Nessie Newsletter 09.23.2011 VS


Nessie Newsletter 09.23.2011 VS
Newsletter 09/23/2011
Dear parents,
The topic for Term 1 is ‘All About Me’, and children are learning
about their bodies, healthy food choices, senses, feelings,
families and people in their community. Parents often ask how
they can support children’s learning at home, so here are a
couple of fun activities you might like to try:
• Make a ‘funny face’ pizza – a great way to practise naming
the parts of the face and feelings, build food vocabulary and
explore tastes and smells!
• Make a ‘family hand/footprint’ painting! Just a little bit of
paint and paper will help you create a family masterpiece
that will help your child to name parts of the body, explore
their sense of touch and compare sizes, shapes and colours!
Please feel free to ask your child’s teacher for more activity
ideas that are specific to their age and class.
Have a lovely weekend!
Vážení rodiče,
Tematem 1.akademického cyklu je ‘Všechno o mě’. Děti se učí o
svém těle, zdravé výživě, smyslech, pocitech, o rodině a lidech v
našem okolí. Rodiče se nás často ptají, jak navázat na výuku v
domácím prostředí. Zde je pro Vás několik tipů:
• Upečte pizzu s legračním obličejem – skvělý způsob jak si
procvičit slovní zásobu pro části obličeje, nálady a zkoumat
společně chuti a vůně!
• Vyrobte si rodinný otisk ruky nebo nohy! Stačí trocha barvy a
papír a vytvoříte mistrovské dílo, které pomůže Vašemu
dítěti pojmenovat části těla, zkoumat pocity z doteku,
porovnávat tvary, velikosti a barvy!
Poraďte se se svým učitelem a získejte další tipy na aktivity
vhodné pro věk Vašeho dítěte.
Přeji Vám krásný víkend!
Victoria Smith
Head of School
Stars of the
Eliška V.
For playing nicely
with her friends
Ondřej P.
For good listening and
always being very
kind and helpful
Anežka P.
For working very hard
to speak clearly to her
Year 1
Tobias F.
For working hard to
participate in class
English Lessons for
Parents: Don’t forget
to fill out the
registration form (sent
to you by email) if
you’d like to take
English lessons at
28 September is a
public holiday, and
Nessie will be closed!
Library Books: A box
has been placed in
each class for books
that are being
returned to the
library. Library books
should come back to
school on Thursdays!
Class Mums/Dads: If
you are interested in
being a Class Mum or
Dad, please let your
child’s teacher know
as soon as possible!
I wonder if you can grate cucumbers…
Singing the ‘Laughing Song’
together during Assembly
Design and Technology, Year 1
Making faces with playdough
We did hand painting
to help us count
Dressing Teddy in Nursery
Year 1 loves
with instruments
during Music!
Finding numbers
with Miss Jenny in Nursery
We made our own juice in Year 1!
Exercise is great for our bodies!
Look what‘s inside my pepper!
Looking through
a book about ourselves
Year 1
Look at me
go fast!
Will my wellies
make me faster
or slower?
Is there a secret behind this fence?
Feeling ‘at home‘
in our new library
Finding numbers
with Miss Jenny in Nursery
Making a summer collage
Nursery enjoying
Using scissors
first library lesson
Spotlight: Reception
Reception have been blessed with some lovely weather! We have been taking
advantage of this by playing in the garden every day, and going over to the sports
field to enjoy P.E.! We really like working in teams and using musical instruments to
move to different beats and at different speeds. Back inside the classroom, the
children have been cooking during Science, continuing our topic of All About Me to
make cookie faces. We even got to eat them afterwards. What fun!
Using ink to learn the sound ‘i‘
Creating a face
in cooking class
Playing in the pretend
coffee shop
Marching to the music
Marching to the music
Spotlight: Reception
These first few weeks in Reception have been full of fun activities and hard work! The
class have been practising lots of skills, from cutting and sticking, travelling safely and
singing songs, to being kind to our friends, working together and looking after
property. We’ve also been working on some brand new skills! The children are
moving on from mark-making to writing letters, either in our handwriting books or to
label our drawings! During Numeracy, Reception are also starting to recognise
numbers 0-10, and have even started to write those! What an amazing bunch we are!
Tadeáš playing in the coffee shop
Learning numbers
Learning numbers
Making a summer collage
Learning numbers
Using scissors safely