour
of frankincense, myrrh and cinnamon. Keep us, who offer them, in
holiness, that we may serve thee continually always.
Through the intercession of thy virgin Mother accept the supplications ofthy servants, 0 Christ, who with thy blood hast made thy
holy C~rch more resplendent than the heavens. Thou hast also
"appointed within her, after the pattern of the heavenly hosts, the
orders of apostles, prophets and holy teachers.
This day we, classes of priests, deacons, clerks and servers herein
assembled, offer incense before thee, 0 Lord, as Zachariah did ofold.
Accept from us our prayers with offerJngs ofincense, like the sacrifice
of Abel, of Noah and of Abraham. Through the intercession of thy
supernal hosts maintain ever unshaken the throne of Armenians.
(Hymn of the Church)
Gutl1utljutli 17ljUT/.ugznJ.
lut'llU' JnJcf 'lnLUUl[' lnLu.nJ, JIUJ[, unL['p 't1Uf/nL'1"'tI;, JlUt'
lJ"nt: 9..1U[,'lIU['blUl Uf.D.tblU' t.1U['Ut Uf.lUt~lUiP, b[''ttlUtJlUt lnLulUD.bJ
o~blUlt lluUlnLlU~ ktt " Jktt IUt~lUfulUUf.l;u " .pbq J"lUl
Uf.IUUlIU['IU'f:" 1,0[, " t.lUlUlnLf/"Lt, Jbq " .pIULnL/il"Lt plUlful; qJIU['J"t bL
qlU['''Lt "L[' unL['p t[IUU~ "L[' 'tIUUlIU['JlUt unL['p Ulto['l;tnL/ilblUt: - l;tn['t.1; qf!n'1nLf/"Lt 'tlUt'f:tnqp UlIUD.IU['''U:
9..lUtlUUf.IU 't lUt 'tnJut
if1U['''IUJ lluUlnLlU~IU~"'t funuUlnt[lUt" unL['p
b'tb'1bS'" nLuUl" UlnLlUL t.lUst IUtJIUt.nL/ilblUt bL plUcflU't Jbq nL[,lUfulU[,IU[,'
UlnL,[! o['t.tnL/il"Lt tJIU t.n'f:bLn[' b[''f:nt[:)
Rejoice exceedingly, 0 Sion, daughter oflight, holy mother catholic, together with thy children. Adorn and bedeck thyself, 0 glorious
Bride, heaven-like resplendent tabernacle. For God the Anointed, He
who is from him Who is, is ever sacrificed in thee unconsumed for
reconciliation to the Father. He dispenses his own holy body and blood
in propitiation for us, so that he may fuUU the holy dispensation. - May he grant forgiveness to the builder of this temple.
The holy Church confesses the spotless virgin Mary as being the
God-bearer, for through her was given unto us the bread of
immortality and the cup of rejoicing. Give blessings unto her, with
spiritual songs.)
[2. lJ'IJ19..~t]
17z Uut! ljutzm[
l1t£ uljuT/.ugznJli, autJliuugt.
O['t.tblU', SI;[':
oz -P.utfiutliutJli utUutugt,
And the Protodeacon, standing in the middle of the church, shall cry aloud:
Bless, Lord.
And the Priest shall say aloud:
[OpJilinzpt/uli Uqqpwli]
[ The Blessing of the Enarxis ]
O['t.tblUl f/1U'l:IULn['nLf/"Ltt 1,0[, bL fl[,'lLnJ bL 1,n'f:LnJ t lJ['pnJ' IUJcfJ
bL J"lUl bL JIUL"UlblUtu JIUL"Ulbt"S: llJl;t:
Blessed be the kingdom ofthe Father and ofthe Son and ofthe Holy
Spirit, now and always and unto ages of ages. Amen. 88
And the Clerks shall begin the Introit [zhamamut, "Troparion"l according to
the proper of the day.
[Or else they shall say the following on Sundays: l
01: U~Uw,up,gp,u f).U/p'p,pu dutuw,unzm l!um U/W,m2w,fip, w,mzp,u:
[4W,U w,uw,ugliu qw,jU' jw,znzp,u 4p,Zp,W,~tp,g:]
[<rlf!twu!tli nTtTJ.fu>]
(U/rlU~/rh fl[,'l:/r bL ~lUh'l: lJ.uU1nLlU~, bL lUhJlU' ,>mp/rLh, n[' JlUhdh
lUn.b[' JlU['J"'blUhlUl /r u['pnL'LnJ lJ.uU1nLlU~lU~h'>h bL /r J/rl..U1-'InLu'>h:
lJ.h+m/mfubLfr'l: .JlU[''l: b'lblUl' fulUt.bO lU[" ~['/ruU1nu lJ.uU1nLlU~ Jb['.
JlU,nLlUJp '1. JlU ' 't.nfubob[,:
/r. lJ['pnJ
l, n 'f:Ln,h,
l;['['n[,'l:mpbh'>h, +lU1I.lULn['lU 't./ro eh'l: 1,0[, bL lJ['pnJ
' n ' '1. Jb'1.:)
[Qdutuw,unzmu l!um U/W,m2w,fip, w,jl w,mzp,g moup,g, mliugliu
Oz jw,zwp,mlizu [d'wuwump,u] Q,wjuliugt uwJuwuwp,
I;L bLU fulU'llU'lnL{JblUh '1.S,>[' lU'llUt.buonL,p.
Ch't.lU'l, 't.bon' bL n'ln['JblU':
- O[',hblU', S,>[':
Oz -Rwfiwuwju wuwugt.
O[',hnql/rLh bL +lUR,[! 1,0[, bL fl[,'l:LnJ bL l,n'f:LnJh lJ['pnJ' lUJJ-J bL J/rl..U1
bL JlUL/rU1blUhu JlUL/rU1bh/rO: lJ.J'>h:
lulU'llU'lnL{J/rLh lUJbhbonL'b:
f). U/ p'Jlpu.
eh'l: 'n'f:LnJ'l: .pnLJ:
lJ.uU1nL~nJ b[''t.['UflU'f:buonL,p:
lJ.1I.lU£/r .pn S
'>[' :
Oz -Rwfiwuwju wuwugt, ft, Q,Wju.
[The Monogenes ]
(Only-begotten Son and Word of·God and Being immortal, who
didst deign to become incarnate through the holy Mother-of-God and
Thou, that art unchangeable, didst become man and wast crucified, 0 Christ our God, and didst trample down death by death.
<Y thou, who art one of the Holy Trinity, in glory equal with the
Father and the Holy Spirit, save us.)
[For Introits proper to various flast days, see the Hours-Book (Horologion).
When [the Introit is l ended, the Protodeacon shall cry:
Again in peace let us beseech the Lord:
Receive, save and have mercy.
- Bless, Lord.
And the Priest shall say:
Blessing and glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy
Spirit, now and always and unto ages of ages. Amen.
tPeace unto all.
The Clerks:
And with thy spirit.
The Deacon:
Let us bow down to God.
The Clerks:
Before thee, 0 Lord.
And the Priest shall say aloud:
[The Prayer of the First Antiphon]
[U,'l01&P U,nW2!tli 4gnzfl1W]
S,>[' lJ.uU1nLlU~ Jb[', n['Tij 't.w['n'lnL{J/rLh'l:
bL +lU'4!'l: lUh'lUUlUhbLfr, n[,nJ n'ln['Jnql/rLh'l: lUht. lU+
bL qJ.iJnql/rLh'l: IUhplUL, 'l:nL eUU1
1U1I.lUU1 JIU[,'l:lUu/r['nqlblUh'l: .pnLJ hlUJblU'O /r J-n'lnllnL[,' bL /r U11UC.IU['U
IUJU unL['p: I;L lU['lU' eh'l: Jb'1. bL eh'l: 1U'l0fJzu't./rou Jb[' 1U1I.lUU1IUUf'>u '1.n'ln['JnL{J/rLh .pn bL '1.qJ.iJnql/rLh: 9./r .pb'1. 4.IUJ bl'> +lUR,[!, /rWlUhnL{J/rLh bL
UflUU1/rL, IUJJ-J bL J/rl.. U1 bL JIUL/rU1blUhu JlUL/rU1bh/rO: lJ.J'>h:
Oz u~uwup,gp,u wum f).U/p'p,pu UwrJ.lJnu [OW2nz] liz GWp,w~wu [Ow2n~] l!um
U/ wm2wfip,u:
8wp,nz liwu .
'1.'1>. 1-5:
4gnZp,TJ.. S,>[' {J1U'f:IULn[,bIUO, "-IUJblt.nL{J/rLh '1.'f:bOIUL. '1.'f:bOlUL S,>[', '1.0[,nql/rLh eh'l: J'>£ /rL[, ,>lU~:
o Lord our God, whose power is inscrutable and the glory incomprehensible, whose mercy is beyond measure and the compassion infinite, do thou, according to thy abundant love ofmankind, look down
upon this thy people and upon this holy temple and make abundant
thy mercy and thy compassion unto us and unto those who pray with
us. For unto thee is fitting glory, dominion and honour, now and
always and unto ages of ages. Amen.
And the Clerks shall begin the Midday Responsory and the Midday Chant
proper to the day:
For Resurrection Days:
[Midday Responsory 1Ps. 93, 1-5
Antiphon: The Lord has reigned, he is robed with majesty; the Lord
is robed, he has girded himself with strength.
fIIusuru9-UrrUSn 88
(])nJu. l,UlUUlUlUlbUlO 'lUlUuUlP("u 'l" J" uUluUlhbuO":
[d'W2nz Gwp,w/iwu lJ.!l.]
!}.filUlIfUILnph +UlR.UlO ~p"uUlnu, np 1.Uluh Jbp JUlpJhUlOUlL " uppnJ
'1nLuJ;h bL fuUltJr ("UlJpbp bln1.' J"UlpUlhm·filbUlJp bplf"1. pUlpbpUlhbuont..,p:
flp qJilUI'lnLJh bpb.popbUlJ JUlhdh J;Uln. JUlpnLObUllh " Jbn.blno "UuUlhnqlbUlJp. J"UlpUlhnLfilbUlJp bp,!:n1. pUlpbpUlhbuont..,p:
'1U1p n 'l UluIJu 'l'lpnLhu 'lJnfuno funpUlUl'tbUlo' b'tb'lbOLnJ "LpnLJ
'l'!:bonJO 'lJblr1.UlJ blt n ql"Lh. J"UlpUlhnLfilbUlJp bp,!:n1. pUlpbpUlhbuont..,p:
tlz fI, <r1jtutnpJ) mutl£1 f}.ufrtut9, hpqfl,PUJutq.gldi utnut£fI, phufl,£1 utuh£1hphutfi:
[Q Dut2nZ Uut11.unuu£1 hz qDut2nz Gutputqut£1u£1 l!:um UJutm2ut6f1, utJl utznzpg
mofifl,g, q.mghu fI, d'utUutq.fI,pu hz fI, Gutputqfingfl,fi:]
tlz u"'(1). £1nput hpq.h£1, .f}.utfiutfiutJ£1 utUutugt qut11.0ptu, fI, lJut{mzq.
Responsory: He has established the world so that it shall not be
[Midday Chant. Tone 1. ]
Unto the king ofglory, Christ, who was for us incarnate of the holy
Virgin and endured even the cross, let us with one accord sing praises.
Unto him who suffered the burial ofthree days and rose again from
the dead with power, let us with one accord sing praises.
Unto him who mightily destroyed the gates of hell and endued his
Chtirch with majesty, let us with one accord sing praises.
And when the Clerks give the ''glory'', all shall bow down before the sanctuary.
[For Midday Office Responsories and Chants proper to other feast days, see the
Hours-Book and the Hymn-Book.]
And while the Clerks sing, the Priest shall say the following prayers, in secret:
[lJ.TJ.0fitJ2 17p,I/Tmp,TJ. 4gnzP,TJ.ft]
Sl'p UumnLW~ ubp qbgn' qunqmlnLpq.u £n bL ophllbw' qd-wnwllqnLp-p.Lllu tn. qtpnLull bqbqbgLnJ £n lllwhbw': Uppbw' qunuw np£ nqfnLllbgp.ll up.pml qqwJbl~nLp-p.Lll mwll £n: fl.nL qubq tPwnwLnpbw' wumnLW~Jp.ll qopnLp-bwup £nq, bL up.' p-nqnLp qJnLuwgbwlu p. £bq: Rp. £n 1
qwpnqnLp-p.Lll bL qopnLp-p.Lll bL tPwn£ JWLp.mbwllu: Uulll:
t luwqwqnLp-p.Lll
[lJ.TJ.0fitJ2 17p,p,np,TJ. 4gnzp,TJ.ft]
np hwuwpwqwg qWJU bL up.wawJll ubq wubllbgnLll nLunLgbp wqop-bb
bL qbpqnLg bL qbpp.g up.wawJllblng JwllnLll £n qlullq.pnLw~u lllwpqbwi
lunumwgwp, q.nL bL wJuu q~nwJp.g £ng qlullq.pnLw~u wn P. Joqn'Lmll
qwmwpbw, 2llnphhlnq ubq JWJuu JWLp.mbllp.u qqp.mnLp-p.Lll £nLuq. u2uwPmnLp-bwll bL p. hwllq.bpabwlll qqbwllull JWLp.mbllwqwllu lllwpqbwlnq:
Rp. pwpbpwp bL uwpq.wulp bu UumnLW~' bL £bq qWJbll tPwn£, p.2luwllnLp-p.Lll bL lllwmp.L, wJuu bL uP.2m bL JWLp.mbwllu JWLp.mbllp.g: Uulll:
tlz .f}.utfiut£1utJfi hpqpUJutq.hlml Uh11.ut£1nJ£1 utUutugt qut11.0ptu, fI, lJutlJnzq.
[The Prayer of the Second Antiphon]
o Lord our God, save thy people and bless thine inheritance, preserve the
fulness ofthy Church. Sanctify those who have come to greet in love the beauty
of thy house. Do thou glorify us by thy divine power and forsake not us who
have put our trust in thee. For thine is the might and the power and the glory
unto the ages; Amen.
tPeace unto all.
[The Prayer of the Third Antiphon]
o thou who hast taught us all to pray in common and with one accord and
hast promised to grant the requests of two or three agreeing together in thy
name, do thou fulfil now the petitions of thy servants as may be expedient for
them, granting us in this world knowledge ofthy truth and in the world to come
life everlasting. For thou art God beneficent and lover of man and unto thee is
fitting glory, dominion and honour, now and always and unto ages of ages.
And the Priest bowing to the Altar shall say the following prayer, in secret:
[lJ.TJ.0fitJ2 d'w2nz llmftg]
[The Prayer of the Lesser Entrance]
Slp UumnLw~ ubp, np qwpqbgbp Jbpqp.llu qq.wuu bL qqp.llnLDpnLp-p.Lllu
hpb2mwqwg bL hpb2mwqwlllbmwg p. ulllwuwLDpnLp-p.Lll tPwnwg £ng, wpw'
wJuu l!llq. unLmu ubp umwllbl bL uppng hpb2mwqwg bL Ip.llbllllw2mollwqP.g
ubq bL tPwnwpwllwqp.g £nLu pwpbpwpnLp-bwllq.:
o Lord our God, who hast established in the heavens the orders and the
hosts ofange1s and archangels for the ministry ofthy glory, make now the holy
angels also enter with our entrance and serve with us and glorify with us thy
goodness. --
flJUSuruq.UlfUSn 88
-RwfiwuwJu, jl
~p .pn ~ ItUl['n'lnLppL'b IlL 'l0[,nLppL'b IlL fUln,p JUlLpU7bUl'bU: UlJ~'b:
The Priest aloud:
- For thine is might and power and glory unto ages. Amen.
VZ fiwupnz",ltugltu qUltTJ.wuG:
And they shall kiss the Altar.
VZ uw",qwzwqnzGpG qn~ltugltG.
And the Deacons shall cry:
flJTLnUfunLJ~ :
f1 uw",qWZWCtwg ujl nuG pw",a",wgnzugt qu,zltmw",wGG Unz",p:
Vz '"J.Ufjl",pG l!:um fun",fi"'TJ-nJ wznz",G It'''CtltugltG qV",ltpu",pltUtGG:
!l.wmqjl, BjlGwGg ltz Bw",nzptltwG lljlz",Utqtjlg:
UnL['p U.uU7nLUI~, unL['p bL <'1..0[', unL['p bL UI'bJUI<,
fl[' JUI[,bUl[, I' JbTLbLnS'
fl'ln['JbUl Jb'l:
V",jlgu q",qGltugltG:
u,umnzwo-wJUtJmGnzptltwG ltz tJ..,w"'TJ-Utl/.Utnjl.
UnL['p UluU7nLUI~, unL['p bL <'1..°[', unL['p bL UI'bJUI<,
fl[' JUlJU7'bb S Ul[, t{UlU'b Jb[',
fl'l n['JbUl I Jb'l:
V",jlgu q",qGltugltG:
SltwnGl!:GTJ-wnw£jl, ~nCtltCtwlumltwG, tJ..,lt",Utljl,nfuuUtG.
UnL['p U.uU7nLUI~, unL['p bL <'1..°[', unL['p bL UI'bJUI<-'
fl[' . bltp[' bL CfUlLnS bu,
fl'l n['JbUl I Jb'l:
V",jlgu q",qGltugltG:
luw~jl, VqltTJ.ltgznJ, U",png, ifJwfing.
UnL['p U.uU7nL.Ullr, unL['p bL <'1..0[', UnL-['P In UI'bJUI<,
fl[' fuUlt.bsUl[, t{Ulu'b Jb['.
fl'ln['JbUlI Jb'l:
One of the Deacons shall lift up the holy Gospel.
And the Clerks shall sing the Trisagion according to the proper of the day.
[The Trisagionl
For Eastertide and for Sundays of Resurrection:
-Holy God, holy and mighty, holy and immortal,
Who didst rise from the dead,
Have mercy upon us.
Repeat thrice.
For Theophany and Transfiguration:
Holy God, holy and mighty, holy and immortal,
Who wast revealed for us,
Have mercy upon us.
Repeat thrice.
-For Presentation, Pentecost and Assumption:
Holy God, holy and mighty, holy and immortal,
Who didst come and art to come,
Have mercy upon us.
Repeat thrice.
For the days of the Cross, of the Church, of Saints and of Fasting:
Holy God, holy and mighty, holy and immortal,
Who wast crucified for us,
Have mercy upon us.
Repeat thrice.
And the Priest shall at the same time say, in secret:
V",jlgu q",qGltugltG:
Vz -RwfiwGwJG qnJq. uujlG WUUtugt, jl o-wo-nzq.
[U.IJ.O~P 17flli.PUflPli.GftG]
Uumm.. wb- um.. pp, np r unLppu hwGqnLgbwl bu bL bph£uppbwG aWJGr L
ubpmlpt£ qmlbG q£bq bL £hpmlpt£ 1}twnwpwGbG hL wuhGwJG hpqGwJr G
qopnLITr LG £ £bq bpqrPlllwqwGbG. np r lqnJt r qnJ wb-bp qwubGwJG
wpwpwb-u. np wpwpbp quwPI}-G l!um lllwmqbpr £nLU bL GuwGnLp-bwG bL
wubGwJG 2Gn ph r L £ml qGw qwpI}-wpbgbp bL nLunLgbp luGI}-pbl qruwu-
[The Prayer of the Trisagion I
o God, the holy One, who dost rest in the saints and whom with the trisagial
cry the seraphim praise and the cherubim glorify and all the heavenly hosts
adore; who hast brought all creatures into being out ofnothing; who hast made
man after thine own image and likeness, and hast adorned him with every.grace
of thine, and hast taught him to seek wisdom and prudence, and hast not
neglected the sinner, but hast laid upon him repentance unto salvation; who
hast made us, thy lowly and unworthy servants, worthy to stand at this hour
mm..p-lllJl hl.. qqollnl..p-p.dl hl.. n~ wllmhu wpwphp quhqnl..ghwlll. wJl hIJ:p.p
p. qhpUlJ llnpw wUJw2luwpnl..p-p.l..ll tPpqnl..p-hwll. np wpd-wllp. wpwphp quhq,
qllnl..wumwghwl hl.. qwllwpd-wll a-ronwJuu fn, p. d-wunl..u JWJuup.q qWl
wnw£p. tPwnwg uppnl..p-hwll uhqwllnJ fnJ hl.. hpqpUJwqnl..p-p.l..ll
hl.. q*wnwpwllnl..p-p.l..ll uwmnl..gwllhl fhq:
before the glory of thy holy altar and to offer the adorat~on and glory due to
Do thou, 0 Lord, accept from our mouths, sinners as we are, the trisagia1
hymn and keep us by thy loving-kindness; forgive us all our transgressions both
voluntary and involuntary; sanctify our souls, our minds and our bodies and
grant unto us that we may serve thee in holiness all the days of our lives,
through the intercession of the holy Mother-of-God and of all thy saints, who
through the ages have been well-pleasing unto thee. For thou, 0 Lord our God,
art h9ly and unto thee is fitting glory, dominion and honour, now and always
and Unto ages of ages. Amen.
'l-n'l.., S1:'p, l!llqw't p. phpwllnJ uhqwl..llpwgu qhphfupphwll ophllnl..p-p.l..llu
hl.. UJwhhw' quhq fnJp.ll fwqgpnl..p-hwupIJ:. p-n'q uhq qwubllwJll Jwllgwllu
uhp qqwuwJ hl.. qwqwuwJ. upphw' qhnqp., hl.. quwpup.llu uhp hl..
211nphhw' p. uppnl..p-hwll UJw2mhl qfhq qwuhllwJ II qhllwg uhpng,
pwphluounl..p-hwup uppnwl..llJ u.umnl..wa-roa-llp.ll hl.. wuhllwJll uppng fng,
npf JUll..p.mhllp.g fhq pwphhwunJwgwll: Rp. unl..pp hu S1:p u.umnuua- uhp,
hl.. fhq qWJhl1: tPwnf, p.2luwUnl..p-p.l..ll hl.. UJwmp.l.., wJd-u hl.. uP.2m hl..
JWl..p.mhwllu JWl..p.mhllp.g: U.u1:11:
qu.tlnu.q/,u,zu uPu'puPPu'unJu U,1 utTL0-,uftgu, putpnqu'ugt.
llM DW2nz]
f},UJftPPu. S!;p ntlnpJbUl:
'lUlUt fuUl'lUl'ln'-fJbUlt UlJbtUlJt Ul1.fuUlP~" bL ~UluU1U1U1nLpbUltuppnJ
b'Lb'lbSLnJ' 'IS!;p UI'lUltbuSnL.,f:
f},UJftPPu. S!;p n'lnpJbUl:
And when the Trisagion and the prayers are ended, the Deacon shall proclaim:
[The Great Litany of the Synaxis 1
Again in peace let us beseech the Lord.
bL bLU fuulIlulIlnLpbUlt 'IS!;p uIIIUlt.'wsnL.,f:
The Clerks: Lord, have mercy.
- For the peace of the whole world and for the stability of the holy
Church, let us beseech the Lord.
The Clerks: Lord, have mercy.
- For all the holy and orthodox bishops, let us beseech the Lord.
UI'lUltbuSnL.,f :
f},UJftPpu. S!;p n'lnpJbUl:
'lUlUt ~UlJPUlUfbU1"t JbpnJ SbUlnt ••• (utJu utumu) 'LbtUls bL
'Ln'-fJbUlt ~n'l:LnJ tnp"t, 'IS!;p UI'lUltbuSnL.,f:
f},UJftPPu. S!;p n'lnpJInu:
'lUlUt "-UlPTJ:UIUfbU1U1S' .[!UI~UltUlJfiS' UUlP'LUlLUI'f:UIS' 'tUf.pUlS bL
UlJbtUlJt nquU1" JUlt'LUlts b'Lb'lbgLnJ' 'IS!;p UI'lUlt.buSnL.,f:
f},UJftPPu. S!;p n'lnpJbUl:
'lUlUt pUlpbUfUl1..U1 pUl'f:UILnpUlS
'IopUl"-UlpUls bL 'IopUlS
bL UluU1nLUl/rUlu!;p "1.fuUltUls,
'IS!;p UI'lUlt.buSnL.,f:
f},UJftPpu. S!;p n'lnpJbUl:
'lUlUt ~n'l:Lnst ~Ult'l:nLsblns, np.[! ~1..JUlp"U1 bL nL'IP'l ~UlLUlU1n"- "
'IS!;p UI'lUlsbusnL.,f:
f},UJftPPu. S!;p n'lnpJbUl:
l;L bLU J"UlpUlt "-Ulut ~1..JUlp"U1 bL unLpp ~UlLUlU1nJu JbpnJ' 'IS!;p
UI'lUltbugnL.,f :
The Clerks: Lord, have mercy.
- For the life of our Patriarch Lord ... (N.) and for the salvation of
his soul, let us beseech the Lord.
The Clerks: Lord, have mercy.
- For doctors, priests, deacons, clerics and the whole company of
the children of the Church, let us beseech the Lord.
The Clerks: Lord, have mercy.
- For pious kings and for God-loving princes, captains and their
hosts, let us beseech the Lord.
The Clerks: Lord, have mercy.
- For the souls of those who are at rest and have fallen asleep in
Christ in the true and right faith, let us beseech the Lord.
The Clerks: Be mindful Lord, and have mercy.
- And again with one accord by our true and holy faith, let us
beseech the Lord.
flJUSU ru (HJ.lrUS nB8
'J.U/P,IlPu. SI;{' n'lnl'JbUl:
!J.UlLd"Lu Jb{' bL 'lJ"JbUlLu SbUln.L lJ.uUJnL~nJ UlJbLUI~UlLPL JUlLdL
UI{'Ulu 9 n '-.[! :
'J.U/P,IlPu. ~b'l SbUln.L'I: JUlLdL b'l"9 n '-.[!:
fl'ln{'JbUl'9 Jb'l' SI;{' lJ.uUJnLUl~ Jb{', euUJ Jb~" n'lnl'JnqlbUlL ~nLJ.
UluUlu9n'-.[! UlJbLb~bUlL J"UlpUlLnLfilbUlJp:
'J.U/P,IlPu. SI;{' fl'lnl'JbUl' SI;{' n'lnl'JbUl' SI;{' n'lnl'JbUl:
UZ .f}.wnwuwlu pwqqwmwllwo WUUtug"t qUt'1.oruu, p, OUtonzq.
[lJ.rzOfiTP Rutqljutinutfluta]
The Clerks: Lord, have mercy.
- Let us commit ourselves and one another unto the Lord God
The Clerks: To thee, 0 Lord, we commit ourselves.
- Have mercy upon us, 0 Lord our God, according to thy plenteous
mercy. Let us all say with one accord:
The Clerks: Lord have mercy; Lord have mercy; Lord have mercy.
with open arms the Priest shall say the following prayer, in secret:
[The Praver with Open Arms]
Sl::p UumnLw~ l1'hp qpwqqwmwpw~ qwqw~wGu ~nwJpg fng qhpl!Gqwmpu hL nqnpl1'hugpu l!um Jh~p nqnpl1'nLp-hwG fnLl1':
~qp-nLp-pLG fn wnwfhw' p qhpwJ l1'hp hL wl1'hGwJG d-nqnqpIJ-hwGu npf
wqG nLGpG wn p fl::G wnwm nqnpl1'nLp-hwGIJ-:-
o Lord our God, accept the supplications of us thy servants, made with
open arms, and be merciful unto us according to thy plenteous mercy. Send
down thy compassion upon us and upon all thy people, that await for the abundant mercy which comes from thee.-
O{'~LbUl', SI;{':
And. the Deacon shall cry:
Bless, Lord.
UZ .f}.wnwuwlu UtUUtug"t, p, aUtlu.
And the Priest shall say, aloud:
UUtllqwzwq.[i aUtlunug"t.
!J." n'lnl'JUI~ bL JUI{''f:UIul;{' bu lJ.uUJnLUl~ 'l:nLntl bL ~b'l 1 U1JbLI; +UlTl,[!,
"UuUlLnql"LL bL UfUlUJ"L, UlJtfJ bL J"lUJ bL JUlL"UJbUlLu JUlL"UJbL"9:
[4. CtfiJ'{;P8flfe.lJ.~ zJlJ.tflfe.]
Bnm WJUnllP,q nllqllU/UtqL Un'1.Utunlu .f}.UtnUtuUtlu
nz nqnUtZ pUtqup, lUtumfliiwuu:
UZ uquwup,u 'J.U/P,IlPU UUt'1.unu lOUt2nz] l!um / UtznzllU:
[QOw2nz UUt'1.unuuu l!um U/Utm2UttiP, Utznzll9 moup,g q.mgnu P, OUt2nz q.P,IlUU
qUtU P, d'wUUtq.P,IlU:]
UZ l!UrunIl99p,u qq.p,llu llUtllq.Wll"tUtqUtuU, [l!um gnzgwunznl SouUtgnzgp,u]:
[UU/w wuwugnu qllli/j{b,TJ.p, l!um U/Utm2UttiP, Utznzllu, l!um gnzgwunZnl OUt2nz
q.llngu qwu d'UtuUtq.",ngb:]
UZ [l!urunIl99p,u qq.p,IlU] qUnUtpnzUtqUtUU, [l!um gnzgUtunZnl SouUtgnzgp,u]:
UZ qqup,' Uz"tznzp,w, l!umgnzgUtunznl l!urunllgnzUtonlu:
lJ.Zt:Znl/tut l.I/tlflutljt:/t9 ButflnlfiTUutli. lJ.9..
FJ.nL JUI{'nL9bUlL 'l:fJUlu9"u " 1b{'UlJ U"nL". tfUlJUlLUI~ 'l:filUlLnJ Lnl'UI
~UlubUlL I; tfUlJ:
- For thou, being God, art merciful and lover ofmankind and unto
thee is fitting glory, dominion and honour, now and always and unto
ages of ages. Amen.
Thereafter the Priest shall bow to the Altar and shall come and sit on the step.
Then the Clerks shall begin the Midday Psalm [the Gradual] according to the
proper of the day [as appointed in the Lectionary or in the Hours-Book].
[Midday Psalm for Sundays of Resurrection] Ps. 65
Praise is due to thee, 0 God, in Sion; and unto thee prayers shall be
offered in Jerusalem.
And they shall read from the books of the Prophets, [as appointed in the Directorium].
[Then the Mesedi (the Prokimenon) shall be said according to the proper of
the day, as appointed in the Lectionary or in the Hours-Book.]
A nd [they shall read from the books] of the Apostles, [as appointed in the Direccorium].
Then they shall sing the Alleluia as is appointed [in the Lectionary or in the
fIIusuru9-UrrUSn 88
[9,lJ.zcZnz/lWlu l!um U/wm2wfi/l WIl wznzll9 mou/lg' q.mgliU /l d'wuwqJtlluU liwu
/l OW2nz q./llluu:]
VZ lwzwllmuwuu ·Uwllliwzwq.U iiwlub,u9C.
[/lLI;LnL"UI:] O['[J":
Vz -Rwntauwlu 1J.Wllii9/l b,z Juw~wliupb,ugc /ll/.b,llwI cJn11. nl/.ll1J.b,wuu, wub,znl/..
!uUl'lUl'lnL[J"L'b UlJb'bbsnL'b:
Alleluia for Sundays of Resurrection. Tone 1.
Psalm 102:13
Thou wilt arise and have mercy upon Sion; for it is time that thou
have mercy upon her; yea, the time is come.
And when it is ended, the Deacon shall cry:
[Alleluia.] Orthi.
And the Priest shall turn and make the sign of the cross over the people, saying:
l;L e'b'l: f.n'fLnJ'l: .,nLJ:
unto all.
The Clerks:
l;[''L''L'lUllrnL[JbUlJp LnLUl['nL.[!:
And with thy spirit.
A Deacon:
Hearken ye in fear.
U['pnJ /lLbU1U1['UI'b"u n[' e UU1 (UUlU1[Jl;nu" ) :
The Deacon:
To the holy Gospel according to (Matthew).
C/JUln.[! .,blf.' SI;[' lluU1nLUllr Jb[':
The Clerks:
Glory to thee, 0 Lord our God.
tTJlLnufunLJI; •
The Deacon:
The Clerks:
/luI; lluU1nLUllr:
God speaks.
Vz UWllliwzwq.U nCirub,ll99/l qlJ.zb,mwllwuu UnzllP mum gnzgwub,znl Souwgnzg/lU].
b,z lwzwllmuwuu wuwugb,u wub,ub,pb,wu.
C/JUln.[! .,blf.' SI;[' lluU1nLUllr Jb[':
And the Deacon shall read the holy Gospe~ [as shown in the Directorium Jat
the end of which all shall say:
Glory to thee, 0 Lord our God.
[5. 1,lltCJ.lltllt:, 1,1l/J-llSflB]
Vz WU/W wub,u qu/lli/lwliwu f).wzwUnz(if/lzuu /lzuwu.
1,UlLUlU1U1J., " J" lluU1nLUllr, " 1,UlJ[,'b UlJb'bUl'LUlL, JUI[,UI[,"t.'b b[''L'b'' bL
b[''L[''', b['bLbLbUlS bL UI'bb['bLnL[J"s:
l;L" J" SI;[' O"unLu -P['''uU1nu, Jfl[''l:'''b lluU1nLlrnJ' lr'bbUlL'b JlluU1nLlrnJ
1,0['1; J"Ullr"'b ,UlJU"'b.,'b J~nL[Jb'bl; 1,0[,:
lluU1nLUllr JlluU1nLlrnJ' lnJu " LnLunJ' lluU1nLUllr ~lJUI['''U1 JlluU1nLlrnJ
~lJUI['U1I;, lr'bnL'b'l: bL n t. UI[,UI[,Ullr. 'bnJ'b "'b.,'b " p'bm-fJb'bl; 1,0[', n['m[
UlJb'bUlJ'b "'bt. b'lbL Jb[''L'''bu bL" "-b[,UlJ 1.[''1.[''', b['bLbiP., bL UI'bb['bLnJ[J.,:
fl[' JUI'lUl'fU Jb[" JUI[''l:'LUI'b bL "-UlU'b Jb['nJ p[,'LnL[JbUl'b "£bUll "
Jb[''L'b''S JUI['J'bUlSUlL, JUI[,'f:UIS UlL , lr'bUlL 'L UlU1U1[,bLUlUfl;u " UUI['''UlJUlJ
u[,pnJ t:,nLul;'b 1,n'fLn"-'b U['pn"-:
Then the Nicene Creed shall be said in full:
We believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and
earth, of things visible and invisible.
And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, begotten of God the
Father, only-begotten, that is of the substance of the Father.
God of God, light of light, very God of very God, begotten and not
made; of the selfsame nature of the Father, by whom all things came
into being in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible;
Who for us men and for our salvation came down from heaven, was
incarnate, was made man, was born perfectly of the holy virgin Mary
by the Holy Spirit:
fTlusuru(HUrUS nB8
fll'ntl I;UlTL J'Ull'J'frL, t.nCffr bL J'frUl bL 'ZUlJ'bLUlJL nl' frLt I;
-AlJ'Ull'UlUlU[l;u bL nt 'tUll'~b0-f:
!/Ull'tUll'bUll, fuwtbUll' flUI'lbUll' Jbl'l'nl''f UlLnLl' JUll'nLSblUl· blbUll
Jbl''tfrLu LntlfrL J'Ull'J'LntlL, LUUlUlL eL'f UI£J'I; ~ol':
_CJ.Ullns I; LntlfrL J'Ull'J'LntlL bL PUlTL0-f ~ol'
'fUlUlbl 'Z'tbL'fUlLfru bL
'ZJ'bTLbUllu. nl'nJ flUlCfUlLnl'nLflbUlLL nt CfnJ"-Ulfu-AUlL:
~UlLUlUlUlJ'-f bL fr UnLl'p ~nCf"L, JUJLb'lL bL fr 'tUlUlUll'bUllL. nl' fu°ubSUlL
fr J'Ull'CfUll'l;u bL JllLbUlUl(,UlLu:
Jol'l;Lu bL
fll' I;£L fr Bnl''fUILUlL, -fUl('n'ZbUlS JUlTLUI-fbUlluL bL pLUI'tbSUlL " unL('puL:
~UlLUlUlUlJ'-f bL fr J''' J'''UI/iJ £!.L'f:'UlLl'Ul'tUlL bL UlTLUI-fblUl't Ulb [unLl'p]
J'fr J''tl'UlnLfI''L~. JUlU[UllfuUll'nLflfrLL'
-fUlLnLflfrLb bL
'fUlUlUlUUlUlbL iUJLfrUlbLfrs
J'Ull'J'Lns. JUll'-fUlJnLflfrLLL bl''tLfrs bL
'tbUlbuL JUlLfrUlbLUI'tUlbuL:
By whom he took body, soul and mind and everything that is in
. man, truly and not in semblance.
He suffered and was crucified and was buried and rose again on the
third day and ascended into heaven with the same body and sat at the
right hand- of the Father.
He is to come with the same body and with the glory of the Father
to judge the quick and the dead; of whose kingdom there is no end.
We believe also in the Holy Spirit, the uncreate and the perfect;
who spake in the Law and in the Prophets and in the Gospels;
Who came down upon the Jordan, preached in the apostles and
dwelt in the saints.
We believe also in only one catholic and apostolic [holy] Church;
In one baptism with repentance for the remission and forgiveness
of sins;
In the resurrection ofthe dead, in the everlasting judgmentofsouls
and bodies, in the kingdom of heaven and in the life eternal.
(Thus far the articles of the faith.)
[ The Anathema]
(lJldil 9utJUl1 hu fiutzutmnJ putUP:)
/Ju't nl'-f UlubLL' I;l' bl'pbJ'L In('cfUlJ' nt I;l' fll''ffrb, 'tUlJ' I;l' bl'pbJ'L
Jnl'cfUlJ' nt I;l' UnLl'p ~nCffrL, 'tUlJ' fll; Jntl;frs b'lbL 'tUlJ' JUlJlJ'1; I;nLflbLI;
UlubL lfrLbl 'Zfll''ffrL lluUlnL~nJ bL qUlJ' 'ZUnLl'p ~nCffrb, bL fll; pnpnfublfr-f
bb 'tUlJ' UlJlUlJlblfr-f' 'ZUlJLU[frufruL b'Zn"-l; 'tUlfln'lfr'tl; bL UlTLUI-fblUl't Ulb
As for those who say there was a time when the Son was not or there
was a time when the Holy Spirit was not or that they came into being
out ofnothing or who say that the Son ofGod or the Holy Spirit are ofa
different substance and that they are changeable or alterable, such
the catholic and apostolic holy Church does anathematize.
(The Priest:)
unLl'p lJ'tb'lbsfr:
Said by [St. Gregory] the Enlightener
(-RutfiutUutJu. )
[The Doxology after the Creed]
{nzUutznNtu utUut9hutl
[cPwnuwqmlfUfuG qliGfi. ~wGq.wGw~fi.G]
/Ju't J'b-f pUlTLUlLnpbusnL,[! nl' JUITLUI£ -fUlL 'ZJUlLfrUlbUlLu bl''tfrl'U[UlCfUILbln"- ul'pnJ lJl'l'nl''fnLflbUlLL bL J'fr lluUlnL~1JLflbUlLL ~ol' bL fll''fLnJ bL
~nCfLnJL Ul'pnJ' UlJcfJ' bL J'frlUl bL JUlLfrUlbUlLu JUlLfrUlbLfrS UlJ'I;L:
[ The Litany after the Lections]
Uutl1qutZutqli Putl1nqhugt ]t iiutJu.
Again in peace let us beseech the Lord.
[.gwTmq qliGfi. CGfUli.pgmwong]
lJL bLU fuUl'lUl'lnL{JbUlL 'ZSl;l' UI'lUltbuSnL,[!:
The Clerks:
lJL bLut.UlLUlUln"- UI'lUltbuSnL,[! bL fuL'fl'busnL,[!
fr SbUlTLLI; lluUlnL~nJ
bL fr f/Jl''ttI;L J'bl'J'1; BfrunLul; -P-l'fruUlnul; fr cfUlJ'nLU U[UllUlUlJ'UlL bL UI'l°flfrs,
The Deacon shall proclaim aloud:
[6. 111..0H ~"t/J CtfiJ-lJPBflJ1-11'UflB]
'J.U/]tl1PU. Sl;l"
As for us, we shall giorify him who was before the ages, worshipp- .
ing the Holy Trinity and the one Godhead, the Father and the Son and
the Holy Spirit, now and always and unto ages of ages. Amen.
UI['cfUlLfr eL'fnLLblnLflbUlL Ull'UlUsl;, lnLfrsl; Sl;l'
Lord, have mercy.
- Again in faith let us beseech and ask ofour Lord God and saviour
Jesu.s Christ, at this hour of service and prayers, that he may make
them worthy of acceptance; may the Lord hearken to the voice of our
fIIUSU ru9-UU'US nS 8
Jbl'no, l!.t'tUllO" qJut'l:l'nLUl~u Ul'Ul"O Jbl'no, Pn'lol; 'I.J UltOUl tU Jbl"
n'lnl'Jbuo" " l. bl'UlJ Jbl': lJ.'l0P.p Jbl' bL fut'l:l'nLUl~.p JUlJbtUlJt cfUlJ
JUlobt UlIl.UI£/r Jb~" Sl;l'nLpbUlt tnl'UI bL tUl UlUlOI; Jb'l. J"UlpUlt J"n1.
t'"UlLUlUln1. bL Ull''f:UIl'nLf/bUlJp l.UluUlUl'tbl " 'lnl'~u pUll'''U, 'lfr 'I. n 'lnl'-
supplications; may he receive the requests of our hearts; may he
forgive our trespasses and have mercy upon us. May our prayers and
requests at all times enter into the presence of his great majesty and
may he grant us to labour in good works with one accord, in one faith
and in righteousness, so that he may send down upon us the gifts ofhis
May the Lord almighty save us and have mercy.
The Clerks: Save, 0 Lord.
- That we may pass this hour of holy sacrifice and the day now
befdre us in peace and in faith, let us ask of the Lord.
JnLpbUlt '1.1.. tnl't'"ut "Ll' Ull'UlUol; " l. bl'UlJ Jbl':
Sl;l't UlJbtUl'tUll 'tbonLuol; bL n'lnl'Jbuo":
f"J.u('rf/'pu. "bon', Sl;l':
!J..cfUlJ unLl'p "fUlUlUll'UI'l"U bL 'I.UlIl.UI£UI'tUlJ Ol'U fuUl'lUl'lnLpbUlJp
UltonLOUltbl t'"UlLUlUln1.' "; fut'l:l'bont...p:
f"J.u('rrtpu. ~nl't'"bUl', Sl;l':
- !J..t'"l'b1.. UlUl 't fuUl'lUl'lnLpbUlt "fUlt'"UI"fUlt UltdUlto Jbl'no ";
fut'l:l'buonL,[! :
f"J.u('rrtpu. ~nl't'"bUl', Sl;l':
fut'l:l'bont...p :
f"J.u('tTtpu. l;tnl't'"bUl' Ull;l':
!J..ul'pnJ fuUltfrt Jb~ bL 'tUll'n'l 'I.0l'nLp"Ltt J0'ltnLp"Lt UltdUlto
Jbl'no "; fut'l:l'buont...p:
f"J.U//tllPU. ~nl't'"bUl', Sl;l':
f"J.U//tllPU. Sl;l' n'lnl'JbUl:
!J..Ultd"tu Jbl' bL 'I.J"JbUltu SbUllI.t lJ.uUlnL~nJ UlJbtUl'tUlLfrt JUltdt
UIl'Uluont...p :
f"J.U//tllPU. ~b'l. SbUllI.t'l: JUltdt b'l/'ont...p:
- fl'lnl'JbUl'O Jb'l.' Sl;l' lJ.uUlnLUl~ Jbl" l!.UUl Jb~" n'lnl'JnLf/bUlt .pnLJ.
UluUluont...p UlJbtb.pbUlt J"UlpUltnLf/bUlJp:
f"J.U//tllPU. Sl;l"
The Clerks: Grant, 0 Lord.
- The angel of peace to guard our souls, let us ask of the Lord.
The Clerks: Grant, 0 Lord.
- The forgiveness and the remission of our transgressions, let us
ask of the Lord.
The Clerks: Grant, 0 Lord.
- The great and mighty power of the holy Cross to help our souls,
let us ask of the Lord.
The Clerks: Grant, 0 Lord.
- l;L bLU J"UlpUlt l.UlUt G.1..JUIl'''Ul bL unLl'p t'"UlLUlUlnJu Jbl'nJ 'I.Sl;l'
UI'lUltbuont...p :
ll/tu>.. unpUt' ~UtfiUtUUtlU UtUUtugl:: qUt1J.0fitu, /t bUtbmlJ.
[U,'lo,a-p qquft Cu,a-hpgnzwlmg]
[Ut] Sl:p uhp hL tPplIlll S}1unLu 'P-p}1uumu, np uh~ hu nqnpunL~hwup
hL wnwm U{wpqhLOf pwphpwpnL~hw(l fn, np I}DL fnJ}1ll qwuwU}- }1
<huunLu JWJuu}1q hwuphphghp lWPlwpwllwg luwl}1 hL uwhnL Jwqwqu
l1'hqwg l1'hpng, hL U{wpqhilighp wnwmwU{l:u qU{WpqhLU ~nqLDJIl UppnJ
hpwllhl}1 wnwfhlngll, hwqnpllu wpw' hL ql1'hq, Sl:'p, wqwlhuf qfhq,
UumnLw~J}1ll U{wpqhLwgll, ~nqnL~hwll uhqwg hL 1!llI}DLllhlnL~hwll
~nqLDJIl UppnJ:-
- Again with one accord by our true and holy faith, let us beseech
the Lord.
The Clerks: Lord, have mercy.
- Let us commit ourselves and one another to the Lord God
The Clerks: To thee, 0 Lord, we commit ourselves.
- Have mercy upon us, 0 Lord our God, according to thy
plenteous mercy. - Let us all say with one accord:
The Clerks: Lord, have mercy; Lord, have mercy; Lord, have
While they sing, the Priest shall say this Prayer, in secret:
[The Prayers after the Lectionsl
[a] Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, who art great in mercy and abound-
ing in the gifts of thy beneficence, who of thine own will didst endure at this
hour the sufferings of the cross and of death on account of our sins and didst
abundantly bestow the gifts ofthy Holy Spirit on the blessed apostles, make us
also, 0 Lord, we beseech thee, sharers in thy divine gifts, in the forgiveness of
sins and in the reception of the Holy Spirit.-
The Priest, aloud:
.f}.UlnUluUllu, f1, aUllu.
fl{'Uf/;u qfi UI{'JUlLUlLn{'.p bWgnt..,p 'l:n("n..pbUlJp +UlR.UlLn{'bl 'l.pb'll!..L'l:
l,o{' bL unL{'p l,n'l:LnJ'l:' UlJJJ bL JPl.ur bL JUlLpurbUlLu JUlLpurbLpg: lJ.J/;L:
IuUl'lUl'lnLfilpLL UlJbLbgnLL:
1JL I!.L'l: ("n'l:LnJ'l: .pnLJ:
- That we may be made worthy to give thee thanks and to glorify
thee with the Father and with the Holy Spirit, now and aiways and
unto ages of ages. Amen.
tPeace unto all.
(The Clerks:
An~ with thy Spirit.
The Deacons:
lJ.uurnLltnJ b{'''-{'UfUl'l:bugnt..,p:
Let us bow down to God.
The Clerks:
lJ.R.UI!p .pn, S/;{':
Before thee, 0 Lord.
.f}.UlnUluUllu, f1, aUllu.)
The Priest, aloud:)
[p] IuUl'lUl'lnLfilbUlJp .pm[ ~{'puurnu +{'''-Pt. Jb{', n{' p 1b{' /; .pUlL
'lUlJbLUlJL Jpuru bL 'lpUlLu, UlJ{'Ulgn' 'lJb'l bL UlLb{'''-P'L'l UfUl("bUl JUIJbLUlJL t. UI{'/;: l,UlLUluUl{'bUl' 'lJb'l I!.L'l: $.l.JUI{'Pur b{'''-{'UfUl'l:nLu .pn, n{'.p
("n'l:Lml bL $.l.JUI{'urn..pbUlJp .pb'l b{'''-r{'UfUl'fUILbL: 'lUluL qfi UlJbLUlunL{'p
1J{'{'n{,'l:n..pbwL'l: 1 U1J bl/; +UI~, p1..fuUlLnLfilpLL bL UfUlurpL, UlJJJ bL JPl.ur
[b] With thy peace, 0 Christ our saviour, which passes all understanding speech, defend us and keep us fearless of all evil; make us
equal to thy true worshippers, who worship thee in spirit and in truth;
.for unto the most-holy Trinity is befitting glory, dominion and honour,
now and always and unto ages of ages. Amen.
bL JUlLpurbUlLu JUlLpurbLpO: lJ.J/;L:
[ The Blessing of Dismissal of the Synaxisl
[O,uiGnZfU!uG u.",awlJl1wG aW2nz]
Blessed be our Lord Jesus Christ.
O{'("LbUl'l S/;{' Jb{' OpunLu ~{'p~urnu.
(The Clerks:
lJ.J/;L: )
The Deacon:
.f}.UlnUluUllu /uUl~Ulliupt f1, If.lirtUlI dn1J.nlf.ftTJ.liUluU Ululiznlf., f1, aUllu.
t S/;{'
lJ.uurnLUllt o{'("Lbug/; 'lUlJbLbubUlL'l::
lJ.J/;L: ]
Blim UlIUnrtf1,lI' liJf}t 17UJf1,u llnUJnu f1,gt [/unrtnftTJ.Ulamu], f1, pUlg, fiUlugt
qliT.1f1,Tjlnrt nuu , [q/unlrtu lil qfin'lUlJf}UlTjlUU. f1,ull liJf}t pUlfiUluUlI f1,gt, f1, pUlg fiUlugt
qUUl1J.UlIUlrtmu lil qfin'lUlJf}UlTjlUU]:
Bless, Lord.
The Priest shall make the sign of the cross over the people and shall say, aloud:
t May the Lord God bless you all.
[ The Clerks:
After this, if the Celebrant be a Bishop, he shall take off his omophorion, [his
mitre and his slippers. If he be a Priest, he shall take off his crown and his slippers].
l1Iusuru9-UrrUSn 88
lJUunu U pf\ns
u.. lfo'a
The Deacon:
UWJU/luzwq[i .
[u.flawljnllJU oflwfuwllt9]
[The Dismissal of the Catechumens]
U,,' n.[! JbpwfuwJ"S' J'" n.[! " fJbpw~wL.UlUI"S bL Jp' n.[! JWUfwzluwpnt[WS
bL JwhJw.[!p"S JbpdbuS" JwuUlnL.Ul~wJ"hfunp~nLp'fu:
Let none of the catechumens, none of little faith and none of the
penitents and the unclean draw near unto this divine mystery.
The Clerks:
f}. u('rpp(i.
[OflQ. lfMIt lllJlltg]
[The Hymn of the Great Entrance]
Ull;pnLhw'twh bL wp"Lh PP'tt.w't wh 'twJ WILUlf}. bp'thwJ"h
'1.0pnLfJ"Lh.[! JwhbpbLnJfJu bplf:bh bL wubh wh~whlf:"uUl pWppWlZ-nt[.
UnLpp, unLpp, unLpp, Sl;p '1.0pnLfJbwhs:
The heavenly hosts invisibly sing and say with unceasing voice:
Holy, holy, holy, Lord of hosts.
[-P.wflnq UflPwuwgnl~/i,wu]
wuwsl;.[! SbwlZ-h lJ.uUlnL~nJ
.[!w'lspnLfJbJp '1. bplf:u ~nlf:bLnpu:
The Deacon:
l.l!tZllWqt!tg, uql:ifJ.l:igznj, ~1ll:i2mwqwg.
lJ.uUlnL.Ul'~, '1..[!n unLpp
'1. {;'tb'lbS" : ~w'1.wp.[! ~w'1.wpwS ~pb1..Ulw'twUfbUl.[! 't wh WILUlf} .[!nJ. bL P"L['.[!
p"LpnS ~pb1..Ulw't.[! Ufw1.. Ulbh '1..[!b'1.' Sl;p. bL " Jwp'f'twhl; ~w&.bswp
lSbp ,
eh'fnLh"l '1.0p~hnLfJ"Lh dwJh"L funp~P'fUI'twhwL. UnLpp, unLpp, unLpp,
Sl;p '1. 0pnLfJbwhs:
[/"1 Fiwuwflwlj liltlflwqtu WUlJIlt UltU~/i,l£ et>nfultu llMlt lllJlltg wul:iuwlu ltu~ wult It awanzq:]
uz q.w(i /u(iqwllql:ilml.
[ The Bidding of the Hagiody]
Sing psalms to the
with a sweet voice.
f}.U/ltllP(i wul:i(i qUllpwuwgnzrufu(i ~um /unllfiWJ.nj wznzll(i:'twJ"h
The body ofthe Lord and the blood ofthe saviour are laid up before
unzllP lun"Rnz",1J-(i:
our God, ye clerks, sing spiritual songs
The Clerks shall sing the Hagiody according to the proper of the day:
For Sundays, for the feasts of the Church and of Angels:
With an angelic order thou hast {"died, 0 God, thy holy Church.
Thousands of thousands of archangels stand before thee and myriads
ofmyriads ofangels minister to thee, 0 Lord; yet thou art well pleased
to accept from men praises with the mystical song: Holy, holy, holy,
Lord of hosts.
[For hagiodies proper to other feast days, see the Hours-Book.]
And burning incense, they shall come to the holy Mystery.
[The Responsory before the Cherubicon] * Ps. 19:6-68:34 Deut. 33:2
UWllqwzWq.(i .
The Deacon:
[et>nfu uwfu pwu q-P.flnptwqwuu]
uf!,. 6:lit. 34: Po.
In the sun has he set his tabernacle; and he comes forth as a
bridegroom out of his chamber.
t q.. 2:
BwpbLnL b~wp 'lfunpwh "Lp bL "h.[!h npUfl;u pbuwJ,
J wlLUllfUI u UlI; "Lp J I; :
if- U/!tllP{i .
{;L Sh~wJ hw npUfl;u ~u'twJ JehfJwhwl '1.&.whwUfwP~u "Lp:
'1." blwhl;
The Clerks:
And he rejoices as a giant to run his course.
*[On ordinary Sundays from here to the end of this section, CIa, every thing is said
The Deacon:
z1U1tUl"lUlI'~ UlI'UlI'!;.p UlJtJ,,'t., nl' tuur" Jbl''t.t''g Jbl''t."tu et't Ull'bLblu:
lluurnLUllr " ~UlI'UlLnJ b't.bug!; bL unLl'pt " f/JUlruut lbn.t!;:
VZ (I).Ufl"'lpu) W,UfW, liqw,uw,qlmgliu.
Cast up a highway for him who rides upon the heaven of heavens
toward the east.
God shall come from the south; and the holy One from mount
fll'.p'np!;"gt funl'~I''tUIpUlI' ''''lUlI'Ult"J.p'
bL ''tUltUlI'UlI' bl'l'nl''tnLflbUltt qbl'b.pul'pbUlt
JUlurnLgUltbJ.p •
9.UlJbtUlJt q't.btgUl'lUl't.Ultu " pUlg 'ttblnll q'f:nl'lru.
fll'''l!;u qp qflU1'f:U1Lnl't UlJbtbgnLt et'tnLt"g"J.p'
bL q~I'''lurUl't.Ul9t ~Ult't"uUluIJu etlrUlJbUll pbl'bJ.p q't.UlI''f::
Vz l1ftul unpw, liflq.liu, -Rw,Fiw,UW,lu funuw,flFiliugft w,nw,£ft UflpnJ Uliqw,unlu liz
funflFifl1J.w,pW,fl w,qoruliugt,
14nd then the Clerks shall sing:
[The Cherubic Hymn]
We represent mystically the cherubim
and offer the trisagial praise to the life-giving Trinity.
Laying aside all the business of worldly life
so that we may duly receive the king of all,
and we show the order of angels invisibly marching.
[lJ.'l.Ofi"P lJ'Mp lJ'mpg]
nf Ulp<hnll}t t JetfpnllblngutfUlptfllUlUlp Ul}mn}tLf bL gUllllHlLp-bUltfp
tfUlUll}tl}t UbqUlll fn qUltf uUJ.UluUlUlpbl UlpfnLllUlqUlll1}tUlnUlg fng. fUlllq}t
UJ.Ul2Ulb l qfbq tfbb- bL UlhUlUlp' bpqllUlJ}tll qopnLp-bUlllgq. }tuq t:
UUlqUlJll qUlull UllllUl1}t pUlpbpUlpnLp-bUlll fnJ, wllUJ.UlpUlqpbl}t P-Ulllq. ~op
bqbp tfUlPq. bL fwhUlllUlJUlUJ.bUl tfbp bpbLbgUlp' "bL }tpp Stp UltfbllbgnLll
UlJUU UUJ.UluUlUlpnLp-bUlll bL UlllUlp}tLll qblluUlll' qfwhUlllUlJnLp-}tLll UlLUlllq.bgbp ubq:
1.J.Ulull q}t I}DL bu Stp UUUlnLUlb- tfbp, np m}tpbu bpqllUlUlpUlg bL bpqpUlUlpUlg. np }t qbpUlJ fbpnqptUlqUlll Ulp-nnnJ pUlqtf}tU, ubpnqpt}tg StpbL
p-UlqUlUlp f1UPUlJ tl}t· np tf}tUlJ II unLpp bu bL }t unLppu hUlllqnLgbUlI:
UqUllbu qfbq, tf}tUlJ II pUlpbpUlp bL hb2mUllnLp, llUlJbUl' J}tu }t tfbqnLgbUlI bL JUlllUJ.}tmUlll b-wnUlJu fn bL UppbUl' qhnq}t bL qtf}tmu }ttf JUltfbllUlJll UJ.qb-nLp-bllt lUlp}tll. bL pUlLUlqUlllUlgn' q}tu qopnLp-bUltfp UnLpp
~nqUlJI}, np qqbgbUlI btf qfwhUlllUlJUlqUlllu 2llnph, qUlI UlnUlf}t uppnJ
UbqUlllnJu bL fwhUlllUlJUlqnpb-bl qfn UlllUlpUlm ITUlptf}tllq. bL qUJ.UlmnLUlqUlll Up}tLllq.:
-f-bq JunllUlphbgnLgbUlI qUJ.UlpUlllngu rtf' tfUlqp-btf, tf}t' q.Ulpo.nLgUlllbp
qbpbuu fn J}tlltll bL tf}t' tfbpd-bp q}tu }t b-wnUlJ}tg fng. UlJI Ulpd-wll}t' UlpUl
tfUlmnLgUlllbl fbq qellb-wJu qUlJU J}tUtll }t tfbqnLgbUlI bL JUlllUlpd-wll b-wnUlJ tu fnLtfut:
1.}.Ulull q}t I}DL bu np tfUlmnLgUlllbu bL tfUlml}tu bL ellq.nLll}tu bL mUlU
f-p}tumnu UumnLUlb- ubp. bL fbq 1}twnu tfUlmnLgwGbtff hwq.bpo. Ullluq}tqpo.
fn ~Ulppq. bL UltfbllUlunLpp bL pUlpbpUlp ~nqLnqq., UlJd-tf" bL tf}t2m bL
JUlL}tmbUlllu JUlL}tmbll}tg: Uutll:
And while they sing, the Priest shall bow before the holy Table and shall pray
mystically, in secret:
[The Prayer of the Great Entrance]
None of us who are bound by carnal passions and desires is worthy to
approach thy Table or to minister to thy royal glory; for to serve thee is great
and fearful even to the heavenly hosts.
Yet through thine immeasurable goodness, thou, infinite Word of the
Father, didst become man and didst appear as our high-priest; and as the Lord
of all didst commit unto us the ministry of this priesthood and this bloodless
For thou art our Lord God, who rulest over those who are of heaven and
those who are of earth; who sittest upon the cherubic throne, Lord of the
seraphim and king of Israel; who only art holy and dwellest in the saints.
I beseech thee, who alone art good and ready to hear, look upon me, thy sinful and unprofitable servant, and cleanse my soul and my mind from all the
defilements ofthe evil one; and by the power ofthy Holy Spirit enable me, who
have been endued with the grace of this priesthood, to stand before this holy
Table and to consecrate thy spotless body and thy precious blood.
Bowing down my neck unto thee, I entreat thee, turn not thy face from me
and reject me not from among thy servants; but make me worthy, thy sinful and
unworthy servant as I am, to offer these gifts unto thee.
For thou myself offerest and art offered and receivest and givest, 0 Christ
our God; and we give glory to thee, together with thine eternal Father and the
most holy and beneficent Spirit, now and always and unto ages ofages. Amen.
4l) USU ru9-lUrUS n88
lklqW, ]I, UW,pljW,lW,q.W,gG lfl::ipw,pap]l,g]l, uppw,qw,G <"w,gG al w,Guw,finrruaw,G
Rw,dutljG ]I, umpp Uarzw,GG:
Then the holy Bread and the Cup of immortality shall be brought up by the
Deacons to the holy Table.
(And coming to the steps of the Altar, the bearer of the awesome Mystery shall
say, quietly:)
(Ol q.w,G Jw,um]l,fiw,G lunpw,G]I,G al pw,piinrz w,fiw,mp lunpfipTJ.nJG W,Uw,ugl:
fiw,GTJ.w,pmmruaw,up. )
[cPnJu lYMft lYmftg]
V'll!. flq.. 7-10:
(l,wJ'pwpdl/.[!, fr'lfuwL.[!, q'l:pnLLu dbp fr "-bp - ~wJ'pwpd9frL 'l:pnLL.[!
JWLfrUlbLfr9 bL J'Ul91; fJwepuLnp pWII.w9:
Ol tqw,mw,pw,qnrzG /uGljw,pljl: al fiw,pgw,Gl:.
,,- I; uw- fJwepuLnp PWIl.Ul9, Sl;p ~qop qopnL[iJbwJ'p frLpn"-, Sl;p *-wpn'l
Uw,plj W,lW,q.G.
l,wJ'pwpdl;'.[!, fr'lfuwL.[!, q'l:pnLLu dbp
JWLfrUlbLfr9 bL J'Ul91; fJwepuLnp pWII.w9:
"-bp - ~wJ'pUlpd9frL 'l:pnLL.[!
nra,,- I; uwfrL.[!L
[ The Responsory of the Great Entrance 1 Ps. 24: 7-10.
(Lift up your gates, 0 princes; let the everlasting doors be lifted up,
and tije king of glory shall come in.
And the Celebrant shall cense and ask:
Who is the king of glory? The Lord strong in his power, the Lord
mighty in battle.
The· Deacon:
Lift up your gates, 0 princes; let the everlasting doors be lifted up,
and the king of glory shall come in.
The Priest:
fJwepuLnp PWIl.Ul9, Sl;p qopnLfJbwL9:
Who is this king of glory? - The Lord of hosts.
The Deacon:
I; fJwepuLnp pW1l.Ul9:
Vl tqw,mw,pw,qnrzG b.pljptqw,q.l: W,fi]l,l al TJ.nrznrruaw,up al w,nGm ]I, iianw,g
UW,pljW,lW,qftG al /uw,)..w,ljGpl: ]I, 1.[apw,J dnrzn1.[,GG, w,uazn1.[.
Op~Lbwl b*-bwl wLnLwJ'p SbwII.L:
Even he is the king of glory!
And the Celebrant shall bow with fear and trembling and shall receive the Gifts
from the hands of the Deacon and shall make the sign of the cross over the people,
Blessed is he that comes in the name of the Lord.
lJ.ll;lnLfrw: )
The Clerks:
[R. lYlJ.SnJ1.8nJ1.UU C'i/ulJ.afl8]
Vl l}G,}w,JPG 1.[apw,pap]l,G ]I, Uarzw,GG:
Vl -Rw,fiw,Gw,JG /uGljaugl: al [w,tqw,] zmw,ugl: quw,mmGuG, w,uazn1.[.
lDLWgltg UppDL¥hwup qnhnu ltu hL 2DLpf'hql:g quhqwllml fml, Sl:'p:
[oRuqmq lYwmnzgUwu]
Again in peace let us beseech the Lord.
f"J.tq]l,ppG. Sl;p, n'lnpJ'bw':
l;L bLU
~wuuUln"- bL uppnL[iJbwJ'p *-w99n~ JW'l0fJu
And the Gzfts shall be brought on to the Table.
And the Priest shall burn incense and [then] shall wash his fingers, saying:
I will wash my hands in innocence~ so will I go about thine altar, 0 Lord.
The Deacon:
l;L bLU fuw'lw'lnLfJbwL qSl;p w'lwt.bu9n~:
wII.w£/r Ul'pnJ
ub'lwLnJu lJ.uUlnLlrni W~frL, J'fr' fu'l$.frL bL 'fwJfJw*-'lnL[iJbwJ'p, J'fr'
LbL'fnL[iJbwJp , funpwJwL*-nL[iJbwJp, Jfr' U[wUlpwLo.[! bL fuwpl;nL[iJbwJp,
Jfr' bp*-JUlnL[iJbwJp bL Jfr' fJbpw~wLUlUlnL[iJbwJp- Wil nL'lfr'l "-wpn~,
U[wpq JUlO.[!, JfrWJfrUl UpUlfrL, *-wUlwpbwl ~wuuUln"-, 19bwl ufrpn"- ,
wlI.UILblbwl wJbLwiL 'fnplrn"-.[! pwpnLfJbwL:
Lfr bL
The Clerks: Lord, have mercy.
- Again in faith and purity let us stand with awe and pray before
the holy altar of God; not with guilty conscience and offence, not with
craft and cunning, not with deceit and wiles, not with doubt and not
with little faith; but with right conduct, a single mind, a guileless
heart, with perfect faith, ("died with love, full and abounding in all
good works.
69 88
"UlssnL,p JUI'l0fJu Ulruuf} uppnJ Ub'lUlhnJu UUUlnLlrnJ bL IfU'snL,p
'In'lnpJnqJbUlh 'llhnpt.u JUlLnLp JUlJUlhnLfJbUlh bL fr JfrLUUlhlfUlJ
IfUIluUlbUlh SbUln.h JbpnJ bL +p't.t.fih BfrunLufr ~pfruUlnufr:
Let us stand in prayer before the holy altar ofGod that we may r1Dd
the grace ofmercy in the day ofappearing at the second coming ofour
Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
May he save and have mercy upon us.
"bsnLusl; bL n'lnpJbusfr:
"bsn' , Sl;p, bL n'lnpJbUl' :
The Clerks:
Save, 0 Lord, and have mercy.
While they sing, the Priest shall pray with open hands, in secret:
[U.'l.O~P l!ullmizgUwu]
[The Prayer of the Offertory]
Stp U.umnI.W~ qopnI.p-bwGg bI. wpwpp~ wubGwJG IpGblnI.p-bwGg. np
JwGtnI.p-bGt qpGWI.U p gnI.gwqnI.p-pI.G w~bwl qnJwgnI.gbp. np bI. qubpu
qhnqbqtG pGnI.p-pI.Gu UJ.wmnt.bwl uwpqwuppwUJ.tu· wJuUJ.pup whw1.Dp bI.
wGUJ.wmnI.u lunphpI}DJ qwpqbgbp U1.qwUW1.Dpu: fl-nI. St/p, npnI.u UJ.wmwpwqbu£ qUJ.wmwpwqpuu, ~Gqwl wn p utGf qwnwfwqpnI.p-pI.Gu qWJU, bI.
wI.wpmbwl quw p lunphpqwqwGnI.p-pI.G lfwpuGnJ bI. U.pbwG upw~Gp £n.
qbq p-nqnI.p-bwG ubqwg UJ.wpqbt.blll' nW2wqnqwgu t qhwgu qWJU bI.
Lord God ofhosts and creator of all things; who hast brought all things into
visible existence out of nothing; who also in thy love of mankind has ordained
us to be ministers of so awesome and ineffable a mystery; thou, 0 Lord, to
whom we offer these oblations, accept from us this presentation and consummate it to be the mystery ofthe body and blood ofthine Only-begotten, and
grant this bread and this cup to be unto us, thar taste of them, a remedy of
forgiveness for our sins; -
-RtuntuGtulG, }1 lltulG.
~npt.o.p bL JUlp'fUIufrpnLfJbUlJp SbUln.h Jbpnl bL +p't.t.frh BfrunLufr
~pfruUlnufr, eh'l: npnLJ .pb'll,op, JfrUlhlfUlJUllh bL l,n'f:l-nl'l: Uppnl' "-lUlbll;
fr1..fulUhnLfJfrLh bL UfIUUlfrL, IUIJJ bL JfrlUl bL IIULfrUlblUhu
IIULpUlbhfrS: UJl;h:
The Priest, aloud:
- By the grace and the loving-kindness of our Lord and Saviour
Jesus Christ with whom unto thee, 0 Father, and also unto the Holy
Spirit, is befitting glory, dominion and honour, now and always and
un,to ages of ages. Amen.
JuUl'lIU'lnLfJfrLh IUJbhbsnLh:
{;L eh'l: t.nCf:Lnl'l: .pnLJ:
tPeace unto all.
The Clerks:
And with thy spirit.
The Deacon:
Let us bow down to God.
UUUlnLlrnl bp't.PUfIUCf:busnL,p:
The Clerks:
Before thee, 0 Lord.
Uruuf} .pn, Sl;p:
The Deacon:
Uturtqtultuq.G .
[The Bidding of the Kiss of Peace]
[~wTmq n'l.£nzu/l]
fl'l£nlh UlnL,p JfrJblUhs
The Greeting]
t.IUJpnIP uppnqJbUlh:
{;L np.p nt. I;.p 't.lUpn'l.p t.1U'lnp'l:frl lUuUlnLlUlrUllfrh funpt.p'l:nlu bL 1Un.
'l:pnLhu bll;.p, 1U'l0fJbsl;.p:
Greet one another with al10ly kiss.
And ye that are not able to partake ofthis divine mystery and have
gone outside the doors, pray.
And they shall kiss the Altar and one another.
The Clerks:
[1711q. n'H~nlu/1l
~p"uuJnu " JI;£ Jbp JUlJU1"bbs UlL'
n p lo"b"b UlUU1nLUl/r UlUU1 pUlIf.JbSUlL:
dUlJ"b 4."bf..bsUlL.
UnLpp n'l£nL"b" 4.PUlJUI"b U1nLUlL:
b't.b'lbS"u J" UI"bd"b b'lbL'
l,UlJp nJpu J0'l LPJUI"b U1nLUlL:
Ul;p"b J/!.."b'l4.UI"bnLp/!..u Ulfrn.bsUlL:
UP'l UfUllU10"bbUlJ.[! pUlpdbUll If.dUlJ"b,
Sn't..[! If.0p4."b nLfl''L"b " J" pbpUl"b,
U"UlU"bUl't.UI"b UUU1nLUl/rnqJbUl"b,
[The Hymn of the Kiss of Peace]
Christ in our midst has been revealed;
He Who Is, God, is here seated.
The voice of peace has resounded;
Holy greeting is commanded.
This Church has now become one soul,
The kiss is given for a full bond.
The enmity has been removed;
And love is spread over us all.
Now, ministers, raise your voices,
And give blessings with one accord
To the Godhead consubstantial,
While angels sing: "Holy, Holy •••".
npnLJ upm[pl;.[!"b b"b UppUlpUl"b:
fiutllpnzfLlmg~u qU~1J.l.uUU ~z qu'nr~wuu:
(nuwup ~z qWjU WU~u
(On a solemn feast day some say also this:
The Deacon:
fiwuJ'f/lu/l mou/l.
[<Pnlu 'iJutluhllq.utuf!.]
n p .[! 4.UlLUlU1m[ 't.UlJ.[! JUI"b'l"JUI"b unLpp ub'lUl"bnJu Ulp.[!UlJUI't.UI"b,
Sbul;.[! pUlIf.JbUlllf.~p"uU1nu Ulp.[!UlJ"b, bL lnLp£ UfUlU1bUlllf.oP.[! t[bp"bUl't.UI"b:
-Lbp 4.UlJpUln."bUlJp.[! If.Ulf..U nL"bblnt[, bL UfUl'lUlU1"J.[! If.UlJU Ulublnt[.
!J.Jb'lu Jbp J,,' J"lbuSbu, UlJl 'l:flnqJbUlJp .[!n .[!UlLbuSbu:
C"b'l 4.pbl U1U1't. UlS"b op4."bbJ.[! If..[!blf., bL /!.."b'l uppns .[!ns, Sl;p, pUln.,p .[!blf.: )
[The Responsory of the Prologue]
Ye who stand with faith before the royal holy table, behold Christ
the king seated surrounded by supernal hosts.
The Clerks:
We lift up our eyes and behold and implore him saying:
Remember not our sins, 0 Lord, but in thy compassion forgive us.
With the angels and with thy saints we praise thee, Lord; glory to
The Deacon:
01 UWfLqwZWq.U aWjU~ugt.
[The Responsory of the Anaphora]
[<Pnlu q,nnnlfc}hutu]
U4."L 't.UlSSnt..[!, bP't."L'l"L 't.UlSSnt..[!, pUlpLn.[! 't.UlSSnt..[! bL "bUlJbSUlpnt..[!
Let us stand in awe, let us stand in fear, let us stand aright, let us
attend with good heed.
The Clerks:
Un. .[!blf. UUU1nLUl/r:
To thee, 0 God,
The Deacon:
flJUlU1U1['UI'l: ~p"uU1nu JUlU1tP UI"bUlpUlU1 'fUIn."b UUU1nL/rnJ:
Christ, the spotless Lamb of God, offers himself in sacrifice.
The Clerks:
n'lnpJnLfl"L"b bL fuUl'lUl'lnqJ"L"b bL UfUlU1U1pUl'l: 0['4. "bnqJbUl"b :
Mercy and peace, and a sacrifice of praise.
fIIusuruq.urrusn 88
~wnwuwJu TJ.WTtag/t hz fuw~ w~u12hugl:: hz wuwugl:: /t aWJu.
l;hnp~.p, ul;p, IlL UluurnLUlIrUlJP~UppUlpUlp qopnLfJpL~~ 1,01' IlL npqLnJ
IlL 1,n'fLnJ~ UppnJ' I.,IPSP l!..~q Jbq, l!..~q UlJb~bubUl~q:
The Priest shall turn to the people and making the sign of the cross [over them]
shall say, aloud:
f}. UJ /tTt12 u •
llJI;~: bL l!..~q ~n'fLnJq .pnLJ:
Amen. And with thy spirit.
fhe Deacon:
!J.qpnL~u, qqpnL~u:
llJbhUlJh pJUluurnLfJbUlJp bL q'fnLlnLfJbUlJp p "-bp /!..hIrUlJbSnLsl;.p
qJpuru Jbp UluurnLUlIrUlJph bp't.PLllpL:
f}.UJ /tTt12u •
We hold them up to thee, 0 Lord almighty.
The Deacon:
bL 'fn~UlSUlpnL.,p qSbUlll.hl; pnlnpn"- UpurpL:
And give thanks unto the Lord with the whole heart.
f}. UJ /tTt12u.
llprfUl~ bL ppUlL:
nwuTJ./tu/t wznzTtu mJwu12 q~f1/t crl],Ttdw,u, hz flTtWD>/tU wuhu hz qWJU.
[17p.q. 'iJwfuwpwu/l]
bL quurnJ'f Pp't.nLfJbUlh, np
. ,// '
Jpl~d;;hUlJhurb'lfu, CJ.n~nLfJpLh
JUlurnLfJUlhbJ.p .pbq ~ppuur~u: n~,b~ q:pUllUlLP qJUlpnLf/ 'fn"-b~
qopnLf/pLh.p, 'uUlpuph ubpipl;.ph 'bL pWUlhnLf/pLh.p "-bpph UfburnLf/bUlhsh
UfUlp Ulll.bUll .pUl'lSP JUlJhpL b'lUlhUl' bi... Ulubh. )
U'/tI1~ un12w hTtq,hu' -P.wnwuwJu ahnuwuwo- WTJ.0ruhugl::, fi, o-wo-nz~.
['iJwfuwpwu q.nFinzptliwu]
UJl<hnU 1:: umnLqwUJ.1::u hL P.JlWL \ wuhUwJnpI}Dp 1}tnLp-ml uP.2m hpqp.pUJ.wqwUhlnq 1}twnwLDph l q£hq, ~wJP wuhUwqwl; np qwUp.b"p.gU pwpcihp
qqpftp.uU £nJp.U wUqUUhlP. hL wpwPlwqP.9 (\wUp.q, np <hnqnqnLpq, p.U£hwU wnhwl qbqhqhgp. \ uhUJ.hwqwUhwg qhwLwmwghwlu p. £hq, hL qUUhIP. pUnLp-hwup e um p. qnLu1::U mUmhunLp-hwUU \ hwfthgWL pUwqP.l P. uhq
hL Unpwqnpb" UumnLwb-wUJ.1::u ftwpmwpwUJ.hmhwl \ qhpqp.pu hpqltU wpwp:
tl.wuU qp. npnLu nlU hWfiI}DLpdlp.U wnw~p. qWl qnLwpp-UngU ~nq£\ qwphnLphwl£ p. 1}twJlwqUwgwJm hL JwUl1'wmnJg InLunJ UumnLwb"nLp-hwUq"
hqhwl wJq,UJ.p.up.q, l1'wpq, Jwqwqu uhpnJ1}tpqnLp-hwU \ 2Unphhwg uhq eUq,
hJlqUwiltUuU UJ.wphl qhnqhq1::U UJ.Wpu, -P.wnwuwJu, fi, aWJu.
The doors, the doors!
With all wisdom and good heed lift up your minds in the fear of·
The Clerks:
nLhpJ.p UlIl. .pbq Sl;p UlJbhUl't.Ull:
The grace, the love and the divine sanctifying power of the Father
and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
The Clerks:•
bL l!..hq ubpnpl;uh bL l!..hq .pbpnpl;uh JpUlJUlJ~ uppUluUlsnLf/bUlJp
Jopphbl hnLUI'fu bL ~UlJUlpJUI't.UlUfl;u 'fntbln"- UI'lUl'lUl' l!..hq hnuph bL
The Clerks:
It is proper 'and right.
(On days offestivity some say this after "It is proper and right".
The Deacon:
[The Hymn of the Preface]
And we offer unto thee, 0 Christ, the Thanksgiving of true salva.tion at all times and in all places; whereby the hosts praise thy
marvellous resurrection, the seraphim tremble, the cherubim shudder and the principalities of heavenly dominions sing in choirs with
sweet voice and say:)
While they sing, the Priest shall pray with joined hands, in secret:
It is verily proper and right with most earnest diligence always to adore and
glorify thee, Father almighty, who didst remove the hindrance ofthe curse by
thine imponderable Word, thy co-creator, who, having taken the Church to be
a people unto himself, made his own those who believe in thee, and was pleased
to dwell amongst us in a ponderable nature, according to the dispensation
through the Virgin, and as the divine master-builder building a new work, he
thereby made this earth into heaven.
For he, before whom the companies of vigilant angels could not bear to
stand, being amazed at the resplendent and unapproachable light of his
divinity, even he, becoming man for our salvation, granted unto us that we
should join the heavenly ones in spiritual choirs, The Priest, aloud:
- And, in concord with the seraphim and the cherubim, we should
sing holy songs and make melodies and, boldly crying out, shout with
them and say:
[go BhclJ.SlJ.'-l'iJ]
[17Tlq. UTlnpl:U/,qU/,u]
UnLpp, UnLpp, UnLpp, S,>p 'l0pnLpbUl'bg.
L" b'b bp"-"'b.[! bL bp"-"p pUlno.[! .[!n:
Opl:.'bnLp"L'b " pUlpdnL'bu:
Op("'bbUlL't np b,,-"p bL IfUILng't bu UI'bnLUlJp SbUln'b:
fl1uUl'b'bUl " pUlpdnL'bu:
lY"'Ul unput ~Jlq.~U\ .fl.utfiutuutJu putqz,utUtutJluta utUutugc, ", autanlZ,.
The Clerks:
[The Sanctus]
Holy, holy, holy Lord of hosts;
Heaven and earth are full of thy glory.
Blessing in the highest.
Blessed art thou that didst come and art to come in the name ofthe
Hosanna in the highest.
Unl.pP, Unl.pP, Unl.pp bu 62UWpUlUlllJ.1::U bl. WUbU~lUnl.pp. bl. n(ilq nf
UJ.wu~ugr pnqwuq.wqbl pWUrl. qfn r ubq qwupWl. pwpbqnpnqnl.p-bwu
qbqunl.uu. np bl. wuq.1::u ruq r uwluunl.uu qwuqbwlul!uq. ubqof qwuwqwu
bqwuwqof luuwubwl' u1J1mpbgbpuwpqwp1::rl.f, opruwgu Ulnl.lnl.p-hwup,
fwhwuwJnl.p-bwup bl. uUlnt.bpwqbpUJ. bpu£ UWUlnl.guwUp:
}luq r q wlu 6wu Wl.lll.pgu wJungrq qpnqwuq.wq ruq qUJ.wpUlbwg ubpng
luqbwl qq.WUlwqur f ' bUlnl.p ubq qnpq.rq. fn urw~ru, UJ.WpUlWUJ.WU bl.
UJ.WpUlU, qbunl.uu bl. o~bwb qwnu bl. hwg, fwhwuwJwUJ.bUl bl.
UJ.WUlWpWq, qwuu qr rufq. 1:: p W2lu n q bl. unJu rufq. p W2lur r ur£r ubpnl.u Ur2Ul wu~luwUJ.1::u:
'-l.wuu qr bqbwl hWl.WUUlhwl. bl. wnwug gunprg uwpq., hl. wU21J1nPUrwUlpnl.p-bwup uwpuuwgbwl J UUUlnl.W~~u1::u bl. r unl.pp qnl.u1::u
lfwprwuwJ, 6wuwUJ.wphnpq.hwg l!uq. wubuwJu qrpu uwpq.qwJru qbugwqnJu wnwug ubqwg, bl. JW2luwphwqbgnJgu hl. Jwnrp-u tPpqnl.p-bwu
ubpnJ bqbwl qwUWl. r luwl:
Unhwl qhwgu r unl.pP, JWUUlnl.W~JrU, °Jwuuwh, JWUWPWUl bl. JWa.bnu rl.p' ophubwg, qnhwgwl., bpbq bl. bUl rl.png
l!uUlpbwb unl.pp bl. pwqubwl w2wqbpUlwgU' wublml· pWPlwqnp~ r
.fl.UtfiutuutJu, ", iiutJu.
Un'>.[!, "-bp,>.[!. UlJU
'> ifUlpJ"'b "J,
While they sing, the Priest shall say with open arms, in secret:
[ The Remembrance]
Holy, holy, holy art thou truly and all-holy; and who is he that will presume
to contain in words the outpouring ofthine infinite loving-kindness unto us? 0
thou, who even from the very beginning didst care for him who had fallen into
sin and didst comfort him in divers manners by the prophets, by the giving of
the law, by the priesthood and by the prefigurative offering of kine.
And at the end ofthese days, tearing up the sentence ofcondemnation for all
our debts, thou didst give us thine only-begotten Son, both debtor and debt, immolation and annointed, lamb and bread of heaven, high priest and sacrifice;
for he is distributor and he himself is distributed always in our midst without
being ever consumed.
For having become man truly and without phantasm, and having .become
incarnate, through union without confusion, through the Mother-<?f-God, the
holy virgin Mary, he journeyed through all the passions of our human life
without sin and came willingly to the world-saving cross, which was the occasion of our redemption.
Taking the bread in his holy, divine, immortal, spotless and creative hands,
he blessed it, gave thanks, broke it and gave it to his chosen, holy and seated
disciples, saying: -
np 1U1u'b dbp bL PUl'lJUlg pUlUu'"
" .[!UlLnqJ"L'b bL " pn'lnLp"L'b Jb'lUlg:
UJ,>'b :
.,.. uutanlZ,.
- unJuUJ.1::u bl. qpwd-wqu wnbwl ophUbwg, qnhwgwl., 1::wpp bl. bUl rl.png
l!uUlphwb unl.pp hl. pwqubwl w2wqbpUlwgU wublnq. -
The Priest, aloud:
- Take, eat; this is my body, which is distributed for you and for
many, for the expiation and remission of sins. The Clerks: Amen•
The Priest, in secret:
- Likewise taking the cup, he blessed it, gave thanks, drank and gave it to
his chosen, holy and seated disciples, saying: -
rucHurus n 88
-P.tufitulitulli, ]I, atulli.
The Priest, aloud:
llppl;.p" uJUltl; UlJbtb.pbUit. UlJu,1; IIp''Lt "J tnpnJ m..fuUl", np JUIU
'lUl't J.bp bL pUlqJUls (b'lUlt", " .pUlLnqJ"Lt bL" filn'lnLfiI"Lt Jb'lUls: -
-Drink ye all ofthis; this is my blood ofthe new covenant, which is
shed for you and for many for the expiation and remission of sins.
(The Clerks: Amen.
[Hymn to the Father]
[VflQ. wn ~WlflU]
l,UlJP bp'ttUlLnp, np qnp'l"'l .pn bUlnLp " JUI( 4.wut Jbp Uf.UlpUlUlUf.Ult
Uf.UlpUlbUiS Jbpns, (b'lJUlJp UlpbUit tnpUl, UI'lUltbJ.p q.pbq , n'lnpJbUl .pn,
pUitUlLnp (OUl":)
f1 atuamq.
- bl. qunJll ult2 m ltl.p Jlt2wmwq lUnllhl UJ.wmnl.ltpwll wl.wllq.hwg uhq
pwphpwp npqltq £n ultw~ltll:
bl. ltfhwl It umnplt ll qWJpu uwhnl. uwpullnqll, qnp It uhpu~u ~llqwIWl.
Jwqqwqgnl.p-hll~, hl. qllltqu qd-n}ung wqwpmhwl hqopwUJ.~u, q£hq ultwJll
~llnJg uhq u2uwpltm Uumnl.W~,qUumnl.w~ qhllqwllhwg hl. uhnhlng:
VZ tunlinz qCliatululi ]I, almuli az tuUtuugt, ]I, atuamq.
lIeavenly Father, who didst give thy Son unto death for us, debtor
for our debts, by the shedding of his blood, we beseech thee, have
mercy upon thy reasonable flock.)
The Priest, in secret:
- And thine only-begotten beneficent Son gave us the commandment that
we should always do this in remembrance of him.
And descending into the nether regions of death in the body which he took
of our kinship, and mightily breaking asunder the bolts of hell, he made thee
known to us the only true God, the God of the living and of the dead.
And he shall take the GIfts in his hands and shall say, in secret:
bl. Ulpq uh£, S~/p, ~um wJuu hpwuwllw~pnl.p-hwllJwnwf phphwl qwJu
}unphnl.pq 1}tpqwqwll uwpullnJ hl. wphwlllfltw~lllt £nJ, Jlt2hu£ qqnpw np
qwull uhp q1}tpqwqnp~ lWPlwpwllull, qqhlluwmnl. }uwlhlnl.p-ltl.llll, qhph£ophwJ p-wqnl.ullll, qhpwllhllt Jwpnl.p-ltl.llll, qwumnl.w~UJ.~u hwupwpanl.ullll, qllumltlll ~llq wfuC £n, !,w/JP, hl. q1}twnwl.nphwl
qultl.uwllqwu qWlnl.umll }unumnqwllltu£ hl. ophllhu£: -
And now, 0 Lord, in accordance with this commandment, bringing forth
the saving mystery ofthe body and blood ofthine Only-begott~n, we are mindful of his redemptive sufferings for us, of his life-giving crucifixion, his burial
for three days, his blessed resurrection, his divine ascension and his session at
thy right hand, 0 Father; his awesome and glorious second coming, we confess
and praise.-
VZ -P.tufitulitulli qCliatululi UtuqtuZ ]l,li~ ptullalltugmgatuZ utummugt tun ~tulll,
az [tuUftu] TJ./lgt ]I, I/. all tu l Ullp nl UaT/.tulinlli, tuuaznI/., ]I, atulli.
And the Priest, slightly raising the GIfts, shall offer them to the Father and then
he shall place them on the holy Table saying, aloud:
- l;L q.pnJu " .pnJns .pbq JUlUlnLSUltbJ.p l!..UUl UlJbtUlJt" bL JUI'lUl'tU
_ And thine of thine own unto thee we offer from all and for all.
The Clerks:
[The Hymn of Praise]
[VflQ. q..nfiwpwuwqwu]
BUlJbtUlJ t " op(tbUiL bu, Sfp·
Opc"tbJ.p q.pbq, 'tmlbJ.p q.pbq."UltUlJ.p;t.
ll'lUltbJ.p q.pbq , Sfp, lluUlnLUlIT Jbp:
lY]I,li~ linptu allq.ali' -P.tufitulitulli ptuqqtumtulltua tuUtuugt, ]I, autanzq.
In all things blessed art thou, 0 Lord.
We bless thee, we praise thee;
We give thanks to thee;
We pray unto thee, 0 Lord our God.
And while they sing, the Priest shall say, with open arms, in secret:
[U,'10l"P llhflahgrJwu]
[The Prayer of Humble Access]
R£hq wpqwphl. S~p Uumnl.w~ uhp qnqhu£ hl. q£~ll qnhwllwu£
hwllwUIwq. np qwllg wpwphwl quhpnq wllUlcpd-wllnl.p-hwupu, wJuUJ.ltult
whwl.Dp hl. wllUJ.wmnl.u }unphpqnJ qwpqhghp uUJ.WUWl.Dpu:
We do verily praise thee and give thanks to thee at all times, 0 Lord our
God, who, having passed over our unworthiness, hast made us ministers ofthis
awesome and ineffable mystery.
fIIusuruq.UlfUSn 88
n~ JU1IJ.wqu Jhpng ~G~ pwphqnpb-m.p-hw6g, Jnpng JnJu p-wtltnLp hJf
hL U~2Ul nLGwJG qUlwG~Jf hwGw\l{wq, WJl ~ fn pwqJwqhq GhpnqnLp-~LGI}
gwGq w\l{wL~Ghwl \ hwJwpQw4.~uf JhpQhGwl ~ U\l{WUWLDpn1..P-~LG lfwpuGnJ hL UphwG ~wb-G~ fnJ, ShwnG JhpnJ hL tltp4.~~G 8~unLU~ ~p~umnu~,
npm..J qWJhlt tltwnf; ~2juwGnLp-~LG hL \l{WUl~L, wJUtf hL J~2Ul hL JWL~­
UlhwGu JWL~UlhG~g: UutG:
Not by reason of any good works of our own, whereof we are always
altogether bereft and at all times find ourselves void, but ever taking refuge in
thine overflowing forbearance, we make bold to approach the ministry of the
body and blood of thine Only-begotten, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ,
unto whom is befitting glory, dominion and honour, now and always and unto
ages of ages. Amen.
!u1U'lulIlnLp"LII IUJbllbsnLII:
The Priest, aloud:
tPeace unto all.
f;L e.1I'/: t.n'f:LnJ,/: .pnLJ:
The Clerks:
And with thy spirit.
lJ.uUlnLlrnJ bp't.l'UfIU'f:busnL,p:
The Deacon:
lJ.n.uI£p .pn Sl;p:
Let us bow down to God.
The Clerks:
[bllq. wn nll'1Jtfi]
flp ,/:"
lJ.uUlnLlrnJ' np UfIUUllUplU'f:blUL l,op " t.lUl.UlnLp"LII, t.lUs 't.blllUS
plUlJu"u " Jb,. t.b'lJIUJp IUpblUlI .pn unLpp, lU'llUt.bJ.p ,.pb" n'lnpJblU'
IUpblUJp .pm{ +P't.bIUL t.OUl":
l!/la~ anpw h.",q.ha, -Rwnwawla funawp,fihwz h.",~/l.",U/ Uh1J.wanla hl
[lJ.1l 0 /uP tl, lillW ll n!uwli]
bp4.~p\l{wqwGhJfhL wqw~hJf hL juGqphJf ~ ftG, pwphpwp UumnLwb-,
wnwfhw' ~ uhq hL Jwnwf~ hqhwl J!Gb-mJu WJU qU2UlGfhGWLDPW4.~g fn
hL qtw4.~g UnLpp ~nq~l}:
Vl ~wghwZ UW""~WlWq11 wnl!aJUhrt -Rwnwawl/la h.",~/ll1J./ll hl TJn1J.nlJUhwtTp
tTht5'Wl, wuwugl::, /l gwt5'.
UutG: OphGhw', Stp:
Vl -Rwnwawla fuw~w~aphugl:: Qcat5'wlua wuhzml.,
npml qhwgu t ophGhwi \ Jwpu~G 6.2JwPUUll\l{tu wpwughu ShwnG uhpnJ-
hL tltp4.~~G 8~unLu~ ~p~uUlnu~:
v.",/lgu ~.",~ahugl:::
bL qpwUw4. u
t ophGhwl \
Wp~LG uUlnLqw\l{tu wpwughu ShwnG JhpnJ
hL tltp4.~~G 8~unLu~ ~p~U\nnu~:
v.",/lgu ~.",~ahugl:::
Before Thee, 0 Lord.
[Hymn to the Son]
Son of God, who art sacrificed to the Father for reconciliation,
bread of life distributed amongst us, through the shedding of thy holy
blood, we beseech thee, have mercy on thy flock saved by thy blood.
And while they sing, the Priest shall humble himselfand bow to the Altar and say:
[The Prayer of the Epiclesis]
We bow down and beseech and ask thee, beneficent God, send upon us and
upon these gifts set forth, thy co-t;ternal and consubstantial Holy Spirit.
And the Deacon,
in a low voice:
the Priest with great fear and trembling, Ishall say
Amen. Bless, Lord.
And the Priest shall make the sign of the cross over the Gifts saying, in secret:
\ Whereby blessing this bread,
Saviour Jesus Christ.
make it truly the body of our Lord and
He shall repeat this thrice.
And blessing this cup,
Jesus Christ.
He shall repeat this thrice.
make it verily the blood of our Lord and Saviour
llIusuruq.uU'USO B8
Opnq qhwgu hL qqpGllU t ophGhwl' l1'wpJpG hL Wp}tLG 6ZJWpUlWUJ.l::U
wpwughu ShwnG JhpnJ hL l]JP~lpG BpunLu}t ~p}tUUlnUp, 1Jlnluwp~lml
~nqLDqq. £nq Uppnq:
Whereby blessing this bread and this wine, t make them truly the body and
blood of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, changing them by thy Holy
Spirit. -
Op,fI,gu lip,liuhugb .
He shall repeat this thrice.
lJ.Ufut .fJ.utnutuutlu utUutugt, fI, autlu.
nl'Ufl;u'f1r b'lfr9" UUI UlJ'b'bb9 nL'b J'b'l J'bl'db9bln9u' JUI'bpuUlUlUfUlI'-,
Ulnlp"'L'b, " .[!UlLnq.J"L'b bL " pn'lnLp"L'b J'b 'lUl9:
Then the Priest shall say, aloud:
- So that this may be to us all who draw near thereunto for
acquittal, for expiation and for remission of sins.
(The Clerks:
[bp.q. mn Unzp.f! .(nq/lu]
l, n lf" lJ.uUlnL~nJ'
nl' 'l+UlTl.UI'L9" .[!n qfunl'~nLI'I[ "£bUll " Jbl''L'b''9
'LUlUlUll'bu" dbn.'b J'bl" ~b'lJ'UlJ'p Ull'bUl'b unl'UI, UI'lUlt.bJ'.[! 'l.[!b'l' ~UI'blfn'
'l~nlf"u Jbl' 'b'b£b9 bln9'b:)
Oz .fJ.utnutuutlu utlunzfihmhz nl. putp,ap,utqnlu putu qCuautluU qahnuu fl,zp,
mutp,utahutl, utll /unuutp,nutqnlu, hz qutl.uu fI, unlu lutnhutz' ut1J.ofithugt fI, autanzli.
[CuTJlimunzp. Bfl2mmmqnzrulllup]
[ut.] UnqwL zGnphhw' qul::p, qhwuUlwUlnLp-pLG hL ql!qciwlP qluwqwqnLp-pLG wl1'hGwJG wZluwphp, uppnJ bqhqhgLnJ hL wl1'hGwJG nLqqw1Jlwn ~
hUJpu~nUJ.nuwg, £whwGwJ pg, UWp~WLWqWg, p-Wq~LDpWg, wZluwph}t pzluwGwg,, 6wGwUJ.wphnpq.hlng, Gwililng, ~wUJ.hlng, qUlwGqhlng, wZluwUlhlng hL np£ p UJ.wUlhpwql1'nLGu pwppwpnuwg:
UnqwL hL zGnphhw' qpwphluwnGnLp-pLG hL qUJ.UlqwphpnLp-pLG hL wluUlwghlng P UJl::u UJ.l::u gWLU 1JlnLp-wUJ.l::u qwnnqfnLp-pLG:
UnqwL hwGqn' qwJhGhuhwG JwnwfwqnJG p ~p.puUlnu GGfhghwluG.
qGwluwhwpu, qhwJpwUJ.hUlU, ql1'wpqwpl::u, qwnw£hwlu, qqqwJhwlu,
qhUJpu~nUJ.nunLGu, qhppgnLGu, quwp~wLwqnLGu, hL qpGWL nLluUl b~h­
qbgLDJ £nJ uppnJ, hL qwJhGhuhwG JwZluwphw~wG ~wpql::, qwpu hL
qqwGwJu qhwLwUlnq qwlu6wGhwlu:.fJ.utnutuutlu, fI, autlu.
C'bl[ nl'u bL Jb'l UlJ9 UlI'UlU9bu, pUll'bl'UlI'
O"t bUl ', SI;I"
lJ.uUlnLUl~, UI'lUlt. bJ.[!:
bL n'lnI'JbUl':
Ul'pnJ 'LnLu"'b U UlI'''UlJ'nL bL Onll~UI'b'bnL,U'LI'Ult.P'b,
UUlb+UI'bnu" 'bUlfuUl"-'LUlJ"'b bL UlJb'bUlJ'b Ul'p n 9, b'lfr9" J"tUlUlUl'L " unLI'P
UfUlUlUlI'UlIfU, UI'lUlt.bJ.[!:
[Hymn to the Holy Spirit]
Spirit of God, who descending from heaven dost accomplish
through us the mystery ofhim who is glorified with thee, by the shedding ofhis blood, we beseech thee, grant rest to the souls ofthose ofus
who have fallen asleep.)
Henceforth the Priest, spreading out his hands not higher than the Gifts, but
holding them low and keeping his eyes on the GIfts, shall pray, in secret:
[The General Intercessions]
[a] Through this grant love, stability and desirable peace to the whole
world, to the holy Church and to all orthodox bishops, to priests, to deacons, to
kings, to the princes of the world, to peoples, to travellers, to seafarers, to
Fprisoners, to those who are in danger, to the weary and to those who are at war
with barbarians.
Through this grant also seasonableness to the weather and fertility to the
fields and a speedy recovery to those who are affiicted with divers diseases.
Througb this give rest to all who aforetime have fallen asleep in Christ: to
the forefathers, the patriarchs, the prophets, the apostles, martyrs, bishops,
presbyters, deacons and the whole company of thy holy Church and to all the
laity, men and women, who have ended their life in faith.-
The Priest, aloud:
- With whom visit us also, 0 beneficent God, we beseech thee.
The Clerks:
Be mindful, Lord, and have mercy.
The Priest:
Ofthe Mother-of-God the holy virgin Mary and ofJohn the Baptist,
of the protomartyr Stephen and of all the saints, to be mindful in this
holy sacrifice we beseech the Lord.
'J.U/ jl:"'pu.
fJ/r1..bu/, Sl;l"
The Clerks:
bL ntlnl'Jbu/:
Be mindful, Lord, and have mercy.
UUtJ1qUtlUtq.U jUt£Utqml.uu UlirzUtunju alinuUtuUta UtUUtug"t.
[oRuqmq CuTJliutunZfI B}l2utmutqnzruhutug]
UIUU.[!blns Ul'pns,
The Deacon, standing at the right side of the Table, with joined hands, shall
JUIl'Ulfrl'nuUlS bL
UlJb'bUlJ'b t"UlJl'UlUfbUlUlS Ul'pns· Uln.UI.[!blUlP'l'b- bUffru'LnUfnuUlS, bl'frsUl'bS'
nL'l'lUl+Uln. UUll''LUlUU'fUIS bL UlJb'bUlJ'b Ul'pns· bwsfr Jfr1.. UlUlUl 'L fr unLl'p
UfUlUlUll'UI'l:U UI'lUlt. bJ.[!:
fJ/r1..bUl', Sl;l"
[The Litany of General Intercessions]
Of the holy apostles, prophets, doctors,. martyrs and of all holy
patriarchs, apostolic bishops, presbyters, orthodox deacons and ofall
the saints to be mindful in this holy sacrifice we beseech the Lord.
The Clerks:
bL n'lnl'JbUl':
Be mindful, Lord, and have mercy.
(ll BUtJ1mruliUtu liftlJ1Utqtu qUtjU UtUUt.
(Say this on Sundays of Resurrection:
The Deacon:
Ol't,,'bbUll' 'l:n"-bUll bL +Uln.UlLnl'bUll, t"pUl1.. UlLfr bL UluU1nuub-UlqUll''l:
JUIl'nLfJbUl'b'b -P-l'fruUlnufr bl''Lfrl'UfUl'fUI'bbJ.[!:
The blessed, praised, glorified, wondrous and divine resurrection
of Christ we worship.
The Clerks:
4JUlTI..f! JUIl'nLfJbUl'b .[!n, Sl;l':
Glory to thy resurrection, 0 Lord.
II mou/l uJ1pngu qUtjU UtUUt.)
On a Saints' day say this:)
The Deacon:
UnLl'p bL UluUlnuub-Ult"UI-AnJ JUIl''l:UIl'l;fr'b (qUtU t"UlJl'UlUfbUlfr'b, qUtU
UlIUU.[!blnJ'b, qUtU JUIl'Ulfrl'nufr'b, UtjU Utumu) nl'nJ UlJUOl' qJfr1.. UlUlUl 'L'b
'LUlUlUll'bSUl.[!, bwsfr Jfr1.. UlUlUl 'L fr unLl'p UfUlUlUll'UI'l:U UI'lUlt. bJ.[!:
'J.U//lJ1Pu. fJfr1.. bUl ', Sl;l"
Un.UI£~nl''fUIS'b Jbl'ns bL Uln.Ulf./r'b lnLuUlLnl't.UlS'b, ul'pns'b fiJ-Ul'l:l;nufr
/uUl'fUIJ, Ubul'nUfUlJ "-Ull''fUIUfbUlfr'b bL CJ.l'frP'l'/r "bUll'b'LUlSLnJ'b bL tbl'ufrufr
i,lUiJbiJLnJ'b, fJn"-t,,UI'b'bnL nl'nUl'bbSLnJ'b, bL CJ.l'fr'l:nl'fr bL Un"-ufru/r
SUlflbuuShUlS'b bL Ul'pnS CJ.l'fr'l:nl'frubUl'bS bL ibl'ufrubUl'bS' t"n"-nuus bL
t"n"-nuuUfbulUlS'b l,UlJUlUUlUl'bbUlJS' bWSfr Jfr1..UlUlUl'L fr UnLl'p UfUlUlUll'UI'l:U,
UI'lWt. bJ.[!:
'J.U//lJ1PU. fJfr1.. bUl ', Sl;l"
Be mindful, Lord, and have mercy.
- Of our leaders and f"trst enlighteners, the holy apostles Thaddeus and Bartholomew, and ofGregory the Enlightener ofAristakes
Vrdanes, Yusik, Grigoris, Nersess, Sahak, Daniel ~nd Khad of
Mesro!' the doctor and of Gregory of Narek, Nersess of Kia; JOh~ of
Orotnl, .Gregory and Moses ofTathev and of the Grlgorisians and the
Nersesslans and of all the pastors and chief-pastors of Armenians to
be mindful in this holy sacrifice we beseech the Lord.
The Clerks:
bL n'lnl'JbUl':
Of the holy and God-pleasing prophet (or patriarch or apostle or
martyr N.N.), whose remembrance we have made this day to be
min~ in this holy sacrifice we beseech ~he Lord.
The Clerks:
bL n'1nl'JbUl, :
bL ~UIl'fJnwJl;nufrUln.UI.[!blns'b bL CJ.l'frP'l'fr LnLUUlLnl't./r'b, Ul'frUUlUl'L/rUfr,
-lpfiJw'bfrufr, fJnLli'LUI'b'b, CJ.l'/r'l:nl'frufr, "bbl'ufrufr, UUlt"UI'LUlJ, 'J.UI'bfrI;Lfr ilL
'Ll'o'bUlLnl'UlS'b f/J0'lnufr, U'bUln'bfr, f/J0'lUlJ, U UI'LUIl'UlJ, n'bn+l'frnufr, UlPPUlJ
U UlI''LnUfr, Ul'UlUffrn'bfr, "bb'lnu/r, Ul'ul;'b/r, I;uu'l:l'fr, f/JUIl'UUlJWJ'
Bnllt"UI'b'bfrubUl'bS bL UfrJl;n'bbUl'bs, Ul'pnS nu'LbUl'bS bL UnI...,frUlUUl'bS bL
UlJb'bUlJ'b Ul'pnS t"UIl'S bL Ul1.. UI'L bl' Ulblns 'bns/r'b l!..'b'l: Ulfrbqbl'u, bWSfr
Jfr1.. iuUlUl'L fr UnLl'p UfUlUlUll'UI'l:U, UI'lUlt. bJ.[!:
. ~e mindful, Lord, and have mercy.
- Of the holy anchorites, the virtuous and God-instructed monks
Paul, Anthony, Paulus, Macarius, Onophrius, Mark the abbot Serapion,. NUus~ Arsenius, Evagrius, Barsumas, of the Johannesia~s and
the Slmeon18ns, of the Oskians and the Suqiasians and of all the holy
fathers and of their disciples throughout the world to be mindful in
this holy sacrifice we beseech the Lord.
fIIusuruq.UlfUSn 88
The Clerks:
f}.U/f1p.pfi.. O"z..bu/, S,>(', bL nqn('Jbu/:
- fi)-wIfUILn(,ws t'"wLUlUlwsblns u('pns' llplfUI('nL, t:,nuUlw"b'l:"w"bnu",
S(,puUlWJ bL fi)-,>n'l:nu" bL wJb"bwJ"b unL('p bL pw(,bUfwz..Ul fi/wIfUILn(,ws bL
wUUlnLUllTwu'>(' "z../uw"bws.
wqwt.bJ.p :
b'li's" J"z..WUlW't
f}.U/f1N1U. O"', Ul'>(', bL nqn('Jbw':
C"b'l:t'"w"bnL(' wJb"bwJ"b t'"wLUlUlwsblns, w(,w"bs bL 'tw"bw"bs, ITb('ns bL
UlqWJnS bL wJb"bwJ"b t.w"mL t'"w'!w't" t'"wLUlUlnil bL u('pnqJbwJp "
~('''uUlnu "b"b£bsblns"b. b'li's" J"z..WUlW't " unL('p UfWUlW(,W'f:U, wqwt.bJ.p:
B"', S'>(', bL nqn('Jbw':
VZ l1f1U! unpw q~wp.nqu, ~wFiwuwJu wuwugt qw'l0J'itU fi, GWo-nzz" qfi,
fi, l1f1wuf1u wzwp.mhugf1u.
[p.] 8lt2hw', Sl::p, hL nqnpuh,¥' hL ophGhw' qunLpp qwp-nqltql:: hL qw-
nw£hlwqwG bqhqhglt tn, qnp tltpqhghp UJ.WUlDLWqWG wphwup lfltwb-Glt
£nJ hL wqwUlhghp }uWlltLG uppnq: 7iGnphhw' uuw qwG 2wPd- q}uwqwqm_p-ltLG :
8lt2hw', Sl::p, hL nqnpuhw' hL ophGhw' qwuhGwJG nLqqwtltwn hUJ.lmqnUJ.nunLGu, np£ nLqltq qwp:qwUJ.hUlnLp-hwup hwuwnoUlhG It uhq qpwGG
fl.2uwpUlnLp-hwG: ~wFiwuwJu,
Be mindful, Lord, and have mercy.
- Of the believing kings: the saints Abgarius, Constantianus,
Tiridates and Theodosius and of all saintly and pious kings and Godloving princes, to be mindful in this holy sacrifice we beseech the
The Clerks:
Be mindful, Lord, and have mercy.
- Of all the faithful everywhere, of men and women, old and
young and ofevery age, who in faith and holiness have fallen asleep in
Christ, to be mindful in this holy sacrifice we beseech the Lord.
The Clerks:
Be mindful, Lord, and have mercy.
And while they sing these litanies, the Priest shall say this prayer in secret, so
that they shall end together.
[b] Be mindful, Lord, and have mercy and bless thy holy, catholic and
apostolic Church, which thou hast saved by the precious blood of thine Onlybegotten, and hast made her free by his holy cross. Grant her unshaken peace.
Be mindful, Lord, and have mercy and bless all the orthodox bishops who
impart to us the word of truth in orthodox- doctrine.
The Priest, aloud:
- l;LU wn.uJLbl 'IbUf"u'tnUfnuwUfbUl"b Jb(' bL 'IUfwUlnLUl'tw"b l,wJ(,wUfbUl"b
llJb"bwJ"b l,wJnS 'IS,>(,... (wJu wumu) z.."bn(,t'"busbu Jb'I e."b'l: b(,'twJ"b
WLnL('U nL'li'q "-w('puUfbUlnLfi/bwJp:
Vz TJ-wP.ahWI Uwp.z,wzwq.U q.WJ fi, mh'lfi, fi,zp. [f1 awfuwz, n 'll1u Uh'lwunJu] hz
pWj1.nqhugt, pwp.a",.
_And more specially grant us to have our chiefbishop and venerable
P~triarch of All Armenians the lord ... (N.) for length of daysin orthodox doctrine.
The Deacon shall return to his place [at the left side of the holy Table] and shall
proclaim aloud:
[The Litany of Special Intercessions]
(oRuqmq lfw,uuunnTl B/l2W,U/,W,qnZfitli,w,ug]
CJ.nt'"nLfi/"L"b bL pWn.uJpw"bnLfi/"L"b JWUlnLsw"bbJ.p .pb'I' Sf(' lluUlnLUlIr
Jb(', "-wu"b unL('p bL w"bJwt'" UfWUlW(,W'f:"U n(' " "-b(,wJ u(,pnJ Ubqw"bnJu,
'I uw Jb'I " u('pnqJ"L"b 'tb"bpu"bnLfi/bw"b Ufw(''f:bLbuSbu: ,
Un"-wL z.. "bn('t'"bw' 'I u '>(', 'It'"wuUlwUlnLfi/"L"b bL 'l/!.qdwU 'f.1uwqwqnLfi/"L"b
wJb"bwJ"b wz../uw('t'"", u(,pnJ l;'tbqbSLnJ bL wJb"bwJ"b nLqqwpWR- bUf"u'tnUfnuws. bUf"u'tnUfnuwUfbUl""b Jb('nJ bL UfwUlnLUl'tw"b l,wJ(,wUfbUl""b
llJb"bwJ"b l,wJnS SbWR-"b • •• (wJu wumu),bL .pwt'"w"bwJ"u n(' 'IUfWUlW('W'f:U
JWUlnLsw"b'> :
l;L "-wu"b 'I0(,nqJbw"bs bL Jw'lfiInLfi/bw"bs fi/wIfUILn(,ws ~('''uUln"b'>''s bL
"z../uw"bws"b pw(,bUfwz..Ul"S wqwt.buSnL.,f:
Thanksgiving and glory we offer unto thee, 0 Lord our God, for
this holy and immortal sacrifice which is on this holy altar, that thou
wilt vouchsafe it to be to us for holiness of life.
Through this grant love, stability and desirable peace to the whole
\ world, to the holy Church and to all orthodox bishops and to our chief
bishop and venerable Patriarch of All Armenians lord ... (N.) and to
the priest who is offering this sacrifice.
Let us pray for th,e forces and the victories of Christian kings and
pious princes.
Let us also beseech the Lord for the souls of those who are at rest,
and more specially for our prelates who are at rest and for the
fIIusuruq.UlfUSn B8
I;L fu"b'l:pbuSR~ bL "-UlU"b t.mp_Rs"b t.UI"btp'LSblRS· bLU UlIUULbl' "-UlU"b
t.UI"b'fRLSbUll ['UlpRL"bUl"lbUlUlS"b JbpRS bL lfi"bR,[UlS UPPRJ b't.b,[bSLRJU bL
Rp.f! /!."b'l: t.R"-Ul"bbUlL URpfr"b b"b t.UI"b'fRLSbUll:
founders of this holy church and for those who are laid to rest under
the shadow thereof.
Let us ask deliverance for those of our brethren who have been
made captive, and grace unto the congregation here present, and rest
for those who have ended their life in Christ with faith and holiness.
Of these to be mindful in this holy sacrifice we beseech the Lord.
ll.'lUlUlRLfJfrL"b' b'lPUlpS JbpRS 'fbpblRS' bL l.."bRpt.' UlIUUf./r't.UlJ JR,[R4.P'l:bUl"bU. t.UI"b'ffrUUI' t.UlLUlUlR"- bL UppRLfJbUlJp fr ~pfrUUlRU 't.UlUlUI pblRS"b:
I;'lfrsfr Jfr1.. UlUlUI 't.
The Clerks:
URLpp "lUlUlUlpUl'fU, UI'[Ult.bJ.f!:
From all and for all.
While they recite the litany, the Priest shall say this prayer, in secret
CUUI UlJb"bUlJ"bfr bL JUI,[UI'fU UlJb"bbSRL"b:
[The Prayer of Special Intercessions]
anpw pWllnqlia' ~wliwawla wuwugt qw1J.oruu, fl, awamq.
Be mindful, Lord, and have mercy and bless thy people here standing before
thee and those who have offered these oblations and grant unto them whatsoever is necessary and profitable. Be mindful, Lord, and have mercy and bless
those who have made vows and those who have brought gifts to thy holy
Church and those who are mercifully mindful ofthe poor and render thou what
is due to them, according to thy natural bounty, a hundredfold here and in the
world to come.
B~ mindful, Lord, and have mercy and compassion on the souls of those
who are at rest. Give them rest and enlighten them and reckon them among thy
saints in the kingdom of heaven and make them worthy of thy mercy.
Be mindful, Lord, also ofthe soul ofthy servant (N.) and have mercy on him
(or her) according to thy plenteous mercy and by thy visitation give him (or her)
r~st in the light of thy countenance.
[lfwuuu.nn(l B/12wmwqnzrufu.ull]
Br2bw/, S1:: /p, bL nqnpubw/, bL' qfn wnw~r qw9bwl
d-mtnqnLpq.u bL <{Ulwmwpqruu uWlfiDLgnqU bL UJ.wpqbiliw' ungw <{UlrlfiDJuo.
bL qoqmwqwpuo.: Br2bw/, Sl::/ p , bL nqnpubw' bL' qnLIumwLDpu
bL qUJ.mqwpbpr~u bqbqbgLDJ fnLu uppnJ bL npf Jr2bo. qwqfwmu nqnpuw~Lp-bwup, bL hwmn' o.ngw <{Ulwpmu o.ngw eum eo.q.wpnJu wnwmnLp-bwo.
fnLu hwprLpwUJ.wmrq wum bL r hwo.q.bpciblnLuq.:
Br2bw/, S1:: /p, bL nqnpubw/, bL qp-wl r hnqru hwo.qnLgblngo.. hWo.qn'
qo.nuw bL InLuwLDpbw' bL q.wuwLDpbw' eo.q. unLppu fn JwpfwJnLp-bwo.q.
bpqo.rg bL wpawo.r wpwl nqnpunLp-bwo. fnLu:
Br2bw/, S1:: /p, bL qhnqr ~wJru fnJ ... (wJU wama) bL nqnpUbw' o.uw
eum ubb-r nqnpunLp-bwo. fnLu bL hwo.qn' wJgblnLp-bwup r InJu bpbuwg
And if he or she be living:
Deliver him (or her) from all the snares of soul and of body.
Dz lirut qliaT/-wafl, t.
ctJpqbw' qo.w Jwubo.wJ 0. npnqwJl~·rg hnqLDJ bL uwpuo.nJ:
Br2bw/, S1:: /p, bL qWJo.nurq, npf Jwo.cio.bgro. ubq Jr2wmwqbl Jwqop-u, bL qhwo.qnLgbwlu, bL qwnwqwpbw' qqwuu hWJguwo.g o.ngw
hL qubpu eo.q. nt-qqnpq.o. bL np lro. 1:: t}tpqnLp-bwup. bL qwpciwmpbw'
pnlnpbgnLo.g qwo.wo.g bL qbpwo.blr pwpnLp-rLo.Uq.:
bLqmbwl qIunphnLpq.u ubp mwuwpwgnl JeUq.nLo.wqnLp-rLo. lfwpuo.nJ
bL Upbwo. lfrwb-o.r fn Sbwno. ubpnJ bL t}tpq~ro. BrunLUr ~prumnur, eo.q.
npnLu fbq ~op wubo.wqwlr, hwo.q.bpci qbo.q.wo.wpwp bL wqwmr~ UnLpp
~nqLnqq., qWJbl1:: t}twnf, r2Iuwo.nLp-rLo. bL UJ.wmrL, wJch1' bL ur2m bL
JWLrmbwo.u JWLrmbo.rg: Uul::o.:
T/-Wlla9fl, liz fuw~wqapliugt liz wuwugt, fl, aWIa.
1;L b'lfrsfr R'[RpJRLflfrL"b Jblrfru ll.UUlRLlrRJ bL pp' u JbpRJ BfrURLUfr
~P"UUlRUfr /!."b'l: db'l' /!."b'l: UlJb"bbubUl"b:
Be mindful, Lord, also ofthose who have commended themselves to us for
remembrance in our prayers, of those who are living and of those who are at
rest, and direct their will in their petitions as well as our will to what is right and
abounding in salvation, and reward them all with thy blessed bounties that pass
not away.
And having cleansed our thoughts, make us temples fit for the reception of
the Body and Blood of thine Only-begotten and our Lord and Saviour Jesus
Christ, with whom unto thee, 0 Father almighty, together with the life-giving
and liberating Holy Spirit, is befitting glory, dominion and honour, now and
always and unto ages of ages. Amen.
The Priest shall turn around and make the sign ofthe cross [over the people] and
shall say, aloud:
And the mercy of our great God and Saviour Jesus Christ be with
you all.
flIusuru(HUrUS n88
The Clerks:
Amen. And with thy spirit.
IJ. uifrr/,pu.
UJ!;t: {;L et'l t.n'f:LnJ'l .[!nLJ:
The Deacon:
[The Litany of the Lord's Prayer]
[~uqmq st",muwqwufl]
Again in peace let us beseech the Lord.
The Clerks: Lord, have mercy.
- By all the saints whom we have commemorated, let us moreover
beseech the Lord.
The Clerks: Lord, have mercy.
-. By the holy, divine and immortal sacrifice offered on this holy
.altar, let us beseech the Lord.
The Clerks: Lord, have mercy.
- That the Lord our God, who has accepted the same at his holy,
heavenly and intelligible altar, may in return send down upon uS the
grace and the gifts of the Holy Spirit, let us beseech the Lord.
The Clerks: Lord have mercy.
- Receive, save and have mercy and keep us, 0 Lord, by thy grace.
The Clerks: Save, 0 Lord, and have mercy.
- Commemorating the all-holy Mother-of-God and ever-virgin
Mary together with all the saints, let us beseech the Lord.
{;L IILU fuUl'lUl'lnL[iJbUlt 'IS!;{' 'UI'lUltbugnt,p:
1J.U//tllPu. S!;{', n'ln{'JbUl':
UJbtUlJt u{'pml.[! 'In{'u J"l.UlUlUl,,-bgUl.[!, bLU UlIUULbLUlUf!;u 'IS!;{'
UI'lUltbugnt,p :
1J.U//tllPu. S!;{', n'1n{'JbUl, :
t/..UlUt JUlUlnLgbUlL unL{'p bL UluUlnLUl~UlJ"t UltJUlt. UfUlUlUl{'UI'f:"U,
n{' " t[b{'UlJ u{'pnJ ub'lUltnJu, 'IS!;{' UI'lUltbugnL.[!:
1J.U//tllPu. S!;{', n'ln{'JbUl':
fl{'Uf!;u qf S!;{' UUUlnLUl~ Jb{', n{' et,,-UlLUlL 'IuUl " unL{'p, Jb{'"-tUlJ,,t
bL J"JUltUlW "L{' JUlUlnLgUl{'Ultt, 'IpnfuUltUl,,-t UlIUU.[!bug!; Uln Jb'I
'Il. tn{'t.u bL 'IUfUl{''f:bLU l,n'f:LnJt U{'pnJ' 'IS!;{' UI'lUltbugnt,p:
1J.U//tllPu. Sf{', n'ln{'JbUl':
Ct"-Ul'L, "-bgn' bL n'ln{'JbUl' bL UfUlt.bUl' 'IJb'I ,
!J.UlJbtUlu{'pnLt." 'IUuUlnLUl~UI~"tt'IJ"l.Ul "-nJut
Sf{', .pnJ"t{'t."L'l:
1J.U//tllPu. 'Ibgn', S!;{', bL n'1n{'JbUl, :
IfUI{'''UlJ t.Ult'lb{'J
UlJbtUlJt u{'pnt[.[! J"l.bLnt[, 'IS!;{' UI'lUltbugnt,p:
The Clerks: Be mindful, Lord, and have mercy.
- Again in one accord by' our true and holy faith, let us beseech the
The Clerks: Lord have mercy.
- Let us commit ourselves and one another to the Lord God
The Clerks: To thee, 0 Lord, we commit ourselves.
- Have mercy upon us, 0 Lord our God, according to thy
plenteous mercy. - Let us all say with one accord:
The Clerks:
Lord, have mercy; Lord, have mercy; Lord, have mercy.
1J.U//tllPu. fJ"l. bUl, , S!;{' bL n'ln{'JbUl':
{;L bLU J"UlpUlt t[Ulut ~l.JUI{'''Ul bL unL{'p t.UlLUlUlnJu Jb{'nJ' 'IS!;{'
UI'lUltbugnt,p :
1J.U//tllPu. Sf{', n'1n{'JbUl, :
!J.UltJ"tu Jb{' bL 'IJ"JbUltu SbUlnt UUUlnL~nJ UlJbtUl"-UlL"t JUltJt
UlI'Ulugnt,p :
1J.U//tllPu. .p.b'I SbUlnt'l JUltJt b'l"gnt,p:
fl'ln{'JbUl'g Jb'I' S!;{' UUUlnLUl~ Jb{', eUUl Jb~" n'ln{'JnL[iJbUlt .[!nLJ.
UluUlugnt,p UlJbtb.[!bUlt J"UlpUltnL[iJbUlJp:
1J.U//tllPu. S!;{', n'ln{'JbUl'. S!;{', n'ln{'JbUl'. S!;{', n'ln{'JbUl':
UWllqWIWqii pWllnqt, -P.wnwuwJu wuwugt /t awanzq.
ft ~wl",wqwu U.unzu]
UUUlnLwb" ii2uwpUlnLp-hwft hL i..wJP nqnpunLp-hwft, qnhwftwu£ q£tft,
np ~ qhp £wft qhpwfthl~ ftwhw\l{hUlWgft quhp \l{wPUlwLDpblngu wnwwl
uh~phghp qpftnLp-~Lft: l.l.wuft q~ ftngw UUUlnLwb" qn~hgwp, ~uq uhq'
i..wJP hwiihgwp wftnLwft~l qp-wlnq:
While the Deacon is saying the litany, the Priest shall say in secret:
[The Prayer of the Paternal Name]
o God oftruth and Father of mercies, we thank thee, who hast exalted our
nature, condemned as we were, above that of the blessed patriarchs; for thou
wast called God unto them, whereas in pity thou hast been pleased to be named
Father unto us.
ClIusuruq.urrusn B8
bL wJc:h1', Sl:'p, wqw~htl'£ q£hq, qWJuUJ.llUp. wn p. £l:ll qllnpnq hL
qUJ.wmnLwqwll wllnLwllwq.pnLp-hwllu 2llnph op l!um opl: UJ.wJ~nwgnLgh"Ull
~qqhgn' p. Jl:f bqhqhgLnJ £nLtl' uppnJ:.f}.utnutuutJu,
lJL um'Ll' Jbq f.UlJUll'dUl'Luu1.UI/iJ pUll'pUlR.nll PUitUiL Wbl'Ultu Jbl"
'tUll''fU'L q.pbq, bl''ttUlLnl''l: l,UlJl"
bl'/fbL bL UlubL·
And now, 0 Lord, we beseech thee, make the grace ofso new and precious a
naming of thyself shine forth and flourish day by day in thy holy Church.The Priest, aloud:
- And grant us to open our mouths with a cry ofbold voice, to call
upon thee, 0 heavenly Father, to sing and say:
And the Clerks shall sing, with open arms:
01 If'UfP,TtT1U putqquttnutllut6" hllutUutqhughu.
[ The Dominical Prayer ]
Ull'.pUlJnLp"Lt .pn. b'1"g"t 'LUlJ.p .pn, nl'Uf/;u Jbl''trtu bL Jbl''tl''': ~~Ulg
Jbl' ('UltUlUfUlqnl''l: mn'Ll' Jbq UlJU0l'. bL pn'1 Jbq qUfUll'm"u Jbl" nl'Uf/;u
Jb.p pn'1nLJ.p
Jbl'ng UfUll'mUlUfUltUl9·
pnl'dnLfJ"Lt. UlJL Pl''t bUl ' " lUil'/;:
qJb'l "
unput, .f}.utnutuutJu utll0ruhu9t, P, 6"ut6"mq.
[U.'10~P U'jlpwp,qawz)
Sl:p ml:pwllg, UumnLw~ wumnL~g, p-wqWLnp JWLp.mhllwqwll, wpwpp.~
wtl'hllwJll wpwpw~ng, l..wJP Shwnll tl'hpnJ Bp.unLup. 'fpp.umnup., tl'p.' mwp
qJhq p. llmpanLP-P.Lll, wJl 1}1pqhw' p. ~wpl: hL wUJ.phgn' p. 1}1npanLp-hllb.f}.utnutuutJu, p, autJu.
- ~" .pn /; Ull'.pUlJnLfJ"Lt bL q0l'nLp"Lt bL pUlTl.,f! JUlL"mbUltu: llJ/;t:
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy
kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this
day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our
debtors; and lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil.
While they sing, the Priest shall say, in secret:
[ The Embolis ]
Lord of lords, God of gods, king eternal, creator of all creatures, Father of
our Lord Jesus Christ, give us not over for trial, but deliver us from evil and
save us from temptation.
The Priest, aloud:
For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory unto ages•
t Peace unto all.
!uUl'1 U1 '1 nLP"Lt UlJbtbgnLt:
The Clerks:
lJL et'l: (,n/fLnJ'l: .pnLJ:
And with thy spirit.
The Deacon:
llumndrnJ bl''tl'UfUI/fbugnl..,p:
Let us bow down to God.
01 utUhUutJu dnllml..mllTJ.U utuqgp,
And all the people shall fall down on their knees.
The Clerks:
llR.Ultp .pn, S/;l':
Before thee, 0 Lord.
The Deacon:
0l'(,tbUl', S/;l':
01 .f}.utnutuutJu funUutllnhugp, hI utll0ruhu9t, P, 6"ut6"mq.
[U.1l0~P /Unuw",nuwu]
np WqpP.Lpq. hu qhllwg hL plllunLtl'll nqnptl'nLp-hwll, l..nqp.q. UnLpp,
nqnptl'hw' d-nqmlpq.hwllu, np£ lunllwphhwl hpqp.pUJ.wqwllhU UumnLW~Lp-hwU £nLtl':
Bless, Lord.
And the Priest shall bow down and shall pray, in secret:
[ The Prayer of Inclination]
o Holy Spirit, who art the fountain of life and the source of mercy, have
mercy upon these people, who bow down and worship thy Godhead.
fIIusuruq.UlfUSn 88
fIIwhbUl' qunuUl UlJpnqfu, m\l{UlUlpbUl' ungw. q6.b1... tl'Ulptl'llnJ
gn1...gUlqp, urn p d-w.n.Ulllqn1...p-p1...ll b1... P qpiiUlq hUlllqhp6.blngq. pUlpbUlg:-
Keep them whole and stamp upon their souls the form signified by their
bodily posture so that they may inherit and enter into the possession ofthe good
things to come.-
-Rwnwuwlu, /t aWlu.
~('frUUInUfrL BfrunLufrL Sl;('lUJp Jb('nll, l!.t'f n('nLJ .pbCf. l,n'fLnJ'f
lJ('pnJ bL 1,0(, IUJbtlil'tlUtP "-IUJbll; "'lUTZ,[!, PUulUtnLPpLt bL UfIUUlpL, IUJfJJ
bL Jfrl.Ul bL JIULfrUlblUtU JIULfrUlbtfrS: lJ.Jl;t:
- Through Christ Jesus, our Lord, with whom unto thee, 0 Holy
Spirit, and unto the Father almighty is befitting glory, dominion and
honour, now and always and unto ages of ages. Amen.
And the Deacon shall call aloud:
Vz -Rwnwuwlu wngl:: qunzllP ~wgu
The Priest, aloud:
Vz UWllliwzwqU aWluhugl::.
dn1J.ntllllJ-hwuu hz wuwugl::,
/t annu hz pWllallwgnzgl:: Wliuhlllu wuhuWlu
And the Priest shall take the holy Bread in his hand and shall elevate it in the
sight of the whole congregation and shall say aloud:
~ u('pn~pLt u('pns:
For holiness to the holy.
f"J.Uj/tllpu, pWllall aWlu/tz.
[17pq. RwpapwgUWU]
UfrlUJt unL('p, JplUJt SI;(', BfrunLu ~('fruUlnu, p "'IUIl-U lJ.uUlnL~nJ 1,0(,:
lJ'/tu)..unpw qWlu, -Rwfiwuwlu !unuwllnhug/t hz w1J.ofithugl::,
[U.'lO~J2 RwpapwgUWU]
UWJbUl'g, St'p Jbp 8pun1...u f.ppumnu, Jbpqllpg p uppn1...p-bllt'tl't
b1... JUlp-nnnJ 1}lUlnUlg p-UlqUlUlpn1...p-bUlll fnJ. bq p uPpbl b1... p qbgn1...gUlllbl
qJbq. np l!llq. hop llumpu b1... Ulum \l{UlmUlpUlqpu: UpUwllp' UlpUl mUll tl'bq
JUlllwpUlm lfUlptl'llnJ'tl't b1... p \l{Ulmn1...UlqUlll Upbllt, b1... P 6.bnll tl'bp'
UlJbllUlJll d-nqnqpqhUlllu:
The Clerks, in a loud voice:
\ [The Hymn of Elevation]
The one holy, the one Lord, Jesus Christ, in the glory of God the
Father. Amen.
While they sing this, the Priest shall bow down and pray, in secret:
[The Prayer of Elevation 1
Look down from heaven, from thy holiness and from the glorious throne of
thy kingdom, 0 Jesus Christ our Lord; come to sanctify and to save us, 0 thou
who sittest with the Father and art here sacrificed. Do thou deign to give unto
us ofthine undefiled Body and precious Blood and through us to all the people.
The Priest:
[The Blessing of the Holy Trinity]
[Opliunz~luu Unzpp. 17PP1),PTJIlZ~l;;,wu]
O('<tblUl 1,lUJ(, UnL('p, lJ.uUlnLlU~ G.l.JIU('PUl:
f"J.Uj/tllPu. lJ.Jl;t:
O('<tblUl fl(,'ffr'f UnL('p, lJ.uUlnLlU~ G.l.JIU('PUl:
f"J.Uj/tllPu. lJ.Jl;t:
O('<tblUl l,n'l:fr'f UnL('p, lJ.uUlnLlU~ G.l.JIU('frUl:
f"J.Uj/tllPu. lJ.Jl;t:
- O('<tnLppLt bL "'lUTZ,[! 1,0(, bL fl(''fLnJ bL l,n'fLnJt U('pnJ' IUJfJJ bL
Jfrl.Ul bL JIULPUlblUtU JIULfrUlbtfrS: lJ.Jl;t:
Blessed art thou, holy Father, very God.
The Clerks: Amen.
- Blessed art thou, holy Son, very God.
The Clerks: Amen.
- Blessed art thou, Holy Spirit, very God.
The Clerks: Amen.
- Blessing and glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy
Spirit, now and always and unto ages of ages. Amen.
f).U/lq/,12U. UJI;~:
The Clerks: Amen.
[lJrq. ll>umwpwunlptliwu]
1,lUJP lJnLpp. np'l:"'l: lJnLpp. l, n 'l:"'l: lJnLpp:
OP~~nliJ"L~ l,op bi... np'l:LnJ bL lJppnJ l,n'l:LnJ~.
UrfJ bL J"l.U1bL JIUL"U1blU~U JIUL"U1b~"O: UJI;~:
[The Hymn of the Doxology ]
Holy is the Father, holy is the Son, holy is the Spirit.
Blessing to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,
Now and always and unto ages of ages. Amen.
[3. Lfn~ut
lJ.. fOolJ.fOolJ.JuflNJ'u]
VZ qwJU wuw9hwl hllli"'llU/W~9t hz nwupnzllhugt qUh11..wuu, hz wnhwl qunzllP
l!wllu"'uu' n11..£ rawggt lwuwU/wliwu Ull"'zUU hz wuwugt, '" ~w~nzli·
[lJ.'loptp fit'wptwfuuwu]
Sl'p u.U\nm_w~ ubp, np qnlbgbp qubq JwunLu lfpw~up npqLDJ £nJ
'P-ppuumubwJu, bL 2unphbgbp ubq uqpUlnLp-pLu hnqbLDp WLWqWUWLU p
p-nqnLp-pLu ubqwg, bL wp«huup wpwpbp qubq hwqnpqpl unLpp lfwpuunJ
bL U.pbwu lfpw~up £nJ:
bL wJou wqUllbu£ q£bq, Sl'p, wpw' qubq wp«huup ~ul}DLuPl qunLpp
lunphm_pqu qWJu ubq p ubqwg p-nqnLp-pLu, bL qnhnLp-bUlup 1}1umwLnpb l
q£bq ~uq npq.LDJ bL ~uq UnLpp ~nqLnJq., wJou bL up2Ul bL JWLPUlbwuu
JWLPUlbupg: U.ulu:
Having said this, he shall bow down and kiss the Table. And thereupon taking
the holy Body, he shall dip it whole into the incorruptible Blood and shall say, in
[The Prayer of Intinction]
o Lord our God, thou hast called us Christians after the name ofthine onlybegotten Son and hast granted unto us baptism through the spiritual font for
.the forgiveness ofsins and hast made us worthy to partake ofthe holy Body and
Blood of thine Only-begotten.
And now we beseech thee, 0 Lord, make us worthy to receive this holy
mystery for the remission of our sins, and to glorify thee thankfully together
with the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and always and unto ages ofages. Amen.
And the Priest shall raise it in the sight of the people and shall say, aloud:
VZ pWllallw9nzu9t wliuhllhz dn11..nt[1l1J.hwuu hz wuwugt, '" aWlu.
[The Exhortation for Communion]
[Bnr'1-nr ~w'lnr'1-nlptliwu]
,. unLpp, " unLpp, U[1UU1nLlU"-IU~ UIUp~nJ bL JUpb~1; SblUrL~ JbpnJ bL
+p"-tP~ B"unLu" ~p"uU1nu" ~lUl.lU"-buon~ uppnLflblUJp. np "£blUl "
Jbp"-~"O p lU1.fu"
J"tJr JbpnLJ:
lJlU"' I; "-blU~.p, JnJu JlUpn'-filblU~, .pIULnLfI"L~ bL flnllnLfI"L~ Jb'llUo:
lJlU'lJnu IUUlUol;.p SblUrL~ UUU1nL~nJ JbpnLJ. ulU'lJnu IUUlUol;.p bp"-~IULnp
fllU'f:IULnp"u JbpnLJ IU~JIU~", np ~UU1" " "-lUrLU .pbpnpl;lU"-lU~u:
In holiness let us taste of the holy, holy and precious Body and
Blood of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, who, having come down
from heaven, is distributed amongst us.
( This is life, hope of resurrection, expiation and remission of sms.
Sing psalms unto the Lord our God, sing psalms unto our immortal
heavenly king, who rides in chariots of cherubim.
The Deacon shall call:
[.gwrnq UW'lunuliznl]
lJlU'lJnu IUUlUol;.p SblUrL~ UUU1nL~nJ JbpnLJ, 'l:Uf.,,'p.p, JIUJ~"L .p1U'lopnLflblUJp qb[l'l:U ~n'l:bLnpu:
9.." UJIU "-IUJblb~ ulU'lJnu.p bL op~~n'-fil"L~.p, IUll;ln~ bL bp'lof ~n¥Lnp.p:
f1J1U1.U10~blU'J.p, ~1U~'l:bpJ bp'l:n"-.p ulU'lJnu IUUlUol;.p bL qSl;p Jbp"-"~u
[Vz a~hughu qt[WllWCJlllllu]
[The Bidding for Psalmody]
Sing psalms unto the Lord our God, ye clerks, spiritual hymns in a
\ sweet voice.
For unto him are fitting psalms and praises, alleluias and spiritual
Ministers, sing psalms together with hymns, and praise the Lord in
[A nd they shall draw the Veil]
llf!,a).. anpw lqu~ha, -Rwfiwawla wngt qllwTuJf!,aa f!, ahna hz fiwupnzp,hugt
wp,mwunzop, wuhzml., f!, awanzz,.
While they sing, the Priest shall take the Body in his hand and shall kiss it tearfully, saying, in secret:
[The Prayer of Fraction]
[lJ.1J.OfUP Rhquwu]
Rn'p ophllm.p-pLG. qwu qn'p qnhnLp-pLG. p qhpwJ i,wgpu hL P-wd-w.qpu
wuwugnL£: UJl Sp'unLu, q£hq upwJG.£ hwG.qhpo. i,wpp hL wuhG.wunLpp i,nqLDqq., wJd-u hL up2m hL JWLpmhwG.u Uul::G.:
What blessing and what thanksgiving shall we render over this bread and
this cup! Yet, 0 Jesus, we only bless thee with thy Father and with the all-holy
Spirit, now and always and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Again he shall say:
'J.wp,ahwz t,Uuwugt.
lunumnqwG.pu hL hWLwmwu qp q.nL hu f.ppumnu Opq.P
pwp6.hp quhqu w2Iuwphp:
I confess and believe that thou art Christ the Son of God, who didst take
away the sins of the world.
Vz phZ,awZ wp,z,gt f!, pwdwz,a Up,hwa, wuhznzL·
And breaking it he shall put it into the chalice of the Blood, saying:
lpnLuG. i,nqLnJ G. UppnJ:
The fulfillment of the Holy Spirit.
[4. 1,lJ.1flf1-flf1-/iJ'/Jf1-t
Vz 'J.U/f!,p,pa hflwawz,bugha.
[l7p,q. <,,lJ.nlfUhwu]
~p"uumu UfUJU1UJPUJ'fbUJL p UJ
1.Ju" "
J"P./r JbpnLJ. UJL'>LnL"UJ:
!J.ifUJpJ"t "Lp U1UJI Jbq 'tbpUJ'tnLp bL unLpp qlJ.p"Lt "Lp S0'l'> " Jbq.
ifUJU1,,'.p UJTI. S,>p bL UJTI.'>.p 'lLnl u , UJL'>LnL"UJ:
liUJ1... UJ 't b sf.p bi. U1buf.p
.pUJ'lSP '> S,>p' UJL'>LnL"UJ:
Opt.tbsf.p qS,>p Ibp't"tu. UJL'>LnL"UJ:
.Opt.tbsf.p qtUJ" pUJpJnLtu. UJL'>LnL"UJ:
Opt.tbsf.p qtUJ UJJbtUJIt t.pb1...U1UJ't.p tnpUJ' UJL'>LnL"UJ:
Opt.tbsf.p qtUJ UJJbtUJIt qOpnLfJ"Lt.p tnpUJ' UJL'>LnL"UJ:
(Vz 'J.U/f!,p,pa hp,q.hugha qmwflu !unp,fip,TJ.wznp,u l!um U/wm2wfif!, wznzp,a:)
[Qmwflu l!um U/wm2wfif!, wznzp,g q.mghu f!, q.f!,p,u tlwp,qJt 'J.U/P,nzpthwa:]
vz wu/w wnhwZ quf!, uwua f!, ahna, wuwugt wp,mwunzop hz q.nfinzpthwup wn
<"WlP, hz np,TJ.f!" f!, awanzz,.
[lJ.1J.OfUP <,,1J.nlfUhwu]
[w.] i,wJP UnLpp, np wG.nLwG.hghp quhq wG.nLwG.wqgnLp-hwup lfpw~G.p
£nJ hL lnLuwLDphghp uqpmnLp-hwup hnqhLDp WLWqWG.pG., wpd-w.G.P' wpw qunLpp Iunphm..pq.u qwJu uhq p uhqwg p-nqnLp-pl.G.: SUJ.wLDphw'
p uhq q2G.nphu i,nqLDJq. UppnJ, npUJ.Cu p unLpp wnw£hwluG., np£ flw2wqhgpG. hL hqhG. uw£pPl£ wuhG.wJG. w2Iuwphp:
bL wpq., Scp i,wJP pwphpwp, qWJu uwuG.wLDphw
flw2wquwG. hphqnJpG. w2wqhpmwgG., pwnG.wlnq qIuWLWp uhqwg: lfp'
hWJPP pu hL up' wpqhlghu q2G.nphu i,nqLDJq. UppnJ:
And the Clerks shall sing:
[The Hymn of Communion]
Christ i~ sacrificed and distributed amongst us. Alleluia.
His~ Body he gives us for food and he bedews us with his holy Blood.
Draw near to the Lord and take the light. Alleluia.
o taste and see that the Lord is sweet. Alleluia.
Praise the Lord in the heavens. Alleluia.
Praise him in the heights~ Alleluia.
Praise him, all his angel~~ Alleluia.
Praise him, all his hO$ts. Alleluia.
(And the Clerks shall sing mysticq.l odes q.ccording to the proper of the d<lY.)
[For odes proper to various feau days, see the Odes-Book.]
Then taking a fraction of it in his hand he shall say tearfully and' with
thanksgiving to the F'afher and to the Son, in: secret.~
[The Prayers of Communion]
[a] Holy Father, who hast called us by the name ofthine Only~1J.~g9tten and
hast enlightened us through the baptism ofthe spiritual font, make us worthy to
receive this holy mystery for the remission ef our sin&. I!Jlpres~ 4pon usthe
graces of thy Holy Spirit, as thou didst upon the holy apqsdes, who tasted
thereof and became the cleansers of the whole world.
99 88
U.Jl e:um wGpWl.. uwpq.wuppnl..p-hwG fnl..u UJ.wpqhl..hw' quw fwl..p~ uhqwg,
Inl..~p~ JwGgwGwg. lunumwgwl.. hl.. wuwg SlpG uhp 6punl..u ~ppu­
mnu p-l' wuhGwJG np qlfwpupG pu hl.. e:uUJ.l qu.ppl..G pu, qhggl p
And now, 0 Lord, beneficent Father, make this communion part ofthe supper of the disciples by dispelling the darkness ofsins. Look not upon mine unworthiness and withhold not the graces of thy Holy Spirit, but according to
thine}nfinite love ofmankind grant that this communion be for the expiation of
sins and the loosing of transgressions, as our Lord Jesus Christ promised and
said that whosoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood shall live forever.
Therefore make this to be for expiation unto us, so that those who shall eat
and drink ofthis may give praise and glory unto the Father and the Son and the
Holy Spirit, now and always and unto ages of ages. Amen.
t Peace unto all.
u.pq. wpw' quw uhq P fWl..Dl..p-pl..G, qp npf qhppghG hl.. wppghG p uuwGl
hwGghG qophGnl..p-pl..G hl.. q1}lwnu ~op hL npq.l..nJ hl.. ~nql..nJG UppnJ, wJuu
hl.. up2m hl.. JWl..pmhwGu JWl..pmhGpg: U.ulG:
t luwqmqnl..p-pl..G wuhGhgnl..G:
[p.] q.nhwGwu qflG, ~ppumn'u, np wpd-wGp wpwphp qwGwpd-wGu hwqnpq.Pl unl..pp lfwpuGnJ hl.. U.phwG fnJ:
bl.. wJuu, Sl'p, wqwlhu qfhq, up' IPgp uw pGa. p q.wmwUJ.wpmnl..p-pl..G,
wJl P fWl..Dl..p-pl..G hl.. P p-nqnl..p-pl..G uhqwg, Jwnnqfnl..p-pl..G h~]ql..DJ hl..
uwpuGnJ hl.. p qwmwpnl..uG wuhGwJG qnp~g wnwfpGnl..p-hwG: qp
upphugl uw q2nl..G~u pu hl.. qhnqp hl.. quwpupG pu, hl.. wpwugl qpu mw6wp
hI- pGwqwpwG wuhGwunl..pp qp e:Gq. unLppu fn wpd-wGp
hqlg 1}lwnwl..nphl qfhq e:Gq. ~op hL e:Gq. Unl..pp ~nql..DJq., wJuu, hl.. up2m
hl.. JWl..pmhwGu JWLpmhGpg: U.ulG:
nuq~p~flwlifi wuW9~Wl
[b] I thank thee, 0 Christ the king, who hast made me, unworthy as I am,
worthy to partake of thy holy Body and Blood.
And now I beseech thee, let this be unto me nor for condemnation but for
the remission and forgiveness of sins, for health of soul and body and for the
performance of all deeds of virtue; so that this may purify my breath and my
soul and my body and make me a temple and a habitation of the all-holy
Trinity; so that I may be worthy together with thy saints to glorify thee with the
Father and with the Holy Spirit, now and always and unto ages ofages. Amen.
[q..] q.nhwGwu hl.. uh~gnl..gwGhu hl..1}lwnwl..Dphu qfhq, Slp u.umnl..w~
pu, qp qpu qwGwpd-wGu wpd-wGwgnl..ghp· JWl..Dl..pU JWJuupq hwqnpq.wqpg
IpGhl wumnl..w~JpG hl.. unuqwIPlunphpq.nJ fnLu, wGwpwm lfwpuGnJq.
hl.. UJ.wmnl..wqwG U.phwGq.:
~wuG wJunppq qunuw p pwphluounl..p-pl..G nl..Ghlnq WIlwlhu, JwuhGwJG
Wl..DLpU hl.. P d-wuwGwqu qhGwg pung e:Gq. uppnl..p-hwG fnJ UJ.whhw' qpu, qp JP2hlnq qpwphqp-nl..p-pl..Gu fn hl.. lthGq.wGp hqlg e:Gq. fhq, np
qwuG uhp lWPlwphgwp hI- uhnwp hl.. Jwphwp:
lfp' uhpa.hugp, Slp pu hL u.umnl..w~, lunpmwqp~ G' qGfhlnq UlGa.pG
punJ UJ.wmnl..wqwG U.phwupq. fnq: U.uhGwqwpn'q, uwfphw' qpu unfo£
JwuhGwJ6. uhnhlnmp qnp~g pung, np upwJG hu wGuhq:
u.upwgn' qqhwGu pu, Sl'p, JwUhGwJG 1} hl.. qUJ.wmhpwqunqG
pu q.wp6.n' JpGtG Jhmu, UJ.wmqw.nhwl hl.. wulhghwl' np~w1}l JumGl p qhpwJ
pu: u.upwgn' qqGwgu umwg hl.. Ihqnl..p punJ hL qwUhGwJG 6wGwUJ.wphu
uwpuGnJ punJ:
lh'p hwGwUJ.wqop e:Gq. pu e:um wGunLm lunumuwGg fng' p-l np
qtrwpupG pu hl.. e:uUJ.l qu.pp1.G pu' Gw Jpu pGwqhugl hl.. hu p Guw: 'l-nl..
wuwghp, uw'pq.wulp, qwgn' qpwGu WUU1DLW~J pG wGlnL~hlP hpwuwGwg
A Prayer said by John Chrysostom
[c] I thank and magnify and glorify thee, 0 Lord my God, for thou hast
made me, unworthy as. I am, worthy to partake this day ofthy divine and awful
}l1ystery, of thine undefiled Body and precious Blood.
Wherefore, having these for intercessors, I beseech thee, keep me with thy
holiness in all the days and times ofmy life, so that bearing in mind thy tendermercies I may also be living with thee, who didst suffer and die and rise again
for our sake.
By the sealing ofmy soul with thy precious Blood, my Lord and God, let not
the destroyer come near to me. Cleanse me with these from all my'aead works,
o thou Almighty, who alone art without sin.
Protect my life, 0 Lord, from all temptation and turn my adversary back
from me ashamed and confounded so often as he rises against me. Protect the
goings of my mind and of my tongue and all the ways of my body.
Be thou with me always according to thine unfailing promise that
whosoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood dwells in me and I in him. Thou
didst say so, 0 thou who lovest mankind, establish the words ofthy divine and
irrevocable commandments. For thou art the God ofmercy and ofcompassion
and oflove toward men and the giver ofall good things; and unto thee, together
£ng: 'fwllqp q.nL hu UUmnLW~ nqnpunLp-hwll hL qp-nLp-hwll hL uwpllwuPpnLp-hwll hL 1l{WpqhLP~ wuhllwJll pwphwg hL £hq qWJhlC *wn£, hwllqhpa.
~wPPIl hL wuhllwunLpp ~nqLnqll, wJdU hL up2 m hL JWLpmhwllu JWLPmhllpg: Uucll:
with the Father and the all-holy Spirit, is fitting glory, now and always and unto
ages of ages. Amen.
[R. OlJ.clJ.linNJu]
And then he shall sign himself with the sign of the Lord and shall make to the
true God his divers petitions for himself, for the people and for the world. And he
shall ask forgiveness for his enemies andfor those who hate him. And then with fear
and trembling he shall taste of the Body and drink of the Cup, saying:
U1 WUJW mliwnuwqplwgt qftupu li1 /uu1J.Ttliugt ft n2uwTtmtu u.ummanJ
qUJtuUJtu FiwJ9mwau wuaftu ft1TtnJ li1 cJnflm1.Tt1J.liwu li1 w2/uwTtFift: U1 ~nflm~ft1u
/uu1J.Ttliugt t/.wuu ft1Ttng ~2uwuliwgu li1 wmliZliwg: U1 wuTJ-tu WFift1 li1 1J.nflm~liwup nW2wqliugt ft lfwTtuunJu li1 WTtpgt ft RwcJwqtu, wu~zm1..
[lJ.'10~P OUt2UtI.f/JUtU]
~wLwmml hWLwmwU JwUhUWUnLpp bppnpq.nLp-pLUIl, p ~wJP hL JnpllP
hL p ~nqpll UnLpp:
~wLwmnq uW2wqhu qunLpp hL qqhUllwUwpwP hL q*pqwqnp~ lJwpupUu
£n, 'fppumnu UUmnLW~ rU SpUnLU, r p-nqnLp-pLU uhqwg pung:
~wLwmnq ]!u1l{hu quppwpwp hL quw£pp~ UppLllu £nJ, '¥ppumnu
UUmnLW~ pU SpUnLU, p p-nqnLp-pLU uhqwg pung:
lJwpupll £n wUw1l{wqwU Ipgr pU6. p qhwllu hL UnLpp UprLU £n p £WLnLp-pLll hL p p-nqnLp-pLU uhqwg:
U1 FiwflnTt1J. liu gft:
[U1 pwggliu qt/.wTtwqnJTtu:]
[U1] Jlim FiwflnTt1J.liznJu qnlt wn cJnflnt/.mTt1J.u li1 wut, pWTtaTt·
bplt"LlJPL kL ~UlLUlU7nll JUlR.UI£ JUlU7".f kL uppnL[iJkUlJp ~UI'lnp'l:kgUlpnl,[!:
U1 1J.UJftTtPU, pWTtaTt aWJuftl.
lluU7nLUl(r Jkp kL Sl;p Jkp kpkLkgUlL Jk'l+ op~tkUll kltkUll UltnLUlJp
U1 FiwflnTt1J.liugft unTt alinuw1J.Ttliwzu, pWJ9 nl ft pliTtwuu' WJl Jwl/tu mutlnl1.
U1 wuliuwJu wTtdUtUWlnTtPU FiwflnTt1J.liu gftu:
(BnTtdUtu FiwflnTt1J.ftu WTtdUtUWlnTtPU' f1.UJftTtPU liTtq.liu qmwflu /unTtFiWJ-wlnJ1u)
[qwu GWTtwqwu ~wflnTt1J.m~liwu.
ItUl'lJkgkp uk'lUlt fun~p'l:nJ kL UlpP~Lgkp JUltJUI~UlltUlt pUlJUlltl;t
uppng .fng UlR.UI.fklng UlJUOP " UnLpp "-kptUlU7nLtt+
ll'lUltkJ.f, q,Plt"t, n'lnpJkUl':
ifl#'[!p kUl , 'lJ"U7U kL 'lfunp~nLp'l:U, 'l" kL Jk.f ~UI'lnp'l:kugnl,[! UppnLfilkUlJp e.t'l: uppng .fng UlR.UI.fklng UlJUOP" UnLpp "-kptUlU7nLtt +
ll'lUltkJ.f, "'plt,,'t, n'lnpJkUl':]
[The Prayer of the Tasting]
In faith do I believe in the all-holy Trinity, in the Father and in the Son and
in the Holy Spirit.
In faith do I taste of thy holy and life-giving and saving BQdy, 0 Christ my
God, Jesus, for the remission of my sins.
In faith do I drink ofthy sanctifying and cleansing Blood, 0 Christ my God,
Jesus, for the remission of my sins.
Let thine incorruptible Body be unto me for life and thy holy Blood for expiation and remission of my sins.
The Deacon also shall communicate.
[And they shall withdraw the Veil.]
And the Deacon, after communicating, shall call to the people saying, aloud:
'In fear and in faith draw near and communicate in holiness.
The Clerks, in a loud voice:
Our God and our Lord has appeared unto us.
Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.
And then the newly ordained shall communicate, bJlt the Sacrament shall be put
in his palm and not into his mouth.
And all who are worthy shall communicate.
(And while they are communicating, the Clerks shall sing appropriate odes.)
[Or this hymn of communion.
o thou, who didst prepare the table of mystery and didst give thy
holy apostles to drink of the cup of immortality this day in the holy
Upper Room,
We beseech thee, 0 Saviour, have mercy upon us.
Cleanse our minds and our thoughts, that we also in holiness may
communicate together with thy holy apostles this day in the holy
Upper Room,
We beseech thee, 0 Saviour, have mercy upon us.]
f1Iusuru 'l-UlfUSn 88
VI ll:im nW'l.nfl1J.l:iznlu
fuwtw~upl:iugt -Rwnwuwlu CuowlftIu
l:iI wuwugt.
[U.'lO~P q~li/1 ~Ul'lnfl'lltl~liUlli]
And after communicating them the Priest shall make the sign of the cross over
the people with the Gzfts and shall say:
"t:. 9:
[ The Prayer after Communion] Ps. 28, 9.
"bon', S/;,p, 'lJ-n'lnllnLp'f:u .f!n bL op~'bbu/ 'lJ-UlIUU'b'fnL/il"Lu'b .f!n.
~n1lnLbUl' bL pUlpdpUlon' 'lunuUI JUlJUJ~bU11; J"'btbL JUlL"U1bUl'b:
Save thy people, 0 Lord, and bless thine inheritance; feed them
and lift them up from henceforth for evermore.
[ Thereupon the Veil shall be drawn again.]
[VI aq.l:iugl:iu qtlwflWqJllflU:]
The Clerks shall sing:
~U/ftflPu l:iflq.l:iu9l:iU.
[The Hymn of Glory]
[lJflq. epUlnUlUlflnl~liUlli]
LoUl.f! " pUlpnLfi/bUl'bo .f!no, SI;'p, G.Ull.UI'Lblnll 'lffUlpJ"'b .f!n bL 'llJ.r"L'b:
tPUln,p " pUlpdnL'bu 'LbpUl'Lpn'l"'f: 'lJb'l:
~UI'bUlU[UI'l 'LbpUl'Lpbu 'lJb'l' UlIUU.f!bUl' "
'l~n'fbLnp .f!n
'l0p~'bnL/il"L'b :
tPUI'n,p " pUlpdnL'bu 'LbpUl'Lpn'iP'f: 'lJb'l:
The Deacon:
[~Ulflnq q.nfiw;pUllinz~liUlli]
(;L bLU fuUl'lUl'lnLfi/bUl'b 'lSl;p UI'lUltbuOnL.,[!:
[The Bidding of Thanksgiving]
Again in peace let us beseech the Lord.
[~U/ftflPu. Sl;p, n'lnpJbUl':]
[ The Clerks:
Lord, have mercy.]
(;L bLU ~UlLUlU1n1l e'b'LUllbUll.f!. JUluU1nLUl1TUlJ"'b, unLpp, bP'L'bUlJ"'b,
UI'bJUI~, UI'bUlpUlU1 bL UI'bUlU[UI'LUI'b funr~p'f:nJu, 'lSbUln.'b1; 'fn~UlOUlpnL.,[!:
[lJflq. q.nfiUlPUllinz~liUlli:]
~Ul1..fublnll 'lffUlpJ"'b'f: bL 'llJ.P"L'b'f: " PP'LnLfi/"L'b Ul1..fuUlP~" bL 'LbUl'b.f!
UI'bdUl'bO JbpnO:
(J1u~ wumwuOfl ~U/ftflPu l:i'l.wliw~l:iu mw'l.u funpiiWJ-wlnflU
l1ftlitl:iI -Rwnwuwlu
~wmwfll:iu9t q~Wflq. w'l.0ruftg u :)
;, The Deacon:
Having again received in faitlt of the divine, holy, heavenly, immortal, pure and incorruptible mystery, give thanks unto the Lord.
The Clerks:
CJ.n~UI'bUlJ.f! 'l.f!I;'b, Sl;p, np 'LbpUl'Lpbobp 'lJb'l JUI'bJUI~UI'LUI'b Ub'lUl'bnJ
-Rwnwuwlu wuwugt,
We have been fUled with thy good things, 0 Lord, by tasting ofthy
Body and Blood.
.Glory in the highest to thee who hast fed us.
Thou who continually dost feed us, send down upon us thy spiritual
Glory in the highest to thee who hast fed us.
[U.'lO~P q.nfiUlpUllin~~liUlli]
[w.] 'l-nhwUwuf qftU, ~w'JP wubUwqwb IIp lllwmpwumbgbp ubq
UWLwhwUqrum UllLpp qbqbqbgr' mwfiwp UppllLp-bwU, nLp t}1wnwpwUr
WUbUWUllLpp bppnpl}-llLp-rLUq.: UltlnLrw :
'l-nhwUwuf qftU, 'P-prumnu p-wqwLnp, np lllwpqbwgbp ubq qbUq.wUnLp-rLU qbUwpwp lfwpuUml bL Upbwup fml uppml· 2Unphbw' qfWLllLp-rLU bL qub~ qnqnpullLp-r LU : UltlllLrw :
[The Hymn of Thanksgivingi
We give thanks to thee, 0 Lord, who hast fed us at thy Table ofimmortal life.
Distributing thy Body and thy Blood for the salvation of the world
and for life unto our souls.
(Here the Clerks shall sing mystical odes until the Priest has finished the order of
The Priest shall say, in secret:
[ The Prayers of Thanksgiving]
[a] We thank thee, 0 Father almighty, who didst prepare for us the holy
Church as a haven, a temple ofholiness, wherein the name ofthe holy Trinity is
glorified. Alleluia.
We thank thee, 0 Christ the King, who didst grant unto us life through thy
life-giving and holy Body and Blood, vouchsafe unto us forgiveness and thy
great mercy. Alleluia.
f1Iusuruq.urrusn 88
OZ llim fiutTLnrt1J.liznlu Ju,uttutqupliugl:: ~utfiutuutlu Cuoutlluu
[U'lO~P qitaft ~W'lnfl1J11l~hwa]
U'lU. f11:;. 9:
And after communicating them the Priest shall make the sign of the cross over
the people with the Gzfts and shall say:
[The Prayer after Communion] Ps. 28, 9.
'1b9 n ', S!;'p, 'lJnqnllnLp'1u .pn bL opt. "bbUl' 'lJUlIl.UI"b'fntjJ"Lu"b .pn.
t.nllnLbUl' bL pUlpdpUl9n' 'lunuUl JUlJUJt.bUl!; J""btbL JUlL"UlbUl"b:
Save thy people, 0 Lord, and bless thine inheritance; feed them
and lift them up from henceforth for evermore.
[ Thereupon the Veil shall be drawn again.]
[Oz aq.liugliu qt/.utrtutq.nlrtu:]
The Clerks shall sing:
OZ f).uillrtPu lirtq.liugliu.
[The Hymn of Glory]
[lJfl~ <Pwnwlltflnl~hwa)
19U1.p" pUlpnLfi/bUl"b9 .pn9' S!;'p, G.UllUl"-bLnll 'lUUlpJ""b .pn bL 'llJ.p"L"b:
tPUln...[! " pUlpdnL"bu "-bpUl"-pnq/r'1 'lJb'l:
t.UI"bUlUfUl'l "-bpUl"-pbu 'lJb'l' UlIl.UI.pbUl' "
'l0pt."bntjJ"L"b :
'It.n'fbLnp .pn
tPUI'n...[! " pUlpdnL"bu "-bpUl"-pnq"'1 'lJb'l:
We have been f"'tlled with thy good things, 0 Lord, by tasting ofthy
Body and Blood.
Glory in the highest to thee who hast fed us.
Thou who continually dost feed us, send down upon us thy spiritual
Glory in the highest to thee who hast fed us.
The Deacon:
[~wflnq q.nfiwpWanl~hwa]
[The Bidding of Thanksgiving]
bL bLU fuUlqUlqnLfi/bUl"b 'lS!;p UlqUltbu9nL,p:
Again in peace let us beseech the Lord.
[f).Uf/trtpu. S!;p, nlznpJbUl':]
[ The Clerks: .
Lord, have mercy.]
bL bLU t.UlLUlUlnll e"b"-UlLbUlL.p. JUluUlnLUl~UlJ""b, unLpp, bp,,-"bUlJ""b,
UI"bJUlt., UI"bUipUiUl bL UI"bUlUfUl"-Ul"b funpt.p'1nJu, 'lSbUltl."b!; 'fnt.Ul9U1pnL,p:
[lJfl~ q.nfiwpwam~hwa:]
F!UllfubLnI[ 'lUUlpJ""b'1 bL 'llJ.p"L"b'1 " pp,,-nLfi/"L"b UllfuUlpt." bL "-bUl"b.p
UI"bdUl"b9 Jbpn9:
4l.utfiutuutlu utuutugl::,
Having again received in faith of the divine, holy, heavenly, immortal, pure and incorruptible mystery, give thanks unto the Lord.
The Clerks:
CJ.nt.UI"bUlJ.p 'l.p!;"b, S!;p, np "-bpUl"-pb9bp 'lJb'l JUI"bJUlt.UI"-Ul"b UbqUl"bnJ
(/luq utumutu0rt f).Uf/trtpu liTLutuutqliu mutTLu Ju,n,uiWJ.utznrtu
qutmutrtliugl:: qqutrtq. utTLOfit/tgu:)
.The Deacon:
u/tutliz ~utfiutuutlu
[U'lO~P q.nfiwpwam~hwa]
[ut.] q.nhwGwuf qftG, ~w'JP wubGwqwb np UJ.wmpwumbgbp ubq
Gwt.whwGqllUm unt.pp qbqbqbg}1 \ mwtiwp uppnt.p-bwG, nt.p tPwnwpwG}1
wubGwunt.pp bppnpl}-llt.p-}1t.Gq.: Ultlnt.}1w:
9-nhwGwuf qftG, 'P-p}1umnu, np UJ.wpqbiligbp ubq qbGq.wGnt.p-}1t.G qbGwpwp lfwpuGml bt. Upbwup fml uppml· zGnphbw' qfwt.nt.p-}1t.G bt. qub~ qnqnpunt.p-}1t.G: Ultlnt.}1w:
[The Hymn of Thanksgivingj
We give thanks to thee, 0 Lord, who hast fed us at thy Table ofimmortal life•
Distributing thy Body and thy Blood for the salvation of the world
and for life unto our souls.
(Here the Clerks shall sing mystical odes until the Priest has finished the order of
The Priest shall say, in secret:
[The Prayers of Thanksgiving]
[a] We thank thee, 0 Father almighty, who didst prepare for us the holy
Church as a haven, a temple ofholiness, wherein the name ofthe holy Trinity is
glorified. Alleluia.
We thank thee, 0 Christ the King, who didst grant unto us life through thy
life-giving and holy Body and Blood, vouchsafe unto us forgiveness and thy
great mercy. Alleluia.
9-nhwG.uu1'£ q£l:G., 4,nqrq. fi2uwprm, np G.npnqhghp unLpp qbqhqhgr.
wG.wpwm UJ.whhw' hWLwmnq bppnpI}-DLp-hwG.q. JWJuuhhml: UrG.~hL JWLrmhwG.: Ull:lnLrW:
We thank thee, 0 Spirit ofTruth, who hast renewed the holy Church; keep
her without blemish through the faith in the Trinity from henceforth for evermore. Alleluia.
~utfiwJlutju utUutugt, ", aut{mzZ,.
[p.] 9-nhwG.wu£ q£l:H, ~prumnu UumnLWc} uhp, np qWJuUJ.rur fiw2w-
qnufG. pwpnLp-hwG. 2G.nphhghp uhq r uppnLp-rLG. qhG.q.wG.nLp-hwG.. unqrup UJ.whhw' quhq unLppu hL wG.wpwmu, PG.wqhwl quho£ £n wumnLWc}wJrG. luG.wuo£q.:
4,nqniliw' quhq JwG.q.wumwG.r qwuwg £ng uppng hL pwphurpwg, npnq
wupwghwl£ JwuhG.wJG. pwG.uwpqnLrG. eG.q.q.runLp-hwG.g' £nLU hilip- wpd-wHr hqrg nL £ luhl ciwJ G.r hL £hq urwJ G.nJ £wfwJwqp- hL fi2uwprm
hnqnLrq. hhmhLrl hL wn r £l:G. eG.q.nLG.rl qUJ.wmpwumhwl mhqr JWP£wJnLp-hwliq. hpqG.rg, UumnLwc} uhp h~ Sl:p uhp hL €flpqr~ BrunLu f-prumnu, np hu ophG.hwl eG.q. 4,op hL eG.q. UnLpp 4,nqLnJq., wJch1' hL ur2m hL
JWLrmhwG.u JWLrmhG.rg: Uul:G.:
t luwqwqnLp-rLG. wuhG.hgnLG.:
UG.£G.rG., wG.hwu, hpphwq rG.£G.nLp-hwG.q., hwumr~, eG.q.nLG.nq hL
wG.pwd-wG.hlr urwuG.wqwG. unLpp bppnpI}-DLp-hwG.q., qWJhll: tPwn£, r2luwG.nLp-rLG. hL UJ.wmrL wJd-u hL ur2m hL JWLrmhwG.u JWLrmhG.rg: Uul:G.:
[oz ~utfiutuwju znzwugt quZ,"'fiu az qlianu "'zll bz Tf"'gt quw11.wzwllmu az wllz,gt
qz,02/tz,u "'zll:]
(oz WU/W pwggau qt/.wllwq.njllu:)
Again the Priest shall say, in secret:
[b] We give thanks to thee, 0 Christ our God, who hast granted unto us this
tasting of thy goodness for holiness of life; keep us thereby holy and without
blemish, dwelling in and about us by thy divine providence.
Be thou our shepherd in the field ofthy holy and benevolent will, whereby
being defended against every opposition of the Slanderer, we may be made
worthy to hear thy voice alone and to follow thee, the only good and valiant and
true Shepherd, and to receive from thee the place prepared for us in the
kingdom of heaven, our God and our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, who art
blessed with the Father and with the Holy Spirit, now and always and unto ages
of ages. Amen.
t Peace unto all.
[c] To thee, the unsearchable; inscrutable, triune selfhood, the creator, container and indivisible consubstantial holy Trinity, is befitting glory, dominion
and honour, now and always and unto ages of ages. Amen.
[ The Priest shall wash his hands and the chalice and put on his sandals and his
(And thereupon the Veil shall be withdrawn.)
1· U10H " U~J). 1;"1;11;8~fl8]
01 wU/w wngt ~wfiwuwju qlJ.zamwllwuu unzllP ", lianu "'zll az ap"'gu allZ,l!Il-
U/wq.awz fiwtTpnzllhugt qunzllP Ua11.wuu az ",£wuaznt/. ", tTt£ az,a11.agznjU [fiwuTfallli
UWllqwzwq.opu] , wuwugt qw11. 0ruu , ", liwjU
[lJ.'lOfitj? Up,pnju nU/ihphp,wu/l)
fll' 01'~"bllU If.UlJ"bnu,,'t, nl'.p op~"bb"b If..pblf., SI;I"
bL unLI'P Uln."bbu
If.JnLuUlubUllu " .pblf..
('J.U/"'IlPU. OI'~"bbUll I; UUUlnLUlIT:)
"bun' If.Jn'lnl[nLI''!:u .pn bL 01'~"bbUl' If.JUlTI.UI"blfnL/il"L"bu .pn. If.l['nLJ"b
l;'t b 'lbULnJ .pn Uf.UI~bUl':
And the Priest shall take the holy Gospel in his hands and bowing down three
times, shall kiss the holy Table and, [together with the Deacons], coming down into
the middle of the Church, he shall say this prayer, aloud:
[The Prayer of St. Chrysostom]
o Lord, that blessest those who bless thee and hallowest those who
put their trust in thee;
(The Clerks: Blessed is God.)
- Save thy people and bless thine inheritance; guard the fullness of
thy Church.
fllusuruq.urrusn 88
Ul'pbu/ 'lunuUI, nl''[! n'[f.nLtbs"t u"l'm[ 'l,,-UllbLtmp"Lt UlUlt .[!nl, 'l:nL
'lJb'l pUlIUULnl'bUl' UluUlnLUlI:tUlJ"t 'l0l'nLfJbUlJp .[!n"- bL Jp' fJn'[nLl' 'llnLuUlSbUllu " .[!b'l:
(The Clerks: Amen).
- Sanctify those who have greeted in love the beauty ofthy house;
do thou glorify us with thy divine power and forsake not those who put
their trust in thee.
('J.uiftp,pu. lJ.J{t:)
('J.u""'p,pU. lJ.Jl;t:)
!J.fuUl'[UI'[nLfJ"Lt Uf.UIl''tllLbUl' UlJbtUlJt UlUuUll'(,,'"
b't.b'[bSbUlS' .[!UI("UI-
tUlI"!/.' fJUI'tUILnl'UlS '[!l'''uUlntl;''s bL wtnLnl'bUll JUlt't.Ults tns"t bL
UlJbtUlJt In'[m/l''l:bUltu:
(The Clerks: Amen).
- Grant peace to the whole world, to churches, to priests, to
Christian kings and to their men under arms and to all thy people.
(The Clerks: Amen.)
('J.U/Pp,pU. lJ.Jl;t):
UlJbtUlJt UlnLI''[! pUIl''''[! bL UlJbtUlJt Uf.UIl''tbl,f! 't.UlUlUll'bUll'[! "
,,-bl'nLuUl bt "f.bUll'[! UlIl.." .[!I;t, nl' bu 4U1Jl' lnLunJ bL .pb'l "-UlJbll; pUlII,[!,
"UuUl1InLfJ"Lt bL Uf.UlUl"L, UlIJJ bL J"l.Ul bL JUlL"UlbUltu JUlL"Ulbt"S:
- For all good gifts and all perfect' bounties come down from
above, from thee, who art the Father of light and to thee is befitting
glory, dominion and honour, now and always and unto ages of ages.
And the Clerks shall say three times:
Vl 'J.U/pp,pu wuwugliu, lip,pgu.
Blessed be the Lord's name from this time forth for evermore.
1;'["s" UltnLt SbUlll..t ol'("tbUll JUlJuJ("bUlI; J"tt.bL JUlL"UlbUlt:
Vl -Rwnwuwlu TfWp,agp wn,Tfu lil wuwugt,
p aWlu.
And the Priest shall turn to the people and shall say, aloud:
[The Prayer of Completion]
[lJ.'l0fUP 4wUluql.lIwu]
I,UlUlUll'nLJt Ol'"tUls bL JUIl''tUIl'l;"s 'l:nL bu, ~l'''uUlnu lJ.uUlnLUlI:t tPl''t.''t.
Jbl" nl' lSbl' 'lUlJbtUlJt ("UlJl'UI't. UlJ Ultol'l;tnLfJ" l"S bL 'lJb'l
4n'tLn"-'l: .pn"- Ul'pn"-:
Thou art the perfection of the law and of the prophets, 0 Christ
God our Saviour, who didst fulf"lI all thine economies willed by the
Father; tUI us also with thy Holy Spirit.
The Deacon:
IuUl'[UI'[nqJ"Lt UlJbtbsnLt:
1;L l!..t'l: ("n'tLnJ'l: .pnLJ:
Peace unto all.
The Clerks:
And with thy spirit.
The Deacon:
1;l''t.''L'[Ull:tnLfJbUlJp lnLUll'nl,f!:
Hearken in fear.
Ul'pnl lJ.LbUlUll'Ult"u B"unLu" ~l'''uUlnu'' nl' l!..UUl Bn"-("UlttnL:
epUlII,[! .pb'l' Sl;l' lJ.uUlnLUlI:t Jbl':
The Priest:
To the holy Gospel ofJesus Christ according to John.
The Clerks:
Glory to thee, 0 Lord our God.
fIIusuru9-lJ.lfUSn B8
The Deacon:
The Clerks:
/luI; /lUUJnLUllr:
God speaks.
The Priest:
l,o{'l; lnLUnJ'
8l[fi. lJ.. 1-14.
uft.qpu/iJl; I;{' ~Ulhh bL ~Ulhh I;{' UlIL [J.uurnLUllr bL [J.uurnLUllr I;{' PUlhh:
tUl I;{' fr uft.qpUlhl; UlIL [J.uurnLUllr:
/lJbhUlJh frhi.. hmlUlL b'lbL bL UllLUlhS hnl'UI b'lbL bL ntfrht. n{' frht. b'lbLh:
tmlUlL ft.bUlh.p I;{' bL I;{' lnJu JUIl''lft. Ulh bL lnJuh fr fuUlLUll'fr Ulh'l
lnLuUlLn{'1; bL fuUlLUll' hJUI nt. b'lbL <UlunL:
f;'lbL UlJl' Jfr UlILUI.pbUll J[J.uurnLlrnJ, UlhnLh hJ'UI Bml<Ulhhl;u. UUl bft.h
fr t[ft.UlJnqJfrLh,
t[ft.UlJbuSI; t[Uluh lnLunJh,
hnt[UlL: flt. I;{' hUl lnJuh , UlJl
'lfr UlJbhb.pfrh
t[ft.UlJbuSI; t[Uluh lnLunJh:
~{' lnJuh 1S.tJ'UIl'frur, n{' lnLuUlLnl' UllLhl; 'lUlJ'bhUlJh J'UIl''l' n{' IfUIlns I;
JUltfuUll'<: BUltfuUll'<fr I;{' bL UltfuUll'< hnt[UlL b'lbL bL UltfuUll'< 'lhUl nt.
OfrL{'uh bft.h bL frL{'.ph 'lhUl nt. I!.hft.UllUlh: /Juft. n{'.p I!.hft.UllUlhh 'lhUl \ bur
hnSUl frtfuUlhnLflfrLh n{,'lfr u [J.uurnLlrnJ Lfrhbt, n{'ns <UlLUlurUluSbh JUlhnLh
hnl'UI' nJ.p nt. JUI{'bhl; bL nt. fr ft.UlJ'UlS J'UIl'J'hnJ bL ft.UlJ'UlS UllLh, UlJl
J/luurnLlrnJ lrhUlh:
f;L ~Ulhh J'UIl'J'frh b'lbL bL phUlft.bUlS fr J'b'l bL urbuUl.p 'lPUlILU hnl'UI,
'lPUlILU frp{'bL 'lUfrUllrhfr UlIL fr l,o{'l;, Lfr t hn{'<o.p bL 1S. t J'UIl'urnLflbUlJ'p:
f/JUln..p .pb'l' SI;{' [J.~urnLUllr J'b{':
(John 1: 1-14)
(From The Father of Light:)
In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the
Word was God. He was in the beginning with God.
All things were made through him and without him was nothing
that was made. Through him was life and the life was the light ofmen
and the light shines in the darkness and the darkness apprehended it
There came a man, sent from God, whose name was John. He came
for a witness that he might bear witness to the light, that all might
believe through him. He was not the light but he was the one to bear
witness to the light.
That was the true light, which lightens every man that is to come
into the world. He was in the world and the world was made through
him and the world knew him not.
He came unto his own and those who were his own received him
not. But. as many as received. him, to them he gave the power to
become the children of God, even to those who believe in his name;
who were born not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of will of
man, but of God.
/ And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld his
-~glory, the glory ofthe Only-begotten from the Father, full ofgrace and
(The Clerks:
Glory to thee, 0 Lord our God.)
[-Ruqmq luut!"']
UnL{'p fuUltfrLU UI'lUlt.buSnL,[! 'lSI;{', 'lfr unt[UlL p{'ft.busl; 'lJ'b'l " J'b'lUlS
bL ft.bsnLusl; thn{'<frL n'lnl'J'nLflbUlh frL{'nJ:
/lJ'bhUlft.Ull SI;{' [J.uurnLUllr J'b{' ft.bsnl bL n'ln{'J'bUl
[lJ.'101&P luutW]
tTJUI<UfUlhbUl I 'lJ'b'l' ~{'fruurnlu [J.uurnLUllr Jb{', l!.h'l <nt[UlhbUlL unL{'p bL
UfUlurnLUlft.Ulh fuUltfrL'l .pnt[ fr fuUl'lUl'lnLflbUlh. p{'ft.bUl Jb{'bLblfr bL JUII
hb{'bLnJfl flthUlJ'LnJ h • UI{'JUlhUlLn{'bUl qn<nqJbUlJ'p pUlILUILnl'bl 'l.pb'll!.h'l
l,o{' bL l!.h'l l,nlfLnJ'l U{'pnJ' UlJJJ' bL J'frt ur bL JUlLfrurbUlhu JUlLfrurbhfrS:
The Deacon:
[The Bidding of the Crossl
By the holy cross let us beseech the Lord, that he may thereby
deliver, us from sins and may save us by the grace of his mercy.
Almighty Lord our God, save and have mercy.
The Priest:
[The Prayer of the Crossl
Guard us, 0 Christ our God, in peace under the shadow ofthy holy
and venerable Cross. Deliver us from the enemy visible and invisible.
Make us worthy to give thee thanks and to glorify thee together with
the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and always and unto ages of ages.
fltusuruq.urrusn 88
The Deacon:
O('t;,~bS"S 'I.SI;(' JUlJb~UlJ~ JUIJ. JUlJb~UlJ~ JUlJ o('t;,~n4l"L~ ~n('UI
" pb('UI~
oz -Rwnuiawja fuw~w~aphugt /1 t[hrwj dn11.nt[fl1J.hwaa hz wuwugt, pwriir.
[O"Jianlfitlua l.J.paw/iuwa]
b'lb('n'-.p " l.~n('f.UlS llnL('p l,n'l:LnJ~:
b(,fJUI'J.p fuUl'lUl'lnLfJbUlJp bL SI;(' b'l!'s" l!..~'f db'l. l!..~'f UlJb~bubUl~'f:
[The Anthem of Dismissal]
I will bless "the Lord at all times; his praise shall at all times be in
my mouth.
And the Priest shall make the sign of the cross over the people and shall say,
[The Blessing of Dismissal]
Be ye blessed by the grace of the Holy Spirit.
Depart in peace and the Lord be with you all. Amen.
~tq/1rpa Uluwugha.
[UwlZunu l.J.pawquwa]
And the Clerks shall say:
/J SI;(' UfUl('~buS" UI~d~ "J. lnL"sb~ f.b'l..p bL nL(,Ulfu b'l!'s"~:
Ub~ UI('UI('I;.p 'I.SI;(' "~bL' bL pUl(,d(, UI('Ulusn'-.p 'I.UI~nL~ ~n('UI " J"UlU"~:
lu~'f('bs" " SbUln.~1; bL lnL(' ,,~d. JUlJb~UlJ~ ~b'lnLfJb~1;"JJI; p(''tbUls
U UlUI".p Uln. SI;(' bL Uln.I;.p 'llnJu, bL b('bu.p db('
,Ii" UlJUllbuSb~:
ll.Ju UI'l.pUlUl 'tUl(''fUIS Uln. SI;(', bL SI;(' lnLUlL UJUI. JtilJb~UlJ~ ~b'ln4lb~1;
un('UI p(''tbUls 'I.UUl:
~UI~UI't.p f.(,bl.UlUI'tUlS SbUln.~ l.nL('f b~ 'I.b(''t''L'lUl~nll.p /IL(,nll.p. bL
U[Ulf.b~ 'I.~nuUl:
W .pUl'lS(, I; SI;('.
zIUll.UI'tbsl;.p bL Ulbul;.p,
b('UI~bUll I; UlJ(, n(' JnLUUlJ "
b(''tb('n''-.p'' SbUln.~1; UlJb~UlJ~ unL('p.p ~n('UI.
W nt.!'~ll; UfUl'tUlun4l"L~
b(''t''L'lUl~UlS ~n('UI:
Ub~UlJb~.p UI'l.pUlUlUlSUI~ bL .pUl'lSbUl~. PUlJS nJ.p fu~'f('b~ 'I.SI;(',
UfUl'tUlubus" " ~nSUI~1; UlJb~UlJ~ pUl('nLfJ"L~:
b'tUl'J.p n(''fbUl't.p
",I bL lnLUl('n'-.p ,,~d.
n~1. I; JUI(''f n(' 't UlJ"
bL 'I.b(''t''L'l SbUln.~ nLunLS"S
'I.'tbUl~u. u,,('1; 'I.UlLnL('U "L(' UlbuUl~bl "
pUl('nLfJbUl~ :
in.bsn' 'llb'l.nL .pn "
lUl('nLfJb~l;. bL l.l'fJnL~.p .pn
'I.~b~'l:n4l"L~ :
IunUln('bUl' " lUl('1; bL UI('UI' 'lP UI('''. fu~'f('bUl' qJuUl'lUl'ln4l"L~ bL b'('fJ
'I.f.bUl ~n('UI:
[ The Psalm of Dismissal] Ps. 34.
My soul shall make her boast in the Lord; the meek shall hear
thereof and be glad.
Magnify the· Lord with me; and let us exalt his name together.
I sought the Lord and he heard me; he delivered me out of all my
Draw nigh unto the Lord and receive the light; and your faces shall
not be ashamed.
This poor man cried unto the Lord; and the Lord heard him and
saved him out of all his troubles.
The hosts of the angels of the Lord are round about those who fear
him; and they guard them.
o taste and see how gracious the Lord is; blessed is the man who
trusts in him.
Oh fear the Lord all who are his samts; for they who fear him lack
The rich have become poor and have suffered hunger; but they
\ who seek the Lord shall want no manner of thing that is good.
Come children and hearken unto me; and I will teach you the fear
of the Lord.
What man is he who desires life; and loves to see his days in
Keep thy tongue from evil; and thy lips that they speak no guile.
Eschew evil and do good; seek peace and ensue it.
flJusuruq.UtruSn 88
lJ.u~ Sbuln.L
t{b{'UlJ UI{''f:UI{'n9· bL UI"wL£.p Ln{'UI
t{b{'UlJ UI'l0Pp9
b{'bu.p SbUlR.L
t Ul{'UI'fn{'lt"Ul9·
uUlUlUl,,-bl Jb{'''-{'I; 'lJplUlUlUl"-U
t.,UI{,'f:UI9pL UI{''f:UI{'.p UlR. SI;{', bL SI;{' lnLUlL Ln9U1· JUlJbLUlJL Lb'lnLflbLI;
Ln9U1 p{',,-bUl9 'lLnuUI:
Ub{'J I; SI;{'
UlJLnup"-, n{'.p JUllbUll bL U{'Ulpt.,p. bL CfiunLUI{'4'"u 4'"n'fLnt{
~UlCf.nLJ Lb'lnLppLL.p bL UI{,'f:UI{'n9, JUlJbLUlJLI; p{',,-I; 'lLnuUl SI;{'. bL
UfUl4',,1; 'lUlJbLUlJL nu"-b{'u Ln9U1 bL J p I' Ln9U1LI; J p ' Pl.l'bu9p:
U Ul4'" Jb'lUlLn{'pL t Ul{' 1;. PUlJ9 n{' UlUlI; 'lUl{''fUl{'L 'l'l£Ulu9p:
tP{'''-1; SI;{' 'lUlLJpLu It-UlR.UlJp9 pL{'n9· Jp' 'l'l£Ulu 9pL UlJbLb.pbUlL, nJ.p
JnLuUl9 bUll bL I' LUI:
tPUln..[! l,o{' bL fl{,'fLnJ bL l,n'fLnJ L U{'pnJ.
lJ.JJ-J bL JplUl bL JUlLpUlbUlLu JUlLpUlbLp 9: lJ.JI;L:
VZ l!u1]. UWfpJnulizu f"J-U/p,wg' pwiJuliugfl, uiluwp,:
Vz Jwzwp,muwuu' -P.wfiwuwJu 1].Wp,?1gfl, Jwp,lalizu liz lip,1.(fl,P,U/w~gt wnw~fl, up,pnJ
Uli1J.wunJu lip,fl,gu liz wuwugt.
SI;{' OpunLu lJ.uUlnLUllt-, n'ln{'JbUl' pLJ:
VZ umliwZ Jwzwu1].wmnzuu' ulip,1.(wugfl, fl, q~liumnzgu liz lip,ro-fl,gt fu,W1J.w1J.nzro-liwup:
The eyes of the Lord are over the righteous; and his ears are open
unto their prayers.
The countenance of the Lord is against those who do evil; to root
out the remembrance of them from the earth.
The righteous cried unto the Lord and the Lord heard them; and
delivered them out of all their troubles.
The Lord is nigh unto those who are of a contrite heart; and will
save those who are of a humble spirit.
Many are the troubles of the righteous; but the Lord delivers them
out of all.
He keeps all their bones; so that not one of them is broken.
The death of the ungodly is evil; and he who hates the righteous
shall be desolate.
Tl;1e Lord delivers the soul of his servants; and all those who put
their 'trust in him shall not be desolate.
Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit;
Now and always and unto ages of ages. Amen.
And while the Clerks sing the Psalm, [the people approach and kiss the Book
of the Holy Gospels] and antidoron shall be distributed.
When the Psalm is ended, the Priest shall turn toward the east and shall bow
thrice before the holy Table and shall say:
Lord Jesus God, have mercy upon me.
And going into the vestry he shall take off his vestments and shall depart in
The Memorial Office
[nTt qwmwTtlt qqult <rnTt 0Ttnuliu qWJunultqJ> w11. 0Titltg, JwzwTtm UnzTtP If)wmwTtwqJt, D:um fuuTJ-Ttwuwg wqq.wqwuwg qwu pwTtliqwuwg uu£liglizng It
UWTtqwzwq.U pwTtnqliugt.
bL bLU fuultlw'lnLf/bwL qSI;(' w'lwt.buSnt..,p:
CL"-wl, "-bsn' bL n'ln('Jbw':
.f!.wnwuwJu TJ-ltgt qfunzuq It pnzTtl[wnu liz wuwugt.
O('t.LnLf/IILL bL pwn..p 1,0(, bL O(,'l:LnJ bL l,nlfLnJL U('pnJ' wJclJ bL J,,1.. Ul
bL JWL"UlbwLu JWL"UlbL"S: lJ.JI;L:
Again in peace let us beseech the Lord:
Receive, save and have mercy.
The Priest shall put incense in the censer and shall say:
Blessing and glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy
Spirit, now and always and unto ages of ages. Amen.
The Clerks shall sing:
[Midday Hymn for the Repose of Souls. Tone IV]
'J.UfltTtPU liTtq.liugliu.
[CUqWlltWU ~wuq.uUlhwu OW2nz. 1=:'-1.]
0(' JiuLI;"S uUlb'l~n'l IfnJ"S w('w('t.w,,-"S 1,0(, ~wL'l: lJ.uUlnLUl~.
f/nqnLp"LL l..Ln('~bw' LL£bsblns .[!ns ~WIUUJ"S' In('clwJ lfUIu 'l:UIUlbl qn('
WLW('WUl dbno.[! uUlb'l~b(':
0(' " 1,0('1;
. [To be performed after the Prayer amid the Church, at the end of the Divine
Luurgy, when a request is made by the relatives or friends of those who have fallen
asleep in Christ.]
The Deacon shall call:
WIUU.[!bsw(, bL Jw('Jtwsw(' " UnL('p t,nLuI;L. f/n'lnLf/"LL
l..Ln('~bw LL£bsblns .[!ns ~WIUUJ"S' In('clwJ lfUIu 'l:UIUlbl qn(' WLW('WUl
dbno.[! uUlb'l~b(':
0(' " fuwt."L wL1..Lt.wsw(' qJw~nL lnL~b(' q"lfuwLnLf/"LL. f/n'lnq.J"LL
lLn('~bw LL£bsblns .[!ns ~WIUUJ"S' In('clwJ lfUIu 'l:wUlbl qn(' WLW('WUl
dbno.[! uUlb'l1Tb(':
0(' Ufuw"-"t.'l: bu .[!ns u('pnS bL wL"wfuG.wL pw('bwS pwlfun'l. f/n'lnq.J"LL
LL,,('~bw' LL£bSbl"S .[!ns ~WIUUJ"S' In('clwJ lfUIu. 'l:UIUlbl qn(' WLW('WUl
dbno.[! uUlb'l~b(':
[CWflwltwu llMwgnzugt. 1=:'-1.]
U wJP lnLf.,InJL, Uw('''wJ wLt.w('uLwSbwl' o('~Lbwl'l: " "-wLwJu:
L"IuLwLuU1nLbp IW('IfUIL'l:" "-('bSb(', op~Lbwl'l:" "-wLwJu:
U,,' 'l:UI'l:UI('''(, "w!lL Jb(' pW(,bfuoubl' o('~Lbwl'l:" "-wLwJu:
[CWflwltwu /Uwijt. 1=:'-1.]
/J "b('wl ""J" ~WLUlUlnJ WLbSb(' q.[!n UnL('p qb"-b'lbS"· quw Ufw~bw'
0(' l..Ln('~bsb(' n'ln('Jnq.J"LL" pLw"-w('wLu ~('b1..UlW"-WS bL JW(,'l:"-wL
.[!wLUl(,wL. UlnL(' uJw qwL1..w('J-.[!n qfuW'lW'lnLf/"LL:
/J UlWG.W(''' PWIUUS u(,pnLf/bwL .[!n .[!bq b('lfbL JwL"-nLL.[!. UlnL(' unSW
qWIUUUl .[!n qn'ln('Jnq.J"LL:
thou God the Word who art, together with the Father, the
creator ofbeings out ofnothing; grant. forgiveness to thy servants who
have fallen asleep, when thou comest to judge those whom thou didst
create with spotless hands.
o thou who wast sent from the Father and wast incarnate of the
. . holy Virgin; grant forgiveness to thy servants who have fallen asleep,
when thou comest to judge those whom thou didst create with spotless
o thou who didst give up the ghost on the cross and loosed the
power of death; grant forgiveness to thy sevants who have fallen
.asleep, when thou comest to judge those whom thou didst create with
spotless hands.
. 0 thou who ~ost crown thy saints and distributest everlasting bounties; grant for~lveness to thy servants who have fallen asleep, when
thou.comest to Judge those whom thou didst create with spotless hands.
[Hymn of the Magmficat. Tone IV]
Mother of the Light, unespoused Mary, thou blessed among
The Light without a shadow thou didst bear in thy womb, thou
blessed among women.
Do not cease to intercede for us, thou blessed among women.
[Hymn of the Cross. Tone IV]
Upon the rock of the faith thou didst build, 0 Lord, thy holy
Church; keep her in peace.
f).t.q jqtpli.
Uwqunu of1(i}'.
funl'no 'LlUl''P"O'' IUn .,b'I' Sl;l'. Sl;l" In'Ll' dIUJL" "JnLJ:
l;qJrO"L lU'L IUL£'; .,n " lubl 'IdIUJL 1U'l0fl"o "Jno:
fi)-I; 'IIULol'I;LnLP"LLu "J .,LLbu, Sl;l'· Sl;l" "ult n~ 'LlUl'l; 'LlUlIUR.IU£P .,n,
Thou who didst grant mercy in this habitation of angels and the
house of expiation of men; give her thy unshaken peace.
In the temple of the glory of thy holiness, thy servants sing unto
thee; give them thine abundant mercy.
The Clerks, in antiphon:
'lP "
.,I;L 1;. .,IULnLp"LL:
-LlUuL IULnLlUL .,n ("IUJpbl'''' Sl;l"
Psalm 130
IULdL "J " Sl;l':
/J "f1U(,,1; IUR.lULOUlnL J"Lt bL Jbl'b'LnJ. " "f1U(,,1; IUR.lULOUlnL JnLUIUOIUL
/Jul'lUJl;l " Sl;l':
/J SblUnLI; I; n'lnl'JnLfl"LL plU'I nLJ • "
LJIULI; I; +l''LnLfl''LL bL ),IU
+l''LblUo 'I/Jul'IUJl;l JIUJbLIUJL Lb'lnLflblULo Lnl'lU:
IJ.ll;lnL"IU. ol'fl":
lulU'lIU'lnLfl"LL IUJbLbonLL:
Out of the depths have I cried unto thee, 0 Lord; Lord, hear my
Let thine ears be attentive to the voice of my prayers.
Shouldst thou, 0 Lord, examine mine iniquities, Lord, who can
stand before thee? But there is forgiveness from thee.
I have waited for thy name's sake, 0 Lord, my soul has waited for
thy word; my soul has put its hope in the Lord.
From morning watch until the evening, from morning watch did
Israel hope in the Lord.
From the Lord is plenteous mercy; from him is re4emption and he
has redeemed Israel from all his affiictions.
The Deacons:
l;L eL'I: ("n'l:LnJ'I: .,nLJ:
Alleluia; orthi.
The Priest:
l;l''L''L'lIU~nLflbIUJp lnLlUl'nt.,p:
Ul'pnJ IJ.LbUllUl'lUL"u B"unLu" ~l'''uUlnu'' nl' e uUI
t/l1Un.,p .,b'I' Sl;l' lJ.uUlnLlU~ Jbl':
unto all.
The Clerks:
And with thy spirit.
The Deacon:
Hearken in fear.
The Priest:
ffJnnufunLJI; :
To the holy Gospel ofJesus Christ according to Matthew.
The Clerks:
lJ.ul; lJ.uUlnLlU~:
Glory to thee, 0 Lord our God.
The Deacon:
p'l.I. liz '1-4.
U'WUlfit. d'IJ.. 25-30.
Sl;l'L Jbl' B"unLu ~l'''uUlnu.
BIUJLJ JIUJIULIU'L" "fIUUllUufuIUL" bUl B"unLu bL lUul;. 'l:n("IULIUJ 'I.,I;L
1,1UJl" Sl;l' bl''LL'' bL bl''Ll'''' 'lP ~1U~'LbObl' 'IIUJU J"JlUuUlLno bL" 'l:"UlL,!S
bL JIUJUlLbObl' UI'lIUJnO· IUJn' 1,1UJl" 'I" IUJu"fl;u (,,1Ut:.nJ b'lbL IUR.IU£P ~n:
IJ.JbLIUJL "Lt UlnLlUL "Ld " l,ol'l; "JJI;. bL nt n., t:.IULlUtl; 'Inl''I:'' bfll;
nt 1,1UJl'. bL nt 'Il,lUJl' n., t:.IULlUtl; \ bfll; nt nl''I:'' bL nLJ nl''I:"L 'LIUJ"s/J
The Clerks:
God speaks.
The Priest
[Gospel for Tones IV and VIII] Matt. XI: 25-30
(Our Lord Jesus Christ:)
At that time Jesus answered and said: I thank thee, Father, Lord of
heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise
bl[UlJ.l~ Uln pu UlJbhUl/iJ "-UluUlUlI[bUll.f! bL pbnhUlLnp.f! bL bu ("Ulh,/:nLUpu
'ldb'l. Ulnl;'.f! 'l.lnL~ pJ I' db'l bL ~LUUlpnL,[! Jphl;h, 'l.P ("b'l bJ bL funhUlp("
UpUlpL. bL 'f:UI£/r.f! ("Ulh,/:puUI UlhdUlhU dbpnU' 'l.P lnL~ pJ .f!UI'lUP I; bL pbnh
pJ +n.f!pn,/:p:
[UZliUtUqlUlup n11 qqu!t' C!u,ali1199!tu t/m!uutuutq t/.li11unjU, C!UUt (tutju!tg.
R!J.. liz iJ.!J.. lJut11qnu!t iJ.. 26-84:
Ul.l. liz iJ.l.l '1.,nzqutunz etR. 32-40:
U!J. liz CJ.!J.. Bnt/.fiutuunz etR. 24-26:]
UU/ut iJ.U/!t11pu li11qhugliu C!UUt (tutju!tg quIt !t Ututug «:UuUtnzut6 Uulirp> li11qnjU,
q n11 ut11ut11liutl 1:: Sliutnu uli11U!tU!t t/.utuu uu~liglilng !t ~11!tuUtnu:
P,ll. liz f}.ll.
~bpUl,/:nJh lhnp("UlU pUllfun'l bpl[hUlLnpUlU bL bpl[pUlJhnu,
"bUlh.f! bL I[bhUlU Ulf!..Ln'l l,n,/:p, l,op bL nplfLnJ UlpUlP1.. Ul I[PU·
.f!l;h, UI'lPP'Lp pUlpbUlU' UlppnLUUlhn'l/!..If ~UlPUlLbUlU'
n'lnpJbUl' f!..uUlb'l~nLUl~nJu\ JnLun"- " .f!b'l hh£bublnJu:
and prudent and hast revealed them unto babes. Yea, Father, so it
seemed good in thy sight.
All things have been delivered unto me by my Father; and no one
knows the Son, but the Father; and no one knows the Father, except
the Son, and anyone to whom the Son wills to reveal him.
Come unto me all who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give
you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me; for I am meek
and lowly in heart; and you shall find rest for your souls. For my yoke
is pleasing and my burden is light.
[ The following lessons of the Gospel shall be read instead of the above, according
to the proper of the day.
For Tones III & VII: Mark IV. 26-34.
For Tones II & VI: Luke XII. 32-40.
John XII. 24-26.]
For Tones 1& v..
Then the Clerks shall sing one of the following stanzas from the hymn by the
Lord Nersess made for those who have fallen asleep in Christ.
For Tones IV and VIII
p'9.. liz f}.9..
"bUlh.f! I' I[bhUlu, lnJu " lnLunJ' np f!..uUlb'l~bp 'lJb'l " ("n'lnJ,
tnpn,/:bubp IfUIpdbUll I[pl["h ~hhlfbUlJp uppnJ UlLUI'lUlh"h.
! I[bunLubp lhnp("pL .f!nJ"h " JUI("nLUlhl;h UlJh Uln.UJ£/rh,
/J Jof/bLUlhu l,op .f!n lnLunJ f!..'lhh£bUbUlll!..u Jbp ("Ulh,/:n':
u.'-l. liz q.,ll.
nLpUlfunLf/bUlJp 'l0p.f! bpl[hUlJ"h Jbpl[h"u Jbpl["p "£Ulhl;"h \
BnpJ-UlJ JUlpbUlp " Jbnblnu, lnJu ~UI,/:bUUlp UlpUlpUl~nu·
UnLpp JUlpmjiJbUlJp .f!n I[bhUlpUlp JUlpn' f!..'lUUI " I[bUlhu UlhJUI(",
lUlUfUlbpo.f! JnJ~ JUln.UJIflUUUI f!..hlf pJUluUlnLh unLpp I[nLuUlhUlu h :
u.9.. liz q.,9..
~UI("UlhUlJ.f! bL J-n'ln"-nLpu ("UlJUbJ.f! " .f!l;h, Sl;p pUlpb,/:nLf/,
Chlf hh£bUbUlluf!..h ("UlLUlUln"- f!..hl[UI'l f!..'lJb'l hn"-ph JnLun"-.
JbpnLuUI'lI;J .f!UI'lUl.f! "-bp"h, JnpnLJ UlPIfUIP.f!f!..h J-n'ln,,-"h,
t!JUlnu "-bpbp,/:bl J"lUl f!..hlf hnu"h \ bppnplfnLf/bUlhif bppbUll[ Ulhd"h:
oz iJ.U/!t11Pu li11q.liugliu liz n11 qqu!t' l!UUt U/utUt2ut6!t utznz11u.
ll/lzflWZ,t/l9 liz BWflnzfUliwu.
nLpUl/uUlU Ulh UI'l'/:f!...f! JUlplfl[Ulh, JnpJ-UlJ lnLUlh 'l.f!n JUlpnLf/pLhlf,
bnpUl+bUlnLp 'lUlPlfUlpbUUlh " JUlpnLf/bUlh unLpp U"UI~hplf·
n'lnpJUI~ Sl;p, n'lnpJbUl' ("n,/:LnUf!..h Jbp hf!..h£bublnu:
Dispenser of the higher graces to the heavenly and the earthly,
Life and life-giver, 0 thou Spirit, creator with the Father and the
. We ask of thee, 0 thou source of bounties, who givest drink to the
Have mercy on thy creatures who have fallen asleep in thee with
For Tones III and VII
o thou Life from Life and Light from Light who hast made us out of
the earth,
And hast renewed us again by the second birth of the font,
And hast saved us by thy grace from the first death,
In thy Father's mansions oflight give rest unto those ofus who have
fallen asleep.
For Tones II and VII
In gladness did the heavenly hosts come down from heaven onto
\ the earth,
When thou didst rise from the dead and didst shine forth as a light
to all creatures.
By thy holy and life-giving resurrection raise those who have fallen
asleep unto the deathless life;
Make them enter with full lamps into the nuptial chamber with the
wise holy virgins.
For Tones I and V
17z quul qUtJu.
UTlpng lu ~/tuCJ.2Wpw-,u/t.
lJ.['UI['''t IlL JUI[''t":'ul;[', UI"imfuUl'tUil hL pUl[,h'fnLfJ,
n[' 'fnll1lUq " u['n1lpl;"s \ SI;[' 'l:U/UlUlLn[' UI[''l:U/[,nqJhUl"b,
C"bq u['pns UlTUU.[!hlns, SI;[', UfuUI't hUl ' qJh[' "b"b£hShUllu"b.
n'ln['JUlb- SI;[', n'ln['JhUl' (.n'fLnSI!."b Jh[' "bl!."b£hshlns:
17z qUtU qUtJu.
We priests and people, entreat thee, 0 merciful and good Lord,
With those who have fallen asleep in faith, receive us who have the
same hope,
Into the heavenly city, Jerusalem, in which the just are assembled,
To sing and glorify always the three persons of the Trinity.
The Clerks shall also sing the following according to the proper of the day:
VTllf2w PW-,u/t.
For Sundays and for the Days of Resurrection.
,. ,,-h['''"b l;['nLUUI'lI;J , " p"bUl'tUl[,UI"bI!.U (.['h1.urUl'tUiS'
nL[' l;"bnll.[! hL l;rzPUlU 'tUl"b b-h['UlShUil UI'lUlL"bUl'th[,Uf,
,. q['UlfuUl""b l;qhJUI'tUl"b UfUlJb-UlTUUShUil UI['JW"bUlUfl;u.
n'ln['JUlb- SI;[', n'ln['JhUl' ('n'fLnSI!."b Jh[' "bl!."b£hshlns:
lku/Ut .fJ.UtnUtuUtJu UtUUtugt.
.t,n'fLns"b (.UI"b'fnLshlns, ~['''uUlnu lluUlnLUlb-, UI['UI' (.UI"b'f"UUl hL n'ln['JnLfJ"L"b. hL Jhq Jh'lUlLn['UlSu l "bn['(.hUl' qfJn'lnLfJ"L"b JUI"bSUl"bUlS:
(oRwTlnq ~nq.liiiwuq.umhwu]
l;L hLU fuUl'lUl'lnLfJhUl"b qSI;[' UI'lUithuSnt..,p.
r.f..UlU"b (.UI"b'fnLShUil (.n'fLns"b UI'lUithuSnt..,p qep[,'t"t"b Jh[' ~['''uUlnu, qfr
q"bnuUI l!."bq UI[''l:U/[,U"b 'l:U/uhuSI; hL qJhq 'thsnLusl; l"bn['(."L n'ln['JnqJhUlt
lJ.Jh"bUl'tUil SI;[' lluUlnLUlb- Jh[', 'thSn' hL n'ln['JhUl:
.fJ.UtnUtuUtJu UtUUtugt.
Or this:
o thou, who art the creator and lover of mankind, forbearing and
And art praised by the seraphim as Lord and righteous judge
together with the holy apostles,
o Lord, ~rown those of us who have fallen asleep.
. Merciful Lord, have mercy on the souls of those of us who have
fallen asleep.
Or this:
[lJ.'l0-,up ~nq.hfiwuq.umhwu]
SI;[', n'ln['JhUl'. SI;[', n'ln['JhUl' • SI;[', n'ln['JhUl':
~['''uUlnu, n['q" lluUlnLb-nJ' UI"bnfuUl'tUil hL pUl[,h'fnLfJ, 'lfJUI' .[!n UI['UI['tUl'tUl"b u"['n1lq" (.n'f"u (.UI"b'fnLShUil b-UlTUUJ"S .[!ns· JUI"bUlLUI"bq " (.n'f"u
(UtJu Utunzu). J"lhUl' JUlLnL[, Jhb-" 'lUIlUUlhUl"b UI[,.[!UlJnLfJhUl"b .[!n. UI[,UI'
UI['JUI"b" n'ln['JnqJhUl"b, .[!UlLnqJhUl"b hL fJn'lnqJhUl"b Jh'lUlS· 'l:U/uUlLn['hUil
UfUlJb-UlTUUsn' l!."bq unL['pu .[!n JUI£UI'tn'lJhUl"b 'l:U/unL"b:
qnL hLU SI;[' hL
UI['UI['''t UlJh"bhsnL"b, 'l:U/UlUlLn[' 'th"bqUl"bhUiS hL Jhnhlns: l;L .[!hq "-UlJhll;
All nations of mankind rejoiced when they heard of thy resurrection.
With new feathers were they adorned at thy resurrection, 0 holy
Merciful Lord, have mercy on the souls of those of us who have
fallen asleep.
For Saints' Days and Thursdays.
hL UfUlUl"L,
hL JUlL"UlhUl"bu
JUiLfrUlh"b"S: lJ.JI;"b:
For Mondays.
In the supernal Jerusalem, in the dwellings of the angels,
Where Enoch and Elijah live old in age like doves,
Worthily glorified in the garden of Eden,
Merciful Lord, have mercy on the souls of those of us who have
fallen asleep.
Then the Priest shall say:
To the souls of those who are at rest, 0 Christ God, grant rest and
mercy, and to us, sinners, vouchsafe forgiveness of our transgressions.
The Deacon:
[The Bidding for the Repose of Souls]
(oRwTlnq fuw!/t]
UnL['p fuUltfrLU UI'lUithuSnt..,p qSI;[' qfr un"-UlL "'[''thusl; qJhq " Jh'lUiS
hL 'thsnLusl; l"bn['(."L n'ln['JnLfJhUl"b "L[,nJ:
lJ.Jh"bUl'tUil SI;[' lJ.uUlnLUlb- Jh[', 'thSn' hL n'ln['JhUl':
Again in peace let us beseech the Lord.
For the souls of those who are at rest, let us beseech Christ our
Saviour, that he may reckon them with the just and may save us by the
grace of his mercy.
Almighty Lord our God, save us and have mercy.
The Priest shall say:
[ The Prayer for the Repose 0/ Souls]
[l.l.'jOTUP luut!/l]
flJUlt..UfUlhbUl I 'lJb'l' ~plIUUlnU lJ.uurnLUlIt- Jbp, ehq t..m[UlhbUiL UnLpp bL
UfUiurnLUl*-Ulh fuUltPLq .[!m[ fr fuUl'lUl'lnqJbUlh. +p*-bUl JbpbLbLfr bL JUII
hbpbLnJfJ fJ1..hUlJLnJh. UlpJUlhUlLnpbUl 't"t..nqJbUlJp +Uln.UJLnpbl 'l.[!b'lehq
1,01' bL eh'f 1,nCfLnJq UppnJ' UlJJJ bL Jfr1.. ur bL JUI"LfrurbUlhu JUiLfrurbhfrS:
Oz 1J.ut",ahuq utUutugt.
Opt..hbUil S!;p Jbp BfrunLu ~pfruurnu: IJ.J!;h:
Oz utuutuglili.
[l.l.'l0TUP Sl:p,nzliutlJutli]
1,UlJp Jbp np Jbp*-frhu bu •••
The Deacon:
Uut",z,utZutq.U .
[ The Bidding of the Crossl
Opt..hbSfrS 'lS!;p JUlJbhUlJh JUiJ. JUlJbhUlJh JUlJ opt..hnLfJfrLh hnpUi
pbpUlh frJ:
Opt..hbUll'[! b'lbpnL,[! fr l.. hnpt.. UlS UnLpp 1,nCfLnJ h:
bpfJUlJ.[! fuUl'lUl'lnqJbUlJp bL S!;p b'lfrSfr ehq db'l' ehq UlJbhbubUlhq:
Lord, have mercy; Lord, have mercy; Lord, have mercy.
o Christ, Son of God, forebearing and compassionate, have compassion, in thy love as our creator, upon the souls of thy servants who
are at rest, especially upon the soul(s) of thy servant(s) (N. or NN.) for
whom we ar~ offering these prayers. Be mindful of them in the great
day of the coming of thy kingdom. Make them worthy of mercy, of
expiation and forgiveness of sins. Glorify them and reckon them with
the company of thy saints at thy right hand.
For thou art Lord and creator of all, judge of the living and of the
dead. And to thee is befitting glory, dominion and honour, now and
unto ages of ages. Amen."
By the holy cross let us beseech the Lord, that he may thereby
deliver us from our sins and save us by the grace of his mercy.
Almighty Lord, our God, save and have mercy.
The Priest:
[The Prayer of the Crossl
Guard us, 0 Christ our God, under the shadow of thy holy and
venerable cross in peace. Deliver us from the enemy visible and invisible. Make us worthy to give thee thanks and to glorify thee together
with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and always and unto ages of
ages. Amen.
And he shall again say:
Blessed be our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
And they shall say or sing:
[ The Lord's Prayer]
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed" be thy name ...
The Deacon:
I will bless the Lord at all times; his praise shall at all times be in my
\ mouth.
The Priest:
[ The Dismissan
Be blessed by the grace of the Holy Spirit.
Depart in peace and the Lord be with you all. Amen.
And they shall depart in peace.
The Midday Office
(The Synaxis)
(np, qwmwTL/t qqu/t ~wuwp,wqwg UT/.oru/tg UnwlOmliwu d'wumu, InP,dutu
'fJwmwp,wq. nl uwmWg/t):
[To be performed after the Public Prayers of Matins or of the Sunrise Hour,
when the Divine Liturgy is not celebrated.]
The Deacon:
Bless, Lord.
Opt:.'bhu/ Sl;p:
The Priest:
Blessed is the kingdom of the Father and of the Son and ofthe Holy
Spirit, now and always and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Opt:.'bhUll flUlIfUILnpnLfl/rL'b'b ",op hL np,/:LnJ hL ",nlfLnJ'b UppnJ' UlJfIJ
hL J/rlUl hL JUlL/rUlhUl'bU JUlL/rUlh'b/rS: lJ.JI;'b:
UUfW '1-Uf/tP,pu wuwugliu qd'UlfUlfnf1.S, l!um Ufwm2wti/t wznzp,u, l!um
gmgwuliznl SWT/.Wp,wu/t qwu d'wuwq.p,ngli:
Then the Clerks shall say the Introit, according to the proper of the day, as
shown in the Hours-Book (Horologion).
Uwp,qwzwq!i aWluliugl:: qqu/t d'wuwum/tu.
After the Introit has been said, the Deacon shall call:
Again in peace let us beseech the Lord:
Receive, save and have mercy.
{;L hLU fuUl'lUl'lnLflhUl'b 'lSl;p UI'lUlt.huSnL,[!'
C'b'LUll, 'Lhsn' hL n'lnpJhUl' :
The Priest:
Blessing and glory to th~ Father and to the Son and to the Holy
Spirit, now and always and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Opt:.'bmp/rL'b hL pUlR,p ",op hL np,/:LnJ hL ",nlfLnJ'b UppnJ' UlJJ-J hL J/rlUl
hL JUlL/rUlhUl'bu JUlL/rUlh'b/rS: lJ.JI;'b:
BWludutu '1-Uf/tP,pu wuwuglili q(Juanf1. (f>nluli liz llim WlunP,/tq lip,q.liuglili
qaUflUlJUu (Juanf1., l!um Ufwm2wti/t wznzp,fi, l!um gnzgwuliznl SWT/.wp,wu/t qwu
VZ wUfw Uwp,qwzwq.U aWluliugl::.
fTJnnufunLJI; :
VZ wUfw '1-Uf/tp,pu l!um !unp,fip,T}-nl wznzp,u lip,q.liugliu qVp,lipup,pliwuu:
Qwmq/t, B/tuuwug liz Bwp,mruliwu lJ/tzp,wql::/tg.
UnLpp lJ.uUlnLUl~, unLpp hL t:.'l0P' unLpp hL UI'bJUlt:.,
n p JUlphUlp /r Jhnhlns,
n'lnpJhUl' Jh'l:
Vp,/tgu qp,quliugliu:
UummW&Wlwlmumruliwu liz 4. wp,T}-w1./.wn/t.
UnLpp lJ.uUlnLUI~, unLpp hL t:.'l0P' unLpp hL UI'bJUlt:.,
n p JUlJUl'bhSUlp 1U1u'b Jhp,
n'lnpJhUl' Jh'l:
Vp,/tgu qp,quliugliu:
Then the Clerks shall say the Midday Responsory, and thereafter they shall sing
the Midday Chant, according to the proper of the day, as shown in the HoursBook or in the Hymn-Book.
Then the Deacon shall call:
And the Clerks shall sing the Trisagion according to, the proper of the day:
For Eastertide and for Sundays of Resurrection:
Holy God, holy and mighty, holy and immortal,
Who didst rise from the dead,
Have mercy upon us.
Repeat thrice.
For Theophany and Transfiguration:
Holy God, holy and mighty, holy and imm'ortal,
Who wast revealed for us,
Have mercy upon us.
Repeat thrice.
Sawnur~Ji1J.umw£/l, <",
For Presentation, Pentecost and Assumption:
Holy God, holy and mighty, holy and immortal,
Who didst come and art to come,
Have mercy upon us.
UnLpp lJ.uurnuult, UnLpp bL ~'l0P' UnLpp bL UI)'JUI~,
np b'tpp bL lfUIln9 bu,
n'lnpJbUl' Jb'l:
Repeat thrice.
Vp./lgu qp.quaugau:
For the feasts of the Cross, of the Church and for Saints' and Fasting days:
1uw~/l, vqaTLagmj, Up.png, f1)wnng.
n p fuUlt.b9U1P "-UlU), Jbp,
n'lnpJbUl' Jb'l:
Holy ~od, holy and mighty, holy and immortal,
Who wast crucified for us,
Have mercy upon us.
Vp./lgu qp.qf1augau:
Repeat thrice.
Unt.-pp lJ.uurnuult, UnLpp bL ~'l0P' UnLpp bL UI)'JUI~,
And when the Trisagion is ended, the Deacon shall proclaim:
V1 /l qWIDwp.azU vp.apup.paUnjU' UWP.qW1Wq.U pwp.nqaugt.
llM l1w2nz]
[The Great Litany of the Synaxisl
(;L bLU fuUl'lUl'lnLfJbUl), 'lSl;p UI'lUlt.bu9nL.,[!:
Again in peace let us beseech the Lord.
f).U//lp.pU. SI;'p, n'lnI'JbUl':
-LUlU), fuUl'lUl'lnLfJbUl), UlJb),UlJ), UlUuUlP~P bL ~UluurUlurnLfJbUl), uppnJ
(;'t b 'lb9 LnJ' 'lSl;p UI'lUlt.bu9nL.,[!:
f).U//lp.pU. Sl;p, n'lnpJbUl':
bUf/ru't n UfnuUl9'
The Clerks: Lord, have mercy.
- For the peace of the whole world and for the stability of the holy
Church, let us b~seech the Lord.
The Clerks: Lord, have mercy.
- for all holy and orthodox bishops, let us beseech the Lord.
UI'lUlt.bu9nL.,[! :
f).U//lp.pU. Sl;p, n'ln['JbUl':
-LUlU), ~UlJPUlUfburp), JbpnJ SbUlR.), ••• (WjU uiumu) 't b ),Ul9' bL
'tnLfJ-bUl), ~n'l:LnJ ),npp)"
'lSl;p UI'lUlt.bu9nL.,[!:
f).U//lp.pU. Sl;p, n'lnpJbUl':
-LUlU), "-UlP'fUIUfburUl9' .pUl~UI),UlJp9' UUlP't UlLUl lfUI9' 'l:Uf..PUl9 bL
UlJb),UlJ), m-!uur/r JUI),'t Ul ),9 (;'t b 'lb9 LnJ' 'lSl;p UI'lUlt.bu9nL.,[!:
f).U//lp.pU. Sl;p n'lnpJbUl:
-LUlU), pUlpbUfUll.ur fJ-UllfUILnpUl9
'l0PUl"-UlPUl9 bL 'l0PUl9 ),n9/r)"
bL UluurnuultUlul;p PUuUl),Ul9,
'lSl;p UI'lUlt.bu9nL.,[!:
f).U//lp.pU. Sl;p n'lnpJbUl:
-LUlU), ~n'l:Ln9), ~UI),'l:nL9bln9' np.p b.l.JUlPPur bL nLW'l ~Uluuurn"­
~ppuurnu ),),£b9p)"
'lSl;p UI'lUlt.bu9nL.,[!:
f).U//lp.pU. Bpl. bUl, , Sl;p, bL n'lnpJbUl':
(;L bLU J/rUlPUl), "-UlU), b.l.JUlPPur bL unLpp ~UluuurnJu JbpnJ' 'lSl;p
UI'lUlt.bu9nL.,[! :
The Clerks: Lord, have mercy.
- For the life of our Patriarch Lord ... (N.) and for the salvation of
his soul, let us beseech the Lord.
The Clerks: Lord, have mercy.
- For doctors, priests, deacons, clerks and for the whole company
of the children of the Church, let us beseech the Lord.
The Clerks: Lord, have mercy.
~ For pious kings and for God-loving princes, captains and their
armies, let us beseech the Lord.
The Clerks: Lord, have mercy.
- For the souls of those who are at rest and have fallen asleep in
Christ in the true and right faith, let us beseech the Lord.
The Clerks: Be mindful, Lord, and have mercy.
- Again with one accord by our true and holy faith, let us beseech
the Lord.
The Clerks: Lord, have mercy.
- Let us commit ourselves and one another unto the Lord God
'J.U//l",pli. Sl;p, nllnpJ'bu/:
_ !J.UI"bJ.""bU J'bp bL 'lJ'''J'bUl"bu SbUln."b
UlJ'b"bUlItUlW"b JUI"bJ."b
UlpUluonL.,[! :
'J.U//l",pli. ~b'l SbUln."b'l: JUI"bJ."b b'l"onL.,[!:
fl'lnpJ'bUl'O J'b'l Sl;p lJ.umnLUl~ J'bp /! J'b~" n'lnpJ'nI-/JbUl"b .[!nLJ'.
UluUluonL.,[! UlJ'b"bb.[!bUl"b J'''UlpUl"bnL£1bUlJ'p:
The Clerks: To thee, 0 Lord, we commit ourselves.
- Have mercy upon us, 0 Lord our God, according to thy plenteous
mercy. Let us all say with one accord.
The Clerks: Lord, have mercy; Lord, have mercy; Lord, have mercy.
'J.U//l",pli. Sl;p, n'lnpJ'bUl'. Sl;p, "'lnpbUl'. Sl;p, n'lnpJ'bUl':
The Priest:
[l.l.1Z0TUP Rutqqutmutflut~]
Sl;p lJ.umnLUl~ J'bp, 'lpUl'lItUlmUlpUl~'lUl'lUllUl"bu ~UlTLUlJ"O .[!no ,,-bpl!."bItUllO"u bL n'lnpJ'buo"u l!.um J'b~" n'lnpJ'nL£1bUl"b .[!nLJ': !J.'l:£1nL£1"L"b.[!n
UlTLUI.[!bUl' " "-bpUlJ J'bp bL UlJ'b"bUlJ"b In'ln''-r'l:bUl"bu, np.[! UlIt"b nL"b""b Uln.
" .[!I;"b UlTLUlm n'lnpJ'nL£1bUl'h,'l::
9." n'lnpJ'UI~ bL J'Ulp'l:UlUl;p bu"LUI~ 'l:nln"- bL .[!b'l "-UlJbll; pUln,p,
pl./uUl"bmjJ"L"b bL UfUlm"L, UlJJJ' bL J'''lm bL JUlL"mbUl"bu JUlL"mb"b"o:
lJ.J'I;"b :
BWllidutu 'J.U//l",pli a",q.augali qDlJ.cnfl UlJ.fJ.,U'nUli l!um U/wm2wti/l wznz",li,
l!um gnzgwliaznJ d'wuwq.",ngli qwu DW2nz q.",ngli:
Vz l!liruanlinzgnzli
DW2nz q.",ngli:
qpng U'lJ.f1q.lJ.f1t"8, l!um gnzgwliaznJ Soliwgnzg/lli qwu
lJ.U/w wU/l U'VUV'J." l!um U/wm2wti/l, l!um gnzgwliaznJ DW2nz q.",ngli qwu
lJ.U/w [!liruanlinzgnzli
/l qpng UJHJ,.f!.vtn8li, l!um gnzgwliaznJ Soliwgnzg/lli qwu
DW2nz q.",ngli:
UU/w a",q.augali
lJ.tttnfl"U, l!um gnzgwliaznJ DW2nz q.",ngli qwu d'utuwqpngli:
9.qli/l lJ.ztznz/lwJ/lli Uw",qwzwq.U iiwJliaugt.
lJ.ll;lnL"UI. 0P£1":
Vz .f!.wfiwliwJli 1J.w",iig/l az fuw~ wqlipaugt
l/.a",wJ, wuaznl/..
!uUl'lUl'lnqJ"L"b UlJ'b"bbonL"b:
l;L l!."b'l: t'.n'l:LnJ'l: .[!nLJ:
[The Prayer with open arms]
o Lord our God, accept the supplications ofus thy servants, made
with open arms, and be merciful unto us according to thy great mercy.
Send down thy compassion upon us and upon all thy people, who wait
for the abundant mercy which comes from thee.
For thou, being God, art merciful and lover of mankind and unto
thee is befitting glory, dominion and honour, now and always and
unto ages of ages. Amen.
Then the Clerks shall sing the Midday Psalm according to the proper ofthe day,
as shown in the Lectionary or in the Hours-Book.
And they shall readfrom the books ofthe Prophets, according to the proper ofthe
day, as indicated in the Lectionary or the Directorium.
c, Then the Mesedi shall be said according to the proper ofthe day, as shown in the
Then they shall read from the books of the Apostles, according to the proper of
the day, as indicated in the Lectionary or the Directorium.
Thereafter they shall sing the Alleluia, as shown in the Lectionary or in the
When the Alleluia is ended, the Deacon shall call:
.Alleluia; orthi.
.And the Priest shall turn and make the sign of the cross over the people, saying:
tPeace unto all.
The Clerks:
And with thy spirit.
l;plt"L'lUl~nL£1bUlJ'p lnLUlpnL.,[!:
The Deacon;
Hearken in fear•
lJppnJ lJ.LbmUlpUl"bpu np l!.um (ifUlm£1l;nu" ) :
The Priest:
To the holy Gospel ofJesus Christ according to (Matthew).
The Clerks:
Glory to thee, 0 Lord our God.
r"J-U//lJl12 U.
C/)Uln., .pbq, SI;[' /luUlnLUllr Jb[':
The Deacon:
The Clerks:
God ~peaks
/luI; /luUlnLUllr:
Dz wU/w .f}.wnwuwlu l!urub.nunz qUzb.UtWJlWUU, l!uUt U/wUt2w6/l wmzJlu, l!uUt
gnzgwub.Znl OW2nz q,Jlngu lJwu Souwgnzg/lu:
Then the Priest shall read the Gospe~ according to the proper of the day, as indicated in the Lectionary or in the Directorium.
QlJu/l u,zb.UtWJlwu/lu r"J-U/ /lJl12U b.Jlq.b.ugb.u.
C/)Uln., .pbq, SI;[' /luUlnLUllr Jb[':
When the Gospel is ended, the Clerks shall say:
Glory to thee, 0 Lord our God.
Dz wU/w wub,u qu/llJ/lwlJwu r"J-wzwunzru/lzuu /lzuwu.
l,UlLUIUlUlJ.p" J" /luUlnLUllr, " l,UlJ[,'b UlJb'bUl't~l' JUI[,UI[,"t'b b[''t'b'' bL
b[''t[''', b['bLblbUiO bL UI'bb['bLnqJ"o:
{;L" J" SI;[' B"unLu ~['''UUlnU, In[''f'''b /luUlnLlrnJ' lr'bbUll'b J/luUlnLlrnJ
1,0['1; J"Ullr"'b, UlJU"'b.p'b JfnqJb'bl; 1,0[':
/luUlnLUllr J/luUlnLlrnJ' lnJu " lnLUnJ' /luUlnLUllr G.Z.JUI['''Ul J/luUlnLlrnJ
G.Z.JUI['UlI;, lr'bnL'b'f bL nt UI[,UI[,Ullr. 'bnJ'b "'b.p'b " p'bnLfJb'bl;
UlJb'bUlJ'b "'bt b'lbL Jb[''t'''bu bL" "-b[,UlJ b[''t[''', b['bLbiP.p bL UI'bb['bLnJfJ.p:
n[' JUI'lUl'tU Jb[' \ JUI[''f'tUl'b bL "-UlU'b Jb['nJ p[,'tnqJbUl'b "tbUil "
Jb[''t'b''O JUI['J"bUIOUlL, JUI[,'f'"OUlL, lr'bUiL 'tUiUlUl['blUlU[l;u "
u['pnJ ~nLul;'b l,n'tLn"-'b U['pn"-:
n['n"- I;Uln JUI['J,,'b, t.n't" bL J"Ul bL qUlJb'bUlJ'b n[' "'bt I; " JUI[''f'
G.Z.JUI['UlUlU[l;u bL nt 'tUl['lrbo.p:
!JUI['tUl['bUll' fuUltbUll' fJUI'lbUll' Jb['['n[''f UlLnL[' JUI[,nLObUll· blbUil "
Jb[''t'''bu 'bm/}'b JUI['J"bn"-'b, 'bUUlUIL e.'b'f UltJI; 1,0-1':
q.Ullno I; 'bm/}'b JUI['J"bn"-'b bL pUlno.p
1,0[' "
IfUIUlbl q'tb'blfUl'b"u bL
qJbnbUilu. n['nJ fJUlIfUILn['nLfJbUl'b'b nt 'tnJ "-UlfuG.UI'b:
l,UlLUIUlUlJ.p bL" UnL['p l,n't"'b, JUI'bb'l'b bL" 'tUiUlUl[,bUll'b· n[' fu0ubOUIL
Jo['I;'bu bL " JUI['IfUI['l;u bL J/lLbUlUl[,UI'bU:
n[' I;£L " Bn[,IfUI'bUl'b, .pUl['nqbUlO JUln.UJ.pbUllu'b bL p'bUl'tbOUIL " unL['pu'b:
l,UlUUUlUlJ.p bL " J" J"UlJ'b e.'b'ft.UI'b[,UI'tUl'b bL Uln.UJ.pblUl'tUl'b [UnL['p]
P J"
J't['UlnqJ"L'b JUlU[Ulz./uUl[,nqJ"L'b \ " .pUlLnqJ"L'b bL " fJn'lnqJ"L'b
P JUI['nLfJ"L'b Jbnblno· " IfUIUlUlUUlUl'b'b JUlL"Ulb'b"O t.n'tLno bL
JUI['J"bnO. JUI[,.pUlJnqJ"L'b'b b[''t'b''O bL " 'tbUl'bu'b JUlL"Ulb'bUl'tUl'bU'b:
Then the Nicene Creed shall be said in full:
We believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker ofheaven and
earth, of things visible and invisible.
And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, begotten of God the
, Father, only-begotten, that is of the substance of the Father.
God of God, light of light, very God of very God, begotten and not
made; of the selfsame nature of the Father, by whom all things came
into being in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible;
., Who for us men and for our salvation came down from heaven and
was incarnate, was made man, was born perfectly of the holy virgin
Mary by the Holy Spirit;
By whom he took body, soul and mind and everything that is in
man, truly and not in semblance.
He suffered and was crucified and was buried and rose again on the
third day and ascended into heaven with the same body and sat at the
right hand of the Father.
He is to come with the same body and with the glory ofthe Father to
judge the quick and the dead; of whose kingdom there is no end.
. We believe also in the Holy Spirit, the uncreate and the perfect,
who spake in the Law and in the Prophets and in the Gospels; ,
Who came down upon the Jordan, preached in the apostles and
dwelt in the saints.
We believe also ~ only one catholic and apostolic [holy1Church;
In one baptism with repentance for the remission and forgiveness
of sins;
In the resurrection of the dead, in the everlasting judgement of
souls and bodies; in the kingdom of heaven and in the life eternal.
Thus far the articles of the faith.
lJ/tli~ gtuJuTl ali fitultutnnJ ptulip:
[The AnatlJema]
/Ju't np.p Ulubhh' I;p bppbJ'iJ JnpJ-UlJ nt I;p flp'/:/rh, 't UlJ I;p bppbJ'iJ
JnpJ-UlJ nt I;p UnLpp 4 n tt/rh, 't UlJ fill; Jntl;/rs b'lbh 't UlJ JUlJlJI; I;m-flbhl;
Ulubh Lfrhbl 'Iflp'/:/rh lJ.uUlnL/rnJ bL 't UlJ 'IUnLpp 4 n tt/rh, bL fill; +m/rnfubLfr.p
bh 'tUlJ UlJlUlJlbLfr.p, 'IUlJhUf/ru/ruh h'Imll; 'tUlfiln'lfr't1; bL UlR.IU.pblUl't Ulh
unLpp b'tb'lbs/r:
As for those who say there was a time when the Son was not or there
was a time when the Holy Spirit was not or that they came into being
out ofnothing or who say that the Son of God or the Holy Spirit are of
different substance and that they are changeable or alterable, such
the catholic and apostolic holy Church does anathematize.
The Priest:
tnzutuznTl~tli tuutugatuz.
Said by (St. Gregory) the Enlightener
[< q~li/l ~wliq.wliw~/lli]
[The Doxology after the Creed]
/Ju't Jb.p +UlR.lULnpbusnL.,[! np JUlR.lUf. .pUlh 'IJUlL/rUlbUlhu bp't/rPUfUl'fUIhbl n 1 uppnJ bppnp,/:nLfilbUlhh bL J/r lJ.uUlnLUl/rnLfilbUlh 40P bL flp'/:LnJ bL
4 n ttLnJh UppnJ' UlJJ-J bL J/rlUl bL JUlL/rUlb~hu JUlL/rUlbh/rs: lJ.Jl;h:
As for us, we shall glorify him who was before the ages, worshipping the Holy Trinity and the one Godhead, the Father and the Son
and the Holy Spirit, now and always and unto ages of ~ges. Amen.
!l.qli/t <"tultutntuup/tli UtuTlqtultuq.U ptuTlnqaugt.
After the Creed the Deacon shall call:
(.fJ.wpnq q~li/l Clifitu,pgnlw{mg)
Again in peace let us beseech the Lord.
bL bLU fuUl'lUl'ln'-fiJbUlh 'ISl;p UI'lUltbuSnL.,[!.
The Clerks:
f}. UJ/tTlpli.
Lord, have mercy.
Sl;p, n'lnpJbUl:
bL bLU t;UlLUlUln1 UI'lUltbuSnL.,[! bL fuh,/:pbusnL.,[! /r SbUln.hl; lJ.uUlnL/rnJ bL
/r +p'ttl;h JbpJI; O/runLul; ~p/ruUlnul; /r J-UlJnLu UfUllUlUlJUlh bL UI'l0fil/rs,
'I/r UlpJ-Ulh/r l!..h,/:nLhblnLfilbUlh UlpUlUsl;, lnL/rsl; Sl;p dUlJh/r UI'lUltUlhUls
JbpnS' l!..h'tUllS/r qfuh,/:pnLUl/ru UpUl/rS Jbpns, filn'lsl; 'IJUlhSUlhu Jbp,
n'lnpJbus/r /r 1 bpUlJ Jbp: lJ.'l0fil.p Jbp bL fuh,/:pnLUl/r.p JUlJbhUlJh J-UlJ
JUlsbh UlR.lUP../r Jb/r/r Sl;pnLfilbUlh hnpUl bL hUl UlUlSI; Jb'I J/rUlpUlh J/rn1
t; UlLUlUln 1 bL Ulp'f:UIpnLfilbUlJp 1 U1UUlUl 't/rl /r ttnp/ru pUlp/rU. 'If; 'In'lnpJnLfilbUlh 'Ilhnpt;uh /rLp UlpUlUsl; /r 1 bpUlJ Jbp:
Sl;ph UlJbhUl'tUll 'tbsnLusl; bL n'lnpJbus/r:
f}.UJ/tTlpli. 'Ibsn', Sl;p:
f}.UJ/tTlPli. (;'bnpt;bUl', Sl;p:
- !J.t;pblUlUl't fuUl'lUl'lnLfilbUlh UfUlt;UlUfUlh UlhdUlhs Jbpns
p,h,/:pbusnL.,[! :
f}.UJ/tTlPli. 7;hnpt;bUl', Sl;p:
qfi!n'lnLfiI/rLh JUlhSUlhUlS
[The Litany after the Lections]
\Ag!lin in faith let us beseech and ask of our Lord God and saviour
Jesus Christ, at this hour of service and prayers, that he may make
them wtlrthy of acceptance; may the Lord hearken to the voice of our
supplications; may he receive the requests of our hearts; may he
forgive our trespasses and have mercy upon us. May our prayers and
requests at all times enter into the presence of his great majesty and
may he grant us to labour in good works with one accord, in one faith
and in righteousness, so that he may send down upon us the gifts ofhis
" May the Lord almighty save us and have mercy.
!J.J-UlJ unLpp UfUlUlUlpUltt/rU bL 'IUlR.IUP../r'tUlJ 0pu fuUl'lUl'lnLfilbUlJp
UlhsnLSUlhbl t; UlLUlUln 1 /r SbUln.hl; fuh,/:pbusnL.,[!:
!J..pUlLn'-fiJ/r~h bL
fuh,/:pbusnL.,[! :
The Deacon:
The Clerks: Save, 0 Lord.
- That we may pass this hour of holy sacrifice and the day now
before us in peace and in faith, let us ask of the Lord.
The Clerks: Grant, 0 Lord.
- The angel of peace to guard our souls, let us ask of the Lord.
.The Clerks: Grant, 0 Lord.
- The forgiveness and the remission of our transgressions, let us
ask of the Lord.
The Clerks: Grant, 0 Lord.
- The great and mighty power of the holy cross to help our souls,
let us ask of the Lord.
f].u{/rfl'pu. l;'bnp~bu/, S~p:
!l.uppnJ luUltJr~ Jb~ bL 't.Ulpn'l 'l0pnqJ"L~~ J0'l:~nLfI"L~ UI~J.UI~S
JbpnS " SbUln.~~ fu~'l:pbusnl,f!:
The Clerks: Grant, 0 Lord.
- Again with one accord by our true and holy faith, let us beseech
the Lord.
f].u{/q/,pu. l;'bnp~bUl', S~p:
l;L bLU J"UlpUl~ "-UlU~ ti..1..JUlP"Ul bL UnLpp ~UlLUlUlnJU JbpnJ 'lS~p
UI'lUltbuSnl,f! :
The Clerks: Lord, have mercy.
- Lei us commit ourselves and one another to the Lord God
f}.U//tflPu. S~p, n'lnpJbUl':
!l.UI~J.,,~U Jbp bL 'lJ"JbUl~u SbUln.~ lJ.uUlnL~nJ UlJb~UI't.UI'-"~JUI~J.~
f}.U//tflPu. ~b'l SbUln.~'l: JUI~J.~ b'lPSnl,f!:
The Clerks: To thee, 0 Lord, we commit ourselves.
.:. Have mercy l1pon us, 0 Lord our God, according to thy
plenteous mercy. Let us all say with one accord.
n'lnpJbUl's Jb'l' S~p lJ.uUlnLUl~ Jbp, l!..UUl Jb~" n'lnpJnqJbUl~ .pnLJ.
UluUlusnl,f! UlJb~b.pbUl~ J"UlpUl~nLflbUlJp:
f}.U/ /tflPu.
S~p, n'lnpJbUl'. S~p, n'lnpJbUl'. S~p, n'lnpJbUl':
The Clerks: Lprd, have mercy; Lord, have mercy; Lord, have
The Priest:
[ The Prayers after the Lections]
S~p Jbp bL +P't."t B"unLu ~p"UUlnU, np Jb~'l: bu n'lnpJnLflbUlJp bL
UlII.UIUl UfUlP'l:bLO.p pUlpbpUlpnqJbUl~ .pnJ, np 'l:nL .pnJ"~ 't.UlJUlL'l:" JUlJnLu
JUlJUJ"'t. ~UlJ'pbpbSbptUlptUlPUl~UlSfuUltJr bL JUI~nL JUI'lUl'l:U Jb'lUlS JbpnS bL UfUlP'l:bLbSbp UlII.UIUlUlUf~U 'lUfUlP'l:bLU l,n'l:LnJ'l: UppnJ bpUl~b'-"
UlII.UI.pblns~, ~UI'lnp'l:u UlPUl' bL 'lJb'l' Sfp, UI'lUltbJ.p 'l.pb'l' UlUUlnLUl~UlJ"~ UfUlP'l:bLUlS'l:' fln'lnLflbUl~ Jb'lUl!J bL l!..~'l:nL~blnLflbUl~ l, n 'l:L nJ'l:
UlpJUI~UlLnp.p b'l"snl,f! 'l:n~nLflbUlJp +UlII.UILnpbl 'l.pb'l l!..~'l:
l,op bL l!..~'l: UnLpp l,n'l:LnJ'l:' UlJJJ bL J"lUl bL JUlL"UlbUl~U JUlL"Ulb~"S:
luUl'lUl'lnLfI"L~ UlJb~bsnL~:
Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, who art great in mercy and
abounding in the gifts of thy beneficence, who of thine own will didst
endure at this hour the sufferings of the cross and ofdeath on account
orour sins and didst abundantly bestow the gifts of thy Holy Spirit on
the blessed apostles, make us also, 0 Lord, we beseech thee, sharers in
thy divine gifts, in the forgiveness of sins and in the reception of the
Holy Spirit, that we may be made worthy to give thee thanks and to
glorify thee with the Father and with the Holy Spirit, now and always
and unto ages of ages. Amen.
t Peace unto all.
The Clerks:
And with thy spirit.
l;L l!..~'l: ~n'l:LnJ'l: .pnLJ:
UW,flqW,ZW,q.U .
lJ.uUlnL~nJ bp't.PUfUl'l:busnl,f!:
The Deacon:
Let us bow down to God.
The Clerks:
lJ.1l.Uly, .pn, S~p:
Before thee, 0 Lord.
luUl'lUl'lnLflbUlJp .pn"- ~p"UUlnU +P't."t Jbp, np" "-bp ~ .pUl~ 'lUlJb~UlJ~
The Priest:
With thy peace, 0 Christ our saviour, which passes all under-
J/ IlL 'lPw1,u, wJpwon' '1.,116'1. kL w1,kp'L"'LlI U[wt;kw' JwJk1,wJ1, twpl;:
l,wLUluwpkw' '1.,116'1. l!..1,'l: f).1..JWP"U7 kp'LpU[wlfnLu .[!n, np.[! t;nlfLnll kL
f).lJwpU7nLpkwJp .[!k'l kp'L"pU[wqw1,k1,: 'lwu1, '1." wJb-1,wunLpp bppnp'l:nqlkw1,'l: "-wJbLI; pWn..[!' "z./uw1,nLp"L1, kL U[WU7"L, wJCfJ kL J,,1..U7 IlL
JWL"U7kw1,u JWL"U7k1,pO: lJ.JI;1,:
standing and speech, defend us and keep us fearless ofall evil; make us
equal to thy true worshippers, who worship thee in spirit and in truth;
for unto the most holy Trinity is befitting glory, dominion and honour,
now and always and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Blessed be our Lord Jesus Christ.
Opt;1,kw'L Sl;p Jkp O"UnLU .p.p"UU7nU:
The Clerks:
The Deacon:
lJ.JI;1, :
Bless, Lprd.
Op I'. 1,kw' , Sl;p:
The Priest shall make the sign of the Cross over the people, saying:
-RwFiwuwju luw~ w"upbugl:: /1 t/.bp,wj dnTJ.nt/.p,1J.bwuu, wubznt/..
Sl;p lJ.uU7nLwlr opt;1,kuol; 'lwJk1,kukw1,'l::
'J.U//1p,pu bp,q.bugbu.
U"wJ1, UnLpp, J"WJ1, Sl;p, O"UnLU .p.p"UU7nU " PWIl..U lJ.uU7nLlrnJ 1,0p:
lJ.JI;1, :
Opt;1,kwL l,wJP UnLpp, lJ.uU7nLUllr f).1.. JW P"U7:
'J.U/ /1p,pU. lJ.JI;1,:
Opt;1,kwL np'l:"'l:: UnLpp, lJ.uU7nLUllr f).1.. JWP"U7:
'J.U//1p,pU. lJ.JI;1,:
the Lord God bless you all.
The Clerks shall sing:
The one holy, the one Lord, Jesus Christ, in the glory of God the
(Father. Amen.
The Priest:
Opt;1,kwL l,nlf"'l: UnLpp, lJ.uU7nLUllr f).1.. JWP"U7:
'J.U//1p,pU. lJ.JI;1,:
- Opt;1,nLp"L1, kL pWn..[! 1,0p kL np'l:LnJ kL l,nlfLnJ1, UppnJ' wJCfJ kL
J,,1..U7 kL JWL"U7kw1,u JWL"U7k1,"O: lJ.JI;1,:
Blessed art thou, holy Father, very God.
The Clerks: Amen.
- Blessed art thou, holy Son, very God.
The Clerks: Amen.
.\- Blessed art thou, holy Spirit, very God.
The Clerks: Amen.
- Blessing and glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy
Spirit, now and always and unto ages of ages. Amen.
The Clerks:
l,wJP UnLpp, np'l:"'l: UnLpp, l,nlf"'l: UnLpp:
Opt;1,nLp"L1, 1,0p kL np'l:LnJ kL l,nlfLnJ1, UppnJ' wJJJ kL J,,1..U7 kL
JWL"U7kw1,u JWL"U7k1,"O: lJ.JI;1,:
Holy is the Father, holy is the Son, holy is the Spirit.
~ Blessing to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now
and always and unto ages of ages. Amen.
UZ WU/W wngl:: -Rw.Fiwuwju qU,zbmwp,wuu unzp,p /1 iibnu /1zp, bz "wznt/. /1 tTl::£
U"bTJ.bgznju, wuwugl:: qwTJ.ofUu.
And the Priest shall take the Holy Gospel in his hands and, standing in the
middle of the church, shall pray:
[U,'l0fUP Ullp.nJu nuq!i,P.!i,llwu/l]
n p opt;1,ku 'lwJ1,nu"'L, np.[! opt;1,k1, 'l.[!k'l' Sl;p, kL UnLpp wll..1,ku
'lJnLuwOkwLu " .[!k'l:
'J.U//1p,pu. Opt;1,kwL I; lJ.uU7nLUllr:
- "kon' .'1. In'ln''-nLp'l:U .[!n kL opt;1,kw' 'lJWIl..UI1,lfnLp"L1,u .[!n,' 'lLl'nLJL
b'Lk'lkOLnJ .[!n U[wt;kw':
[The Prayer of St. Chrysostom]
o Lord, that blessest those who bless thee and hallowest those who
put their trust in thee;
(The Clerks: Blessed is God).
- Save thy people and bless thine inheritance; guard the fullness of
thy Church.
f}.u(fq/,llu. llJ/;'b:
- Uppbu/ qunuUl, np.p n'L£nL'bbs"'b u"pml qt[UlJblt.nLP"L'b UlUI'b .pnJ.
'l:nL qJbq pUln..UJLnpbUl' UluUlnLUl~UlJ"'b qopnLpbUlJp .pnt[ bL J'" pn'LnLp
qJnLuUlsbUiLu " .pbq :
f}.u{frr/,llu. llJ/;t:
!l../uUl'LUI'LnLP"L'b UfUlp'fbLbUl' UlJb'bUlJ'b UlUuUlpt.",
.pUlt.UI'bUlJ"S, pUl'fUILnpUiS .pp"uUln'b/;"s bL q"'bnLnpbUiL JUI'b*.UI'bS 'bns"'b
bL UlJb'bUlJ'b In'Lnt[p'l:bUl'bu:
f}.UJ/l",llu. llJ/;'b:
- !l.."
UlJb'bUlj'b UlnLp.p pUlp".p bL UlJb'bUlJ'b UfUlp'fbL,[! *.UlUlUIpbUlL.p "
t[bpnLuUl b'b "£bUlL.p Uln." .p/;'b, np bu l,UlJp LnLunJ' bL .pbq t[UlJbL/; pUlR,[!'
"UuUl'bnLp"L'b bL UfUlUl"L, UlJJJ bL J"lUl bL JUlL"UlbUl'bU JUlL"Ulb'b"S:
llJ/;'b :
Uut""rUtlUu~u li,,,,/lgu utUutugl.:.
b'L"s" UI'bnL'b SbUln.'b opt.'bbUiL JUlJuJt.bUl/; J"'bt.bL JUlL"UlbUl'b:
'1U1U1U1pnLJ'b Op"'bUiS bL JUlp'fUIp/;"S 'l:nL bu, ~p"uUlnu lluUlnLUl~ l/Jp*."t.
Jbp, np LSbp qUlJb'bUlJ'b t.UlJpUl*.UlJ UI'bop/;'bnLp"L'bu .pn. L"'S bL qJbq
l,n'fLnt['l: .pnt[ uppnt[:
UI'bnL'b .pn.
Jb.p pn'LnLJ.p
Jp' UlUI'b"p
!l.." .pn /; Ulp.pUlJnLp"L'b bL qopnLp"L'b bL pUlR,[! JUlL"UlbUl'bU:
The Priest:
Opt.'bbUlL.p b'LbpnL,[! " l'bnpt.UlS UnLpp l,n'fLnJ 'b:
bpPUlJ.p /uUl'LUI'LnLpbUlJp bL S/;p bWSp e'b'l: Jb q , e'b'l: UlJb'bbubUl'b'l::
f}.UJ /l",ll u .
The Priest:
Thou art the perfection of the Law and of the Prophets, 0 Christ
God our Saviour, who didst fulfil all thine economies willed by the
Father, fill us also with thy Holy Spirit.
Blessed be our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory unto ages.
!u utlutlJullli,zml /l
The Deacon shall say three times:
qJbq "
pnpJnLp"L'b. UlJL pp*.bUl' " t.Ulp/;:
(The Clerks: Amen.)
- For all good gifts and all perfect bounties come down from
above, from thee, who art the Father of light and to thee is befitting
gl~ry, dominion and honour, now and always and unto ages of ages.
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom
come; thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our
daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and
lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil.
Ulp.pUlJnLp"L'b .pn. bWS"'b *.UlJ.p .pn, npUf/;u Jbp*."'bu bL Jbp*.p": !l..t.UlS
Jbp t.UI'bUlUfUlqnp'l: Uln'Lp Jbq UlJuop. bL pn'L Jbq qUfUlpUl"u Jbp, npUf/;u
(The Clerks: Amen).
- Grant peace to the whole world, to the churches, to priests, to
Christian kings and to their men under arms and to all thy people.
_The Clerks shall sing with open arms:
lJz 'J.UJ/l",IlU putqlJutmut",uta li,TJ.utUutljli,ugli,u.
(The Clerks: Amen).
- Sanctify those who have greeted in love the beauty of thy house;
do thou glorify us with thy divine power and forsake not those who set
their trust in thee.
Blessed be the Lord's name from this time forth for evermore.
The Priest, making the sign of the cross over the people:
Be blessed by the grace of the Holy Spirit.
Depart in peace and the Lord be with you all.
The Clerks:
, And they shall depart in peace.
The Variables of
the Divine Liturgy for
Principal Holy Days
The voice of good tidings sang to the women.
It sounded like the call of the trumpet: "The Crucified whom ye seek is risen!
Fear not but be joyful;
Go and tell the disciples,
Fulfll what is owed by Eve;
"1 Go to Galilee and see;
And proclaim to the world."
I tell of the voice of the lion
Who roared on the four-winged cross.
On the four-winged cross he roared,
His voice resounded in Hades.
On the four-winged cross he roared,
His voice resounded in Hades.

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