Časopis pro moderní filologii 2009 (91) 1


Časopis pro moderní filologii 2009 (91) 1
ročník 91 / 2009
ISSN 0862-8459
Ústav pro jazyk český AV ČR, v. v. i., Letenská 4, 118 51 Praha 1,
Czech Republic, tel. (+420) 225 391 444
Hlavní redaktor: Aleš Klégr (Praha)
Zástupkyně hlavního redaktora: Michaela Lašťovičková (Praha)
Redakční kruh:
Světla Čmejrková (Praha), Jan Holeš (Olomouc), Markéta Malá (Praha),
Marek Nekula (Regensburg), Jaroslav Peprník (Olomouc), Jaromír Povejšil
(Praha), Vladimír Uhlíř (Praha), Ludmila Uhlířová (Praha), Václav Vlasák
(Praha), Lenka Vodrážková-Pokorná (Praha), Jaromír Zeman (Brno)
Výkonný redaktor: Petr Čermák (Praha)
Dominika Šrajerová, Automatické vyhledávání termínů a jeho dopad na
definici termínu – The Impact of Automatic Term Recognition on the Definition of a Term . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–19
Jiří Blažek, K transkripci hebrejských konsonantů a vokálů do češtiny –
Transcription of Hebrew Consonants and Vowels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20–29
Mária Čižmárová, O lexikálno-sémantickej konfrontácii v slovanských
jazykoch – On Lexical-Semantic Contrasting in Slavic Languages . . . . . . 30–36
Martin Šemelík, Několik poznámek k lexikografickému zpracování
německých antonym – Some Remarks on the Lexicographic Treatment of
German Antonyms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37–44
Jaromír Kadlec, Jazyková situace a postavení francouzštiny v Alžírsku –
The Linguistic Situation and Position of French in Algeria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45–53
Anna Reder: Kollokationen in der Wortschatzarbeit (Marek Schmidt) . . . . 54–55
Naděžda Kudrnáčová: Directed motion at the syntax-semantics interface
(Jaroslav Peprník) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55–57
Romanica Olomucensia (Jan Holeš) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58–59
Jarmila Nečesaná – Tárnyiková (Libuše Hornová) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60–62
Výběr z publikací prof. PhDr. Jarmily Tárnyikové, CSc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62–64
Automatické vyhledávání termínů a jeho dopad
na definici termínu
Dominika Šrajerová (Praha)
The Impact of Automatic Term Recognition on the Definition of a Term
The paper presents a new corpus-driven method for automatic term recognition (ATR) based
on data-mining techniques. In our research, ATR is seen as a valuable resource for the theory
of terminology. The main goal of our approach is not the recognition of terms in given
academic disciplines but rather a contribution to the definition of the notion “term”. The basis
for such definition improvement is provided by feature-ranking, which is a built-in function
of the data-mining tools and is able to determine the impact of individual statistical and linguistic features of word-forms on the accuracy of the ATR method. One of the basic characteristics of a term, its terminological strength (or termhood) depends on the combination
of the most significant features in a given word-form.
Key words: term, terminology, automatic term recognition, termhood, data-mining, featureranking
Klíčová slova: termín, terminologie, automatické rozpoznávání termínů, termínovost, vytěžování dat, vyhodnocení důležitosti rysů
FFUK, Ústav Českého národního korpusu
nám. Jana Palacha 2, 116 38, Praha 1
[email protected]
K transkripci hebrejských konsonantů a vokálů do češtiny
Jiří Blažek (Praha)
Transcription of Hebrew Consonants and Vowels
The article deals with the transcription of Hebrew consonants and vowels into the Czech
language and offers phonetic transcription as the most useful and phonetically correct system.
The system presented in the article is based on the standard phonology of modern Israeli
Hebrew. It leaves aside the problem of pronunciation of biblical Hebrew, partly because of lack
of space and partly because its pronunciation is artificially reconstructed and therefore does
not reflect the contemporary pronunciation of Hebrew as a living and spoken language.
The phonetic system presented in the article is compared with other systems already used in
Czech literature. Although there are still many things to be discussed, the author thinks that
a simple phonetic system should be used as the basic norm for the transcription of Hebrew
in popular and scholarly literature. A similar problem of ununified transcription also appears
in the transcription of Arabic and other languages written in non-Latin alphabets. This topic
deserves further serious consideration on the academic level.
Key words: Hebrew, transcription, transliteration, consonants, vowels
Klíčová slova: hebrejština, transkripce, transliterace, konsonanty, vokály
HTF UK, Ústav židovských studií
Pacovská 350/4, P.O.BOX 56, 140 21 Praha 4
[email protected]
O lexikálno-sémantickej konfrontácii v slovanských
Mária Čižmárová (Prešov)
On Lexical-Semantic Contrasting in Slavic Languages
The author of the paper examines different lexical units in the Slovak and Ukrainian languages. The basis of her research is provided by a Ukrainian-Slovak dictionary and a Slovak-Ukrainian dictionary in the compilation of which the author participated. Differences
between the semantic structures of the two languages with such a close genetic relationship
reflect differences in the perception of reality and its evaluation captured by the semantics
of lexemes of the compared languages.
Key words: Ukrainian, lexeme, contrasting, contrastive lexikology, Slovak-Ukrainian
Kľúčové slová: ukrajinský jazyk, lexéma, konfrontácia, lexikálno-sémanticka konfrontácia,
slovensko-ukrajinský slovník
FF PU v Prešově, Katedra ukrajinistiky IRUS
Ul. 17. novembra č. 1, 080 78 Prešov
[email protected]
Několik poznámek k lexikografickému zpracování
německých antonym
Martin Šemelík (Praha)
Some Remarks on the Lexicographic Treatment of German Antonyms
The subject matter of the paper is Wolfgang Müller’s dictionary of antonyms: “Das Gegenwort-Wörterbuch. Ein Kontrastivwörterbuch mit Gebrauchshinweisen”. It predominantly
focuses on how the dictionary meets the needs of its users. In this regard, the analysis reveals
that Wolfgang Müller’s dictionary shows considerable weaknesses especially in (a) the coverage of the lexis, (b) the provision of antonyms in the case of polysemous lexemes and
(c) the quality of information in the microstructure. On the other hand, it is worth noting that
the dictionary includes word-forming elements. As their inclusion in the macrostructure
enables users to understand items that are not listed in the dictionary, this fact represents
the main advantage of Müller’s dictionary. Nonetheless, in terms of price and general value
the final product itself can hardly be regarded as a special bargain.
Key words: German, lexicography, antonyms, word-forming elements, polysemy
Klíčová slova: němčina, lexikografie, antonyma, slovotvorné morfémy, polysémie
FFUK, Ústav germánských studií
nám. Jana Palacha 2, 116 38, Praha 1
[email protected]
Jazyková situace a postavení francouzštiny v Alžírsku
Jaromír Kadlec (Olomouc)
The Linguistic Situation and Position of French in Algeria
The paper deals with the linguistic situation and the position of French in Algeria. The policy
of arabisation has not been entirely successful in Algeria. The disregard for the language and
culture of the inhabitants and the effort to deny the linguistic diversity in the country are the main
reasons for its failure. Despite the protests of Islamists, knowledge of French remains an inevitable condition for good integration into the working environment and into Algerian society.
Key words: French, Algeria, Francophony
Klíčová slova: francouzština, Alžírsko, Frankofonie
FFUP, katedra romanistiky
Křížkovského 10, 771 80 Olomouc
[email protected]