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Bohumil Shimek - Diary, European trip, 1914 (1 of 2)
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[[Front cover of notebook]]
II [[underlined]] Kniha
negative list. [[/underlined]]
B. Simik
Iowa City
[[underlined]] June 12 - July 22 [[/underlined]] Iowa
Bohumil Shimek - Diary, European trip, 1914 (1 of 2)
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Extracted Dec-11-2015 01:04:14
Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives
The Daily Mail
B. Šimek
Iowa City
Iowa U.S.A.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[underlined]] Poznamky [[/underlined]].
Prof. Vejdovsky je redaktor
Kral. eske Spol. Nauk.
Dr. Domin si peje "Contributions from the [[insert]] U.S. [[/insert]]
National Herbarium".
Engelmanis "Cactaceae", etc.
[[line across page]]
Pan Vincenc Mràzek
Pošta Chrast in Chrudimi
[[line across page]]
July 13[[superscript]] th [[/superscript]] purchased in Prague, these
Bracelet - for [[underlined]] Anna [[/underlined] - 9.00 K.
Pin - for ma 19.80 K.
Pin 1/2 for Ella 1.80 K.
Pin 1/2 for Vlasta - 1.80 K.
Pin - for Emma - 1/2 - 1.35 K.
2. Small pins for babies 1.80 K.
stick pin 1/2 - Frank 1.13 K.
stickpin 2.25 K.
[[addition line]]
5 [[long division symbol]] 38.93 K.
$ 7.78 3/5.
[[line across page]]
Dr. Jaroslav Peklo, Praha II.
vi o chemishem techniku který by chtl do ameriky na výzleumy, a chtl by
užit nadau. chu do monné práce.
[[line across page]]
Orderid [[underlined]] Agfa [[/underlined]] plates - through Mrázek, at
place of Jaroslav storý
na slupech - Praha II
obchod s pirodninami.
[[table , 2 columns]]
[[1st column]][underlined]] List [[/underlined]][[2nd column]] [[underlined]]
Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives
6 boxes. Chromo isolark 4.70 @ 2.99 =
K. 17.94
6 " [[Ditto for: boxes.]] chromo - 3.80 @ 2.66 = K. 16.96
6 " [[Ditto for: boxes.]] obyijne -3.20 @ 2.24 = K. 13.44
[addition line]] ________
[[sum]] K. 47.3
Porto 1.20
Bohumil Shimek - Diary, European trip, 1914 (1 of 2)
Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers
Extracted Dec-11-2015 01:04:14
Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives
Pan Fr. Herites - Vodany.
[[line across page]]
Dr. von Degen has Penck's report of Congress, 1905, - pub. by Gustav
Fischer of Jena. Get it.
[[line across page]]
Also get:
Aufzählung der in Ungarn und Slavonien bisher beobachten
Gefässpflanzen - Dr. Aug. Neilr^[[insertion]] e [[/insertion]]ich
Wien, 1866.
[[line across page]]
Dr. J. Bernátsky
Ampelologisches [[? above first "o"]] Institut
will send copy of paper on pusta plants if asked.
[[line across page]]
[[underlined]] Podobizny si peji [[/underlined]]:
Dr. Domin - vtší - rodinu
Dr. Kavina - " [[Ditto for vtší]]
Dr. Danek [[line across page]]
Dr[[superscript]] a [[/superscript]] Domina pan tatínek je dvorní rada a
idítel hlubokých dolú u
[[line across page]]
[[underlined]] Dr. Nmes odporu uje[[/underlined]]:
z Ml. Boleslavi do staré Paky - zasta^[[insertion]] v [[/insertion]]t v Kosti.
z Kosti (ernínové) do Sobotky - stavba Humprecht. (letohrádek)
Odtud na stanici
Blizko Prachovských skal. Hrad Paez. (Loubežnický)
U Prachovských skal je Pensionát.
Pak do Jiína, a odtud do Kartouz
Pak na Kumburk, a odtud do Nové Paky pšky.
Též z Nové Paky de Pecky (pšky) zíceniny hradu Krištofa Harranta z
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
12 ervna, 1914 - pátek.
Dopoledne jsem pracoval v rístav. V poledne jsem sél na nádraží
[[strikethrough]] [[sevevopapadiu]] [[/strikethrough]] cís e Fr. Joufa, kam
pijeli Dr. a Pi. Hasher.
Pinesli mn od Berty dobré zpávy. šli jsme nejprve do Park Hotel
Terminus, kde se usadili, a pak jsme šli k Zlaté Huse, kde jsme nalezlí
p. Jívánka.
Proti Hotelu Park Terminus vrazila tramway do koáru a starého vozku
tém zabila. Odpoledne jsme šli pak ze Zlaté Husy na Staromstké
námeští a prohlédli jsme sí Staromstkou radnici.
Mají zde obrazy vséch mštountu [[?]] od doby pin [[?]] Bílo hesslu[[?]]
[[end page]]
Bohumil Shimek - Diary, European trip, 1914 (1 of 2)
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Extracted Dec-11-2015 01:04:14
Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives
bitvou až do nynjši doby.
Jéž jsme vidli jsmé starožitnosti
obrazy Brežílvovi,atc., což popíšu
pí návstév s Bertou.
Šli jsme se též podívat
na Orloj, - bil 10 mín., po
hodín. Pak jsme šli úzkýmí
ulícemí Starého Msta skrz
[[strikethrough]] K? [[strikethrough]], per Karlv most, a na Nebozízek,
jsem opt šlí na rozhlednu
[[? ]] do "svdského" panoráma.
Ponvadž jsem ml veer
pednášku, byl jsem nucen
spchaté zpt.
Bylo to první dvojitá pednáška, o pustínách ameríkých.
Veeel jsem pak s Harperovýmú
a p. Jívánkem u mštanské Besed,
a pak- domu a opát.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[underlined]]13 ervna[[underlined]], 1914, u sobotu.
13 ervna[[underlined]], 1914, v sobotu.
Odrkl jsem p. prof. Velenovskerum [[?]]
exkursi, a trávil jsem den s Harberovými
a p. Jívánkem.
Jeli jsme hned ráno na Karlv
Tým a zde si prohlédlé známou
studcú, vézné sín a kapliky,
které též popíšce pí návštév
Hanzlikových, a poobd volá
jsme ve vesníci
u hradu. Po 12 [[superscript, underlined]] té ? [[superscript, underlined]]
jsme se
naná tili[[?]]. Jeli jsme v 2 [[superscript, underlined]] hé [[superscript,
underlined]] tíd, a neznaje rozdlení, pí
velhém potu cestujících jsem
si písedl s pí. Harberovou u
damské cenfé[[?]]! Když mn
na to železníní zízence
up?zornil ustal jsem a byl
jsem jím arveden[[?]] do jed[[?]n]
Bohumil Shimek - Diary, European trip, 1914 (1 of 2)
Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers
Extracted Dec-11-2015 01:04:14
Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives
coupe kde jeste zbyvala
misto, a kde jiz p. Jivanek a
Dr. Harper sideli. Leto coupe
bylo "oby vano" hlavne veholiba
dustojniky (ovsem rabonskynu) a
smad proto ze pre vstoupeni
jsem ponizene nepozadal za
duveileni abych mohl uzid
mista za ktere jssem zahlatil,
svad proto ze jsem mel
osumelij? sat a byl spocen (skocen) a
zaprasen z cesty, dovolil(?) si (vi)
nejstavri z tojnehu neholik
hrubych hoznacnek, z vichz
vi panratrji zulaste "pacholek"
Stalo se to takto s Pri vstoupeni
jsem oslovil Dr. (Dv.) Harpera a
p. Jivanka anglicky, a tak
[[end page]]
[[new page]] 5
jsme tez havovili. Panne
mluvili necnecky kdyz jsem
vstoupil, avrak znicnili(?) na
certinu, neb zajiste meti za
to ze nebudeme rozumes(?).
Sedel jsem klidne, cekaje
na dalse prznamky, absak
p. Jivanek vy buehl: "Kde je Pacholek?" ata. zu
mladse dustojnik porstal,
vyvolal jej ven, a vysvetloval
mu ze nebyl tun nievien(?) vi, ale ten vlavzi (totiz ja). Zim oisem v p(?).
Jicavek tum vire rozdroz-dil, uhazal jum vrazi visitkce, a neprijal jijich
omlavy. Odbyl jsem vec jurze(?)
[[end page]]
Bohumil Shimek - Diary, European trip, 1914 (1 of 2)
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Extracted Dec-11-2015 01:04:14
Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives
poznámkou že i velci
pání se nkdy mýlí, a
že budu míti opt jednu
zajímavou kapitolu do svých
poznámek. Páni pak sedli
velmi ztícha, a s velkým
zajmem o vše co se [[underlined]] dlo venku [[/underlined]]
Byla to pro n nepíjemná
Navrátíli jsme se po 1 hod.,
a prohlédli si sbžn
Výšehrad, hbilov, zd, atd.
A pak (prslo) jsme jeli
na Hradany kde jsme
si prohlédli kostel (a kapli
Sv. Václava, atd., a tíž
Belvedere. Pan Jiránek nejel
va Hradany, - byl smceu
spchat domu.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[tab out top of journal]] 1914 Travel Diary [[/tab out top of journal]]
Poveeeli jsme v Mštánské
Besed, a pak jsme šlí
do Park Terminus Hotel, neb
pí. Harberová jíž byla
velmi unavená.
Byli by též rádi vidli
veer oživené ulice, avšak
dešt´ to zkazil.
Harperovi mírú ráno
asn vyjelí, do Berlina,
a proto jsem se s nímí
rozlouil po velmi pilném
Ponvadž zítra opt nastává
exkurse, koupil jsem si
živobytí, a uiníl jíná
opatení na cestu.
Sel jsem pozd spátí.
Bohumil Shimek - Diary, European trip, 1914 (1 of 2)
Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers
Extracted Dec-11-2015 01:04:14
Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives
[[underline]] 14 ervna, 1914 [[/underline]] V nedlí.
Vyjeli jsme z nádraží Vinohrad - ského v 6 [[superscript]] 40
[[/superscript]] ráno a jeli jsme malebným dolím Sázavy do Zýnice. dolí
toto jest lemované skalární, a muoho les pokrýrá vyšiny. Vystorpili jsme
in Tynice a šli podél Sázavy ke zboenénin hradu Kostelec Sbírali jsme
rostilny podél behu Sázavy, a blíže Kostelec json lesem porostlé bhy a
svahy, blízko n eky.
Hrad Kostelec byl dle všeho dosti rozsáhlý, a jeu zboené zd a véž nad
ekon zstávají.
Na hbetu který klesá k ece na jihogá podní stran je otevený pruh,
podobný našini prérieum.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[tab out top of diary]] 1914 Travel Diary [[/tab out top of diary]]
[[upper right]] 9. [[/upper right]]
Zde jsme sbíralí rostling. Odtud jsme šli lesem na akovice, Kamenire,
blízko zámku hrabte a k N. Hospod. V hospod jsme obdvali, a pekali
bouí. Tato kospoda hlavn slouží vrednilsinn hrabte, a nám bylo jen jaksi
mimoádné poslouženo. Po obd (a po ds ti) jsme vysli zpt k hrabciann
hbitovu. vidli jsme velké mnsožství krásných [[underlined]] Lupinus
[[/underlined]] v kvtu. Celá tato krajina je velmi malebná, hodn vlnitá,
neb i drsnjší, kde stídají se lesy a pole. V Popovicich jsme úeirli. Hrozila
boue. Doš li jsme do Stráuie v dešti, a po vlaku do Prahy. Pevlíhl jsem
se a šel brzo spát.
Bohumil Shimek - Diary, European trip, 1914 (1 of 2)
Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers
Extracted Dec-11-2015 01:04:14
Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives
15 ervna, 1914- V pondlí
Pracoval jsem hlavn v skeníku na urbách.
Odpoledne jsem navstúrl practikum prof. Velenovskeho,ve
4:15[[superscript, underlined]]
hod., a byl jsem zde tém do 6 hodin.
Préd tim jsem šel do místa si dár
a nakoupil jsem vtší poet pohlednic k zachovani.
Byl to jeden z teh mén významných dn jákých
jsem zažil nkolik. Veer jsem pral a upravoval
láthu na pednášký.
[[end page]]
[[blank page]]
Bohumil Shimek - Diary, European trip, 1914 (1 of 2)
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Extracted Dec-11-2015 01:04:14
Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives
[[underlined]] 17 erv., 1914 - Vestedu. [[/underlined]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[underlined]] 18 ervina, 1914 - Veturtek. [[/underlined]]
Dopoledue pem pracoval v skleniku.
Oapoledue pem jel spoleène s drem Jos. Baborem a p. Jos. Jiron, k
Meilbe[[strikethrough]] c [[/strikethrough]]kové Mailbekovè cihelne,
[[insertion]] ^ do Bubene, [[/insertion]] lede jsme prohlizeli vistery
Pan Jos. Jira je inetui official n finannilio rditelstra v Prage, a bydli u
Dejvic. n Praky, villa Hanzpaurka. V Meilbekové eihiu jsem vidl:
[[image - pen sketch of vertical soil profile]]
[[image labels]]
a - soil
b - žlutá vistia (svtle) Tašková blima
c. zrezavlá wistira
d - Jmavá vistva ([[underlined]] see sample [[/underlined]]) 50 až 80 Blavá vistra
e - yellow, calcareous shells in this - see box.
f. - Rusty, - pebbles, etc.
[[/image labels]]
Bohumil Shimek - Diary, European trip, 1914 (1 of 2)
Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers
Extracted Dec-11-2015 01:04:14
Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives
V jsou též vrotviky písku
a štrku, a nkolik velhých
šedivých kemenitých (granite)
Vrstvy tyto nýson loess,
ale jsou ástí terras
podél ícního
Šli jsme k p. Jírovy,
a prohlédli si jeho archaeolog'ické
museum. Ma neobyejnon
sbírku starožit nosti, tém vyhradu
eských. Sestavuje já dle vk,
a zdá se velmi jasn pochopovati
rozdíly v keramice. Dle jeho
dkaz je nynjší obyvatelstvo
(slovanské) spojené se staron
keramikon. Json ovšem nálezy
které nas vdují že jiny národy
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[upper right]] 15 [[/upper right]]
[[tab out top of journal]] 1914 Travel [[/tab out top of journal]]
ninili vpády, aveb na as
vládl, avšak vedle nich vždy
json zbytky slovanské.
Sbírka je velmi bohatá, a
stepy json dovedn slepeny
a doplnny, - což prý hlavn
dlá pí. Jírová.
To velmi podrobn rozdlení
vrstev v ciheln Meikbekové
se mn zdá prhnané.
Od p. Jíry jsme šli do Brusky,
a odtud po káe do Prahy.
Navrátile jsem se a již k [[strikethrough]] 5 [[superscript]] ti [[/superscript]]
hod Ml jsem [[/strikethrough]]. veeru.
Na [[insertion]] ^ státním [[/insertion]] nádraží byla nbohá chudá
Rummka sopoledne okeadmá o 16 k.
Pídal jsem jí 1 k.,-jí též.
Veiv jsem pracoval doma na
pednaš ce.
Bohumil Shimek - Diary, European trip, 1914 (1 of 2)
Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers
Extracted Dec-11-2015 01:04:14
Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives
[[underlined]] 19 crv. 1914, v pátek [[/underlined]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[underlined]] 20 crv., 1914, v sobotu. [[/underlined]]
V 1/2 8[[underlined, superscript]] mé [[/underlined, superscript]] jsem se
sešel s p. Halaburten
a jeho družinou u
brány. Pan [[inserted]] ^ Bedich [[/inserted]] Halaburt je
c.k. inspektoreue smichovského
školniho okresu. Byl s ním
školní rada K. Federabend, c.k.
professor ústavu uítel, a p. Karel Hrichovec, c.k. cviný
ústav uítel v Praze, a a,
30 kandidát uítelství,- mladíci.
Šli jsme nejprve pšky na
Jenerálku kde je "jubilejní škola", - nová.
Je to úhledná budova, a pípojena je ást´
v které bydlí ídící uítel.
Jsou dv školní svtnice, avšak
nyní se uí ješt pouze v jedné.
Obyejn má uítel as 40 dtí
Bohumil Shimek - Diary, European trip, 1914 (1 of 2)
Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers
Extracted Dec-11-2015 01:04:14
Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives
zde však 60. Mimo
ádné školy je též štace
(expositura) v zvláštních
pípadech, a na tu platí
nkolik osad, kdežto na obyejna
školu platí pouze obec.
Uítel dostává zemský plat,
ostatní, [[insertion]] ^ vcný náklad, [[/insertion]] vydržije obec, neb nkolik
Uitel zde vyniye 3 rcníky.
Dnes ml 28 chlape a 20 dvat.
Vyslechli jsme práci.
Nejprve etli jednotn a
pak spolen z tabule. Pak
vedl ucitel s nímí rozprávka
o kosice.
Zde je 1 [[superscript]] [[underlined]] mi [[/underlined]] [[/superscript]] tída
ve dvou [[oddlevich?]].
Dti si dobe hledeli práce
navzdor tomu ze zde bylo 35
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[tab out top of diary: "1914 TRAVEL DIARY"]]
dosplých návštvníku ve svtnícé
najednou. Mladící stáli vzadu.
Ve tvrtek a pátek odpoledne
je prázdno, a nkde i ve tvrtek.
Fará navštvuje školu a
dostane za cesty plat.
Vyuuje náboženství každý
týden 2 hodiny, - dvakrát.
Kde je fará starý, neb
jinak nemže, dovolí se p.
uciteli ucit náboženství, a
za to dostane zvlášt ní plat.
Každý je nucen se hlásit
k nej aké mu zákonem [[uzua nmu?]]
Zde pracují dv oddlení
v jedné svt nící. 1 [[superscript]] [[underlined]] mi [[/underlined]]
[[/superscript]] oddlení
sestává z 1 [[superscript]] [[underlined]] ho [[/underlined]] [[/superscript]]
ro níku, a 2 [[superscript]] [[underlined]] hé [[/underlined]] [[/superscript]]
Bohumil Shimek - Diary, European trip, 1914 (1 of 2)
Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers
Extracted Dec-11-2015 01:04:14
Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives
z 2 [[superscript]] [[underlined]] ho [[/underlined]] [[/superscript]] a 3
[[superscript]] [[underlined]] ho [[/underlined]] [[/superscript]]. Mají zde
mnoho zmn ponvadž jsou
to vtšinou dti dl níku z
cihelny, a sthují se asto.
Jedno oddlení píše zatém
co druhé pracuje [[strikethrough]] ne [[/strikethrough]] "pímo."
Ucil je zuát [[underlined]] Velké písmeno [[/underlined]] , kde se má nží voti.
V seznamu píší místo "Geneválka".
Žá km se dává vysvdení
z následujících:
U nj ší sí prava písemný ch prácí.
Mají .5 stupn: 1 [[superscript]] [[underlined]] mí [[/underlined]]
[[/superscript]] nej lepší,
2 [[superscript]] [[underlined]] [[líj?]] [[/underlined]] [[/superscript]]
[[insertion]] dostate ná ? [[/insertion]] dobrý, 3 [[superscript]] [[tú or t?]]
[[/superscript]] zákonné, 4 [[superscript]] té [[/superscript]] a 5
[[superscript]] té [[/superscript]] špatné.
Školní zá písky jsou dost úplné.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[tab out top of book - "1914 Travel Diary"]]
[[upper right]] 21 [[/upper right]]
Dti se oslovují pij m [[nún?]]
krom kde je jïch více stej ného
jména. I ucitelovo dít se tak oslovuje,
[[insertion]] když je ve škole. [[/insertion]]
Uitel i dti [[nuluví?]] zpívání.
Když jsme vstoupili vstali
dti a ekli "Pochválen bud'
pan Ježíš Kristus".
Když dti jdou k tabulí
pokloní se nejprve p. uiteli,
a pak nám.
Ucitel podá otázku, dti
[[vyzdvihuon?]] ruce, a jednoho z
tch vyvolá.
Tato škola patí do [[suri?]] chovského
okresu [[insertion]] ^ školního. [[/insertion]] ,- nej vtší okres v echách.
Svtnice školní jsou zde ist
a [[sí hledné?]].
Lavice jsou "[[besich?]] desks", každá
Bohumil Shimek - Diary, European trip, 1914 (1 of 2)
Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers
Extracted Dec-11-2015 01:04:14
Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives
pro tyí osoby.
Pi odchodu vstali dti a
ekli ([[zpivan?]]): "S Pánem
Záchody pro hochy a dívky
jsou oddleny.
Po té p. inspektor svolal
kandidáty i p. uítele do
vedlejší svtnice na konferenci
a posuzoval práci. Uítel
vyslech posouzení své práce
P. inspektor upozornil p. uitele
že nkdy trošku úsen na
dti mluví, - soudí že žena
se této chyb v píše vyhne.
Též se nelíbil hlas uitele,
a zpsob podupávání když
chtl zjednat pozornost.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[tab out top of book: "1914 TRAVEL DIARY [[?]]"]]
[[upper right]] 23 [[/upper right]]
Bée se ohled na krásko zrakost, atd.
Pak jsme šli do Nebušic
kde je ty-tidní škola s
310 žáky.
V první tíd uí p. Svoboda,
idící uitel. Ma 18 kock
a 19 dívek, každé skupení
na jedné stran svtnice.
Tí sedí v jedné lavici.
V knize jeho je naznaené
nás ledujici "vcné uení":
Jarni kvtiny. Teše
Vlaštóvka Zahrada na jar.
Vela, vosy. Zelenina.
Chroust Pole
Motýlí Senose.
Kohout a slepíce, atd.
Bohumil Shimek - Diary, European trip, 1914 (1 of 2)
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Žák se zde pokloní uíteli.
Jsou zde zaáteníci. tli též, ale ovšem pracn. Ukazuji
si prstem pi ctní.
Osnova = program.
V II tíd je 19 chlape
a 27 dvat. Jsou rozdleny
na stranách. Poítali:
"7 ve dvaceti osmi jest obsaženo
tyikrát". V této tíd je
2 [[underlined]] [[superscript]] bý [[/superscript]] [[/underlined]] a 3
[[underlined]] [[superscript]] ti [[/superscript]] [[/underlined]] roník
Též mli násobilku, [[=?]] multiplication table. "Mení" = division.
"1/7 z 56 [[underlined]] [[superscript]] ti [[/superscript]] [[/underlined]] jest
V III tíd je 40 hoch
a 29 dvat. Zpívali:
echy krásné
Kde Domov Mj?
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[tab out top of page: "1914 TRAVEL DIARY"...]]
[[upper right]] 25 [[/upper right]]
Mli na tabuli dv vty
tyto vykládali gramatícký.
Co je vta? Co slova "mohutný dub"?
atd. Též zde vcné uení.
I zde zpívají ku konci vty.
Chovali se dobe navzdor
[[návštv?]]. Hledeli si práce.
Zde se uí:
Mluvnice a pravopis.
Vcn uení.
Pírodozpyt (physical, general)
Djepis - Jan Hus, Jan Žižka z Trocnova atd.
Rozebivali svetlo [[insertion]] ^ Pírodozpyt [[/insertion]] . Zdálo se
Bohumil Shimek - Diary, European trip, 1914 (1 of 2)
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mn to píliš mechanické,
a málo vcné.
Pívlastek = predicate.
V IV tíd bylo 22 hoch
a 27 dívek. Mnoho nepítomn
proto že je sobota.
Mli pirodopis, - otázky
a odpovdi. Dobrá rozprávka
ale málo vcné práce.
Tídy v této šhole jsou rozdleny:
I trda = 1 [[underlined]] [[superscript]] mi [[/superscript]] [[/underlined]]
II " [[ditto for: trda]] - 2 leta
III " [[ditto for: trda]] 2 " [[ditto for: leta]]
IV " [[ditto for: trda]] 3 " [[ditto for: leta]]
[[line for sum]]
celkem 8 let.
Z 3 [[underlined]] [[superscript]] ti [[/superscript]] [[/underlined]] tídy málo
kdy, ale spiše z prvniho oddlenií
4 [[underlined]] [[superscript]] ti [[/superscript]] [[/underlined]] mže do
gymnasia [[neb?]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[tab out top of page: "1914 TRAVEL DIARY"...]]
[[upper right]] 27 [[/upper right]]
na [[reálku?]] - nemí poteba
[[dokonít?]] [[všeck?]] 8 [[rok?]]. Mz
též do mštánské školy, kde
se uí emeslo, atd., - odborn.
Musí složit zkoušky, krom
kde do mštánské školy jde
se zuám [[kaun?]] 1 [[mb?]] 2. Kde
nižší nežli 2, složé v tchto
pedmtech zkonš ku.
Ml jsem [[pravon?]] rákosku
v [[ruci?]], 3 [[mb?]] lanky
[[tenkeho?]] prutu rakosove ho.
Též pracuji s hlínon (clay
Paní ídicí mn dala
kytici rží. Je dle
všech známek dobrá politikavka
a vládne v domácnosti.
Bohumil Shimek - Diary, European trip, 1914 (1 of 2)
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Pak jsme šli do Pední
Kopaniny, kde jsme v
hostinci poobdvali,- oekávali
nás. Po obd nám mladí
pánové zazpívali študentské
Pak jsme návstivíli starý
kostelík sv. Mái Magdaleny.
Hlavní ást' je z dob pohanských.
Malizli prý i oharky pod
starýrn oltáem (neb oláž [[dmín?]])
Stará ktitelnice kamenná,
popsána kyrilkou, je prý
as 900 stará.
Je zde tíž stará tvrz.
To je modelui škola, - velmi
dobrý uitel. Všickni ale
zpivaji ve škole!
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[tab out top of page: "1914 TRAVEL DIARY"...]]
[[upper right]] 29 [[/upper right]]
Škola je 2-tídní, ale
ob jsou v jedné škole a
uitelové se stídajíl Co jedui
prncovali uvnit, ekali
již druzí, s ucitelum, venku.
To je jen letos, - bude nová
ást školy vystavná.
Od 8 do 10 pravýe 1 tída
a od 10 do 12 druhá. Pak [[ard?]]
1 do 2 1/2 odp. zas 1 [[underline]] [[superscript]] mi [[/superscript]]
[[/underline]], a od
2 1/2 - 4 zas 2 [[underline]] [[superscript]] há [[/superscript]] [[/underline]]
První tída pracovala. Je
zde 39 pítomno, ale 43
zapsáno. Tuto má ídicí
uítel. Jsou dv oddlení, 1 [[underline]] [[superscript]] mi [[/superscript]]
z prvního ro niku a 2 [[underline]] [[superscript]] há [[/superscript]]
[[/underline]] z
druhího a tetího.
Zaháji prací modlit bin a
Bohumil Shimek - Diary, European trip, 1914 (1 of 2)
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pokižo vá [[mín?]]. Když
vstoupili (my již byli na
míst), poklonili n a ekli:
"Pochválen bnd' p. Ježíš Kristus."
Mli poty. Pan Anton
Beneš, ídicí uitel, již
17 let uí,,
Zpivali dtské písn.
Poty provádí szný nú
zpsoby, dkladn, a píš i
Pak mli mluvnici a
pravidla pravopisu.
Dti, když šli k tabuli,
se vždy nám,
ne ale uiteli.
Uitelove tito všickni vedli
že bude [[uspekce?]] .
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[tab out top of page: "1914 TRAVEL DIARY"...]]
[[upper right]] 31 [[/upper right]]
[[table name]]
[[underlined]] Odpolední práce. [[/underlined]]
[[/table name]]
[[column headings]]
[[underlined]] I tída [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] II tída [[/underlined]]
[[/column headings]]
[[top row - I tída]]
1 - [[underlined]] Poty [[/underlined]] | Opi [[sovasu?]] | [[underlined]] Vcn
Uení [[/underlined]] |
[[/top row - I tída]]
[[bottom row - I tída]]
[[underlined]] Poty [[/underlined]] | [[underlined]] Mluv. a prav.
[[/underlined]] | [[underlined]] Louka [[/underlined]] Senose |
[[/bottom row - I tída]]
[[top row - II tída]]
[[underlined]] Poty [[/underlined]] | Mluvnice | Pírodopis Houby jedlé
[[/top row - II tída]]
[[bottom row - II tída]]
Poty | [[underlined]] Mluvnice [[/underlined]] | [[line crossed out between
row above and this row]] a nejedlé.
[[/bottom row - II tída]]
[[line across page]]
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[[Podškrtnitá?]] práce je pímá,ostatní neprima.
Mají zde též [[pkuou?]] školní
zahrad ku.
P.. ídicí uitel žije ve
škole, a má malé hospodá [[stír?]]:
slepice, kozu, atd.
Pijel pro nás koí p. správci
dvoru, a p. Halaburt a já
jsme jeli do Nebušie, kde
Bohumil Shimek - Diary, European trip, 1914 (1 of 2)
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pisedl i p. správce,
Je to ilý
mladý muž, zda se velmi
probudilý. Jeho pautatik
vlastin cihelnu na Jeneralce
atd. - blízký dvr.
Zavezl nás do Prahy, udolin
Šárky, a Stromovkon.
Dvjel jsem domn v 1/2 5 [[superscript]] [[underlined]] té [[/underlined]]
[[/superscript]] a
v pt jsem byl již v geografickem
ústav, kde jsem pednášel
pirodvzpytichcmin klubu a
o ameríckém
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[tab out top of book: "1914 TRAVEL DIARY"...]]
[[underlined]] 21 erv. 1914 - v nedli. [[/underlined]]
Vyjeli jsme ze severozápadniho
ná draží na exkursi do Polabi,
do [[underlined]] elakovic. [[/underlined]] Prof. a pí
Dominová, Dv. Kavina, a spolenost
na fotografii jmeno va na.
Šli jsme k Labe, pevazli
se, a pak po [[Labshon?]] [[ní žiun?]]
do vsi Byšiky. Na cest
sbivali jsme hlavn rostliny
vodní, aneb [[pobežrú?]].
Byšiky jsou velmi staron
vsi, snad až z dob pohanských,
a je stavena okolo "husiho
ná mstí", s chaloupkami
okolo, a s kostelikem v prosted.
Vzal jsem zde vtší poit
fotografii, a piklu dám
hrubý plán vesnice :
Bohumil Shimek - Diary, European trip, 1914 (1 of 2)
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Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives
[[image - showing one street coming into a circular area, and one street
leaving it on the opposite side. There are numbers, arrows and words
indicating various parts of the interior. There are rectangular
outcroppings all wround the outside of the circle and on the entering
street. At the bottom is an S. indicating it is the South side. Entire image
is labeled "Byšiky".]]
[[image labels from top to bottom - minus arrows and shapes: 29x, ulika,
zed', zed', zed', [[on the left, outside of the image is a line labeled:]]
slough., [[inside the image]] 8, 3, 4, 23x, Kostel, Absculus, 24x, Hostine,
7, ulika, Polabská luina, 30x, S.]]
Z Byšiek jsme šli podél
Labe k Ti Chalupy kde
jsme se dali pevézt [[?]] pes Labe,
a pak jsme šli pes [[insertion]] ^ lesnatý [[/insertion]] kopec n
Semice, kde je bohatá flora
stepní na jižni stran, a odkun
je kraná výhlídka po krajin,
zde [[pomrn?]] ploché, s [[vystufujrermin?]]
Pak jsme šli do [[strikethrough]] Poicn [[/strikethrough]] Velenky?),
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[tab out top of diary: "1914 TRAVEL DIARY"...]]
[[upper right]] 35 [[/upper right]]
kde jsme jedli. Odtud do
[[strikethrough]] eského Brodu [[/strikethrough]] Poian, a po železnici
do Prahy, na státní ná draži.
Ponvadž bylo již pozd šli
jsme pímo do Národniho Domu
na Vinohradech, kde byl
poádán veárek botanie kon
spolenosti na rozlouenou.
Prof. Domin pedsedal, a oba
jsme byli v starých mundurech
z pole! Veeeli jsme, a po
veei prof. Domin vzná [[nul?]]
ríel veírku, a sdlil mn že
jsem zvolen [[proníun?]] estným lenene
botanické spolenosti. Po velmi
pátelském proslovu [[insertion]] ^ jeho. [[/insertion]] jsem-pak
pednášel o pomrech mezi
echy americkymi.
Bohumil Shimek - Diary, European trip, 1914 (1 of 2)
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Extracted Dec-11-2015 01:04:14
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[[blank page]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[tab out top of page: 1914 "TRAVEL DIARY"...]]
[[upper right]] 37 [[/upper right]]
[[underlined]] 22 ervna, 1914, v pondlí. [[/underlined]]
Dopoledne jsem pracoval v
skleniku. Odpoledne jsem
ve 4:20 navstivil praktikum
prof. Velenovského, po píhrav
k prednasce o oekologi Myxonycet
preo Myklogickon spolenosti
v 6 hodin vecv. Po pednášce
jsme [[všli?]] s [[drem. Dominelu?]], a
p. Dominovm, do Obceniho
Domu n Prašné Brány, kde
jsme posedli s prof. Vejdovskym,
adon (filosof.) drem a pi. Dominovu,
prof. a pi Dansovymi.
As o pl noci jsme se vozešli,
a šel jsem na odpoineh.
Bohumil Shimek - Diary, European trip, 1914 (1 of 2)
Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers
Extracted Dec-11-2015 01:04:14
Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives
[[underlined]] 23 ervna, 1914. v úterý [[/underlined]]
Ráno jsem pracoval doma
na [[verni?]] pednáse. Pak
jsem šel do [[sklenasilen?]], a
pracoval s vrbami.
V 5 hodin jsem ml
rozpravu a poradu. s drem.
[[Donirnem?]]. K 6 [[superscript]] [[underlined]] té [[/underlined]]
[[/superscript]] jsme pak
šli do Národního Domu na
Vinohradech, kde jsem pednásl
ped útermm klubem.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[tab out top of diary: "1914 TRAVEL DIARY"...]]
[[top right]] 39 [[/top right]]
[[underlined]] 24 ervna, 1914, ve stedu. [[/underlined]]
Dopoledne jsem pracoval v
[[skcni?]] kul., - vlastn jen ráno.
K [[insertion]] ^ (po) [[/insertion]] deváté jsem vyjel do Stromovky
kde mn již oekával prof.
Pota, který zaídil výpravu
s p. Drem. Heldrichem, [[vrchnim?]]
iditelem [[chorobruce?]] vládního
v Boknicich, kanž jsme šli
ze Stromovky pšky.
Hrozila boue, a proto jsme
prohlízl ústav, teprv as
dva roky starý, a velmi modern
zaízený. Po znamenitém obd
jsme vyjeli s koárem z ústavn,
který je hotovým mestekem, na jih
Zde jsme na nižší plain, která
se zvedá pomalu k vyššim
[[kopcum?]] tvoícím s [[Bilon Haron?]] a
Bohumil Shimek - Diary, European trip, 1914 (1 of 2)
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[[Kozinij?]] Hbety [[insertion]] ^ bulížniky [[/insertion]] vyšší [[planinn?]]
pi vodní, na níž to co se
považuje za tertiár. Ve v této
vyvisvé dolin vymlzly vody Vlatvy.
Jeli jsme do 1 [[superscript]] [[underlined]] ní [[/underlined]]
[[/superscript]] pískovny [[insertion]] ^ na Lúdví, [[insertion]] ^ [[aneh?]]
[[/insertion]] u Cernichý ho [[Ciáju?]], [[/insertion]] and
took photo. There are two distinct
strata here, with a clayey band
above [[v?]] gravel [[v?]] saw below, a
row of small boulders marking line
of division. [[underline]] Photo 1. [[/underline]]
Pak jsme jeli k [[superscript]] [[underlined]] hé [[/underlined]]
[[/superscript]] [[piskovué?]],
dále na [[strikethrough]] [[jid?]] [[/strikethrough]], a zde je as to samé.
V hoejší vrstv zde je více velkých
Pak jsme jeli va pr[[strikethrough]] [[diactritic]] [[/strikethrough]]avo
(záp[[strikethrough]] [[diactritic]] [[/strikethrough]]adn?) a
první pískovna na severní stran
ukazuje [[vretoy?]] bulznikových valonn
(menších), a vystupuje k levé stran, [[underline]] Photo 2.- [[/underline]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[tab out top of diary: "1914 TRAVEL DIARY"...]]
[[upper right]] 41 [[/upper right]]
zdá se smrem od které ho dle
všeho picházel proud. Vrtvy tyto
(hrubšé) byly nepochybn [[ntvoeny?]]
silnými proudy. Hoejší vrtsy
jsou více hlinité, avšak loess
to není. ervený pisek tvoí dolejší vrstvu.
Ná padné je zde množství valonn
(pomrn malých) [[tinavého?]] (modrav
erného) buližniku, jahý se
zde i ve shalách (u Kozích
Hbet, atd.) objevují.
Na [[protjši?]] stran (severní) silnice je
vtší pískovna, kde se vrtsvy
ukazují pkné zkížené (crossbedding). Dolejší ás [[jepísená?]],
pak pijde hrubší vrstva štrková,
s vtší mi valouny v hoejší ásti (hlavn
bulížník opt), a pak hlinitá vrstva.
Stálý deš pekazil další prácí, a vratili jsme se
do [[Strornovky?]], a po [[káe?]] do Prahy.
Veer v 6 hod. jsem
ml ádnon pednášku, a v 8 hodin es [[kénun?]] Ùsted [[ní]] [[nun?]]
spolku škd.
Bohumil Shimek - Diary, European trip, 1914 (1 of 2)
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Extracted Dec-11-2015 01:04:14
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[[underlined]] 25 ervna, 1914, ve tvrtek [[/underlined]]
Ráno jsem šel na Smíchov,
dle úmluvy a p. [[Halaburtern?]]
navštívit 1 [[superscript]] [[underlined]] mí [[/underlined]] [[/underlined]]
Obecnon Školu Díví
na Smichov.
Škola je 1-6 tídní , a jen pro dvata. Vedle je škola [[insertion]] ^ 5 - tídní
[[/insertion]] pro hochy.
Škola díví je v staré sírkarn,
a také se tak obecn škole íká.
Navštívili jsme všecky tídy,
poínaje od nejnižší.
[[underlined]] I Tída [[/underlined]] . Poty. Podá otázku a táže
kdo jé zodpoví. Na ty pak volá.
Odpovdé jsou vždy v plných vtách.
Jedna malika která ekla že 5x2=6
byla nucena poítat na [[prsteck?]].
Uitelka dobrá. Zpívá ponkud, ale
málo . Ma 59 žaky.
[[underlined]] II Tída. [[/underlined]] Mluvnice. Rozebíraly vty.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[tab out top of diary]] 1914 TRAVEL DIARY [[?]] [[/tab out top of diary]]
[[upper right]] 43 [[/upper right]]
Dávány otázky a veden hovor. Co
podmt, atd. [[strikethrough]] 32 [[/strikethrough]]
Též se zde všude užívá rodinného
jména. Jaké i (y) se píše, mluvnice a pravopis.
V obojetných souhláskách mají
seznam slov pro tvrdé y, a
ostatní jsou mkké. Z vyslovuje "že".
[[underlined]] II Tída. [[/underlined]] (vlastn II školní rok)
Poty. Užívá vždy "polovina".
Starší uitelka. Division.
Též II rok. Poty - 32.
III. [[underlined]] Pan iditel. Dal zazpívat
rakouskou hymnu. Je pisný
a uritý ve sveru zpsobu. Je již
starý pán.
Pak pkné zazpívaly lidovou, prostou
píse. Též choval "Sv. Václave."
Bohumil Shimek - Diary, European trip, 1914 (1 of 2)
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Extracted Dec-11-2015 01:04:14
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idí zpv dobe, a je vidt z na
tom si dá záležet. Má 52 žáek.
Má ped ními, - naped nad tabuli,
ukázky mír a váh co stalý píklad
Dal jím pí malé pestávce [[housky?]].
IV [[underlined]] Tída [[/underlined]] - Od 10-11 let.
Dlají se pestávky 5 mín. mezi
hodínami, a jedna, delší, 15 min.
Zde byl pírodopis. Žáky 52.
iperné skupení. Uitelka mladší.
Rozebíraly dub: kru, místa kde
roste, atd. Rozprávka o dubu, povídka o ertu který ml dostat
chudáka až listí z dubu opadá. Dub
je[[strikethrough]] k [[/strikethrough]] ale podržel, a ert se tak rozlobil
že trhal listí, a tím je listí ezané.
Plody jsou [[nýívané?]] co krmivo pro vepe
Bagonnské vepe, pstované v lese toho
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[upper right]] 45 [[/upper right]]
jména, jsou krmeny hlavn žaludy
[[Žmnila?]] práci a tli. Ménzde
zpívají, a pkn ctou, s vývazem.
Conversation is a strong feature
of all the work. Hovoili též o
tení. Bhem rozprávky drží
ob ruce ped sebou na krájí
stolku (desk).
IV - [[underlined]] Souasná [[/underlined]].
Zde je uitelka [[zpvn?]].
Zpívají ve dvou hlasech, ve dvou
skupeních. Ucitelka je dobrá
editelka. Pak zpívaly ve tech
hlasech. Též jeduchlasovou, - slovenskou
Uitelka je dosplá, dobrá.
V. [[underlined]] Tída. [[/underlined]]
Zde je 56 žaky. Mají [[posunovas?]]
ervné tabule (jako v geolog [[ickém?]] [[ústave?]]).
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Extracted Dec-11-2015 01:04:14
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Uitelka starší, dobrá.
Mly pirodozpyt. Plody [[rostlíu?]],
Kukuici, rýže; - spojila kukuici
a rýži jako rostliny potebující
mnoho tepla a vlhkosti!
Též luštniny. Vysvtlila ásti
hrachu. Též ásti kvtu.
V [[overwritten]] l [[/overwritten]]nasledujici hodin (totiž druhý den) v
tomto pedmtu opakuje se
pak práce [[dmš?]].
Trošínku zpívají. Vtšínou si hledí
práce a nás si nevší mají.
Ani rodie nemohou navštíviti
školu bhem vyuování.
idici uitel píliš asto vyrušoval
práci, - vskákal do ei, atd.
[[underlined]] VI Tída [[/underlined]] . - Slena Konopásková.
19 [[žákyi?]]. Mla z poátku 34,
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[tab out top of page: "1914 TRAVEL DIARY &"]]
[[upper right]] 47 [[/upper right]]
avšak jakmile dosáhnou 14 [[underlined]] [[superscript]] lu [[/superscript]]
roku prestanou. Je to škola (tída)
zvláštní, - pro slabší žákyn.
[[underlined]] Zempis [[/underlined]] - Dvata rzné zem [[Evropy?]] na
a též jejich hlavní msta.
Když dvata šly k map
poklonily se nám: jsou 13 a 14 roku staré.
Uitelka je nová, ale dobi uí.
Toto jest první její rok.
Mluvila o slovanských zemích, a
nazvala ostatni Slovany "bratry".
Pak jim vyprávla o tchto
národech, a pak se vyptávala.
V celé škole je 545 katolík
12 evangelick
tech cirkví.
Jsou nucení udat náboženství v zeni uznané.
Též jsme navšlívili mstskon Díví
Školu. Hlavn jsme prohlédly [[pknou?]]
Bohumil Shimek - Diary, European trip, 1914 (1 of 2)
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botanickou zahrádku, kabinety,
dosti bohaté; kapli, a tlo cvinu.
Jsou zde tídy [[strikethrough]] od [[/strikethrough]] 6, 7 a 8.
Vobecni škole je 5 tíd, jen
slena Konopásková ma
výjimen 6 [[superscript]] [[underlined]] [[tvi?]] [[/underlined]]
[[/superscript]] tídu pro nedochdata.
Odpoldne, po obd, jsem se pípravoval
hlavn na veerní pednášku.
V 6 hodin jsem pednášel spolku
Pátel [[Stavzet?]] ností,
Pednáška byla osvtlená, a jednota
hlavn o loessu, jeho uložení, a
jeho vztak na vk [[lovka?]].
[[Rozebral?]] jsem hlavn [[pípsay?]]
"Lansing Man" n "Nebraska Loess Man".
V 1/2 8 pak jsem jel s prof.
[[Velen[[strikethrough]]i[[/strikethrough]]insky,?]] na na Vinohrady, na
pozvání, a sí [[castrul?]] jsem se
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[tab out top of page: "1914 TRAVEL DIARY &"]]
[[upper right]] 49 [[/upper right]]
schze jejíž uel urel býtí
[[sbliztni?]] rzný [[di?]] stran.
Bohumil Shimek - Diary, European trip, 1914 (1 of 2)
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[[blank page]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[underlined]] 26 [[superscript]] [[underlined]] ho [[/underlined]]
[[/superscript]] ervna, 1914 v pátek [[/underlined]]
Dopoledne jsem navštívil prof.
Drtinu, v jeho byt, Smíchov 785.
Pohovoil jsem s nim po delší
dobu o žá done nosti zavedení
blížšich styk s echy Americakymi.
Budeni hledt
získat jeho [[acreb?]] prof. Massykana
pednášku. Hovoili jsme o [[vži vású?]]
angliiny místo nmény ve spisech
Souhlasí. Pošle pedagogický
asopis servinái.
Prof. Drtiva je velmi rozšafný,
[[rozninný?]] a s chopný nuž.
Odpoledne jsem vzal diapositivy
a šel jsem do byto prof. Neice.
Zde jsme vybrali co si pál,
a velmi milé jsem se s prof. a
pí. Nmcovými pobavil. Maji
Bohumil Shimek - Diary, European trip, 1914 (1 of 2)
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na smíchovské stran pkné
místo, se zahradkou.
Pak jsem se navrátit a pipravil
vci k poslední mé ádn
pednašce, o 6 [[underline]] [[superscript]] tí [[/superscript]] [[/underline]]
Tato jednala o loessu, a
jeho vztahu k otázkám fyto geografickým o nichž jsem mluvil.
Po pednašce jsem jel v automobílu s
p. a dceron, k prof.
Masarykori, de jsem strávil
[[pjeninny]] veer. [[Veercli?]] jsme zde též.
Paní Masarykori, a amerianka,
mluví pkné esky, a syn i dcera
Též prof. Masarykori si [[zamlouvá?]]
užívání angliiny místo [[nmeny?]] [[vespsech?]].
Vrátil jsem se domu po 11 [[superscript]] [[underlined]] 6' [[/underlined]]
[[/superscript]] .
Velmi bohatý den.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[tab out top of page: "1914 TRAVEL DIARY &"]]
[[upper right]] 53 [[/upper right]]
27 ervna, 1914 v sobotu.
Pracoval jsem v Universite a doma,
a obdval jsem doma.
Odpoledne jsem chtl dostal peníze,
ale banky jsou v sobotu odpoledne
zaveny, - a v nedli, a následující
pondlí též [[mbudon?]]] úadovati
(neb je v pondlí svátek!) a
tím se moje cesta do [[leher?]]
a Srbska zdrží.
Odpoledne jsem strávil na pošt
(a celním oddlení pošty) [[os?]] dv
hodiny poptávkami po kukátku.
Žádný nic [[neci?]], a posilali
mn od jednoho úedníka k
druhému, - a opt zpt! Jeden
elní úedník konen docela
zvolna jal se prohlížeti ploche
obálky (jako na velké psaní), neni li
Bohumil Shimek - Diary, European trip, 1914 (1 of 2)
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mezi nímí muj balíek
obsahují cí kukátka!
Prošel jsem celnín oddlením
a tain redl dv ady rduíku
z níchž vtšina lelkovala.
Po [[vei?]] jsem šel domu.
Byl jsem tíž odpoledni
cluvílú v mresemur s [[overwritten]] [[pref?]] [[/overwritten]] [[Det?]] .
Ped víení jsem dal svoji
poslední pednášku lur v Praze,
ped sborem "Pražský krajinský
spolek uitel škol mšan ských,"
což byla zaí zené hlaov p. Pacákem
Navitva byla slabá, neb jest již
konec roku, ale zájem byl dostatiný.
Pak jsem šel k veíri, a
po tí domn., - po procház u na
Mervil jsem O školských pornerech ve Spoj. Stát
a oznámeno " O jsm reck [[lech or Cech?]] ve spojený et [[Bentiak?]] ja o
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[upper right]] 55 [[/upper right]]
[[tab out of top says "1914 Travel Diary"]]
[[underline]] 28 ervna, [[/underline]] 1914, nedele.
Ráno jsem šel na Hradany,
a fotografoval jsem. Pak jsem
pracoval ve sklenníku, a pivedl
jsem prácí s vrabami ke
Veer jsem psal, a tíž
pipravoval [[diapontivy?]] pro
Dr. Daneši.
Psal sem na pojednán o
pomvech vysokoškolských v
America, as ve snyslu v
jakém jsem mluvil ped
[[slurem?]] professoni v Palace
Upravil jsem rzní vcí
na cestu, psal jsem, a
vibeci kaval pípravy na
cestu do Vídv a Uhev.
Bohumil Shimek - Diary, European trip, 1914 (1 of 2)
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[[underlined]] 29 crv., 1914 [[/underlined]] v pondli.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[underlined]] 30 [[superscript]] th [[/superscript]] crv., 1914 v riterý
Ráno jsem vše vzal nelon na cestu, a šel jsem na banku pro perize. Pak
jsem chirlku návotine kosulát americký, a poslal jsem telepamy prof.
[[Košamirori]] a Bert. Nechal jsem zavazadla n Zlaté Husy, prošel jsem
se na smchorské nábieži, [[insert]] (saw great rush of laboring men for
the saloon at noon! with cane, etc.) [[/insert]] a v 1:36 ovpd. jsem vyjel
do Vidu. Po vyjeli z Prahy je krajina otevená, vlnitá, obili je krásué, a
žito zraje. U haždé staniky je strážnik s praporehem ("at attention")
He stands with his red flag. A number of officers, riding 2[[superscript]]
nd [[/superscript]] class, sent their soldier valets into the 3[[superscript]]
rd [[/superscript]] class coach with all their baggage, and
Bohumil Shimek - Diary, European trip, 1914 (1 of 2)
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they filled everything. Cheeky lot!
At iany I saw a woman heaving coal in a car.
The country around iany is more rolling.
Ped Senohraby se krajina stavá drsnejši a malebniji, a lesnatá. To se
táhne až tinie k následnjici stanici, - v levo. Pekroili jsme Sazavn n eranPišeli.
For some distance, beyond erany, - [[strikethrough]] to Benešov
[[/strikethrough]], - the country is rougher, and then more rolling to
Benešov. Konopišt is to the right in woods on hill. It is the first stop. A
woman sold water at the station in glasses.
To the left beyond Benešov is a long line of timbered hills. To right
cultivated rolling land.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
The "silnice" are everywhere bordered with white stone-posts where
there is an embankment. We are running parallel to a more or less
timbered ridge to left.
We stopped at Votice. There is much happening along the line. We
passed Hemaniký-Sedlec, a large village. The line of timbered hills to
left continues, and some appear on the right. Much timber here. Beyond
the next village the country is more open, especially to right. We passed
around a great curve, & far to right a range of timbered hills appears, almost mountainous. Another village, & there a long stretch of rolling
country with fields and graves.
A woman at Votice passed water, - all from one glass! The town [[insert]]
^ of Tabor [[/insert]] is large & has a nice lake. A fine place. Beyond,
along the river there
Bohumil Shimek - Diary, European trip, 1914 (1 of 2)
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is much timber. Just beyond Planora we passed through a fine forest.
Sobslav is also a larger place, - with a tower. Veselí-Mezimosti is also
quite a place. The country is all rolling; - then more gently, with many
groves and belts. We passed between two large fish ponds and stopped
at Tebo. The country is gently rolling or quite flat. Much timber. At
chlumec there is a forest opposite the depot. Beyond this are flat woods,
mostly Scotch Pine. The soil is sandy and fine ground. There is much
new timber set out. At Suchdol there is much cut timber (wood).
Southeast of the boundary broken mountain ridges appear. Many
potatoes are raised in this part, and some rye. There is much cultivated
timber, - a sign that the soil is poor! In Cmunt (Gmünd) only German
inscriptions appear.
I reached Vienna at 7.45 P.M. (Fr. Jos. depot) and met Bertha and Paul.
We took car at once for their room.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[tab out top of diary: "1914 TRAVEL"]]
[[upper right]] 61 [[/upper right]]
[[underlined]] 1 ervence, 1914 ve stedu. [[/underlined]]
[[Sprait?]] [[overwritten]] [[Spa?]] [[/overwritten]] jsem pedešlou noc n
Berty a Pavla, v . 18. [[Lazaretle gasse?]]
[[Dorv?]] 17, I Stock - Wrin IX.
Ráno jsme vyšli na Ringstrasse,
a pak jsme udlali okružní
cestu po [[Vidni?]]. Jeli jsme
okolo domu v nmž Beethoven
zemel; [[Anevsberg?]] paláce;
Nát. Hist. Museum; with pack +
opposite is the Royal stables, a large building. Vidli
jsme mnoho eských obchodních
jmén, správn napsaných.
Vidti jsme velký trh; palác
š [[vavcenberkshý?]]; onstský park;
dm parliamentu; and opposite
to it a part of the Royal
Palace garden; sochy Goethe
Bohumil Shimek - Diary, European trip, 1914 (1 of 2)
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a Schillera; Belvedere, Ferdinandi
palác; a mnohé jiné.
Celkem dlá Vide dojem
novovekého msta, ne píliš
istého. Zastavili jsme až [[vcuken?]]
Na zpátení cest jsme vidli
Schubertovo rodišt, na nmž
deska s basreliéfem.
(Viz tištný program jízdy.)
Vrátili jsme se k obdu,
a odpoledne jsme jeli (s
Berton) do Schönbrumiské
cís aské zahrady, udli jsme
urnle oezané (z jedné strany
rovn [[image - tree?]] ) tak že tvoí stny;
mramorové sochy naloupené v Italici
v rakouske - itálské válce; palác
císae; velkou zoologickou zahradu,
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[tab out top of book: "1914 TRAVEL"]]
[[upper right]] 63 [[[/upper right]]
s americkým turem, zebu, europským turem, a množství jsmé zve,
ptatetron, atd.
Vel[[strikethrough]] [[l?]] [[/strikethrough]]mi krásná zahrada,
palác však nedlá tak
mohutný dojem jako Hradany.
Pedn je palác píliš nízko,
a pak budova sama není tak
Navrátili jsme se k veei,
a veer nás navštívili p. a pí.
Watzl. On byl v Americe, a jeho
manželka byla v knihovn s Berton.
Je [[Jranku?]], a bude jí tžko pizpsobuje
se životu v zemi kde žena málo platí.
Možno že n navrátí do Americky, a
bude to pro ní štstí.
Šli jsme trošku pozd spát.
Bohumil Shimek - Diary, European trip, 1914 (1 of 2)
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[[underlined]] 2 e., 1914 - ve tvrtek. [[/underlined]]
Ráno jsem se pipravil na cestu
do Budapešti, a vyjel jsem
v 9 [[underlined]] 10 [[/underlined]] hodin dopoledne.
V kupé v kterém jsem jel sedl
pan, dle všeho [[Uher?]], a ml židovský
ráz, a dáma se [[sysckem?]] a dcerkou.
Mluvili Maarsky, - první rozprávka
kterou jsem kdy slyšel, - a bylo
mn nápadné že tém úpln schází
hrdelní zvnky. Dama byla
Rumunka, a mluvila též
Nmecky a Anglický.
Z Vidn do Bruck-Királyhida
se táhne úrodná planina, - a
jihozápadn je vidt v dálce hory,
a ješt dále k severovýchodne též.
Od Bruck-Királyhida se táhne
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[tab out top of page: "1914 TRAVEL"]]
[[upper right]] 65 [[/upper right]]
široké údolí, velmi úrodn,
s kopci [[sercrový?]] chodn, a planinou
jižn. Krajina je celkem stejná
až po Komarom, kde jsme vidli
Dunaj, který se zdá, v pomru
k skuteným velkým ekám, dosti
Mezi Uhry je mnoho sndých, s
ernými oi a erným vlasem.
Oni ihaji "Ongáry" (vysloví se "Ongary")
Jeli jsme blíže kidových (na
pohled) skal když jsme opustil
Dunaj. Vypadá to jako by zde
mli "stone-crusher", aneb továrny
na cement.
Práv nežli k tomuto místu
pijedeme, jedeme okolo vesnice
pozs távající z bidných chatrí.
Bohumil Shimek - Diary, European trip, 1914 (1 of 2)
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Dle všeh bydlí zde dlnici
Chatre jsou zbudovaný z holí,
konsk prken, slámy, atd.
Zde [[vjedune?]] do drsné krajiny,
pokryté z ástí lesem.
Hbety, a urchole kope asto
zde postrádají stromy, a jen
dolejsi strán jsou pikryty.
V elí této krajme [[insertion]] ^ (do Pešté) [[/insertion]] je mnoho
pšenice a ovsa, avšak kukuice
je velmi máslo. Tž dosti brambor.
Kopec zdají se táhnouti hlavn
podél Dunaje a pítok.
Jeli jsme okolo vesníce v
které jsou doškové stechy.
Píjel jsem do Budapešti
ve 1:40 hod. odpoledne, a
hned jsem jel k. dru. von Degenovi,
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[tab out top of diary: "1914 TRAVEL"...]]
[[upper right]] 67 [[/upper right]]
v nadeji že od nho dostanu
radu na cestu do Blehradu.
Nebyl však doma, a rozhodl
jsem se že zstanu, a navštívil
jsem jej pozdjí (ve 4 hod.) a
pobyl u nho do .7 [[superscript]] hodín [[/superscript]] .
Jest muž velmi píjemný a
pohostinný. Vždy vysloví "Sláv""Slejv",
Chce semena zvlášt z plevele
z pšenice, jetele a alfalfy.
Vydáva sešity trav uherských, =
Gramina Hungaria, - po 10 K.
Má jíž 7, a nyní 8 [[superscript]] [[underlined]] mý. [[/underlined]]
Zaopatí jednu sbírku za semena
plevele. Pije se též [[underlined]] Cyperaceae [[/underlined]]
a [[underlined]] Graminene [[/underlined]] z Ameriky. Vymní
jíné uherské rostlíny.
Put up at hotel = "Jozsef Fo"herceg
Száallado" - (a Kavehaz = café)
Arranged to go out with Dv. von Degen next day.
Bohumil Shimek - Diary, European trip, 1914 (1 of 2)
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[[underlined]] 3 ervence, 1914, v pátek. [[/underlined]]
Spent the day in the field with Dr. von Degen. We first went to Soroksár
(Šorokšar), and walked to the Danube, and then had boat take us over
to the Island of Csepel. This is an imperial game preserve, but Dr. von
Degen has a permit to use it.
It is a "sand - pusta", very similar to the larger and more distant sand
pusta at Nagy Nyir ("Nádži Nýr"), but it has had some scotch pine
[[insertion]] ^ and [[underlined]] Robinia pseudoacacia [[/underlined]]
[[/insertion]] set out on it, and this of course changes it.
Dr. von Degen wants seeds of [[underlined]] Helianthus [[/underlined]]
and [[underlined]] Cuscuta [[/underlined]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
When we came to the Danube we found a heavy growth of tall coarse
plants along the sandy slope up from shore to bank, & Dr. von Degen
said this kind of formation is what the Russian botanists call
[[underlined]] "burian" [[/underlined]]. Among the plants in this we
[[list of plants in two columns]]
[[first column]]
Verbascum australia
Oenothera biennis (in[[?]])
[[/first column]]
[[second column]]
Echium vulgare
Leonurus cardiaca
Onopordum? a[[?]]
Hybrid; Found snails here.
Paldh[[?]] nigrum
[[/second column]]
We walked over (across bridge) to first island, and here saw many
hydrophytes & some sand plants.
Bohumil Shimek - Diary, European trip, 1914 (1 of 2)
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On the first island we found:
Lemna polyrhiza
Sagittaria hydrodus
Typha angustifolia
Riccia fluitans
Potamogeton perfoliatus
Poa palustris
Cinna arundinacea
Scirpus radicans
Butomus umbellatus
Glyceria aquatica
Spiraea ulmarius (large)
Cornus sanguineus
Lycopus europaeus
Valeriana officinalis
Alisma plantago
[[overwritten]] [[?]] [[/overwritten]] Myriophyllum spicatum
[[Erlantha philanlum?]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[text obscured by bookmark]] ythrum salicaria
[[text obscured by bookmark]] alium max
[[text obscured by bookmark]] ium latifolium
[[text obscured by bookmark]] ragmitis communis
[[text obscured by bookmark]] rynyrin gracili
[[text obscured by bookmark]] drocharis morsu (in fl)
[[text obscured by bookmark]] ium angustifolium
[[text obscured by bookmark]] eocharis palustris
[[text obscured by bookmark]] mex hydropiper --[[text obscured by bookmark]] irpus lacustris
[[text obscured by bookmark]] amogeton pusillus
" [[Ditto for: Potamogeton]] pectinatus
[[text obscured by bookmark]] anum dulcamara (in water!)
[[text obscured by bookmark]] chys palustris
These were all in water, or in very wet places.
[[text obscured by bookmark]] addition to these other plants
[[text obscured by bookmark]] noticed, but not systematically.
Bohumil Shimek - Diary, European trip, 1914 (1 of 2)
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On the first island we found:
Lemna polyrhiza
Sagittaria hydrodus
Typha angustifolia
Riccia fluitans
Potamogeton perfoliatus
Poa palustris
Cinna arundinacea
Scirpus radicans
Butomus umbellatus
Glyceria aquatica
Spiraea ulmarius (large)
Cornus sanguineus
Lycopus europaeus
Valeriana officinalis
Alisma plantago
[[overwritten]] [[?]] [[/overwritten]] Myriophyllum spicatum
[[Erlantha philanlum?]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Lythrum salicaria
Galium max
Sium latifolium
Phragmitis communis
Eurynyrin gracili
Hydrocharis morsu (in fl)
Sium angustifolium
Eleocharis palustris
Rumex hydropiper --Scirpus lacustris
Potamogeton pusillus
" [[Ditto for: Potamogeton]] pectinatus
Solanum dulcamara (in water!)
Stachys palustris
These were all in water, or in very wet places.
In addition to these other plants were noticed, but not systematically.
Bohumil Shimek - Diary, European trip, 1914 (1 of 2)
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On Csepel Island we observed plants more closely, and Dr. von Degen
identified them as we proceeded.
We first entered a somewhat wooded border, and then examined the
plants in open places. The following were noted, and I collected those
marked x:
x Alyssum tortuosum (pillow)
x Festuca vaginata
x Linum pannonicum
x Cytisus anatinus
x Tragopogon floccosum
Gypsophila paniculata
x Crepis rhoeadifolia M.B.
x Cyrenia (?) angustifolia
x Secale fragile
x Koeleria glauca
x Melica transylvanica
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
x Bromus vin[[?]]
x Linum austriaca (?)
. Peucedanum arenariu
x Sedum acre.
x Euphorbia gerardiana Jacq.
x Alsine verna
. Scabiosa ochroleuca (?)
Gypsophila [[hep?]]
x Sireirra (?) angustifolia
x Dianthus fronludius[[?]]
x Phleum Boehmeri (?)
x Verbascum lychnitis
[[line across page]]
Here on some of the dunes (or knobs) appear certain mountain forms, in sand:
Polygonatum latifolium
[[Ecoriomelus ?]]
Peucedanum arenarium (bud)
Polygonatum officinalis
Bohumil Shimek - Diary, European trip, 1914 (1 of 2)
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Melandrium album
Clematis erectum
also noticed trees [[strikethrough]] and shrubs [[/strikethrough]] on sand:
Populus alba (native)
} cultivated
Robinia pseudoacacia }[[cultivated]]
(along river also Populus nigra)
Crataegus monogyna
[[underlined]] Following are additional [[/underlined]] sand species:
x Carex nitida (a sand binder)
x Calamagrostis acinus
Stipa graffiania
x Camelina macropus
Cynoglossum officinale
Hyprophiti[[?]] paniculatus
x Silene conica L.
x Bromus squarrosus
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
x Bromus japonicus Thbg.
" erectus
" urlica
x Secale fragile
Urlula muralis (moss)
" tortosa (moss)
x Astragalus virgatus
x Anchusa officinalis
x Veronica spicata
Artemisia campestris L.
x Allium sphaerocephalum L.
x Juniperus communis
x Thyra collina
x Teuchrium chamedris
Centaurea Tauschii
Potentilla arenaria
x Silene otites Sm.
Helianthemum discolor var pustarium
Ureum Eurenia mollis p
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x Sedum Hillebrandii
Linaria alali
Gypsophila arenaria
Stipa capillare
x Galium verum
x Hypericum veronense? [[verun?]]
x Centaurea [[saphsium?]] [[Enclieu?]]
x Achillea multifida
x Asperula [[overwrite]] [[?]] cyanchica L.[[/strikethrough]]
x Pollinia grullen
Ligustrum [[underline]] vulgare [[/underline]] [[insertion]] L. [[/insertion]]
(by birds)
x Thalictrum [[esthium?]]
x Veronica [[chratin?]]
x Achillea ochroleuca [[bu?]]
x Ephedra distachia
x Fumaria procumbens
shrub evergreen
At this point I took
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[underline]] Photo 24x [[/underline]] - Stipa, Ephedra, & Linum
punnonicum., Alsine verum Populus alba (in background) large
Verbascum lichnitis,
Hereabouts also were:
Euphrasia lutea
Berberis vulgaris
x Festuca vaginata
Took photo [[underline]] 23x [[/underline]] Stipa graffiana, Linum.
[[underline]] Photo 5 [[/underline]] - Linum & Stipa, and
{Verbascum lichenitis (by umbrella. Scotch Pine in back, & Populus
[[sign ?]] (which really belongs to [[river ?]])}
x Dianthus serotina (white)
Cladonia [[endivihlin ?]]
x Astragalus [[onchyllium?]]
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x Onosura arenaria
Crepis tectorum L.
[[underlined]] Photo 24x [[/underlined]] - Sand ridge with [[underlined]]
Pop. alba [[/underlined]].
x Scotch pine
x Muscari communis
x Anthericum ramosum
[[underlined]] Photo 29 [[/underlined]]-Sandpusta , [[underlined]] Stipa,
Koehleva [[/underlined]], etc.
[[underlined]] Populus alba [[/underlined]] in back. Some
[[underlined]] Pop. nigra [[/underlined]], and [[underlined]] Robinia
pseudo [[/underlined]] mixed in.
[[underlined]] Sciupus [[/underlined]] holoschoenus L.
x Eremopym cristatum
x Thymus Marshallianus
Echinops paniculata (like thistle)
Avena pubescens
x Astragalus cicer L.
Salvia nemsroca?
Ranunculus polysutha - in shade
Rumex acelosa
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Tragopogm niger
x Aristolochia clavata?
Potentilla [[niger??]]
Iris variegata
x Coromilla varia
x Achillea [[illum??]]
x " [[dittos for: Achillea]] pannonica Schecle.
x Acer tatarica fr. - extends to river
Orobanche major (or Centaurea)
x Orobanche alleni pinkx Polygala elongata - a var. of common speciesx Alyssum arenaria
x Centaurea [[Thomacher??]] (not open)
x Carduus mitra - (in woods)
Tragopogon vaniti
x [[underlined]] Berteroa incana [[/underlined]] - (medical)
Bohumil Shimek - Diary, European trip, 1914 (1 of 2)
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These sanddunes are rather more densely covered with vegetation than
those at Muscatine, and somewhat resemble the parts of the sandy
areas at Chicago which are covered with larger shrubs and small trees, with the more xeroplytic openings here and there. In this part on Csepel
Isl. the planting of Scotch Pine and Robinia has affected the
appearance, and Dr. van Degen says that the sand pusten at Nagy Nyir
are just like the Csepel area with the
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[left margin] Dr. Stahl of Jena also considers the summer resting
feature as characteristic of the [[underlined]] steppe [[/underlined]].
Scotch Pine and Robinia removed. Dr. von Degen doesn't regard the
sand-pusten, - the real "pusten," - as equivalent to the steppe because
there is no summer resting period. He applies the term "pusten" to
these sandy areas, such as on Csepel Isl. and at Nagy Nyir
He calls the salt areas "salt steppes" because they have a summer
resting period during which the vegetation almost disappears.
The prevailing winds here, according to Dr. von Degen, are from E. to
West, there was a great sand plain east. The sand is at surface, loose,
and practically free from humus.
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We returned to Soroksár, took dinner at a restaurant, and then went by
train to Kuns[[insertion]] ^ z [[/insertion]]entmiklós, to see the "sandstepper". This is southward.
We passed through a broad, nearly flat plain, which is locally more or
less sandy.
Nearer Budapest it is very sandy, and there are many vineyards. About
13 yrs. ago the [[underlined]] Phylloxera [[/underlined]] destroyed the
vineyards on the hills, and the wine-growers came to these sandy
Southward there is richer soil, and the country had been long cultivated.
It much resembles
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
our Wisconsin or Iowan prairies, even to the scattered groves and fields.
It looks much like Northern Iowa, but there is little corn, wheat being the
chief crop, with some oats.
The wheat harvest is now well on.
This plain runs to the Danube and the latter flows along the loess bluffs
which rise to the west.
Occasionally on this plain there is also a poorly drained tract.
Here and there sandy hummocks also appear on the richer plain.
About half way down to Kunsenfmiklos salty spots begin to appear in
undrained places.
At the station of Kiskun-Laczháza
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I took [[underlined]] photo 28 [[/underlined]], looking E. across the
cultivated plain.
The rows and groves of [[underlined]] Robinia pseudacacia
[[/underlined]], scattered about over the plain, look very much like our
prairie groves.
The station is some distance from the town of Kuns[[insertion]] ^ z
[[/insertion]]entmiklós, which is situated on the banks of a large salt
basin (or lake) in a great, flat plain. We walked in the direction of the
town. There are salt flats, surrounded by cultivated fields, and there are
several windmills in sight. We noted the following salt plants, and those
marked x were collected:
Lepidium perfoliatum
" [[Ditto for: Lepidium]] ruderale
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Hordeum gussoneanum
Ononis spinosa
Artemisia viridis
Lotus corniculatus
Achillea collina Beck
x Plantago maritima
x Lotus tenuifolius (yellow)
x Agrostis alba
x Atropis limosa
x Tetragonolobus siliquosus fls. yellow
[[Fletrium?]] perennis
x Ononis pannonicus
x Festuca pseudovina Hack.
x Podosperumum Jacquiniana
x Scirpus maritimus (very common in lower places.)
x Ranunculus sardinus
x Plantago tenuifolia [[underlined]] rare [[/underlined]]
x Trifolium fragiferum L.
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x Phalums pannomicus [[underlined]] rare [[/underlined]]
x Juncus comprinus
x Atriplex tatarica
x Erythrea vulyane
x Plantago major
x Lolinum pereune
x Matricaria chamomilla valgema
x Medicago lupulina
x Lepidium crassifolium
Camphosma ovata
x Astragalus austriacus
Ceratodon purpureus (moss)
Photo 28 - Saline flat, & field beyond, [[strikethrough]] with windmills
[[/strikethrough]] Shows white "blind spot" in fore. Only [[underlined]]
Lepidium crassifolum [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] Camphorosma
ovata [[/underlined]] seem to be able to grow here, and that vary
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Veronica anagalles
Poa annua
Eleocharis palustris
Mentha pelegrina
Butomus simbellatus
(Fistuca pseudovina)
x Aster pannonicus
[[underlined]] Photo 30 - Atropis limosa [[/underlined]] grass in tufts on
sand flat. Windmills in back.
x Spergularia media
Suarda salsola (no. fls.)
x Centaurea Renana (on bank at edge, not a salt plant)
Plantago hungarica
[[underlined]] Photo 2 [[/underlined]] - Salt basin, looking North, with
stacks of [[underlined]] Scirpus maritimus [[/underlined]] hay (!) in
background. Said to be good fodder!
[[underlined]] Photo 8 [[/underlined]] - Looking nearly East across salt
basin towards Kuns[[insert]] ^ z [[/insert]]eutmiklos.
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Salsola soda
Chenopodium glaucum (duras.)
Potentilla anserina flr.
Zrypsis aculeata (juv.)
Polygonum aviculare
The surface is whitish in places from salt. At edge of large basin I was
mired in usual salt-basin slime, - seemingly dry on surface.
We returned to the station, and to Budapest.
Dr. von Degen insisted on taking my plants and having them properly
dried and shipped. He himself puts up beautiful specimens, - or has his
servant do it.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
8[[overwritten]] 8 [[/overwritten]]9
During the day [[insertion]] ^ at times [[/insertion]] we carried on a
conversation concerning other matters than plants.
We saw Hungarian peasants with white "pajamas" called "gat",
á = Bohemian [[underlined]] a [[/underlined]]
a = " [[Ditto for: Bohemian]] [[underlined]] ó [[/underlined]]
s = sh. = š
sz = s
ö = as in German.
Freemasonry is not prohibited in Hungary, but few belong.
The real Hungarians are Calvinists.
Many Slovaks and Germans are Lutherans. Germans, Slovaks & some
Magyars are Catholics also. The language question causes bitter strife, religion does not. The Magyar speech is all in fore part of mouth, - not
in throat.
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Cirsium arvense is a bad pest in Hungary.
Dr. van Degen always speaks of "Slaves" for "Slavs",
Bobajka is a Slav dish of honey & poppyseed, & other stuff.
Fields are worked by Hungarian white oxen. Log houses appear.
The grainfields are not as clean as in Bohemia and Germany, more like
Houses are commonly scattered on farms as in America. Slovaks live
chiefly in villages.
Dr. von Degen says there is loess at Pomaz.
We returned at night, and I returned to hotel after one of the finest days
in Europe. Found Bertha & Paul at the hotel.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[underlined]] 4 ervenu , 1914 [[/underlined]], v sobotu.
Went out a little in morning to look about the city.
Bertha & Paul arranged to leave for Vienna at noon, and I started out to
hunt up the Geological Institute, Stefánia rit, k. 14. I followed Stefánia
rit. There are beautiful large sycamores in park adjoining.
After some trouble I found the Institute, and learned that the Director, Dr.
Lotsy, was not in.
The assistant director suggested Százhalmbatta or Ercsi as good
localities for loess.
He called a younger man, [[insertion]] ^ who gave me the name of
[[/insertion]] Mr. Peter Freitz, geologist, Stefánia rit, 14, [[insertion]]^ who
works in loess. [[/insertion]] He speaks good English, and showed the
Museum, in which are many
Bohumil Shimek - Diary, European trip, 1914 (1 of 2)
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remains of mammoth (Elephas primigenius), 2 sp. of [[underlined]]
Rhinoceros [[/underlined]], etc. In gravels they also find Bos. He also
displayed specimens of loess, some gray and some yellow, from
Hungary, & with it were samples manifestly not aeolian loess.
Most of the samples are yellow, - a light yellow. Some samples of
secondary loess, with gravel, etc., appear: others are heavy, brownish.
Also an occasional sample, as XIV-1903V-Tapláry, of gray loess. This is
only in layers, low down, - between loess and next stratum. Also XIIGyör.
Some samples are sandy, rougher,
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
and certainly not like loess. These are always in lowest part.
My guide said there are long stretches of loess (?) which are without
shells, and they contain pebbles (small) and sand.
These loesses also contain lime nodules (some in museum), many of
them large. They look like ours.
There are also samples similar to our heavier yellow loess. Some of the
gray loess in the Museum has iron streaks and tubes.
Along the Danube there is an upper reddish loess, - I was told. There is
[[insertion]] ^ a [[/insertion]] samples of gray loess from Muzsla. He says
loess is
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60 - 70 in. deep on plain.
I received some literature, with charts, and was advised to see the loess
at the brickyards at Péczel.
Went to Péczel in the afternoon.
Found exposures just beyond Péczel, on the left (N. side) of the RR.
There is here a whole series of exposures formed by excavations for the
big brick yard.
[[underlined]] Took photo 3 [[/underlined]] at [[underlined]] a
[[/underlined]]. This is at the lowerend of the first exposure (nearest to
station). It appears as follows:
[[image - drawing of a deep layered soil profile]]
[[labels on image]] Line of nodules, Vertical bank, Fossils all through.
Slides (?) Looser yellow,
sandier loess,
Fossils. [[/labels on image]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[image - drawing of the map showing at the top a House, and at the
bottom on the right a Parcel; line from right to left marked with points: g,
p, e, d, c, x, a, b; bank, railroad ]]
Photo 3 - at (a).
" [[Ditto for: Photo]] 4 " [[Ditto for: at]] (b).
" [[Ditto for: Photo]] 7 " [[Ditto for: at]] (c).
" [[Ditto for: Photo]] 8 " [[Ditto for: at]] (d).
This part at [underlined]] a [[/underlined]] appears (?) to be in in part
slipper (at base). The lower part seems to be stratified.
Collected fossils in upper bank, and also from lower sandier part.
[[underlined]] Photo 4. [[/underlined]] at (b), near west end.
[[image - pen drawing of hills and soil depth with marks of 10 ft. 6 ft. and
7 ft. high; Robinia trees; marks for bank is brush; at the bottom soil
profile description of Darker, murky, reddish lower layer.]]
[[Image labels]]
10 ft
6 ft
Bank is brush
7 ft
Darker, murky, reddish lower layer
[[/Image labels]]
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This dark part, & the oxidized reddish layer above, seem to be water
formations. A few shells, mostly broken, were also found in reddish part.
Many shells are broken in the loess.
[[underlined]] Photo 7 [[/underlined]] [[image: drawing of soil formation]]
[[image label]] yellow loose sandy loess 12 to 15 ft.
x x
x=Horizontal stratified water formation, yellow with darker
bands.[[/image label]]
This is around turn as (c). The stratified part is horizontal, & certainly
shows water action.
It is in part concealed by talus, but much shows.
Upper part, loess, is yellow.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[underlined]] Photo 8 [[/underlined]] - at (d).
[[image: drawing of soil formation]]
[[image label]]
12-15 ft.
yellow sandy
5 ft. yellow-grayish with iron streaks
stratified water debris
[[/image label]]
That lower loess layer looks some like our older yellow loess, and
comes near to some grays.
[[underlined]] Photo [[/underlined]] 29x - at (e).
[[image: drawing of soil formation]]
[[image label]]
30 or 40 ft.
8-9 ft. Reddish
[[/image label]]
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[[underlined]] Photo 30 x [[/underlined]] at (f.).
[[Image - drawing of the 4 soil layers, middle layer " Loess", and bottom
layer marked "stratified"]]
[[Image labels]]
[[underlined]] Photo [[/underlined]] two photos. cut g)
[[Image - drawing of the 5 soil layers; 1st Yellow loess depth of 12 - 15
ft.; next Dark bed; next three layers at the depth between 25 - 30 ft. with
the middle Stratified layer]]
[[Image labels]]
Yellow loess 12 to 15 ft.
Dark beds
25 or 30 ft.
The lower part of the loess [[insertion]] ^ (?) [[/insertion]] is also stratified,
with bluish & brownish alternating.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
The stratified layer does not appear as high in (e) & (f) as in g. It is likely,
however, that is simply slopes down with hill, somewhat as in section
(c). It appears that the true loess is rather thin after all.
The lower layer are undoubtedly formed in water. There are water looking layers of silt, and also sandier bands. Also strongly oxidized
In the past at (g) I found only a few fragments of shells. A rainstorm
came up and I was compelled to give up, without being through. On
return I picked up fossils in exposed marker x - yellow & gray loess.
Returned to Budapest at night.
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[[underlined]] July 5, 1914 Sunday. [[/underlined]]
I concluded to remain, and return to Péczel. Started at 5:40 AM. It was
somewhat cloudy, but clouds were torn.
First stopped at cut (b)
[[Image - pen drawing of the soil profiles showing various layers and
[[1st layer label]] Darker soil sand 2 - 3 ft. [[/label]]
[[2nd layer label]] yellow loess 10 - 15 ft. [[/label]]
[[hill labels]] z z z z 12 ft. [[/labels]]
[[layer label]] stratified [[/label]]
[[line across the page indicating soil with dotted lines indicating
[[line labels]] 42 paces 10 paces 41 paces 20 paces [[/labels]]
The stuff at (z) is dark red and has appearance of some of our clayey
[[underlined]] feretto [[/underlined]].
[[underlined]] At cut (a) [[/underlined]] section in two views appears as:
[[image - soil profile showing various layers of soil]]
[[1st layer label]] yellow loess [[/label]]
[[2nd layer label]] sandy yellow loess [[/label]]
[[image - side profile showing various layers of soil]]
[[top layer label]] Side view [[/label]]
[[middle layer label]] Yellow loess [[/label]]
[[bottom layer label]] Sandy yellow - This may be side slump, or
accumulation. [[/label]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[Image - map drawing of a road and a railroad with various buildings,
and paced measurements]]
[[Map labels]]
30 paces
15 paces
45 paces
[[Map shows positions of loess and other soil layers labelled]] b, a, x, c,
d, e, f, g, h [[/labels]]
[[Image - detailed drawing section of above map between b and d with
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symbols representing villa, loess layers, old house, pacing distances
and overgrown areas]]
[[Detailed map labels]]
old house
30 paces
15 paces
45 paces
Worked at section x. Here there is a bank of loess.
[[Image - pen drawing side view of bank of loess]]
[[Image labels]]
side view
12 ft
6 ft.
Road [[/labels]]
The lower 4 or 5 ft. grayer. Took samples yesterday, contains fossils, &
rusty root lines.
The higher part of the bank is nearer centre. Fossils & gray loess show
best at East end.
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East end of cut (x):
[[image: soil profile]]
[[image labels]]
yellow loess.
Gray loess 4-6 ft.
[[/image labels]]
The gray shades into the yellow, but change takes place in a few inches.
Collected fossils.
The yellow loess is sandier. It shows usual loess cleavage. The gray is
harder and here does not show cleavage in dry exposed parts. At the
east end of (x) there seems to be a little silt on slope between yellow
and gray loesses,
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
about 10 ft. above the flat. It is thin, and runs out above (?).
[[image: soil profile]]
[[image labels]]
yellow loess
gray loess
[[/image labels]]
I went on to cut (c) where I spent much time in picking up shells. They
are chiefly from a sandy pocket or layer, show in the figure.
[[image: soil profile]]
[[image labels]]
cut c
cut d
sand pocket with many shells.
silty & loessy, alternating, with shells
[[/image labels]]
Collected shells from both these spots. They are in the lower bank to
Bohumil Shimek - Diary, European trip, 1914 (1 of 2)
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The fossils are thrown together, as where drifted.
The real loess, yellow (upper part) is sandier, and has few fossils.
As a matter of fact the change upward is not unlike that which we see
along the Missouri, - but of course there is no stratified layer below in
our Missouri deposits.
[[underlined]] Took photos [[/underlined] as follows:
[[underlined]] Photo 29x [[/underlined]] - looking north at (d)-The hills rise
much above the cuts, and in all probability the loess runs up in blanket
[[image - pen sketch of profile of hill]]
[[image labels]]
yellow sandy loess
[[/image labels]]
[[underlined]] Photo 30x [[/underlined]] - Looking west at (c) (22 1/5+)
[[Image - pen sketch of the soil profile with pointed layers of "Tuft", "silt,
stratified". "Talus"]]
[[underlined]] Photo 5 [[/underlined]] (Same) 32 - 1/2.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
At exposure [[underlined]] g [[/underlined]] took:
[[underlined]] Photo 6 [[/underlined] - 22 - 1/5+
[[underlined]] Photo 1 [[/underlined]] - 32 - 1/5 - 1/2.
Here the lower, stratified layers rise higher (hill cut back farther?), and
show horizontal position beautifully. This is near the house at end of
long bank.
I found some shells (mostly broken), also in the silty darker layers of this
exposure. They are scattered, few, and all broken, either by rough
handling when laid down, or by the subsequent cracking of the material,
which becomes hard, and checks, on exposure to drying.
[[underlined]] Exposure [[/underlined]] (h) shows stratification of silt and
loessy stuff below, and yellow loess above, as in breaking sections.
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I found a few shells, mostly broken, and chiefly in the silt bands.
[[underlined]] Photo 2 [[/underlined]] - old fashioned well, beyond cut
I returned to Péczel, and [[insertion]] ^ at 11:34 [[/insertion]] to Budapest,
reaching latter at 12.10 P.M.
I then took a train at 2:05 P.M. for Vienna.
At 5.40, P.M. we passed five fields of wheat on flat plain. The harvest is
on, and the wheat sheaves are piled up in curious cross-shaked shocks.
There are white washed huts & thatched roofs in village just W. of this
great field. Our first stop after passing these great fields was at Bruck Királyhidal. It is the first station west of the village
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
which is west of the great fields. Here we begin to see the "rooster feathers" of the police.
The inscriptions in cars are:
"Opasno van se nagnuti."
"Nicht hinausbengen".
"Epericoloso aporgersi"
The name of Bucharest is pronounced "Bukarest", with a slight softening
of the [[underlined]] k [[/underlined]].
At the first station W. of Bruck I noticed the shocks piled up so:
[[Image - drawing of a cross shaped shock]]
grain is always at center, butts outward.
In some cases these were even three in a row: [[Image - drawing of 3
cross shaped shocks in a row]]
Often also [[underlined]] two [[/underlined]] crosses. [[Image - drawing
of 2 cross shaped shocks]]
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As far as I saw, all the harvesting was done with a cradle. Saw threshing
machine at one place. (Dr. von Degen told me that they could not use
agricultural machinery because they had no one to repair it.) These are
some very large continuous fields.
There are alternating long strips of corn, oats & wheat, - 4 - 10 rows of
sheaves to a strip.
Looks well everywhere as far as yield goes.
In the Austrian part there are no houses on the farms, as in Hungary.
We passed a great cemetery on N. side at 6.33 PM, - with large church.
Reached Vienna at [[strikethrough]] 6.05 + [[/strikethrough]] 6.40
[[strikethrough]] PM [[/strikethrough]] P.M., & at once took car for
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[underlined]] July 6, 1914 Monday [[/underlined]]
Visited with Paul & Bertha until 10.30 A.M., when I started for Spitz to
meet Dr. Bayer.
The day is fine and clear.
Heligenstadt, the 1st station out,shows loess banks, - seem to be large.
At Kritzendorf there are some banks in side-hill gulleys.
The water of the Danube is yellowish with a bluish cast.
Flags, red above, white below, appear along the river.
Loess banks appear at edge of plateau at Königsbrunn;
Unterstockostall. The lower part appears stratified, as at Péczel.
These [[insertion]] ^ latter [[/insertion]] banks are on the right of the R.R.
going out.
[[end page]]
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The next stop is at Kirchberg, where loess is about same. The banks are
N of RR. The Viennese speak a broad dialect,
Sógst, Etivó
There are also low banks at Hadersdorf, - good. The hills along here are
all terraced and loess, exposed in vertical cuts, - stands well.
There are some terraces at Gedersdorf.
At Rohrensdorf it is fine, and the terraces are nearby. They run all along
the bluffs here. In places rock ledges project out above the loess
The hills towards Krems are lower and farther back, but still terraced.
The terraces evidently stand well. The immediate vicinity of Krems is not
so good.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Beyond Krems the terraces are walled with rock, the slopes being rocky.
Grapes are raised everywhere on these terraces.
Beyond Unterloiben there are ruins of an old castle and walls on point of
rock. It is said to be Richard Coeur de Lions castle. It is just at
The part of the river above Krems is narrow, and the country is rough
and picturesque. Below Krems the valley is much broader.
Passed through tunnel just beyond Krems, and others farther on.
This picturesque region is [[insertion]] ^ called [[/insertion]] the
[[underlined]] Wachau [[/underlined]]. I met Dr. Bayer & the Englishspeaking consul at Spitz, and had a chat with
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them. They informed me that Dr. Wolff & Menzel were coming to see
Bayer's sections about the 15th of August.
Left at 3:14 P.M. for Krems, where I changed to a Vienna train. A slow,
slow, train. On way took photos:
[[underlined]] Photo 23 x [[/underlined]]- Hills across the Danube, heavily
timbered with conifers, opposite Weissenkirchen 1/o Wachan.
- At Stein - Matera there is a large castle across the Danube, somewhat distant. [[underlined]] Photo 24 x spoiled [[/underlined]].
[[underlined]] Photo 8 [[/underlined]] Terraced hills with grapes at Stein Mautern.
[[underlined]] Photo 7 [[/underlined]] - Terraced loess hills at
A better station for loess is Gedersdorf. It shows terraces best.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
We crossed the Danube near Tulln. The water is yellowish, and rolls like
that of the Missouri. At Greifenstein (?) there is some loess up on rocky
Below that it seems to be thin all the way down the slopes. There is also
loess at Höflein a.d. Donan.
At Kritzendorf there are rock ledges with loess (?). Not very good!
Filter rocks appear in ledges in bluffs below this point. The best loess
banks seem to be at Heiligenstadt.
In the evening [[overwritten]] the [[/overwritten]] Dr. Shohan called and
we spent a good natured, chatty evening.
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[[underlined]] July 7, 1914, Tuesday [[/underlined]]
We made preparations for the final going, and left at 9.00 A.M. for Plze.
The train was crowded, so we secured a 2nd class place by tipping the
We had a comfortable ride all the way, but had to repeat tip (to another
conductor) beyond Cmunt (= Gmünd). We caught sight of Sumava from
near Borovany.
At Borovany there is a "hostinec" near the track, named "U Jana Žižky z
Troenov is west of the track. The country here is rolling, with much
timber and many fish ponds.
Both indicate poor soil and the holding of large areas by a
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
few individuals.
From near Budjovice we could see Šumava, forested [[insertion]]
^rounded [[/insertion]] mountains, to the southwest.
Budjovice shows signs of much industrial enterprise.
Beyond Budjovice there is more cultivated land, but also many fish
The country from Hluboká beyond Naki-Netolice becomes flatter, and
nearly all of it is cultivated.
A good view of Šumava is obtained from Vodany... At Protivin there was
much washing out on the grass. The women wash in the stream.
Toward Ražice there is a rolling plain.
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Beyond this to the southwest the wooded low mountains come close up
to R.R.
At Strakonice there is an old church west of track. This is quite a town.
Saw seeders and harrows used in fields along the way. There are
wooded hills to west all along to Horaždóvice. There is a fine view of
Súmava to the southwest beyond Horaždóvice
At Neponuk there is a castle on a wooded knob. At Štáhlava, to the
west, there are ruins of the castle Lopata on the wooded hill.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
We reached Plze at [[blank space]], and took a street car for the Hotel
Svoboda, where we put up.
After locating, we walked out and took some photos.
[[underlined]] Photo 30x [[/underlined]] - Radnice (stará) v Plze.
[[underlined]] Photo 27 [[/underlined]] - Kostel Sv. Mikuláše
([[underlined]] spoiled [[/underlined]])
[[underlined]] Photo 5 [[/underlined]] - Dog team and drivers. These dogs
cost him 400 K.
Called on Jakub Burian, retired policeman, now serving in city
bathhouse. He is 75 yrs. old (July 8[[superscript]] th [[/superscript]]). He
is a cousin of uncles Jos. & John erný. erný was from Chrást, no. 7. Jos.
Konvalinka was from Plavá. Mr. Burian is not quite sure whether father
Konvalinka came from Planý near Plas, or from
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Slavý. He said the Chrást parsonage is at Dejšina, some distance from
Chrást. There is a church there, - the church of St. Simon, where the
Konvalinkos and Charvits were married. Another cousin of his is Mrs.
Šalander, in Solná ulice.
Jeji nystarši deera je pi. Schamberk o, na Petákovo námsti, is. 20, Ne
však ny doma.
Jeji sestra je Jsi. Wollmanor [[in pencil]] [[??]] [[/in pencil]] náisle 255
Solné ulice.
Grandfather Cerny was a brother of Mr. Burian's mother, Dorothy.
Addren Pan Jakub Burián strážnik ve výslnžb Zelenáská ulice .4, Plze.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
We called on the Burians here in the evening, and found them living
very simply. His wife is not strong-looking, and they are evidently not in
very good circumstances.
He was a soldier in the Austro-Italian and Austro Prussian wars, and
served as a policeman for many years. He now gets a small pension.
A married daughter lives in the same house. She has two boys.
Mr. Burian reminds one of Uncle Joe erný.
We went to the hotel and I wrote, [[insert]] ^ studied routes, [[/insert]] and
then rested.
An original Plze institution is the "Bumbalatorium,", a saloon!
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[[underline]] July 8, 1914 - Wednesday, [[/underline]]
In the morning we started out for Dnešice to see Paul's uncle. On the
way from the station, Dnešice-Žerov, to Dnešice I took photos in
[[insert]] of [[/insert]] a large Scotch Pine Forest.
[[underline]] Photo 5 [[/underline]] - (Vienna plate) The grove, at a
distance, looking W. The trees on S. side are lower, - like my Mason City
[[underline]] Photo 6 [[/underline]] (Seeds plate). Same grove, nearer
[[underline]] Photo 3 [[/underline]]- Lower part of grove. The trees are 36 ft. apart. The black rings seem to be for purpose of keeping off
caterpillars, etc.
[[underline]] Photo 4 [[/underline]]- Václar Hanzlik's (Paul's uncle's)
house in Dnešice.
[[underline]] Photo 1 [[/underline]]- Street in Dnešice, with uncle's home
first at end.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
We had lunch at uncle Václar's house (he is married a second time) and
then started for Krašave - in drizzling rain.
Uncle Václar works in the coal mines, a little west of Dnešice, in the
forest-covered mountains
From Dnešice a broad valley or basin extends southeast. It is a beautiful
region with every bit of it (practically) under cultivation. Václar Hanzlik
gets 32 K. for two weeks works, -yet he is educating a son by the
second wife.
We started to walk to Krašave, but beyond the pine forest the rain was
heavier, and we were glad to met the coachman of
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the local dignitary who rents the [[statik ?]]2 (?) or [[panstir ?]]. He was a
Pole, and accept a fee gladly. He drove us in the "pansky" carriage to
Krašaver by way of
Dolejsi Lukavice.
It rained all the way.
I took photos of house Paul's father was born in, - no25.
Photo 2 - [[bracket]]
Photo 7 - [/[bracket]] Different views of same.
It rained, and rained and rained.
We were driven to the R.R. station where I waited for a train [[insert]]
from 2.20 until 5.12 pm [[/insert]] and Bertha & Paul went on to Dnevice
to see uncle. I remained about two hours in the "hostinec", and there
met an old German who spoke fair Bohemian- an interesting character.
His notion[[insert ]] was that Americans are chiefly concerned in getting
girls for immoral purposes.[[/insert]] Reached Pilsen at 5.44 pm, and
remained in hotel.
Paul & Bertha came in later. I went to Wollners, and to Buriavus
(Reverse order.)
[[page end]]
[[page start]]
[[insert in upper right corner]] 123 [[/insert]]
[[underline]] July 9, 1914 Thursday. [[/underline]]
In the morning Paul's relatives called on us at the hotel. Hajny
Schnuberger a zena (tita Pavla), pr. Josefina (Fr. vdova) Hauzlihova,syn
Nac. Hauzlika ko frvin[[?]] zene (policista v Plzni) a sym fro druhe',
We visited with them awhile, and then [[insert]] we called on [[/insert]]
Mrs. [[insert]] Augusta [[/insert]] Gamberk, [[insert]] with Bevian [[/insert]]
who is not in good health.
We then went to Wollners, and Mrs. Wollner took us to the famous
"Mšanský" brewery. The brewery is an extensive property, but some of
the methods look primitive. Their beer "Urquell" is advertised all over
Europe. Mrs. Wollner is a shareholder. It seems that there were about
65 properties with the brewing rights
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which were coordinated in the company. The company has since
purchased some of the properties and thus acquired the rights. This still
leaves about 50 rights held by private individuals. In the afternoon we
had another visit from Paul's relatives, and later we visited [[Buriane?]],
and received pictures.
The day was disagreeable, and mostly rainy.
In the evening we called on the Wallner's again, and had a pleasant visit
and big supper. Mr. Wollner is a book printer (?), + his son Emil is
secretary of the [[ ? ? ? ? ]] This concern is new, + and is developing
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[insert, top right corner of page]] 125 [[/insert]]
a fine business with [[kashin?]] products from the [[?]] at [[?]]. Met three
daughters of Mrs. Wollner, one married, and two ? at home. Both
someway deaf, like the father. Mrs. Wollner is a very jolly woman who
reminds one of some of the [[Charvats?]].
Her son is a keen, bright + young business man, very up to date. He
wants me to come back and see the factory. They manufacture sanitary
closets, bath tubs, etc.
In a chat with Burian I learned that Jos. Kile's mother was a sister of
Burian's mother. He said that Mary was born in the old ery house, [[? ?
Jos. Kile and Mrs. edivre were brother and sister. [[? ? ? ? ? ?]]
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[[underline]]July 10, 1914[[/underline]] [[underline]]Friday[[/underline]]
Could not leave on early train because waiter had put my fountain pen
away and I could not get it until late in the morning.
We left for Chrast at 10.[[superscript]]21[[/superscript]] am. Plez is
somewhat old-fashioned, fairly clean, and not so high-priced in some
things as Prague. There is the usual slow, comfortable way of
progressing. (When we came in [[subscript]]^[[/subscript]]
[[superscript]]day before[[/superscript]] yesterday, and started off with
our baggage, one of the draymen made a vulgar remark (o polibeni [[?]]
- ) It seems that such "self-help" attracts attention everywhere, both in
Austria and Germany. A man may be about [[?]], and he may be a big
strong fellow, but he must not carry his baggage - he must strut emptyhanded with
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[top right corner]] 127[[number 7 is heavily marked over a number 6]]
a "diener" trotting along with his baggage. The turned out quite well,bright most of the day.
The town of Chrást has had something of an industrial boom, but the old
town still struggles along the slope.
On a narrow street leading down the hill from the "main" street, we found
the old erný house, no. 7. A widow, Mrs. Surchý, (who was an Jilek) now
lives there with a daughter.
Mrs. Suchý is not well. She is a widow. She says that the house is same
as of old, and that the ornamented[[?]] door is the old door, - probably
made by the grandfather erný.
They keep hay in the garret.
The barn is not the original.
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[[underlined]] Photos [[/underlined]] 7 & 8 - House no. 7.
[[underlined]] Photo [[/underlined]] 29x - The door and front of cottage.
[[underlined]] Photo 30x [[/underlined]] Looking up the road (on street)
west, past the house no. 7. - The house is on the N. side. Bert & Paul
are in it, also Mrs. Suchý and daughter. The house next east was Kile's
(Sonkupik's) old house.
[[underlined]] Photo [[/underlined]] 3 - Sonkupik's house.
Visited the Uló, and found Mrs. Dvoak of Cedar Rapids (who was
[[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] Miss Ul) with her little daughter. Miss
Ul is a cousin [[insert]] ? [[/insert]] of George Ul. We walked to the village
Dejšina, where the church and parsonage are located. We called on the
priest (fará), Rev.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
who hunted up the family records. The priests room is tumbled around,
dishes, papers, statuetts, etc. all mixed up, and the dogs were sleeping
on the records. The records are kept partly on open shelves, and partly
tumbled about. There are 3 dogs and 2 girls (huchaley?) here.
The parsonage was built in 1352 the church earlier.
Secured the following [[insert]] marriage [[/insert]] records:
"Josef Konvalinka, tovaryš sebýrnicky, v Chrástu, syn Františka
Konvalinky, krejuho v Heschlavy, .14, a Barbory, rozevé Hájek,
[[insert]][[strikethrough]] [[????]] [[/strikethrough]][[/insert]] z Radnic.
Cerný, Anna, - acera Jana
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ernýho, mistra sekýrnickéh v Chrástu, a Rosálie, rozené Brožik, z Nové
Sezdáni 31 ledna,1853. V. Djsin.
Karel Jiratka, kaplan.
Svdkovi: echura, Dominik, mlyni Jakob Suchý, mistr slévoiský v Chrástu.
Jos. Konvalinka, 30 r.stas.
Anna ervaá 21 r.
Grandfather Jan erný was a son of the deceased František erný of
Chrást, no.7, and Alžbta, born Šourek of Chrást.
Grandmother erný was Rosálie, daughter of Šebastian Brožik, chalupink
in Nové Hut (Nová Hut) and Marie, born Zika, from
[[end page]]
[[start page]] 131
Hrádek, no. 18. She [[insertion ]] (Anna) [[/insertion]] was born August 9,
Jos. Konvalinka, nasozen v Hešohlavech, [[insertion]] c. 30, [[/insertion]]
21 pros., 1821,
Otec Fr. Konvalinka, kreji, a matka Barbara, rozena Hájck, dcera
Matyášc Hajka, mštana v Radweick.
Kritin ten saneý den in Hesohlavech. PP. Fará
Adolf Skivan v Dejšin.
Went out to look at church and take photos.
[[underlined]] Photo 27 [[/underlined]] Looking N.E. at church.
[[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]]
"Kostel Sv. Trojice a Sv,
Šimona a Judy in Dejšina.
[[underlined]] Photo 28 [[/underlined]] - --Interior of church,-old altar.
The church was "sklenut a obnoven"
(Counted 500)
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in 1696. Rebuilt in 1851.
The altar goes back to 1696.
[[underline]] Photo 4 [[/underline]]- goose pond in Dejšina.
[[underline]] Photo 1 [[/underline]]- Looking S. across Dejšina.
[[underline]] Photo 2 [[/underline]]- Looking N. across Chrast.
Returned to Chrast. The country is quite rolling, but there is a far outlook
and I could count a number of villages.
Walked down the old streets to no. 7, and then to lower (Jilek) mill. First,
however, took a photo of house in which Geo. Ul was born.
[[underline]] Photo 23X [[/underline]]- 1st house is one in which Geo. Ul
was born. Old Václav Ul, an old woman with "miše", & Mrs. Dvoák
[[insertion]] (Ul)[[/insertion]] are in.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[insert- top right corner of page]] 133 [[/insert]]
[[underline]] Photo 5. [[/underline]] Jilek mill and hill back of it.
[[underline]] Photo 24X [[/underline]]- Ul's house. Mr. & Mrs. Ul, and son,
and daughter, and Mrs. Dvoák.
[[underline]] Photo 6 [[/underline]]- Looking down the race,- at the
[[underline]] old mill. [[/underline]]
From the Jilek mill I hurried to Ul's, took Photo 24x, and then hurried to
old mill and took photo 6.
Returned to Ul's, took lunch, and left for Prague at [[strikethrough]] 10
[[/strikethrough]] 7 P.M.
We reached Prague at 10 P.M., and went directly to no. 14 Trojická
ulice, and retired.
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[[underline]] July 11, 1914 Saturday. [[/underline]]
[[strikethrough]] I first walked out towards [[Smichor?]]. [[/strikethrough]]
After breakfast we went to the Botanical building, and met Dr. Peklo,
who went out with Paul. I got my mail, visited a while, and went back to
room with Bertha. [[insert]] ^ walked to [[Smichor?]] [[/insert]] We then
started for the Olšany (cemetery), and spent the afternoon in finding and
photographing the monuments of great Bohemians. I secured a printed
guide. Photographed and noted the following.
[[underline]] Photo 5 - Josef Jungmann [[/underline]]
(P.18 of guide, [[?]] .28, Hr. III, od, 8.
[[underlined]] Starý bronzový [[/underlined]] pomník. Us nm, na pedu:
Zde pi kosteck syna a dary [[odpoíva?]] due 16 ervence 1773 narozený
a due 14 listopadu 1847 w Pdnu zesnulý
Josef Jungmann
(vstatni následuje na druhé stránci) [[arrow to right]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[upper right]] 135 [[/upper right]]
Rytí ádu Leopoldova, Doktor filosofie. Dkan a Rektor university
Pražské. Prefekt akademického gymnasium.
len [[strikethrough]] [[unfinished letter]] [[/strikethrough]] národniho
Museum, a
uené spolenosti eské jakož i jiných
uených spolenosti we [[rolasti?]]
i w cizin atd. atd., jsa oplakáván
opuštnou [[underlined]] choti a dvma [[/underlined]] dcerama
Nad mohylou chladnon známým Toým lká
ti popáno!
Nad ni cho i dce slzu roní w
[[želu swém?]]!
Tam k [[wysoinám?]] oko touhy plned
obráceno k [[rvli?]],
Ten jediný od nich k Božstrvu
mluví [[dohowor?]]!
[[margin]] [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] [[/margin]]
Na levé stran jest napis
podaný na nás [[ledujrci?]] stránce:
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Josef Jungmann
Auskultant pi zemském Práw
narozen dne 13 [[strikethrough]] [[underlined]] bizna [[/underlined]]
[[/strikethrough]] srpna 1801
úmel dne 24 prosince 1833
[[underlined]] Na prave stran: [[/underlined]]
Johanna Jungma[[strikethrough]] [[nosova?]] [[/strikethrough]] nnowna
narozena dne 14 dubna 1803
úmela dne 16 prosínce 1839.
Vedle v pravo stojí pomník.
Jungmann a Musil.
[[underlined]] Photo 6 [[/underlined]] Ladislav J.
Ph. D[[superscript]] [[double-underlined]] r [[/double underlined]]
[[/superscript]] Prof. Botaniky
na . universit v Praze
18 29/XI 34 - 19 24/XI 02
LOVISA elakovská
Roy. Knafova, 18 13/VIII 37 - 19 15/VI 04
cones on left.-grapes(?) on right over his bas-relief.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[upper right]] 137 [[/upper right]]
[[underlined]] Photo 4 [[/underlined]] - Bas relíef and sandstone
Karel Havliek nar.v Borové 1821
zem.v Praze 1856.
[[image - drawing of a church]]-- Tablet in back wall. with this inscription:
Marie Havliková
dcera Frant. Havlika úedníka ú vrního ústavu
Zemrla a Praze dne 20 kvtna 1867
v 16 roku vku svého.
[[underlined]] Photo 29 [[/underlined]] (poor).
Na ernéni mramoru u hrobu muže:
(Johanna Mužáková)
[[image - star]] 24/2 1830
[[image - cross]] 7/9 1899.
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Pomník mužv u hlavy je vtšé:
c.k. professor
dne 10 bezna r. 1821
ve Svtlé pod Ješte[[strikethrough]] [[image- diacritic over e]]
dne 8 února r. 1892
[[writing curves like top half of oval]] Zde prachniví [[/writing curves like
top half of oval]]
[[writing curves like bottom half of oval]] srdce cské [[/writing curves like
bottom half of oval]]
[[/underlined]] Photo 30 x. [[/underlined]] Karel Jonáš.
Pomník je z erného mramoru, nahoe orel s práporem.
Na hoejší ásti:
[[image - looks like the top of a rook, but with a smooth round top
instead of ramparts; on the top "cap" part are three symbols: an A
(alpha), a Chi-Ro, and (omega) ; on the base of the figure are these
words: in a circle is written "Bas relief", then "Karel", "Jonás", and then
"Prvý ech Konsul Spojených
Stát Severoamerickch
v Praze
*18 30/10 40 † 18 15/1 96"; and then there is the base of the figure]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[upper right]] 139 [[/upper right]]
[[image - box around paragraph with an extension struck-through]]
Mám páni jediné: Bý po=
chován v té drahé zemi eské,
po níž tak horoucn jsem toužil,
a již jsem vše obtoval. V Krefeldu dne 30 ijna 1895
[[underlined]] Photo 1 - [[/underlined]] J. J. Kolár.
A bronze bust on black pedestal.
Josef Jií
9 února . 1812
† 31 ledna, 1896
There is a large cross u the slab covering
the grave.
(Vod. 7, V je pomník z crného mramoru,
s bas-relief [[em?]] : Ludvík Simek
1837 + 1886
Emilie Šimková 1835 † 1906
R.I.P. )
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Pobliž jest hrob Jos. [[Manese?]], - pomník
je z šedivého mramoru, a nese kovový
bas relief, a následujici nápis:
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Josef Manes
1820 + 1871
Guido Manes
1829 + 1880
Amádie Manes
1817 + 1883.
Nearby is a marble tablet with: Peter Maixner
akademieký mali
narozen 13 brézna 1831
zemel 22 ijna, 1884
[[underline]] Photo 2 [[/underline]] (not good) Tyrš & Fúgner. A tall
monument of grey stone (marble?), with plates of reddish granite on
which inscriptions are found. A double bas relief in bronze is on upper
part, and a falcon on top. On face fronting the camera:
Jindich Frïguer
1822 - 1865
Mirorlar Jyrš
1832 - 1884
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
On left side:
Kalèina Frïgnesorá
nar. 14 erverce 1834
zemri. 29 srpia 1906
[[underline]] Photo 27 [[/underline]]- V -11- Erben.
Black marble monument:
Karel Jaromér
7/11 1811 + 21/11 1870
PH Dr. Antonin Rezek
JV Skut. Tajnýrada a ck. ministr.
*13/1 1853 & 4/2 1909.
Doleji pak stoji:
Barbora Erbenová
rodem Meiová
+20/8 1857
Ludislava Erbenová
+23/9 1892
Žofic Erbenová
rodem Mastná
+23/10 1905
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Photo 28 [[underlined]]-v-13. Sofia Podlifská.
Black marble monument. Above: Dovedine krásn stárnout a klidn
umirat, aby naše dti dovedly šlechetin žiti.
udova po diltorn likastvi
a apisovatelka
Dr. Prokop
*9/8 1859 + 4/4 1900
Photo 7 [[underlined]] Julius Grégr. [[underllined]]
Upper part of monument gray, the middle red granite, the lower part
dark marble). A bust above.
JM Dr. Jul. Grégr
majital a vydávatel Nár. List Zemský poslanec
nar.19 pros. 1831 zem.4 ij. 1896.
Underneath, on small plates: To left:
Hrob ženy pevytené
mathy vzorné,
Anna Grégová
roz. Hulešová
+6 ervna 1876 s. 33 r. vku svélis.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[top right corner]] 143 [[/corner]]
On similar tablet to right:
Ržena Grégrova
roz. Nobackova
Spolumajitelka a vydavatelka
Národnich List
r. 23 arpna 1858 + 24 arpna 1900
náš Koráek+ 18 19/2 85
náš Rutánek + 18 22/4-85
Našc Rženka + 18 23/4 96
The figure of a woman has a drawn sword, and at her feet are shackles
on chain:
Photo 8 [[underlined]] Karel Sladkovaký
A gray stone, with bas relief, & woman with scroll and large pen.
Inscription above only:
Karel Sladkovský.
It rained in the afternoon a little, and was threatening.
Saw Mr. Mirazek, & paid him 20.00K
We took supper at Mstaudia Beseda, and went home.
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[[underlined]] July 12, 1914, Sunday. [[/underlined]]
I visited Dr. Domin in the forenoon, and discussed my return and the
question of securing the Conory PhD. He says the matter will be taken
up in the fall and will go through. At 11 o'clock we went to Vyšehrad,
visited the cemetery, the walls, etc., and then took dinner at Zlatá Husa.
We then walked to the staromeštskí Námišti, visited the old university,
Klementinum, and Karlelš bridge, and then we went up to the top of
Uebrozizek, went up into the lookout tower, visited the Prague [[?]] battle
panorama, and returned the Botanical Institute whence we went to the
[[?]] Brenda where we spent the evening with the [[Donims?]] and Miss
I took a series of photos for which see list at back of book for this date.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[insert- top right hand corner of page]] 145 [[/insert]]
[[underline]] July 13, 1914 Monday. [[/underline]]
We left at 7.26 am for [[Karlur? Jizur?]]. Took Photo 5.
Went up into the castle. By a special fee we were able to get a guide for
ourselves. Many groups of children were visiting the castle today.
The stone balls were thrown in by H---- in 1422, and the iron balls by the
Swedes in 1620.
Took interior views of chapels, photos 7 + 8. On the return I
photographed the folded [[?]] at the bridge, [[underline]] photos 3 + 4
[[/underline]]. We returned to Prague, and after taking dinner at we
went shopping. Bought garment pins, etc.
In the evening we had a [[?]] supper with the Domino in the Botanical
Garden. The [[Darieš?]] also came, somewhat later. We had to tear
ourselves away about 11.
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[[underline]] July 14, 1914 - Tuesday [[/underline]]
We left for eastern Bohemia at 6.35 am Paul + Bertha stopped at
Pardubice, and I went on to Svitava and Borová.
The day is fine.
At Pardubice, on the north side, I could see Kuntická hora, rising out of
The whole country traversed is comparatively flat, and nearly all under
cultivation. It is harvest time and quite a bit of machinery is in use.
Along the Labe swamps and "kyselky" appear, much as in part which we
At Choce the country begins to be a little rougher, or rather simply more
rolling, at at once more forests appear.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[insert- upper right hand corner]] 147 [[/insert]]
This already begins at the second station west of Choce, and the farther
we go the more woods appear, especially on the north side.
Just at edge of town east of Choce there are some rocky ledges, and
beyond these quarries appear. The quarries are fine. The country east
grows quite rough.
Flowers appear in windows and on "shelves" everywhere along the line.
There are many rocky ledges. Beyond Brandy's road Orlici it is quite
rough, with steep wooded slopes. The forest is mostly spruce, and some
deciduous trees appear. As Ústi nad Orlici there are rocky bluffs and
wooded hills. Then, beyond town to north it is less rough and more
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eská Tebova is quite a town, in country less rough. There are some
industries, as at Ústí.
Svitava is in Moravia, Its altitude [[insert]](another, later note, says
448.022) [[/insert]] above the sea, at R.R. station, is 386.923 meters.
Westward [[insert]] ^ on road to Policka [[/insert]] there is a nice territory,
well-cultivated, not so rough, with less woods. Then it becomes
somewhat rougher again, then less rough, and so varies.
There is much Scotch Pine here.
The country from Svitava to Polika is gently rolling on the whole, with
some rougher parts.
The first part, to Horní Vendolí, is German, and the notices, etc., are
wholly German, or German stands first, the conductor calls German
name of station first. At Kvtná also German first.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[insert- top right corner of page]] 149 [[/insert]]
At Polika everything is Bohemian. "Polika", only appears at station. I
started out from Borová, out of Polika, a foot, following the road which
winds through the long line of villages, which is about continuous from
Borová, for a distance of "5 hours". The houses string along, and
[[insert]] ^ sign [[/insert]] boards announce the limits of the villages,
otherwise they are continuous, including and going beyond Polika.
At Odíš, just below Borová, I saw the "hostinec" [[insert]] ^
[[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] reznictor" [[/insert]] of Eduard Filipi
(an older sign reads "Filippi". I stopped and found that his son is in
Cedar Rapids, in the meat business, etc. Took [[underline]] photo 3
[[/underline]]. I made inquires in the lower end of Borová, at "hostinec",
and from laborer, and
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learned (especially from old [[hortinsky?]] ) that the mill was built by
Koráb, and used as a grist mill; then Skribsky also used it as a mill; then
Svoboda, also as a mill; then Zezulka used it as "tkalcovna"; then Valter
used it as a soap factory; then Stegr as a "tkalcovna"; then the mill was
sold at auction, -"v drazbe", and Drastik bought it, - the present owner,
who uses it as a mill, - a "srotovna", [[insertion]] ^and he made shingles
for a time. [[/insertion]] He has a turbine wheel in place of the old water
Took photos 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, - see list at end of book.
The Kovab mill has a date over it, 1859, at top, under little roof. The
owner says that he restored it. (It may have been 1850).
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[Upper right corner, inset]] 151 [[/inset]]
Pi. Steinwecková v Pardubicich je z Korábova mlýna. P. Kuera, Barto,
ze statku, je z 3 [[superscript]] ho [[/superscript]] neb 4 [[superscript]] ho
[[/superscript]] pokoleni.
Na sta osadmik z tohoto oholi se usadilo v Americe, nejvice v 60
[[superscript]] tých [[/superscript]] a 70 [[superscript]] tých [[/superscript]]
letich. Hlavm piina byla nouze.
I took photos 23 and 24.
The Protestant (Evangelical) Church at Borová is said to be 150 [[insert]
^ or about 100 [[/insert]] yrs. old. They now have a new church. The view
of Kovabi mill in photo 24 shows little shed (in fore part of picture) in
which the turbine-wheel is located. There was here formerly a
The old catholic church at Borová
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is said to have been built in 1009.
The Protestants used to bury their dead at night in the forest. One of the
Kossatks is said to have been pastor of the Protestant church.
I left Borova at 5.06 p.m. The country around Borowa is rolling, but not
rough, and mostly under cultivation. The line of villages and the RR. are
nearly parallel to Policka.
This entire region is beautiful, rich and fertile. There is much stock.
On the train were traders who were going out with a number of large
baskets to buy up fruit and vegetables.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]153
At Svitava I saw two women with flat packs on their backs-in a sheet
which passed over the shoulders and was tied under the chin, on the
I went to Cistiuad Orlice and put up at the Hotel Frimel, where I had
supper and room 2.
The region about Cisti is rough, the town lying in a valley bordered by
high hills with steep, mostly heavily wooded slopes.
There are also rocky ledges here.
The location is picturesque, and the place seems to be quite a summer
The place at which I am stopping is evidently thoroughly Bohemian,
judging by papers, visitors, + patrons, etc.
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[[underlined]] July 15. Wednesday [[/underlined]] 1914
Arose at 5:15 AM and wrote. After breakfast, I went to the station where
I was to meet Paul and Bertha.
The morning is bright, but here in the valley hazy.
The station is in a narrow valley, bordered by forest-covered slopes. I
took photo 23, showing train at station. This is the train on which we left
for Dondleby by way of Kršpeck. The trains are almost always on time!
Bertha and Paul arrived, and we left at 7:20 AM. We passed through
Zamberk, and I tried to take a snap of the slopes [[insert]] ^ & fields
[[/insert]] opposite the station. ([[underlined]] Failed [[/underlined]]). At
Listice [[insert]] ^ und Orlici [[/insert]] we saw an old ruined castle. The
whole region is very picturesque, with deep valleys,
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
heavily wooded slopes, rapid streams, etc. Towards Dondleby the
country opens out more, a becomes rolling, but largely cultivated.
Reached Dondleby at 8:51 am. We walked along the highway from
Dondleby to Vamberk, - the old home of my people!
Vamberk lies in a valley in a rolling country, - mostly cultivated. I took
photo 5 as we approached the town.
I called on the fará, Rev. Václav Huézda, whom I found in church,
preparing for a funeral. He directed me to Mr. Jos. Král, "idici nitel", who
has been teaching here about 35 years, and who is preparing a history
of Vamberk. He was not at
Bohumil Shimek - Diary, European trip, 1914 (1 of 2)
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home, as he was to conduct the singing at the funeral, but his wife
greeted me pleasantly, and sent for him. He is a genial, pleasant man
who has much information concerning the early history of Vamberk. He
is writing his history under the inspiration, and with the assistance of the
historian at Cragne. He furnished me the following litteral transcript
obtained from the old parish records,-a special record of events, etc.
The sheet, as he has it, is here copied:
[[underlined]] Jiné pibhy Vamberka setihajici. [[/underlined]]
V pivnich letech vysoce kýžené kinstiture 1848 která tak mnoho zmatk
zpsobila, ale krátké
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
trváni mla, vastala velka touha
po sthovám do Ameriky (my note Odjeli,)
1852-[[underlined]] Josef Jakubee [[/underlined]] vdovec a truhla z
Vamberka Nr. C 163 se 3 dcerami.
1852-[[underlined]] Roek Jan [[/underlined]]- sklená z Vamberka Nr.11,
se ženon a ditkami.
1852-[[underlined]] František Svatý [[/underlined]], tkadlec z Vamb. Nr.
100, rodem z Lommice, se ženon a dvmi dtmi. (Pozn. Tento lovk byl bez
náboženstvi, dobr, z je pry.)
1852-[[underlined]] Kubias, Jos. [[/underlined]]- Kadlec z Vamberka. nr
159, se ženon n 4 détmi.
1852-[[underlined]] Pavlišta Jan [[/underlined]]-Podezav nr. 2, se synem.
1852-[[underlined]] Prokop, Vac. [[/underlined]] Podezav nr. 3, se 3
1853-[[underlined]] Anton Sulek [[/underlined]]- Koželuk v
Bohumil Shimek - Diary, European trip, 1914 (1 of 2)
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Lupenici, ur. 35 se ženou a
2 dtmi.
(Zažili na moi hrozné boue
a pes 9 nedl trvala jejich
1: [[underlined]] Anton Sulek [[/underlined]] - Religiouspätter/ vade in
pace. S ním šla
Barbora Sklihova z Lup.,
. 37 a Jos. Wolf z Merklovic.
Tchán Sulkv poslechl lákání
zeovo a se svou starou ženou
5m. srpna 1856 jich následovali.
1853- [[underlined]] Šmoranc, Jan [[/underlined]] z Vamberka,
nr. 103 se ženou a synem
1853 - [[underlined]] Riedl František [[/underlined]] , krupa,
nr. 291 se ženou a 5 dtmi.
1853 - [[underlined]] Suchánek František [[/underlined]] (obecn
mlsný Vanick) paprská z
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[upper right]] 159 [[/upper right]]
Vamberka nr. 259, se ženou a
dtmi. Tchán Svatýho.
1854 - [[underlined]] Ignáe Štpánek [[/underlined]] , sedlák z
Langendorfu [[insertion]] (Dlouhá Ves?) [[/insertion]] se ženou Annou
Matejkovou z Podezova s dtmi.
1854 - [[underlined]] Štpánek enk [[/underlined]] - dívjšího bratr,
domka z Jahodova nr. 2 se ženou
a 2 dtmi.
1854 - [[underlined]] Horák, Jan, [[/underlined]] chalupník ze
[[left margin]] F. J's family [[/left margin]] Záeí nr. 1 se ženou a 8 dtmi
[[left margin]] ? [[/left margin]] 1854 - [[underlined]] Šabata František
[[/underlined]] , z Langendorfu,
se ženou z Merkl. (roz.) s dtmi.
1854 - [[underlined]] Kubias František [[/underlined]] bli z
Vamberka, se ženou a synem.
[[left margin]] ? [[/left margin]] [[underlined]] Krubert František
[[/underlined]] - sedlák v Rovné
nr. 2 se ženou a 5 dtmi.
1854 - [[underlined]] Votronbek Vít [[/underlined]] z Rovné nr. 26
se ženou a 4 dtmi.
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1854 - [[underlined]] Smola Jos. [[/underlined]] a [[underlined]] Jan
[[/underlined]] , synové
pa. Smoly rolníka. z Rovn
nr. 39 odjeli do Ameriky incognito.
1864 - [[underlined]] Hejhal, František [[/underlined]] , vdovec
z Rovn nr. 51 se 4 dtmi.
1856 - [[underlined]] Bek Václav - [[/underlined]] z Podezova
nr. 13 se ženou a díttem?.
1856 - [[underlined]] Václav Sulek [[/underlined]] - z Lupnice
ur. 57 se ženou a 3 dtmi.
[[left margin]] ? [[/left margin]] 1855 - [[underlined]] Pecold Jos.
[[/underlined]] z Vamberka u
Pekla nr. 99.
1855 - [[underlined]] Dudek Fr. [[/underlined]] ková z Lupenice
nr. 2 se ženou a 7 dtmi.
[[left margin]] ? [[/left margin]] 1855 - [[underlined]] Hodoval Jan
[[/underlined]] - Rove nr. 41
se ženou a 4 dtmi.
1855 - [[underlined]] Urban Martin [[/underlined]] barví,
Vamb., se ženou a dtmi;
velmi dobrý muž, bratr Jana Urbana.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[upper right]] 161 [[/upper right]]
Ped ním odebral se do Ameriky
incognito [[underlined]] Alois Urban [[/underlined]], syn Jana
Urbana velmi zruný barví,
dobrý hudebník, vbec vtipná
hlava, 20 rok stár (Anmerkung :
ist zurück).
1856 - [[underlined]] Horák, Jos. [[/underlined]] bedná ve Vamberce
s manželkou a 3 dítkami.
[[underlined]] 1856 - Josef Šimek [[/underlined]] - obuvník a
obyvatel ve Vamberce nr. 3, se
Ženou a dtmi.
[[bracket]] "Svatý, Sulek a Šimek byl
nebezpený trojlístek, nepátelský
sv. náboženství, jakož i nepátelský
Též jsem se dopídil že rodina
Tíbova vlastnila dm íslo 9 (staré)
aneb 48 (ješt starší). Jest to vlastn.
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ást domu ís. 9 a 10 (48 starší)
Zápis stojí následovn:
[[underlined]] islo 10 [[/underlined]] (48 starší):
R. 1793 - Jií Majer od Jana Štéra
1801 - Vdova Títka
1830 - Jo[[strikethrough]] z [[/striekthrough]] sef Kubias.
[[underlined]] islo 9 [[/underlined]] (48 starší, - z poátku jedno islo.
1689 - František Kubias [[ml.?]] od
Martina Krska.
1734 - Václav Tít
1777 - Lukáš Tít.
1788 [[image - arrow from here to bottom of page]] - Lukáš Tít vzal 1/2
pod N [[superscript]] [[underlined]] ro [[/underlined]] [[/superscript]]
Concep. 48 a to síce tu
polovici Janovi Holoubkovi
gruntu ležící.
1793 - Jos. Tit vjal po svém otci
Václavu z téhož zde pi Vamberku
v ulici Potštejn, pod N [[superscript]] [[underlined]] ro [[/underlined]]
[[/superscript]] 48 s
bratreni jeho Lukášum spoleného
domku svou polovici.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[upper right]] 163 [[/upper right]]
R. 1801 - Vdova po Lukáši Títovi
prodala Jiíkovi Maierovi.
P. Král mn též s sdlil že kostel
Sv. Prokopa (starý kostel v nmž
otec a matka byli sezdáni) byl
síce vyhoelý r. 1898, a v r. 1899
pestavovan, avšak celkem je
nezmnn, - toliko zevnjšek zmnn.
I then took photographs of
the interior of the church ([[underlined]] photos [[/underlined]]
1 + 2 (IV), chromo-isolars, and later
also [[underlined]] photos [[/underlined]] 3, [[insertion]] ^ 29,8,
[[/insertion]] 6 (showing Panský
Dm of which my father used to
speak. This shows the pattern of the
old houses in one of which, nos. 3,
facing the square, my folks lived.)
Between this Panský Dm and the
lace store is a narrow street, Bohumil Shimek - Diary, European trip, 1914 (1 of 2)
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Poštýnská ulice, - on the right hand side of which stood the old house 9
& 10, now replaced by a store building. I took photo 7 of the present
building, the business of Karel Karásek, and to the right is a cottage like
the old ones used to be. Also tried to take photo of present Nr. 3, - the
store building of Arnošt Šlapl (dry goods) but this was spoiled.
We then took dinner at the Kubias' hotel, and after dinner I went to the
parsonage to get the records concerning our family. In the "matrika" I
found that father and mother were married June 20, 1846, by Rev. Jan
Pauckert, fará.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Father's age was 24, mother's 27 yrs. The [[insert]] ^ marriage [[/insert]]
record reads as follows:
[[underlined]] Franz Schimek [[/underlined]], mšan a obuvnik ve
Vamberce, manželský syn Ignáce Šimka, obuvnika z astolovic, is. 92, a
jeho manželky Barbory, rodem Jana matonška z astolovic,
[[underlined]] Marya [[/underlined]] Tjtt, manželská dcera Josefa Tjtta,
obuvnika a mšana ve Vamberce, . 161, a jeho manželky Marie, rodem
Jana Kubiasové Akalce [[insert]] (?) [[/insert]] ve Vamberce, . 174. (V
dob satku bydleli v is. 17). K satku wla svokeni vrchnosti, což bylo v
dobách roboty mitné.
Dalši matriky na fae ukazuji
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že otec byl rozen [[underlined]] 25 bezna, 1822, [[/underlined]] a otec
jeho byl Igantz Schimeck. Na stránce 43 stojí o matce:
Marje Terezie, - r. 1852 vyzvedla kestín list. Rozena Trinora, 1819.
Otec Josef Tit, matka Marie Titová, dcera Jana Kubiase. Narodila se r .
163 (staré).
Marie Šimkova, (sestra moje), byla narozena v ísle 3, due 7 kvtna, 1847.
I then took the out-of-door photos listed on p. 163.
I learned that a Mrs. Kubin in Vamberk is related to the Tits.
Mr. Antonin Bedná, starosta, komerin rada, tovarnik, is also
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
related through the Kubiás',--distantly.
I bought cards and pictures of Vamberk,--one with father's old home as
it appeared, and also tried to buy a tripod, but the screw did not fit. It
was sent to a machinist who bungled it so that I could not use it, and I
had to leave it. We had hired a team to take us to astolovice, but the
delay made the trip impossible (and a heavy storm brewing made it
undesirable), and the trip was given up.
I then took photos 8, 7, 30 (and old cottage at end of row in which
father's house stood, --and like it), 27, and 4. Photo 27 shows the
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(later than father's day), looking E., with statues on sides, beginning with
S. Cyrill at the left, and with S. Method on the right.
We took a train for Doudleby, where we at once changed to the train
going towards Praque. Paul and Bertha went on to Prague, and I
stopped off at astolovice at a little after 5 P.M.
Vamberk, I am told, has changed much because of industrial
development. It is famous for its lace work, and is to celebrate The
anniversary of [[blank]] the lady who started the industry
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
astolovice has changed less. A quaint old street, with the low-numbered
houses, hence evidently old,,- leads from the depot to the business part
of the town. This is Rieger street. Kominský street leads up the hill to the
left from it, to the old church on the hill, - kostel Sv. Vita, - built in 1775.
My grandparents (father's parents) were married in this church, and
father was baptized in it.
Took photos 1 & 28 of the church, and 2 of Rieger street, which runs
nearly parallel to the RR. east of station.
I looked up no. 92, where father was born. The house has been rebuilt,
and turned at
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right angles. It stands part way up the slope north of Rieger street on a
very narrow lane. The present house is shown (just below the big barn)
in photo 23, looking W. of N. It is a white house.
West of this place (no. 92) stands the old Matousk place (grandmother's
old home), - no. 95. Nyni misto to pati Jos. epelkovi.
I took [[underlined]] photo 24 [[/underlined]] of the old house at no. 95.
The old house, built of hewn logs, still stands. There is here a quaint row
of old cottages along a narrow lane which here runs along slope, parallel
to the ridge or base. Here, according to my local informants, lived
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
old Matoušek, "obuvnik a hudebnik", whose son Charles, also a
musician, is said to have been in Vamberk.
It is said his sons are still there. Mrs Marie Matjka, of no. 98, an old lady
of 78, says that old Mr. Matoušek moved "do Uher", and that the son
Charles followed him, while another informant, Fr. Novák, ^ [[of no.
150]], her grandson (!), says that Charles went to Vamberk.
Fr. Jindra nyni vlastni és 92.
Stará zed' dosud peý tvoži ást' nynjžiho domku, tento jest vžak otoen o
turt, následkem nepohodnuti se sonsedem.
Fará v astolovicich se jmenuje Jaroslav Petr.
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Koupil jsem pohlednice a pak
jsem šel do hostince n nádražé
kde jsem ekal na noní vlak
do 1. [[superscript]] 05 [[/superscript]] po plnoci. Zde jsem
se sešel s p. Karlem Tomanem,
pednostou stanice železniní v
astolovicich, který je pítel
a spolužák Václava Kubíka,
ješt ze Žamberka.
Vyjel jsem v 1. [[superscript]] 05 [[/superscript]]. Vyspal jsem
se na tvrdé lavici v 3 [[superscript]] [[underlined]] tí [[/underlined]]
[[/superscript]] tíd, a
píjel jsem do Prahy v 5 [[underlined]] 41 [[/underlined]] ráno,
na severo západni ná draží.
Poslal jsem p. Královi žádost
z astolovic aby mn p. Karel
Dvoák, obchodník ve Vamberce,
poslat úet - za poškozený stativ.
(Uet jsem pozdji obdržel v Praze, - na
2 K. )
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[upper right]] 173 [[/upper right]]
[[underlined]] July 16, 1914 Thursday. [[/underlined]]
Worked at my room, and also visited Mr. Mrázek.
In the afternoon I went up town, to Chodra's restaurant, and met the
Silas, father and daughter, who came from Litomyšl Pardubice to see
Paul. They are related to his mother. They are fine people.
The daughter is an only child, and intends to enter the University. The
father is in business. She wishes to go to America, but the parents
object for business and family reasons. She is a fine intelligent girl, and
it would be a pity to throw her away to some man under the present
social conditions.
I returned to the University to
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meet Mr. Mrázek and get the negatives, and then returned to the Obecni
Dm just in time to catch the Silas, who were with Paul and Bertha. They
left at 7.30 P.M. I took supper at Méšt'anská Beseda and [[insertion]] ^
we [[/insertion]] went home and early to bed.
It drizzled part of the day, - especially in the evening.
When we parted with the Silas the daughter cried. She wants so much
to go to America, but the parents object. The father is evidently very
indulgent and thinks much of his daughter, but he cannot see his way
clear to permit this. And the good girl will be lost here!
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[underlined]] July 17, 1914 [[/underlined]] - [[underlined]] Friday
I spent the forenoon at my room, and with prof. Nému and Mr Mrázek,
while Bertha and Paul went out.
We took dinner (Bertha & I) at the Mštánská Beseda, and I attended to
banking. It rained much of the time.
The Bank paid me 241 K. for 10 £, and for an additional 5 £, 120.50 K, a total of 361.50 K for 15 £.
We went to Hradany and made the rounds of the church and the main
halls, and Belvedere.
We spend the evening, on the return, at the "Slavia" restaurant near
opposite the Národui Didvadlo, where Dr. Peklo joined us. He was quite
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jolly, and appeared to be ready for any sort of a lark. He and Paul have
struck up quite a comradeship.
After spending a pleasant social evening, we started for home. On the
way Dr. Peklo suggested that we visit "Fleks", - the chief drinking place
of Prague. We merely walked through; that was enough! The place is
roomy, with all sorts of branches and corners. The tables are crowded
in, & every space is occupied. The cielings are low, and the air heavy
with smoke and bad breath. And here these people, - men and women, came to sit by the hour! Usually a particular company selects a
particular evening and table. After a certain hour (11 P.M.?) no more
orders are taken for beer, but the guests order as many glasses as they
wish before that hour. We went home!
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[underlined]] July 18, 1914, Saturday. [[/underlined]]
We packed early for our trip into Germany and Switzerland. I saw Mr.
Mrázek about developing negatives after I get back, and visited with Dr.
Domin, who gave me further assurance that the matter of my Ph.D.
(honorary) will progress satisfactorily.
We took our grips and went up town. We had dinner at a resturant near
the depot, and left at 2.56 P.M. for Dresden.
Paul was stopped at the depot, as he was about to board the train, by a
policeman who tried to arrest him. Probably Paul's complexion and
appearance suggested a Serb, - or the officer was on the wrong scent.
He reluctantly released him in time for the train.
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We travelled again over the familiar route to Podmokli, but the whole
region had changed. When I came in the spring everything was just
starting, - now the harvest is on, the hop-vines are greatly developed
and form a conspicuous part of the plant covering, - much of the fruit,
then is flower, has been picked, and there are many suggestions of the
approach of autumn.
It was quite misty, and later rained some, so that the view was not
always good.
We noted particularly the old ruined castle of Strkov just before we
reached Ústi. Ústi itself is
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
fine, with picturesque scenery, an old church, nearby ruins of old
castles, etc. It is worthy of another visit.
We reached Dresden at 6.50 P.M. and put up at the Seidel Pension,
Lüttichan Strasse, no. 30, not far from the depot.
We saw a Zeppelin airship circling about over the city, - a great
lumbering thing with a lot of room for passengers.
We took a walk to the Terrace along the Elbe, - as indicated on map of
We passed Luther's monument, and that of Albert, King of Saxony. We
passed the Market Building which has a great painting on outer walls
showing succession of rulers (?).
In the vicinity of the statute of King
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Albert are located the Art Museum, Albertinum (also art; - largely
statuary). Across the river we can see the government buildings.
Saw the Zeppelin again.
A violent storm is brewing, and we hurried back. It commenced to rain,
and we retired to a restaurant for supper. Here we had a little difficulty
because the waiter brought only two suppers for three people, and
claimed that was all that we ordered.
On the way to our rooms we stopped at a shop to buy postcards, but as
it was after 9 P.M. we had to stand on the street in the rain because is
was against the rules to keep open after 9 o'clock. Finally reached our
rooms and I went to bed early.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[underlined]] July 19, 1914 [[underlined]], [[underlined]] Sunday
We took a morning walk through the park to the Zoological and
Botanical gardens, and then went to the Art Gallery, where we spent
some time in examining the great collection of paintings, - many of them
said to have been secured by theft and robbery in conquest.
The gallery contains the world's most famous painting - Rafaels Sixtine
Madonna and Child. Before this painting we met Dr. Heard and two
ladies from the University.
There are many English speaking people in the crowd. The gallery is
large, with many rooms, and is described in the guide which I secured.
Bertha was taken sick and went
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to her room. Paul and I took dinner at the Liebig Restaurant (Bavarian),
where I forgot my camera, and had to return for is from the Pension.
These Saxons are more congenial and less overbearing than the
We went to the depot, and had to wait for the Berlin train until 4.26 P.M.
I sent out postal cards from the station.
The trip to Berlin was very ordinary. The fields are ripe and everywhere
the harvest is on.
We reached Berlin at 6.51 P.M. and put up at "Hospiz -Pension und
Hotel Stadt. Dresden", of J. Uhling, Berlin SW. 11., Hedemannstr. 5.
We took a walk along Friedrichstrasse and Unter den Linden in the
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[underlined]] July 20, 1914, Monday [[/underlined]]
Bertha and I went to Unter den Linden (Paul was with us a part of the
time) to take photographs. We learned that photography in the streets
was not permitted except by permission of the police dept, but on inquiry
found found that its only purpose was to prevent blocking of busy
streets. The police both on Unter den Linden and Sieges Allec permitted
us to take photos if we kept off the busy lines of traffic.
We walked towards the Royal Palace and I took photos 5, 6, 7, - all
Reich's Vienna plates.
We then walked to the Sieges Allee and took photos 8, 28, 1, 2 and 27.
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Photo 28 is of special interest. It shows the row of statues on the west
side of Sieges Allee. The first in the picture is that of Frederick II, 1440 1470, the next that of Frederick I, 1415 - 1440, the third that of Kaiser
Sigmund, 1378 - 1397 and 1411 - 1415, and the fourth that of Kaiser
Karl IV (our Karel Velký), 137-78.
The line of statues begins at the north end on the west side, near the
Column of Victory, with Albrect der Baer, 1100 - 1170, who holds a
cross aloft, and has the busts of two bishops behind him.
The line then runs chronologically to the south, Frederick II being at the
south end of the lines. Hence
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
the line runs north on the East side, and ends with Emperor Wilhelm der
Grosse I, with the busts of Bismarck and von Moltke, just opposite
Albrecht der Baer.
After dinner we went to Dahlem by rail.
Bertha & Paul went to the Pharmacological Institute, and I to the
Botanical Garden.
[[underlined]] Dahlem Botanical Garden [[/underlined]]
These gardens were developed under the encouragement of Emperor
Wilhelm, who wished to excell the Kew Gardens. Neither he, nor the
botanists, seemed to consider, however, that the sandy region about
Berlin is very unfavourable to an all-round garden. Special conditions,
such as soil-beds, rock heaps, etc., were created artificially at great
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expense, but even this does not overcome the handicap.
I called at the homes of Dr. (Geheimrat) Engler and Dr. Diels, but neither
of them at home. I then strolled about the garden and made
miscellaneous observations.
The plant houses have blinds of slats, wired together, which can be
drawn up on rollers. The walls of the plant houses are of brick, and have
ventilating windows in lower part.
In the houses with upright walls canvass curtains are used.
[[image - pen drawing of tall house]] Section of a tall house, - the central
part for palms, etc.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
The surface of the grounds is quite irregular, - partly original, but largely
artificially created.
An interesting feature of the gardens is the development of beds for
special studies. A more detailed grouping is shown in the description of
the gardens (printed), but I particularly noted the following:
- A bed demonstrating geotropism, Heliotropism, Anisotropism, etc. The
latter, for example, under a box-like cover, open at ends.
- A bed showing change in position of leaves, day and night. Here are
[[underlined]] Oxalis Deppei [[/underlined]], [[underlined]] Chenopodium
album [[/underlined]], [[underlined]] Stellaria media [[/underlined]],
[[underlined]] Trifolium rubens [[/underlined]], etc.
- A bed showing abnormal green "flowers", etc.
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- A series of beds illustrating various types of pollination, as: flowers with
exposed [[nectaries?]], flowers with concealed nectaries, hetermophis
dimosphic flowers, etc.
This is a fine feature of the garden. I went out and took [[underlined]]
photo 27 (?) [[/underlined]], "Unter den Aichen", the street in front of the
gardens. This has a row of nice oaks on each side, and the street
railway runs in the curb-parking on the sides, - not on the paved street. It
is a fine avenue.
I returned to the garden and found that Paul and Bertha had come in.
We walked about the gardens, giving special attention to the ecological
part, which seems
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
to be wholly an effort to show plant geography by groups of
representative plants.
The pile of limestone, lava, granite, rocks, etc., sometimes with trickling
water, and sometimes dry, furnish a variety of conditions, and special
rail beds furnish still other variety.
The pile of rock showing the Caucasus flora is fine. An Australian
section is also noteworthy.
The earth and rock in some cases had to be hauled from great
distances. Sixty men are now required to care for the garden. This has
been cut from 100, formerly employed. In many cases they temper the
light in the plant houses by a streak
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of white lead (or white wash?) on each pane, thus: [[image - pen sketch
of window pane with paint applied.]] [[image label]] Paint [[/image label]]
The gate-keeper told me that Dr. Engler was expected to take out a
class (into the garden) at 6.45 PM I waited, but was told that he
observed the "akademische viertel", and would be late. However, he
came into the [[insertion]] garden by a [[/insertion]] private entrance from
his villa, and disappeared in the mazes of the garden with his class. As it
was late I could not take the time to hunt him up.
We returned to Berlin, and after supper called on Dr. & Mrs. Geo Shull.
Shull has been in Berlin since last fall, and is writing his Burbank report.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[underlined]] July 21, 1914 [[/underlined]], [[underlined]] Tuesday
After some delay, - a shave and haircut, etc., I took the train for Dahlem
again. {Women were soliciting very publicly at Potsdames Platz one of
the most public places at 9 o'clock in the morning!
I went to the Botanical Building next to the garden and found Dr. Diels.
He is a very genial, lively energetic man, and treated me with great
We had a lengthy conversation concerning ecological matters.
He suggested that at Halle there are still remnants of steppes. Also bits
of sand-steppes near Mainz and Bingen. He loaned me a military map,
and an ecological map, of the vicinity of Mainz, and suggested that I go
from Mainz to Mombach, and then to Heidesheim and Budenheim.
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Here are tertiary and diluvial sands, with remnants of the old sandsteppe flora. He suggested that I do not attempt to photograph at
Momback, as this is a military drill ground. He also suggested that I get
[[insertion]] y [[/insertion]] Jennecke's paper on the "Sand-flora von
Mainz". He also suggested Sion, Switzerland, as a good place.
He offers to send a German herbarium for sets of prairie plants. He also
wants my prairie papers. He also wants notes on work in the Lakeside
The work in the department of Botany is here mostly morphological and
taxonomic. The physiological
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
work is done in a separate Institute by Dr. Haberlandt.
Dr. Diels wants southwestern desert material, acorns of oaks.
He also suggests that I publish a description (comparative) of the prairie,
the sand - and salt - pustas of Hungary, and the steppe remnants at
He also suggests that I send pamphlets, laws etc., concerning
conservation, to
Dr. Conwertz [[insertion]] (?) (Conwcatz) [[/insertion]]
Berlin W.
Grunewald Nr. 6/7
Dr. Diels then showed me about
The building. The herbarium is very large, and occupies four stories of
the building! It is wholly systematic. One story is devoted to cryptogams
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There is a good sized laboratory for taxonomy.
There is also a large "museum", in part semi-popular, - with wood
sections, fruits, products,etc. Dr. Diels said that this is kept up for
popular use largely, as they must please those who furnish the money!
There are cases that show tree-truck, root, fruit, leaves, parasites, etc. Also picture of tree.
He suggested that five large plant pictures could be purchased from
[[Nene?]] Photographischen Gesellschaft Berlin - Steglitz.
Also colored scenes of mountains, etc., from:
Nenker & Uslermeier
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
We then took a stroll about the gardens, giving chief attention to the
prarie section. This is badly confused, plants from the [[insertion]] ^ dry
[[/insertion]] plains being mixed with those of the prairie.
The beds lack altogether the aspect of the prairie. Many of the plants
are in the wrong relation: [[underlined]] rhus glabra [[/underlined]] with
plants of open prairie, [[underlined]] Heliopsis [[underlined]] (not
[[Habu?]]) in the open ( where it is not doing well); etc.
Altogether the aspect is more nearly that of some of the tangled prairie
I agreed to send seeds, with detailed descriptions of habitats, and with
notes on the grouping of prairie plants in dry and wetter situations, on
loess, sand, etc.
This was a fine visit.
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I then called at the Plant Physiology Institute across the way, but Dr.
Haberlandt was out lecturing somewhere in Berlin, and I did not find
him. The janitor took me about, and was able to explain the various
laboratories, etc., as he is evidently also the "Diener".
Dr. Haberlandt, who is also a [[Geherinsat?]], has a finely equipped
office, and private laboratory.
This is on main first floor (not basement). Here he has three laboratories
in line on N. side. These are for microscopic work, and his "physiology"
is evidently largely morphological (as had been suggested by Dr. Diels).
He seems to have a large number of microscopes.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
There is also a fine lecture room, with raised seats, a case for charts,
(the charts are rolled up.) [[strikethrough]] and set up on end
[[/strikethrough]] ) and a case for models which show fibrovascular
bundles, etc. etc.
On the 2nd floor (is not this where Dr. Habulandt's office is?) I am quite
sure that is so, and that the lecture room and labs. are on first floor, N.
side) on N. side Dr. [[insertion]] ^ von [[/insertion]] Guttenberg has a
special microscopical laboratory, and a separate paraffin room. Also an
office or private room.
On the 3rd floor, north side, are the docents rooms, and a museum
room, in which there is not yet much in the way of collections, - some
woods, fruits and bottled materials.
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On the 4th (top) floor there is a photo room with sky lights, and a dark
On the 2nd floor on the South side there is a chemical laboratory with
hood, spectroscope, scales, and work-tables.
On the first floor on the S. side is the library, and adjoining it, a reading
The library is fair, but the reading room is small. It is evidently intended
only for advanced students.
The basement is high and mostly well lighted. On its north side are two
physiological laboratories. These contain rotation tables, etc.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Next to these, on the west, is a small experimental plant-house, built as
an annex to side of building, equipped with bell-glasses, etc. The tables
in lab. are covered with gray linoleum.
In the physiological laboratory there is not a large amount of glass
ware, - I have as much.
An Auxometer is set up, there are large accurate transpiration scales
which will take plants 1 meter high, and some other [[insertion]] ^ minor
[[/insertion]] apparatus, but not a large amount.
On the south side of the basement there is a mycological laboratory, not yet much equipped, - in which Bacteriology is also to be included.
There is also a garden and small
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plant houses on the outside.
This building is north and some east, across the street, from the
Botanical Museum. It is new, [[underlined]] and not [[/underlined]] yet
fully equipped.
Dr. Diels informed me that the grounds hereabouts were first public
(royal or state) property. It was decided to sell out, but reserve a part of
the land for the garden and some public buildings. The departments of
Botany, Zoology and Geology will be located here, - it is expected. The
humanities will stay in the old building in Berlin, - also medicine.
The ground here is somewhat rough, and is the loamiest around. Berlin.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
I returned to Berlin at 2:45 P.M. and secured a lunch at the Pension. We
then packed and left for Leipzig at 6.28 P.M. Paul did not get his
laundry, and arranged to have it sent to Jena.
The country from Berlin to Leipzig is a flat plain. The harvest is on.
We saw an aeroplane near Leipzig. We reached Leipzig at 8.43 P.M.,
and put up at the Kistner Pension, - a very pleasant, homelike place.
I stood a long time on the street - at Augustus platz, before Paul and
Bertha succeeding in finding the place. My pile of baggage attracted
some attention so late in the evening.
While waiting I noticed that young fellows to tried to make up with girls
on the street uniformly failed. A better lot than in Berlin!
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[[underlined]] July 22, 1914 - Wednesday [[/underlined]]
I started out alone at 8[[superscript underlined]]15[[/superscript
underlined]] A.M., Bertha and Paul going after their respective interests.
Paul dubs Bertha the "Museum specialist," and she retorts that his only
interest is in dirty bottles and laboratories.
I called at Max Weg's book establishment, and secured the addresses of
German, Austrian and Swiss botanists (which I had left behind.) - Took
photo 28.
I then went to the Botanical Garden and called on Dr. Pfeffer, a
venerable, fine old man, with whom I had a pleasant conference. He
wants the Prairie paper. He had examinations, and so arranged with one
of his young assistants
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[in upper right corner]] 203 [[/in upper right corner]]
to show me about. He used fair English.
They have had this year about 380 students. On the ground floor there
is a small plant house on S. side of building (an annex to it) for soil
experiments, etc. Nearby is a small store-room for seeds to be used in
experimental work. Next is a dark room, about 10 ft. square, with
spectroscope, electric light, etc.
Along the corridor are cases for chemicals, centrigal machines, and
morphological apparatus. There is also a case resembling an ice-chest
in which charts are kept, - rolled up and set up on end. There is also
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a case for transpiration apparatus. The lecture room is quite large, and
contains a fine projecting apparatus of Dr. Pfeffer's own design.
Charts are evidently very much used. On the north ride is a small lecture
room for Bacteriology.
There is [[insertion]] ^ a [[/insertion]] special room[[strikethrough]] s
[[/strikethrough]] for electrical experiements. East of
[[left margin bracket]]
The small lecture room is a small laboratory for beginners in histology
and physiology.
There are many cultures of algae in jars for experimental purposes with
lights, etc.
The south part of the east end is devoted to advanced students. Here
there is an apparatus for throwing spectrum on slide, under dark
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
hood, and observing the effect (attraction, etc) of different colored lights
on algae.
On east side are two connected laboratories (not large) for advanced
Then south on the east side is a small chemical laboratory, and
sterilizing apparatus.
The upper story is devoted to the home (evidently sumptuous) and
private laboratories of Dr. Pfeffer.
On the north side of the basement is a small, cool plant house attached
to building. Here Dr. Pfeffer is just new working (with auxonometer) on
the force of drooping of leaves in "sleep". The petioles are stiffened with
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wire, so that only drooping of blade is considered, and a fine wire is
placed through blade, and passed over pulley of auxonometer. In the
basement is a store-room for glass-ware. Students pay 1/3 of the
breakage. Some departments, like chemistry, charge full price. A dark
room for photography on East side.
A small cool room, with cooling chamber in a double walled box, with
packing. Cooling. A store room for Bacteriological ware, etc. A
workshop, with necessary machinery and tools, vices, etc. A constant
temperature room in
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[in upper right corner]] 207 [[/in upper right corner]]
the basement, with an electric thermostat, - i.e. one making and
breaking electric connections. This is kept at 28°C (=82.4° F.). There is
a special furnace for heating, and coke is used. The mechanism turns
the hot air in or out. A gas-motor room contains presses which are
capable of producing pressure of 1200 atmospheres. An ice-chest
stands in the hall. A distilling room with automatic distilling apparatus.
A cool room for paraffin work in warm weather. A special laboratory in
which now an advanced student is trying to determine the effect of
acetylene gas on plants.
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A room contains appliance for quick heating of water. A large gas flame
heats water passed through a slender coil.
A small room, on west side, for photomicrography, cork with ultra rays,
The plan of the building is here shown:
[[image - pen drawing of plan of building]]
[[image label]]
Entrance to 2-story lecture hall
Exp. Plant-house (cool)
Street Johannis Allee.
Experimental plant house - soils, etc.
[[image label]]
[[image - arrow pointing to the north]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Dr. Pfeffer's laboratories are equipped with a great variety of apparatus,
but most of the apparatus is simple, and of his own designing and home
I returned to dinner, as the gardens are closed from 12 to 2.
After dinner we all started out for the Botanical Garden, with the
intention of going on to the book & printing exhibition and the great
[[underlined]] Denkemal [[/underlined]] erected in memory of the
German, Austrian and Russian who fell at the battle of Leipzig.
I took photos 7 and (in the garden) 1, [[insertion]] ^ 8, [[/insertion]] and 3.
The Botanical Garden is not large. There are small systematic groups
Bohumil Shimek - Diary, European trip, 1914 (1 of 2)
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of plants, and small habitat groups like [[underlined]] Cactaceae
[[/underlined]] , [[underlined]] Sedum [[/underlined]], etc.
we then walked towards the Denkmal, and stopped to take photos, 4
and 29, of the Russian Memorial Chapel.
I damaged my tripod here and returned to the city for repairs, while
Bertha and Paul went on.
Leipzig is a clean place. The people seem very different from those of
Berlin, - they are cleaner (morally) and less pompous. There is an
intellectual atmosphere about the city similar to that of Prague.
Spent the evening in writing, and in packing for tomorrow's early trip to
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[underlined]] Aug. 21, 1914. [[/underlined]] Praha.
.29. Plant houses & rockpile - Botan. Garden [[underlined]] Hanff.
.30. Lilypond, forcing houses & Botan. Inst. " " " [[Dittos for: Garden
[[underlined]] Hanff. [[/underlined]] ]]
.1 - Ampelopais "[[feuce?]]" - [[Apolinarsha?]] & Kalov. al. - " [[Ditto for:
[[underlined]] Hanff. [[/underlined]] ]]
.2 - Karlov, looking W. " [[Ditto for: [[underlined]] Hanff. [[/underlined]] ]]
.7 - " [[Ditto for: Karlov]] Zoology. building (w. of south) " [[Ditto for:
[[underlined]] Hanff. [[/underlined]] ]]
.8 - Looking down Albestor (west) " [[Ditto for: [[underlined]] Hanff.
[[/underlined]] ]]
.23 - Zechnika " [[Ditto for: [[underlined]] Hanff. [[/underlined]] ]]
.24 - Karlovo [[?]] - looking N. " [[Ditto for: [[underlined]] Hanff.
[[/underlined]] ]]
3 - " [[Ditto for: Karlovo]] ([[underlined]] Spoiled [[/underlined]]) - flower
beds, & fountains (Inst.) " [[Ditto for: [[underlined]] Hanff. [[/underlined]] ]]
.5 - Vitežslav Hàlek [[line]] (Ostho)
4 - inàk - used for geol. Ind ([[underlined]] (Spoiled) [[/underlined]]) Hanff.
.6 - Benedist Roezl - send Karlowo Uám (special)
[[line across page]]
[[underlined]] Aug. 21, 1914 P.M. - Praka All Hauff. [[/underlined]]
([[underlined]] (Spoiled) [[/underlined]])
3- Looking up Beciátshá ul. [[Agsty?]] Bot. Institute.
27. [[strikethrough]] 28. 29. [[/strikethrough]] 30 Spržain' vol, na Vinohrad
.5- Pi-Humpab-Zemanová-Olšany.
.6 -Hollár " [[dittos for: Olšany]] (Znovu)
.4- P.J. Šafaik " (") [[dittos for: Olšany, Znovu]]
.1- Gindely [[dittos for Olsany]] 4
.2 Karel Maixerer - " " [[dittos for: Olšany, (Znovu)]]
.8 Sady - padil Kladské are - Vinobrady.23 - Hostel (gothiský chrám) See. Ludmily-a Purkyovo námisti - - - .24 "Jedová chjae" - Apolinávska nl.[[arrow pointing to below .2 line]]
.7 [[underlined]] - Iván Kliment Klichua - Olšany
Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives
Viz III buiker. [[/underlined]]
Bohumil Shimek - Diary, European trip, 1914 (1 of 2)
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[[upper left]] R [[/upper left]]
[[underlined]] Aug.18,1914-Tues [[/underlined]] Praha
Znover Aug.20, [[poznamninny?]] .. Ra.
[[underlined]] [[right column header]] Ra [[/right column header]]
1-Jan Neruda Spoiled
+ Ortho
2-Jan Krejí " [[ditto for: Spoiled]] + " [[ditto for: Ortho]]
7- Svatopluk ech "[[ditto for: Spoiled]] + Villiers
8- Dr. J. Kaizl " [[ditto for: Spoiled]]
" [[ditto for: Villiers]]
29 -Jablonský & Tebízský " [[ditto for: Spoiled]] + " [[ditto for: Villiers]]
30 -Vítzslav Halek " [[ditto for: Spoiled]] + " [[ditto for: Villiers]]
28- [[Alberta furu Vyeluan?]] " [[ditto for: Spoiled]] - 27- ertv sloup " [[ditto for: spoiled]] + Villiers
[[line under, and partially around, entry 27]]
[[underlined]] Aug 20 [[/underlined]]
18-1[[?]] bed.= Zool., with black & yell.bunting; 2 = [[underlined]] [[in?]]
= Villiers
Physics with 1 [[in?]] bunting black & yellow, 2[[nd?]] red & white
3&4-Alberertov views
not good.
[[line across page]]
[[underlined]] S [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] August 20, 1914 Zlichov &
So. Prolsop. [[/underlined]]
27-Vyšehrad, z [[ciscché?]] louky. Villiers
28- " [[ditto for: Vyšehrad]] a sanatorium " " " [[ditto for: louky]] "
[[ditto for: Villiers]]
3- Zlichovský kostelík, na vapencovite skále
" [[ditto for: Villiers]]
4- Bránické skaly( with advertisements)
" [[ditto for: Villiers]]
23. Stohy slány a žebrinový vz- za (zli [[cloreun?]] " [[ditto for: Villiers]]
24- Sr. Prokopské údolí-kostelik a skála (kde byla [[jekyri?]]) [[ditto for:
8- Betula-(Mrs.Domin)-na strán naproti skale. [[ditto for: Villiers]]
1-From top of knob-looking [[?]] .Sce.Prokop- [[ditto for: Villiers]]
2- Steppe cra protjsim [[kopci?]] -severn- " [[ditto for: Villiers]]
29- Skalní strá- Sesleria- [[Sco?]] . Prokop údolí - " [[ditto for: Villiers]]
30- Údolí k Hluboepim-steppe na severni, los na ježni stran " [[ditto for:
5- wheat field, - women + children (Special)
[[line across page]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[upper right]] 213 [[/upper right]]
[[upper left]] P 110 [[/upper left]]
[[underlined]] August 16,1914 - Stodlky a Bílá Hora [[/underlined]]
[[small h?]] 29. (Hauff)- Looking W., across Stodlky.
.5- (Special)- Mlatci n Dvorského domu, is.??.
W Stodlkách ([[amb?]] Lužinách)
.3-(Hauff)-Side view of no. 77-Dvorský's old house (The long, loo part
[[insertion]] ^ in front [[/insertion]] is newer. Garden belongs.
.4- (Hauff)- Front view of up. 77.
Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives
.30- (Hauff)- New school in Stodlky.23 - (Hauff)- No. 47, Dvorský's birthplace- [[insertion]] ^ Now
[[/insertion]] [[Obecuí stráepule?]]
.24 -(Hauff)- No. 47, Looking N. farther.-Spring below, to right.
.1-(Hauff)- No.47, front, looking East. White part = house, to left is barn,
& garden in front.
.7-Bílá Hora- from knob above Motol-looking N. (Hauff)
.2-[[arrow leading to under .1]]
(Hauff) Nový kostel, a v pravo došková stecha.
.8- (Hauff)- Looking E. of N. at "Hvzda".
.27 (" [[ditto for: Hauff]] ) Looking nearly E.- church & part of battle fields
[[printed at top of line]] Bílá Hora. [[/printed at top of line.
28- (" [[ditto for: Hauff]] )Looking E. of U. across the main battlefields
between Hvzda & the church. A sugar beet [[insertion]] ^ field
.6- (Special)- View of front of church & crowd.
[[line across bottom of the page]]
Bohumil Shimek - Diary, European trip, 1914 (1 of 2)
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Box 0. 95
[[underlined]] August 14, 1914 Žižkov. [[/underlined]]
. 3. (Villiers) Vozova ulici, Žižkov, rízká, zd
na stranách. Jen že by rž projel. Nyní prs chodce.
. 4 - Jižní konec Žižkova (hory) - looking E. along Husova [[insertion]] ^
tída [[/insertion
. 1 - Žižkov z Podbradove tídy v Žižkov - W. + NW. side
Zde prý se hlavní bitva svedla
. 2 - Severní ás Žižkova - cleared - z plachu na Invalidovn.
[[underlined]] 27 - [[overwritten]] Looking E. [[/overwritten]] [[underlined]]
Spoiled [[/underlined]] towards S. end of Žižkov from Žižkova tída
[[underlined]] Aug. 15, 1914 - Praha [[/underlined]]
. 28 (Williers) Nábeží, - k [[Palackénur?]], mostu.
Dolejši ás, - písek, kámen, atd.
. 29 (Villiers) - Kus starého Podskalí nad železni [[?]]
mostem. Hostinec "Na Vlytoni" - zbytek
. 23- (Haubt Ortho.) Red Geraniumz + Petunias along Nábeží opp. Vyšehrad.
. 24- ("" [[dittos for: Haubt Ortho.]]) - Steamer "Rudolf" - crowd, - most
people travel by boa now, - no trains!
. 30- (Viliers) - Deska Krejého pod Vyšehradem.
[[underlined]] Bas relief [[/underlined]] .
D[[superscript]] [[double-underlined]] r [[/double-underliend]]
[[/superscript]] : Jana Krejího
cského geologa
[[right margin]] His house stood back on bank. Now gone. [[/right
Villiers? * 1825 = 1887 †
. 7- (Haubt Ortho?.) W. wing of nene Sanatorium
below Vyšehrad. Note flowers on
verandas, - a feature of the city.
. 8- Vyšehrad a vinice, - 5. side. Z Libušiva
nábeží, - Podol
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[upper right]] 215 [[/upper right]]
[[upper left]] N. [[underlined]] 83 [[/underlined]] [[/upper left]]
[[underlined]] August 13, 1914 Olšany. [[/underlined]]
1 - (Special) - Vaceslav Kliment Kliepera. [[insertion]] Spoiled
.7- (Ortho. - Haubt). Hrob Karla Sabiny.
.8-("" [[dittos for: Ortho. - Haubt]]) - Jos. [[Maves?]].
3- (Pesorto) - Karel Mixner. [[underlined]] Spoiled [[/underlined]]
.23- (Ortho - Haubt). [[Fuegner?]] a Tyrš.
.4- (Pesorto) - Anna Náprstková.
.24 - (Ortho - Haubt) Frautišek Ladislav elakooský
.2 - (Special_ Karolina Svtlá. (?)
.29- ( " [[ditto for: Special]] ) Karel Sladkovský-
Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives
.27- (Perosto)- Jaroslav ermák. (?)
28 - ( " [[ditto for: Perosto]] ) Dr. Anton Gindely. [[underlined]] Spoiled
.5- ( " [[ditto for: Perosto]]) - Augustin Smetana
.30 - (Special) - Pavel Josef Šafaík. (?)
6- (Perosto)- Jan Kollár. [[underlined]] Spoiled [[/underlined]]
Bohumil Shimek - Diary, European trip, 1914 (1 of 2)
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[[upper right]] 69 [[/upper right]]
M. [[underlined]] August 12, 1914. Praha, Pankrác, [[/underlined]] atd.
[[underlined]] 5 a 6 [[smíšené?]], ostatní Agfa obyejné. [[/underlined]]
.3 - Libušina láze. - Pankrác. - (viz zápisky)
.4 - Vz na vodu, - voli - u Libusiných lázné.
.23- Repové pole.- Z Panhráce k Uršovicm.
.24 - Pšeniné pole. - Na Panhraci. Babika
sbírá klásky.
.7- Pohled východn z Pangrace, pes
Michel, a dále pes Zábhlice, a dále
v háji (u stodoly) = Hostiva.
Na jihovýchod od Prahy.
.27 - Stohy obilí, - atd. Moderní hospodáot[[ví?]].
Jen ženy na stohu.
.5 - Jemenové pole, - ást posehaná. - Vz se žebrinami.
Na Pankraci u rasovny (pohodnice). Zde pracují
trestanci pod stráží.
.6- Staré vápenky - na Podolí.
.28- " " [[dittos for: Staré vápenky]] - " " [[dittos for: na Podolí.]] (ejka).
.8 - Pankracké údolí, a kostelík. Zde svedená
hlavní bitva, 1424, - a Sigmnudovi Moravané
zde byli pobití.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[upper right]] 217 [[/upper right]]
L. [[underlined]] August 11, 1914 - Praha. (Dopoledne). [[/underlined]]
29 - eská Technicka [[insertion]] Spoiled [[/insertion]] - protí Karlovo
30 - Pomník Vistzslava Hálka, na secernive
konci Karlovo Námestí Spoiled (?)
23 - Starý inžák který dlouho sloužil [[ústavcine?]]
geologickému, mineralogickému [[insertion]] Spoiled- [[/insertion]] a
.3 - Jedno. konský "potak" o monkou. Viz voj.
.5 (= 4 spoiled) - Mlýny: A. Kopecký - Umlecký
Válcový mlýn, na Riegrovo Nábeží proti
Myslíkové ulici.
.1- [[Tailrace?]] of Kopecký mill, with Násodní [[Divallo?]] in background.
Not flowers in houses on Žofinsky ostrov.
2 - Františkovo Nábeží.- [[insertion]] (Spoiled) [[/insertion]] Row of
[[underlined[[ Robinia [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] pseudacacia [[/underlined]] , - trees 2 + ft. in diam, + not
.7- Karlv Most a [[insertion]] Eastman. [[/insertion]] Hradcany - z
Frantíškovo Nábezí.
.8- Petín a Rozhledna, z Frantíškova Nábeží. (Eastman)
.28 - (Ortho.) Hradany a Karlv Most, - vodárna v pravo.
. 27 - (" [[Ditto for: Ortho.]]) Hradany z Nábeží [[Korunniho?]]
Prince Rudolfa. (Front lens out.)
Bohumil Shimek - Diary, European trip, 1914 (1 of 2)
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[[underlined]] August 1,1914, Berne [[/underlined]] (Botanical Garden).
[[header]] K [[/header]] [[image - line from this K, to lower K]]
.23- Large Palm house (Eastman)
.24- Botanical Institute--near end. " [[ditto for: (Eastman)]] The
gardener's dwelling is at Moise house to left, Lily pond to right
.5- View across garden [[ditto for: (Eastman)]]
.6- " "
" [[ditto for: View across garden]] towards Institute, across
rock-piles (alpina), bank sli. (Eastman)
[[wavy line across page]]
K [[underlined]] Aug. 1, 1914- Thun. [[/underlined]]
27- View of the Alps & the Aare (spoiled) (Eastman)
28- Nearer view,- front lens out (spoiled) " [[ditto for: (Eastman)]]
[[wavy line across page]]
I. [[image: line from this I to lower I]] [[underlined]] Aug.2-1914 Thun,
etc.[[/underlined]] (vicinity)
27- View of Stockhorn. etc. (Ortho.)
28- Snailery at Wimmis.
[[wavy line across page]]
I. [[underlined]] Aug 3,1914- Along Lake Thun. [[/underlined]]
1- Mt. Niesen from depot at Thun. Spoiled
7- Mt. Niessen, from boat at 2 [[superscript]] [[underlined]] nd
[[/underlined]] [[/superscript]] landing
[[wavy line across page]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[upper right]] 219 [[/upper right]]
H [[underlined]] July 29,1914-Wednesday-Freiburg [[/underlined]]
5-(Agfa) Botanical Institute of University, looking S.E.
6-(Agfa) Part of new garden & hothouses, and part of main bldg.
[[insert in left margin page]] 2- Garden & Bot Inst. looking nearly S.
[[/insert in left margin of page]]
1-Garden-to-be.- Black Forest in rear.
[[wavy line across page]]
[[underlined]] July 31, 1914--Wassenweiler. [[/underlined]]
.7- Kaiserstuhl, with my [[insertion]] Agfa [[/insertion]] cuts in notch.
From flat.
[[Image: of road cut]] road & cuts
.8- Exposure 4.
(Agfa) [[image of road cut and soil layers]]
Yellow loess, similar to mo. wit loess.
Large concretion---Fossils Heavier yellow loess.
.3- (Agfa) Looking up the road past cut 4-Waseniweiler
.4. (Agfa) Same as (8).
.23- Nodules in road,-from exp. (4).
.24- Looking along road, up lower slope past
exposures 1 and 2, which lie on left.
[[wavy line across page]]
[[underlined]] July 31, 1914--Gottenheim [[/underlined]]
.29- First cut, [[insertion]] (Agfa)[[/insertion]] with two [[underlined]]
loesses & intermediate--[[/underlined]] laminates
water band. [[image of road cut]] yellow loess 15 ft
Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives
Lighter,-4 ft.
Bank-Heavier yellow loess
Fossils-6 ft.
.30- Same-more distant (Agfa)
[[line across bottom of page]]
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F [[underlined]] July 27,1914 Heidelberg [[/underlined]] (Eastman)
.29- View parallel with river and away from the entrance, towards
.30- View of section of garden with eastern Yuecas,etc.
.23- Bergheimer street entrance to the Botanical Institute.
.24- Opposite side, from Plöck, on post office side.- Bot.Inst.
[[line across page]]
[[underlined]] July 28, 1914 Tuesday Strassburg [[/underlined]]
.5- Street past Botanical Institute
(Universitätsstrasse. Maple trees. Eastman.
.7- Botanical Institute (Eastman)
.8- View of central part of garden & houses (Eastman)
.6- A group of plant houses. Eastman
.3- (Agfa) a part of University building (main)
.4- The Strassburg "laundry."
[[wavy line]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[upper right]] 221 [[/upper right]]
E. [[underlined]] July 26, 1914 [[/underlined]] Sunday. Rhine trip.
[[underlined]] Photo [[strikethrough]] 23 [[/strikethrough]] [[/underlined]]
[[insert]] Spoiled [[/insert]] Agfa
Snap at old ruins--Rheinstein, on left
[[underlined]] .Photo 24- [[insert]] Agfa [[/insert]] Snap at vineyards on
[[underlined]] Photo [[strikethrough]] 1- [[/strikethrough]] [[insert]] Spoiled
[[/insert]] [[/underlined]] [[insert]] Eastman [[/insert]] Castle at
[[strikethrough]] Bachanak [[/strikethrough]] Stahleck.
[[underlined]] .Photo 8- [[/underlined]] [[insert]] Eastman [[/insert]] Hills
below Bachavach, with ledges and vineyards.
[[underlined]] .Photo 27- [[/underlined]] [[insert]] Agfa [[/insert]] Opposite
St. Joan--terraced slopes.
[[underlined]] .Photo 28 [[/underlined]]-[[insert]] Agfa [[/insert]] Terraced
slopes & castle Katz, opposite St. Joan
[[underlined]] .Photo 5- [[insert]] Agfa [[/insert]] Rheinfels, near St. Joan,
with front lens out--extension.
[[underlined]] .Photo 6- [[/underlined]] [[insert]] Agfa [[/insert]] Terraces,
looking down the Rhine from near base of Lorelei.
[[underlined]] .Photo 1 [[/underlined]] (Agfa) Xerophytic top of Loreleij
ridge,-castle (Katz) beyond.
[[underlined]] .Photo 29- [[/underlined]] (Eastman) Castle Katz, and
Terraces on the Loreleij side
[[underlined]] .Photo 30- [[/underlined]] nearer view
[[underlined]] .Photo 2- [[/underlined]] [[arrow pointing to line below
photo 1]] Agfa Loreleij rock, looking up river.
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D. [[underlined]] July 25, 1914- Saturday Heidesheim & Budenheim
[[underlined]] Photo 3 [[/underlined]] (Agfa)- Sand bank, cut 1, from
which I collected fossils.
[[underlined]] Photo 4 [[/underlined]]- Sandy area-looking NE. towards
the Rhine, over cut 1. It has original xcroplytic vegetation.
[[underlined]] Photo 29 [[/underlined]]- A near view of the sand flora with
two little German girls, Eva Kiefer and Marie Eschborn, the latter
Bleichistrasse nr. 26.,-the former just Bleichstrasse.
[[underlined]] .Photo 30 [[/underlined]]-Very similar to (29.)
[[underlined]] .Photo 27 [[/underlined]]- (Agfa) - Scotch Pine, with moss
carpet, + a few [[underlined]] Juniperus communis [[/underlined]]
This is in forest near Budenheim.
There are also tufts of a slender grass.
.Photo 23- Acron sandy near Heideheim
." [[ditto for:Photo]] 24 " " " " [[dittos for: Acron sandy near
[[end page]]
[start page]]
[[underlined]] Praha- May 13. University [[insert]] of Prague [[/insert]] &
vicinity [[/underlined]]
1- Stone pile in Bot. Garden- at corner of Botany building. cramer.
2- ást' " Alpine" [[ditto for: cramer.]]
7- Upravo Zool. a math. Vlivo fyrika [[Albertov?]]-Vecvo dole bude eský
pathol. [[insert]] ^ a anatom. [[/insert]] [[ás lást?]]
8- C.k. chemický ústav (v pravo) cást' geologiche'la27- Botanický vístav - looking N.E. [[Cramer.?]]
28- " " " [[dittos for: Botanický vístav - looking]] S.E. " [[ditto for:
[[Cramer.?]] ]]
23x- Apolinav ska ulice (not 20 ft. wide) 32 - time [[Cramer.?]]
24x- Albertov--nižué budovy-viz listek--[[Cramer.?]]
5- Ermansský hláš ter-z okna mého bytu. Cramer.
6- Botanická zahrada - looking N. - 1/100-8 - Cramer.
7- Botanisches Institus garden - [[German?]] Cramer.
8- Nmecký ustav - geol. & zool. - v levo Cramer.
29x- Beds in Bot. Garden. Different soils in various [[insert]] ^ Cramer.
30x- Balkan plants ( to left)-Bot. Garden-Cramer.
[[line across page]]
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[[underlined]] May 17 - ernošice, Robbi, Karlické údolí [[/underlined]]
27- Strán s políkami [[insert]] seeds [[/insert]] u Horní ernošice
28- Folded Silurian strata above - ernošihce údolí - Seeds 27.
23x - Picea excelsa nursery-no shelter. Roblin woods. [[insert]] seeds.
24x- Picia excelsa forest [[insert]] ap.=44, count=220 Roblin - seeds 27
[[/insert]] Zbráslavske pauství
3- Karlické údolí - Tilted strata (Sil) Looking E. [[insert]] seeds 27
.. 1- " " [[ditto for: Karlické údolí]] Looking E. - high hill. seeds 27
2- " " [[ditto for: Karlické údolí]] Cleared strip - deciduous for.
[[copprice?]] - Karlické údolí. [[insert]] seeds 27. [[/insert]]
7- Karlické údolí - Strip with stumps left.- Seeds 27.
8- " " [[ditto for: Karlické údolí]] Looking W. from top of high hill. Seeds
29x- Karlický kostel - over 500 yrs. old- Seeds 27.
30x- " " " " " " " " " [[dittos for: kostel - over 500 yrs. old- Seeds 27.]]
[[line across page]]
[[underlined]] Praha - May 20 [[/underlined]]
- ís. 14 - Trojická ul. My house.
- Emansský kláster - z Palackého námstí [[strikethrough]] nábeží [[/strike
6- Part of inner wall= 2 ft. thick- [[Vyschrav?]]-port-holes-wider inside.
- Pomník Karoliny Svtlé,-Karlsva Námstí-[[insert]] Cramer. [[/insert]]
Pomník Palosckého - [[Pilachého?]] Námstí (se [[strassy?]])[[insert]]
Cramer. [[/insert]]
- Pomník [[Junguranne?]] - [[Jungurannovo?]] Námstí - [[underlined]]
[[insert]] Cramer. [[/insert]] [[/underlined]]
- Pomník Palachého (z pedu) Cramer.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[underlined]] May 21, 1914 [[/underlined]]-Vyšehrad.
5- Kostel Sv. Petra a Pavla Cramer.
7- U. side wall-higher than 5-story flats. [[insert]] Cramer [[/insert]]
23x- Fr. Lud. Rieger- tomb. Cramer.
24x- Antonin Dvoák - Cramer.
3- Božena Nmcová- " [[ditto for: Cramer.]]
4-Preslové" [[ditto for: Cramer.]]
1- Looking E. towards Rieger's grave.
Note high mounds. Cramer.
2- Slavín. " [[ditto for: Cramer.]]
27- Jan Purkyne -1787-1869 - " [[ditto for: Cramer.]]
28- Bedich Smetana " [[ditto for: Cramer.]]
29x- Vyšehrad tunnel- " [[ditto for: Cramer.]]
30x- NW, corner of Vyšehrad.
walls & cliff. Cramer.
[[line across page]]
[[underlined]] May 16, 1914 [[/underlined]]
- ást' Botanické zahrady (Univ) od jižního
[[vchodu?]] . 1/100-8.-
Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives
- ást' Alpín - [[tavitéž?]]
[[line across page]]
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[[ underlined]]Radotin, May 23,1914[[/underlined]]
27- Steppe-scrub oak-edge of forest- N. side of valley. [[insert]] seeds
28- [[quotation mark for Steppe]]-scrub oak & Scotch pine-Ranunuclus
in fore. [[insert]] N. side of valley-seeds 27 [[/insert]]
1. Edge of ''opening"-scrub Pines sylvestri- N. side valley. [[insert]]
seeds 27 [[/insert]]
2- Folded Silurian [[insert]] limestone [[/insert]] strata,& rockyslopes.
N[[?]] Side valley [[insert]] seeds 27 [[/insert]]
3- Xerophyticknob near Radolin- N. side of valley [[insert seeds 27]]
7- View W. (S?) along branch Chotecke vidoli-- seed 27.
8- Scru Scotch pine & oaks-N. side. Seeds 27
5- Folded Silurian strata, & xenophytic slopes.[[insert]] erveslone [[?]] N.
side. Seeds 27 [[/insert]]
6- Quarry- N. side Radotin valley-Slope= strata [[insert]] Drill & seale off
rock. Seeds 27. [[/insert]]
29x-From knowb in (3') looking S. E. of clearing is Picea [[insert]] and w.
of it deciduous forest. 1/2 caffine & 1/2 replanted,[[/insert]]
30x- Look [[strike through]] w?[[/srike through]] up Radotin valley from
knob (3)- Seeds 27. [[insert]] S.side has forest.[[/insert]]
23x- Edge of opening- N. side valley.-seeds 27
24x-[[insert]] shrine[[/insert]] Altar by roadside,with doll as St. Mary.mRadotin nidoli. Seeds 27.
[[underlined]] Karlui Tyn- May 23 [[/underlined]]
-Karlin Tyn, looking S. of W.-Seeds 27.
- " "
" E.
- " "
" E.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[underlined]] Praha 15 cervna,[[/underlined]] 1914
27- W (inner) gate- French- Vyselund.-farther view.
28- Karlovo braina-ontis (E) " 8- Albertor & Urin-from Vysebran.
29x Inner (west) gate-French-60 yrs.old-Vysehrad.
1-Stare sacue- (blize) Vysehrad.
2- Novejsc sacue- Vysehard.
5- Sance 60 robu stove'- Konsek stamck
zdi ( suad Karlovych)24x Hradby stare i nove,-stare' v
levo.- Vysehrad[[line from here to between 30 x and 23x ]]
[[underlined]] V praze 151 17 cervua [[/underlined]]
6- Plant house in university Bot. Garden.[[insert]] 17 cero-[[/insert]]
30x-Vysebrad-old & new walls at French gate 15 cerp
Olo wall a Kaslova.
23x-Alberta& University from Vysebrad 15 cerv.
Bohumil Shimek - Diary, European trip, 1914 (1 of 2)
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[[underlined]] Photo-Polabi-21 crv. 1914 [[/underlined]]
3 Byšichy - (viz-str-34)
4 " - " " [[dittos for: Byšichy - (viz-str-34)]]
23x " " " [[dittos for: Byšichy - (viz-str-34)]]
24x " " " [[dittos for: Byšichy - (viz-str-34)]]
7 " " " [[dittos for: Byšichy - (viz-str-34)]]
8 " " " [[dittos for: Byšichy - (viz-str-34)]]
29x " " " [[dittos for: Byšichy - (viz-str-34)]]
30x Polabehá luina n Byšichy
Viz. str. 34.
1- Dr. Domin's party
2- Dr. Domin's party
27- Looking from top of hill across Service, Ostrá and Stratov 26 seeds
28- a view similar to the preceding from near the same place.
Seeds 27 [[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[underlined]] Photo, nad Kocábkon-7 circ. [[/underlined]]
5. Okuštený meandr
[[image: curved lines enclosing words Les, okudteung meadow[?] Les
Hrbet ridge Kocaben]]
6.Lerunti stranš smeun x
1-Vesnice Masein
2-Skály vad Kocábon
[[line across page]]
[[underlined]] Photos- near Bohmie, June 24 [[/underlined]]
1- Bank-clay above, sand & gravel below.
Prvis piskovna, in ermikého háje.
2- Bank-clay above, bowldery next (buližruk) and below red sand. Cron.
Prvin piskovera va reverm stran silinie
západu od 1mm pisbovrry ( see 1)[[underlined]] 23x [[/underlined]]- Sevenu od silmice proti (2).
Vtši pishorna. Na hove hlinita vidon
Pak sterk (buližuili)
Dole nisch
Bohumil Shimek - Diary, European trip, 1914 (1 of 2)
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Photos - June 6 - 1914
[[left margin]] 29x [[/left margin]] (see section in daily record) - nad
[[left margin]] 30x- [[/left margin]] Viz rectun.
[[left margin]] 4- [[/left margin]] Horizontal fault, N.vS., at Hluboepy. To
right Gg[[subscript]] 3 [[/subscript]] to left G [[subscript]] 2 [[/subscript]] shove is G [[subscript]] 3 [[/subscript]] N, or G [[subscript]] 2 [[/subscript]]
[[left margin]] 3- [[/left margin]] Severní od Barrandovi stny, proti
[[Bráníker?]]. Dole Devonské, G [[subscript]] 1 [[/subscript]], nad tím
štrky stedních teras. Skála nahoe vodorovná (povrch, ne [[vostoy?]])
Nad tím je spojení se [[Siluv?]]. a Devon. V pravo 9 [[subscript]] 1
[[/subscript]] - pak v levo F, ([[Siluv?]])
[[image]] [[image labels: F [[subscript]] 1 [[/subscript]] F [[subscript]] 2
[[/subscript]] = Dévon. G [[subscript]] 1 [[/subscript]]]]
[[left margin]] 5- [[/left margin]] Severní kmer Barrandovi stny = F
[[subscript]] 1 [[/subscript]], - Kososké [[Vápence?]] = anglický Downton.
[[left margin]] 6- [[/left margin]] Barrandova stna - [[image?]] (turned 5)
[[left margin]] 27- [[/left margin]] Barrandova " [[ditto for: stna]] - farther
S., near [[nino?]]. Another "zigzag" - Práv nad tím je
Barrandeova deska. Devna, se zlatým ná pisem.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[image - showing hill and tunnel and other things]] [[image labels: Wall
(old); Libušiny lázn; Krizóho deska; Tunnel; [[stearun?]] Rudolf.]]
[[upper right]] [[underlined]] 231 [[/underlined]] [[/upper right]]
[[left margin]] 28.- [[/left margin]] F [[subscript]] 1 [[/subscript]] S. end +
black spot just to right of telegraph pole = E [[subscript]] 2 [[/subscript]].
[[image]] [[image labels: pole; E [[subscript]] 2 [[/subscript]]; F; F
[[subscript]] 1 [[/subscript]]]]
[[underlined]] Odpoledne [[/underlined]]
[[left margin]] 27- [[/left margin]] Barrandová stna - ([[underlined]]
spoiléd [[/underlined]])
[[left margin]] 28- [[/left margin]] Vyšehrad - (spoiled)
[[left margin]] 29x [[/left margin]] Bránická skála - [[srapoli?]] Zlichovu.
[[left margin]] 30x. [[/left margin]] "Pístav" nad Zlichovem. Vory (jaho
telegraf[[?]] tye) An arm of river.
[[left margin]] 3- [[/left margin]] Výšehrad - blíže.
[[left margin]] 4- [[/left margin]] " [[ditto for: Výšehrad]] a Sanatorium
Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives
[[left margin]] 5- [[/left margin]] " [[ditto for: Výšehrad]] [[Covhny?]]
[[left margin]] 6- [[/left margin]] " [[Ditto for: [[Covhny?]] ]] .E
[[image - sloping hill, with tunnel underneath]] [[image labels: [[dnvele?]],
[[Libnary?]] "lázn"., wall, [[Bidlise?]], ([[spodní Silno?]]), Tunnel]]
[[left margin]] 1- [[/left margin]] Vyšehrad, [[lvohny?]] S.E. (see top)
[[image - line extends from here to top image]]
[[left margin]] 2- [[/left margin]] "Pistav" s divini ([[underlined]] spoiled
[[left margin]] 7- [[/left margin]] [[underlined]] Vyšehrad - S.E.
Bohumil Shimek - Diary, European trip, 1914 (1 of 2)
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Photos-Prague-Sun[?] June 28, 1914
[[checkmark]] 24x. Kraul.brad, Hadcany--front view
[[checkmark]] 28- Avenue in front of Belvedere, looking E.
[[checkmark]] 27-[with arrow going to 28] N. entrance to kral.crad,fires
Jeleni Puhlr.
[[checkmark]] 7- In park E. of Belvedere-ivy on trees-Machar's pommik
in back[[checkmark]] 8- [[strikethrough]] M [[/strikethrough]] W. side of Machar's
Plate contains:
Vysehrad-Neklan-Libusin Hueic
Rading a Maherlenka-Samko Ptak
Zoob Ruzoveho Jitra--Sulamit
Dons Sance-Legenda-Z Erinu
Dirm or Tononci Hvejdy-Baje Sosany
Troje Pamiti Vita Choraze-Vrine
Jan Maria Ploghar-Vecco in B
Olgerd Cejslova-Sr. Brandau-Inultuc
Gabriel de Espinosa-Pia de Tolomei
PodJabloni-Sestra Paskalina
Ondrj Cernyser-Dobrodruzster Madrang
Karolinski Epopeje-Ami a Amil.
[[checkmark]] 4- Benatlay-Mala Strana.
29x - W. end Karel's bridge
30x Looking E. along " "
[[end page]]
[[start page]] 233
[[checkmark]]23x - Dinin cis.14,Jezicha vol., II.
? 29x - Street leading n. from my room.-below Emanzy (west)Vaclavska ublice
[[checkmark]]5- Looking S. E. from Karels' Bridgenarodin Divadlo a Riegrovo a Polachela Nabrize c4
[[checkmark]] 6- From Karels' Bridge - looking toward Bridge at Retizard
[[checkmark]] 3 - E. side of Marchar's monument -
Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives
[[checkmark]] 4 - Looking along Malrege Town Vipe[[?]] from Frautinalis
July 3, 1914
(23x2) Soroksar, Hungary [[strikethrough]] 24x [[/strikethrough]][[arrow pointing to 24X below]]
Stipa, Ephidra, Linuru [[?]],
Alsiue veruma, - Pobulus alba in back.
Large Verbascum dichristu etc.
[[checkmark]] 23x Stiba graffiana, Linum pannomica
[[checkmark 5]] Linum & Stiba, Verbascum (by umbrella), Scotch Pine in
back (planted)
and Pabulus migra.
[[checkmark]] 24x Santy ridge with Papulus alba
& Pinus rilvetrius, etc.
[[checkmark]] [[underline]] 29 - Sand pusta - stifa, Kochleni, etc
p alba in back pimifra formas. Some Robinia, etc.
as Kiskun - Laezhaza - [[/underline]]
[[checkmark]] 27 [[strikethrough]] 28 - [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]]
(27)?) Looking E across plain.
Bohumil Shimek - Diary, European trip, 1914 (1 of 2)
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6. View across sand pusta, scrub covered, on Isl. of Czepel, near
[[underlined]] At Kunseutmiklos [[/underlined]] July 3, 1914 - sand flats
28 - Saline flat & field beyond. Shows white "blind spot" in fore. Only
Lepidium crassifolium & Camphorum ovata seem to be able to grow on
it, & this sparingly.
[[strikethrough]] 6. View across scrub covered sand pusta, Isl. of
Czepel, near Soroksar.
[[underlined and struck through]] July 4 - At Péczel, Hungary
[[/underlined and struck through]]
330x - Salt pusta, shows tufted grass
1 - " " " " " [[dittos for: Salt pusta, shows tufted grass]] & windmills
2 - " [[dittos for: Salt]] basin, with Juneus flat & Kunseutmiklos in back.
7 - Nearer view of Juneus flat & stacks shown in (2)
8 - Salt basin (lake) & Kunseutmiklos.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[underlined]] July 4, 1914 [[/underlined]] At Pecsel, Hungary.
[[underlined]] Photo 3 [[/underlined]] - At sec (a)
[[image: drawing of soil profile]]
[[image labels]]
Loess - fossils all through
glide (?) Lower, yellow, sandy. Fossils.
[[/image labels]]
[[underlined]] Photo 4 [[/underlined]] At sec. (b.)
[[image: drawing of soil profile]]
[[image labels]]
6 ft Robinia
Robinia 6 ft.
Bank & bench
7 ft.
Darker, mucky, reddish lower layer.
[[/image labels]]
[[underlined]] Photo 7 [[/underlined]] cut (c)
[[image: drawing of soil profile]]
[[image labels]]
12 ft. yellow, loose sandy loess 12 to 15 ft.
x Talus x
x=horizontal stratified water formation. Yellow with darker bands. This is
Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives
at (c)
[[/image labels]]
[[underlined]] Photo 8 [[/underlined]] - at cut (a)
[[image: drawing of soil profile]]
[[image labels]]
12-15 ft.
yellow, sandy.
5 ft. yellowish grayish with iron streaks
Stratified water deposit
[[/image labels]]
Bohumil Shimek - Diary, European trip, 1914 (1 of 2)
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Extracted Dec-11-2015 01:04:14
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[[underlined]] Photo 29x [[/underlined]] - At (e)
[[image: soil profile]]
[[image labels]]
Loess} 30-40 ft
8-9 ft. reddish
[[/image labels]]
[[underlined]] Photo 30x [[/underlined]] - At (f)
[[image: soil profile]]
[[image labels]]
[[/image labels]]
[[underlined]] Photo - cut (g.) [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] Photo - cut (g) [[/underlined]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
July 5 - 1914. At Pecsel.
[[underlined]] Photo 29x [[/underlined]] - Looking N. at (a) [[image: soil
[[image labels]]
yellow sandy loess.
[[/image labels]]
[[underlined]] Photo 30x [[/underlined]] - Looking west at (c) (22-115)
[[image: soil profile]]
[[image labels]]
silt, stratified
[[/image labels]]
[[underlined]] Photo 5 [[/underlined]] - Same (32 - 1/2)
[[underlined]] Photo 6 [[/underlined]] = Exposure (g) 22 - 1/5+
Photo 1 = 32 (1/5-1/2) Exposure (g)
[[underlined]] Photo 2 [[/underlined]] - Old fashioned well beyond cut (h)
[[underlined]] Photo [[/underlined]] Wheat field at Rahoszahy-Ujtelep.
[[underlined]] July 6, 1914 Trip to Spitz. [[/underlined]]
Photo 23x - Hills across the Danube opposite Weissenhirschen
1/0 Wachan. heavily wooded with conifers.
[[underlined]] Photo 24 [[/underlined]] Opposite Stem Matern - castle [[underlined]] spoiled [[/underlined]].
Photo 7 - Terraced loess hills at Rohrensdoy
Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives
[[in pencil]]
5 & 6 (?)
27, 28
29x 30x
note four on cover of this book erased
[[/in pencil]]
Bohumil Shimek - Diary, European trip, 1914 (1 of 2)
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July 7, 1914 [[underlined]] Plze [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] Photo 30x [[/underlined]] - Stará radinice
[[underlined]] Photo 27 [[/underlined]]- Kostel Sv. Mikulás ([[underlined]]
spoiled [[/underlined]])
[[underlined]] Photo 5 [[/underlined]] - Dog team & driver
Photo- Kostel Sv. Mikulás
[[underlined]] July 8, 1914 [[/underlined]]-Dvešice,[[underlined]]
Krašavec [[/underlined]]
Photo 5 (Vienna plate) Scotch Pine grove near Dvešice - S. and lower
[[underlined]] Photo 6 [[/underlined]] (Seeds) nearer view of same grove.
[[underlined]] Photo 3 [[/underlined]] -Inner part of same grove.
[[underlined]] Photo 4 [[/underlined]] - Václas Haugliki house in Dvešice.
[[underlined]] Photo 1 [[/underlined]] - street in Dvešice,-1st house=Vác
[[underlined]] Photo 2 [[/underlined]] -Krašavec-House Paul's was born
[[underlined]] Photo 7 [[/underlined]] - " " " " " " [[dittos for: KrašavecHouse Paul's was born in.]]
[[underlined]] July 10, 1914 - Chrást & Dejávna [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] Photos 7 & 8 [[/underlined]] - House no. 7 (erný's) in
[[underlined]] Photo [[/underlined]] 29x - Door & front of same. Chrást
[[underlined]] Photo 30x [[/underlined]] - Looking up street past no.7.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[underlined]] Photo 3 [[/underlined]] - Soukufrilás (Kile's) house. Chrást.
[[underlined]] Photo 27 [[/underlined]] --Looking N.E. at church in
[[underlined]] Photo 28 [[/underlined]] -Interior of church - " [[dittos for:
[[underlined]] Photo 4 [[/underlined]] -Goosehome [?] in Dejšina.
[[underlined]] Photo 1 [[/underlined]] - Looking S. across Dejšina.
[[underlined]] Photo 2 [[/underlined]] - Looking N. across Chrást.
[[underlined]] Photo 23x [[/underlined]] - 1st house = Geo. Uls birthplace
Václar Ul, Mrs. Dvoák (Ul.) & old woman with m
[[underlined]] Photo 5 [[/underlined]] --Jilek's mill, Chrást
[[underlined]] Photo 24x [[/underlined]] - Ul's house, Chrást, Mr. & Mrs.Ul
& son,
daughter & Mrs. Dvoák (Ul.)
[[underlined]] Photo 6 [[/underlined]] -Looking down the race at
[[underlined]] old [[/underlined]] mill, Chrást.
[[underlined]] July 11-1914-Olšany [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] Photo 5 [[/underlined]] -Jos. Jungmann.
[[underlined]] Photo 6 [[/underlined]] - Ladiolan J. elakovský
[[underlined]] Photo 4 [[/underlined]] - Karl Havliek
[[underlined]] Photo 29 [[/underlined]] -Karolina Svtlá.
[[underlined]] Photo 30 [[/underlined]] - Karel Jonáš
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Bohumil Shimek - Diary, European trip, 1914 (1 of 2)
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Photo 1-J. J. Kolar.
Photo 20 Tyrs & Tugnes--not good [[underlined]]
Photo 27- Karel Jaromis Erben.
Photo 28. Sofia Podlipska
Photo 7-Julius Gregs
Photo 8-Karl Sladhovoky.
July 12, 1914 In Prague [[all underlined]]
Photo 27-Tiprsky' chram
Photo 28- Table on starom raduice, with names of 27 executed leaders.
Photo 1-Russian Church, near staronic raduice.
Photo 2- New City hall.
Photo 23- Klementinum,opposite new city hall.
Photo 24", from Karel's street.
Photo 29-View " from Karel's bridge
Photo 30- Hradcany, from restaurant on Nebozizek.
Photo 3- Panorama,-Zizkov to left. From " below restaurant.
Photo 5- Old "Pedshali" near Palacky's monument.
Photo 6- Looking down Palacky' Mcbregi.
Photo 4- " across Podahali towards Eruaugy.
[[end page]]
[[stat page]] 241
July 13- Karlin Mn [?]
Photo 5 (III of Agfa series)- Karlior Fign from E.
Photo 6- " View down the valley from castle balcony.
Photo 7. Chromo.isolar Kafle So. Katering, in castle.
Photo 8-chromo. isolar Kafle So Krize (klenoty) in castle.
Photo 3- Agfa III
rocky ledge above bridge (west),-from bridge.
[[ image shots-- within wavy line Diabase, within lower line Diabase]]
Photo 4- Agfa III Ledge on East side of bridge,-from E. end of bridge.
[[image wavy lines]]
July 14,1914-Borova. [[all underlined]]
Photo 4- III Agfa- View along street
( near) to north-new school
house ( 2 yrs.) to left, very old houses to right.
Photo 5 III Agfa- Korab's mill, looking W. of N.
Photo 6- " Old cabin opposite Korab's mill.
Old woman with fagots, and village children.
Photo 7 III Agfa- Looking N. & E. of N. at Korab's mill. Marked 1859
Photo 8-" Looking at upper part of scattered village,N. E. towards
Korab's mill. A more distant view.
Photo 23 III Agfa Protestant (Evangelical) church in Borova
Photo 24-" Looking S. of E. at Korab's mill.
Turbine wheel shed.
July 15, 1914 [[all underlined]]
Photo 23-( Reich's Vienna plate) Train & depot at Usti nad Oslice.
Photo 24- Hills at Zamberk. (spoiled & discarded). {{underlined]]
Photo 5- from Dondleby highway, looking E (or N.) towards Vaunberk.
(Reich's Vienna plate)
Photo 29-Namiste s[[?]] hasnon.Looking E.- (Reich's plates)
Photos 1 & 2 (chrom-isolar) Interior of St. Prokof's church.
Photo 3 (Reicho Vrinum pl.)Pekelska nlire, z natriesti(over)
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Bohumil Shimek - Diary, European trip, 1914 (1 of 2)
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Photo 6-Pansky dun v levo- Krajkovy zavor u fuavo.
Pattern of old houses-Between is Postynska nlice. (Reich's Vienna
Photo 8 (Reich's V.) Jana Husi pommik-10 yrs. old--on public square.
Photo 7-No (Reich's) No. 9 & 10 Postynska ulice-old Lot place.
Photo 30- Old building at W. end of row in which father's house stood.
Same pattern
(ortho) chrome-isolar
Photo 27-Looking E. across bridge. [[(Ortho.) strikeout]]. chrome.isolar.
Photo 4 -( Reich's) Old church (St. Puhofs), looking S. of E.
Castolovice-same date [[all underlined]]
Photo 1- Looking at church of S. Vit up Komendix, etc,(chromo isolar)
Photo 28 Looking at church nearby S. along Komendix etc,(chromo
Photo 2 Looking nearly E. at main old street
(Rieger str) chromo isolar.
Photo 23- (Reich's V.) Looking W. of N.towards no.92-the white house
just below barn.
Photo 24- (Reislis U.) Cis.95 ( Cepelkas)-old Matonsek house.
July 20-1914--Berlin.[[all underlined]]
A. Photo 5 (Reich's V.) Looking W. along Unter den Linden from
Frederick's monument.
Photo 6 (Reich's U.) East wing of the University
Photo 7 ( ") University,-center and front of W. wing.
Photo 8 ( ")-Sieges allee from lower end.
Photo 28 ( ")- W. side of Sieges allee.
[[1 m statue?]] =Friederick II, 1440-1470. 2nd Friedrich I, 1415-1440
3rd= Kaiser Sigmund 1378-1397 &1411-1415.
4th- Kaiser Karl IV, 1373-78.
Photo 1 (Spezial Agfa)- Statue of Emperor Sigmund
Photo 2-( ""
") " " " Karl IV;
Photo 27 (Reich's V.)- Sieges column.
Photo 27 (?) (Ortho 1/5 +-32- Unter den Eichen at Bot. GardensDablem
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
B July 22-1914- Leipzig [[all underlined]]
for 27 (see [?]
Photo 28- ( 1/50-8) University Bldg. on Augustus platz.
Photo 7 (Ortho.) Looking up Johannis Allee, w.of Botanical garden.
Photo 1 (Ortho)- Botanical Bldg., w. side
Photo 8- Ortho S. ( S. E) past " " (front).
Photo 3 - (Spezial)- Cactaceae among granitic rocks.
Botanical Garden.
Photo 4 (" )Russian chapel (spoiled)built in honor memory of Russian
soldiers who fell in battle of Leipzig.
Photo 29 -(Spezial)Front view of same.
July 23, 1914--Halle [[all underlined]]
Photo 5- ( Eastman) Old University
Photo 2- (Ortho) Lily pond, with border of Begonias. Botanical garden.
Photo 23- (Spezial)- Section of oak in Botanical Garden. Felled in 1894Grew from seed in 1632.
Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives
C July 23,1914- Halle [[all underlined]]
Photo 5- (Eastman) Old University building.
Photo 2-(Ortho)- Lily pond, with border of Begonias. Botanical garden.
Photo 23 (Spezial)- Section of oak in Botanical Garden. Felled in 1894Grew from seed in 1632.
C July 23, 1914- Jena [[all underlined]]
Photo 6 (Eastman)- Botanical Institue- shows plate with: W. Pringaheim
Looking N. of E.
Photo 29- Botanical Institute, looking N.E.
strung across picture.
Photo 30-Schleidens monument, with bust-1804-1881. Looking nearly
Photo 3- Palm section of Bot. Garden.-West.
Howca Forsteriana,etc. Howe Isl.
Photo 4- Similar to 29.
Photo 24- Winter house & hills beyond.
Photo 27-Looking across yucca [[underlined]] and agave.
[[underlined]]bed, with small plant. housed (sunken for wet houses)
[[on left side of page-- Photo 1 old univ. building]]
see p.222 (back)
Bohumil Shimek - Diary, European trip, 1914 (1 of 2)
Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers
Extracted Dec-11-2015 01:04:14
Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives
[[Blank back cover]]
Bohumil Shimek - Diary, European trip, 1914 (1 of 2)
Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers
Extracted Dec-11-2015 01:04:14
Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives
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