Imunologie - Univerzita Karlova


Imunologie - Univerzita Karlova
Imunologie - knihy
Tlaskalová-HogenováH., Holáň V, Bilej M.
Buněčné a molekulární základy imunologie (skriptum)
Česká imunologická společnost, 2003
Krejsek J., Kopecký O.
Klinická imunologie
NUCLEUS HK, 2004, 941 str. , ISBN 808622550X
Kniha shrnuje na zhruba 950 stránkách ve 40 kapitolách v celé šíři poznatky základní a klinické imunologie. Důraz je kladen na objasnění
hlavních principů fungování imunitního systému ve zdraví i nemoci. Vychází se přitom z nejnovějších poznatků genetiky, molekulové a
buněčné biologie. Imunitní systém je charakterizován jako informační soustava, ve kterém je komunikace zajištěna prostřednictvím cytokinů
a membránových interakcí. Fungování imunitního systému je podáno v kontextu funkcí dalších tělních soustav, zvláště systému
neuroendokrinních regulací.
Značná pozornost je věnována buněčnému substrátu imunitní odpovědi. Následuje zevrubný popis všech mechanismů přirozené i adaptivní
imunity. Jsou podány zvláštnosti fungování imunitní soustavy v nejdůležitějších orgánech, např. játrech, oku, kůži či sliznici nebo ústní
dutině. Rozsáhlá partie je věnována vztahu mezi imunitní soustavou a infekčním agens. V samostatných kapitolách je řešena otázka imunitní
odpovědi na prionová, virová, bakteriální, fungální a parazitická agens. Důraz je kladen na molekulovou podstatu interakcí imunitního
systému a infekčních agens a na mechanismy úniku patogenních mikroorganismů imunitnímu dozoru. Jsou objasněny možnosti imunitního
systému odlišit patogenní mikroorganismy od mikroorganismů nepatogenních a mikrobů přirozené mikroflóry. Samostatně je pojednáno o
problematice infekce virem HIV a o imunologických aspektech mykobakteriálních infekcí. Zdůrazněna je nezbytnost mikrobních podnětů
pro optimální ontogenetický vývoj imunitního systému. Přirozené mikrobiální podněty jsou nezbytné pro optimální rozvoj individuální i
kolektivní imunitní reaktivity. Je poukázáno na imunomodulační důsledky umělých zásahů do vzájemných interakcí makroorganismu a
mikroorganismu, ať již cestou aktivní imunizace nebo v důsledku antimikrobní terapie.
Podrobně jsou řešeny důvody narušení imunologické tolerance jako příčiny rozvoje autoimunitní imunopatologické reaktivity. Je podán
přehled o imunopatogenezi vybraných autoimunitních imunopatologických chorob, jejich diagnostice a terapii. Samostatná kapitola je
věnována atopii a nemocem zprostředkovaným protilátkami IgE. Obdobně jsou podány informace o primárních a sekundárních
imunodeficiencích včetně infekce HIV a AIDS.
Pozornost je věnována vlivu zevního prostředí na imunitní systém. Diskutován je význam nutrice včetně potravní intolerance, na funkce
imunitního systému. Je pojednáno o terapeutických modulacích imunitního systému jak ve smyslu imunopotenciace, tak ve smyslu
imunosuprese a principech pasivní a aktivní imunizace. Samostatně je pojednáno o ontogenezi imunitního systému a zvláštnostech imunitní
reaktivity ve stáří. Závěrečná kapitola je zaměřena na laboratorní vyšetřovací postupy v klinické imunologii a alergologii.
Charakteristickým rysem knihy je provázanost jednotlivých oddílů. K zdůraznění vzájemných souvislostí a ke zdůraznění klíčových
poznatků využívají autoři zhruba 800 originálních barevných schémat a přehledových tabulek, které jsou doplněny o stručné popisy. Kniha je
doplněna přílohami, které shrnují např. informace o membránových molekulách leukocytů, cytokinech a chemokinech. Bohatá obrazová
dokumentace tak vlastně v knize vytváří další úroveň informací. Každá kapitola zahrnuje několik desítek literárních odkazů.
Kniha je psaná srozumitelným čtivým jazykem. Pro svůj obsah je určena nejenom široké lékařské veřejnosti, ale i v pregraduálním studiu.
Na konci knihy je seznam monografických děl, seznam zkratek a rejstřík.
Havrdová E.
Maxdorf, Praha, 2001, 451 str., ISBN 8085912244
Bartůňková J., Vernerová E., Alušík Š., Řehák V.
Postgraduální klinický projekt. II.. Imunologie a alergologie
Triton, Praha, 2002, 83 str., Vnitřní lékařství , 2002/2003, ISBN 8072542893
Jílek P., Nouza M.
Základy imunologie
Ewopharma, Praha, 2002, 75 str., ISBN 8023885944
Litzman J., Kuklínek P., Rybníček O.
Alergologie a klinická imunologie
IPVZ, Brno, 2001, 144 str., ISBN 8070133457, Cena:259 Kč
Skripta jsou základním učebním textem, který přináší informace o alergologii a klinické imunologii pro další
vzdělávání sester různých medicínských oborů. Pojednávají o struktuře a funkci imunitního systému, o aktivní a
pasivní umělé imunizaci, informují o chorobách způsobených poruchou imunity, transplantační imunologii a
laboratorních imunologických vyšetřeních; součástí textu je i slovníček některých speciálních pojmů.
Eckschlager T., Průša R.
Laboratorní vyšetření v onkologii
Triton, Praha, 2002, 254 str., ISBN 8072541862, Cena 49 Kč
Zhoubné nádory jsou ve všech rozvinutých zemích druhou nejčastější příčinou úmrtí a jejich výskyt se stále
zvyšuje. Přes zlepšenou úspěšnost léčby jsou však některé nádory stále velmi obtížně léčitelné. Současný rozvoj
imunologických a genetických metod umožňuje zlepšení diagnostiky a prognostiky v onkologii. Význam těchto
metod stále poroste i s ohledem na zavádění nových léčebných postupů (monoklonální protilátky, genová léčba
aj.). V této knize autoři shrnuli základní údaje, které jsou nebo v dohledné době budou významné pro klinickou
Fučíková T.
Imunologie, Vnitřní lékařství, svazek V
Galén, 2002, skripta, 58 str., ISBN 8072621386, Cena:100 Kč
Po dlouhé době vychází stručná a moderní příručka, koncipovaná s ohledem na lékaře a studenty LF, kteří
potřebují nové a přehledně utříděné poznatky o tomto základním oboru medicíny. Dlouhodobé odborné i
pedagogické zkušenosti autorky dávají záruku, že se publikace může stát základní učebnicí oboru, na rozdíl od
mnoha jiných textů, které mají mnohdy tendenci význam tohoto oboru podceňovat nebo naopak přeceňovat.
Jako součást souboru Vnitřní lékařství I - X obdržela kniha v roce 2004 Cenu rektora Univerzity Karlovy za
nejlepší skriptum v oboru věd lékařsko farmaceutických.
Göpfertová D., Janovská D., Dohnal K, Melicherčíková V.
Mikrobiologie, imunologie, epidemiologie, hygiena. Pro střední a vyšší
odborné školy
Triton, Praha, 2002, 3. doplněné vyd.,, 148 str., ISBN 8072542230,
Cena:149 Kč
Učebnice vychází z platných osnov pro výuku mikrobiologie, imunologie, epidemiologie a hygieny na středních a
vyšších odborných zdravotnických školách. Je napsána srozumitelnou formou a zahrnuje nezbytné množství
požadovaných znalostí. V mikrobiologické části je text zaměřen především na základy obecné bakteriologie a
virologie, včetně diagnostických metod a antimikrobiálních látek. Část imunologická obsahuje stručný přehled
principů protilátkové a buněčné imunity, imunologických laboratorních metod a možností modulace imunitní
odpovědi. V části epidemiologické je kladen důraz na zásady obecné epidemiologie a epidemiologických opatření. Navazuje souhrn
současných poznatků o nejzávažnějších infekčních onemocněních. Část věnovaná hygieně je soustředěna na aktuální problémy životního
prostředí, ovzduší, vody a výživy. Větší pozornost je upřena na hygienickou problematiku a pracovní podmínky ve zdravotnických
Bartůňková J.
Vyšetřovací metody v imunologii
Grada, 2005, 184 str., ISBN 8024706911
Kniha, která je koncipována jako stručná příručka pro studenty a klinické i laboratorní pracovníky zabývající se
imunologií, obsahuje základní informace o funkci imunitního systému a jeho poruchách, popisuje indikace k
vyšetření, laboratorní metody i interpretace patologických výsledků.
Bartůňková J., Šedivá A.
Imunologie – min. pro praxi
Triton, 3. vyd., 96 str., ISBN 8072542052
Kniha obsahuje základní informace o imunitním systému a chorobách pramenících z jeho dysfunkce. Je napsána
srozumitelným a jednoduchým způsobem, s logickou návazností poznatků ze základní imunologie směrem ke
klinické praxi. Její připravované třetí vydání hovoří samo za sebe – publikace se stala oblíbenou četbou všech,
kteří se potřebují zorientovat ve složitém oboru, jakým bezpochyby imunologie je.
Bartůňková J., Vernerová E.
Imunologie a alergologie
Triton, 84 str., ISBN 8072542893
Imunologie vykazuje v posledních dvou desetiletích enormní rozvoj, který se vymyká možnostem sledování širší
lékařskou veřejností. Zásluhou dvou renomovaných, zkušených autorek se dostává na knižní trh publikace, která
svým rozsahem umožňuje všem lékařům a studujícím medicíny, aby se seznámili se současným stavem znalostí a
moderním pojetím v klinické imunologii.Autorky zpracovaly tuto velmi obtížnou a rozsáhlou problematiku logicky
srozumitelně, přehledně a zajímavě. Práce je rozdělena do 6 oddílů: po výkladu fyziologie imunitního systému
následuje pojednání o imunopatologické reakci humorální i buněčné, další část se zabývá imunodeficientními stavy,
v dalších dvou kapitolách následuje výklad autoimunních onemocnění a alergií. Nakonec se uvádějí indikace
k imunologickému a alergickému vyšetření. Text doplňuje 6 názorných tabulek. Pro získání orientace o současném stavu klinické imunologie
je tato útlá knížka bezkonkurenční a neměla by chybět ani v knihovnách příslušných specialistů.
Prokešová L.
Kontrolní otázky – imunologie
Triton, 104 str ., ISBN 8072540750
V praktických příručkách mají studenti možnost zkontrolovat své znalosti z oboru. Z několika nabídnutých variant
vybírají správnou odpověď, o jejíž správnosti se mohou přesvědčit na konci knihy v klíči.
Zavázal V.
Abeceda pro alergiky a pro třetinu naší populace
Univerzita Karlova v Praze, 2000, 99 str., ISBN:8071847240, Cena:95 Kč
Příručka určená pro nemocné alergickými chorobami a s poruchami imunity podává základní informace, které by
o své chorobě měl znát každý nemocný. Čtenář v knize nalezne všestranný popis jednotlivých chorob a důvodů
vedoucích k jejich propuknutí a seznamuje s prevencí a metodami léčení. Autor se v textu věnuje také vztahu
lékaře k přírodní medicíně či k léčitelství a léčitelům.
Hrubiško M.
Osveta, 2003, 518 str., ISBN 8080631107, Cena:700 Kč
První slovenská monografie o alergologii z pera významných slovenských alergologů a imunologů je určená
medikům, specialistům (alergologům a imunologům) a jiným odborníkům, kteří přicházejí do styku s tímto stále
častěji se vyskytujícím civilizačním onemocněním - otorinolaryngologům, pneumologům, internistům,
oftalmologům, pediatrům i praktickým lékařům. Přínosná bude i lékařům v postgraduálním studiu připravujícím se
na nadstavbovou atestaci z alergologie a imunologie.
Autoři nejprve v úvodní části předkládají repetitorium klinické imunologie; dále se věnují diagnostice alergie,
klasifikaci a popisu alergenů a epidemiologii alergií. Další kapitoly seznamují s problematikou alergií v rámci
jednotlivých orgánů a ústrojí (gastrointestinální trakt, dýchací ústrojí, oko, kůže, pohlavní ústrojí) s uvedením
léčby a závěrů pro praxi. Pozornost je věnována také lékové alergii, anafylaxi a imunoterapii v alergologii. Závěr monografie tvoří slovník
alergenů (slovensko-anglicko-latinský a anglicko-slovensko-latinský).
Špičák V., Panzner P. a kol.
Galén, 2004, 348 str. ISBN:807262265X, Cena:1 500 Kč
První velkou několikasetstránkovou monografii, věnovanou jednomu z nejčastějších medicínských problémů,
připravil kolektiv specialistů z celé České republiky pod pořadatelským vedením prof. MUDr. Václava Špičáka a
doc. MUDr. Petra Panznera, CSc.
Z předmluvy:
Alergie, pojem poprvé vyslovený pediatrem von Pirquetem v prvních letech 20. století, se za těch bezmála sto let
stala věcí veřejnou. V průměru čtvrtinu populace kterékoliv země na světě tvoří alergici. Počet lidí, kteří jsou
geneticky disponováni k možnosti alergicky zareagovat, je ještě vyšší. V první polovině 20. století se formovaly
první základy alergologie. Ve 20. letech vznikly ve Spojených státech amerických první alergologické kliniky a začala se rozvíjet klinická
praxe. (...) Alergii dnes chápeme jako systémové postižení s pestrostí místních projevů. Klinická pestrost alergických stavů podtrhuje
mezioborové zapojení do jejich řešení. Příčiny nebývalého nárůstu alergických onemocnění jsou stále nejasné. Úloha široké škály spouštěčů
senzibilizace i vlastní alergické reakce není stále přesně zodpovězena. Vlivy prostředí, výživy i způsobu života jsou znovu a znovu zevrubně
posuzovány. Vznikají pracovní hypotézy, které stále čekají na své potvrzení nebo vyvrácení (...). Zachytit rychlost vývoje nových poznatků
je velmi obtížné a všichni autoři monografie to poznali. Jednotlivé kapitoly a kniha ve svém celku by tedy měly poskytnout přehled o
základech alergologie a ukázat směry, od nichž se odvíjí její praxe.
Ferenčík M., Rovenský J., Maťha V.
Ilustrovaný imunologický slovník
První české vydání
Galén, 2004, 288 str., ISBN 8072622439, Cena:890 Kč
V evropském měřítku ojedinělé encyklopedické dílo nabízí slovníkovou formou základní definice a termíny z
imunologie. Publikace je velmi potřebným doplňkem u nás dosud vydaných knih týkajících se imunologie, a to jak
teoretické, tak i klinické. Přehlednou a sdílnou formou informuje o základních pojmech jak z imunologie, tak i
hraničních oborů - zejména genetiky, molekulární biologie a onkologie. Vysvětlení pojmů je dostatečně stručné a
jasné. Český překlad je pečlivě zpracovaný a publikaci uvítají nejen profesionální imunologové, alergologové, ale i
lékaři z mnoha oborů, především interních, pracovníci rutinních i výzkumných laboratoří, stejně jako studenti
medicíny či řady přírodovědných oborů.
První české vydání vychází jednak z druhého slovenského vydání s přihlédnutím k chystanému druhému vydání anglickému. Hesla téměř
třísetstránkového slovníku jsou zpracována z hlediska teorie i praxe a obsahují téměř sto ilustrací.
Reeves, Gordon, Spickett, G.P., Todd, Ian
Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2005, Edition 5th ed, Paperback, Pages208, ISBN1405126620,
Lecture Notes: Immunology is a best-selling concise introduction to immunology presenting the essential core knowledge for medical and
biomedical science students. It takes an integrated approach and combines basic science and clinical information for a clear understanding of
the cells, molecules and processes of the immune system. The book has been fully revised and updated throughout and includes a new
chapter on Immunological Therapy. Divided into two parts, Part 1 covers immunity and the immune system and Part 2 deals with
immunopathology. This text will prove invaluable as a well-balanced introduction to immunology and a rapid revision guide for final exams.
The book contains: Clear illustrations, tables and diagrams Integrated basic science and clinical information Key facts that support the
understanding of important information Lecture Notes: Immunology will appeal to medical students, junior doctors on foundation
programmes, allied health professionals, postgraduates and for those in the field of biomedical science.
Antel, Jack P., Birnbaum, Gary, Hartung, Hans-Peter, Vincent, Angela
Clinical Neuroimmunology
Oxford University Press, 2005, Edition 2nd ed, Hardback, Pages 464, ISBN 0198510683
Clinical Neurimmunology is the major reference text in the field, providing broad and comprehensive coverage of the interaction between
the nervous and immune systems in both normal and diseased states. Understanding this interaction is fundamental to developing therapeutic
approaches to disease and injury of the nervous system that are currently only marginally amenable to therapy. Neuroimmunology is a wellrecognised and growing specialty world wide, both at the basic science and clinical level. It is a fast moving field and this is the most up to
date text available. Chapters are dedicated to the role of the immune system in disorders affecting both the central and peripheral nervous
systems, including important neurodegenerative diseases (such as multiple sclerosis and HIV-related neural degeneration) which cause lifelong disability. Extensive coverage is given to a whole array of immune-directed therapies. The book has a strong international team of well
respected, high profile editors and authors. The first edition published to extensive and positive reviews and has established itself as the
principal reference source in the field.
This second edition summarizes recent advances in clinical neuroimmunology in a comprehensive and unbiased way.
Klein, J., Horejsi, V.
Blackwell Science Ltd, 1999, Edition 2nd ed, Paperback, Pages736, ISBN 0632054689,
Professor Klein has revised his acclaimed textbook of immunology as a result of feedback from his readership. The first edition received
widespread praise for its clarity of explanation and won the Glaxo Prize for Textbook Writing. In his second edition, Professor Klein is
joined by Dr Vaclav Horesji, who brings strength and expertise to the sections on cellular immunology.
Lodish, Harvey, Darnell, James E.
Molecular Cell Biology
Edition 5th ed, Hardback, W.H.Freeman & Co Ltd, pages 1152, ISBN
0716743663, £45.99
This is an authoritative and comprehensive vision of molecular cell biology. Advances in our knowledge
of how cells work has driven the discipline to the point where we understand the cell at new levels of
complexity such as larger signalling complexes in cells, and cells interacting with other cells. To present
this new view of molecular cell biology and the accompanying advances in experimental technology, the
fifth edition shows exciting developments in cell birth, lineage and death expanded coverage of signalling
systems within the whole cell/organism and expanded coverage of metabolism and movement of lipids. In
addition, new pedagogy includes research questions by looking at real experimental data in "analysing the
data" problems and "updated perspectives for the future" at the end of each chapter, which explore
potential applications of future discoveries and unanswered questions that lie ahead for researchers.
The media package includes a companion website with animations, videos and classic experiments covering groundbreaking molecular cell
biology experiments to enhance student learning. For instructors there are PowerPoint images from the text solutions and a test bank. Other
supplements include an instructor's CD-ROM containing all text images, a conversion guide from the 4th edition test, bank animations and
videos, and overhead transparencies. And for students there is the "Working with Molecular Cell Biology, Fifth Edition: A Study Companion
and Solutions Manual".
Alberts, Bruce, Johnson, Alexander, Lewis, Julian, Raff, Martin,
Roberts, Keith, Walter, Peter
Alberts, Bruce
Molecular Biology of the Cell
Taylor & Francis Inc, Paperback + CD-ROM, Edition 4th ed, pages
1616, ISBN 0815340729, £47.95
Molecular Biology of the Cell is the classic in-dept text reference in cell biology. By extracting the
fundamental concepts from this enormous and ever-growing field, the authors tell the story of cell biology,
and create a coherent framework through which non-expert readers may approach the subject. Written in
clear and concise language, and beautifully illustrated, the book is enjoyable to read, and it provides a
clear sense of the excitement of modern biology. Molecular Biology of the Cell sets forth the current
understanding of cell biology (completely updated as of Autumn 2001), and it explores the intriguing
implications and possibilities of the great deal that remains unknown. The hallmark features of previous editions continue in the Fourth
Edition. The book is designed with a clean and open, single-column layout. The art program maintains a completely consistent format and
style, and includes over 1,600 photographs, electron micrographs, and original drawings by the authors. Clear and concise concept headings
introduce each section. Every chapter contains extensive references.
Most important, every chapter has been subjected to a rigorous, collaborative revision process where, in addition to incorporating comments
from expert reviewers, each co-author reads and reviews the other authors' prose. The result is a truly integrated work with a single authorial
voice. Features : - Places the latest hot topics sensibly in context - including genomics, protein structure, array technology, stem cells and
genetics diseases. - Incorporates and emphasises new genomic data. - All of molecular biology is brought together into one section (chapters
4-7) covering classically defined molecular biology and molecular genetics. - Two chapters deal exclusively with methods and contain
information on the latest tools and techniques. - New chapters on "Pathogens, Infection, and Innate Immunity". - Cell Biology Interactive
CD-ROM is packaged with every copy of the book. - Contains over 1,600 illustrations, electron micrographs and photographs, of which over
1,000 are originally conceived by the authors.
Read, A., Strachan, T.
Human Molecular Genetics
Taylor & Francis Inc , Edition 3rd ed, Paperback, pages 640, ISBN
0815341849, £40.00
Following the completion of the Human Genome Project the content and organisation of the third
edition of Human Molecular Genetics has been thoroughly revised. * Part One (Chapters 1-7) covers
basic material on DNA structure and function, chromosomes, cells and development, pedigree
analysis and the basic techniques used in the laboratory. * Part Two (Chapters 8-12) discusses the
various genome sequencing projects and the insights they provide into the organisation, expression,
variation and evolution of our genome. * Part Three (Chapters 13-18) focuses on mapping,
identifying and diagnosing the genetic causes of mendelian and complex diseases and cancer. * Part
Four (Chapters 19-21) looks at the wider horizons of functional genomics, proteomics,
bioinformatics, animal models and therapy. There are new chapters on cells and development and on
functional genomics. The sections on complex diseases have been completely rewritten and
reorganized, as has the chapter on Genome Projects. Other changes include a new section on
molecular phylogenetics (Chapter 12) and the introduction of 'Ethics Boxes' to discuss some of the implications of the new knowledge.
Virtually every page has been revised and updated to take account of the stunning developments of the past four years since the publication
of the last edition of Human Molecular Genetics. Features: * Integration of Human Genome Project data throughout the book * Two new
chapters 'Cells and Development' (Chapter 3) and 'Beyond the Genome Project: Functional Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics'
(Chapter 19) * Completely rewritten and reorganised coverage of complex disease genetics * Increased emphasis on gene function and on
applications of genetic knowledge, including ethical issues * More prominence given to novel approaches to treating disease, such as cellbased therapies, pharmacogenomics, and personalised medicine * Special topic boxes that include detailed coverage of ethical, legal and
social issues, including eugenics, genetic testing and discrimination, germ-line gene therapy and genetic enhancement, and human cloning *
Contains two indices: a general index and one that contains names of diseases and disorders
Janeway, Charles A. Travers, Paul Walport, Mark
Immunobiology: The Immune System in Health and Disease with
CD (Audio)
Garland Publishing, 2005, Edition6 , Paperback, pages 823, ISBN
0815341016, £43.38
This introductory text/CD-ROM is intended for use in immunology courses for medical students,
advanced undergraduate biology students, graduate students, and scientists in other fields. The text
presents immunology from the perspective of the host's interaction with an environment that contains
harmful microbes. This sixth edition contains chapter discussion questions, plus an extensively revised
chapter on the evolution of the immune system. The CD-ROM contains animations based on figures in the
book and videos of experiments. Janeway was affiliated with Yale University School of Medicine.
Stevens, Christine Dorresteyn
Clinical Immunology and Serology
F.A. Davis Company ,Edition 2nd ed, Paperback, pages 464,
ISBN 0803610955, £39.95
A practical introduction to clinical immunology, covering essential theoretical principles along
with serology techniques most commonly used in the lab. This edition includes case studies, to
make each chapter a concentrated learning exercise, presenting theory and then detailing
procedures. Colour plates demonstrate visually what is expected in the lab and an entirely new
chapter, "Overview of Antigen-Antibody Reactions and Basic Safety Considerations", presents the
updated OSHA regulations as they apply to the clinical immunology lab. Another new chapter,
"Molecular Biology Techniques", explains methods of current molecular testing (DNA testing) as
it relates to clinical immunology.
The text also provides chapter outlines, multiple-choice review questions (with answer keys),
chapter summaries and lab exercises to illustrate key concepts in each chapter. The book follows a
pedagogical structure which supports students' learning.
Chapel, H., Heaney, Mansel, Snowden, N., Misbah, S.
Snowden, N., Misbah, S.
Essential Clinical Immunology
Blackwell Science Ltd, Edition 4th ed, Paperback, pp. 368, ISBN
0632049723, £27.95
The fourth edition of this highly popular book has been extensively revised. The first chapter, a revision of
the immune system, has been updated to provide the 'nitty-gritty' a student or trainee needs to know in order
to understand diseases that have an immunological basis. The rest of the book's focus is clinical but covers
the underlying pathophysiology of disease so that the reader is left with a lasting grasp of the basis of
symptoms, signs, special investigations and management of the patient. It will be of great value to medical
students and postgraduate trainees who require a thorough knowledge of the rapidly expanding number of
diseases that have an immunological basis.
Spickett, Gavin
Oxford Handbook of Clinical Immunology
Oxford University Press, Paperback, pages 732, ISBN 019262721X,
The Oxford Handbook of Clinical Immunology provides a handy pocket reference for the diagnosis of
immunological disease and the interpretation of immunological tests. The first section of the book concentrates
on clinical diseases and gives practical guidance on test selection and interpretation for both diagnosis and
monitoring. The second section covers the individual tests used in immunological diagnosis, summarizing the
methodology as well as the pros and cons of each test.
Gupta Sen Gupta, Pravash C.
Sen Gupta, Pravesh
Clinical Immunology
Oxford University Press, 2003, pp. 1514, Hardback, ISBN
0195647963, £105.00
This title is aimed at the medical community in general and covers the immunological basis of medicine
and its various subsidiaries. It is intended for immunologists, pathologists, postgraduates, researchers
and other personnel involved in pursuing medical science.
Playfair, J.H.I., Chain, B.H.
Chain, B.M.
Immunology at a Glance
Blackwell Science Ltd, 2001, Edition 7th ed, Paperback, Pages 96,
ISBN0632054069, £12.76
The "At a Glance" series summarise essential information about a particular subject for the student
requiring a quick introduction or a guide to revision. This is achieved by taking each part of the
subject in turn and condensing it into a two-page spread with a schematic diagram on the left and a
concise explanation on the right. This book presents a broad look at immunology with the aid of a
series of thoughtfully constructed sketches to show the mechanisms involved in immunological
processes. It covers: the scope of immunology, cellular and hormonal factors, immunology of
infectious disease antibody formation, structure and function, immunology of cancer hypersensitivity,
autoimmunity and immunodeficiency, antigen recognition and processing, and cell interactions. After
six editions, a new author has been brought in to co-author the new edition which is updated with new sections on transplantation
immunology, in vivo immune manipulation and chemokines in inflammation.
Reeves, W.G., Todd, Ian
Lecture Notes on Immunology
Blackwell Science, Edition 4th ed
Paperback, Pages 280, ISBN0632056363, £17.95
This book has stood the test of time as a core text, giving a concise
introduction to immunology. The book focuses on basic science but informs the
reader of the clinical relevance where appropriate for a clear understanding of
the cells, molecules and processes of the immune system. The book has been
thoroughly updated to include new sections on: the interaction between innate
and adaptive immunity; the roles and regulation of T-cell subpopulations,
cytokines and adhesion molecules; genetic and environmental factors affecting
susceptibility to infection, immunodeficiency and atopic disease.
Playfair, J.H.L., Lypyard, P.M.
Medical Immunology Made Memorable
Churchill Livingstone, 2000, Edition 2nd ed, Paperback, Pages 120,
ISBN 0443064296, £16.99
This book covers the core of both basic science and clinical immunology as required by medical
students. Immunology is an inherently difficult subject and most competing titles include far too much
complex scientific detail for most medical courses. This book covers just the core of the subject
essential for understanding the clinical importance of the immune system and diseases caused by its
malfunction. Features: * Each double page spread mimics the contents of one typical lecture. * Covers
both basic scientific and clinical immunology in a way suitable for medical students. * Highly
accessible presentation with simple text and clear diagrams New to this edition: * New double page
spread on mucosal immunology * Text of first edition was reviewed by medical students to identify any
parts requiring refinement * Immunology is a very fast moving subject and all latest developments have
been taken account of
Marcus, David A. Goldsby, Richard A. Osborne, Barbara A.
Goldsby, Richard A., Kindt, Thomas J., Osborne, Barbara A.
W.H. Freeman & Company, 2002, Edition 5, Hardback, Pages 603
ISBN0716749475, £37.99
The new edition of Immunology builds on the tradition of fine teaching and scientific excellence
established by Janis Kuby in the first three editions and carried forward by new authors Richard Goldsby,
Thomas Kindt, and Barbara Osborne in the previous edition. By presenting essential immunology
concepts in an experimental context, supported by innovative pedagogy, the book brings students the
latest scientific discoveries and clinical advances from the field in the most accessible format available
Levinson, Warren
Medical Microbiology and Immunology
Examinations and Board Review
McGraw-Hill Education, 2004, Edition 8th ed, Paperback, Pages 624,
ISBN 0071431993, £23.99
Completely updated throughout, this edition covers developments in HIV, hepatitis, smallpox, SARS, and
more. The book features case discussions, USMLE-style questions, and a USMLE-style practice exam.
Coico, Richard Chirillo, John Benjamini, Eli
Coico, R.
Immunology: A Short Course
JOHN WILEY & SONS INC, 2003, Edition 5, Paperback, Pages
392ISBN 0471226890, £28.50
Now in its FIFTH EDITION, this widely acclaimed textbook has been updated and revised to incorporate
new findings. Providing a concise yet thorough introduction to immunology, this text continues to
provide complete coverage of all key topics in modern immunology without overburdening the reader
with excessive detail or theoretical discussions. Each chapter is divided into short, self-contained units
that address key topics illustrated by uniformly drawn, full color illustrations. In addition to updating all
of the chapters, IMMUNOLOGY: A SHORT COURSE, FIFTH EDITION includes completely rewritten
coverage of such key topics as complement, immunodeficiencies, and lymphoid neoplasms. Written in a
clear, user-friendly style, this text is suitable for integrated courses that cover microbiology, immunology
and pathology, as well as focused immunology courses.
Doan, Thao
Concise Medical Immunology
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2005, Hardback, Pages 256, ISBN
078175741X, £19.95
Concise Medical Immunology is intended for medical and allied health students taking a short foundation
course in immunology. The text provides a concise, clear, clinically oriented, user-friendly introduction to
fundamental immunologic principles and their applications in medical practice. Clinical Application boxes
and patient vignettes help students connect basic immunology with real-life clinical practice. Each chapter
ends with a bulleted summary and review questions. Appendices include a lexicon of immunologic
abbreviations and acronyms and a comprehensive glossary of immunologic terms with detailed definitions.
100 specially designed two-colour illustrations illuminate key concepts.
FEATURES: Consistent level of coverage sticks to basic concepts; it does not cover the detailed molecular
processes and responses that students do not need to master in this short course Clinical Appl ication boxes
highlight the clinical aspects of immunology to help the student make the connection between basic science
and real-life clinical application Patient Vignettes introduce patients with a set of signs and symptoms, followed by questions for the reader
regarding diagnosis, treatments, or etiology Bulleted end-of-chapter summaries and review questions are included in every chapter to enable
self-testing and review of the material discussed; answers and explanations to the review questions are provided in Appendix D 100 all-new
2-colour illustrations, designed especially for this text, illuminate key concepts.
All of the images will be available on Connection free to adopters A lexicon of acronyms provides a comprehensive list of generally
accepted immunologic abbreviations A comprehensive glossary covers immunologic terminology and includes detailed definitions; a
valuable ref erence for a health science student Suggested readings at the end of each chapter direct the interested reader to applicable articles
and book chapters for further study.
Nairn, Roderick Helbert, Matthew
Immunology for Medical Students (Book with Student Access Card for Online Website)
Mosby-Year Book, 2004, Paperback, Pages 344, ISBN 0323035760, £23.99
Joint Winner of The Richard Asher Prize at the Society of Authors and Royal Society of Medicine Medical Book Awards. Presenting a
unique balance between science and clinical relevance, this new text is a concise, well-illustrated overview of immunology for students.
Focusing on what medical students need to know, it fills the niche for a reader-friendly, patient-oriented text in this challenging field.
Clinical boxes include real patient scenarios, making the textbook interesting and relevant. Experimental detail is kept to a minimum, used
only where it helps the student understand difficult concepts. It also provides a superb review of major components in immunological
interaction: important molecules, specific immune response and role of innate response in complementing specific response, and immunity to
Abbas, Abul K.
Cellular and Molecular Immunology
With Student Consult Access
W.B. Saunders Company, 2005, Edition 5 Updated, Hardback, Pages
562, ISBN 1416023895, £38.99
meticulously revised and updated New Edition of this highly acclaimed text continues to provide a concise
and straightforward approach to the subject. It focuses on the experimental observations that underlie the
science of immunology at the molecular, cellular, and whole organism level-and explores the conclusions
that can be drawn from those observations.
Rosenwasser, Lanny J
Year Book of Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immunology
Elsevier Imprint, 2004, Hardback, Pages 304, ISBN 0323021018, £68.00
The Year Book of Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immunology brings you abstracts of the articles that reported the year's breakthrough
developments in allergy, asthma and clinical immunology, carefully selected from more than 500 journals worldwide. Expert commentaries
evaluate the clinical importance of each article and discuss its application to your practice. There's no faster or easier way to stay informed!
The 2004 topics include: basic mechanisms of allergy and immunology; asthma and lower airway biology; allergic reactions; atopic
dermatitis and immunologic skin disorders; autoimmunity, immunodeficiency, and vasculitis; and pharmacologic and biological therapy for
allergy and immunologic diseases. The Year Book of Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immunology is published annually in December.
Pathak, Sulabha, Palan, U.
Essential and Fundamental
Science Publishers, 2005, Edition 2nd ed, Hardback, Pages 400, ISBN 1578083796,£43.70
Playfair, John, Bancroft, Gregory
Infection and Immunity
Oxford University Press, Edition 2nd ed, Paperback, Pages 328,
ISBN 0199264953, £21.99
Our immune system is a complex network of cells continually working against a barrage of attack from
our environment to, quite literally, save our lives. But how do our bodies protect us from the bacteria,
and other potentially life-threatening organisms, that surround us every day? Infection and Immunity 2e
explains how, in the lucid, accessible style for which John Playfair is well known. Together with Greg
Bancroft, an expert in infectious diseases, Playfair describes the main
causes of infection that our bodies have to battle against - from bacteria to viruses - and explains that intricate and fascinating way that our
bodies respond to infection - from detection of these potentially dangerous organisms, to their ultimate elimination. With examples of
infectious diseases
from across the world, and with vastly expanded coverage compared to the first edition, Infection and Immunity 2e will be perfect for
biomedical science, bioscience and microbiology students who need to understand what causes infection, and how our immune systems
Companion Web Site
All the figures from the book will be available to download free from the companion web site.
Lichtman, Andrew H.
Review of Immunology
W.B. Saunders Company, 2005, Hardback, ISBN 0721603432, £17.99
Here's the perfect review book for USMLE exam preparation and for immunology courses! A companion to Drs. Abbas and Lichtman's
Cellular and Molecular Immunology and Basic Immunology, it focuses on the key experimental observations that underlie the science of
immunology at the molecular, cellular, and whole organism level as well as the conclusions that can be drawn from these observations.
Chapters follow the organization of the parent textbooks and feature a brief summary of vital knowledge * Approximately 500 USMLE-style
review questions * and answers with rationales.
Male Brostoff Roitt
Immunology Interactive Version 3.0 CD-ROM
C.V. Mosby, 2003, Edition 3, Non-book Item, ISBN
Roitt, Ivan, Delves, Peter J., Rabson, Arthur
Really Essential Medical Immunology
Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2004, Edition 2nd ed, Paperback, Pages
224, ISBN 1405121157, £19.95
This new edition of Really Essential Medical Immunology builds on the success of the first edition and
includes a fresh contemporary look and easy to navigate feel, with fully updated content and materials.
Really Essential Medical Immunology Second Edition is a concise, manageable and portable textbook,
based on the original and best-selling Roitt's Essential Immunology, and is specifically designed and
written for busy medical and science students getting to grips with the subject of immunology. The book
is divided into five different parts covering: The basis of Immunology The recognition of antigens The
acquired immune response Immunity of infection Clinical Immunology. Really Essential Medical
Immunology: Contains only the absolute essentials that students need to know Lays out information in a
clear, easy-to-navigate format Includes revision summary boxes to help get the best results in exams
Describes concepts visually through the use of clear, simple full colour diagrams Is a must-buy for busy students who need to find
information fast and easy
Paul, William E.
Paul, William E.
Fundamental Immunology
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2003, Edition 5th ed, Hardback,
Pages 1600, ISBN 0781735149, £96.00
Recommended in the Brandon/Hill selected list of print books and journals for the small medical library April 2001 & 2003 Since the publication of its first edition in 1984, Fundamental Immunology has
recorded the impact and explosive growth of immunologic science like no other text on the market. Under
the skilled editorial direction of Dr. William E. Paul, an international panel of expert contributors has
crafted a time-honoured text revered for its encyclopeadic presentation of the basic foundations of
immunology. The 5th edition continues to uphold the tradition of its predecessors while incorporating all that is new in contemporary,
international immunology, making it the defining reference in immunology today. Open the cover and you'll find a virtually new text. - All
content has been revised and restructured so as to reflect a greater emphasis on the molecular mechanisms underlying cellular function and
physiology (this being the prevailing trend in the most advanced immunological research and thinking). Outstanding new chapters (written
by international leaders in the field) have been added to bring you the very latest information on neuroimmunology and immunotherapy.
Detailed coverage of innate immunity and regulatory/suppressor T cells (two subjects that have become increasingly important since the
preparation of the fourth edition) incorporates the dynamic changes that have taken place in these areas since the previous edition. New and
expanded chapters also include: Lymphocyte Development and Biology Lymphocyte Signaling Mechanisms and Activation Type I
Cytokines and Interferons and Their Receptors The Mucosal Immune System Immunology of Aging Neural Immune Interactions in Health
and Disease Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes Systemic Autoimmunity Organ-Specific Autoimmunity Immunotherapy In addition to the
outstanding text, the book also includes a CD-ROM , featuring the same organization as the text. This convenient disk combines all of the
content and illustrations from the book, plus Internet links to PubMed and 50 other sites
Roitt, Ivan
Delves, Peter J.
Essential Immunology
Blackwell Science Ltd, 2001, Edition 10th ed, Paperback, Pages 496,
ISBN 0632059028, £31.95
Roitt's Essential Immunology has established itself as the book of choice for students of immunology
worldwide. This excellent textbook is commonly regarded as 'the best of the immunology primers' and
the tenth edition remains at the cutting edge of this fascinating area of science. The trademark of this
book is its highly readable introduction to the subject, its emphasis on core knowledge and its excellent
four-color artwork. On the tenth edition, Ivan Roitt is joined by Peter Delves, a brilliant teacher from
University College London. Together they have extensively updated all aspects of the book to produce a
new edition, which will be an invaluable resource to students of immunology and medicine. The tenth
edition focuses on: dendritic cells intraepithelial lymphocytes NKT and gd T-cells NK receptors nonclassical MHC presentation of non-peptidic antigens analysis of TCR-peptide-MHC interactions gene 'knockouts' and 'knockins' cell
signaling pathways chemokines and their receptors intimate links between innate and adaptive immunity regulatory T-cells Fcg receptors
activation-induced cell death signaling through pattern recognition systems prions
Baum, Paul, Hare, C.B., Gandhi, Monica
Microbiology and Immunology
Notes and Cases
Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2003, Paperback, Pages 232,
ISBN 1405103477, £16.95
Blueprints Notes & Cases has it all! Wondering how your microbiology course will relate to medical
practice? Overwhelmed by the amount of reading necessary to cover the basics? Looking for a link
between basic science and its clinical application? Blueprints Notes & Cases - Microbiology and
Immunology is just what you need. The ability to apply basic science concepts with clinical data is an
important skill. Learning the basic science content through the use of a clinical presentation is more
meaningful and enjoyable. Students love this new book: The cases were thought provoking and were
presented in such a way that they were brought to life.-Puneet Gupta, U. Texas Southwestern Medical
School at Dallas, 2004 Not only would this guide be useful for a student preparing for Step 1, it would
also be of aid to a student enrolled in a microbiology & immunology course.Leigh Simmons, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, 2004 Blueprints Notes & Cases - Microbiology and Immunology features:
Clinical cases that introduce the basic science topics Thought questions that integrate the clinical situation with basic science topics being
reviewed Basic science review and discussion that presents the answers to the thought questions and provides a clinical framework for the
understanding of the basic science topics Thumbnail chart and key points that highlight the essential information presented in the discussion
Multiple-choice questions that provide a check on your understanding of concepts presented If you are wondering how the microbiology
principles you are studying will apply to real life patients, this book is just what you need. Use it during your coursework to aid in
understanding of basic science concepts. Also a great review as you prep for exams and your work on the wards. Blueprints from Blackwell
Publishing ...for every step of medical school Perfect for medical students - physician assistants, nurse practitioners and related health
professionals will also find Blueprints Notes & Cases valuable.
Rich, Robert R. Fleisher, Thomas A.
Rich, Robert R. (Executive Associate Dean, Emory University,
School of, Fleischer, Thomas A. (Chief)
Clinical Immunology
Principles and Practice
Mosby, 2001, Edition 2, Hardback & CD-ROM, Pages 2004, ISBN
0723431612, £265.00
This two-volume illustrated reference source in clinical immunology is written and edited by international experts in the field of
immunology. The coverage of this subject uses numerous photographs and explanatory artworks.
Ochs, Hans D. Smith, Edvard Smith, C. I. Edvard
Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases: A Molecular and Genetic Approach
A Molecular and Genetic Approach
Oxford University Press, 1998, Hardback, Pages 544, ISBN 0195104862, £120.00
This text reviews present understanding of immunology, genetics, and molecular biology, focusing on each of the genetically determined
primary immunodeficiency disorders. Leading contributors are drawn from three fields, and each syndrome is addressed from both molecular
and clinical points of view to bridge the gap between basic and clinical science. The book should appeal to geneticists, immunologists,
allergists, infectious disease specialists, haematologists/oncologists, and molecular biologists involved in the study of lymphocytes and
haematopoietic stem cell derivatives.

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