
2 0 0 0
Petr Wittlich / Chairman, FF UK Prague
Ivo Hlobil / Vice-chairman, ÚDU AV âR, FF UP Olomouc
Klára Bene‰ovská, ÚDU AV âR
Lenka BydÏovská, ÚDU AV âR
Beket Bukovinská, ÚDU AV âR
Eli‰ka Fuãíková, KPR Prague Castle
Lubomír Koneãn˘, ÚDU AV âR, FF UK Prague
Rostislav ·vácha, ÚDU AV âR
Dalibor Vesel˘, Department of Architecture, University of Cambridge
Vojtûch Lahoda
Ivo Hlobil
head of research
Klára Bene‰ovská
Martin Halata*
Michal ·ronûk
Jifiina Boukalová
Jifiina Münzbergerová
financial administration
Jana Pánková
Milena Jedliãková
Jaroslava Rame‰ová
public relations
Marcela Stránská
Art before 1800
Milada Studniãková
Klára Bene‰ovská
Beket Bukovinská (Studia Rudolphina)
Lubomír Koneãn˘
Jifií Kuthan
Hana J. Hlaváãková*
Ivo Hlobil
Jan Chlíbec
Ivan Muchka
Michal ·ronûk
Zuzana V‰eteãková
Art of the 19th and 20th centuries and Aesthetics
Lenka BydÏovská
Andûla Horová
Petr Kratochvíl
Helena Lorenzová
Mahulena Ne‰lehová
Tereza Peti‰ková*
TaÈána Petrasová
Rostislav ·vácha
town planning
Jaroslav Macháãek
Art History Topography
Pavel Vlãek
RÛÏena BaÈková
Marie Platovská
Hana Dvorská
Dalibor Prix
Jifií Hilmera
Markéta Svobodová
Ivo Kofián
Jana Tischerová*
Klára Mezihoráková*
Pavel Zahradník*
Moravia and Silesia:
Bohumil Samek
Petr Czajkowski*
Hana Dvorská
Ale‰ Filip*
Academic Information
Beket Bukovinská
Sabina Adamczyková (chief librarian)
Lenka Gregoroviczová
Markéta StaÀková
Polana Bregantová
Documentary collections:
Martin Halata *
Jaroslava Hausenblasová
Kristina Kaplanová
Jaroslava Lencová
Jifií Roháãek
Pavla Sadílková*
Photo Archives:
Du‰ana Barãová
Photographic studio:
Zdenûk Matyásko
Vlado Bohdan
René Hrala*
Tereza Josefíková*
Jitka Walterová*
Petr Zinke*
Umûní/Art Journal
Lenka BydÏovská
Dagmar NároÏníková
news and reviews
Tatána Petrasová
Jifií Roháãek
Estetika/Aesthetics Journal
Helena Lorenzová
Fontes Historiae artium
Jaroslava Hausenblasová
Jifií Roháãek
Michal ·ronûk,
research student
Daniela Kramerová *
study visit
Markéta Gallová*
auxiliary academic employees
Katefiina Du‰ková
Katefiina Engstová,
Eva Kostelecká*
The following emeriti scholars contributed to the work of the ÚDU:
AneÏka Merhautová, Vûra NaÀková, Eva Petrová, Karel Stejskal, Jarmila Vacková
*/ Employees who worked part-time or only part of the year, or in some cases employees on
maternity leave, at the ÚDU in 2000.
Membership in the bodies of AV âR
Academic council: P. Kratochvíl
Czech national committee for the UNESCO program ‘Humans and the biosphere’:
J. Macháãek
Grant agency of AV âR : J. Hausenblasová, H. Lorenzová
Commission for the defence of theses of the AV âR, for the academic discipline of art history
and theory: I. Hlobil (chairman), P. Halík, H. Lorenzová, J. Kuthan, V. Lahoda, I. Kofián
Commission for the environment, AV âR: J. Macháãek (vice-chairman)
Competition commission no. 8: M. Ne‰lehová
Council for the Fund for the publication of academic works, AV âR: I. Hlobil
Council for international relations: M. Ne‰lehová
In 1890, at the instigation of the art lover and architect Josef Hlávka, the Czech Academy of
Science, Literature and Art was founded. In 1893, once again following the initiative of J.
Hlávka, the Archaeological Commission, focused on scholarly research and the preservation of
monuments of art, history and literature, was created at the Academy. From 1895 on, this
commission undertook inventory work, which was interrupted in 1937 for more than forty
years. The renewed Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences (âSAV) took up this task, as well as
supporting research in the field of art history generally.
The institute arose in 1953, with the creation of the Division for Art History and
Theory, âSAV, from 1958 on known as the Institute for Art History and Theory, with its own
statute. Vl. Novotn˘ (1953-58) was the first director; he was followed by J. Neumann (19591969), succeeded, in the period of Normalisation, by S. ·abouk (1970-78). After he was
recalled, J. Dvorsk˘ (1979-90) was named director of the institute. The present name of the
institute was adopted in 1990, when T. Vlãek (1990-92) was elected director by the academic
council. For the subsequent appointment period, V. Lahoda (1993 - and again in 1997) was
elected to this function. Since 1953, the institute has published the journal of art history Umûní
(Art), and from 1964 on the journal Estetika (Aesthetics).
An overview of the activity of the institute from the 1950s to the 1980s can be found in the
Annual Reports ÚDU AV âR 1991-1996.
Main projects
The re-evaluation of the program and structure of the institute was a precondition for the new
course of activities. During 1990-91, the institute became an academic institute focused on the
field of the history of the fine arts, issues of art theory generally and aesthetics, research into
architecture and the theory of preservation of monuments. The institute concentrates on
investigation of the cultural heritage of the Bohemian Lands, which acquires new meaning and
new contexts in the plurality of methods of contemporary scholarly study. This has determined
the focus of the institute on the following priority tasks:
1. The history of Czech fine art. The many years of work the institute has devoted to this
project have culminated in the last three volumes. Volume IV (1890-1938), was published in
1998; volume III (1780-1890) is at the printers; and work on volume V (1939-1999) continues.
2. Compendia and Catalogues of medieval art. A comprehensive compendium of medieval
murals has been prepared (the part devoted to Prague and Central Bohemia was published in
1999), as well as a catalogue of the illuminated manuscripts deposited in the collections of the
National Library and Chapter Library, and a catalogue of medieval sacral architecture in Czech
Silesia. Research continues on Gothic architecture and sculpture of the 13-15th centuries.
3. Research on Prague Castle. The results of systematic research and shorter studies were
printed primarily in publications connected with the exhibition Rudolf II. a Praha (Rudolf II
and Prague), and in 1999 the exhibition Stavitelé katedrály (The Builders of the Cathedral):
Petr Parléfi (†1399) - Josef Mocker (†1899). They also appeared in the Topografie
umûleckohistorick˘ch památek Prahy (see Bibliography); in the sphere of medieval art in the
catalogue of illuminated manuscripts of the Chapter Library; in the work of the commission
for the restoration of the mosaic on the Golden Gate; and in studies concerned with Peter
Parler and the building of the cathedral in the 19th and 20th centuries. In 1998 a grant project
was initiated focused on documentation of the great southern tower of the Cathedral.
4. Research on art and culture in the era of Rudolf II. The many years of research
culminated in the exhibition Rudolf II. a Praha (Prague, 1997), and the international
conference Rudolf II., Praha a svût (in 1998 the volume Rudolf II, Prague and the World was
published). In January 2000 the research and documentation centre STUDIA RUDOLPHINA
was established.
5. Topography of artistic and historical monuments. At the end of 1994, the Academia
publishing house released the 1st volume of Umûlecké památky Moravy a Slezska A-I, (ed. B.
Samek); in 1996,the 1st volume of Umûlecké památky Prahy. Staré Mûsto a Josefov (ed. P.
Vlãek); in 1997, the 2nd volume Nové Mûsto a Vy‰ehrad (ed. R. BaÈková); in 1999, the 3rd
volume Malá Strana (ed. P. Vlãek), and the 2nd volume of Umûlecké památky Moravy a
Slezska J-N (ed. B. Samek); in 2000, the 4th volume PraÏsk˘ hrad a Hradãany (ed. P. Vlãek).
Work continues on the 5th Prague volume - Velká Praha - and also on the 3rd and 4th volumes of
Umûlecké památky Moravy a Slezska. In addition to the employees at the institute, a number of
external specialists are working on this project.
6. New encyclopaedia of Czech Fine Art. Work on the encyclopaedia continues with the
preparation of the Supplements and the re-editing of the first edition.
These large collective projects require an extensive documentation base, provided by the
services of the ÚDU (the library, picture library and department of documentation and
collections). ÚDU continues to work on the publication of âeská umûleckohistorická
bibliografie. In 1994, the publishing firm ÚDU AV âR - ARTEFACTUM was founded and
initiated the edition series Fontes historiae artium.
Since 1991, most of the collective and individual research projects have won grants
from the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic and the Grant Agency of AV âR, or financial
support from abroad. Some projects are implemented in co-operation with the National Gallery
in Prague, the Institute for Art History FF UK, the City Gallery Prague, Prague Castle
Administration, or with Moravian galleries and universities. This co-operation concerns, first
and foremost, preparation for large exhibitions, international symposia and specialised
conferences. A considerable portion of the activity of the institute is focused on issues related
to the preservation of monuments. In 1994, the ÚDU AV âR was one of the initiators of the
Prague Association for the Protection and Development of the Cultural Space of the Capital
City. This association of representatives of institutions that are closely co-operating on the
preservation of monuments has become an important body, offering the specialist public an
opportunity to express independently its views on the most serious issues in this sphere. The
employees of the institute take part in commissions and academic councils of the State
Institute for the Preservation of Monuments and the Ministry of Culture. The help that the
ÚDU has given in supporting the activities of the Art History Society in the Bohemian Lands
represents an important contribution to the field, in particular in the publication of the UHS
Bulletin ( I. Muchka, L. Koneãn˘, M. Svobodová) and the registration of members in the
appropriate database (A. Horová).
An overview of the results from 1991-1999 can be found in the printed Annual Reports and in
the Archive of electronic documents.In 2000, research concentrated on the following main
The international project “Die Bedeutung der Jagiellonen für Kunst und Kultur Mitteleuropas
(1450-1550)” was begun, in co-operation with the Geisteswissenschaftliches Zentrum
Geschichte und Kultur Ostmitteleuropas e.V., Leipzig, and Technische Universität Berlin,
Fachgebiet Kunstwissenschaft. As part of this project, an international conference, “Die
Länder der böhmischen Krone und ihre Nachbarn zur Zeit der Jagiellonenkönige (1471-1526):
Kunst - Kultur - Geschichte”, was held in Kutná Hora from 21 - 24 September. It was
organised by the Institute for Art History together with GZWO Leipzig. Five employees of the
ÚDU presented papers. The project continues with systematic research on the art of the Jagello
On 1.1.2000 the centre STUDIA RUDOLPHINA began to operate. It continues to
work on the databases of the Rudolfine bibliography and documentation of Rudolfine art,
including the digitalisation of photographs. A library of reference books is also being built up
gradually. Regular lectures were also initiated, included in the cycle Collegium historiae
The results of researchers from the ÚDU (I. Hlobil, J. Chlíbec, L. Koneãn˘, D. Prix, Z.
V‰eteãková) were put to use in an important exhibition and scholarly catalogue, Od gotiky k
renesanci. V˘tvarná kultura Moravy a Slezska 1400-1550 (Opava-Olomouc-Brno 1999-2000).
It later travelled to Italy under the title, Ultimi fiori del medioevo - dal gotico al rinascimento
in Moravia e Silesia, Rome, Palazzo Venezia. On this occasion a new scholarly catalogue was
published (see Bibliography).
Systematic research continued on the art of the Luxemburg era (K. Bene‰ovská, H.
Hlaváãková, I. Hlobil, Z. V‰eteãková); Renaissance sculpture (J. Chlíbec); 17th century
painting (M. ·ronûk); the architecture of Silesia (D. Prix); and the categorising and
cataloguing of the medieval illuminated manuscripts in collections in the Czech Republic and
abroad (H. Hlaváãková, M. Studniãková).
In 2000, the 3rd volume of Dûjiny ãeského v˘tvarného umûní (1780-1890) was
delivered to the printers of the Academia publishing house, and the manuscripts and illustrated
sections of the 5th volume were completed. The 4th volume of Umûlecké památky Prahy:
PraÏsk˘ hrad a Hradãany, edited by P. Vlãek, was prepared for print. Due to problems at the
printers, the book was not published until the beginning of 2001.
H. Lorenzová and T. Petrasová helped to organise the PlzeÀ symposium,
concentrating this year on the theme of death. L. BydÏovská worked with the City Gallery
Prague on the extensive Toyen retrospective, which was one of the major exhibitions in Prague
in 2000 (the exhibition and the scholarly catalogue were prepared in Czech and English
versions). For this occasion, BydÏovská also
prepared a successful international
colloquium for the anniversary of J. ·tyrsk˘.
V. Lahoda prepared the first extensive
retrospective of the work of Zdenek Rykr for
the City Gallery Prague; in 2001 it was
transferred to the Moravian Gallery in Brno.
It was very well received, both at home and
abroad. In co-operation with the National
Gallery in Prague, V. Lahoda prepared an
important exhibition about Vincenc Kramáfi,
a collector, art historian and director of the
picture gallery of the old masters. Other
scholars from the ÚDU, M. ·ronûk and I.
Hlobil, also contributed to the catalogue. The
exhibition will also run in Paris. Scholars
from the ÚDU - T. Peti‰ková, V. Lahoda and
L. BydÏovská - contributed to the final
volume of Pijoan’s history of art. In the
realm of modern and contemporary
architecture, a foreign-language work by P. Kratochvíl about Czech architecture of the 1990s
was published, as well as the catalogue of the exhibition of R. ·vácha about the relation
between science and Functionalism.
Work is being completed on the supplements for the Encyklopedie ãeského v˘tvarného
umûní. Research results are mediated to the general public through exhibitions, radio and
television programs, lectures, articles and popular and scholarly publications (see
Bibliography). The exhibition and catalogue ‘Deset století architektury’ at Prague Castle was
an important event, to which scholars from the institute - K. Bene‰ovská, I. Muchka a T.
Petrasová - made a significant contribution. A number of radio and television programs,
lectures and articles have followed on from this exhibition.
Pavel Vlãek, as the editor-in-chief of Umûlecké památky Prahy: Malá Strana, and as the
representative of the collective of authors, was awarded the first prize of the Czech Literary
Fund in the field of specialist literature for the year 1999.
Jifiina Boukalová, the secretary for the Institute for Art History, AV âR, received the award for
administrative employees of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic for the year
The research work of the institute is carried out in accordance with the program of research on
the so-called key areas for the AV âR. The specialist work of the ÚDU consists mostly of
research projects. Research financed by grants from various institutions is also devoted to
distinct individual themes - see the Grants section.
The following general themes were approved for the research program of the ÚDU:
The basic research projects are based on these given key areas, although in some cases they
cover two or three themes at the same time. The activities of the documentation department of
the institute, the library and the picture library are an integral part of the research work.
The architecture of aristocratic seats in Bohemia and Moravia
head of project: J. Kuthan
co-worker: I. Muchka
Preparation began on the text and the accompanying documentation for this volume. The
information gathered was entered in the computerised picture database, which, at present, has
several hundred items, including colour photographs. An edition of a parallel manuscript was
prepared about the aristocratic seats of the period of historicism, following on from the work
published by the two specialists in 1999.
The history of aesthetics in Bohemia (part II)
head of project: H. Lorenzová
The aim of the project is to map out the heritage of thinkers who have thus far been neglected,
for various reasons, including aestheticians in the Bohemian Lands who wrote in German, as
well as intellectual currents, directions and cultural institutions (for example, aesthetics in the
Enlightenment, the beginnings of the teaching of aesthetics at the Prague university, the
aesthetics of the Biedermeier, the aesthetics of the salons, and so on).
Wall murals in the Bohemian Lands (1370-1430)
head of project: Z. V‰eteãková
70 localities were studied for the project. Catalogue entries for all the localities were prepared,
as well as chapters on the stylistic issues of individual decades and the iconography of the
paintings. The author prepared and expanded the catalogue entries of the localities: Prague, St
Vitus Cathedral, Hnûvkovice, Prague-T˘n, Prague, St George, Kájov, Lev˘ Hradec, Roztoky,
Pouchobrady, Mora‰ice, Loukov, Luãice, St Apollinaris in Prague, Moravsk˘ ·ternberk,
Nebovidy, Telã, Mûfiín, KoÏlany, Planá, Stra‰ice, Kunûtice, âeské Budûjovice, TfieboÀ, Záblatí,
LaÏi‰tû, Roudnice. The grant agency gave the project a positive evaluation.
The National Cultural Commission (NKK) and Zdenûk Wirth
head of project: K. Kaplanová
The main task of the first year was the collection of sources and literature for the study. The
author focused on study of the collection of the National Cultural Commission and the estate
of Z. Wirth, deposited at the department of documentation and collections of the ÚDU AV âR.
For the collection of the NKK, she completed an archival aid in the form of a detailed
catalogue. A transcription of selected documents for the edition, which should be a part of the
future study, was begun. As part of the mapping out of the work of the NKK in the individual
regions, the archives in Teplice, Liberec and âeská Lípa were processed, as well as those of
the City Museum in Ústí n. Labem and the North Bohemia Museum in Liberec.
The processing of the Czech art history bibliography for the years 1988-1991 and 19942003 and the digitalisation of the volumes 1971-1987 and 1992-1993
head of project: P. Bregantová
The grant project is focused on the completion of the processing of the volumes 1988-1991
and 1993 up to 2003 and the digitalisation of the printed volumes 1971-1987 and 1992. The
work in the first year of the grant project was focused on the construction of a database that
will be accessible to the public on the internet. The database is made in co-operation with the
firm Incad, in the Relief program, which is intended for the library network of the Academy of
‘Bohemianisation’ and the reform idea in Czech art of the 2nd half of the 14th century
head of project: I. Kofián
The study documents the ‘Bohemianisation’ of art in the 2nd half of the 14th century (in
particular, the emergence of the ‘Czech’ wonder-working pictures of the Madonna). The
development of ideas and art in the pre-Hussite period is understood in complex terms as
preparation of the country for revolution. Most of the 180-page manuscript, with ca 200
photographs and plans, will be published by the Akropolis publishing house under the title
Jihoãeská gotika.
The history of Czech fine art, volume V: 1939-1999
head of project: R. ·vácha
co-workers: P. Bregantová, L. BydÏovská, P. Halík, I. Hlobil, A. Horová, P. Kratochvíl, V.
Lahoda, M. Ne‰lehová
A draft of the text of the fifth volume has been prepared, which completes the major project
Dûjiyn ãeského v˘tvarného umûní. It was the most demanding phase of this project. The
history of the war and post-war era has not received nearly as much scholarly attention as the
preceding epochs. This concerned the last decade, 1989-1999, in particular. The text has
already been evaluated by a specialist referee and the illustrated section has been prepared for
Italian Renaissance sculpture in Czech state and private collections
head of project: J. Chlíbec
The grant project was prepared in the form of a catalogue (with introductory studies), covering
sculptural works from the 14th century to the beginning of the 17th century. In the next phase it
will be prepared for publication.
Jan Preisler
head of project: P. Wittlich
co-worker from ÚDU AV âR: L. BydÏovská
Co-operation on preparation for the retrospective exhibition of Jan Preisler - research into
Preisler’s activities in the SVU (Association of Fine Artists) Mánes and the journal Volné
The topography of the artistic and historical monuments of Prague
head of project: P. Vlãek
co-workers: R. BaÈková, K. Bene‰ovská, H. Dvorská, J. Hilmera, I. Hlobil, J. Chlíbec, I.
Muchka, T. Petrasová, M. Platovská, J. Roháãek, M. Svobodová, M. ·ronûk, Z. V‰eteãková
The editing and proof reading of the 4th volume, PraÏsk˘ hrad a Hradãany (Prague 2001),
were completed. At the same time, work was carried out on the individual sections of the
volume covering the area of Greater Prague (the following districts have already been
prepared: Bfievnov, Bubeneã, Dejvice, Hole‰ovice, Karlín, Liboc, Stra‰nice, Stfie‰ovice,
Veleslavín, Vinohrady, Vinofi, Vokovice, Vr‰ovice, Zábûhlice, ÎiÏkov). Work continued on the
historical development of the individual communities; more than 25 localities are now ready.
The photographic documentation was selected, and this section of the text has been completed.
Artistic monuments of Moravia and Silesia, volume IV
head of project: B. Samek
co-workers: P. Czajkowski, H. Dvorská, D. Prix
The project continues with the collection of written data, illustrations and plans for the edition of
the final 4th volume of the work. The 3rd volume has been prepared for print.
Art and the world, an anthology of the work of Václav Richter
head of project: B. Samek
co-worker : Z. Kudûlka
Preparation of the anthology of the scholarly work of V. Richter consisted of the selection of
essays by the author and the division of the essays into thematic areas. The work includes
published and thus-far unpublished studies concerning the philosophy of art history, Medieval
and Baroque architecture, issues connected with the emergence of medieval towns in Moravia,
and the inventory and preservation of monuments. A bibliography of the published work of V.
Richter is included, as well as a list of works concerning the author. The book will be
published in 2001 by the Academia publishing house.
Research on St Vitus Cathedral - the high tower and southern facade of the transept
head of project: I. Hlobil
co-workers: K. Bene‰ovská, T. Petrasová
In 2000, a detailed study of the high southern tower was carried out and evaluated. For
technical reasons (the delayed construction of the scaffolding), the deadline was extended and
the grant will come to an end in the middle of 2001 with the preparation of a conclusive report
(with the consent of the GA âR). The recipients of the grant will present the results of the
scholarly part of the research at international conferences in Prague and Swabian Gmünd.
The Demographic and Architectonic Transformation of the Town Roudnice nad Labem
from 1890-1990 in Historical Context
Head of project: M. Hlaváãková, Gallery of Modern Art, Roudnice n. L.
Contributor to project: L. BydÏovská
The project is supported by the Research Support Scheme of the Open Society Support
Foundation. It maps out the historical, cultural and artistic transformations of the town in the
course of the 19th century, looking at the example of Roudnice n. Labem.
The town Church of Our Lady in Hlubãice and its role in the development of town hall
churches in East Central Europe in the 13th and 14th centuries
head of project: D. Prix
The project is part of the international co-operation between ÚDU AV âR and PAN Warsaw.
As part of this project, there was a study visit in 2000 (Racibórz, October 2000).
Vincenc Kramáfi
head of project: Helene Seckel, Musée Picasso
contributors to project: V. Lahoda, P. Sadílková
Preparation of the exhibition of the V. Kramáfi collection for the Musée Picaso in Paris. The
collections of the ÚDU AV âR, among others, were used. The project follows on from the
exhibition of Vincenc Kramáfi at the National Gallery in 2000.
Bibliography of the philosopher Václav Navrátil
Torst publishing house
P. Bregantová
Co-operation, submission of manuscript of bibliography for an anthology of his philosophical
CD-ROM presenting the wall murals of the Church of St Clement in Lev˘ Hradec and in
Roztoky n. Vltavou
head of project: Museum of Central Bohemia, Roztoky n. Vltavou
Contributor to project: Z. V‰eteãková
Co-operation with the Museum of Central Bohemia on the completion of the CD-ROM.
Exposition of Bohemian Medieval art in the Convent of St Agnes
head of project: J. Fajt
contributor to project: J. Chlíbec
Co-operation with the National Gallery in Prague on the new permanent exposition of
Medieval art.
Consultations and specialist co-operation with the Archaeological Institute AV âR Brno
D. Prix
In 2000, the results of archaeological research on medieval churches in Brantice, Bohu‰ov, the
Minorite Monastery of the Holy Spirit in Opava and in Kostelec u Krnova were assessed.
Monumenta Sepulcrum - Tomb sculpture in Bohemia 1780-1830
head of project: R. Prahl, FF UK Prague
contributor to project: P. Sadílková
Co-operation on the project. Inventory of tombs for the subject ‘Monuments of the Era’.
UHS, Bulletin UHS
Contribution of the scholars of ÚDU to the work of UHS: A. Horová (vice-chair, secretary,
treasurer), I. Muchka, L. Koneãn˘, M. Svobodová (editorial board of Bulletin), B. Bukovinská,
I. Muchka, D. Prix (working group for the preservation of monuments)
Radio, television
I. Kofián: broadcast about Charles Bridge, Czech Radio Prague 2
R. BaÈková, P. Vlãek: The Crossroads of Scholarship, interview about the book Umûlecké
památky Prahy - Malá Strana, Czech Radio Prague 3, Radio Vltava
R. BaÈková, P. Vlãek: interview about the book Umûlecké památky Prahy - Malá Strana, TV-1,
program 333
P. Vlãek: Ilustrovaná encyklopedie zámkÛ, interview, Czech Radio, Radio Regina
P. Vlãek: interview about books about Prague, Salon, âT (Czech Television) 2
P. Vlãek: interview about the book Umûlecké památky Prahy - Malá Strana, TV Kabel plus
Presentation of the Annual Prize for scholarly literature (foundation of the Czech Literary
Fund) to P. Vlãek, for the book Umûlecké památky Prahy - Malá Strana, Main news coverage,
Open Door Day 2000 of the Institute for Art History - 20. 10. 2000 - exhibition of the most
recent production of books and journals of the institute, lectures for grammar school students
Presentation of Z. V‰eteãková’s book Stfiedovûká nástûnná malba ve stfiedních âechách - 2. 2.
2000 (in co-operation with the Monument Institute of Central Bohemia)
10 Centuries of Architecture - series - âT
K. Bene‰ovská, specialist consultant (St Vitus Cathedral, St George Basilica, St Wenceslas
I. Muchka, specialist consultant (Jablonné - Church of St Laurence, âastolovice - chateau,
Náchod - chateau, Opoãno - chateau, âervená Lhota - chateau, Moravská Tfiebová - town,
Prague Castle in the Baroque, Telã - town, Renaissance buildings in Prague, Renaissance town
T. Petrasová, specialist consultant (Construction of St Vitus Cathedral)
BaÈková, RÛÏena
BaÈková, R.: [Entries], in: Umûlecké památky Prahy. PraÏsk˘ hrad a Hradãany. (Ed. P. Vlãek.)
Prague, Academia 2000.
Bene‰ovská, Klára
Bene‰ovská, K.: Hradãany, in: Umûlecké památky Prahy. PraÏsk˘ hrad a Hradãany. (Ed. P.
Vlãek.) Prague, Academia 2000, pp. 22-23.
Bene‰ovská, K.: PraÏsk˘ hrad v dobû románské, in: Umûlecké památky Prahy. PraÏsk˘ hrad a
Hradãany. (Ed. P. Vlãek.) Prague, Academia 2000, pp. 24-25.
Bene‰ovská, K.: PraÏsk˘ hrad v dobû gotické, in: Umûlecké památky Prahy. PraÏsk˘ hrad a
Hradãany. (Ed. P. Vlãek.) Prague, Academia 2000, pp. 26-30.
Bene‰ovská, K.: [Entries], in: Umûlecké památky Prahy. PraÏsk˘ hrad a Hradãany. (Ed. P.
Vlãek.) Prague, Academia 2000.
Bene‰ovská, K.: ZpÛsob setkání baroka s gotikou. (Klá‰terní kostel v Sedlci po roce 1700 a po
roce 1300), in: 900 let cisterciáckého fiádu. Papers from a conference held from 28.-29. 9.
1998 in the Bfievnov Monastery in Prague. Prague, Unicornis 2000, pp. 229-244.
Bene‰ovská, K.: Petr Parléfi v interpretaci Václava Mencla, in: Pocta Václavovi Menclovi.
Zborník ‰túdií k otázkam interpretácie stredoeurópskeho umenia. (Eds D. Bofiutová, ·.
Ori‰ko.) Bratislava, Department of Art History FF UK 2000, pp. 137-152.
Bene‰ovská, K.: Das Frühwerk Peter Parlers am Prager Veitsdom. Umûní 47, 1999, no. 5, pp.
351-363. (Published 2000.)
Bregantová, Polana
Bregantová, P.: Knihy s v˘tvarn˘m doprovodem Franti‰ka Bílka, in: Franti‰ek Bílek. (18721941.) (Ed. H. Larvová.) Prague, City Gallery Prague 2000, pp. 401-405.
Bregantová, P.: V˘stavy Franti‰ka Bílka, in: Franti‰ek Bílek. (1872-1941.) (Ed. H. Larvová.)
Prague, City Gallery Prague 2000, pp. 417-418.
Bregantová, P.: Bibliografie, in: Franti‰ek Bílek. (1872-1941.) (Ed. H. Larvová.) Prague, City
Gallery Prague 2000, pp. 419-423.
Bregantová, P.: V˘bûrová bibliografie, in: Miroslav Hucek. Proã mít Ïivot rád. Fotografie
1954-2000. Prague, Alba studio 2000, pp. 202-204.
Bregantová, P. - Srp, K.: Bibliografie, in: K. Srp: Toyen. Prague, City Gallery Prague and Argo
2000, pp. 381-388.
Bregantová, P. - Toman, J.: Bibliografie Jindfiicha Heislera, in: J. Heisler: Z kasemat spánku.
(Eds F. ·mejkal, K. Srp, J. Toman.) Prague, Torst 1999, pp. 429-448. (Published 2000.)
Bregantová, P.: Bibliografie pracovníkÛ ústavu / Bibliography of the Institute Scholars (1999),
in: V˘roãní zpráva/Annual Report ÚDU AV âR za rok 1999. Prague, ÚDU AV âR 2000, pp.
Bukovinská, Beket
Bukovinská, B.: Das Kunsthandwerk in Prag zwischen Hof und Stadt: Eine topographische
Untersuchung, in: Krakau, Prag und Wien. Funktionen von Metropolen im frühmodernen
Staat. (Eds M. Dmitrieva, K. Lambrecht.) Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag 2000, pp. 195-204.
BydÏovská, Lenka
BydÏovská, L.: Úlovky bdûl˘ch snÛ. Rozhovor s Georgesem Goldfaynem. Ateliér 13, 2000,
no. 9, p. 7.
BydÏovská, L.: Palmeta Jindfiicha ·tyrského. Bulletin Moravské galerie v Brnû 2000, no. 56,
pp. 87-91.
BydÏovská, L.: Toyen. ·tûpánská 35 2000, nos 4-6, pp. 53-54.
Czajkowski, Petr
Czajkowski, P.: (rev.) Bohumil Samek: Umûlecké památky Moravy a Slezska 2 [J-N]. Prague,
Academia 1999, 780 pp. + numerous plans and illustrations in the text. âasopis Matice
moravské 119, 2000, no. 1, pp. 253-257.
Dvorská, Hana
Dvorská, H.: [Entries], in: Umûlecké památky Prahy. PraÏsk˘ hrad a Hradãany. (Ed. P. Vlãek.)
Prague, Academia 2000.
Dvorská, H.: Zámecká arkádová nádvofií 16. století na Moravû. Panorama 2000, pp. 14-15.
Dvorská, H.: Clemens Holzmeister a neznám˘ kostel sv. Klementa v Tasovicích u Znojma.
Stavba 7, 2000, no. 1, p. 52.
Halata, Martin
Halata, M.: Institutum Kondakovianum: 1999. Akademick˘ bulletin 2000, no. 2, p. 26.
Hausenblasová, Jaroslava
Hausenblasová, J.: Discussion Contribution to the paper by Jaroslav Pánek, in: Historické
diskusní forum konané v Praze na Národní tfiídû v budovû Akademie vûd âR dne 25. listopadu
1999. (Special supplement of Zpravodaje Historického klubu 11, 2000, no. 1.) (Ed. J. Kocian.)
Prague, Association of Historians of the Czech Republic 2000, pp. 49-50.
Hausenblasová, J.: Prager Elitenwandel um 1600: Böhmischer und höfischer Adel zur Zeit
Rudolf II, in: Krakau, Prag und Wien. Funktionen von Metropolen im frühmodernen Staat.
(Eds M. Dmitrieva, K. Lambrecht.) Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag 2000, pp. 173-184.
Hausenblasová, J.: Habsbursk˘ dvÛr a Praha. Bulletin. Umûleckohistorická spoleãnost v
âesk˘ch zemích 12, 2000, no. 2, p. 10.
Hlaváãková, Hana
Hlaváãková, H.: Un manoscritto di commenti biblici della Biblioteca Palatina del Vaticano.
Bolletino dell’Istituto storico ceco di Roma 2000, Fasc. 2, pp. 48-56.
Hlaváãková, H.: Podzim stfiedovûku na Moravû. Bulletin. Umûleckohistorická spoleãnost v
âesk˘ch zemích 12, 2000, no. 1, pp. 7-8.
Hlobil, Ivo
Hlobil, I. (ed.): Ultimi fiori del Medioevo. Dal Gotico al Rinascimento in Moravia e nella
Slesia. Olomouc, Museum of Art 2000. 335 pp.
Hlobil, I. (ed.): The Last Flowers of the Middle Ages. From the Gothic to the Renaissance in
Moravia and Silesia. Olomouc, Museum of Art 2000. 335 pp.
Hlobil, I.: La cultura figurativa in Moravia e in Slesia dal Gotico al Rinascimento: 1400-1550,
in: Ultimi fiori del Medioevo. Dal Gotico al Rinascimento in Moravia e nella Slesia. (Ed. I.
Hlobil.) Olomouc, Museum of Art 2000, pp. 37-58.
Hlobil, I.: The Arts in Moravia and Silesia from the Gothic to the Renaissance in 1400-1550,
in: The Last Flowers of the Middle Ages. From the Gothic to the Renaissance in Moravia and
Silesia. (Ed. I. Hlobil.) Olomouc, Museum of Art 2000, pp. 37-58.
Hlobil, I.: [Numero di catalogo] 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 13, 14-15, 16, 17, 24, 25, 27, 43-44, 45-46, 49,
86, 103, 106, in: Ultimi fiori del Medioevo. Dal Gotico al Rinascimento in Moravia e nella
Slesia. (Ed. I. Hlobil.) Olomouc, Museum of Art 2000, pp. 78-83, 84-86, 90-91, 91-98, 103105, 114-115, 115-116, 116-119, 120-123, 132-133, 134-137, 139, 184-187, 187-188, 194,
254, 291, 300-302.
Hlobil, I.: [Catalogue No] 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 13, 1415, 16, 17, 24, 25, 27, 43-44, 45-46, 49, 86,
103, 106, in: The Last Flowers of the Middle
Ages. From the Gothic to the Renaissance in
Moravia and Silesia. (Ed. I. Hlobil.)
Olomouc, Museum of Art 2000, pp. 78-83,
84-86, 90-91, 91-98, 103-105, 114-115, 115116, 116-119, 120-123, 132-133, 134-137,
139, 184-187, 187-188, 194, 254, 291, 300302.
Hlobil, I.: [Entries], in: Umûlecké památky
Prahy. PraÏsk˘ hrad a Hradãany. (Ed. P.
Vlãek.) Prague, Academia 2000.
Hlobil, I.: Vincenc Kramáfi a v˘tvarná teorie
restaurování, in: Vincenc Kramáfi. Od star˘ch
mistrÛ k Picassovi. (Eds V. Lahoda, O.
Uhrová.) Prague, National Gallery 2000, pp.
Hlobil, I.: Poslední kvûty stfiedovûku dob˘vají
¤ím. V 15. století hledejme sami sebe, fiíká
kunsthistorik Ivo Hlobil o expozici moravské gotiky. [Interview by] I. Pustûjovská. Mladá
Fronta Dnes 11, 2000, no. 281, 4. 12., supplement Central Moravia, p. 4.
Hlobil, I.: Na v˘stavû Od gotiky k renesanci pr˘ to nejdÛleÏitûj‰í chybûlo (tvrdí Jan BaÏant v
Lidov˘ch novinách z 9. bfiezna). Právo 10, 2000, no. 76, Literary supplement Salon, no. 161,
p. 2.
Hlobil, I.: Editorial. Umûní 47, 1999, no. 5, p. 350. (Published 2000.)
Hlobil, I.: Die Wenzelsstatue mit Peter Parlers Zeichen im Veitsdom. Umûní 47, 1999, no. 5,
pp. 385-388. (Published 2000.)
Hlobil, I.: Od gotiky k renesanci. Klopotná cesta k v˘stavû. Umûní a fiemesla 41, 2000, no. 1,
pp. 6-7.
Hlobil, I.: Monumentita a autentická funkce architektonick˘ch a urbanistick˘ch památek.
Teoretická úvaha s praktick˘mi dÛsledky. Zprávy památkové péãe 60, 2000, no. 10, pp. 295296.
Horová, Andûla
Horová, A.: Nov˘ iluzionismus v soudobém ãeském umûní?, in: âeské umûní 1939-1999.
Programy a impulzy. Symposium volume. Prague, Academy of Fine Art 2000, pp. 140-148.
Horová, A.: Veãer s reklamou. Ateliér 13, 2000, no. 2, p. 3.
Horová, A.: Programy a impulzy. âeské umûní 1939-1999. Ateliér 13, 2000, no. 2, p. 3.
Horová, A.: (rev.) Akce - slovo - pohyb - prostor. Experimenty v umûní 60. let. Ateliér 13,
2000, no. 2, p. 12.
Horová, A.: (rev.) Jindfiich Prucha a teror ismÛ. Ateliér 13, 2000, no. 4, p. 1.
Horová, A.: Nov˘ iluzionismus v soudobém ãeském umûní? Ateliér 13, 2000, no. 5, p. 2.
Horová, A.: Îivobytí a umûní aneb Aby bylo jasno. Ateliér 13, 2000, no. 6, p. 3.
Horová, A.: (rev.) TomበCísafiovsk˘ - Silnice. Ateliér 13, 2000, no. 6, p. 4.
Horová, A.: (rev.) Trans-figurace aneb Renesance malby. Ateliér 13, 2000, no. 7, p. 5.
Horová, A.: (rev.) Zdenûk Sklenáfi, grafika z let 1934-1980. Ateliér 13, 2000, no. 8, p. 4.
Horová, A.: Expo 58 a Bestia triumfans 2000. Ateliér 13, 2000, no. 13, p. 3.
Chlíbec, Jan
Chlíbec, J.: [Entries], in: Umûlecké památky Prahy. PraÏsk˘ hrad a Hradãany. (Ed. P. Vlãek.)
Prague, Academia 2000.
Chlíbec, J.: Rilievo della Nativita [Numero di catalogo 29], in: Ultimi fiori del Medioevo. Dal
Gotico al Rinascimento in Moravia e nella Slesia. (Ed. I. Hlobil.) Olomouc, Museum of Art
2000, 142-144.
Chlíbec, J.: Relief of the Nativity. [Catalogue No 29], in: The Last Flowers of the Middle Ages.
From the Gothic to the Renaissance in Moravia and Silesia. (Ed. I. Hlobil.) Olomouc,
Museum of Art 2000, pp. 142-144.
Kaplanová, Kristina
Kaplanová, K.: Katalog archivního fondu Národní kulturní komise 1917-1954. Internal
printing ODSF ÚDU AV âR. Prague, ÚDU AV âR 2000.
Kaplanová, K.: Vysokom˘tsk˘ dûkansk˘ kostel sv. Vavfiince ve stfiedovûku. Nové letopisy
mûsta Ústí nad Orlicí a jeho okolí 2000, no. 1, pp. 8-11.
Kaplanová, K.: Fragmenty dvou vrcholnûgotick˘ch tympanonÛ z kostela sv. Vavfiince ve
Vysokém M˘tû. Nové letopisy mûsta Ústí nad Orlicí a jeho okolí 2000, no. 2, pp. 9-11.
Kaplanová, K.: Osudy na‰ich zestátnûn˘ch památek v pováleãném období. Panorama 2000, p.
Koneãn˘, Lubomír
Koneãn˘, L.: Tracking Rollenhagen in Prague, in: The German-Language Emblem and its
European Context: Exchange and Transmission. (Eds A. J. Harper, I. Höpel.) Glasgow,
University of Glasgow 2000, pp. 167-182.
Koneãn˘, L.: Tiziano Vecellio, called Titian, Flaying of Marsyas, in: KromûfiíÏ Picture Gallery.
Catalogue of the Painting Collection in the Archbishop’s Palace in KromûfiíÏ. (Ed. M. Togner.)
KromûfiíÏ, Archbishop’s Chateau and gardens in KromûfiíÏ 1999, pp. 339-350. (Published
Koneãn˘, L.: Inconcussa manet: Emblematické supralibros Maríe Manrique de Lara y
Mendoza, in: Sborník k 80. narozeninám Mirjam Bohatcové. (Ed. A. Baìurová.) Prague,
Library of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic 1999, pp. 152-162. (Published
Koneãn˘, L.: Ciotola di Augustin Käsenbrot di Olomouc [Numero di catalogo 58], in: Ultimi
fiori del Medioevo. Dal Gotico al Rinascimento in Moravia e nella Slesia. (Ed. I. Hlobil.)
Olomouc, Museum of Art 2000, pp. 208-213.
Koneãn˘, L.: The Bowl of Augustine Käsenbrot of Olomouc [Catalogue No 58], in: The Last
Flowers of the Middle Ages. From the Gothic to the Renaissance in Moravia and Silesia. (Ed.
I. Hlobil.) Olomouc, Museum of Art 2000, pp. 208-213.
Koneãn˘, L.: Nicolo Renieri, Tiziano e l’antico. Arte Veneta 1999, no. 54, pp. 132-134.
Koneãn˘, L.: I ty Zeitschrift(e)? Na okraj tématu: dûjiny umûní a vizualita. Bulletin.
Umûleckohistorická spoleãnost v âesk˘ch zemích 12, 2000, no. 2, pp. 3-5.
Koneãn˘, L.: Antonio Campi e il gruppo scultoreo del Laocoonte. Bulletin of the National
Gallery in Prague 9, 1999, pp. 104-107, Czech. pp. 185-187. (Published 2000.)
Koneãn˘, L.: Omnia sponte fluant: J. A. Comenius, His “Pedagogical” Impresa, and
Rembrandt’s Landscape with Three Trees. Emblematica. An Interdisciplinary Journal for
Emblem Studies 10, 1996, pp. 283-305. (Published 2000.)
Koneãn˘, L.: On emblems, in Budapest, November 1999. Society of Emblem Studies
Newsletter 26, 2000, January, p. 11.
Koneãn˘, L.: Magnasco and Titian: Further Evidence for the Second Version of The Flaying of
Marsyas. Source. Notes in the History of Art 19, 1999-2000, No 4, Summer 2000, pp. 7-11.
Kofián, Ivo
Kofián, I.: (rec.) L. I. Tananajeva: Rudolfincy. Acta Comeniana 13, 1999, pp. 255-257.
Kofián, I.: Die gotischen Gnadenbilder in Böhmen und Polen. Biuletyn. Instytut filozof.-histor.
WSP w Czenstochowie 7, 2000, Nr. 26, pp. 98-114.
Kratochvíl, Petr
Kratochvíl, P. - Halík, P.: Contemporary Czech Architecture. Prague, Prostor 2000. 151 pp.
Kratochvíl, P.: âeská architektura po r. 1989, in: Podoby súãasného umenia II. (Eds L.
Mrenicová, Z. Kolesár.) Bratislava, University of Fine Art 1999, pp. 29-32. (Published 2000.)
Kuthan, Jifií
Kuthan, J. - V‰eteãková, Z.: Kutná Hora. Kunstdenkmäler aus der Zeit der Jagellonenkönige.
Kutná Hora 2000. 16 pp. (Published as an internal printing for the conference Die Länder der
böhmischen Krone und ihre Nachbarn zur Zeit der Jagiellonenkönige (1471-1526): Kunst Kultur - Geschichte. Internationales Kolloquium, 21.-24. September 2000.)
Architektura roÏmberského dominia v dobû Jagellonské, in: Pocta Václavovi Menclovi.
Zborník ‰túdií k otázkam interpretácie stredoeuropského umenia. (Eds D. Bofiutová, ·.
Ori‰ko.) Bratislava, Department of Art History FF UK 2000, pp. 169-192.
Lahoda, Vojtûch
Lahoda, V. - Uhrová, O. (eds): Vincenc Kramáfi. Od star˘ch mistrÛ k Picassovi. Prague,
National Gallery 2000. 277 pp.
Lahoda, V. - Uhrová, O.: Od star˘ch mistrÛ k Picassovi. Vincenc Kramáfi sbûratel, historik a
teoretik umûní a fieditel Obrazárny, in: Vincenc Kramáfi. Od star˘ch mistrÛ k Picassovi. (Eds V.
Lahoda, O. Uhrová.) Prague, National Gallery 2000, p. 14.
Lahoda, V.: V zrcadle kubismu. Poetika sbûratelství a sbírka “v˘tvarné básnivosti” Vincence
Kramáfie: pootevfiené okno do Evropy, in: Vincenc Kramáfi. Od star˘ch mistrÛ k Picassovi.
(Eds V. Lahoda, O. Uhrová.) Prague, National Gallery 2000, pp. 18-33.
Lahoda, V.: K historii hledání ãeského
Picassa. “Proteplení” kubismu: Vincenc
Kramáfi a Emil Filla, in: Vincenc Kramáfi. Od
star˘ch mistrÛ k Picassovi. (Eds V. Lahoda,
O. Uhrová.) Prague, National Gallery 2000,
pp. 139-144.
Lahoda, V.: Vincenc Kramáfi a Alfred
Flechtheim. “VáÏen˘ PicassÛv pfiíteli.”, in:
Vincenc Kramáfi. Od star˘ch mistrÛ k
Picassovi. (Eds V. Lahoda, O. Uhrová.)
Prague, National Gallery 2000, pp. 198-201.
Lahoda, V. (ed.): Zdenek Rykr (1900-1940).
Elegie avantgardy. Prague, City Gallery
Prague 2000. 377 pp.
Lahoda, V.: Elegie avantgardy, in: Zdenek
Rykr (1900-1940). Elegie avantgardy. (Ed. V.
Lahoda.) Prague, City Gallery Prague 2000,
pp. 9-193.
Lahoda, V.: Ikonografie kaÏdodennosti, in:
Zdenek Rykr (1900-1940). Elegie avantgardy.
(Ed. V. Lahoda.) Prague, City Gallery Prague 2000, pp. 195-201.
Lahoda, V.: âokoládov˘ svût, in: Zdenek Rykr (1900-1940). Elegie avantgardy. (Ed. V.
Lahoda.) Prague, City Gallery Prague 2000, pp. 221-237.
Lahoda, V.: Îivotopisné údaje, in: Zdenek Rykr (1900-1940). Elegie avantgardy. (Ed. V.
Lahoda.) Prague, City Gallery Prague 2000, pp. 319-341.
Lahoda, V. - Fi‰er, M.: Bibliografie (selection), in: Zdenek Rykr (1900-1940). Elegie
avantgardy. (Ed. V. Lahoda.) Prague, City Gallery Prague 2000, pp. 347-351.
Lahoda, V.: Melancholie avantgardy, in: Melancholie. (Eds P. Ingerle, K. Chamonikola.) Brno,
Moravian Gallery in Brno 2000, pp. 61-69.
Lahoda, V.: The Archaeology of Memory. Recollections of the Past and the Czech AvantGarde, in: Modernity and Identity: Art in 1918-1940. (Ed. J. Muleviãiute.) Vilnius, Institute of
Culture and Art 2000, pp. 184-194.
Lahoda, V.: PamûÈ krajiny a pamûÈ malífiství, in: Václav Malina. Návraty a v˘chodiska. Cykly a
polyptychy. Cesta. PlzeÀ, West Bohemia Gallery 2000, pp. 5-8.
Lahoda, V.: RIHA v Lond˘nû. Bulletin. Umûleckohistorická spoleãnost v âesk˘ch zemích 12,
2000, no. 2, pp. 1-2.
Lahoda, V.: Dûjiny umûní rozpu‰tûné v ãase a vypu‰tûné z hranic - 30th International Congress
of Art History in London. Bulletin. Umûleckohistorická spoleãnost v âesk˘ch zemích 12,
2000, no. 2, pp. 5-7.
Lahoda, V.: Konec dvacátého století. Dûjiny a souãasnost 22, 2000, no. 5, pp. 53-54.
Lahoda, V.: Evangeliáfi z Kellsu. Lidé a zemû 49, 2000, no. 1, pp. 50-52.
Lahoda, V.: Chotûbofi a Zdenek Rykr. Lidé a zemû 49, 2000, no. 8, pp. 504-507.
Lahoda, V.: MuÏ lví síly a mal˘ vrabeãek ãili Waldesova sbírka Franti‰ka Kupky. Mladá
Fronta Dnes 11, 2000, no. 2, 4. 1., p. 16.
Lahoda, V.: Causa Zdenek Rykr. Reflex 11, 2000, no. 39, pp. 68-70.
Lorenzová, Helena
Lorenzová, H.: PraÏská léta Augusta Gottlieba Meissnera. âasopis Apollo, in: Mezi ãasy.
Kultura a umûní v ãesk˘ch zemích kolem roku 1800. (Eds Z. Hojda, R. Prahl.) Prague, KLP Koniasch Latin Press 2000, pp. 88-97.
Lorenzová, H.: Doslov. Estetik Karel Svoboda, in: K. Svoboda: Estetika svatého Augustina a
její zdroje. Prague, Karolinum 2000, pp. 281-300.
Lorenzová, H.: (rev.) Biedermeier. Umûní a kultura ve stfiední Evropû. Estetika 36, 2000, no. 2,
p. 64.
Lorenzová, H.: (rev.) Biedermeier. Arte e cultura nella Mitteleuropa. Umûní 48, 2000, no. 3,
pp. 191-194.
Macháãek, Jaroslav
Macháãek, J.: Problematika cestovního ruchu v Sektorovém operaãním plánu. Prague,
Ministry for Local Development 2000. 30 pp.
Macháãek, J. - Matou‰ková, Z. - Tóth, P.: Regionální a municipální ekonomika. Prague,
Institute of Economics 2000.
Macháãek, J.: Strategické environmentální hodnocení: Národní regionální programy
(Evaluation of selected materials). Prague, Ministry for Local Development, Czech Republic,
1999. (Published 2000.)
Macháãek, J.: Prvotní a vyvolaná turistická poptávka v historick˘ch lokalitách, in: Cestovní
ruch na prahu 3. tisíciletí. Prague, Ministry for Local Development 2000.
Macháãek, J.: Global Economy and Society: Impacts on Czech Republic, in: Global Economy
and Society. St. Paul, Paragon 2000.
Macháãek, J.: Czech Response to Sustainable Development, in: Proceedings of the Asia
National Councils for Sustainable Development Workshop. Tokyo 2000.
Macháãek, J.: EIA Designed for Urban Environment, in: The Sustainable City 2000. Wessex,
Wessex Institute of Technology 2000.
Macháãek, J.: Pfiíklady akcelerace regionálního rÛstu: âína. Územní plánování a urbanismus
2000, no. 6.
Muchka, Ivan
Muchka, I.: [Entries], in: Umûlecké památky Prahy. PraÏsk˘ hrad a Hradãany. (Ed. P. Vlãek.)
Prague, Academia 2000.
Muchka, I.: Letohrádek Hvûzda, in: Letohrádek Hvûzda, národní kulturní památka 1.
kategorie. Prague, National Literature Museum 2000, pp. [2-5].
Muchka, I.: Interview s historikem architektury Ivanem Muchkou o internetu, dostupnosti
informací a ãesk˘ch architektech naskakujících do vlaku nov˘ch technologií. [Interview by] R.
VáÀa. Architekt 46, 2000, no. 2, p. 65.
Muchka, I.: www.corbusier.cz. Architekt 46, 2000, no. 3, p. 77.
Muchka, I.: Propojení. Architekt 46, 2000, no. 4, p. 80.
Muchka, I.: ProhlíÏeã Netscape Communicator. Architekt 46, 2000, no. 5, p. 79, no. 6, p. 83.
Muchka, I.: Microsoft Internet Explorer. Architekt 46, 2000, no. 7, p. 77.
Muchka, I.: Architectura virtualis. Architekt 46, 2000, no. 8, p. 78.
Muchka, I.: Stonhenge in 3D. Architekt 46, 2000, no. 9, p. 86.
Muchka, I.: GDL: Geometric Description Language. Architekt 46, 2000, no. 10, p. 77.
Muchka, I.: Filantropie na Internetu. Architekt 46, 2000, no. 11, p. 82.
Muchka, I.: U zrodu vektorové grafiky na Internetu. Architekt 46, 2000, no. 12, p. 84.
Vlãek, P. - Muchka, I.: Opus Italicum. PraÏsk˘ hrad 6, 2000, no. 2, pp. 31-32.
Ne‰lehová, Mahulena
Ne‰lehová, M.: Impulses of Futurism and Czech Art, in: International Futurism in Arts and
Literature. (Ed. G. Berghaus.) Berlin, Walter de Gruyter 2000, pp. 122-143.
Ne‰lehová, M.: (rev.) A poletíme dál. Ateliér 13, 2000, no. 11, p. 4.
Ne‰lehová, M.: (rev.) Akademie v˘tvarn˘ch umûní v Mánesu. Ateliér 13, 2000, no. 16-17, p. 7.
Ne‰lehová, M.: Symbolická fieã Franti‰ka Janou‰ka. (K poctû 110. v˘roãí umûlcova narození.)
Bulletin Moravské galerie v Brnû 2000, no. 56, pp. 98-102.
Ne‰lehová, M.: (rev.) Osobnost Vincence Kramáfie. Literární noviny 11, 2000, no. 53, 27. 12.,
p. 13.
Peti‰ková, Tereza
Peti‰ková, T.: K poãátkÛm Svazu
ãeskoslovensk˘ch v˘tvarn˘ch umûlcÛ, in:
âeské umûní 1939-1999. Programy a impulzy.
Symposium volume. Prague, Academy of
Fine Art 2000, pp. 29-34.
Peti‰ková, T.: K moÏnostem budování galerie
v 90. letech, in: Umûní v dialogu s vefiejností.
Sborník z mezinárodního sympozia o
zprostfiedkování souãasného umûní. Brno,
Brno House of Art 2000, pp. 95-98.
Peti‰ková, T.: Umûlecká pozÛstalost Jifiího
Svobody., in: Jifií Svoboda 1970-1999. (Ed. P.
Ry‰ka.) Tfiebíã, 2000, pp. 4-5.
Petrasová, TaÈána
Petrasová, T.: [Entries], in: Umûlecké památky
Prahy. PraÏsk˘ hrad a Hradãany. (Ed. P.
Vlãek.) Prague, Academia 2000.
Petrasová, T.: Josefinské pevnosti a poãátky
klasicismu v âechách, in: Mezi ãasy. Kultura
a umûní v ãesk˘ch zemích kolem roku 1800.
(Eds Z. Hojda, R. Prahl.) Prague, KLP - Koniasch Latin Press 2000, pp. 44-53.
Petrasová, T.: Dûjiny ãeského v˘tvarného umûní - t˘mová práce z pohledu editora (a autora).
Bulletin. Umûleckohistorická spoleãnost v âesk˘ch zemích 12, 2000, no. 1, pp. 3-4.
Petrasová, T.: Nedorozumûní. Mladá Fronta Dnes 11, 2000, no. 204, 1. 9., p. 4.
Petrasová, T.: Venkovské usedlosti 20. století: rekonstrukce Komofianského zámku. Stavba 7,
2000, no. 2, pp. 44-49.
Platovská, Marie
Platovská, M.: Nad leto‰ní Grand Prix OA. [Survey.] Architekt 46, 2000, no. 8, p. 59.
Platovská, M.: Forma sleduje vûdu. Literární noviny 11, 2000, no. 36, 30. 8., p. 12.
Platovská, M.: Tfii stavební etapy praÏské Plodinové burzy. Stavba 7, 2000, no. 1, p. 41.
Platovská, M.: Tfii rodinné domy Lva Lauermanna a Markéty Cajthamlové. Stavba 7, 2000, no.
3, pp. 34-35.
Prix, Dalibor
Koufiil, P. - Prix, D. - Wihoda, M.: Hrady ãeského Slezska. Brno, Archaeological Institute AV
âR 2000. 645 pp.
·opák, P. - Schenková, M. - Prix, D. - Ondru‰ková, M.: Opava. Konkatedrála Nanebevzetí
Panny Marie. Velehrad 2000. 28 pp. - Church monuments. vol. 27.
Prix, D. - Zezula, M.: Archeologick˘ v˘zkum kostela Nanebevzetí Panny Marie v Branticích,
okr. Bruntál. Archaeologia historica 25, 2000, pp. 279-305.
Prix, D.: Barokní kostel sv. Katefiiny v Sosnové. Na okraj poznání díla krnovské stavitelské
rodiny GansÛ. âasopis Slezského zemského muzea 47, 1998, no. 2, pp. 108-121. (Published
Prix, D.: (rev.) A jáki apostolszobrok. Die Apostelfiguren von Ják. Umûní 48, 2000, no. 4, pp.
Roháãek, Jifií
Roháãek, J.: [Entries], in: Umûlecké památky Prahy. PraÏsk˘ hrad a Hradãany. (Ed. P. Vlãek.)
Prague, Academia 2000.
Roháãek, J.: K osobû a pracovní metodû Antona Gnirse, in: âeská beseda o nûmeck˘ch
badatelích v oblasti pomocn˘ch vûd historick˘ch, archivnictví a edic historick˘ch pramenÛ.
(Ed. H. Pátková.) Dolní BfieÏany, Scriptorium 2000, pp. 41-47.
Roháãek, J.: Diskusní setkání k problematice sepulkrálních památek. Akademick˘ bulletin
2000, no. 6-7, p. 30.
Roháãek, J.: Diskusní setkání k problematice sepulkrálních památek. Bulletin.
Umûleckohistorická spoleãnost v âesk˘ch zemích 12, 2000, no. 1, pp. 6-7.
Roháãek, J.: 9. zasedání pro novovûkou a stfiedovûkou epigrafiku. Bulletin.
Umûleckohistorická spoleãnost v âesk˘ch zemích 12, 2000, no. 2, pp. 5-6.
Roháãek, J.: St. Martin in der Mauer, in: Gemeindebrief Advent 2000. Deutschprachige
ewangelische Gemiende in Prag, pp. 15-20.
Roháãek, J.: K epigrafické ediãní ãinnosti. Sborník archivních prací 50, 2000, no. 2, pp. 525535.
Roháãek, J.: Inschrift und Material. Inschrift und Buchschrift. Fachtagung für mittelalterliche
und neuzeitliche Epigraphik, Ingolstadt 1997. Umûní 48, 2000, no. 4, pp. 281-282.
Sadílková, Pavla
Sadílková, P.: Poãátky Kramáfiov˘ch umûleckohistorick˘ch studií, in: Vincenc Kramáfi. Od
star˘ch mistrÛ k Picassovi. (Eds V. Lahoda, O. Uhrová.) Prague, National Gallery 2000, pp.
Sadílková, P. - Hubatová-Vacková, L.: Data (Chronologie Kramáfiova Ïivota), in: Vincenc
Kramáfi. Od star˘ch mistrÛ k Picassovi. (Eds V. Lahoda, O. Uhrová.) Prague, National Gallery
2000, pp. 213-254.
Sadílková, P.: Fenomén smrti v ãeské kultufie 19. století. Umûní 48, 2000, no. 1-2, pp. 95-96.
Samek, Bohumil
Samek, B.: Brno, KleinÛv palác. Brno, Monument Institute 2000. 38 pp.
Samek, B.: Katedrála sv. Petra a Pavla, in: Biskupství brnûnské. Brno, Brno Bishopric 2000,
pp. 96-105.
Studniãková, Milada
Studniãková, M.: (rev.) Od gotiky k renesanci. V˘tvarná kultura Moravy a Slezska 1400-1550.
II. Brno. III. Olomoucko. IV. Opava. Umûní 48, 2000, no. 3, pp. 181-187.
Svobodová, Markéta
Svobodová, M.: [Entries], in: Umûlecké památky Prahy. PraÏsk˘ hrad a Hradãany. (Ed. P.
Vlãek.) Prague, Academia 2000.
Svobodová, M.: Tanãící dÛm, in: PrÛvodce po souãasné praÏské architektufie. Prague, Prostor
2000, pp. 59-61.
Svobodová, M.: SIPRAL, in: PrÛvodce po souãasné praÏské architektufie. Prague, Prostor
2000, pp. 75-77.
Svobodová, M.: O ‰kole, tanci a duncanismu. Konzervatofi - Duncan Centre. Architekt 46,
2000, no. 1, p. 22.
Svobodová, M.: Tradice vzájemn˘ch vztahÛ. Souãasná architektura v Rakousku. Architekt 46,
2000, no. 2, pp. 87-88.
Svobodová, M.: (rev.) Forma sleduje vûdu. Nad expozicí ve Fragnerovû galerii. Architekt 46,
2000, no. 9, p. 74.
Veãefiáková [Svobodová], M. - ·íma, Z.: Astronomická observatofi v DÏajpuru. Panorama
2000, p. 6.
Svobodová, M.: (rev.) Architektonické a stavební plány Pardubicka. Umûní 47, 1999, no. 5, pp.
437-438. (Published 2000.)
Svobodová, M.: Architektura a muzea v Olomouci. Umûní a fiemesla 41, 2000, no. 1, pp. 5256.
·ronûk, Michal
·ronûk, M.: [Entries], in: Umûlecké památky Prahy. PraÏsk˘ hrad a Hradãany. (Ed. P. Vlãek.)
Prague, Academia 2000.
·ronûk, M.: Kunstmäzenatentum in Prag 1580-1650 als Ausdruck gesellschaftlicher
Veränderungen, in: Krakau, Prag und Wien. Funktionen von Metropolen im frühmodernen
Staat. (Eds M. Dmitrieva, K. Lambrecht.) Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag 2000, pp. 185-193.
Volrábová, A. - Prahl, R. - ·ronûk, M.: Kramáfiovy sbírky kresby 16.-18. století a 19. století,
in: Vincenc Kramáfi. Od star˘ch mistrÛ k Picassovi. (Eds V. Lahoda, O. Uhrová.) Prague,
National Gallery 2000, pp. 51-52.
·ronûk, M.: Karel ·kréta, Samuel Globic of Buãina et infelicissima quadratura circuli. Bulletin
of the National Gallery in Prague 9, 1999, pp. 20-32, Czech pp. 126-134. (Published 2000.)
·vácha, Rostislav
·vácha, R. - Ryndová, S. - Pokorná, P. (ed.): Forma sleduje vûdu. Teige, Gillar a evropsk˘
vûdeck˘ funkcionalismus 1922-1948. Prague, Jaroslav Fragner Gallery 2000. 369 pp.
·vácha, R.: Forma sleduje vûdu. Karel Teige a ãesk˘ vûdeck˘ funkcionalismus 1922-1948, in:
Forma sleduje vûdu. Teige, Gillar a evropsk˘ vûdeck˘ funkcionalismus 1922-1948. (Eds R.
·vácha, S. Ryndová, P. Pokorná.) Prague, Jaroslav Fragner Gallery 2000, pp. 14-97.
·vácha, R.: Medailony, in: Forma sleduje vûdu. Teige, Gillar a evropsk˘ vûdeck˘
funkcionalismus 1922-1948. (Eds R. ·vácha, S. Ryndová, P. Pokorná.) Prague, Jaroslav
Fragner Gallery 2000. (Karel Hannauer, pp. 301-303; Jaromír Krejcar, pp. 304-307; Jifií Kroha,
pp. 307-309; PAS (Pracovní architektonická skupina - Working Architectural Group), pp. 313316; Josef Polá‰ek, pp. 316-318; Oldfiich Star˘, pp. 323-324; Josef ·palek, pp. 324-325; Karel
Teige, pp. 326-328; Oldfiich Tyl, pp. 328-330; Ladislav Îák, pp. 330-332.)
·vácha, R.: K teoretickému my‰lení v ãeské architektufie po roce 1989, in: âeské umûní 19391999. Programy a impulzy. Symposium volume. Prague, Academy of Fine Art 2000, pp. 8691.
·vácha, R. - Krajãi, P.: Prague, 1908-1918. Architecture et avant-garde, in: L’idée de la grande
ville. L’architecture moderne d’Europe centrale, 1890-1918. (Eds E. Blau, M. Platzer.)
Munich-London-New York-Montreal, Prestel 2000, pp. 117-120.
·vácha, R.: Prague, Brno et Zlín, 1918-1937. Architecture et société, in: L’idée de la grande
ville. L’architecture moderne d’Europe centrale, 1890-1918. (Eds E. Blau, M. Platzer.)
Munich-London-New York-Montreal, Prestel 2000, pp. 215-218.
·vácha, R.: Konec architektury, in: Konec svûta? (Ed. M. KníÏák.) Prague, National Gallery
2000, pp. 76-81.
·vácha, R.: Prostor jako pfiedstava a strategie, in: Prostorov˘ dÛm. (Eds P. Burian, P. Hájek, T.
Hradeãn˘, J. ·épka.) Prague, Jaroslav Fragner Gallery 2000, pp. 4-15.
Holeãek, J. - ·kabrada, J. - ·vácha, R.: O domu v krajinû, tradici a novodobé produkci ãeského
venkova. Architekt 46, 2000, no. 6, pp. 29-32.
·vácha, R.: Lond˘nská ambasáda. Architekt 46, 2000, no. 6, pp. 56-57.
·vácha, R.: K autorství Winternitzovy vily. Architekt 46, 2000, no. 7, p. 40.
·vácha, R.: Interiér jako architektura. Mûnírna na Barrandovû. Architekt 46, 2000, no. 8, p. 38.
·vácha, R.: Za Karlem Filsakem. Architekt 46, 2000, no. 8, p. 51.
·vácha, R.: Nad leto‰ní Grand Prix OA. [Survey.] Architekt 46, 2000, no. 8, pp. 58-59.
·vácha, R.: Problém nespoãívá v architektufie. Domov dÛchodcÛ v Bene‰ovû. Architekt 46,
2000, no. 10, p. 26.
·vácha, R.: Úskalí experimentu, jistota moderní tradice. Bytov˘ dÛm ve Starém Mûstû.
Architekt 46, 2000, no. 10, p. 31.
·vácha, R.: âistû jen publikum. Fórum architektury a stavitelství 8, 2000, nos 7-8, p. 13.
·vácha, R.: Myslbek. Literární noviny 11, 2000, no. 20, 10. 5., p. 13.
·vácha, R.: Domy nad Muzeem. Literární noviny 11, 2000, no. 27, 28. 6., p. 13.
·vácha, R.: Tanãící dÛm. Literární noviny 11, 2000, no. 32, 2. 8., p. 13.
·vácha, R.: Zkáza Baby. Literární noviny 11, 2000, no. 40, 27. 9., p. 5.
·vácha, R.: Hypobanka. Literární noviny 11, 2000, no. 40, 27. 9., p. 13.
·vácha, R.: Magistrála nám patfiila. Literární noviny 11, 2000, no. 43, 18. 10., p. 3.
·vácha, R.: O památky padesát˘ch a ‰edesát˘ch let není zájem. Mladá Fronta Dnes 11, 2000,
no. 26, 1. 2., supplement Praha, p. 2.
·vácha, R.: Baba pfied likvidací? Mladá Fronta Dnes 11, 2000, no. 288, 12. 12., supplement
Praha, p. 3.
·vácha, R.: Dva ateliéry. [Ateliér A. Ozenfanta v PafiíÏi a V.+V. Janou‰kov˘ch v Praze.] Neon
1, 2000, no. 4, pp. 30-33.
·vácha, R.: Startovací byty. Kontext není fuck, ale pozor na nûj. Stavba 7, 2000, no. 1, p. 34.
·vácha, R.: Rudolf Schwarz: obraz proti pojmu. Stavba 7, 2000, no. 1, p. 53.
·vácha, R.: (rev.) Roman Kouck˘ - Architektonická kanceláfi. Kniha 1. Stavba 7, 2000, no. 2,
p. 18.
·vácha, R.: (rev.) O nové Brno, 1919-1939. Stavba 7, 2000, no. 2, p. 20.
·vácha, R.: Claude Parent: Dvû etapy vizionáfiství. Stavba 7, 2000, no. 2, p. 65.
·vácha, R.: Tfii odpovûdi na situaci. [Architekt: Lev Lauermann a Markéta Cajthamlová.]
Stavba 7, 2000, no. 3, pp. 30-31.
·vácha, R.: Bez stropu. Stavba 7, 2000, no. 3, pp. 56-62.
·vácha, R.: Barragán: Mystérium v zahradách. Stavba 7, 2000, no. 3, p. 63.
·vácha, R.: Opravdu laciné, opravdu kulturní. Skromné byty v Hostivici. Stavba 7, 2000, no.
3, pp. 25-26.
·vácha, R.: Kahn v Otterlo. Stavba 7, 2000, no. 3, p. 60.
·vácha, R.: Rekapitulace sídli‰È. Stavba 7, 2000, no. 5, pp. 36-41.
·vácha, R.: Candilis - Josic - Woods o urbanismu: perspektivy a slepé uliãky. Stavba 7, 2000,
no. 5, p. 66.
·vácha, R.: Petr Franta na hranû. Stavba 7, 2000, no. 6, p. 10.
·vácha, R.: Louis Kahn o prostoru s formû. Stavba 7, 2000, no. 6, p. 82.
·vácha, R.: O dûjinách divadelních budov. Stavba 7, 2000, no. 6, p. 17.
·vácha, R.: Rem Koolhaas. T˘den 7, 2000, no. 19, p. 73.
·vácha, R.: Nová budova âeského rozhlasu. T˘den 7, 2000, no. 20, pp. 78-81.
·vácha, R.: Bydlení na schodech. T˘den 7, 2000, no. 24, pp. 74-75.
·vácha, R.: (rev.) Architektonické a stavební plány Pardubicka. Umûní 47, 1999, no. 5, pp.
436-437. (Published 2000.)
·vácha, R.: (rev.) Jindfiich Vybíral, Století
dûdicÛ a zakladatelÛ. Architektura v jiÏních
âechách v období historismu. Umûní 48,
2000, no. 3, pp. 194-195.
Vlãek, Pavel
Vlãek, P.: Encyklopedie ãesk˘ch zámkÛ. 4th
edition. Prague, Libri 2000. 314 pp.
Vlãek, P. (ed.): Umûlecké památky Prahy.
PraÏsk˘ hrad a Hradãany. Prague, Academia
2000. 521 pp.
Vlãek, P.: Renesanãní promûny PraÏského
hradu a Hradãan, in: Umûlecké památky
Prahy. PraÏsk˘ hrad a Hradãany. (Ed. P.
Vlãek.) Prague, Academia 2000, pp. 31-36.
Vlãek, P.: V˘voj mûsta a královského sídla
bûhem 17. století, in: Umûlecké památky
Prahy. PraÏsk˘ hrad a Hradãany. (Ed. P.
Vlãek.) Prague, Academia 2000, pp. 37-39.
Vlãek, P.: Baroko a klasicismus, in: Umûlecké památky Prahy. PraÏsk˘ hrad a Hradãany. (Ed.
P. Vlãek.) Prague, Academia 2000, pp. 40-44.
Vlãek, P.: [Entries], in: Umûlecké památky Prahy. PraÏsk˘ hrad a Hradãany. (Ed. P. Vlãek.)
Prague, Academia 2000.
Vlãek, P.: (rev.) Baroko. Architektura. Plastika. Malífiství. Ateliér 13, 2000, no. 12, p. 7.
Vlãek, P. - Muchka, I.: Opus Italicum. PraÏsk˘ hrad 6, 2000, no. 2, pp. 31-32.
Vlãek, P.: (rev.) Toskánsk˘ palác v Praze. Umûní 48, 2000, no. 1-2, pp. 100-102.
V‰eteãková, Zuzana
V‰eteãková, Z. - Tomková, K. - Herda, M.: Gotické nástûnné malby v kostele sv. Klimenta na
Levém Hradci a v kapli zámku v Roztokách. Roztoky, The City of Roztoky 2000. CD-ROM.
Kuthan, J. - V‰eteãková, Z.: Kutná Hora. Kunstdenkmäler aus der Zeit der Jagellonenkönige.
Kutná Hora 2000. 16 pp. (Published as an internal printing for the conference Die Länder der
böhmischen Krone und ihre Nachbarn zur Zeit der Jagiellonenkönige (1471-1526): Kunst Kultur - Geschichte. Internationales Kolloquium, 21.-24. September 2000.)
V‰eteãková, Z.: Nástûnné malby v kostele sv. Jakuba Vût‰ího ve Slavûtínû. Louny, Okresní
úfiad Louny 2000. [6] pp.
[Entries], in: Umûlecké památky Prahy. PraÏsk˘ hrad a Hradãany. (Ed. P. Vlãek.) Prague,
Academia 2000.
V‰eteãková, Z.: Iconography of the Mural Paintings in St. James’ Church of Kutná Hora, in:
The Bohemian Reformation and Religious Practice. Vol. 3. Papers from the 19th World
Congress of the Czechoslovak Society of Arts and Sciences, Bratislava 1998. (Eds Z. V. David,
D. R. Holeton.) Prague, Academy of Sciences in the Czech Republic, Main Library 2000, pp.
V‰eteãková, Z.: Rukopisy vy‰ebrodského klá‰tera a nástûnné malby v jiÏních âechách, in: 900
let cisterciáckého fiádu. Volume for conference held 28.-29. 9. 1998 in the Bfievnov Monastery
in Prague. Prague, Unicornis 2000, pp. 253-262.
V‰eteãková, Z.: Les peintures murales en Boheme et en Moravie au 14e siecle, in: La peinture
murale de la fin du Moyen Age: enquetes regionales. Saint-Savin, Centre International d’Art
Mural 2000, pp. 153-166.
V‰eteãková, Z.: (rev.) Od gotiky k renesanci - V˘tvarná kultura Moravy a Slezska 1400-1550.
Ateliér 13, 2000, no. 5, pp. 12, 16.
V‰eteãková, Z.: The Bohemian Reformation and Religious Practice. Prague, Villa Lanna - 26.28. ãervna 2000. Bulletin. Umûleckohistorická spoleãnost v âesk˘ch zemích 12, 2000, no. 2,
pp. 11-12.
V‰eteãková, Z.: Poslední soud vstal z mrtv˘ch. Restaurovaná mozaika na Zlaté bránû
Svatovítské katedrály v Praze je v˘jimeãná velikostí i provedením. Lidové noviny 13, 2000,
no. 223, 23. 9., supplement Nedûle, p. 27.
V‰eteãková, Z.: Restaurování pravého pole mozaiky Poslední soud na Zlaté bránû Svatovítské
katedrály v roce 1999. PraÏsk˘ hrad 6, 2000, no. 2, pp. 19-22.
V‰eteãková, Z.: Symbolika zahrady ve stfiedovûkém umûní. Umûní a fiemesla 42, 2000, no. 2,
pp. 3-8
“Fenomén smrti v ãeské kultufie 19. století” (The Phenomenon of Death in Czech Culture of
the 19th Century, conception, organisation), PlzeÀ 9.-11. 3. 2000 - H. Lorenzová, T. Petrasová
Discussions of issues related to sepulchre monuments (conception, organisation, preparation of
program, leading of discussion), Prague 6. 4. 2000 - J. Roháãek
Colloquium on Jindfiich ·tyrsk˘ (conception, organisation, presentation of paper), 23. 6. 2000 L. BydÏovská
“Die Länder der böhmischen Krone und ihre Nachbarn zur Zeit der Jagiellonenkonige (14711526). Kunst - Kultur - Geschichte”, organised by ÚDU AV âR in co-operation with
Geisteswissenschaftliches Zentrum - Geschichte und Kultur Ostmitteleuropas, Prague Castle
Administration, the Institute for Art History FF UK (preparation of conference, organisation),
Kutná Hora, 21. - 24. 9. 2000 - J. Kuthan
Bene‰ovská K., Benedikt Ried na PraÏském hradû: renesance ve sluÏbách gotiky (Benedikt
Ried at Prague Castle: the Renaissance in the Service of the Gothic), international conference,
Die Länder der böhmischen Krone und ihre Nachbarn zur Zeit der Jagiellonenkönige (14711526), Kutná Hora, 21.-24. 9. 2000
Bene‰ovská K., Pozdnûgotická architektura v ãesk˘ch zemích (Late Gothic Architecture in the
Bohemian Lands), University of Leisure Time, Prague, 7. 12. 2000
Bene‰ovská K., B. Ried a jeho vliv v âechách (B. Ried and his Influence in Bohemia), J. E.
Purkynû University, Ústí nad Labem, 20. 12. 2000
Bukovinská B., Kunstkammer Rudolfs II., at the conclusion of the exhibition “ExoticaPortugals Entdeckungen im Spiegel fürstlicher Kunst- und Wunderkammern der Renaissance”,
Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna, 19. 5. 2000
Halata M., Kondakovské dûdictví (AINPK v Praze 1925-1952) (The Kondakov Heritage
AINPK in Prague 1925-1952), Regula Pragensis, Prague, 5. 12. 2000
Hausenblasová J., Rudolfinská Praha (Rudolphine Prague), Prague Municipal Museum, 11. 1.
Hausenblasová J., Ranûnovovûké panovnické dvory (The Courts of Early Modern Rulers), FF
UK, Prague, 26. 5. 2000
Hausenblasová J., Women in Rudolphine Prague - Objects or Subjects?, for the Fifth
International Conference on Urban History - European Cities: Networks and Crossroads,
Berlin, 31. 8. 2000
Hlaváãková H. J., Biblick˘ komentáfi ve Vatikánské knihovnû (Biblical Commentary in the
Vatican Library), Jednota klasick˘ch filologÛ, 7. 3. 2000
Hlaváãková H. J., lecture for the University of Leisure Time, Prague, 14. 10. 2000
Hlobil I., Olivetská hora v Olomouci. Podzim stfiedovûku (the Mount of Olives in Olomouc.
Medieval Autumn), Moravian Gallery, Brno, 24. 2. 2000
Hlobil I., Trojlodí dómu sv. Václava v Olomouci. Generální oprava plá‰tû katedrály sv. Václava
v Olomouci (The triple-aisle Cathedral of St Wenceslas in Olomouc. The general renovation of
the outer shell of the Cathedral of St Wenceslas in Olomouc), Monument Institute, Olomouc,
21. 11. 2000
Koneãn˘ L., Annibale Carracci, Pausias a Freud, Collegium Historiae Artium, ÚDU AV âR,
26. 1. 2001
Koneãn˘ L., “Jacopo Tintoretto, Rudolf II. a Vznik Mléãné dráhy” (Tintoretto, Rudolf II and
the “Origin of the Milky Way”), Collegium Historiae Artium, ÚDU AV âR, 28. 6. 2000
Koneãn˘ L., Augustine of Olomouc-Käsenbrot, His Golden Bowl in Dresden and the
Renaissance Revival of Bacchus, Internationales Kolloquium “Die Länder der böhmischen
Krone und ihre Nachbarn zur Zeit der Jagiellonenkönige (1471-1526)”, Kutná Hora, 21.-24. 9.
Koneãn˘ L., The Poetry of Titian’s poesie: A Sixteenth-Century View, 1. Internationales
Leipziger Kolloquium zur italienischen Renaissance, Institut für Kunstgeschichte der
Universität Leipzig, 13.-14. 10. 2000
Koneãn˘ L., “Omnia sponte fluant” : Comenius, His “Pedagogical” Impresa, Rembrandt’s
“Landscape with Three Trees” and the Issue of Meaning and Interpretation in Dutch Art of the
Seventeenth Century, Emblematica et Iconographia: Themes in Painting and Literature of the
Low Countries from the 16th to the 18th Century, Olomouc, 7.-9. 12. 2000
Kratochvíl P., Tschechische Architektur der 90erJahre, Universität Stuttgart, 10. 2. 2000
Kratochvíl P., Souãasná ãeská architektura (Contemporary Czech Architecture), National
Technical Museum, Prague, 12. 10. 2000
Kratochvíl P., The Development of the Humanities and Social Sciences in the Czech Republic
since 1989, paper at the international conference World Think Tanks - The Prospect of Social
Sciences and the Humanities in the 21st Century, Peking, 3. 11. 2000
Kuthan J., Die Länder der böhmischen Krone und ihre Nachbarn zur Zeit der
Jagiellonenkönige, introductory lecture for the section on architecture of the international
conference Die Länder der böhmischen Krone und ihre Nachbarn zur Zeit der
Jagiellonenkönige (1471-1526), Kutná Hora, 21.-24. 9. 2000
Lahoda V., Zdenek Rykr, Municipal Museum, Chotûbofi, 17. 5. 2000
Lahoda V., Institute of Art History in Prague, Schweizerischer Institut der Kunstgeschichte,
Zurich, 3. 6. 2000
Lahoda V., The Czech History of the Visual Art Project, RIHA section, 30th International
Congress of Art History, London, 5. 9. 2000
Lahoda V., âeská avantgarda (The Czech Avant-garde), Czech-Spanish Budûjovická Grammar
School, Prague, 12.12. 2000
Lorenzová H., âesk˘ biedermeier a hfibitovní poezie (The Czech Biedermeier and Graveyard
Poetry), conference The Phenomenon of Death in Czech Culture of the 19th Century, PlzeÀ, 9.
3. 2000
Muchka I., Letohrádek Hvûzda a ãeská architektura 16. století (The Hvûzda Summer Pavilion
and Czech Architecture of the 16th Century), Italian-Czech Colloquium Opus italicum, Italian
Cultural Institute, Prague, 24. 11. 2000
Ne‰lehová M., “Informální projevy ve svûtovém umûní” (Informal Manifestations in the Art of
the World), lecture series, Moravian Gallery, Brno, 24. 2. 2000
Ne‰lehová M., âeské informální projevy (Czech Informal Manifestations), lecture series,
Moravian Gallery, Brno, 15. 3. 2000
Petrasová T., Utopie a pragmatismus osvícenské architektury: klasicistní hrobky a hfibitovy
(Utopia and Pragmatism in Enlightenment Architecture: Classicist Tombs and Cemeteries),
conference The Phenomenon of Death in Czech Culture of the 19th Century, PlzeÀ, 9.-11. 3.
Prix D., Hrady ãeského Slezska (The Castles of Czech Silesia), House of Art, Opava, 12. 10.
Roháãek J., Der epigraphische und kunsthistorische Stil - ihre Beziehung in der frühen und
späteren Neuzeit, 9. Fachtagung fur mitelalterliche und neuzeitliche Epigraphik, Stift
Kolsterneuburg, 9.-12. 10. 2000
Roháãek J., Nápisové zkratky (Inscription Abbreviations), meeting of the Society for Research
into Stone Crosses, A‰ Museum, September 2000 (read in his absence)
Sadílková P., Smrt hrdiny v historické malbû 19. století (The Death of the Hero in Historical
Painting of the 19th century), conference The Phenomenon of Death in Czech Culture of the
19th Century, PlzeÀ, 9.-11. 3. 2000
Studniãková M., Zur Frage der Illuminatoren der Kuttenberger Handschriften Kuttenberger
und Smí‰ek Gradualle), international conference Die Länder der böhmischen Krone und ihre
Nachbarn zur Zeit der Jagellonenkönige, Kutná Hora, 21.-24. 9. 2000
·vácha R., Karel Teige and Avant-Garde Architecture, Royal Academy of British Architects,
London, 10. 2. 2000
·vácha R., Richterova teorie prostoru v architektufie (Richter’s Theory of Space in
Architecture), Symposium in honour of Prof. Václav Richter, FF UP Olomouc, Museum of Art
Olomouc, 19. 5. 2000
·vácha R., Ladislav Îák a avantgarda (L. Îák and the avant-garde), Symposium on the 100th
anniversary of the architect’s birth, AVU Prague, 5. 12. 2000
Vlãek P., Sakrální architektura 17. století v âechách (Sacral Architecture of the 17th century in
Bohemia), Italian-Czech Colloquium, Italian Cultural Institute, Prague, 14. 11. 2000
V‰eteãková Z., Podzim stfiedovûku v moravsk˘ch nástûnn˘ch malbách konce 14. a poãátku 15.
století (The Autumn of the Middle Ages in Moravian Wall Murals at the end of the 14th and
beginning of the 15th century), Vice-Regent’s Palace, Brno, 24.-25. 2. 2000
V‰eteãková Z., Románská nástûnná malba (Romanesque Wall Murals), 2 lectures for the
University of Leisure Time, Prague, 6. 4., 13. 4. 2000
V‰eteãková Z., The Man of Sorrows and Christ Blessing the Chalice as Iconography of
Utraquist Towns in Bohemia. The Bohemian Reformation and Religious Practice. Villa Lanna,
Prague, 26.-28. 6. 2000
V‰eteãková Z., Die spätgotischen Darstellungen des Jüngsten Gerichts in Südböhmen. Die
Länder der böhmischen Krone und ihre Nachbarn zur Zeit der Jagiellonenkönige (1471-1526).
Kunst - Kultur - Geschichte. Internationale Kolloquium, Kutná Hora, 21.- 24. 9. 2000
V‰eteãková Z., Nástûnná malba 14. století (Wall Murals of the 14th Century), University of the
Third Age, Prague, 5. 10. 2000
V‰eteãková Z., Nástûnná malba 15. století (Wall Murals of the 15th Century), University of the
Third Age, Prague, 21. 12. 2000
Koneãn˘ L. (ÚPDU FF UK Prague), Annibale Carracci, Pausias a Freud, 26. 1. 2000
Ne‰etfiil J. (Department of Applied Mathematics, MF UK), Umûní kreslit (The Art of
Drawing), 23. 2. 2000
Charvát P. (Oriental Institute, AV âR), Pohlédnûme do tváfie míru (Avarské pásové kování z
hradi‰tû Kal - okres Jíãín) (Let us look into the face of peace: Avar assembly-line forging from
the settlement of Kal), 29. 3. 2000
Wiesemann F. (Düsseldorf), Mährische Illuminatoren des 18. Jahrhunderts und die jüdische
Bilderwelt von Heinrich Heine, 4. 4. 2000
Merhautová A. (emerita, ÚDU AV âR Prague), Nové pohledy na Vy‰ehradsk˘ kodex (New
Perspectives on the Vy‰ehrad Codex), 26. 4. 2000
Bartlová M. (MU Brno, PeF UK Prague), Takzvan˘ mistr takzvaného Rajhradského oltáfie
(The So-called Master of the So-called Rajrad Altar), 31. 5. 2000
Koneãn˘ L., Rudolf II. Jacopo Tintoretto a Mléãná dráha (Rudolph II, Jacopo Tintoretto and
the Milky Way), 28. 6. 2000 (Studia rudolphiniana)
Müller J. (Kunstgeschichtliches Seminar, Universität Hamburg), The Emperor’s Two Bodies,
27. 9. 2000 (Studia rudolphiniana)
Vít Vlnas (National Gallery in Prague), Presentation of the exhibition “The Glory of the
Baroque in Bohemia”, 25. 10. 2000
Schock - Werner B. (Dombaumeisterin zu Köln), Der Kölner Dom - zur Frage der Kontinuität
eines Stiles, 15. 11. 2000
“Zrození velkomûsta” (The Birth of the Great City), Municipal House, Prague, December
1999 - February 2000 (R. ·vácha)
“Ale‰ Vesel˘, Kresby a projekty” (A. V., Drawings and Designs), GVU Litomûfiice, February
2000 (M. Ne‰lehová, opening)
“N. Musatová”, Gallery 9, Prague, April 2000 (I. Kofián)
“âeská architektura 1989-1999 oãima kritikÛ (Deset let svobodné architektury)” (Czech
Architecture 1989-1999 through the eyes of the critics - Ten years of free architecture), Stone
Collection of Bethlehem Chapel, Prague, April - May 2000 (M. Platovská)
“Tfietí Ïivot Kuksu” (The Third Life of Kuks), Jaromûfi, June 2000 (I. Kofián)
“Toyen”, City Gallery Prague, May - August 2000 (L. BydÏovská)
“Forma sleduje vûdu” (Form follows Science), J. Fragner Gallery, Prague, June - August 2000
(R. ·vácha)
“Jen stavby - souãasná ãeská architektura a design” (Only Buildings - contemporary Czech
architecture and design), Prague Castle - Teresian Wing, August - October 2000 (P. Halík, P.
“D. Martinková”, Gallery 9, Prague, September
2000 (I. Kofián)
“Aktuální nekoneãno” (Actual Infinity), City
Gallery Prague, September - December 2000 (L.
“Zdenek Rykr 1900-1940. Elegie Avantgardy”
(Elegy for the Avant-garde), City Gallery Prague,
September 2000-January 2001 (V. Lahoda)
“Vincenc Kramáfi. Od star˘ch mistrÛ k Picassovi”
(V. K. From the old masters to Picasso), National
Gallery, Prague, October 2000-January 2001 (V.
Lahoda, I. Hlobil, P. Sadílková, M. ·ronûk)
“J. Pazour”, Gallery 9, Prague, November 2000 (I.
“The last flowers of the Middle Ages, katalog Ultimi
fiori del medioevo - dal gotico al rinascimento in
Moravia e nella Slesia”, Roma - Palazzo di Venezia,
November 2000-January 2001 (I. Hlobil)
“Portrét roku 2000” (Portrait of the Year 2000), Gallery At the White Unicorn, Klatovy,
November 2000-January 2001 (M. Ne‰lehová, member of the jury)
“Franti‰ek Bílek”, Riding School of Prague Castle (with the City Gallery Prague), November
2000-February 2001 (P. Bregantová, selection of exhibition pieces, preparation of the
exposition of Bílek’s books)
“Opus Italicum”, Prague Castle,
December 2000-February 2001 (P.
Vlãek, I. Muchka)
“Melancholie” (Melancholia), Moravian
Gallery Brno, December 2000-March
2001 (V. Lahoda)
“10 století architektury” (Ten Centuries
of Architecture), organised by Prague
Castle from 5. 4. 2001 (K. Bene‰ovská,
author of 2 works for the exposition Románská architektura, Gotická
architektura; I. Muchka, author of the
work Renesanãní architektura; J.
Lencová, research; T. Petrasová,
contribution to the work Architektura 19. století)
“Emila Medková”, City Gallery Prague (L. BydÏovská, P. Bregantová)
“FlorenÈané” (The Florentines), organised by National Gallery, Prague, 2001 (J. Chlíbec,
preparation, catalogue)
Courtauld Institute, University of London - K. Bene‰ovská
Encyclopaedic Institute SAV, (entries for the Encyklopedie Beliana) - H. Dvorská
Epigraphisches Forschungs- und Dokumentations Zentrum, LMU München (Literaturbericht)
- J. Roháãek
Geisteswissenschaftliches Zentrum - Geschichte und Kultur Leipzig, Technische Universität
Berlin, Fachgebiet Kunstwissenschaft - Die Bedeutung der Jagiellonen für Kunst und Kultur
Mitteleuropas (1450-1550) - J. Kuthan
Historische Kommission der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, - work meeting
of the group Höfe des Hauses Österreich ve Wiener Neustadt - B. Bukovinská, J.
Höchschulnachrichten, for Kunstchronik Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, - overview of
completed dissertations and theses at the departments of Art History in Prague, Brno and
Olomouc - B. Bukovinská
Instytut historii sztuki, PAN, Warsaw (joint project - Czech-Polish relations in art) - D. Prix
Malbork, ToruÀ (joint project - Czech-Polish relations in art) - I. Hlobil
Soprintendenza per i Beni Artistici e Storici di Roma, Palazzo di Venezia, Rome, selection of
exhibition pieces, conception and authorial contribution to the catalogue “Ultimi fiori del
medioevo. Dal Gotico al Rinascimento in Moravia e nella Slesia” - I. Hlobil
Technische Universität Berlin, (prof. Rohm) Kolloquium Hohe Kunst im Zeitalter des Schönen
Stils. Das Bielefelder Retabel im Kontext spätmittelalterlicher Frömmigkeit und Kunst,
Bielefeld - M. Studniãková
Universiteit van Amsterdam - Kunsthistorisch Institut, The Prague Painters’ Guild at the End
of the 16th and beginning of the 17th Century: the European Context - M. ·ronûk + prof. H.
Miedema (joint preparation of the theme)
Victorian Society of America, (introductory tour of 19th century architecture, preparation of a
brochure for a study visit of the Alumni Association of the VSA Summer Schools) - T.
Wroclav (joint project - Czech-Polish relations in art) - H. J. Hlaváãková
Netherlands, Amsterdam, study visit (J. Hausenblasová, M. ·ronûk)
Germany, Berlin, participation in the conference European Cities: Networks and Crossroads,
Fifth International Conference on Urban History (J. Hausenblasová, M. ·ronûk)
Germany, Leipzig, Geisteswissenschaftliches Zentrum Geschichte und Kultur
Ostmitteleuropas, study visit (M. ·ronûk)
Germany, DAAD, study visit (M. Studniãková)
Germany, Munich, study visit (B. Bukovinská)
Germany, Munich, Nuremberg, study visit (B. Bukovinská, L. Koneãn˘, I. Muchka)
Germany, Munich, Zentralinstitut fur Kunstgeschichte, study visit (J. Chlíbec)
Poland, Cracow, Wroclaw, Instytut Sztuky PAN, exchange visit (H. Hlaváãková)
Poland, Malbork, ToruÀ, Instytut Sztuky PAN, exchange visit (I. Hlobil)
Poland, Racibórz, Glubãice, Îory, Psãina, Instytut Sztuky PAN, exchange visit (D. Prix)
Austria, Vienna - Klosterneuburg, exchange visit (J. Roháãek)
Austria, Vienna, Akademie der Wissenschaften, study visit (B. Bukovinská, J. Hausenblasová,
H. Hlaváãková)
Sweden, Stockholm, Göteborg, Malmö, Royal Swedish Academy of Arts and Sciences (V.
Switzerland, Zurich, Schweizerisches Institut für Kunstwissenschaft, study visity (S.
Adamczyková, D. Barãová, P. Bregantová, B. Bukovinská, J. Chlíbec, V. Lahoda, I. Muchka,
J. Roháãek, Z. V‰eteãková)
Great Britain, London, CIHA International Congress of Art History, RIHA proceedings (V.
Jean Clair (director) Musée Picasso, Paris; Jana Claverie, Centre Pompidou, Paris; Helene
Seckel (main curator) Musée Picasso, Paris
Anja Tippner, Christian-Albrechts-Univesität, Kiel; Josef Vojvodík, Ludwig-MaximiliansUniversität, Munich
Jerzy Kowalczyk, Instytut Sztuki PAN, Warsaw; Piotr Paszkiewicz (deputy director) Instytut
Sztuki PAN, Warsaw
Zuzana Barto‰ová, SAV, Bratislava; Matú‰ Dulla, SAV, Bratislava; Ivan Gerát, SAV,
Bratislava; Marta Herucová, SAV, Bratislava; Jozef Medveck˘, SAV, Bratislava
Damjan Prelov‰ek, Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia
Jindfiich Toman, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; Matthew S. Witkovsky, University of
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
Academy of Fine Arts, Prague
R. ·vácha, lectures about architecture after 1945
Central European University, Budapest
Medieval Studies Department
H. Hlaváãková, lectures and consultations, winter semester, supervision of Master’s
dissertation, consultations
Czech University of Technology, Prague
Faculty of architecture
P. Vlãek, lectures “The History of Baroque Architecture”, spring semester 2000
P. Vlãek, lectures, “Historical Buildings and Seats”, spring and winter semesters 2000
H. Lorenzová, supervision of Doctoral Thesis of D. Prá‰ilová, “The Aesthetics of Architecture
at the Turn of the Millenium”
Music Academy of Performing Arts, Prague
I. Kofián, lecture series on the “Gothic” and “Baroque”
Trnava University
Art History Department
I. Hlobil, lecture series “Late Gothic Art in Moravia and Silesia”, 30. 11.-1. 12. 2000
Hradec Králové University
Historical Institute
J. Roháãek, lecture “Codicology and Epigraphy”, winter semester 2000
Charles University, Prague
Humanities Faculty, Institute for Art History
H. Hlaváãková, lecture “The Beginnings of Czech Wood Painting”, summer semester 2000
H. Hlaváãková, seminar on Medieval Art II, summer semester 2000
H. Hlaváãková, lecture “The Illuminated Manuscripts of Wenceslas IV”, winter semester 2000
H. Hlaváãková, seminar on the Middle Ages II, winter semester 2000
H. Hlaváãková, post-graduate teaching - supervision of 4 dissertations, supervision of 1
Doctoral thesis
L. Koneãn˘, lecture series “Historiography and Methodology of Art History I-II”
L. Koneãn˘, H. Hlaváãková, seminar, “The Relation between Image and Text in European
Art”, summer semester 2000
L. Koneãn˘, H. Hlaváãková, seminar “Emotion, Idea and the Language of the Body in
European Painting and Sculpture: motion, gesture, mimicry”
L. Koneãn˘, supervision of Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral theses
J. Kuthan, lecture “Medieval European Architecture”, summer and winter semester 2000
J. Kuthan, seminar on Medieval Art, 2000
Catholic Theology Faculty
J. Kuthan, lectures “The History of Church Art and Preservation of Monuments”, summer and
winter semester 2000
J. Kuthan, supervision and evaluation of Master’s dissertations
Institute of the Foundations of Eduction
K. Bene‰ovská, supervision of Bachelor’s theses
Jan Evangelista Purkynû University, Ústí nad Labem
Pedagogical faculty, department of history
M. Halata, lecture series “The Science of Sources”, autumn 2000
J. Roháãek, lecture “Epigraphy”, winter semester 2000
J. Roháãek, “Epigraphy” - intensive specialised course, summer semester 2000
P. Vlãek, “The History of Architecture, the Renaissance and the Baroque”, summer semester
University London
Courtauld Institute
K. Bene‰ovská, co-supervisor for the dissertation of Z. Opacic, “Emaüs Cloister”
Institute of Art History, AV âR, Prague
M. Ne‰lehová, supervisor of the dissertation by D. Kramerová, “The Body and Corporeality in
Czech Art of the 60s and 70s” (internal candidate)
Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design, Prague
A. Horová, dissertation examiner, dissertation supervisor
Technical Institute, Brno
Faculty of Architecture
B. Samek, member and chair of commission for state doctoral exams
Pedagogical Institute, Czenstochowa
I.Kofián, lecture series on German culture and art history
Secondary Schools
Duncan Centre, Prague
J. Hausenblasová, lessons on history
M. ·ronûk, lessons on art history
Evaluations for Universities
Czech University of Technology, Prague, Faculty of Architecture
K. Bene‰ovská, evaluation of P. Kalina’s thesis for a second doctorate “The sovereign
foundations in Bohemia: their mimetic and symbolic functions as the result of the intertwining
of church and state ideologies (ca 930-1347)”
I.Hlobil, evaluation of P. Kalina’s thesis for a second doctorate “The sovereign foundations in
Bohemia: their mimetic and symbolic functions as the result of the intertwining of church and
state ideologies (ca 930-1347)”
University of Wroclaw
I.Kofián, evaluation of thesis of V. Pospí‰ilová for a second doctorate
Masaryk University, Brno
V. Lahoda, evaluation of the dissertation by J. ·imáãek, “Neo-Classicist Trends in Czech Interwar Art”
University, Pre‰ov
H. Hlaváãková, evaluation of thesis by V. Gre‰lík “The Icons of Eastern Slovakia”, for a
second doctorate
Ivo Kofián was promoted to a professorship at the Pedagogical Institute in Czenstochowa,
Czech section of A.I.C.A., Prague (M. Ne‰lehová, member of committee)
Council for doctoral study, V·UP, Prague (M. Ne‰lehová)
Council for the study of art history, FF UK, Prague, (K. Bene‰ovská)
Council for the study of aesthetics, included in the doctoral study program of the general
theory of art and art history and culture, FF UK, Prague (H. Lorenzová)
Advisory committee for the Mayor of Prague (I. Hlobil, P. Kratochvíl)
Jindfiich Chalupeck˘ Society (M. Ne‰lehová)
Board of Directors, AVU, Prague (V. Lahoda)
Association of art theoreticians and critics (M. Ne‰lehová, member of committee)
Academic councils
CTS at KU and AV âR (H. Hlaváãková)
Catholic Theology Faculty UK (J. Kuthan)
Moravian Gallery, Brno (V. Lahoda)
Monument Institute, Ostrava (I. Hlobil)
PNP, Prague (L. BydÏovská)
The Museum of Decorative Arts (B. Bukovinská)
Editorial Boards
Architekt (R. ·vácha)
Bulletin of the National Gallery, Prague (H. Hlaváãková, L. Koneãn˘)
Bulletin UHS (L .Koneãn˘)
Byzantinoslavica (H. Hlaváãková)
Fontes historiae artium (L. BydÏovská, M. Halata, J. Hausenblasová, H. Hlaváãková, I. Kofián,
J. Roháãek, M. ·ronûk)
NEâVU (P. Bregantová)
Stavba (R. ·vácha)
Umûní (I. Hlobil, L. Koneãn˘, V. Lahoda, R. ·vácha)
Zprávy památkové péãe (I. Muchka)
Committees, commissions, panels
Old Prague Club (R. ·vácha)
Expert Commission for the Preservation of Monuments for the Mayor of Prague (I. Hlobil, P.
Accreditation Commission of the Czech Republic (P. Kratochvíl)
Expert Commission for the Czech Senate for the reconstruction of Waldstein Palace (I. Hlobil)
Habilitation Commission at the Faculty of Architecture, âVUT (K. Bene‰ovská)
MK Commission for evaluating proposals for the designation of the title ‘Cultural Monument’
(J. Kuthan)
MK Commission for the export of cultural objects (I. Muchka)
MK Commission for education in the field of preservation of monuments (J. Kuthan)
MK Commission for the registration of movable monuments (I. Muchka)
MK Commission for institutional grants (I. Muchka, P. Vlãek )
M· Commission, commission for scholarly values - commission for the defense of doctoral
theses in the field of general history and Czechoslovak history (J. Kuthan)
Commission entrusted with overseeing the restoration work on the movables of the Church of
Our Lady Victorious in Prague (M. ·ronûk)
Commission for state doctoral exams, Faculty of Architecture of the Technical Institute, Brno
(B. Samek, chair)
Commission for the restoration of the St Vitus mosaics (H. J. Hlaváãková, I. Hlobil, Z.
Commission for overseeing the restoration work at Karl‰tejn Castle (H. Hlaváãková, I. HIobil,
Z. V‰eteãková)
Commission for state exams at the Faculty of Architecture, âVUT (K. Bene‰ovská)
Commission for awarding the Alfred Bader scholarship (M. ·ronûk)
SÚPP Commission for evaluating the scholarly projects of the institute (I. Muchka)
“Membre titulaire”, Comité International d’Histoire de l’Art (L. Koneãn˘)
Section for the preservation of monuments UHS (B. Bukovinská, I. Muchka, D. Prix)
Acquisitions Commissions
Archive of the National Gallery, Prague (L. BydÏovská)
City Gallery Prague (L. BydÏovská)
Gallery of Modern Art, Hradec Králové (L. BydÏovská)
Museum of Czech Modern Art, Prague (L. BydÏovská, M. Ne‰lehová)
Náprstek Museum, Prague (B. Bukovinská)
Regional Gallery, Liberec (V. Lahoda)
VâG, Pardubice (M. Ne‰lehová)
Expert opinion on the sculptures at St John of Nepomuk na Skalce for PSPP (I. Kofián)
Examiner for the project “Modern and post-modern art after 1945”, Research Centre, AVU,
Prague (A. Horová)
Support for projects for grants (A. Horová)
Evaluations for the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic (H. Lorenzová)
Evaluations for the Grant Agency of FF UK (H. Lorenzová)
Evaluations for the Grant Agency of MK âR (I. Hlobil)
Evaluations for the Grant Agency of MK âR ( K. Bene‰ovská)
Recensions of Plague Columns for SÚPPOP (I. Kofián)
Co-operation with the board of Architect of the city of Opava, consultation on the project of
the restoration of the Church of St Wenceslas (D. Prix)
Evaluation for M·K on research into Moravian history (I. Kofián)
Umûní/Art Journal
editor-in-chief: Lenka BydÏovská
editors: Dagmar NároÏníková, Jifií Roháãek
editor of news and reviews: TaÈána Petrasová
editorial board: J. Fajt, I. Hlobil, K. Chamonikola, L.
Koneãn˘, V. Lahoda, J. Medveck˘, M. Petfiíãek jr., J.
Royt, K. Srp, R. ·vácha, P. Wittlich
The journal has been published by the Institute for
Art History, AV âR since 1953. It continues in the
tradition of the journal of the same name, published
by Jan ·tenc from 1918. Major Czech art historians
have acted as editor-in-chief of Umûní, including
Jaroslav Pe‰ina, Emanuel Poche, Josef Krása a
Rostislav ·vácha. The journal presents the results of
Czech art history scholarship. The essays published are mostly concerned with the history of
art in the Bohemian Lands, but there are also contributions with an international focus and
theoretical studies by foreign scholars (for example, Georges Didi-Huberman, Larry Silver,
Damjan Prelov‰ek, Christina Lodder, Christian F. Otto, Robert Suckale, Mirko Baum, Keith
Moxey). The journal opens up a space for diverse intellectual approaches and for the treatment
of relations between art, philosophy and literature. In addition to original studies, it presents
interviews with distinctive personalities of contemporary art history and philosophy (Arthur
Danto, James Elkins, Keith Moxey, Linda Nochlin), newly discovered archive documents,
polemics, reviews, news and surveys. Roughly a third of the texts are published in major
Western languages, German and English in particular. The journal UMùNÍ is intended for
specialists (subscribers include a number of university libraries abroad), as well as the wider
cultural public.
Since 1996, the major Czech graphic artist R. V. Novák has arranged the layout of the
journal. It is issued six times a year, with a print run of 800 copies; it consists of ca 100 pages
and 80 black-and-white reproductions. The price of one issue is 59 Czech Crowns. Information
about subscriptions can be obtained, and orders for the Czech and Slovak Republics can be
made, at the Academia publishing house, marketing, Legerova 61, 120 00 Prague 2.
Subscriptions for Slovakia can be obtained at the firm SUWECO, Radlinského 9, 812 37
Bratislava; subscriptions for Poland and Hungary, at the firm Suweco, âeskomoravská 21, 18
021 Prague 9; subscriptions for Western countries, at Kubon & Sagner, Postfach, D 80328
Munich. The journal can be purchased in the outlets of the Academia publishing house, Prague
1, Národní 7 and Václavské nám. 24, and at other bookstores. The distribution is handled by
For up-to-date information about the journal:
Estetika/Aesthetics Journal
editor-in-chief: Helena Lorenzová
editorial board: J. Bako‰, J. Hlaváãek, T. Hlobil, M. Jankoviã, A. Mokrej‰, P. Osolsobû, M.
Ottlová, M. Petfiíãek jr., L. Plesník, I. Vojtûch, J. Zumr, V. Zuska
The journal has an inter-disciplinary orientation. It integrates new perspectives on aesthetics,
philosophy, psychology, and sociology, as well as the theoretical and methodological aspects
of individual branches of the discipline of art scholarship. In this respect, it has a unique
position among the other scholarly periodicals published in the Czech Republic.
In essays with a historical focus, the journal strives to continue in the tradition of
Czech aesthetics, which, thanks to Otakar Zich, Karel Svoboda, Jan Mukafiovsk˘, Jan Patoãka,
and others, achieved international renown. In addition to the original and translated studies,
Estetika also includes reviews of specialist works published locally and abroad, and accounts
of important events in the field.
The journal ESTETIKA is published by the Institute for Art History AV âR, with the
Academia publishing house, Legerova 61, 120 00 Prague 2. Address of editorial office:
Husova 4, 110 00 Prague 1. It is distributed by PNS, a.s. Information about subscriptions can
be obtained, and orders can be made at any PSN office, as well as at the editorial office of the
journal ESTETIKA, marketing, Academia publishing house, Legerova 61, 120 00 Prague 2,
and the Administration of Centralised Printing, HvoÏìanská 5-7, 149 00 Prague 4-Roztyly.
Enquiries abroad can be made at Kubon & Sagner, P.O. Box 34 01 08 D-3000 Munich 34. It is
published four times a year, with a print run of 550 copies. The price of one issue is 25 Czech
The publications of the Artefactum publishing house can be purchased or ordered in the library
of the Institute or at the editorial office, Husova 4, 2nd floor, no. 217a.
Fontes historiae artium
editor-in-chief: Jaroslava Hausenblasová
editor: Michal ·ronûk
technical editor: Jifií Roháãek
editorial board: L. BydÏovská, M. Halata, J. Hausenblasová, H. Hlaváãková, I. Kofián, J.
Roháãek, M. ·ronûk, V. Vlnas
Works published: http://www.udu.cas.cz
On 31. 12. 2000, the libary collection amounted to a total of 70,304 volumes of books,
catalogues and journals. 9,038 volumes are from the collection of the libary of the former
Kondakov Institute; approximately 2,000 volumes are from the estate of Prof. J. Cibulka. The
collection also includes part of the library of the scholar Z. Wirth.
The collection is supplemented through the purchase of all local works on art history
(including theory and methodology), and books from related fields (aesthetics, architecture,
history, literary theory). Works from abroad are acquired mostly through exchanges with
specialist institutions and libraries; a small portion of the foreign periodicals are purchased. In
2000, 838 volumes were acquired. The libary has 72 exchange partners in 17 countries. In the
year 2000, 204 journal titles were received at the library; 101 of these were from abroad. In
1990, the library of ÚDU acquired, through an exchange with the International Foundation for
Art Research (New York), 76 volumes of the inventory of the graphic art collections of the
world: The Illustrated Bartsch, Abaris Books, New York. Thanks to support from the Samuel
H. Kress Foundation, the institute receives further published volumes successively, now
through the Institute for Art Research and Documentation, located in Norwalk. In 2000, the
series included 94 volumes.
The library offers its services to the specialist public and a great many students of art
history and related fields from Prague and elsewhere. The books are deposted in two rooms
that are equiped with movable shelves. In 1997 it was renovated and another room in the
basement of the building was similarly equiped.
In 1995, the library became one of the participants in the LINCA project (Library
Information Network of the Czech Academy of Sciences), which is sponsored by the American
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. This project concerns the linking up of the libraries of most of
the institutes of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic into a network with a
common library software and a central server in the Main Library of AV âR. The aim is the
creation of a common combined catalogue, to which all users of the INTERNET will have
access. In 1997 a common library software program, BIBIS, was selected. The library received
the cataloguing module and the OPAC module and is linked directly to the central server in the
Main Library of the AV âR.
The Czech art history bibliography includes, in printed form, the volumes 1971-1987 and the
volume 1992. The volumes 1988-1991 and 1993 up to the present are being successively
processed into a computer that the bibliographical centre acquired in 1999. The bibliography
draws on an extensive base of excerpts from Czech and foreign periodicals (about 350 titles),
which is continuously updated. The extent of book production and exhibition catalogues that
have been processed is also substantially greater than in preceding decades. In 2000, the ÚDU
was awarded a grant from the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic as part of the
project “ Program of support for goal-directed research and development”. This grant, which
will end in 2004, will make it possible to complete the processing of the Czech art history
bibliography for the years 1988-1991 and 1994-2003, and to digitalise the printed volumes
from 1971-1987 and 1992. The grant project also includes making the bibliographical database
accessible on the internet. Other activities of the bibliographical centre include the processing
of a detailed bibliography for the journal Umûní (volumes 1-50, 1953-2002), which will be
published in the 50th volume of Umûní. The bibliographical centre also manages an extensive
card catalogue of authors, artists, localities and subject entries; it was supplemented until the
mid-1980s and is frequently used by scholars, students and the specialist public.
Department of documentation and collections
At the end of 2000, the Department of documentation and collections maintained in total 24
collections (that is, personal estates, institutional and other collections). The most extensive of
these is the personal estate of the academic Zdenûk Wirth (1878-1961), who donated his
collections of graphic sheets and drawings to the Institute (today, the collection of graphic art
and drawing, ca 7,200 sheets), photographs, negatives, plans (the so-called collection of old
plan documentation, ca 7,000 plans). Together with this estate, the department took over the
personal collections of other art historians and the collections of institutions, which Z. Wirth
had collected during his lifetime. These include the personal collections of Anton Gnirs (18731933, 49 cartons), Rudolf Hlubinka (1878-1951, 11 cartons), Rudolf Kuchynka (1869-1925, 5
cartons), Karel B. Mádl (1859-1932, 21 cartons), part of the files of the Archaeological
Commission at âAVU (1897-1936, 104 cartons), and some of the manuscripts of the National
Cultural Commission (1946-1958, 21 cartons). Either as a purchase or as a gift, the ÚDU AV
âR acquired the personal estates of Josef Cibulka (1886-1968, 38 cartons), Rudolf Chuman
(1892-1957, 4 cartons), Karel Chytil (1857-1934, 6 cartons), Vincenc Kramáfi (1877-1960, 41
cartons), Václav M. Nebesk˘ (1899-1949, 20 cartons), Jaromír Peãírka (1891-1966, 66
cartons), Josef Polák (1886-1945, 13 cartons), Ivan ·perling (1930-1987, 3 cartons), Franti‰ek
Îákavec (1878-1937, 1 carton) and Viktor Kotrba (1906-1973, 118 cartons). In 1993-1997, the
Institute accepted as a gift the estate of Jarmila Krãálová and part of the estate of the
bibliophile and collector Josef Jefiábek (1877-1957). In 1997 the collection ‘Documentation of
Czech Fine Art after 1945’ was founded. In addition, the department manages the collection of
the Archaeological Institute of N. P. Kondakov (1925-1952, 62 cartons + material that has not
yet been processed), along with the coin collection and the remains of the collections of that
centre. The collection of new plan documentation (1958-1990, ca 2,700 plans) maintains its
special position in the scholarly projects of the centre.
The department has a work site and storage rooms at its disposal on Husova Street no.
4 and Legerova Street no. 61. Part of the work site was equiped with modern compact shelves
in 1999.
The study room of the department is accessible to researchers who have given advance
notice in Husova or Legerova Street. Last year, in addition to the scholars of the Institute, there
were 31 researchers from outside the Institute who visited the study room on 50 occasions.
Photo Archives
The basic collection of the photo archives of the ÚDU is the set of negatives, consisting of
shots made by the photographers of the institute. At the end of 2000 this amounted to 53,450
items. In addition to this, there are separate sets of negatives from the estates of important
photographers of artistic and historical monuments - Josef Sudek (13,119 items, except for the
negatives for artistic photographs taken over by the The Museum of Decorative Arts in
Prague); Josef Ehm (2,855 items, except for the documentation of Prague, which was passed
on to the Prague Municipal Museum, and the documentation of arts and crafts, passed on to the
Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague). Other collections include slides of artistic and
historical works and monuments from various regions made by the institute photographers,
acquired as a purchase or gift. At the end of 2000, this collection included 15,240 slides for
lectures and a collection of slides for printing of 2,709 items. A separate set includes
photographs acquired as a purchase or gift (for example, the photographs from the estates of V.
Kramáfi and Z. Wirth, J. Krása, J. Krãálová). The most important component of the picture
libary is the set of photographs provided with documentation cards, oriented towards Czech
studies and divided into sections covering architecture, painting, sculpture, illuminated
manuscripts and arts and crafts. A separate part of the library consists of photographs of
European art from Czechoslovak collections and the fragmentary set of foreign art (it includes,
for example, the rare and extensive collection of photographs of Italian architecture from the
estate of V. Kramáfi). All of the collections are being successively registered into the Claris File
MAKER program. In 2000, the database included 34,670 processed inventory items.
Deposited at the picture library is an iconographic index (ICONCLASS System,
Haag), and a microfiche of the Marburg and Cologne picture library (MARBURGER INDEX,
Marburg), which the institute received as a gift from the Samuel H. Kress Foundation in 1989.
Photographic Studio
In 2000, the photographic workshop concentrated on the reconstruction of the rooms in
Legerova Street, which will be used as a digital work site, studio and photographic laboratory.
The processing of the rare photographic collections of the picture library requires the
maintenance of classical chemical techniques as well as digital methods, and the rooms in
Husova Street did not suffice for the expanded operation. The work site will be used, for
example, during the digitalisation of the collections of the picture library of ÚDU AV âR for
the grant awarded for the documentation of Emil Filla.
As a result of the competition for the purchase of the costly equipment, aditional
equipment was acquired for the photographic workshop, including the digital wall Phase One
Power Phase for the Hasselblad camera, with the G4 computer, and the new colour laser
printer Tektronix Phaser 750. The new equipment, among other things, makes greater precision
possible in the direct and indirect digitalisation, with the use of calibration methods of
arranging colour on the basis of the so-called ICC profiles and thus a more faithful rendering
of the original.
The new possibilities were applied in particular for the pre-print preparation of the
illustrated supplement of the last volume of Dûjiny ãeského v˘tvarného umûní, and for the
grant project covering the digital photographing of the art works of Zdenek Rykr. The digital
sets for the catalogue of the exhibition of this artist were prepared for print there. The digital
system Phase One was likewise used for the grant awarded for research on the southern tower
of St Vitus Cathedral, and for the digitalisation of the illustrated material for the journal
Umûní, and so on.
In addition to its regular agenda, the photographic workshop also contributed to the
pre-print proofing of the illustrated material for the 3rd volume of Dûjiny ãeského v˘tvarného
umûní. Thirteen disc units were added to the digital archive of the photographic workshop of
ÚDU AV âR in 2000, to make a total of 33 disc units.
In 2000, the institute sped up the exchange of the computers it had used as the “first”
generation from the beginning of the nineties. It appeared to be more efficient to distinguish
between computers for office use and computers set up in the work sites for computer
graphics. The institute improved its techniques of exact “colour management” and the related
calibration equipment (monitors, Tektronix laser colour printers). With the speeding up of the
digitalisation of the institute collections of photographs, historical graphic art and plans, the
time is nearing when it will be possible to make the illustrated database of these collections
accessible on the internet.
In 2000, the institute web server (www.udu.cas.cz) was used mostly for basic
information about the institute and its collections. Some of the information on the site already
resembles complex reports (for example, the accounts about the estates of A. Gnirs, L.
Kuchynka, V. Kramáfi, Z. Wirth, the documentation about the exhibition Opus italicum, and so
Institute for Art History AV âR (ÚDU AV âR)
Husova 4, 110 00 Prague 1, 110 00
IâO: 68378033
DIâ: 001-68378033
Bank account: 131166131/5100 âSOB IPB
2222 2144, 211 83 501
[email protected]
Deputy Director
2222 0668
2222 2144
tel. / fax:
2222 1654
211 83 502
[email protected]
Financial department
2222 0673
Brno Centre
602 00 Brno, Vevefií 97
05 - 416 36 284
Editorial office of Umûní
tel. / fax:
2222 1646
2222 0674
21 83 523
211 83 524, 211 83 525
Photo Archives
211 83 509
Documentation and Collections
2222 0732
211 83 512
Legerova Centre
24 94 10 58
Czech Association of Art Historians
Secretariat: A. Horová
211 83 504
2222 0099
Monday and Thursday
Tuesday and Friday
Department of documentation and collections (with advance notice)
Photographic Studio (with advance notice)
Edited by: K. Bene‰ovská, P. Bregantová, J. Roháãek, M. Stránská, M. ·ronûk
Translated by: K. Hayes
Principal abbreviations:
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Czechoslavac Academy of Sciences
Philosophical Faculty of Charles University
Philosophical Faculty of Palacky University
Office of the President of the Czech Republic
Institute of Art History (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic)
Czech Assocciation of Art Historians
Institute for Art History (Charles University)