Glorious Hope / Slavná naděje - Czechoslovak Baptist Convention


Glorious Hope / Slavná naděje - Czechoslovak Baptist Convention
bitter winter is raging in Eastern Canada. It is as though the
harsh frosts have affected my
pen, which has been silent for several
weeks. Of course, in reality the lateness
of our magazine has nothing to do with
the weather. It has to do with a personal
sort of fossilization, an inability to move.
How important it is to stay in close contact with our Heavenly Father, who has
power even over human weakness. God’s
omniscience and omnipotence allows us to rest in His arms with
Editorial - Natasha Legierski ................................................................ 2
The Christian Group Methuselah - Ján Banko................................. 3
Kresanská skupina Matuzalém - Ján Banko ...................................... 3
Den jako Boží dar - Jaroslav Pospíšil ................................................. 4
The Care and Healing of Wounds - George Cooper..................... 6
Péèe a ošetøování ran - George Cooper, pøekl. N. Legierská ...... 7
Makers and Builders of a Convention - John (Jan) Kejø ................. 8
HCJB - Pavel a Klára Steigerovi.......................................................... 9
Sermon on Abraham, Part 3 - Andrew Kmetko................................10
TWR: The Listeners Post - George Cooper ....................................11
Hagar—Pokora a podriadenie, èas 4 - Jozef Kulaèík .....................12
From Our Churches - Cleveland - Joe Abraham..............................14
In Memory - Lilian Zeman, James S. Adam .......................................14
From the Executive Secretary..............................................................15
Donation Change - George Sommer.................................................15
From Our readers ..................................................................................16
Youth Scene: Establishing Standarts - Tom Devine........................17
Invitation: Mission Trip to the Czech Republic ................................17
Children’s Corner: Fireflies, Part 3 - Jan Karafiát ...........................18
Broučci, 3. èást - Jan Karafiát............................20
From the President - Robert Dvorak ..................................................22
Ladies’ Page - Lonelines/Osamocenost -Natasha Legierski........23
Poem - Master Artist ..............................................................................24
Glorious Hope / Slavná nadìje
January–February 2003, Vol. 29, N 1
(USPS 009334), ISSN 0700-5202
Published Bi-Monthly by
The Czechoslovak Baptist Convention
of USA and Canada
Periodical postage paid in Philippi, WV.
Editor-in-Chief: Natasha Legierski
1524 Lancaster Dr., #134,
Oakville, ON, L6H 2Z2, Canada
email: [email protected]
You may send articles to above address
Electronic Publishing and Art: Vit Malek
email: [email protected]
Assistant Editors: Janice Cermak, Ján Banko
Editorial Staff: George Sommer,
George Legierski, Joseph Novak
all our burdens, with the assurance that He knows all about us
and understands us. We have no need to fear a new day or year.
With His word He leads us and gladdens our hearts. There have
been many years when I have received a verse from the Bible at
New Year’s that speaks to the exact situation I find myself in. I
accept these verses with gratitude because our Lord knows me
better than I do myself. This year’s verse speaks of peace, as
if supplementing the editorial in the previous Glorious Hope:
“Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you…” (John 14:27,
KJV). How precious is a message of peace in these days!
It is interesting how feelings and emotions can sometimes be
contagious. They are easily transmitted from one person to the
next, like some sort of infection. It is tragic if these feelings and
emotions are negative. Evil spreads without constraints. If these
feelings are positive, on the other hand, people have hope. Peace
is a feeling that testifies to the inner condition of a person. The
Lord Jesus points out to us that this peace is available to us as
a gift. Have we accepted it? If we have, then it is important to
influence our surroundings with it!
In the second part of this same verse, it is emphasized that
fear has nothing to do with peace. Fear is a negative emotion,
the antithesis of peace. Like peace, it exposes the inner state
of individuals. Fear and peace cannot coexist; one pushes the
other out. That Jesus calls fear to our attention tells us we are
not immune to it. It is up to us whether peace or fear will rule
in our hearts.
It is our desire that this magazine—a link for Slovaks and
Czechs worldwide—may carry the gospel of our Savior to the
farthest corners of the world. We thank you, our readers, for
your prayers and contributions.
We are looking for ward to getting in touch with
May God’s peace be with you.
Natasha Legierski, Editor-in-Chief
e východních èástech Kanady øádí tuhá zima. Kruté mrazy
jakoby ovlivnily i mé pero, které se na nìkolik týdnù
odmlèelo. Ve skuteènosti se však o pero nejedná a svádìt
opoždìní našeho èasopisu na mráz je také pošetilost. Jedná se
vlastnì o jakousi osobní ustrnulost, neschopnost se pohnout z místa.
Jak dùležité je udržovat úzký kontakt s naším nebeským Otcem,
který má moc i nad lidskou slabostí!
Boží vševìdoucnost i všemohoucnost nám dovoluje spoèinout
v Jeho náruèi i se všemi našimi bøemeny. S vìdomím, že o nás
všechno ví, a že nám i rozumí se nemusíme obávat nového dne ani
roku. Svým Slovem nás potìšuje, vede nás. Je to již pìkná øádka let,
kdy dostávám na poèátku roku verš z Bible, který je pøesnì zasazen
do mé osobní situace. S vdìèností tyto verše pøijímám, protože Pán
Bùh mne zná lépe, než já sama sebe. Letošní verš hovoøí o pokoji,
Pokraèování na stranì 6
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to
Publication Office:
Glorious Hope / Slavná nadìje
Rt. 4, Box 58D, Philippi, WV 26416-9717 USA
email: [email protected]
Next issue deadline - February 15, 2003
Printed on recycled paper
Front Cover: Jess Hager–A-B College
Wilcox Chapel in Winter
Back Cover: Corel Photo–Reflection Lake,
Mount Rainier National Park, Washington
Glorious Hope • Slavná nadìje • January–February 2003
The Christian Singing Group
Methuselah (Matuzalém)
Will Perform in the USA and Canada
Kresanská hudobná skupina
„Matuzalém” vystúpi v USA a v Kanade
ospodin ma zachránil,
preto chceme hra na
he Lord was ready to
strunné nástroje po
save me; therefore we
všetky dni svojho života v dome
will sing my songs with
Hospodinovom. Izaiᚠ38,20
stringed instruments all the
Tieto slová proroka Izaiáša
days of our life, in the house of
sú mottom slovenskej hudobnej
the Lord”.
Isaiah 38:20
skupiny Matuzalém, ktorá
These words of Isaiah the
vystúpi so svojím programom
prophet have become the
na severoamerickom kontinente
motto of the Slovak singing
v období medzi 12. júnom a
group Methuselah, which will
14. júlom tohoto roku. Okrem
minister in North America
pôsobenia hudobnej skupiny
between June 12 and July
na 94. výroènom stretnutí
14 this year. The group will
Èeskoslovenskej Baptistickej
serve at the meeting of the
Konvencie USA a Kanady vo
94th Annual Convention of
Philippi, West Virginia v dòoch
Czechoslovak Baptists of
3.–6. júla, Matuzalém vystúpi
the USA and Canada, which
aj na rôznych krajanských
takes place in Philippi, West
The Christian Singing Group Methuselah
podujatiach a v krajanských
Virginia, between July 3 and
etnických zboroch v torontskej
July 6. Methuselah will also
a windsorskej oblasti kanadskej provincie Ontario. Oèakáva sa
perform at various countrymen’s events and serve in our ethnic
tiež služba tohoto telesa v niektorých cirkevných zboroch, ktoré
churches in the Toronto and Windsor areas of the Canadian
sú súèasou Èeskoslovenskej Baptistickej Konvencie v Spojených
province of Ontario. The service of this musical body is also
štátoch. Detailnejší program ich služby bude k dispozícii v ïalšom
expected in some of the churches affiliated with the Czechoslovak
èísle Slávnej Nádeje.
Baptist Convention in the USA. A detailed program of their
Hudobnú skupinu tvoria štyria hudobníci a zvukový technik,
ministry will be available in the next issue of Glorious Hope.
ktorí prichádzajú z prostredia zboru Bratskej
The singing group consists of four musicians
jednoty baptistov, Bratislava I:
and a sound system technician, all of them
• Slávo Krá3⁄4, vedúci skupiny—klávesové
coming from the area around the Baptist
nástroje a spev
church, Bratislava I:
• Daniel Valenta, gitara a spev
• Slávo Král, leader of the group–keyboards
• Daniel Šaling, gitara a spev
and vocals
• Dušan Janèula, basgitara a spev
• Daniel Valenta, guitar and vocals
• Peter Rapoš, technik – zvukár
• Daniel Šaling, guitar and vocals
Súèasný repertoár skupiny tvoria hlavne
• Dušan Janèula, bass guitar and vocals
pôvodné skladby Sláva Krá3⁄4a, ale tiež
• Peter Rapoš, sound system technician
preložené gospely a spirituály, takisto so
The contemporary repertoire of the group
slovenskými textami Sláva Krá3⁄4a. Touto
consists mainly of original compositions from
formou pôsobí skupina už asi 20 rokov. V
Slávo Král. They also sing translated gospel
súèasnosti má skupina v repertoári okolo 70
and spiritual songs, with Slovak texts prepared
piesní. Nahrala tiež štyri tituly, z ktorých dva
by Slávo Král. The group has been performing
sú k dispozícii aj na CD. Piata nahrávka je v
in these musical genres for about 20 years.
štádiu prípravy.
In their contemporary repertoire you’ll find
Hudobná skupina Matuzalém slúži
around 70 songs. They have also made four
nielen na pôde cirkevných zborov rôznych
recordings, two of them on CDs. The fifth
evanjelikálnych denominácií, ale aj v
recording is being prepared at this time.
The Christian Singing Group Methuselah
koncertných sieòach, na štadiónoch, vo
Methuselah serves not only in the churches
in 1958
väzniciach, zdravotných zariadeniach a
of various evangelical denominations, but
kasáròach. Slovenský rozhlas i televízia s
also in concert halls, stadiums, prisons, health institutions
nimi pripravila nieko3⁄4ko programov v rámci kresanských vysielaní.
and army barracks. Together with the group, Slovak radio and
Ich svieža služba oslovila poslucháèov všetkých generácií vo
television prepared several programs in their scheduled Christian
viacerých európskych krajinách—v Slovenskej i Èeskej republike, v
broadcasting. The group’s fresh ministry addressed listeners
Continues on page 13
Glorious Hope • Slavná nadìje • January–February 2003
Pokraèovanie na strane 13
Den jako Boží dar
Jaroslav Pospíšil
Kazatel 3,10–14
ato úvaha je na téma : „Každý den (nový den) jako Boží
Položme si otázku: „Jak je to ve skuteènosti s tím dnem
jako Božím darem? Co to je den jako èasový úsek? Dá se
povìdìt, že to je doba jakéhokoli jednoho zdánlivého obìhu slunce
kolem zemì. Pøesnìji, je to jedno otoèení zemìkoule kolem její
pomyslné osy. Aniž bychom to vnímali, den je dán tímto zpùsobem.
Rùzné národy se na trvání dne (hlavnì na jeho zaèátek a konec)
dívaly rùzným zpùsobem. U starých Babyloòanù zaèínal a konèil
den východem slunce. Od východu do východu slunce. Atéòané
naopak vymezovali den západem slunce, od západu do západu.
Židé, pozdìji podle nich i Øekové, zaèínali den veèerem tak, jak
je to zaznamenáno v I. knize Mojžíšovì v 1. kapitole: „Øekl Bùh,
buï svìtlo a bylo svìtlo. Vidìl, že svìtlo
je dobré a oddìlil svìtlo od tmy. Svìtlo
nazval Bùh dnem a tmu nazval nocí a byl
veèer a bylo jitro, den první.“ Tedy, když
se øíkalo, že zaèíná jitro, byl to vlastnì
veèer. Když v Bibli èteme, že svítalo na
den, znamená to, že vyšla první hvìzda.
To bylo to svítání na nový den.
Babyloòané také rozdìlili den na
jednotlivé hodiny, na 24 hodin, (12
hodin svìtla a 12 hodin noci). Každý
den jako Boží dar. Tímto pradávným
prohlášením: „Budiž svìtlo“, Pán Bùh
lidem vlastnì daroval den. Hovoøímeli o daru, pak je to vždycky nìco, co
pøijímáme bez našich zásluh. Je to nìco,
co nám je darováno. Když jsem byl tedy
obdarován, mìl bych podìkovat. „Za to,
co dostaneš, øekni vždycky pìknì dìkuji,
je to slušné“, to mne uèili rodièe. Napadlo
vás, že bychom mìli vyjádøit Pánu Bohu
vdìènost za každý den, který pøidává k
našim životùm? Za každý den, který nám
dovoluje prožít? Ten, kdo obdarovává,
oèekává urèitou vdìènost a také urèité
zacházení s darem.
Pán Bùh, nám lidem, daroval den a daroval nám také èas.
Mùžeme povìdìt, že den je naplnìn jakýmsi objemem èasu. Pán
Bùh také oèekává, že s tímto darem èasu budu patøiènì nakládat.
Budu s ním odpovídajícím zpùsobem zacházet.
V Bibli je návod pro použití tohoto Božího daru.
My lidé, máme nìkdy pocit, že nìkteré dny, které pøicházejí do
našich životù, jsou spíše ke trápení, než k dobrému. Radìji se do
takového dne ani neprobudit, pøejeme si. (A když už, tak aby co
nejdøíve skonèil.) Problém je v tom, že jsme návod k použití daru,
který nám Pán Bùh dal (daru života, daru èasu, daru našich dnù),
pìknì zasunuli do svých knihoven. Pánu Bohu jsme øekli, aby nám
do toho nepovídal. Bez Jeho slova se obejdeme. Jsem dost chytøí,
umíme posílat elektronickou poštu, posílat telefonem písemné
zprávy, zvládli jsme komunikaci, umíme klonovat, rozluštili jsme
DNA. Nepotøebujeme návod na použití!
Potom se to nìjak vymkne z rukou a ptáme se: „Pane Bože, co
dìláš? Jak to, že jsou války? Jak to, že jsou na svìtì takové hrùzy?
Jak jsi se mohl dívat na ty teroristy 11. záøi minulého roku? Jak se
mùžeš dívat na sebevražedné atentátníky, na jejichž èiny doplácí
spousta nevinných lidí? Jak se mùžeš dívat na støílení do uèitelù a
spolužákù na školách?
Je to všechno proto, že jsem já, èlovìk, nepochopil, že každý den
(spolu s èasem, jeho využitím a náplní) je skuteènì Boží dar. Pánu
Bohu odpovídám za to, jakým zpùsobem a k èemu ho využívám.
Každý den.
Osobnì jsem Pánu Bohu velmi vdìèný, že nám dal den
odpoèinku. Mnohokrát jsme se to my,
lidé, snažili po Bohu opravit. Zkoušeli
jsme nejrùznìjší pracovní cykly. Proè
Pán Bùh pracoval šest dnù a sedmý
odpoèíval? Zkoušelo se pracovat ètrnáct
dnù v kuse a pak mít nìkolik dnù volno.
Potom se zkoušelo zase nìco jiného.
Vždycky se zjistilo, že na cyklus, podle
sebe upravený, èlovìk nebyl stvoøený.
Pøi stvoøení nám Pán Bùh daroval také
všechno ostatní. Daroval nám den, jeho
délku i náplò. Jestliže èlovìk pøestane
respektovat Boží øád, doplatí na to sám.
Pán Bùh ho netrestá, ale on trestá sám
sebe svojí neposlušností.
Vrátím se zpìt ke dni odpoèinku.
Konstantin Veliký uzákonil nedìli jako
den, kdy se nesmìlo pracovat. Døíve dny
nemìly své názvy jako dnes. Pouze sobota
mìla své jméno. Dny se èíslovaly.
Každý den jako Boží dar co se týèe jeho
trvání i náplnì.
Dnes dopoledne jsem mluvil o tom, že
èlovìk nìkdy pozná hodnotu vìcí tehdy,
až když je ztratí, když je nemá. Kdy
naposledy jsi nìkomu ze svých blízkých povìdìl, že ho mᚠrád?
Kdy jsi mu povìdìl, jak šastný jsi, že právì on je ten, se kterým
smíš kráèet den po dni? Nìkdy mám možnost mluvit s lidmi, kteøí
jsou nešastní z toho, že nikdy nepovìdìli tomu druhému, co pro nì
znamená. Nikdy mu za nic nepodìkovali. Ten èlovìk jim zemøel a
již nemají šanci to napravit. Myslím si, že peklo se dá prožívat už na
této zemi. Peklo, kdy si èlovìk uvìdomuje: Mohl jsem nìco udìlat
a neudìlal jsem to, zanedbal jsem to. Ten èas, který jsem mìl, jsem
nedokázal využít k tomu, k èemu mi byl darován.
Jaký to byl úžasný den, kdy Pán Bùh øekl èlovìku: „Z každého
stromu v ráji budeš jíst, jenom ze stromu, který je uprostøed ráje,
nikdy nejez. Kdybys z nìho jedl, zemøeš“. Jaký to byl úžasný den,
kdy si èlovìk mohl uvìdomovat: toto všechno je dobré a toto by mne
stálo život. Jaký to byl úžasný den, kdy Pán Bùh dal èlovìku deset
Glorious Hope • Slavná nadìje • January–February 2003
pøikázání! Øeknìte sami, jestli to není úžasné, že desatero odpovídá
na pøání tìch, kteøí chtìjí žít na této zemi dobrý, úspìšný a pokud
možno, co nejdelší život v pohodì. Existuje snad nìkdo, kdo netouží
po dnech naplnìných spokojeností, po šastné dlouhovìkosti? Pøi
narozeninách si vìtšinou pøejeme dlouhý život. Jeden bratr v našem
sboru øíkával „Já ti pøeji, aby ses dožil sta let“. Snadné pøání, když nic
nestojí! Pán Bùh poukazuje na to, co je tøeba dìlat, aby èlovìk mohl
dlouho žít na zemi a dobøe se mu vedlo: „Cti otce svého a matku svou,
aby jsi byl dlouho živ na zemi a vedlo se ti dobøe.“ (Exodus 20;12)
Pánu Bohu staèilo deset slov na to, aby nám ukázal v èem spoèívá
život, jaký máme žít. Máme mnoho knih, plné knihovny „moudra“,
jak dìlat to aneb ono, jak mít úspìšné manželství, jak zvládnout stáøí,
jak zvládnou výchovu svých dorùstajících dìtí. Nìkdy nezvládáme
sami sebe, ale chtìli bychom zvládat ostatní. Pánu Bohu staèilo
povìdìt deset slov. Jaký to byl úžasný dar, ten den!
Jaký to byl úžasný den, kdy nám daroval to nejdražší co mìl,
svého jednorozeného syna; aby On za nás, za každého zaplatil náš
dluh, aby pøinesl svou smrtí záchranu. Den pøíchodu Pána Ježíše
Krista na tuto zem, den jeho smrti. Každý den, opravdu každý den
mohu brát jako dar z Božích rukou.
Musel jsem myslet na lidi, kteøí jsou po tìžkých úrazech, na lidi,
kteøí pøišli na tuto zem s nejrùznìjším postižením.
Nìkdy naše dìti moc zlobily. Øíkával jsem manželce: „Už toho
mám dost, co jsem komu udìlal, že musím mít takové dìti!“ Jednou
mne manželka zavolala k oknu a ukázala na ulici. Byla to právì doba,
kdy tudy pravidelnì projíždìla mladá paní uèitelka s koèárkem a
v nìm bylo asi desetileté dìvèátko, velmi postižené. Manželka øekla:
„Toto ještì nemáš, tak si vùbec nenaøíkej“.
Jak tito lidé mohou povìdìt: „Pane Bože, dìkuji Ti za den svého
Možná jste nedávno sledovali kauzu o eutanázii v Anglii. Velmi
postižená a trpící manželka chtìla, aby mohl manžel ukonèit její
trápení. Jak tihle lidé mohou povìdìt: „Pane Bože dìkuji Ti za den,
který zaèíná?“ Vždy pro nì by bylo vysvobozením, kdyby dny jejich
života byly ukonèené!
Vzpomnìl jsem si na mladou ambiciózní ženu. Šla se koupat,
skoèila do vody a zlomila si krèní obratel. Dodnes, ze své vùle, vládne
jen hlavou. Díky speciálním cvièením a rùzným pomùckám dokáže
ovládat, do urèité míry, své horní konèetiny. Nádhernì maluje svými
ústy. Jmenuje se Joni Eriksonová. Vdala se. Manžel se o ní stará.
Vzpomíná, jak to bylo pokoøující, když byla s ním na první schùzce
a potøebovala vymìnit sáèek, do kterého odcházely všechny její
sekrety. Popisuje ve svých knihách, jak Pánu Bohu vyèítala, jak se
ptala: „Proè Bože?“ Byla zahoøklá. My mùžeme ty nádherné dny,
které nám Bùh dává, naplnit sebe litováním, brbláním, sèítáním toho,
co nám chybí. Nᚠproblém, i to, že nedokážeme být šastní, spoèívá
v tom, že stále poèítáme to, co nemáme a zapomínáme poèítat to,
co z Boží milosti smíme mít.
Nyní, po té padesátce, když se ráno probudím a nic mne nebolí,
si øíkám, že buï Pán Bùh udìlal zázrak nebo už nežiji. Zaèneme
totiž vnímat rùzné vìci jinak a zaèneme být vdìèní za to, že ještì
nìco v nás sem tam funguje.
Joni popisuje jak dlouho byla v takové hoøkosti a vzpouøe. „Ne
Pane, ten den není dar od Tebe, to je trest a já už nechci dál žít.“
Dokonce se pokoušela svùj život ukonèit. Potom došlo k velikému
obratu. Pøál bych vám dnes být v pøítomnosti této ženy. Proti
Joni máme neskuteèné možnosti, pøesto jsme, ve srovnání s ní,
Glorious Hope • Slavná nadìje • January–February 2003
vyloženými žebráky. Žena na koleèkovém køesle, odkázaná na
druhé. Žije plným životem, kterým obohacuje ostatní.
Pøijímat dny od Pána Boha jen pro sebe, pro své uspokojení,
pro naplnìní svých pøedstav—to znamená své dny ztratit. Jeden z
velkých vojevùdcù již v poledne urèitého dne øekl: „Ztratil jsem den.“
V poledne vìdìl, že den ztratil tím, jak jej zaèal. Ztratil je tím, jak
do nìj nastoupil, jak se v nìm choval, jak pøijímal obdarování, které
mu byl nabídnuto. Je to úžasné, pøemýšlíme-li nad tím. Proè by nám
Pán Bùh mìl vùbec nìco dávat? Jakýkoliv den, urèité penzum èasu,
proè by nám to mìl dávat? Jaké Mu k tomu vytváøíme pøedpoklady?
Kdyby se nìkdo choval vùèi nám tak, jako my se chováme vùèi Pánu
Bohu, jistì bychom jeho dny spíše zkrátili, nežli nìjakým zpùsobem
pøidávali další a další pøíležitosti. Každý nový den je vlastnì úžasná
šance z Boží strany.
O èlovìku, který žije hrozným zpùsobem, vážnì ohrožuje své
bližní—vrah, zlodìj—si øíkáme, že by jeho dny mìly být radìji
ukonèené.Tøikrát a dost, tak to pøijaly nìkteré státy. Tøikrát provedeš
nìco zlého a je konec. Zbavíme tì dalších dnù.
Pán Bùh pøidává den za dnem. Nemá totiž zalíbení v tom, aby
kdokoliv zahynul, ale chce, aby se èlovìk koneènì vzpamatoval.
Nìkdy prodlužuje a dává našim životùm skuteènì novou šanci. To
proto, abychom se vzpamatovali a koneènì pochopili, že normální
život je život s Bohem. Všechno ostatní není normální. To, že vìtšina
lidí žije bez Boha, ještì neznamená, že je to normální zpùsob života.
Jeden muž, o kterém èteme v Bibli, pøedstoupil pøed celý národ
a øekl: „Vy si dìlejte co chcete, ale já a mùj dùm, budeme sloužit
Hospodinu. Protože jsem poznal, že je to normální. I kdybych mìl
zùstat sám, pøidržím se Hospodina.“ Èlovìk byl stvoøený k životu
s Bohem. Èlovìk potøebuje nìco uctívat. Již tato potøeba by nám
mìla signalizovat, že jsme byli stvoøeni Pánem Bohem. Èlovìk má
schopnost milovat, má touhu sdružovat se. To všechno je obraz, ke
kterému jsme byli stvoøeni.
Vrátím se však k tomu dni, který je tìžký, o kterém øíkáme: to
nemùže být dar, je to trápení pro lidi. Naší chybou nìkdy bývá,
že si nenecháme od vìcí patøièný odstup. Snažíme se okamžitì si
udìlat závìr podle momentální výseèe, kterou obsáhneme. Stojímli u nìjaké velké vìci pøíliš blízko, neuvidím ji v její celosti. Bible
hovoøí o jednom muži. Jmenoval se Job. Po nìm jsme pojmenovali
špatné zprávy „jobovkami“. Job prožíval hrozné dny, ale když získal
od tìch dnù odstup, øekl: „Døíve jsem o Tobì Pane Bože jen slýchal,
nyní tì i mé oko vidí“. Jiný muž øekl: „Bylo mi to k dobru, že jsem
pobyl v trápení“. Mùžeme si podle urèité malé vìci udìlat závìr
a øíci: všechno je špatnì! Ve skuteènosti nevidíme všechno a to co
hodnotíme, probíhá dál. Proto Bible øíká: nesuïte. Dejte si urèitý
odstup od vìci, abyste mohli poznat celou její výšku, šíøku, hloubku
a délku. Nìkdy si velice rychle udìláme názor. Vidíme nìco ze života
èlovìka, zaškatulkujeme ho a nejsme ochotni ho ze škatulky vyndat
ani tehdy, když s urèitým èasovým odstupem vidíme, že to je jinak.
Je potøeba nálepku sundat, odlepit a pøiznat si, že jsem se spletl.
Skuteènì, každý den a každý nový den, je Boží dar. Ze školní
lavice jsem vidìl z okna na vìž kostela. Byl tam jiný èas, než na
našich hodinkách. Bylo tam neustále pùl tøetí a pár minut. Jaká je
to katastrofa, když kostel ukazuje špatnì èas. Mysleli jste už nìkdy
na to? U nás, v Teplé, je kostel dominantou mìsteèka a každý, a se
orientuje z jakékoliv èásti, vidí na hodiny na kostelní vìži. Jestliže
jdou hodiny na vìži kostela špatnì, dojde k dezorientaci. Žijí-li Boží
Pokraèování na stranì 11
The Care and Healing of Wounds
George D. Cooper
hile I was mowing the grass one day, a
rock flew up and cut my leg. Being a
tough guy, I went on mowing, but the
next day the cut was throbbing. Finally I went to
my doctor. After sticking his finger in the wound,
he declared that the bone was chipped. Bad news.
Serious news. So I began a regimen of strong
antibiotics and had to keep that leg elevated for a
week. Returning to normal activities, I kept the
wound covered, protected with a big gauze pad
and tape. It was taking forever to heal.
One morning some months later I was late getting ready. Not having time to put on the bandage,
I covered the wound with just my sock. I kept that up for several
days. Surprisingly, within a week it had healed completely.
Emotional hurts are much like physical wounds. First they
need to be treated with an antiseptic to get rid of the germs
that have possibly infiltrated the system. This can be a painful
experience in itself. There is a story told of a young girl who
refused to let her mother cleanse a wound because it hurt too
much. When the situation got worse, they went to a doctor. He
had to amputate to save the girl’s life.
Just like a physical wound, emotional hurt requires painful
antiseptic, too. Perhaps this emotional germ-killer is forgiveness.
Our hearts, our heads, our culture cry out for revenge. But Jesus
says, “Forgive, as I have forgiven you.”
I could have gotten mad at the lawn mower, or better yet at
the company that made the mower. I could have sued them for
negligence. But that would not have helped heal my leg.
When the pain continued, my little band-aid wasn’t enough.
I got professional advice. Jesus, the professional healer, says forgiveness is the first step, painful though it may be. The apostle
Paul says, “You must make allowance for each other’s faults and
forgive the person who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave
you, so you must forgive others” (Col. 3:13).
Forgiving someone who has hurt you is painful, but it is better
than amputation. Jesus said, “But if you refuse to forgive others,
your Father will not forgive your sins” (Matthew 6:15).
After the antiseptic has been used and the injury scrubbed
clean, there must be some protection time that allows the wound
to knit together. Then gradually the protection has to come off
and the events that hurt so much in wounding can be looked at
and tested. What happened with my leg is that the gauze pad
produced sweating underneath and held in that moisture. This
kept the cut very tender and prevented the complete healing. It
just needed air.
Sometimes emotional wounds are the same. They need air.
They need contact with normalcy. Perhaps a little less protection
over the wound lets the wrong thoughts, wrong ideas dissipate.
If I had kept on covering that wound on my leg, I might still
have it forty years later. Some people coddle emotional wounds
for a lifetime!
The apostle Paul reminds us to “Get rid of all bitterness, rage,
anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of malicious
behavior” (Eph.4:31). Consider that he doesn’t speak of restitution, or revenge.
It is no more silly to think that the lawn mower that threw
the rock at my leg should now fix the wound than it is that the
person who caused my emotional pain should do
the healing. Physical healing comes from within
the body. Doctors only help it along; they don’t
actually heal. In the same way, emotional healing
also comes from within–from within our spiritual
If our physical body is strong, physical healing
can come quickly. My father was a quick healer.
Most any cut would scab over and the scab would
be off in three days. Perhaps this amazing healing
power was the result of the healing that took place
after he had been in a serious fire that left him
with second- and third-degree burns on much
of his body. It is certain that healing of a deep emotional hurt
strengthens the person for subsequent attacks.
Today there is still a scar on my leg, but it doesn’t bother
me. I remember what happened, but it doesn’t hurt. The same
is true with wounds from people I have forgiven.
After forgiving, perhaps even applying unilateral forgiveness,
the next task is to turn to Paul’s ‘get rid of’ (GRO) advice to
the Ephesians. Therein lies the internal, spiritual healing that is
needed. It is something we must apply ourselves.
Prescription: Cleanse the wound thoroughly with the disinfectant of Forgiveness. Then apply the ‘GRO’ ointment liberally
and let fresh air and time work their wonders. Repeat the process
as necessary until full spiritual strength is gained.
Editorial … pokraèování ze strany
jakoby doplnil úvodník z posledního èísla Slavné nadìje: Pokoj
zùstavuji vám, pokoj svùj dávám vám.... (Jan 14;27 Bible Kralická).
Jak vzácné je dnes slovo o pokoji!
Je zajímavé, jak jsou nìkdy city i pocity nakažlivé. Snadno se
pøenášejí z èlovìka na èlovìka. Jako nìjaká infekce. Pokud to jsou
city a pocity negativní, je to tragedie. Zlo se potom šíøí bez zábran.
V pøípadì pozitivních citù a pocitù má lidstvo nadìji. Pokoj je pocit,
který svìdèí o vnitøním stavu èlovìka. Pán Ježíš nás upozoròuje na
to, že ten pokoj, který On má, daroval èlovìku. Pøijali jsme tento
Jeho dar? Jestliže ano, potom nutnì tímto pokojem ovlivòujeme své
V druhé èásti stejného verše nám je zdùraznìno, že strach nemá
nic spoleèného s pokojem. Strach je pocit negativní. Protiklad
pokoje. Rovnìž svìdèí o vnitøním stavu èlovìka. Strach a pokoj
nemohou být vedle sebe, jedno vytlaèuje druhé.To, že nás Pán Ježíš
na strach upozoròuje, svìdèí o tom, že proti strachu nejsme imunní.
Jen na nás záleží, který z tìchto dvou pocitù bude v našem srdci
Je naší touhou, aby tento èasopis—pojítko Èechù a Slovákù po
celém svìtì—pøinášel poselství našeho Spasitele i do nejvzdálenìjších
koutù svìta. Dìkujeme ètenáøùm za modlitby i pøíspìvky.
Tìšíme se na kontakty s vámi a vaši odezvu.
S pøáním Božího pokoje,
Nataša Legierská, šéfredaktorka
Glorious Hope • Slavná nadìje • January–February 2003
Péèe a ošetøování ran
George D. Cooper
ednou, pøi sekání trávy, mi letící kámen rozsekl nohu.
Pokládajíc se za otrlého muže, pokraèoval jsem v sekání. Druhý
den však rána byla zanícená. Nakonec jsem vyhledal lékaøe.
Lékaø, po dùkladném vyšetøení rány prohlásil, že došlo k uštípnutí
kosti. Neradostná zpráva. Vážné zranìní. A tak jsem zaèal brát
antibiotika a nohu jsem musel držet týden zvednutou. Po návratu
k bìžným aktivitám, jsem mìl ránu zakrytou—chránìnou velkým
polštáøkem gázy a obvazem. Rána se hojila vìènost.
Po nìkolika mìsících jsem se jednoho rána opozdil. Protože
jsem nemìl èas na obvaz, zakryl jsem ránu pouze ponožkou. Totéž
jsem zopakoval nìkolik dní po sobì. Pøekvapivì, bìhem týdne byla
rána docela zahojená.
Citová zranìní jsou velice podobná zranìním fyzickým. Nejprve
je potøeba k ošetøení použit antiseptika, aby se odstranily všechny
možné bakterie, které by se tak mohly dostat do celého tìla. To by
mohlo být velice bolestivé. Známe pøíbìh o dìvèeti, které matce
nedovolilo vyèistit ránu, protože to velmi bolelo. Když se situace
zhoršila, šly za lékaøem. Lékaø musel pøistoupit k amputaci, aby
zachránil dìvèeti život.
Stejný postup vyžadují i rány citové. Možná je lékem, proti
vraždící citové bakterii, odpuštìní. Nᚠrozum, naše srdce, naše
kultura touží po odvetì. Pán Ježíš však øíká: „Odpus tak, jako jsem
já odpustil tobì.“
Mohl jsem se rozèílit na sekaèku nebo, ještì lépe, na výrobce
sekaèky. Mohl jsem výrobce soudit za nedbalost. To by ovšem
nepomohlo mou ránu zahojit.
Na rozjitøenou ránu malá náplast nestaèila, vyhledal jsem
odborníka. Pán Ježíš, profesionální ranhojiè, øíká, že odpuštìní je
prvním krokem, i když mnohdy bolestivým.
Apoštol Pavel øíká: „Snášejte jedni druhé a vzájemnì si odpouštìjte,
má-li nìkdo proti nìkomu stížnost. Tak jako Kristus odpustil vám,
odpuštìjte i vy.“ (Kol. 3;13 Nová Bible Kralická—NBK)
Odpustit tomu, kdo ti ublížil, je bolestivé, ale je to lepší, než
amputace. Pán Ježíš øekl: „Ale jestliže lidem neodpustíte jejich
prohøešky, pak ani vᚠOtec neodpustí vaše prohøešky vám.“ (Mat.
6;15 NBK)
Po použití antiseptik a vyèištìní rány, je potøeba nìjakým
zpùsobem ránu chránit, dokud se nezacelý. Ochranný prostøedek se
potom postupnì odstraòuje až samotný, tolik bolestivý, pøípad mùže
být prozkoumán a zhodnocen. V pøípadì mého zranìní, gázový
poštáøek udržoval vlhkost. To bránilo kompletnímu zahojení. Byl
potøebný pøístup vzduchu.
Totéž se mùže aplikovat na citová zranìní. Potøebují vzduch.
Potøebují být v kontaktu s normálností. Možná trochu ménì
ochranné vrstvy pøes ránu pomùže odehnat špatné myšlenky
a zabránit špatným nápadùm. Kdybych si svou ránu nepøestal
zakrývat, možná by byla rozjícená i po 40-ti letech. Nìkteøí lidé si
dovedou citová zranìní pìstovat celý život.
Apoštol Pavel nám pøipomíná: „Veškerá hoøkost, hnìv, zuøivost,
køik a urážky, a jsou od vás odòaty spolu s každou špatností.“ (Efez.
4; 31 NBK) Všimnìme si, že nehovoøí o…odškodnìní, pomstì….
Bylo by pošetilostí myslet si, že sekaèka, která mi kamenem
rozsekla nohu, by mìla ráhu zacelit. Totéž platí i o osobì, která
Glorious Hope • Slavná nadìje • January–February 2003
zpùsobila emocionální bolest. Nemohu od ní oèekávat zahojení mé
rány. Pøi fyzickém zranìní se proces hojení odehrává v tìle. Lékaøi
napomáhají, ale neuzdravují. Rovnìž pøi citovém zranìní se proces
dìje v nás—v našem duchovním bytí.
Jestliže jsme v dobré tìlesné kondici, uzdravení mùže probìhnout
rychle. Mému otci se vìtšina drobných zranìní zahojila bìhem tøí
dnù. Uzdravoval se rychle. Možná tuto vzácnou schopnost získal
potom, kdy pøi požáru utrpìl popáleniny druhého a tøetího stupnì
po celém tìle. Není pochyb, že hluboká citová zranìní zvýší odolnost
èlovìka proti dalším, podobným situacím.
Jizvu mám na noze stále, ale už mi nevadí. Pamatuji si, co se
stalo, ale už mne to nebolí. Totéž platí o ranách zpùsobených lidmi,
kterým jsem odpustil.
Po odpuštìní, možná i po jednostranném odpuštìní, je potøeba
aplikovat Pavlovu radu: „Zbavte se“ z dopisu do Efezu. V tom totiž
spoèívá potøebné vnitøní, duchovní uzdravení.
Samotnou aplikaci však musíme provést osobnì.
Návod: Ránu vyèistìte dùkladnì dezinfekcí „Odpuštìní“. Potom
použijte léèivé masti „Zbavte se“ a nechte èerstvý vzduch a èas
pùsobit. V pøípadì potøeby celý postup zopakujte a to toliktrát,
kolikrát je potøeba, až dojde k úplnému naèerpání duchovní síly.
Pøeklad: Nataša Legierská
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The Cradle of the Czechoslovak Baptist Work in America
od has in every place His chosen people—people who
do not want to be idle but want to do something for the
cause of His kingdom. Usually they are people about
whom very little is known. In many cases it is even hard to get
an account of their personal lives for historical records. The
only things which are left after them are the monument of their
hard work, and a respected memory which speaks louder than
In this category, of the unknown to the world but the wellknown to God, are included the first pioneers of the Czechoslovak Baptist work in America. It is impossible to mention all the
names; only those of a few who were active leaders in the first
endeavor among the Czechoslovak people may be cited.
Among these were the Misses Lena Kruse and Gesina
Meier, students from the Baptist Missionary Training School of
Chicago, who started the mission work among the Bohemian
people in that city. These two young women, under the leadership of the Women’s Baptist City Mission Society, began an
industrial school which later developed into a Sunday school.
The school was opened in the vicinity of Fisk and Nineteenth
Streets, in the heart of the Bohemian district in Chicago, in 1887.
Over forty boys and girls were present at the first meeting. The
children were very much interested in this school and came
in large numbers. Because of their response, the school soon
outgrew its place of meeting, and another place was sought.
Through the efforts of a devoted Christian man, S.B. Lingle,
a prominent deacon of the First Baptist Church, the school was
transferred to a larger place on Throop and Sixteenth Street.
This place became the cradle of the Czechoslovak Baptist mission work in America, and a permanent place of worship.
Rev. Jacob Meier, pastor of the First German Baptist Church,
had been asked by the Chicago Baptist Mission Society to have
general supervision over the newly started work. Seeing immediately that there was a future in the mission work among the
Czech people, he became very much interested. It was largely
through the efforts of this good Christian leader that Rev. L.
Lany was secured as missionary for the Czechs.
Mr. Lany was a man who loved Czech and Slovak people
and therefore offered them his service. He came to the field
and started services on Sunday, January 8, 1888. Mr. Lany
was a winner of souls; he knew how to approach a man and
acquaint him with Christ. In less than a month, on February 3,
1888, six people, the first-fruits of a harvest, were baptized on
confession of their faith in Jesus Christ. During the same year
twelve persons were baptized—so the little group grew.
However, the Bohemian people did not long enjoy the services of Mr. Lany. After two years he resigned his pastorate
in the mission and returned to his post to work among the
immigrants at Ellis Island.
His resignation left several deserted sheep looking for a
pastor. Once more Rev. J. Meier helped out, this time by securing Mr. Kluzak as leader for the mission. However, Mr. Kluzak’s
pastorate lasted only three months.
Rev. J. Meier made connections with Rev. Jindøich Novotný
of Prague, asking him to suggest a missionary from Czechoslovakia. Mr. Novotný recommended Mr. John Kejø, a Czech
colporteur, working at that time near Budapest in Hungary.
John Kejø accepted the call and came to Chicago as a missionary among the Czechs. He began his ministry on February
5, 1891. With the coming of Mr. Kejø, the work began on a firmer
John (Jan) Kejø
ohn Kejø was one of the first converts in the beginnings of Baptist
work in Bohemia. He was a member of the Evangelical Church.
His wife was a Catholic. Because he was indifferent to his own
denomination, his Catholic wife wished to bring him into the Catholic
Church. However, he was little interested in religion, so she did not
succeed. Several newly converted Baptists in Hleïsebe, Bohemia,
approached him, but he despised them.
He decided many times not to go to meetings, but his sister Rosie
always persuaded him to go once more. In one of these meetings a
woman asked him what would happen to his soul if he should die.
Mr. Kejø’s answer was very brief and unfriendly. The woman continued, and indicated to him that he was in a pitiful situation. He was
moved, his soul was disturbed, and he asked what he should do to
be saved.
He began to open his home to the meetings. Finally the day came
when Mr. Kejø surrendered his life to Christ and became a new man.
People began to admire him because he, who had opposed the Baptist
work, began to testify, to preach, and to persuade people to seek the
His wife was converted too, and their home was transformed.
The man who had hated the Baptist people was himself now hated
by his friends. On the confession of his faith, Mr. Kejø was baptized
by Mr. Meereis, and became one of the first Baptists in the village
of Velvary, Bohemia. Soon he became a missionary worker. Accepting the invitation of the Bible Society from Prague to become a
colporteur, he remained in colportage work for four years until he
was called to Chicago as a missionary among the Czechs.
Although John Kejø had much joy in his new field, he did not
escape some difficulties. His task was not only to build but also to
reform the newly established work. Various problems and difficulties
were encountered, but they were partly overcome. He cleaned the
weeds from the field and began to sow good grain. His work was not
in vain, for every year several people were converted and admitted
into the church.
Continues on next page
Glorious Hope • Slavná nadìje • January–February 2003
HCJB—Pavel a Klára Steigerovi
y jste sùl zemì; jestliže však sùl
pozbude chuti, èím bude osolena? K
nièemu již není, než aby se vyhodila
ven a lidé po ní šlapali. Vy jste svìtlo
svìta. Nemùže zùstat skryto mìsto ležící na
hoøe. A když rozsvítí lampu, nestaví ji pod
nádobu, ale na svícen; a svítí všem v domì.
Tak a svítí svìtlo vaše pøed lidmi, aby vidìli
vaše dobré skutky a vzdali slávu vašemu
Otci v nebesích. Matouš 5:13-16
Naši milí bratøi a sestry, milí pøátelé, doma i
v cizinì.
Jako každoroènì, i letos se u nás v redakci zamýšlíme a
rekapitulujeme co jsme spoleènì s vámi dokázali a jak bychom
chtìli vykroèit do Nového roku.
V záøí se Jindra Suchomelová, Gabina Lauková a Dáša
Kukuèková úèastnila výroèní konference HCJB v Quitu,
Ekvádoru. Právì tam nás zastihla smutná zpráva, že Dobrá
novina po více než 25 letech konèí. Pro øadu našich posluchaèù
je tato skuteènost tìžko pochopitelná, ale vìøte, že to bylo
rozhodnutí nutné a ze strany vedení HCJB i moudré. Náklady
za èeské a slovenské vysílání se pohybovaly kolem 30-ti tisíc
US dolarù roènì. Naše zemì je malá, posluchaèù krátkých vln
nejsou tisíce, a tak jako dobøí správci svìøených prostøedkù,
jsme tuto pro nás smutnou novinu pøijali. Jsme šastni, že
jsme se mohli setkat s rodinou Kladenských, sestrou Fialovou,
Helenou Kaplanovou a rozlouèit se s tìmi, kdo stáli u kolébky
našeho vysílání. Ale tím existence a služba kanceláøe HCJB
Dìkujeme Bohu, že jsme nezùstali nepøipraveni. Na
webových stránkách archivujeme všechny poøady nejen z
produkce HCJB, ale najdete tam øadu poøadù z vysílání TWR—
Zadáno pro dámy, Svìtem Bible a budou další. V žádném
pøípadì se neodmlèujeme, ale pracujeme na více frontách. Dál
bude vycházet èasopis Zápas o duši, následná služba s ètenáøi
ZODu a posluchaèi zùstává beze zmìny v péèi Jindøišky, Gabi
dál pøipravuje rozhlasové poøady pro budoucí satelitní vysílání
ve spolupráci s TWR. I pro nás platí, když Bùh zavøe jedny
dveøe, jistì otevøe jiné.
Podle slov pracovníkù TWR pùvodní pøedpoklad zahájit
celodenní vysílání 30. 3. 2003 není ještì definitivní (realistický
termín je záøí 2003). „Musíme respektovat okolnosti, kterými
jsme (i nechtì) vedeni a pøijímat je v pokoøe pøed Boží
svrchovaností. To, co je na nás, se snažíme dìlat v poslušnosti
výzvy Pána Ježíše ke zvìstování evangelia tak, aby strategický
zámìr rozšiøovat Boží slovo k co nejvìtšímu
poètu lidí byl uskuteènìn. Souèasnì chceme být
dobrými hospodáøi se svìøenými prostøedky a
neutápìt finance tam, kde to není nutné. Je tedy
docela možné, že termín zahájení celodenního
provozu bude posunut, ale nemìlo by to být
o více než o pùl roku.… V této nelehké situaci
potøebujeme nejvíce pokoj, rozvahu, dostatek
energie a pøedevším Boží požehnání a ochranu
nad celým projektem.… Bùh je ten, který
zasetému slovu dává vyrùst v nové ratolesti
pøinášející ovoce. Pøesnì o takovou vzájemnost usilujeme!“
Prosíme o modlitby. Potøebná finanèní úèast HCJB na vybavení
studia a technického zázemí se pohybuje kolem 30 tisíc US
V souèasné dobì bratøi na Slovensku jednají o zaøazení 15ti minutového placeného vysílání HCJB jednou týdnì na rádiu
LUMEN v Banské Bystrici. Vysílací licence má být rozšíøena
o Bratislavu. To vše jsou úžasné zprávy a možnosti. Ta ménì
pøíjemná je, že všechny projekty a plány jsou finanènì nároèné
a bez modliteb a darù se žádná misijní služba neobejde. Hodina
vysílání pøijde pøibližnì na 240 US dolarù. Pokud Vám Pán položí
tuto rozhlasovou službu na srdce, máte jedineènou pøíležitost
pøinést Dobrou novinu do domovù svých bližních na Slovensku.
Hledáme sponzory na jednotlivé hodiny vysílání. V rámci poøadu
bude uvedeno, kdo je sponzorem poøadu.
Abyste i vy mìli lepší pøedstavu o misijních aktivitách HCJB,
rádi vám pùjèíme video kazetu (NTSC systém), kde je témìø
ètyø hodinová reportហo práci v Ekvádoru. Mùžete vidìt zábìry
z vysílacích pracoviš, zdravotní péèi, život lékaøù v oblasti Shell
Mera a službu pro obyvatele džunglí a poznat rodinu Kladenských.
Poznáte spoustu pøírodních a turistických zajímavostí. Buïte
trpìliví, do obìhu dáme dvì videokazety.
Pokud jste se ještì nepodívali na webové stránky HCJB, které
jsou doplòovány dennì o zravodajství z køesanského svìta,
kde jsou archivovány stovky rozhlasových poøadù v èeštinì i ve
slovenštinì, všechna èísla èasopisu Zápas o duši, èesky i slovensky
a mnoha dalších zajímavostí, fotografií z Ekvádoru a pøipravujeme
krátké videoklipy z Ekvádoru.
Vše nejlepší do Nového roku pøejí
Steigerovi a spolupracovníci HCJB :
Jindra, Gabi, Vladimír
Pavel & Klára Steigerovi, Hošálkova 1 a, 169 00 Praha 69,
John (Jan) Kejø … Continues from page 8
Until 1896, the work among the Czech people had been carried on
as a mission of the First German Baptist Church.
The newly organized church grew very steadily; its zealous minister
and members marched onward in the work. The work was not very
easy among the spiritually neglected Czechs in America, but God
blessed the mission. Attendance grew; the Sunday School made a
fine advance; various societies were organized within the church. Mr.
Kejø organized a fine choir whose singing penetrated through the hard
hearts of the people. When the choir sang, it was not only with beautiful melody but also with spiritual power. Many times tears ran down
the sad faces of the men who listened. But as the earnest preaching
and singing continued, the sunshine of happiness chased away the
shadows of sorrow, and new joy covered the faces of the regenerated
Adapted from V. Vojta’s book Czechoslovak Baptists
In 1892 the Women’s Baptist Home Mission Society called
Mrs. A. Èepeláková from Prague, Czechoslovakia, as a missionary. This fine devoted Christian woman became instrumental in
winning many people to Christ. Her Christian influence was farreaching. Through her endeavor and that of Mr. Kejø, twenty people
were baptized in one year. Among the newly baptized members
there were influential persons like Vaclav and Vojtech Hlad, who
later became very helpful in the growing work. [Vaclav Hlad is a
grandfather of Robert Dvorak, president of Czechoslovak Baptist
Convention. Ed.]
The year 1896 was an historical date for the Bohemian Baptist
work. It was on a fine September day (September 20, 1896), that
the First Bohemian Baptist Church of Chicago was organized.
Glorious Hope • Slavná nadìje • January–February 2003
Sermon on Abraham
He Staggered Not
Dr. Andrew Kmetko
Part 3
he Life Application Bible says,
“Abraham never doubted that
God would fulfill His promise.
Abraham’s life was marked by mistakes,
sins, and failures as well as by goodness
and wisdom, but he consistently trusted
God. His faith was strengthened by the
obstacles he faced, and his life was an
example of faith in action. If he had
looked only at his own resources for
subduing Canaan and founding a nation,
he would have given up in despair. But
Abraham looked to God, obeyed Him,
and waited for God to fulfill His Word.”
In the words of Romans 4:20, “He staggered not at the promise of God through
unbelief, but was strong in faith, giving
glory to God.”
Abraham lived in Old Testament
times and was not indwelt by the Holy
Spirit, but we are. Paul reminds us of
this indwelling in the following passages:
“Don’t you know that you yourselves are
God’s temple and that God’s Spirit lives
in you? If anyone destroys God’s temple,
God will destroy him; for God’s temple is
sacred, and you are that temple” (1 Cor.
3:16-17); “You, however, are controlled not
by the sinful nature but by the Spirit, if the
Spirit of God lives in you. And if anyone
does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does
not belong to Christ” (Rom. 8:9). Nothing
could be plainer than the Word of God
about the Holy Spirit.
“Do you not know that your body is a
temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you,
whom you have received from God? You
are not your own. You were bought at a
price. Therefore honor God with your body”
(Cor. 6:19,20). “What agreement is there
between the temple of God and idols? For
God has said ‘I will live with them and
walk among them, and I will be their God,
and they will be my people’ ”(2 Cor. 6:16).
Romans 4:16–25
“In him the whole building
is joined together and rises
to become a holy temple in
the Lord”(Eph. 2:21).
What did Paul mean
when he said that our
bodies belong to God?
Many people say they
have the right to do whatever they want with their
bodies. Although they
think that this is freedom,
they are really enslaved to
their own desires or lusts. When we become
Christians, the Holy Spirit lives in us and
fills us to do the Will of God.
Therefore, we no longer own our bodies.
“Bought at a price” refers to slaves purchased at auction. Christ paid the price at
the cross, and His blood and His life given
for me is the cost of my salvation. His faith
freed us from sin but also obligates us to
His service. A slave was not purchased so
that he could sit around all day or sleep
under a shade tree. No, he was purchased
for service. When a company hires you,
they expect you to work; if all you did was
sit around, your employment would be
terminated. If you live in a building owned
by someone else, you try not to violate the
building rules. In fact, you are charged a fee
to prevent that very thing from happening.
Because your body now belongs to God,
you must not violate His standards for
Paul urges believers not to form binding relationships with unbelievers because
this would have a tendency to compromise
their Christian commitment, integrity or
standards. It would be a mismatch. Earlier
Paul had explained that this did not mean
isolating oneself from unbelievers. “I have
written you in my letter not to associate with
sexually immoral people–not at all meaning
the people of this world who are immoral, or
the greedy and swindlers or idolaters. In that
case you would have to leave this world” (1
Cor. 5:9–10).
Paul even encourages believers to
stay with their unbelieving spouses: “To
the rest I say this
(I, not the Lord):
if any brother has
a wife who is not a
believer and she is
willing to live with
him, he must not
divorce her. And
if a woman has a
husband who is not a believer and he
is willing to live with her, she must not
divorce him”(1 Cor. 7:12–13).
Because of their desire to serve
Christ, some people in the Corinthian
church thought they ought to divorce
their pagan spouses and marry Christians. But Paul affirmed the marriage,
even when one spouse is an unbeliever.
The believing spouse should try to win
the other to Christ. It would be easy to
rationalize leaving, but Paul makes a
strong case for staying with the unbelieving spouse and being a positive
influence on the marriage. Paul wants
believers to be active in their witness for
Christ, but they should not lock themselves into personal relationships that
could cause them to compromise their
faith. Believers should do everything in
their power to avoid things that would
cause them to stagger in their faith.
The biggest thing in Abraham’s life
was his childlessness. He had some
real problems with this one promise,
that he would be the ancestor of many
nations, and so did his wife Sarah. She
laughed at God’s promise. At the time
she laughed, the promise had not yet
reached its peak, 25 years. Sarah came
to the conclusion that she was too old
to bear a child, so she came up with a
brilliant idea: let my husband have sex
Continues on next page
Glorious Hope • Slavná nadìje • January–February 2003
How real can a radio program be?
Milos wrote: “I think your last program
(a story about a musician and his pride) was
for my colleague at work. He still curses
everybody and everything. I ‘saw’ him when
I listened to your program.”
Martina said: “You are my friend in my
loneliness; you bring something spiritual
deep into my heart. This week you were speaking about
feelings of inferiority—I felt you were speaking to me.”
Vlado shared: “Mainly, I would like to express my great
thankfulness for the testimonies you sent. I have shared
them all with my friends.”
Monika wrote of her experience: “I was boiling mad!
Tomorrow when I meet my friend, I’ll tell her just what I
think—how she hurts me, humiliates me, I said to myself.
But at the same time realized that would just make things
worse. ‘God, what is right?’ I asked. But after hearing your
radio drama about a similar problem, I knew what to do.”
The programs can be real enough to help someone to
‘see,’ to ‘feel,’ to ‘hear,’ and to ‘know.’ As Peter commented,
“Your programs are a great encouragement to me, a beginner in faith. I am growing spiritually, getting to know God
more deeply. I am the only Christian in my family.”
Please pray for these young people and many others in
Slovakia and the Czech Republic.
George Cooper for TWR SK/CZ
Den jako Boží dar … Pokraèování ze strany 5
dìti tak, jako by byl úplnì jiný èas, dojde k dezorientování svìta
kolem nás…
V Bibli také èteme, že když se naplnil èas, Boží zaslíbení se stala
skuteèností. Pán Bùh také øíká, že ještì dnes máme tu milost—
pøidává nám nové dny jako dar.
Jednou, to je také napsáno v Bibli, pøišli za jedním apoštolem
lidé a zeptali se: „Proè øíkáš, že Kristus pøijde znovu, vždy se
podívej, lidé umírají, všechno bìží na zemi tak, jak bìželo, kde máš
ten pøíchod Krista?“ On jim na to odpovìdìl: „Pán Bùh shovívá a
prodlužuje èas, dává nové a nové dny, protože nechce, aby kdokoliv z
vás zahynul. On to dìlá kvùli vám. Jinak by Kristus již dávno pøišel.
Nechce vás pøistihnout nepøipravené na tento pøíchod. Proto vám
dává, jako dar, bez jakékoliv vaší zásluhy, vždy další a další den,
abyste se koneènì vzpamatovali“. Nyní si pøedstavte, že církve své
okolí matou ukazováním nesprávného èasu. Dnes nic nesvìdèí o
tom, že církev èeká svého Spasitele, svého Krále. Naopak svìdèí o
rozhodnutí mít se úplnì stejnì dobøe, jako se má svìt a ještì k tomu
mít Pána Boha jako bonus. Je to snaha mít plnou jistotu v bance i
v nebi.
Pán Bùh povìdìl jedno zvláštní slovo: „Dny jsou zlé a je tøeba
èlovìèe, abys zaèal správnì vykupovat dar èasu, který ti dávám.
Zaèni s tím èasem správnì hospodaøit!“ Víme, že èas jsou peníze.
Pán Bùh však øíká, že èas pro èlovìka mùže být buï život nebo
smrt. Záleží na tom, zda ten èas, který ti dává, využiješ na smíøení
s Ním nebo ho promarníš, promrhᚠna své vìci a na uspokojení
svých žádostí, aby jsi se nìkam vyšvihl.
Bible øíká, že i kdybys celý svìt získal a své duši udìlal škodu
tím, že jsi nepøijal Božího Syna jako svého Pána a Spasitele, nemáš
nic pøed Bohem, co bys mu mohl jednou nabídnout. Je jedno, které
církve jsi byl èlenem tøeba celý život. Kdo má Syna má život, kdo
nemá Syna, neuzøí života na vìky. Tak to øíká Bible.
Konèím prohlášením, které vyslovil Pán Bùh: „A proto, jestliže
dnes uslyšíš mùj hlas, èlovìèe, neudìlej tu pošetilost, že zavøeš
svoje srdce, ale dej ho mnì. Právì to tvoje srdce, zlé a pøevrácené,
zpùsobuje neštìstí tvého života. Dej mi ho“. Každý den a každý
nový den je skuteènì darem od Pána Boha. Ale dejme pozor, moji
milí, co s tím darem dìláme a jestli s ním vùbec dìláme to, co si
Pán Bùh pøeje.
Záznam úvahy bratra kazatele Jaroslava Pospíšila
pøednesené na akci Senior centra v Ostravì dne 26.5.2002 odpoledne.
Bible Study … Continues from page 10
with Hagar and she will bear him a son
who would be the promised heir. But God
said no! Ishmael could not be the heir.
So the original promise was revived, and
Sarah eventually gave birth to a son, Isaac
by name.
So Abraham did have some problems,
but the Bible says, “He staggered not.” He
did not waver in his faith. And after about
25 years, the promise was fulfilled and a
son, Isaac, was born. God had promised
that the whole world would be blessed
because of this birth. It has been, because
Christ was born in the lineage of Isaac, and
through Him the world has been blessed.
Think of all the thousands of people who
will hear God speaking to them today.
Let me call your attention to several
passages of Scripture that assure us of
the presence of the Holy Spirit. “And I will
ask the Father, and he will give you another
Counselor to be with you forever...the Spirit of
truth. The world cannot accept him, because
it neither sees him nor knows him. But you
know him, for he lives with you and will be
in you” (John 14:16–17). “And hope does not
Glorious Hope • Slavná nadìje • January–February 2003
disappoint us, because God has poured out his
love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom
he has given us” (Rom. 5:5). “We have not
received the spirit of the world but the Spirit
who is from God, that we may understand
what God has freely given us” (1 Cor. 2:12).
“Those who obey his commands live in him,
and he in them. And this is how we know that
he lives in us. We know it by the Spirit he gave
us” (1 John 3:24). “We know that we live in
him and he in us, because he has given us of
his Spirit” (1 John 4:13). Let’s not stagger
at the promises of God! o
Hagar—pokora a podriadenie
Jozef Kulaèík
Èas 4
brahám dostal od Boha zas3⁄4úbenie
a v 16. kap. Gn ho vidíme v situácii
ako pochybuje, váha a h3⁄4adá
odpoveï na otázku preèo Boh svoje s3⁄4uby
neplní. Je to situácia, v ktorej aj Abrahám,
otec viery, nerobí svojmu menu èes. Ale
aj s takýmto Abrahámom si Pán Boh dáva
prácu. Všimnime si napríklad, že v celej
kapitole nepadne ani jediné obviòujúce
slovo. V tom je nádejnos celého príbehu
dvoch žien a Abraháma. Akoby sa tu mlèky
hovorilo—takí sme my 3⁄4udia. Nedokážeme
vždy odola presile, nie sme vždy silní vo
viere. Ani Abrahám nebol. Ale Boh ho na
jeho ceste neopúša. Z k3⁄4ukatých cestièiek
èloveka skladá pomaly ale dôsledne cestu
spásy. A k tejto ceste spásy patrí aj Hagar.
V Biblii máme rôzne postavy. Výrazné,
silné pozitívne ale aj menej výrazné
èi kontroverzné. Žiadna postava v Biblii nie
je úplne dokonalá, dokonalý je jedine Boh.
V 16. kap. 1. knihy Mojžišovej èítame
zaujímavý príbeh. Abrahám a Sára chcú
božím s3⁄4ubom pomôc. Možno ich
premohlo èakanie a povedali si: Kde nedbá
Boh, musí sa postara èlovek. A Sára sa
stará. Abrahám predsa musí ma syna,
a tak zo zaseknutej situácie nachádza
východisko. Dáva mu slúžku Hagar, aby mu
dala diea ona, to bolo vo vtedajšej dobe
obvyklé. Vymyslela zdanlivo schodnejšiu,
prirodzenejšiu cestu, ale túto, ba práve
túto Boh odmieta. Boh nepotrebuje cesty,
na ktorých by mu 3⁄4udia mali pomáha.
Z možností, o ktorých uvažovali vrátane
tej, ktorú vymysleli, Boh nepoužije ani
jednu, naopak—použije tú, ktorej sa už
ako 3⁄4udia vzdali. Podstata zas3⁄4úbenia totiž
nebola len v tom, že Abrahám bude ma
syna. K tomuto s3⁄4ubu patrilo nerozluène
aj to, že ho bude ma so Sárou. Nejde len
o syna—toho si bolo možné zaopatri aj
ok3⁄4ukou. Ide aj o splnenie celého božieho
zas3⁄4úbenia tak ako bolo povedané, a to bolo
1M 16 (1Pt 5, 6–7)
možné len cestou zázraku. A tak vidíme,
že aj Sára, žena, ktorá mala by mužovi
pomocou a oporou (Gn 2:18) stáva sa mu
Nevieme, kde Abrahám k Hagar
prišiel. Snáï pri ceste do Egypta, ale už
skutoènos, že Hagar, pôvodom egyptská
otrokyòa, sa vôbec dostala do rodiny
vyvoleného božieho muža je zaujímavá. Aj
s pohanmi má Pán Boh svoju cestu, niè sa
nedeje mimo božieho programu. Hagar ako
pohanská žena v dome praotca Izraela—to
je prapoèiatok misie. Nevieme ani èo
znamená jej meno, snáï útek, možno nieèo
podobné. Tradujú sa výklady, ktoré Hagar
dávajú do súvislosti s Arábiou. Apoštol
Pavel píše: „Lebou Hagarou je vrch Sinaj
v Arábii.“ (Gal. 4:25) Ján Zlatoústy hovorí
vo výklade ep. Galatským: „Hagar znamená
službu (otroctvo); a vrch Sinaj má toto
meno v jazyku toho kraja.“ Kryštof Harant
bol v roku 1598 na hore Sinaj a vo svojom
cestopise napísal: „Horu Sinaj nazývajú
arabskí a mauretánski pohania Hagar alebo
Thur.“ Je známe arabské slovo „hidžra“, ktoré
znamená útek. Je zaujímavé, že zaèiatok
pôsobenia Mohameda zaèína práve hidžrou,
èo je útekom z Mekky do Mediny v r. 622
a Hagar dvakrát od Abraháma utiekla.
Zdanlivo dobre vymyslená pomoc
Hospodinovi pokraèuje konfliktom
dvoch žien. Hagar, keï vidí, že sa pokus
podaril, nie je ïalej ochotná hra trpnú
úlohu náhradníèky a domnieva sa, že ako
matka pánovho dedièa sa zároveò stane
paòou. Lenže cesta z otroctva nie je taká
jednoduchá. Spôsob, akým sa zaène správa,
a to, že následne vyprovokuje konflikt, je
príkladom toho, že zlo plodí ïalšie zlo.
Abrahám je naraz v zložitej situácii. Má
dve ženy, ale ani jedna mu nechce slúži.
Sára chce Hagar pokori, ale Hagar sa
nenechá. K pokore sa totiž prinúti nedá.
Zvonku sa nedá vnúti nikomu, vedie k nej
len cesta osobnej skúsenosti. Rodinná
dráma pokraèuje ïalšou patovou situáciou:
Sára je síce Abrahámova žena, ale Hagar
je požehnaná. Hriech plodí ïalší hriech
a zároveò aj množstvo otáznikov a zdanlivo
neriešite3⁄4ných rébusov. Akoby nikto
z týchto troch nevedel, èo s tým…
Do tejto situácie urobí riskantný, skoro
až zúfalý krok práve Hagar. Rieši veci po
svojom—útekom—ten má v mene. Uteká
pred Sárou, uteká pred Abrahámom, pred
neriešite3⁄4ným problémom, možno aj pred
sebou? Žiaden problém sa ale nedá vyrieši
tak, že pred ním èlovek uteèie. Uteka
pred ažkosami je prejavom slabého
rozpolteného a nevykúpeného èloveka.
Uteka sa má pred hriechom, ale nie pred
jeho riešením. Hagar to ale nevie. Vie
jediné, chce ujs, chce ís od miesta svojho
poníženia preè, chce ís kdeko3⁄4vek a zdá
sa jej, že èoko3⁄4vek, akéko3⁄4vek miesto, aj
púš bude lepšia ako pánov dom. A tak
uteká. Možno vedome, možno podvedome
mieri kamsi do Egypta v zhode so svojím
vlastným menom a pôvodom (cesta do
Šúr, v. 7, je snáï miesto ležiace na starej
severoegyptskej hranici). Na ceste do Šúr
je miesto, kde zo zeme vyviera prameò.
Pramene a studnièky boli v staroveku
pútnymi miestami.
Hagar, podobne ako Jákob na svojom
úteku, prichádzajú k miestu, ktoré má
nejasný, možno kultický charakter.
Zložili sa tam preto, že h3⁄4adali odpoveï
u bohov? Každopádne prichádza boží
posol a do situácie naprostého zúfalstva
Glorious Hope • Slavná nadìje • January–February 2003
Hagar poèuje boží hlas. Je to boží posol,
niektorí prekladajú nepresne anjel. Pojem
anjela bol totiž spájaný s predstavou
postavy z iného sveta a mal fantastické
nadprirodzené rysy. V tomto prípade sa
však jedná o Hospodinovho posla. V Biblii
takýmto poslom môže by ktorýko3⁄4vek
èlovek, èo dostal mimoriadne poslanie od
Boha. Aj tu, prichádza posol—anjel, hovorí
v zastúpení božom, a jeho slová možno teda
stotožni so slovom božím. Aj Hagar tomu
tak rozumie. Nazýva tu ako jediná v SZ
Hospodina menom—Ten, ktorý ma vidí, Ten,
ktorý prehovoril. V záhadnej postave vidí
Hagar samotného Hospodina, Vykupite3⁄4a
a ochrancu. V takejto situácii dostáva ale
ažkú otázku: „Odkia3⁄4 ideš? A kam ideš?“
Aj na púš si Hagar, uteèenkyòa, priniesla
svoj základný problém so sebou. Odkia3⁄4
uteká, to vie—z domu svojho pána, pred jeho
neznesite3⁄4nou paòou. Èo ale ïalej, to nevie.
A tu do jej duše prehovoril Hospodin.
Možno vieš, èo nechceš, vieš ale aj to, èo
chceš? A vieš vôbec, že celý tvoj problém
nespoèíva len v okolí, v iných 3⁄4uïoch, ale
aj v tebe samej? Si schopná si uzna, že
ty sama si svojím najväèším problémom,
bez oh3⁄4adu na problémy, ktoré ti robia iní?
Toto všetko mala zapoèu v otázke, ktorú
dostala. Bieda domu, z ktorého utiekla je jej
vlastnou biedou. A z ve3⁄4kej èasti je to práve
jej tvrdá a nezlomená povaha, ktorú musí
zmeni. Nie útekom, ale zmenou zmýš3⁄4ania
sa mení èlovek. Uteka vlastne ani niet kam,
pretože dokonalé miesto na zemi (dokonalú
cirkev) èlovek nenájde, a to predovšetkým
preto, že všade sú 3⁄4udia a seba samého
si stále nosíme so sebou. Boží posol jej
vlastne zvestuje: „Hagar, musíš opusti skôr
svoju povahu ako dom svojho pána. Zdroj
mnohých našich trápení a problémov nie je
v okolí, v 3⁄4uïoch, v tých, ktorí nás majú viac
alebo menej radi, v tých, ktorí nám robia
problémy, ale v nás samotných. Preto Boh
chce a volá nás k zmene zmýš3⁄4ania podobne
ako Hagar. Aj ona na púšti, na mieste
úplného osamotenia spoznáva, že v celom
probléme má do èinenia nie so Sárou, ale so
samotným Bohom. Boh prehovoril a dostala
ne3⁄4ahkú úlohu. Odíï naspä na miesto
svojho pokorenia. Východisko nie je v úteku
ale v návrate do pánovho domu. Aj keï je
v òom Sára, je to pánov dom. Podobne je
to s nami dnes. Zbor, cirkev, patrí Pánovi,
aj keï sú v òom možno 3⁄4udia, s ktorými
nevieme vyjs, a ktorí nám nie sú povahovo
blízki, èi nám dokonca robia problémy.
Cesta zo zboru, cesta úteku je vždy bludná
Boží posol vyzýva Hagar na inú cestu,
než si naplánovala, na cestu pokánia, na
cestu vnútornej premeny. Hagar túto výzvu
zapoèuje a poslúchne a v tom je jej ve3⁄4kos.
Ve3⁄4kos každého èloveka nie je v úteku
od problémov, ale v ich riešení aj keï
môžu by ažké a bolestivé. Pán Boh nám
nes3⁄4úbil prechádzku ružovou záhradou. By
kresanom neznamená ži bez problémov,
práve naopak, kresanská povaha sa buduje
tým, že sa mnohého musíme vzda a prejs
rôznymi skúškami. Najažšie víazstvá
bývajú víazstvá nad sebou samým. Miesto,
kde Hagar stretla Boha vševidiaceho, pri
studni Živého, nám pripomína, že Boh
vidí èloveka v každej núdzi a ukáže sa mu
v pravý èas. To konkrétne miesto bolo pre
Hagar v krajine Kádeš, v Biblii je ale všade
tam, kde sa s Vševidiacim èlovek chce
stretnú, kde ho chce poèu, a kde ho chce
V texte sa síce nehovorí, ako sa Hagar
konkrétne vrátila, ale iste tak urobila, èo
je zrejmé z toho, že syna porodila, a že
„Abrahám nazval svojho syna Izmael“ (v.
15). Celý príbeh nám hovorí pouèenie:
èo èlovek vie dobre, v èom je naozaj
„odborník“, je vymýš3⁄4anie cestièiek, skratiek,
ok3⁄4úk, útekov a blúdení. Èlovek je hriešny
tvor, a preto mu svet hriechu je bližší než
svet nápravy. Èlovek môže sám ochorie, ale
uzdravi sa sám nemôže. Nápravu a cestu
spásy pozná Boh. Hagar vlastne na púšti
prežila znovuzrodenie. Vo chvíli stretnutia sa
s Bohom sa z Hagar utekajúcej stala Hagar
poslušná. Z Hagar slepej Hagar vidiaca.
Ve3⁄4kos Hagary spoèívala práve v tom, že
si dala od Boha poveda. Aj ten najažší
problém sa dá vyrieši zmenou zmýš3⁄4ania
a cestou pokánia. Pokánie to nie je len
nejaké slovo, nejaká fráza, pokánie je vždy
konkrétny skutok na ceste poslušnosti.
Celý príbeh nie je v Biblii uvedený len
preto, aby nám podal zaujímavú informáciu
o jednej udalosti z Abrahámovho života,
a už vôbec nie preto, aby sme my mohli
posudzova a súdi konanie jednotlivých
osôb, ktoré tu vystupujú. Mýli sa, blúdi,
a možno i uteka nebolo typické len pre
Hagar, sú to vlastnosti, ktoré sú blízke
možno bližšie, než by sme boli ochotní
prizna všetkým nám. To najhoršie na
blúdení nie je samotný fakt, že èlovek uteká,
dostane sa na púš a nevie kam. Pre každého
èloveka v akejko3⁄4vek núdzi má Boh svoje
posolstvo. Najhoršie nie je dosta sa na
púš, ale zosta tam, nie zhreši, ale zosta
v hriechu. Nepoèu, neposlúchnu boží hlas
a nechcie sa vráti k nemu. Najhoršie je
zostáva v hriechu a tvrdohlavo odmieta
božie riešenie. Každý z nás, ktorí èítame
túto kapitolu by sme ju mali èíta tak, aby
sme si uvedomili akých chýb sa dopúšame
svojou vlastnou netrpezlivosou, strachom
a panickými obavami z budúcnosti, ako
tým škodíme sebe aj svojím blízkym
a ako vzdor, zloba a tvrdohlavos
nikdy niè v živote nevyriešia. Apoštol
Peter píše nielen mladším, ale všetkým
o podriaïovaní sa a pokore. Boh sa pyšným
protiví, ale pokorným dáva milos. Preto
apoštol radí: „Pokorte sa teda pod mocnú
ruku Božiu, aby vás povýšil svojím èasom.
Každú svoju staros uhoïte na Neho a On
sa o vás postará.“
Methuselah … Continues from page 3
from all generations in a number of
European countries – in Slovakia and the
Czech Republic, in former Yugoslavia, in
Germany, Sweden and Austria.
Dear singing group Methuselah, we wish
you to remain a continual blessing for all
of your audience. May our God use your
songs to touch and change human lives.
May your ministry continue not only on
the old European continent but also on
the continent of North America, which you
are about to visit, and in all those countries
where your recordings are available as well.
Ján Banko
Matuzalém … Pokraèování ze strany 3
niekdajšej Juhoslávii, v Nemecku, Švédsku
a Rakúsku.
Milí „Matuzalémci”, prajeme vám, aby
ste boli aj naïalej pre svojich poslucháèov
požehnaním a aby Pán Boh používal
vaše piesne ku zmene 3⁄4udských životov.
Nech sa tak deje nielen na starom
európskom kontinente, ale aj na kontinente
severoamerickom, ktorý sa práve chystáte
navštívi a vo všetkých krajinách sveta, kam
sa vaše nahrávky dostanú.
Ján Banko
Glorious Hope • Slavná nadìje • January–February 2003
Scranton Road Baptist Church, Cleveland, Ohio
If My Friends Could See Me Now
blessed spring to you from the saints at Scranton Road
Baptist Church. Here in Cleveland, we are suffering from
our third-greatest accumulation of snow in recorded history. Boy, will it be great to see spring.
Spring or no spring, things are blossoming at the corner of
Scranton Road and Clark Avenue. Most recently, eight of our
brethren were baptized on Sunday morning, February 23—six of
them were between 15 and 22 years of age. One of the fellows
had been incarcerated for several years, but has been growing in
leaps and bounds over the past seven months.
New things are popping all over. Effective February, our dear
secretary/missionary Ramona Bliss answered God’s call to move
on to The City Mission’s Laura’s Home, a shelter for battered
women and children. She will assume the responsibilities as day
manager and will do an awesome job. She and Pete are still vital
members at the church.
It has been our prayer in our diverse neighborhood to ask
God to raise up cultural leadership that reflects the community.
The Lord is answering our prayers in exciting ways. In August,
the church took on Rev. John Dixson, a dear African-American
brother, who is assisting the ministry 10 hours per week. He
is a former missionary and pastor in Mississippi, and presently
directs the youth ministry at The City Mission.
God has also been faithful within the office. Carmen Rentas
is our new part-time secretary. Carmen is of Puerto Rican background and allows us, above all else, to better communicate
with our Latino friends in the neighborhood. My new ministry
assistant is Larry Blake. Larry is also African-American and for-
merly spent time in prison. He has a great heart for God and
people, and will help direct a greater assault with the gospel in
this neighborhood.
The plans for the near future are challenging and exciting.
The building next to the church was purchased in August 2002
and will be razed shortly. The plans before God are to level the
existing church as well and build up a multi-purpose center with
classrooms and a gymnasium to have better 24-hour, 7-day-aweek access and usage. It will take a miracle of God, but already
two partnering churches have committed $150,000 to our goal.
God is so good!
This summer, we will also be hosting evangelistic soccer and
basketball camps, and will headquarter a three-week campaign
for Jews for Jesus (August through early September).
Certainly, there are trials with the victories, but the Lord is
stabilizing His saints and equipping them for ministry, despite
the agony and pain. Pastor Dan and Jane Widlicka are still very
active in outreach and visitation. Mary Schoun is presently in a
very progressive state in her assisted living facility, and hopefully
she will be able to get out when the weather breaks. Martha
Karhan has been out of church for nearly a year and a half due
to her broken hip and complications, but she and Bob remain
in contact through prayers, both for them and from them. Anne
Bliss continues to labor in the nursing home, and Emil and Vera
Dors minister dearly to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Madjar. Your
prayers for the faithful are appreciated.
Pastor Joe Abraham
Scranton Road Baptist Church, Cleveland, Ohio
Lilian Zeman
Lillian Mary Zeman passed away
suddenly Saturday, August 24, 2002, at
home. Born in Esterhazy, Saskatchewan,
she was the daughter of Czech immigrant
Lillian was the wife of Dr. Jarold Zeman
for 49 years; mother to Miriam, Dagmar,
Timothy and Janice; and grandmother to
seven grandchildren. Her commitment to
family and Christian ministry were her
top priorities of time and energy. The Zeman home was always
open for gatherings of university and Divinity College students
and faculty of other youth groups, Bible study groups, and anyone
needing a bed or a listening ear. Lillian was a special person who
devoted her life to helping friends and strangers alike. She had the
gift of hospitality.
James S. Adam
September 21, 193 – March 26, 2002
James S. Adam, 88, of Morris, died early Tuesday, March
26, 2002 in Morris. Born September 21, 1913 in Chicago, he
was a son of Anton and Mary (Tomanek) Adam.
Educated in Chicago schools, he served in the U. S. Army
during World War II in the 7th Tank Battalion.
On October 7, 1944, he married Josephine Svoboda at the
home of her parents in Chicago.
For 18 years he was employed as a machinist with Reynolds
Aluminum, retiring in 1973 when he and his wife moved to
Goose Lake Township to make their home. He enjoyed hunting
and fishing.
A member of Faith Baptist church in Goose Lake Township,
he also belonged to Chief Shabbona Chapter #86 of Disabled
American Veterans. He served as trustee at Lawndale Baptist
Church in Chicago.
Continues on next page
Glorious Hope • Slavná nadìje • January–February 2003
am sure that we all miss the obecenstvi
we experience during annual conventions. Well, in about four months we
will be together, experiencing great fellowship with our brothers and sisters in the
Lord. Here is some information.
The theme and verse of the 94th annual
convention, which has been set for July 3–6,
2003 in Philippi, is
You’ll Never Walk Alone
I will place my dwelling in your midst, and I shall not abhor you. And
I will walk among you, and will be your God, and you shall be my
people. Leviticus 26:11,12
Bible Studies: High Priestly Prayer John 17
Jesus Prays for Himself John 17:1–5
Jesus Prays for Disciples
John 17:6–19
Jesus Prays for Future Believers John 17:20–26
Dr. Andrew Kmetko—English, and Slavo Kral and/or Daniel
Special guests at the 94th convention will be a musical group,
Matuzalem, from Bratislava. It is a very talented group of five
members from Bratislava Baptist Church, Slovakia. They will also
perform in many churches in Canada and the USA.
Other important information:
•Again, as in previous years, Canadian delegates will be paying the
registration fee, meals, and accommodation in Canadian dollars.
This will simplify payment procedure and will be easier on their
•There will be a lot of exciting events during the 94th annual
convention: Third Annual Independence Day Fireworks with icecream social, “Old Fashioned Hymn Singing with Bob Dvorak at the
Piano,” Matuzalem concerts, Saturday Night Concert, obecenstvi
at the Sommers’ on Sunday afternoon, to name just a few. And
of course—Matuzalem. Come and see!!
•Prices for accommodation will be the same as last year:
Kincaid, $12/night/bed. Children 12 and under sleep free on a bed!
Priestley will be closed for renovation this summer. Also Benedum
will not be available.
•Meal prices will be same as last year: Breakfast-$3.90; Lunch$5.80; Dinner-$6.60; and Banquet-$9.90.
•Date for the 95th annual convention is tentatively set for July 1–4,
or 8–11, 2004.
•Next mid-year meeting of the General Board will be held at Hatch
Hollow Baptist Church, Union City, Pennsylvania, in October or
November 2003. Hatch Hollow Baptist Church will be celebrating
its 75th anniversary.
We will have more information about the annual convention in
the next issues of Glorious Hope. Also check the convention web
page: for additional information.
George Sommer, Executive Secretary
Donation Change
Please note the change how to send your donations:
All donation should be send in enclosed envelope.
The checks will be delivered to right financial secretaries. (Vera Dors,
Henry Pojman, Jane Rotar or Donna Nesvadba.)
! Gifts for Ladies’ work—make check payable to Czechoslovak
Baptist Women’s Missionary Union.
! Gifts for Convention—make check payable to Czechoslovak Baptist Convention. On the bottom of the check mark to what account
you are sending your contribution: Convention, Glorious Hope, Trust
Fund, or Scholarship Fund.
 You may send separate check (one for Ladies and one for convention accounts) in the same envelope.
 If you are sending contributions for convention (Convention, Glorious Hope etc., you may send only one check, and write on the bottom
how you want to divide the amount (for example: Total $150; $100
Convention, $50 Glorious Hope etc.) You do not have to send
two separate checks.
For your information, financial secretaries’ addresses are as
Vera Dors
6621 Elmdale Rd.
Middleburg Hts, OH, 44130
Henry Pojman
1516 Pembroke Dr.
Oakville, ON L6H 1V9
George Sommer
In Memory–James Adam … Continues from page 14
Surviving are his wife of Morris; one daughter, Diane
“DeeDee” (Mark)Brandon of Mansfield, Ohio; one son,
James E. (Sandra) Adam of Schaumburg: four grandchildren,
Drew (Iva) Brandon, Joy (Timothy) Courtright, and Lisa and
Brian Adam: four great-grandchildren, Mark, Adam, William,
and Daniel; and several nieces and nephews.
Preceding him in death were his parents; two sisters, Beatrice and Mildred; and four brothers, Edward, Tony, Otto and
Funeral Services were held at 11 a.m. Thursday at the U.C.
Davis and Sons Funeral Homes Ltd. with the Rev. Jim Lynn
Graveside services were held at 1:30 p.m. Friday at the
Woodlawn Cemetery in Forest Park.
Memorial gifts can be directed to Faith Baptist Church.
Military rites were conducted by John Martin Steele Post
#6049, Morris American Legion Post #294, and Chief Shabbona Chapter #86 of Disabled American Veterans.
Glorious Hope • Slavná nadìje • January–February 2003
Athens, WI
Dear sister in Christ [Vera
I haven’t written to the Glorious Hope for a long time. I have
been sick for at least 5 years. I’m
thankful for continuing on with
Glorious Hope.
I’m sending a memorial gift in my mother’s memory, my
brothers George and my sister-in-law Julia Macik.
Forgive my poor writing at my age, it isn’t very good. God
bless you and keep you.
With Christian love, Martha Macik
Dear Friends!
November 22, 2002
The enclosed gift for Glorious Hope is given in memory of
my dear mother Antonia Pavlicek.
May the Lord bless you in the service of our Lord.
Sincerely, Lydia Dvorak
November 25, 2002
To The Czechoslovak Baptist Convention,
Enclosing a check to further the ministry the Convention is
doing. May God bless all your endeavors.
Christian Love, Joseph and Mary Skalsky
I am sending check in the memory of Mildred Dvorak. I pray
and thank you for the work you are doing.
Mrs. Anita Tarr
Greetings in the Savior’s precious name. Enclosed you
can find a check toward Glorious Hope which I enjoy reading.
Wishing you a blessed holidays in that blessed hope.
John and Maria Valko
December 31, 2002 Belton, Texas
Dear Friends in Christ,
Enclosed please find our contribution for the publication
of Glorious Hope magazine. We always look forward to each
issue. Thanks so much!
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Mares
January 3, 2003
Happy New Year Vera and May the Lord richly bless you in
every way in 2003.
I Love You Sincerely, Lennie Wilcox
Dear sisters/brothers:
December 29, 2002
May the Lord bless the Convention as it carries on the Lord’s
Thanking everyone who has a part of the Convention and
Glorious Hope.
I am sending a gift in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Chupka
Sr.,and brothers Michael Chupka Jr., John/Mel and Milan.
May God Bless Everyone in the coming year 2003.
Love, sister in Christ Ruth Chupka
ear Friends in Christ,
February 10, 2003
I do miss receiving my Glorious Hope. I have only received
September-October issue and didn’t get November-December.
For years I’ve been getting it.
On October 12th I moved to Ohio to make my home with my
daughter and son-in-law. March 26th my husband James Adam
went to be with the Lord. Please put me back on your mailing
list. I’ve been a member of Lawndale Baptist Church for many
years. Trusting that I will hear from you. Psalm 34
Sincerely in Christ Josephine Adam
Dear George
Thank you for the Glorious Hope and also for the cassette,
Piano—Organ Duets. We enjoyed the music played by Robert
Dvorak and Marija Sommer. I remember Robert as a little boy, he
was in my Sunday School Class at the Lawndale Baptist Church.
Have known his parents for years. Thank again, and I am looking
forward to my next issue of Glorious Hope .
Psalm 34
Reverently in Christ Josephine Adam
Just a little note to say I enjoy Glorious Hope and the articles
in it. Thank you all. Enclosed is a few dollars to help.
Lovingly Lydia Carle
Rev. Robert Dvorak
December 10, 2002
Enclosed is a check for the Convention. May God bless the
work that is done. All the best wishes to you and yours,
Marty and Ruth Beechen
November 1, 2002
The attached is given in memory of my dear friend Mildred
Drawley, who has requested that memorials be sent to your
Barbara R.
Fireflies … Continues from page 19
them no more.
On the way home father said that they must not put off their
preparations any longer. The cold weather might come on quite
suddenly, and if they were not ready they would be in a bad way.
And so they started preparing at once.
First of all mother had to make provision for the winter’s
food. They moved all the supplies in from the larder to the
kitchen: peas and barley, millet and semolina and flour, some
lentils and a little butter, too. Then they started putting in the
wood, which was all neatly stacked in a sunny spot out at the
back. They brougt into the little kitchen too—as much as they
could find room for. They piled up the rest in the hall, right up
to the door. Then father climbed up the ladder and through the
hatch into the loft. There they had stowed away a quantity of
soft, dry moss. This he spread all over the loft floor, in order to
prevent the cold striking down into the room below. He threw
the rest down through the hatch, which he decided to nail down
Continues on page 22
Glorious Hope • Slavná nadìje • January–February 2003
Establishing Standards
Tom Devine
ne weakness in today’s youth is the
absence of personal convictions and
We’ve become an anything-goes society of
young people. We’ve been labeled “Generation X.” We’re a generation of young people
that stands for nothing, allows anything, and
accepts everything. We’ve lowered the standard
of Christian living as a whole. Let’s face it, it’s
the truth. Yet the Bible says we are a chosen
generation, and as a chosen generation, the light
of the world, we have to take a stand for things
the Bible says is right, as well as a stand against
what it says isn’t.
How have the standards of today’s Christian teenager got to
be so low? Well, for starters, we’ve totally forgotten about daily
Bible reading and devotions. Let’s be honest with ourselves.
We’re going through the day, and in many cases our lives, without seeking God’s face through his word, or through prayer. I
don’t mean reading one chapter of the Bible, and a five-minute
prayer. I’m talking about seeking God’s face as to what’s right,
and what’s wrong. In today’s world, the difference between
what’s right and what’s wrong is so obvious, yet it’s being made
to seem so unclear. But the Bible is clear as to what’s right and
what’s wrong; the Bible says that when a person knows to do
right, and doesn’t do it, it’s sin. Today’s world
says that the standard should be lowered to the
point that everyone is ok, and that nothing is
“And I sought for a man among them, that
should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap
before me for the land, that I should not destroy
it, but I found none” (Ezek. 22:30). I challenge
you to go read Genesis 37:1–50:26.That’s the
story of Joseph. Joseph is an excellent example
for you and me. He was a young man of standards and convictions. Read through the book
of Daniel.
I challenge you to find in God’s word what
can happen if just one person takes a stand for Christ. I challenge you to raise the standard of the Christian life in your youth
group. I dare you to be a Daniel or a Joseph. I dare you to be
an example to a world that is in desperate need of someone
who will show them the truth. Hey, have a backbone. There’s
a hymn that is called “I wonder have I done my best of Jesus.”
You can’t do your best without holding a high standard. Be
different, soar like the eagles above the storms of this life. Trust
me, having high standards and convictions is not as bad as you
might think. Try it. Be different!
Invitation: Mission Trip to the Czech Republic
N the January 2002 issue of Glorious Hope,
Dr. Joseph Solc gave us the opportunity to
read about missionary work, and if you
faithfully read our magazine, you have probably already read the news of work at the
Senior Centre in Ostrava, Czech Republic. The
youth have received many invitations to work
there, and we are currently receiving specific
job information. This is a great opportunity
for missionary service in our homeland, to
contact young people in Czech and to help
not only senior citizens, but also young adults
and children. The language should also not
be a problem, as many Czech youth speak
English as well.
If you are a person who has the desire
to lead others to Christ, this invitation is for
you. God willing, this trip is being planned for
the summer of 2004 for about two to three
Glorious Hope • Slavná nadìje • January–February 2003
If this interests you, write a letter or email to
the editors to let them know, and if you want to
get in touch with other young people interested
in going, we will give you their email addresses
(e.g. the Toronto youth). For organizational reasons, please reply as soon as possible, and
come because it will be fun!!
Remember: “The door into the Czech Republic is wide open. God desires that all people
be redeemed. God is capable of bringing the
whole Czech nation unto Himself as He did
during the time of John Hus. But remember
that God uses His missionaries to bring about a
great awakening. Are you still ready to become
God’s ambassadors? It is risky but highly
rewarding.” (Dr. Josef Solc, Doing Missions
in the Post-Communist Czech Republic)
Jan Karafiát
Part 3
utumn had come. The days grew shorter and darker, the
nights longer and colder, and the Fireflies knew that very
soon they would be unable to fly about. But father had
promised Godfather that he and mother and Lucius would come
and pay them one last visit before the cold weather began.
“We will go tomorrow,” he said, “in case winter sets in suddenly.” And so it was decided that they should come the very
next day as soon as breakfast was over.
You should have seen the welcome they received, the kissing and hugging. Lucius kissed Godfather’s and Godmother’s
hands. But there was yet someone else. Godmother took Lucius
by the hand and said, “Lucius, this is Jeanine—come here and
kiss her hand.” Lucius did and at once hid behind his mother.
Then they all gathered round the fire and everyone started talking. But Godmother got up and went out into the hall. Lucius
followed her, “I wonder what there is in the cupboard today,
“Well, Lucius, there are some cheese and poppy-seed cakes,”
said Godmother. She already carried a plateful of them and
everybody took a cake. Lucius wanted to try the cheese one,
too. And so he did and they all went on talking.
But Lucius wasn’t feeling very happy. He called to Lucinda
to come and sit next to him.
“I want to ask you something,” he whispered aloud, “who
is Jeanine?” “Well, she’s just Jeanine.”
“But whom does she belong to?”
“She doesn’t belong to anyone. She belongs to herself.”
“But hasn’t she got a father and a baby-firefly?” “No, she
lives all by herself.”
“Over the wood, where all that lovely heather is. She has a
pretty little house tucked away in the moss.”
“But she keeps looking at me.”
“Don’t be silly. She’s so kind. You remember that honey?
Well, it was Jeanine who gave us that.”
“But she keeps on…” Lucius got no further for Godmother
called Lucinda to come out into the hall with her. Lucius hurried
after them.
“Oh, Godmother,” he said, “is there something more in
the cupboard?”
“Oh yes, I should think so. Why, this is the very last time
you're visiting us this year. We shan’t see you again till next
“Do tell me what it is.”
“Just wait a minute. Won’t you be surprised! Come along, you
can help us to bring it in.” Lucius was only too delighted to be
allowed to help. But this time they did not go to the cupboard,
but to the little larder which was at the back. Oh, what a lovely
big purple grape was lying there. Godmother and Lucinda carried it carefully into the room, and Lucius lent a hand too.
“Put it down on the table,” said Godfather, “then I can
handle it.” He had a tiny tap, and with a little hammer he
knocked off the bit of stalk and neatly put the tap in its place.
Godmother held a crystal goblet beneath it while he turned it.
Juice came running out, red and sparkling.
Lucius’ mother had the first drink, then Jeanine, then Godmother. After her came father and Godfather. Lucius and Lucinda
also had a little sip, just a tiny one. How sweet it was! But a
little strong, they agreed. So Godmother sent Lucinda out with
a jug to get some dew from the meadow. Lucinda ran off and
was back soon. Then Godfather pulled the table nearer to the
fireplace, filled the glass half with juice and half with dew and it
was handed round again, while they sat and talked. Godfather
told them of an adventure he had had not very long after he and
Godmother were married.
He had started off one evening just after the sun had gone
down, and had been busy all night giving people light. But just
as he was setting out for home at day break, a great woodpecker
suddenly appeared from among some trees and started chasing
him. Poor Godfather was terribly frightened. He thought his
last moment had come and that he was going to be swallowed
up alive; but he kept his wits. Swift as lightning he made straight
for a beech tree; swift as lightning the woodpecker was after him.
Godfather squeezed himself into a crack in the bark. The woodpecker dug his beak into the crack. Godfather was shaking all
over with fright and his hair stood on end. What would become
of his little wife if anything should happen to him? He pushed
his way further and further into the crevice, and the woodpecker
pushed in his beak deeper and deeper after him. But in the end
he could not get it any further in. Then he flew away. Godfather
waited for a while and then crept slowly out of the crack. Very
slowly, very cautiously he came out, keeping watch all the while
in case the woodpecker should be waiting for him close by. But
he had disappeared, and Godfather flew off home.
The sun was high in the heavens by the time he got back.
All this time Godmother had been running and flying about,
crying and asking everybody she met whether they had seen
or heard anything of her husband. But no one was able to give
her any news of him. At last she went to see Jeanine’s father.
He wasn’t able to tell her anything about Godfather either, but
he comforted her by saying that Godfather had always been
obedient and that God takes care of all obedient fireflies. And
if something bad happened to them it was God’s will and she
should not cry. “Go home, dear, and try to wait patiently,” said
Jeanine's father.
So Godmother started off home; and whom should she meet
on her way but Godfather himself coming to meet her?
You can imagine how happy they both were.
Everybody was glad that the story had such a happy ending.
But little Lucinda began to cry.
Glorious Hope • Slavná nadìje • January–February 2003
“What’s the matter?” Lucius asked her.
“Supposing the woodpecker had swallowed daddy up,” sobbed
“But he didn’t,” said Lucius and Godfather added, “Why, you
weren’t even born then.”
“I don’t see what difference that makes,” Lucinda went on
And now it was father’s turn to tell a story. He told them how,
when he was quite young, Jeanine’s father used to take him and
Godfather out flying, showing them where to go and how to find
their way about, and how they listened to all he told them and
learnt many things from him. And how one day, when they were
flying on their own, Jeanine’s father joined them.
“Come with me, boys, I’ll take you somewhere,” he said. “But
you must promise to be quiet and behave yourselves.”
They said they would very much like to go. So off they all
flew together. On and on they went till they came to a big town
with beautiful gardens. At the end of it they came to a big and
beautiful building with its own garden. It had large windows
and a great door even bigger than the windows. Light flooded
out through both windows and the door stood wide open, and
through it crowds of people went streaming in; young and old,
boys and girls.
“We will not go in through the door,” said Jeanine’s father;
“I can see an open window on this side; we’ll go in there.” They
flew in at the window and settled down on the ledge. From there
they could see all that was going on inside. From the high ceiling
hung three great chandeliers, shining brightly. Down on the floor
there were rows of pews. Those coming in stood quietly for a
few moments before sitting down. Everybody had brought two
books and opened one of them. And then one man got up on a
kind of scaffolding and all began to sing. It was so beautiful. After
finishing their song, all got up and the man on the scaffolding
began to pray, saying that they were disobedient people with no
courage. He asked God to forgive them for the sake of his beloved
Son and bless them in his Spirit. Then he opened a big book on
the little table in front of him and read aloud about a handful
of people and how small they were and yet, they should not be
afraid. Then, when they all sat down again, he was telling them
that anyone who fears God doesn’t have to be afraid of anyone
else, and what is more, mustn’t be afraid, because the Lord God
doesn’t want him to. Then they were praying and singing again
and as they left they put something on a plate at the door and it
“Wasn’t it beautiful, boys,” said Jeanine’s father. “But now
we have to make up for lost time and shine.” And off they went
shining. After that they quite often went back and it was there that
they learned the little prayer that they always said at bedtime:
Underneath your sheltering wings,
Take, we pray, all living things.
Watch us all from heaven above,
God of mercy, God of love.
Lucius was enjoying the stories and talk very much, only he
felt a little uncomfortable because Jeanine seemed to be watching
him. And now she came over and spoke to him.
“And when are you going to start flying in earnest, Lucius?”
she asked. She said it so kindly and smiled so sweetly that Lucius
Glorious Hope • Slavná nadìje • January–February 2003
stopped feeling uncomfortable at once.
“Oh, quite soon,” he said.
“Yes, I expect it won’t be very long now. You’re getting
so big and strong. If only you’re obedient enough! I wonder,
Lucius. I’d love to come and see you start off on your first
flight. May I?”
Lucius promised that she should be invited, and his mother
smiled and said that perhaps it would be on Midsummer night
next year. And so it was all settled.
And now everybody got ready to depart, for the time had
come to say goodbye for a long time.
“Oh, the winter is coming again,” complained mother.
But Godfather comforted her. “God willing, the summer
will come here again and then we shall all meet once more.”
Then everybody said “Goodbye, and God bless you” and
the guests set off for home. It seemed suddenly to have turned
colder, and they did not linger on the way. Jeanine flew off to
the heather near the wood, Lucius and his parents made for the
bank under the juniper tree. When they were half-way across
the meadow Lucius looked back. Jeanine had already disappeared; Godfather and Lucinda were standing at the door of
their cottage under the oak tree, looking after them. “Goodbye,
goodbye till next summer,” called out Lucius, and they saw
Continues on page 16
Attention! Attention!
Do you children enjoy the stories about Lucius?
Surely you can imagine what
the little firefly looked like. We
know that it had wings so that it could fly and he
certainly had little legs so that he could crawl.
He also needed a lamp with which to light his
way. You know what kids? Draw a picture of Lucius, and
send your picture to the publishing office. We would like to
know what you think he looks like. The story about Lucius
is very long, so we will publish it in short episodes that will
be continued in every issue. We will gladly illustrate your
picture of Lucius in our magazine.
Don’t wait! Pick your pencil or crayons up now and draw!
You can even paint Lucius if you want to. Send your picture
as soon as possible because we are preparing the next
issue of Glorious Hope and we need your picture in it!
Jan Karafiát
3. Èást
yl podzim. Svìtla ubývalo a zimy pøibývalo, a tak
brouèci že už nikam nepoletí. Jenom musel tatínek
kmotøíèkovi slíbit, že se k nim pøijde s maminkou a s
Brouèkem ještì jednou podívat, a to hned zejtra, døív než udeøí
zima. A tak druhý den po snídani, že pùjdou ku kmotøièce.
A šli, Však už na nì èekali. Dávali si po hubièce, a Brouèek
líbal ruku. Ale byl tam ještì nìkdo, Kmotøièka vzala Brouèka
za ruku.
„Pojï, Brouèku, polib také tadyhle Janince ruku.” A Brouèek
políbil, honem se však schoval za maminku. Sedli kolem kamen
a zaèali si povídat. Ale kmotøièka šla do sínì k almaøe, a Brouèek
za ní. „Kmotøièko, co pak máte?” „I, Brouèku, pekli jsme koláèe
s tvarohem a s mákem. “A už jich nesla kmotøièka plný talíø, a
každý si jeden vzal, a Brouèek, že zkusí
také ještì jeden tvarohový. A vzal si také
jeden tvarohový, a sedìli kolem kamen
a povídali si. Ale Brouèkovi se to jaksi
nehezky sedìla,
„Pojï sem, Beruško, já ti nìco
A Beruška šla, a Brouèek jí šeptal
nahlas do ucha: „Poslouchej, kdo pak
to jest ta Janinka?”
„I, to jest Janinka.”
„Èí pak ona jest?”
„I, ona není nièí, ona jest sama svá.”
„A co pak nemá žádného brouèka a
„Ne, ona jest sama.”
„A kde pak zùstává?”
„Pane, tam u lesa ve vøase. Takovou má
krásnou chaloupku z mechu.”
„Ale když se poøád tak moc na mne
„I jdi hloupý. Vždy ona jest hodná. Víš
ten med ten jsme dostali od ní.”
„Ale když ona…"
Tu však volala kmotøièka Berušku. Šly
do sínì, a Brouèek honem za nima.
„Kmotøièko, vy ještì nìco máte?”
„Mám. Vždy už jste zde letos naposledy. Až zas v letì.”
„Co pak máte?”
„Poèkej, to se podivíš. Pojï, pomùžeš nám.”
A Brouèek že pomùže. A šli, ale ne do almary. Tam do zadu na
dvùr mìli ještì komoru, a v té komoøe—ó, tam mìla kmotøièka stát
celé zrnko vína, tak jak se z hroznu utrhlo, takové krásné modré,
až do èervena. A teï se ho kmotøièka s Beruškou chopily a nesly
je celé, tak jak bylo, do svìtnice, a Brouèek jim pomáhal. „Postavte
je tadyhle na stùl, to bude nejlepší,” radil kmotøíèek. Kohoutek
už mìl na pohotovì, vzal ještì kladiveèko, vyrazil stopku, nasadil
kohoutek, a kmotøièka už držela køišálový koflíèek, aby do nìho
kmotøíèek natoèil. A kmotøíèek do nìho natoèil, až se to rdìlo a
pøímo vyskakovalo.
A teï si zavdala nejdøív maminka, pak Janinka, potom
kmotøièka, po ní tatínek, pak kmotøíèek, a Brouèkovi a Berušce
také dali, ale jenom líznout. A všickni si to velmi velice chválili,
takové to bylo sladké! Jenom se jim to zdálo být moc silné. A tak
kmotøièka: „Beruško, honem skoè na palouk se džbánem pro rosu.”
A Beruška honem skoèila na palouk se džbánem pro rosu.
Kmotøíèek pøitáhl stùl blíž ke kamnùm, natoèil do koflíèku
vína jen do polovic, dolil rosou a podával kolem. A tak si sedìli a
povídali: Jak jednou bylo s kmotøíèkem zle. Bylo to brzy po tom,
když se s kmotøièkou sebrali. Vyletìl hned po slunce západu,
celou noc pìknì svítil, a když už k ránu letìl zas domù, tu se
najednou objevila taková velikánská žluna a už už ho chtìla za živa
spolknout. Kmotøíèek se náramnì lekl, ale honem se vzpamatoval,
a frrr na buk, ale žluna hrrr za ním. A tak
kmotøíèek honem do skuliny, ale žluna
zobákem hned za ním, a že byla díra
malá, už ji zobákem tesala. Kmotøíèek se
strachem celý tøásl, a vlasy mu vstávaly.
„Co by si jen ta kmotøièka doma poèala,
kdyby takhle!” a zalízal do skuliny dál a
dál, ale žluna také zobákem dál a dál, až
už dál nemohla a kmotøíèka nechala. A
kmotøíèek chvíli ještì èekal a pak pomalounku vylízal. Ale opatrnì a dobøe se
ohlížel, jestli tam žluna nìkde nesedí.
Ale nesedìla, a tak letìl kmotøíèek
honem domù.
Slunce už bylo vysoko na nebi, a
kmotøièka byla celá polekána. Volala
a plakala, lítala a bìhala, dívala a ptala
se, ale nikde nic, o kmotøíèkovi nikdo
nevìdìl. Až zabìhla k Janinèinu tatínkovi.
A on také nic nevìdìl, ale jen aby prý
kmotøièka nic neplakala, kmotøíèek že
býval poslušný, a poslušné brouèky že má
Pán Bùh na starosti, tak že se jim nemùže
nic stát, a i když se jim nìco stane, že jest
to tak dobøe, že to Pán Bùh tak chtìl, a že nesluší brouèkùm moc
plakat a naøíkat. Aby jen šla kmotøièka domù a pìknì èekala. A
kmotøièka šla domù, a když jde, tu jí pøichází kmotøíèek naproti.
To mìla radost!
A tak si to povídali a byli rádi, že už jest to pryè, Ale Beruška
se dala pøi tom do pláèe.
„Co pak ti jest?” ptal se jí Brouèek.
„I, kdyby mnì byla ta žluna tatínka sežrala!”
„Ale vždy ti ho nesežrala,”
A kmotøíèek k tomu doložil: „Milá Beruško, tenkrát jsme tì
ještì ani nemìli.” Ale Beruška, že nech, a vzlykala pøece.
A teï vypravoval tatínek: Když kmotøíèek a tatínek byli ještì;
hoši a mìli poprvé letìt, že je vzal Janinèin tatínek s sebou, ukazoval jim cestu a povídal jim, co kdy a jak. A oni se tomu pìknì od
Glorious Hope • Slavná nadìje • January–February 2003
nìho nauèili. A jednou, když už sami lítali, pøidal se k nim Janinèin
tatínek a povídal: „Pojïte, hoši, já vás nìkam zavedu. Ale musíte
být tiší a dávat pozor.” A oni že ano. A letìli a letìli, až pøiletìli
k takovému krásnému mìstu. Kolem byly krásné zahrady, a tam,
už skoro za mìstem, v jedné té zahradì u cesty stál veliký krásný
dùm okna náramnì veliká a dvéøe ještì mnohem vìtší. A ta okna
byla plna svìtla, a ty dvéøe byly dokoøán otevøeny, a do tìch dveøí
vcházeli poøád lidé, staøí i mladí, hoši i holky. A Janinèin tatínek
povídal: „Pojïte, hoši, nepoletíme tam dveømi. Tamhle jest kousek
okna otevøeno.” A vletìli tam oknem, sedli si dole na rámec a dívali
Od stropu dolù visely tøi velikánské svícny a krásnì svítily. Dole
na zemi bylo plno lavic. Když kdo pøišel, vkroèil do lavice, zùstal
chvilku stát, díval se do klobouku a pak si pìknì sedl; mìl s sebou
pod paží dvì knihy a tu jednu si otevøel. Až tu jeden z nich vystoupil
na takové lešeníèko, kde byl malý stoleèek, a že budou zpívat. A
zaèali zpívat a tak krásnì zpívali. A když dozpívali, vstali, a ten na
tom lešeníèku poèal se modlit: že jsou nestateèní lidièkové, a že byli
nepošlušní, aby jim to Pán Bùh odpustil pro milého Syna svého,
a svým Duchem aby je posvìtil. Potom otevøel tam na stoleèku
velikánskou knihu, a èetl z ní o hrstce a o èervíèkovi, a že aby se
nebál. A když si zas sedli, tu jim pìknì vypravoval, když nìkdo se
bojí Pána Boha, že se nemusí nikoho bát, ba že ani nesmí, protože
to Pán Bùh nechce. Pak se zas modlili, a zas zpívali, a když už
vycházeli, dávali u dveøí nìco na talíø, až to cinkalo.
„ Viïte, hoši, to to bylo hezké,” povídal Janinèin tatínek. „Ale
teï musíme zase honem svítit, abychom to dohonili.” A tak honem
svítili, A od té doby tam tatínek s kmotøíèkem èasto byli, a té
modlitbièce, kterou se vždy pøed spaním modlí, se tam nauèili,
Oni ji tam zpívávali:
Pod veèer tvá èeládka,
Co k slepici kuøátka,
K ochranì tvé hledíme,
Laskavý Hospodine.
A tak si povídali, a Brouèkovi se to líbilo. Jenom že se Janinka
tak moc na nìj dívala. Jaksi se jí jakoby bál. A tu ona se k nìmu
obrátí: „Nu, Brouèku, kdy pak ty poletíš?” A že mu to tak pìknì
øekla, a hezky se na nìho usmívala, tak on se už tak moc nebál.
„Ó brzy.” „I už budeš pomalu dost velký. Jen jestli umíš dost
poslouchat! Uvidíme. Ale snad mne pozveš, až ponejprv poletíš,
abychom tì vyprovodili?”
A Brouèek že pozve, a maminka k tomu s radostí doložila, že
už to snad bude o pøíštím svatém Janì.
A pøi tom zùstalo. Už vstávali a strojili se k odchodu. „Ach, zas
ta zima!” naøíkala maminka. „I dá Pán Bùh, bude zas léto, a zas
se uvidíme,” tìšila ji kmotøièka. A poèalo louèení. Pìknì se líbali
a Pánu Bohu porouèeli. Už bylo skoro chladno, a tak spìchali.
Janinka tam k lesu do vøasy. Brouèek s tatínkem a s maminkou
tam do stránì pod jalovec. Už byli v prostøed palouku, když se
Brouèek ještì jednou ohlídl. Janinka už byla pryè; kmotøíèek a
Beruška stáli pøed chaloupkou pod dubem, a dívali se za nimi. „S
Pánem Bohem, kmotøièko, až zas v letì,” zkøikl Brouèek. A už je
nebylo vidìt.
Už cestou povídal tatínek: „Ne, není co odkládat. Mohla by
najednou udeøit zima, a bylo by s námi zle. Musíme se hned dát
do práce.” A hned se dali do práce. Nejdøív, aby mìla maminka
na zimu všechno pohotovì. A tak jí pøenesli z komory všecko do
Glorious Hope • Slavná nadìje • January–February 2003
kuchyòky, hrách a kroupy a jáhle a krupici a mouku, také trošku
èoèky, a pak ještì jiskøièku másla. Na to hned se pustili do døíví.
Mìli je tam na dvorku pìknì vyrovnané na výsluní. A tak je nanesli
do kuchyòky, co se tam jen vešlo, a k tomu ještì plnou síò, až po
samé dvéøe. Pak vylezl tatínek po žebøíèku vikýøem na hùru. Tam
bylo plno suchouèkého drobného mechu. Tím strop pìknì ukryl,
aby jim nebylo od shury zima, ostatek pak sházel dolù, a dvíøka od
vikýøe radìji pøibil. Vloni jim je vítr vyrazil, a divže celou støechu
neroztrhal. Ještì štìstí, že nebyla tak zlá zima. A teï chodili kolem
chaloupky, a kde byla jaká skulinka, dobøe ji ucpali, tak že nemohlo
nikde ani profouknout. Pak zavøeli dvéøe na petlici, zastrèili špejlek,
a celé dvéøe zarovnali døívím, aby jim v síni nezavazelo. Naposledy
po všem vycpali mechem okna, jak v kuchyòce, tak ve svìtnici, a
dobøe je prkénkem zabednili. Svìtla mìli dost a dost. A teï a si
tøeba mrzne! Však ono už venku burácelo.
Tak se jen ještì pomodlili:
Pod veèer tvá èeládka,
Co k slepici kuøátka,
K ochranì tvé hledíme,
Laskavý Hospodine,
pac a pusu, „Pán Bùh s námi a zlý pryè,” a lehli a spali a spali a
Pøetištìno s povolením
Kresby: Daniel Kulich a Nicole Malek
Pozor! Pozor!
Líbí se vám vyprávìní o Brouèkovi, dìti?
Jistì si umíte pøedstavit, jak
takový malý Brouèek vypadal.
Víme, že mìl køidélka, aby mohl létat.
Urèitì mìl nožky, aby mohl lézt. Potøeboval
také svìtélko, aby mohl svítit. Víte co, dìti?
Nakreslete Brouèka tak, jak si myslíte, že vypadal
a pošlete obrázek do redakce. Rádi bychom vìdìli, jak
si Brouèka pøedstavujete. Vyprávìní o Brouèkovi je velmi
dlouhé, budeme Brouèkova dobrodružství otiskovat
na pokraèování. Vaše obrázky s radostí použijeme pro
Neèekejte, vezmìte si tužku nebo pastelky a kreslete!
Mùžete použít i barvy a Brouèka namalovat. Pošlete
obrázek, co nejdøíve, protože pøipravujeme další èást a
možná vᚠobrázek bude právì ten nejvhodnìjší!
hose of you who live in northern climates
know that this winter was no breeze. Southern New England, where I live, got belted
any number of times. We can hardly remember a
weather forecast predicting just a “dusting of snow.”
We’ve been dealing this year with cascading white and
blizzards. Recently I had to go out and liberate my
mailbox so that the postal carrier could see it once
again and resume deliveries.
Let me give you one day in the life of this winter.
It was February 17th, a holiday known as Presidents’
Day in the U.S. I was minding my own business, trying to stay
out of trouble, doing the work of home, employment, and feeble
promotion of the Kingdom of God, when “what to my wondering
eyes should appear” but 19 inches of snowfall, to say nothing of
drifts built by winds like those of Antarctica. Just a couple towns
over on that day the statistic was 24 inches; a couple states away
it was 30–40 inches. Are you getting a picture? The winter of ’03
wasn’t child’s play or a mere whistling of “Dixie.”
Most of the evening of February 17th I spent with shovel in
hand and steering the snow thrower. It took forever to do the
driveway, the long walkways of our corner lot, and some of the
neighbor’s property. The worst part was the bottom of the driveway, where town’s responsibility for street and my responsibility
for personal property meet. Here, across an expanse of perhaps ten
or twelve feet, is where winter’s real battles always take place. The
homeowner shovels and clears until this area is spotlessly clean for
unhindered ingress/egress of vehicles tucked in the garage. And,
inevitably, within twenty minutes of completing that job, a huge
city snowplow rounds the corner and deposits from its road scraping a wall of packed snow and ice rocks approximately the size of
the Appalachian Mountains. This, in precisely the spot you have
just spent the previous hour and a half clearing. So the digging
begins all over again. Bit by bit the blockage comes down, and the
precious span is once more cleared. You, deservingly, go indoors
to the refreshment of a night of sweet sleep, slightly troubled all
night long, though, by subconscious imagination that the snow
plow is returning and returning. And guess what? It did. In the
morning, no evidence down there at the end of the driveway that
any personal effort in the least had been put into clearing snow
buildup within the last thirty days.
At this point one learns the experience of Jesus’ disciple Peter,
who asked the Lord, “Must I forgive (and shovel) as many times
as seven?” “Forget it! Seventy times seven!”
Brothers and sisters, in many ways life is an errand of turning
chaos into order. Sometimes, toward that end, exactly the same
effort must be retaken, because results were not what they should
have been the first, second, third, fifth, or tenth times around.
Look, this is for sure: God gave no guarantee that our efforts to
bring about things worthwhile, constructive, and corrective in life
will be frustration-free. What God did do was call us to faithfulness
in tasks of seeing to improvement in family, church, community
and world, in trying to rework these things, and ourselves, into
closer and closer conformity with the patterns of Christ.
Our job: disorder into order; chaos into straightening.
At the beginning of human time God gave the
mandate, “tend the Garden;” keep things on
track. Even if it takes the sweat of brow, bring
order—whatever your time on earth, wherever
your hand may fall.
In the age we are now living, sin overruns just about everything. It messes up so much
of God’s good creation. We face a world coming
apart at the seams—so much that is unraveling. In
view of that, these days should be ones of excitement for us over the calling and opportunities we
have to make a difference in the world. Remember, Jesus specifically prayed that the Father would not take his followers out of
the world. We know the mind of God and the will of the Lord to
redeem and renew all things, make them right again. And unless I
have totally misread the Scriptures, we folk of humble means and
abilities (but followers of Christ) are to be doing things in ways
little and large to restore, reorganize, and bring hope back into
the picture of human experience as God gives us the strength.
We do so in faith, never by our own wits or wisdom.
No matter how many times you may have gone after
that job, there is more to clean up and/or clear away. So much
that is in disarray. Work at it while still you have the light of day.
“Work, for the Night Is Coming,” when no one any longer will
be able to undertake anything for the sake of their God.
Order out of chaos—wherever you can. Get the snow
shovel out; here comes the plow again!
Robert Dvorak
Fireflies … Continues from page 16
because the year before the wind had forced it open and had
nearly blown off the roof, too. Fortunately it had not been a very
hard winter. After this they went round the cottage, filling up
every little hole and crevice so that no cold could come in. Then
they bolted the door, locked it and piled the wood up against it.
And when all this had been done they covered up the windows
with moss, in both the kitchen and the parlour, and put boards
over them. You see, fireflies don’t need to worry about lack of
Already the wind was rising outside. But now it could freeze as
hard as it liked—they were safe and snug in their little home.
They said their bed-time prayer:
Underneath your sheltering wings,
Take, we pray, all living things.
Watch us all from heaven above,
God of mercy, God of love.
They kissed one another saying, “May God guard us from
all harm,” and went to bed. And they slept—and they slept—and
they slept…
Reprinted with permission
Glorious Hope • Slavná nadìje • January–February 2003
Natasha Legierski
Nataša Legierská
oneliness is a state in which
we can easily find ourselves.
It comes, as a rule, when
we least need it. We feel loneliness
most when we are going through
a hard time, through the trials and
tribulations of life, or following
the loss of a loved one. Loneliness
can surprise us, or even downright
ambush us. In the case of a mother who has brought up her
children, it may come from dealing with feeling unneeded in
the second half of life. A person can feel lonely even when surrounded by people. Loneliness is not picky; it visits us all. How
can we handle loneliness? We have several options. In every case
it is dependent on the characteristics of the individual. While
some may experience self-pity and close themselves off more,
others may call attention to themselves with profuse talk about
their illnesses, their feelings, and past experiences. In both cases,
the individual is gradually isolated from society. Lonely people
often become unbearable to people around them, and the feeling of loneliness only grows. Other people seek escape through
increased activity. They keep themselves busy so they do not feel
lonely. This approach seems to derive from the unwillingness of
people to admit they are lonely. Too much activity can lead to
overwork and various other problems. Loneliness will appear
again, which is what the person is actually running from. So
what is the solution?
The reality is that people cannot face up to loneliness alone.
Focusing on self in any way will not bring a solution or self-satisfaction. Order in life comes from deference to God’s leading
and from focusing not inward but upward and outward. The view
upward is fixed on the Lord Jesus, who on the cross experienced
the most extreme loneliness. The view outward allows us to see
other people, our loved ones. It enables us to listen without
overbearing criticisms, to be perceptive to other people’s needs,
and to see others through the eyes of Jesus. The prerequisite is
regular fellowship with the Lord. This brings equanimity to our
life’s journey, a journey that can often be so bitter. It is easier to
write about loneliness than to actually face it. The fight against
loneliness is a fight against something fundamental to people. It
can lead to God or away from Him. It is up to us which. Commitment cannot be made without hope.
“Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in
honor giving preference to one another, not lagging in diligence,
fervent in spirit, serving the Lord; rejoicing in hope, patient in
tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer.…Rejoice with those
who rejoice, weep with those who weep.…Repay no one evil for evil.
Have regard for good things in the sight of all men. If it is possible,
as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men” (Romans
12:10–12, 15,17–18, NKJV).
There is a deep blessing and fulfillment in this for our earthly lives.
Our Lord equipped women with an unique degree of awareness.
Let us be grateful for this privilege!
Glorious Hope • Slavná nadìje • January–February 2003
samocenost je stav, ve kterém se èlovìk ocitne velice
snadno. Pøichází zpravidla tehdy, kdy ji nejménì
potøebujeme. Osamocenost pociujeme nejvíce, když
procházíme tìžkým obdobím, životními zkouškami nebo pøi ztrátì
blízkého èlovìka. Osamocenost nás pøekvapí nìkdy pøímo zaskoèí
.V pøípadì matky, která odchovala své dìti, se jedná o vyrovnání se
s pocitem nepotøebnosti v druhé èásti života. Èlovìk se mùže cítit
osamìlý, i když je obklopen spoleèností. Osamìlost si nevybírá.
Navštíví každého.
Jak se s pocitem osamìlosti vypoøádat? Nabízí se nám nìkolik
možností. V každém pøípadì záleží na osobnosti èlovìka, jeho
individualitì a povahových zvláštnostech. Zatímco se jeden èlovìk
lituje a uzavírá se více do sebe, druhý èlovìk na sebe upozoròuje
pøílišným mluvením o své osobì, svých nemocech, pocitech nebo
zážitcích z minulosti. Oba pøípady vedou k postupné izolaci od
spoleènosti, k uzavírání se do vlastního svìta. Èlovìk se stává
pro spoleènost nesnesitelný a pocit osamìlosti se jenom stupòuje.
Další èlovìk, hledá únik zvýšenou aktivitou. Zamìstná se, aby necítil
samotu. Zdá se, že tento pøístup pramení s neochoty èlovìka pøiznat
si stav osamocenoti. Pøíliš mnoho èinnosti vede k pøepracovanosti
a dalším rùzným problémùm. Opìt se dostaví osamocenost, pøed
kterou èlovìk vlastnì utíká.
Jaké je tedy øešení? Skuteèností je, že èlovìk není schopen èelit
osamocenosti sám. Zamìøení se sama na sebe jakýmkoliv zpùsobem
nepøinese øešení ani sebeuspokojení. Øád a poøádek v životì vyplývá
z podøízenosti se Božímu vedení a zamìøení pohledu ne dovnitø, ale
ven a vzhùru. Pohled vzhùru je pohled upøený na Pána Ježíše, který
na køíži prožil nejvyšší stupeò osamocenosti. Pohled smìrem ven
nám dovoluje vidìt druhého èlovìka, bližního. Umìt mu naslouchat
bez povýšené kritiky, být vnímavý a citlivý na jeho potøeby, vidìt ho
oèima Pána Ježíše. Pøedpokladem ovšem je pravidelné obecenství
s Pánem Bohem. To pøináší vyrovnanost poutí životem, který je
mnohdy tak krutý.
Snadnìji se na toto téma píše, než se èelí osamocenosti. Boj
s osamoceností je boj proti podstatì èlovìèenství. Mùže vést k Pánu
Bohu nebo od Nìho. Na nás záleží, který to bude smìr. Závazek èi
odevzdání se nemùže uskuteènit bez nadìje.
„Bratrskou láskou srdeènì milujte jedni druhé, vzájemnì se
pøedcházejte uctivostí, v pilnosti nepolevujte, buïte vroucí duchem,
služte Pánu, v nadìji se radujte, v souženích buïte trpìliví, v modlitbì
vytrvalí.…Radujte se s radujícími a plaète s plaèícími. Nikomu
neodplácejte zlo zlem. Opatrujte dobré pøede všemi lidmi. Je-li to
možné, pokud je na vás, mìjte se všemi lidmi pokoj.“ (Øímanùm 12;
10–12, 15, 17–18, Nová Bible Kralická)
V tom spoèívá hluboké požehnání a plnost pozemského života.
Pán Bùh vybavil ženy zvláštním stupnìm vnímavosti. Buïme Mu
vdìèné za tuto výsadu!
Ladies’ Contribution:
see Donation
on page 15

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