Leden - Webnode


Leden - Webnode
Educational plan Dragons
Winter snow and the Three Kings, winter sports and the Olympics, the plants in winter,
Animal behaviour in winter.
Snow and the Three Kings: snowflakes, snowballs, frost, icicles, snowman, the Three
Kings, robe, a sceptre, gifts, a crown.
Winter sports and the Olympics: all the winter sports + parts of the outfits. The
Olympics: competition, winner, medals, podium, anthem, race, fair-play, training and the
explanation of the Olympic symbols.
Winter nature and animal behaviour: observation of the trees, which stay green?
What are the animals doing? Migrating, Hibernating. Cave, shelter, snug, warmth
Songs and Rhymes:
Let it snow: Oh the weather outside is frightful
But the fire is delightful
And since
we've got no place to go
Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!!
Oh, it doesn't show signs of stopping
And I've brought some corn for popping
the lights are turned way down low
Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!
Creation of an anthem for our preschool on an existing melody.
The hibernating bear:
There once was a bear
Who loved to play
In the woods - every day.
But then the winds
Began to blow
And soon the ground
Was covered with snow.
Oh, Oh, Oh, ice and snow.
Oh, Oh, Oh, I better go-o.
In my cave to sleep all day
Until the cold winds go away.
Activities: Three kings role play from a reading. Observing snow under the microscope.
Mini Olympics obstacle course in our garden. Sorting Winter Olympic sports vs Summer
Olympic sports.
Observation trips to the forest
Arts and Crafts:
Home made snow globe
Contact paper winter collage for the windows
Ceramic Olympic medals
Bear in a cave craft
Literacy and Numeracy:
The shape song
Tracing, cutting, folding with symetry
Number 30 to 40
Practising reverse counting
Creating songs using rhymes
Staging a story
Educational plan Raccoons
Winter, Three Kings, What did we get for Christmas
Key Vocabulary:
Revision of winter clothing (sweater, jacket, scarf, snow boots, gloves), snowflake,
blizzard, icicle, frozen, frosty, Three Kings, gifts/ presents
Group discussion/ show & tell of what we got for Christmas
Weather observations, what has changed?
Songs & Stories:
The Winter Song
Arts & Crafts:
Three Kings craft out of construction paper triangles
Winter Sports
Key Vocabulary:
Winter Olympics, sled, sleigh, ice skating, skiing
Comparing summer and winter Olympics with pictures and videos
Playing in our own winter Olympics in the garden
Arts & Crafts:
“Skiing” collage with cotton balls and magazine pictures
Making our own Olympic trophies and medals
Nature in winter, Winter Animals
Key Vocabulary: change, hibernate, cave, ground, forest, woods
Observing the trees in our garden and forest; which have stayed green? Which have
lost their leaves?
Songs & Stories:
Mr. Raccoon, are you sleeping? (Are you sleeping, are you sleeping? Mr. Raccoon, Mr.
Raccoon. All the snow is falling, all the snow is falling. Sleep, sleep, snooze. Sleep, sleep,
Arts & Crafts:
Nature walk to collect materials, making our own collage out of what we find outside
Paper plate polar bear mask with tissue paper
The Little Monkeys
Main topic: Mrs. Winter
Color of the month: White
Shape of the month: Diamond
Revision of:
basic colors, shapes
counting up to 10
phrases: How are you? Hello, Good bye, I am....
weather: winter, cold, snow, ice, snowflake, snowball, frosty, snowman
songs: Weather song, Days of the week, Months of the year, If you are happy,
verbs: to walk, to run, to eat, to sit, to snowball
New vocabulary:
nouns: snowman, ski, bobsled, sleigh, Three Kings, ice, skiing, skates, skating, mittens,
gloves, hat, scarf, jacket, winter boots, seeds, hill, ice ring, bird feeder
verbs: to snowball, to feed, to ski, to skate,
Songs and rhymes:
Snowflakes, snowflakes ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQoJCpGoL2o )
I´m a little snowman
Twinkle, twinkle little star
On a one snowy day
The birth of Jesus
Three Kings following the star
Snowballing ( outdoor, indoor )
Making a snowman
Winter sensory bins and trays (playing with ice, snow, balls, pom-poms)
Sorting bird seeds
Arts and crafts:
Ice cubes painting
Making paper-yarn gloves and hats
White crayon snowflakes
Painting with natural brushes (pine branches etc.)
Making bird feeders
Class project:
Winter city – finishing the december project
Předškoláci – zima, zimní sporty, povolání
Pranostika: Ve dne jas, v noci mráz
Významné dny v lednu:
1. leden – první den v roce, který má 365 dní
5. leden – 1887 byly u nás poprvé použity lyže
6. leden – Tři králové
9. 1. Co už umím, hláska „R“
Rozcvička: pantomima - „padá vločka“
Písnička: Bude zima, bude mráz
Pracovní listy: Přiřaď čísla obrázkům, Stupňování – nejširší, nejhubenější...
16. 1. Čím budu, hláska „Ř“
Rozcvička: Letí vločka z nebe, (běh po špičkách)
nos ji hrozně zebe, (běh + držíme si nos)
vše se změní rázem, (zastavit, hlava „ANO“)
až dopadne na zem. (rychle do dřepu)
Pracovní listy: Bruslařka (uvolňování zápěstí), Přiřazování předmětů
23. 1. Zimní hry a sporty, hláska „J“
Rozcvička: To je zima, to to zebe, (stoj, ruce hladí tělo)
když padají vločky z nebe. (dřepy)
Obléknem si rukavice, (stoj, třít ruce)
bundy, šály i čepice, (ukazovat na část těla)
vyjdem mezi paneláky, (chůze)
budem stavět sněhuláky. (stoj, ruce jako sněhulák)
Pracovní listy: Trasy, sjezdovka, sáňkování - grafomotorika
30. 1. Sníh, led, mráz, samohlásky
Rozcvička:První vločka, druhá, třetí (počítání na rukou)
z nebe na zem právě letí. (ruce napodobují padající sníh)
Jedna vedle druhé sedá, (dřep)
volné místo ještě hledá. (otáčení hlavou)
Na strom, střechu, silnici (vztyk)
udělají čepici. (rukama dělat střechu)
Pracovní listy: Oblečení – najdi trojice, Dokresli knoflíky podle čísel
Zdroj básniček s pohybem: http://skolaci.com/?cat=3472&paged=5