Osobní číslo


Osobní číslo
Osobní číslo:
Jméno : …………………..…………………….
Celkový počet bodů:
Přijímací zkouška z jazyka anglického pro čtyřleté studium
Přečtěte si následující text a vypracujte níže uvedené úkoly vztahující se k němu:
Lottery win for an unemployed man
Unemployed painter, John Philips, received a very pleasant surprise last night. He was
watching TV when a man from the lottery read the winning numbers. They were the numbers
on John’s ticket – he had won £1,000,000. He immediately gave his wife a big kiss and took his
whole family out for an expensive meal.
1. Rozhodněte, zda následující věty odpovídají obsahu textu. V kladném případě označte výraz
TRUE, v opačném případě výraz FALSE:
1. John Philips was not very happy about the news.
2. His family went to a restaurant to celebrate.
2. Zeptejte se na podtržené výrazy:
a) John Philips received a very pleasant surprise. .................................................................................
b) He was watching TV when a man from the lottery read the winning numbers.
3. Zaškrtněte výraz, který je synonymní výrazu zadanému:
to receive
a) to get
b) to become
to be unemployed
a) to be without work
b) not to have any money
c) to give
c) to be quite old
4. Sloveso v závorce dejte do správného tvaru:
a) Why are you under the table? ………………. (look) for something?
b) How many foreign countries ……………….. (you/to visit) already?
c) What will you do if you …………………(not/to get) a letter from your new boyfriend?
d) If I lived in the countryside I …………………(to have) a dog.
e) Oh, these bags are so heavy, I can‘t carry them alone. – Wait a minute, I ………….(to help) you.
f) I have known Paul for two years. – Really? Where ………………(you/to meet) him?
g) No, I‘m not going with you to the swimming pool, I don‘t enjoy ……………….. (to swim).
h) If you want more money I think you should ………………….(to talk) to your boss.
5. Doplňte správnou předložku. Pokud ve větě žádná předložka být nemá, nechte místo volné
a) Don‘t look round, but the person standing …………….... you is the new boss.
b) Are you interested ............................. pop music?
c) This piece of music is .................................. Beethoven.
d) What are you doing ................................this weekend?
6. Převeďte následující věty do trpného rodu, čas zachovejte:
a) Walt Disney created the character of Mickey Mouse sixty years ago.
b) The police has never stopped him.
c) They are going to pull down some old houses.
7. Podtržený výraz nahraďte výrazem opačného významu a větu přepište:
a) Put on your jumper. – …………………………………………………………………..
b) His family is wealthy. – …………………………………………………………………
c) Students in our school are usually polite. - ………………………………………………
d) What time do you usually leave home? - ………………………………………………..
8. Doplňte do následujícího textu členy, případně nechte mezeru prázdnou:
When Paula came to ……… Czech republic, she didn’t know anybody. She bought .............. flat
in .........Prague, ........... capital city, and started working as ................ English teacher. In .......... few
months she met Tomas and fell in love with him. ............last month they
.............newly married couple left for their honeymoon in Florida.
9. Zaškrtněte výraz patřící do věty:
a) When did/were/do your parents get married?
b) I used to live/live/to living in London.
c) Jessica is not as tall like/than/as her mother.
Celkový počet bodů:
got married.