match - Střední odborná škola a Střední odborné učiliště, Dubno


match - Střední odborná škola a Střední odborné učiliště, Dubno
Číslo projektu
Číslo materiálu
Název školy
Střední odborná škola a Střední odborné učiliště, Dubno
Mgr. Alena Šimonovská
Tematická oblast
Anglický jazyk a konverzace
Datum tvorby
Materiál je určen k tomu, aby žáci pochopili, jak může grafická
nebo mluvená podoba jazyka ovlivnit význam výpovědi.
Pokud není uvedeno jinak, použitý materiál je z vlastních zdrojů autora
Words with the same spelling and
pronunciation , but with different
meaning .
◦ Bank
◦ Kind
◦ Match
How can you distinguish the meaning then?
◦ We each took out a cigar and lighted a match.
◦ I really want to watch the football match tonight.
◦ He had a kind heart.
◦ There are many kinds how to do that.
◦ A police officer tried to rob a bank with a toy gun.
◦ Cross to the north bank at shaw's bridge.
Can you see the difference?
Words that sound the same, but have
different spelling and meaning.
Examples: right – write, two – too, meat
– meet, maid – made, I – eye, night –
knight, mail – male, which – witch, flower
– flour
 Use the words in sentences.
Homophones - homofona
You know it, right?
To complete the pastry, add flower.
You have to write the letter before you leave.
It happened that night you were celebrating your birthday.
We did not meat each other las knight.
The night in a shining armor was very handsome.
He commited suicide ate years ago.
I can sea the sea.
We are afraid our teacher is a real witch!
Deer mum, the kids are mean to me, I want to go home!
I new you did it…
You made a right choice.
Find nonsense
Words that are written in the same way,
but have different meaning and
sometimes pronunciation.
◦ I like to read. In fact, I read a book yeasterday.
Homographs - homografa
„Faux amis, False Friends“:
čj = vedení záznamů x aj = důkaz
kontrolovat x control
aj = řídit, ovládat
actually x aktuálně
aj = vlastně
eventually x eventuálně
aj = konečně
sympathetic x sympatický
aj = soucitný
maturity x maturita
 aj = dospělost
Mezijazyková homonymie