weather forecast - people and the environment Seasons of the year


weather forecast - people and the environment Seasons of the year
seasons of the year - weather forecast - people and the environment
Seasons of the year:
•March, April, May
•Begins on 21 March.
•The temperature rises after a long winter.
•Snow melts and the thaw sets in.
•Clouds are white or dark.
•There are numerous showers.
•Rain brings water to plants so that they can grow.
•The weather is very changeable.
•Nature awakes, trees are in blossom, gardens and woods are full of flowers.
•Spring plants are crocuses, dandelions, daffodils, snowdrops and tulips.
rise (rose – risen) - stoupat, zdvihat se
melt – tát
the thaw sets in – začíná obleva
showers – přeháňky
rain – déšť
heavy rain = liják
changeable - proměnlivý
awake – vzbudit se
be in blossom – kvést
full - plný
dandelion - pampeliška
•June, July, August
•Begins on 21 June.
•It is a time of cloudless skies, scorching sun, bright and clear days.
•In the morning the woods are hidden in mist and the grass is wet with dew.
•Sometimes the skies suddenly cloud over and a strong wind starts blowing.
•The storm is coming with lightning and thunder.
•It drizzles / pours / hails.
•Later on the skies clear up.
•We can sometimes see a rainbow.
•People pick strawberries, blueberries, goosberries, raspberries and other berries.
•It´s the season of harvest (grain: wheat, rye, oats, barley).
cloudless – bezmračný
scorching – spalující
bright – jasný
hide ( hid - hidden) – schovat
mist – opar
wet – mokrý
dew – rosa
blow (blew – blown) – vát, foukat
lightning – blesky
thunder – hromy
drizzle – mrholit
pour – lít, vydatně pršet
hail – pršet s kroupami
strawberries – jahody
blueberries – borůvky
goosberries – angrešt
harvest – sklizeň
grain – obilí
wheat – pšenice
oats – oves
rye – žito
barley – ječmen
rainbow – duha
•September, October, November
•It comes on 23 September.
•The leaves of the (deciduous) trees become yellow, orange, brown and red.
•Evergreen conifers remain dark green.
•An Indian summer is a short period of nice and warm autumn days.
•Nasty days with chilly mornings, hoarfrost on the grass and the first snow come in
•Days get shorter.
•The sun rises later and sets earlier.
•Thy skies are often cloudy.
•It drizzles or rains.
•It´s damp, slippery, muddy and foggy.
•It often sleets and a northern icy wind blows.
•There are puddles everywhere.
leaves (j.č. leaf) – listí
deciduous trees – opadavé stromy
evergreen conifers – jehličnany
Indian summer – babí léto
chilly mornings – studená rána
hoarfrost – jinovatka
grass – tráva
the sun rises – slunce vychází
the sun sets – slunce zapadá
earlier – dříve (early – earlier – the earliest)
drizzle – mrholit
damp – vlhko
slippery – kluzko
mud – bláto
fog – mlha
sleet – padá déšť se sněhem
northern – severní
icy wind – ledový vítr
blow (blew, blown) foukat
puddle - kaluž
•December, January, February
•It begins on 21 December.
•It snows.
The temperature drops below zero.
•It´s freezing and slippery.
•Snowdrifts pile up along roads.
•Icicles hang from the roofs.
•It gets beastly cold.
•Hands get icy.
•Feet numb with cold.
•It´s time of winter sports like skating, sledging, skiing, snowboarding
drop – klesnout
freeze – mrznout
snowdrifts – závěje
pile up – hromadit se
along – podél
icicles – rampouchy
hang (hung – hung) – viset
beastly cold – hnusná zima
hands get icy – ruce jsou studené
feet numb with cold – nohy zebou
skating – bruslení
sledging – sáňkování
skiing – lyžování
Weather forecasts are in newspapers, in the radio or on TV.
Hot days are coming with temperatures around 30. There will be storms with heavy rains in
the afternoon. Gales or tornadoes can appear in the north-west.
It´ll snow in the mountains and rain in lowlands. The temperature will be around zero in
the morning. In the afternoon it rises to 5 – 6 , a wind from the north-west will blow.
appear – objevit se
below zero – pod nulou
above zero – nad nulou
forecast – předpověď
gale – vichřice
lowlands – nížina
Practise the vocabulary I
seasons do you know?.......................................................................
months belong to spring? ...............................................................
•What time does spring begin? ...........................................
•The temperature ...................(stoupá) after a long winter.
•Snow .................. (taje) and the ...................(obleva) sets in.
•................... (mraky) are white or dark.
•There are numerous ........................ (přeháňky)
•....................(Déšť) brings water to plants so that they can ................... (růst)
•The weather is very ............................ (proměnlivé)
•Nature ......................(se probouzí), trees ...............................................(kvetou), gardens and
........................... (lesy) are full of flowers.
•Spring plants are........................ (krokusy), .......................(pampelišky),.........................
(narcisky), .......................... (sněženky) and ................................... tulipány).
Practise the vocabulary II
1. Which months are summer?........................................
2. What day does summer start?................................
3. It is a time of ..........................(bezmračný) skies, ............................(spalující) sun,
.............................(jasný) and clear days.
4. In the morning the woods are hidden in .................(opar) and the grass is .............(mokrá)
with ................(rosa).
5. Sometimes the sky suddenly .................................(zamračit se) and a strong wind starts
........................(foukat, vát).
6. The ....................(bouřka) is coming with ........................(blesky) and
7. It ........................(mrholit) /......................(hodně pršet, lít) /.............................(padat
8. Later on the sky ............................(vyjasnit se).
9. People pick ..........................(jahody), ...........................(borůvky), ...........................
(angrešt), .......................... (maliny) and other ..........................(plody).
10. It´s the season of........................... (sklizeň) of ......................... (obilí) like ................
(pšenice), ...............(žito), ..................(oves), ..................(ječmen).
Practise the vocabulary III
1. Autumn months are .....................................
2. When does autumn begin?
3. The .................(listí) of the (deciduous) trees become yellow, orange, brown and red
4. ................... (Stále zelené) conifers remain dark green.
5. An ...............................(Babí léto) is a short period of nice and warm autumn days.
6. Nasty days with .................. (chladný) mornings, ........................(jinovatka) on the grass
and the first snow come in November.
7. Days get shorter.
8. The sun ................... (vychází) later and ...................... (zapadá) earlier.
9. The ..........................(obloha) is often cloudy.
10. It ......................... (mrholit) or rains.
11. It´s ....................(vlhko...................... (kluzko),........................(blátivo) and ...................
12. It often .............................. (padá déšť se sněhem) and a northern icy wind blows.
13. There are ......................... (louže) everywhere.
Practise the vocabulary IV
1. Name winter months...........................
2. Winter begins .............................
3. It .......................(sněžit).
4. The temperature ................ (spadnout) ....................(pod) zero.
5. It´s .......................... (mrznout) and .....................(klouzat).
6. .......................(Závěje) pile up ................... (podél) roads.
7. .......................(Rampouchy) hang from the roofs.
8. It gets ...................................(psí zima).
9. ........................(Ruce) get icy.
10. Feet ................. (zkřehnout) with cold.
11. It´s time of winter sports like ...................... (bruslení),.....................(sáňkování),
..................... (lyžování), .............................. (ježdění na snowboardu).
People and the environment
•greenhouse effect
•acid rains
•air pollution
•water pollution
•global warming
greenhouse effect – skleníkový efekt
acid rains – kyselé deště
air pollution – znečištění ovzduší
water pollution – znečištění vody
waste – odpad
global warming – globální oteplování
How can we help?
We must
•save energy
•go by car less often
•drive more than one person in a car
•stop using aerosol sprays
•wash cars in a car wash
•use less detergents
•sort out the waste to enable its recycling

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