Hypergroupoids on Partially Ordered Sets


Hypergroupoids on Partially Ordered Sets
Hypergroupoids on Partially Ordered Sets
Josef Zapletal
European Polytechnical Institute, LLC.
686 04 Kunovice, Czech Republic,
e-mail: [email protected]
A hypergroupoid (or a multigroupoid) is a pair ( M, ◦) where M is a nonempty set
and ◦ : M × M → P ∗ (M ) is a binary hyperoperation also called a multioperation.
P ∗ (M ) is the system of all nonepmty subsets of M . Partially ordered set M with the
ordering ≤ with the greatest element I is in this article denoted with M = (M, ≤, I). On
M = (M, ≤, I) for arbitrary x, y ∈ M , we define a binary hyperoperation ◦ as follows:
x ◦ y = {min(X ∩ Y )}.
where X = {xi | xi ≥ x} and Y = {yi | yi ≥ y} We then denote the set M with the
defined binary operation with M = ( M ≤, ◦, I). It is proved that the hyperoperation
◦ on (M = ( M ≤, ◦, I) is idempotent and commutative but not associative. Hence the
partially ordered set M with the operation ◦ is a commutative hypergroupoid.
In the beginning of the second chapter a definition of congruence on a commutative
hypergroupoid M is given. By a congruence we call a relation of equivalence ρ on M
such that for every quadruple of elements a1 , a2 , b1 , b2 ∈ M for which a1 ρ b1 , a2 ρ b2 the
following holds: For every x ∈ a1 ◦ a2 there exists y ∈ b1 ◦ b2 and for every y 0 ∈ b1 ◦ b2 there
exists x0 ∈ a1 ◦ a2 with the property xρ y and x0 ρ y 0 . See [4] p.151 and [10]. It is shown
that the relation of substitutabality Ξ(M,L) satisfies this definition. The distinguishing
subsets of commutative hypergroupoids are studied in the third chapter. The fourth
chapter contains a concrete partially ordered set Q (Figure 1) with the hyperoperation ◦.
The congruence Ξ(Q,L) with its partition of the set Q is given as an example. The other
example demonstrates a distinguishing subset of Q.
Partially ordered set Q
@w l
wk @
w g @w h @w i
w d @w e @w f
w a @w b @w c
@w 0
Figure 1
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