Tranformace textu


Tranformace textu
Transformace textu
Roman Krhovják
Rotace (Rotation)
text, tables etc.
text, tables etc.
text, tables etc.
\rotatebox [params] {angle}
x = number, y = number
origin = lrctbB
units = number
Rotace - ukázka
Turned by 30 degrees [rotation package]\\
It will leave the necessary space to avoid any overlapping of text.\\
Sideways [rotation package]
Změna velikosti (scale / resize)
\scalebox { h-scale } [ v-scale ] { text }
\resizebox { h-length } { v-length | ! } { text }
v-length = Height
\resizebox *{ h-length }{ v-length | ! }{ text }
v-length = Totalheight (= height + depth)
Změna velikosti - ukázka
\scalebox {1.5}[2.5]{Scaled text: 1.5 horizontal, 2.5 vertical}
\scalebox {-1.5}[2]{Scaled text: -1.5 horizontal, 2 vertical}
\resizebox {400pt}{!}{resized to size 400pt}
\resizebox {400pt}{20pt}{resized to size 400x20pt}
Zrcadlení (mirroring)
\reflectbox{ text }
Obdoba \scalebox{-1}[1]{ text }
Ukázka zrcadlení
\reflectbox{Reflected text}
Velká / malá písmena
\MakeTextUppercase{ text }
Zkráceně \uppercase{ text }
\MakeTextLowercase{ text }
Zkráceně \lowercase{ text }
V / m písmena - ukázka
\MakeTextUppercase{Upper Case Text.}
\uppercase{Upper Case Text.}
\MakeTextLowercase{Lower Case Text.}
\lowercase{Lower Case Text.}
Ps tricks
\pstextpath[position] (x,y) {graphic object} {text}
l text starts at the beginning of the path (default).
c text is aligned symmetrically to the middle of the path.
r text ends at the end of the path.
Ukázka PS tricks
\pstextpath[t](0,0){\pscircle{4}} {\Large
Now just text is written in a circle.}
{\Large Text in polygon (4). Text in polygon
(4). Text in polygon (4).}
Ukázka PS tricks 2
\pscurve(4.55,6.5)(6.5,8.7)(7.8,8)(5, 14)
} {Text around defined curve.Text
} {Text around an ellipse. Text around
around defined curve.}
an ellipse. Text around an ellipse.}
Děkuji za pozornost

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