Chromosome number of Silver Prussian carp (Carassius gibelio)


Chromosome number of Silver Prussian carp (Carassius gibelio)
Sborník referátů XI. České ichtyologické konference s mezinárodní účastí, Brno 3. a 4. prosince 2008, p.252
Chromosome number of Silver Prussian carp (Carassius gibelio)
Cytogenetic studies are important part of ichthyological research. Chromosome number and
karyotype are species specifics and can be used as species determine characters although
morphological characters are less evident. There are number of published studies about
karyotype and chromosome number of Silver Prussian carp (Carassius gibelio). Unfortunately
a lot of disagreement can be found in presented data. Recently it looks more evident that
Silver Prussian carp pose variable number of chromosomes that is most likely due to unclear
way of reproduction. Gynogenetic reproduction – sperm dependent parthenogenesis - is
combined with sexual reproduction of the triploid fish individuals. Moreover occurrence of
individuals with different ploidy level within the population as well as shifted proportion of
males and females put many questions about the reproduction mechanism of this polyploid
complex. In our study we put hypothesis if the offspring has the same number of chromosome
and karyotype as parental individuals. We chose diploid and triploid females and one diploid
male. Ploidy levels of these parental individuals were investigated with flow cytometry from
blood. Parental individuals were sacrificed after cross breeding and nuclei suspension for
cytogenetic analyses was prepared from kidney by direct procedure. Offspring was kept in
standard aquarium for one year. From each cross 5 individuals were investigated by usage of
Völker non-destructive method of cytogenetic analyses that allows us to make repeated
preparation. Later nuclei suspensions were dropped on slides and stained by GiemsaRomanowski. Metaphases were detected with Microscope Olympus BX41TF (Japan) and
recorded with digital camera Olympus SP-350 (China). Counts and metaphases were
processed in programs QuickPHOTO MICRO 2.3 and Microsoft Malovani.
We found that the diploid females named as D11 had 106 chromosomes and triploid females
named as D14 had 158 chromosomes. Diploid males named as H16 had 100 chromosomes.
Offspring from mating between clones D11 and H16 had 100 chromosomes but two
individuals had more than 120 chromosomes. Offspring from mating between clones D14 and
H16 had fewer than 150 chromosomes in nine cases, 150 chromosomes in four cases and over
150 chromosomes in four cases. Precise numbers and more information are presented on the
Study was supported by: GAČR 206/05/2159; IRP FAPPZ, CZU MSMT 6046070901; IRP
IAPG AV0Z50450515.
Adresy autorů
Martin Knytl, katedra zoologie a rybářství, Fakulta agrobiologie, potravinových a přírodních
zdrojů, Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze, Praha 6 - Suchdol (ČZU), e-mail:
[email protected]
Lukáš Kalous, (ČZU), Laboratoř genetiky ryb, Ústav živočišné fyziologie a genetiky, AVČR,
Liběchov (ÚŽFG) web: , e-mail: [email protected]
Miloslav Petrtýl, ČZU, web:, e-mail:[email protected]

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