Sports and games


Sports and games
Číslo projektu
Název školy
Střední škola cestovního ruchu, s. r. o., Benešov
Anglický jazyk
Tematický okruh
Konverzační téma
Sports and games
Mgr. Nela Vlachová
Datum výroby
DUM slouží k výuce žáků 1. ročníku v oblasti „Anglický
Autorem materiálu a všech jeho částí, není-li uvedeno jinak, je
Mgr. Nela Vlachová. Dostupné z u
Pracovní list – Sports and Games
Očekávaný výstup: Pracovní list představuje základní dělení sportů a k tomu důležitou
slovní zásobu. Zároveň vede studenty k diskuzi. Student po zvládnutí tohoto pracovního listu
dokáže pohovořit na téma „Sporty a hry“, objasní termín „Olympijské hry“ a vyjádří svůj
vlastní názor na toto téma.
Three verbs are used to indicate activity in sports and games:
Division: winter sports x summer sports
indoor sports x outdoor sports
individual sports x team sports
 outdoor sports: football, American football, golf, tennis, skating, skiing, sailing,
shooting, hunting, fishing, baseball, canoeing, rowing, cycling, horse racing, car racing,
boat racing, swimming, rugby, cricket
 indoor sports: basketball, ice hockey, volleyball, badminton, boxing, fencing,
gymnastics, judo, table tennis, weightlifting
 games: chess, card games
Olympic Games: they are held every 4 years.
summer x winter Olympic Games
 Summer: archery, badminton, baseball, gymnastics, judo, marathon, rowing, swimming,
table tennis, volleyball, weightlifting, sailing, football
 Winter: skiing, biathlon, bobsledding, ice hockey, ice skating
British sports: the most popular include football, rugby, cricket, tennis and golf
American sports: American football, baseball, basketball, ice hockey, tennis and golf
soccer – term used for football like we know it
rules – pravidla
Have you ever tried any of these sports?
What sports do you prefer?
Do you prefer summer sports to winter ones?
Do you watch Olympic Games?
Would you like to be a professional sports-woman? Why or why not?
What are the most popular sports in the Czech Republic?
What sports are we good at?
What do you think about our sports-men or sports-women?
Do you like any Czech sports-men or sports-women?
Do you like any foreign sports-men or sports-women?
What do you think about doping?
Which dangerous sports do you know? Would you like to try them?
Why do people like sports?