The well-baked man


The well-baked man
The well-baked man
Anglický jazyk, 8. - 9. ročník
II. stupeň ZŠ
Pokyny pro žáka:
Přečti si žertovnou indiánskou legendu o stvoření lidských bytostí. Při četbě můžeš využít
slovníček neobvyklých pojmů pod textem. Poté zodpověz otázky k textu.
Pokyny pro učitele:
Uveďte danou aktivitu motivačním rozhovorem na téma „Co jsou to legendy, jak a proč
vznikají, k čemu slouží a jak jsou obvykle předávány dál“.
Vytiskněte pro každého žáka text legendy a otázky k textu. Dále je vhodné dát žákům
k samostatné práci při písemném odpovídání na otázky slovníky.
Text legendy opatřený vysvětlivkami neobvyklé slovní zásoby a otázky k textu, eventuálně i
Doba realizace: 1 vyučovací hodina
Co se osvědčilo:
Společná četba textu s překladem, eventuálně s dopomocí vyučujícího (zvláště vhodné u
jazykově slabších skupin) a společná kontrola odpovědí na otázky. Na závěr hodiny (pokud
zbude čas) je možné porovnat tuto indiánskou legendu s legendami z našich zeměpisných
Očekávané výstupy:
Tato aktivita procvičuje čtení textu s porozuměním a schopností získat informace ze čteného
anglického textu. Nenásilnou formou umožňuje žákům pochopit i význam složitějších
mluvnických struktur. Mimo to seznamuje žáky s kulturně historickými reáliemi z anglicky
mluvících zemí, konkrétně s reáliemi severoamerických Indiánů.
Mezipředmětový vztah: Zeměpis, literatura, občanská výchova, multikulturní výchova
Zohlednění žáků se SVP:
Pro tyto žáky je zvláště vhodné pracovat při písemném odpovídání na otázky ve dvojicích
s jazykově zdatnějšími spolužáky.
Autor: Ing. Alena Jankovská
Použitá literatura:
Metodický list
Centrum Korálek
Jazyk a jazyková komunikace
The well-baked man
American Indian myths and legends: selected and edited by Richard Erdoes and Alfonso
Ortiz, Pantheon books New York, 1984, strany 46-47.
The well-baked man
(Pima Indians)
(1) Induction:
The (2) creation of the white men is (3) depicted here , as in many other (4)tales, as one of the
Creator’s (5) slight mistakes.
The legend:
The Magician had made the world but felt that something was missing. “What could it
be?” he thought. “What could be missing?” The it came to him that what he wanted on this
earth was some beings like himself, not just animals. “How will I make them?” he thought.
First he built himself an (6)oven. Then he took some (7)clay and formed it into a (8)shape like
Now, Coyote was walking around and when Magician was gathering firewood,
Coyote quickly changed the shape of that clay (9)image. Man Maker built a fire inside the
oven and then put the image in(10)without looking at it closely.
After a while the magician said: „He must be ready now.“ He took the image and
breathed on it, and came it to life. „Why don’t you stand up?” said Man Maker. “What’s
wrong with you?” The creature (11)barked and wagged its tail. “Ah, my Coyote tricked me,
he changed my being into an animal like himself”, said the Man Maker.
“Well, what’s wrong with it? Why can’t I have a pretty creature that (12)pleases me?”
Coyote said.
“All right, but don’t (13)interfere again!” That’s why we have dogs – it was Coyote’s
So Man Maker tried again. “They (14)should be companions to each other”, he
thought. “I shouldn’t make just one.” He shaped some humans who were rather like himself
and almost identical with each other. Then he put them in the oven to bake.
“They are done now,” Coyote told him. So Man Maker took them out and made them
come to life. “Oh, what’s wrong?” he said. “They’re (15)underdone! They’re not brown
enough! They don’t (16)belong here – they belong across the water someplace.” He
(17)scowled at Coyote. ”Why did you tell me they were done? I can’t use them here.”
So the Magician tried again, making a pair like the last one and placing them in the
oven. After a while he said: “I think they’re ready now.”
“No, they aren’t done yet,” said the Coyote. “You don’t want them to come out too
light again, leave them in a little longer.”
“Well, all right, “ replied Man Maker. They waited and then he took them out. “Oh,
my. What’s wrong? These are (18)overdone. They are burnt too dark.” He put them (19)aside.
“Maybe I can use them some other place across the water. They don’t belong here.”
The fourth time Man maker placed his images inside the oven. “Now, don’t interfere,”
he said to Coyote, “you give me bad advice. Leave me alone.”
This time the Magician did not listen to Coyote but took them out when he himself
thought they were done. He made them come to life, and the two beings walked around,
talked, laughed, and (20)behaved in a seemly fashion. They were (21)neither underdone nor
„These are exactly right!“ said the Man Maker. “These really belong here, these I will
use. They are beautiful.” So, that’s why we have the Pueblo Indians.
Metodický list
Jazyk a jazyková komunikace
The well-baked man
Centrum Korálek
1)induction – úvod
2) creation – stvoření
3) depict – znázornit, vylíčit
4) tales – povídka, vyprávění
5) slight – drobný, nepatrný
6) oven – pec
7) clay – jíl, hlína
8) shape like himself – tvar jako on sám
9) image – obraz, předloha
10) without – bez (předložka)
20)behaved in a seemly fashion –
chovali se tak, jak se sluší
11) barked and wagged – štěklo a zavrtělo
12) pleases me – mě potěší
13) interfere – zasahovat, narušovat, vměšovat se
14)should be companions to each other – měli by
být jeden druhému společníkem
15) underdone - nedodělaný
16) belong – patřit, náležet, hodit se
17) scowled at – zamračil se na
18) overdone – dělali se moc dlouho
19) aside – bokem, stranou
21) neither underdone nor overdone ani nedopečení ani upečení příliš
1) What is the second name of the Man Maker in this story?
2) How did he make the first people?
3) How did his Coyote trick him?
4) What inspiration did the Man Maker get from his Coyote trick?
5) What kind of people were „underdone“?
6) What kind of people were „overdone“?
7) What did He mean by „across the water someplace”?
1) the Magician
2) He made them from the clay and baked them in the oven.
3) His Coyote changed the first clay image of people into image of the first dog.
4) To make two of human beings to be companiens each other.
5) The „white“ people
6) The „black“people
7) Another continents over the ocean.
Metodický list
Centrum Korálek
Jazyk a jazyková komunikace
The well-baked man

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