Opakování lekce 7 výsledky


Opakování lekce 7 výsledky
Opakování lekce 7 – Správné odpovědi pro kontrolu
1. Přečti si oba texty a odpověz stručně na otázky.
Simon On Sundays Simon gets up at nine o'clock. He has breakfast and then he watches television. After lunch,
he always goes to his friend Jack’s house. They sometimes play football or computer games. In the evening, he
reads books. He goes to bed at half past nine.
Sophia On Sundays Sophia has breakfast at half past seven. In the morning, she goes swimming with her sister.
After lunch, she goes to the park and plays tennis. Sometimes she goes to the cinema. In the evening, she watches
her favourite programme on television. She goes to bed at half past eight.
1. What time does Simon get up? at nine o’clock
2. What does Simon do in the evening? he reads books
3. Where does Sophia go with her sister? swimming
4. What sport does Sophia play in the park? tennis
5. What time does Sophia go to bed? at half past eight
2. a) Rozepište v AJ, kolik je hodin
7:15 – It’s quarter past seven.
8:30 – It’s half past eight.
11:45 –It’s quarter to twelve.
13: 00 –It’s one o’clock.
b) Nakreslete do ciferníku vhodný čas
It’s half past twelve. It’s eleven o’clock. It’s quarter to five. It’s quarter past nine.
TZN. V TOMTO PŘÍPADĚ – u prvních hodin na 1, u posledních hodin na 10.)
3. a) O jaká povolání se jedná? Přeloţte.
zdravotní sestra – NURSE
mechanik – MECHANIC
pekař –BAKER
učitel – TEACHER
pracovník v kanceláři – OFFICE WORKER
4. Pojmenujte slovní zásobu týkající se solárního systému
Země – EARTH
Slunce – SUN
planeta – PLANET
Měsíc – MOON
solární systém – SOLAR SYSTÉM
5. Doplňte do textu správný tvar slovesa v přítomném čase
!!! Nezapomeňte – výjimka pro 3. osobu jednotného čísla (he, she, it)!!!!
The sun ___IS_____ (be) hotter than the Earth. The planets ____GO_________ (go) round the sun.
Tina ____DOESN’T LIVE_______(not/ live) next to the school. Petr and Pavel
_______TRAVEL__________ (travel) to school by bus. I ___DON’T LIKE_________ (not/ like)
playing football. Anna ___DOESN’T LIKE__________ (not/ like) playing the piano. We
_____LOVE____________ (love) playing table tennis. I _____DON’T READ__________ (not/read)
cartoons, but Petra __READS__________ (read) them all the time. My mum ____WORKS_________
(work) as a nurse. My sister ____HATES_________ (hate) getting up at 5 o’clock. My friend and I
____HAVE_________ (have) extra English lessons. My grandma _____HAS________ (has) three cats.
Mum and dad _____DON’T HAVE_____________ (not/have) any animals.