VCJ/AMP2 Pre-intermediate General English 2


VCJ/AMP2 Pre-intermediate General English 2
VCJ/AMP2 Pre-intermediate General English 2
Course objective and annotation
The objective of VCJ/AMP2 is to develop language skills of general English at level A2 of the Common
European Framework for Languages. It is NOT intended for beginners. It is mainly for those students who
did not attend English courses at secondary school in the standard scope (i.e. 4 years) and will have to
pass the AIII course at level B1. The course focuses on building vocabulary, re-enforcing grammar,
developing reading and listening with understanding and promoting speaking. It works primarily with
common English, i.e. the language used in everyday situations by native speakers. It is two 90 minute
lessons a week.
Course completion and credit value
The course is completed with an ungraded exam for 0 credits.
Students must have a minimum language level in English of level A1 of the Common European
Framework for Languages.
Course schedule
5A – Are you a party animal?
5B – What makes you feel good?
5C – How much can you learn in a
5D – The name of the game
5 – At a department store;
A formal e-mail
6A – If something bad can happen, it
6B – Never smile at a crocodile
6C – Decisions, decisions
6D – What should I do?
6 – At the Pharmacy
Writing to friend
7A – Famous fears and phobias
7B – Born to direct
7C – I used to be a rebel
7D – The mothers of invention
7 – A boat trip
Describing a building
8A – I hate weekends!
8B –
8C –
8D –
How old is your body?
Waking up is hard to do
“I’m Jim.” ”So am I.”
On the phone
Giving your opinion
9A – What a week!
9B – Then he kissed me
Language focus
Verbs with infinitives/ Vazby solves s infinitive
Verbs with –ing form; verbs describing emotions/ Vazby sloves s koncovkou –ing;
slovesa vyjadřující emoce
Modal verbs; modifiers/ Modální slovesa, příslovce
Expressing movement; sport/ Vyjádření pohybu, sport. terminologie
Practical English; Writing/Angličtina pro každodenní situace; psaní
FILE 5 Revise and Check/Opakování
First conditional; confusing verbs/První podmínková věta; slovesa, která se často
Second conditional; animals/Druhá podmínková věta; zvířata
Modal verbs; word building/Modální slovesa; slovotvorba
Modal verbs (should), phrasal verbs (get)/ Modální slovesa, frázová slovesa
Practical English; Writing/Angličtina pro každodenní situace; psaní
FILE 6 Revise and Check/Opakování
Present perfect; guessing meaning from context/Předpřítomný čas; odhadování
významu slov z kontextu
Present perfect and past simple/Předpřítomný a minulý čas
Used to; school subjects/Opakovaná minulost; školní předměty
Passive/Trpný rod
Practical English; Writing/Angličtina pro každodenní situace; psaní
FILE 7 Revise and Check/Opakování
Quantifiers; -ed and –ing adjectives/Vyjádření množství; přídavná jména končící na –
ed, -ing
Quantifiers; health and lifestyle/ Vyjadřování množství; zdraví a životní styl
Phrasal verbs/ Frázová slovesa
So, neither; similarities/ Vyjádření souhlasu a nesouhlasu
Practical English; Writing/ Angličtina pro každodenní situace; psaní
FILE 8 Revise and check/ Opakování
Past perfect;adverbs/ Předminulý čas; příslovce
Reported speech/ Nepřímá řeč
Student requirements
Students are required to attend the classes although they may be absent twice per semester and they
must participate in an active way. They must prepare for the classes as required by their teachers. They
must successfully pass the ungraded exam.
Not fulfilling any of the requirements might be the reason for failing the course.
If a class does not take place due to a national holiday, a rector’s day off, etc., students are obliged to
learn the assigned material by themselves. The same applies if students miss a class for any reason. Their
teachers are available during their office hours to provide them with any tutoring.
Ungraded exam
The ungraded exam consists of a written test covering the material that has been taught in the course.
Students must register in STAG for the test on a date offered by their teachers. To pass successfully,
students must achieve a minimum result of 70%. The written test may be taken three times.
Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig and Paul Seligson: New English File Pre-intermediate SB. Oxford
University Press, ISBN: 0-19-438433-0.
Recommended material
Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig and Paul Seligson: New English File Pre-intermediate WB.
Oxford University Press, ISBN: 0-19-438436-5.
Online study materials to be found at