Reálie anglicky mluvících zemí - Střední průmyslová škola textilní


Reálie anglicky mluvících zemí - Střední průmyslová škola textilní
Reálie anglicky mluvících
Zpracováno v rámci projektu : „EU Peníze SŠ“, reg. číslo: CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0053
Datum vytvoření: 2012/2013
Autor: Mgr. Hana Svrčková
Škola: Střední průmyslová škola textilní, Liberec, Tyršova1, příspěvková organizace
Reálie anglicky mluvících zemí
20. New Zealand
Výukové cíle:
 prohloubení dosavadních znalostí o Novém Zélandu
 žáci se orientují v mapě N. Zélandu, používají zeměpisné názvy,
dovedou podat krátkou prezentaci o turistických zajímavostech země
Metodické poznámky:
 práce se snímky kombinuje formu prezentace, elicitace znalostí
studentů, na začátku úvodní kvíz
 na závěr připravené úlohy k diagnostice dosažení VC
New Zealand – what do you
know about it?
• Why is it an English-speaking country?
• Is it an independent state?
• Why do tourists travel to N. Z.?
• Which famous film was made on N.Z.?
Do the quick quiz questions:
1. Which city is the capital of New Zealand?
a) Sydney b) Wellington c)Auckland
2. What are the native people of New Zealand
called? a) Aborigine, b) Inuit, c) Maori
3. What season is it in December in New
Zealand? a) winter, b) spring, c) summer
History of New Zealand I.
• The Maori inhabited New Zealand around 800 AD.
• In 1642, the Dutch explorer, Abel Tasman discovered
the South Island.
• The first European to step on the islands was Captain
James Cook in 1769.
• Settlers from Europe started to arrive after 1830.
• The Treaty of Waitangi was signed in 1840 between
the Crown and the Maori tribes (disputable).
Modern history
• In 1947 New Zealand declared independence.
• In 1983, New Zealand was declared „The Realm
of New Zealand“ and all power was removed
from the UK.
• Queen Elizabeth II holds the title of Queen of
New Zealand, it remains part of the
• New Zealand consists of two main islands: North Island and
South Island separated by Cook Straight, and many smaller
• The North Island is volcanic in its south-central part. Many
hot springs and beautiful geysers can be found there.
• The South Island is mountainous with the Southern Alps
along its west coast. There are several peaks over 3,000m
high, the highest point is Mount Cook (3754 m).
• Population is 4.5 mil.
• The largest city is Auckland with over a million people.
Map of the islands
The Maori culture
• The Maori are the original inhabitants of New
• Their culture was devastated by weapons and
illnesses brought to N.Z. by Europeans. They
lost vast lands.
• A cultural revival came in the 1960s.
• Lies in the south-west of the Northern Island
on the coast of Cook Straight, an important
sea port
• It is the south-most capital in the world
• With the population of about 180,000 people,
it is the third largest city in New Zealand.
• The largest city of New Zealand, lies on the
Northern Island
• It lies on several burned-out volcanos which
can be seen in the relief
• The city is known for many sailing boats and
yachts which are parked in harbours
Rotorua – the centre of Maori
• A city and a surrounding area on the Northern
• The area is popular with tourists for its
geotermal activity, hot springs or got mud
• It offers spa treatment, adrenaline sports,
skiing resorts and many cultural events
Bay of Islands
• An area in the north of the North Island.
• One of the most popular fishing, sailing and
tourist destinations of the country.
• Includes natural beauties as well as the oldest
stone building in New Zealand – The Stone
What do you know?
1. What is the capital of New Zealand?
2. What are the two main islands called?
3. Who are the native inhabitants of New
4. What is the population of the country?
5. What is the largest city?
Answer key
The North Island, the South Island
4.5 mil people
Použitá literatura
BORSBEY, Janet, SWAN, Ruth: Crossing Cultures, reálie anglicky mluvících zemí. 1. vyd.
Dubicko: INFOA. ISBN 978-80-7240-683-8
BRENDLOVÁ, Světla: Reálie anglicky mluvících zemí, 2. dopl. Vyd. Plzeň: FRAUS. ISBN 807238-307-8
CUNNINGHAM, Sarah, MOOR, Peter: New Cutting Edge Intermediate Student‘s Book. 3.
vyd. 2007. Harlow: PEARSON EDUCATION LIMITED. ISBN – 13: 978-0-582-82517-8
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