Červen - Webnode


Červen - Webnode
Milí rodiče,
zdravíme Vás v posledním měsíci školního roku 2012/2013. Rádi bychom Vám
poděkovaly za důvěru a spolupráci během celého školního roku. Je pro nás radost
vidět Vaše děti vyrůstat a radovat se z menších i větších úspěchů, které
každodenně dosahují.
Akce v měsíci červnu:
3.6. oslavíme Den dětí (hry a soutěže ve školce)
10.6. „Námořník Bořík na cestě kolem světa“ – hudební pořad muzikantky Lenky
14.6. Summer Show od 16 hodin na zahradě školky (po besídce a rozloučení
s předškoláky grilování a přespání ve školce)
28.6. Beach Party (rozlučka se školním rokem )
28.-30.6. Víkend Hotel Studánka
Na konci měsíce Vám předáme „Zprávu o rozvoji dítěte“.
Přejeme Vám i Vašem dětem krásné prázdniny a těšíme se na Vás během
prázdninového programu nebo v novém školním roce.
Tým Kindergarten Černošice
Educational plan – Little Monkeys
Main topic:
Summer and travelling
Color of the month: YELLOW
Shape of the month: SQUARE
Revision of:
basic colors, shapes
counting up to 10
adjectives: hot, cold, sweet, salty
phrases: What is your favorite...? I like... Do you like?
Nature: sea, sand, water,
weather: sunny, rainy, cloudy, water
verbs: to swim, to play
New vocabulary:
Food: ice cream, milk shake
weather: summer, beach,
verbs: to dive, to sunbathe, to travel, to drive, to row
nouns: bike, car, bus, train, plane, boat, submarine, bridge, tunnel, shell, swimsuit
adjectives: slow, fast
Songs and rhymes:
„The wheels on the bus“
„Row, row, row your boat“
„Big red train“
„Thomas and his friends“
Sensory bin – playing with water, ice
Building train tracks
Means of transportation - puzzles, lotto
Coloring travelling worksheets
Car races
Playing with origami paper boats
Arts and craft:
Crepe paper ice cream
Paper plate oysters
Beach collage
Hand printed boat
Painting with cars, trains, trucks
Class project:
Egg carton train
Educational plan – Raccoons
Main topics: Transportation, Summer, Summer show
Vocabulary: bus, car, train, truck, tram, airplane, helicopter, boat, pilot, driver,
summer, shorts, bathing suit, beach, lake
Songs and Rhymes:
Walking through the jungle
Open shut them
Daddy finger
Play red light, green light
make paper airplanes
sidewalk chalk drawings
water relay
Prepare for summer show!
Arts and Crafts:
make traffic lights
beach collage
sun catchers
props for summer show
Class project:
Practice summer show
Walking through the jungle
Walking in the jungle. Walking in the jungle. [Pretend to move tree branches out of your
way as you walk in place.]
We're not afraid. We're not afraid. [Cross your arms in front of your body and shake your
head "no".]
Walking in the jungle. Walking in the jungle. We're not afraid. We're not afraid.
One step. Two steps. Three steps forward. [Take three steps forward.]
One step. Two steps. Three steps back. [Take three steps back.]
Stop. [Place both hands out in front of you.]
Listen. [Hold your hand to ear.]
What's that? [Shrug your shoulders and look around.]
It's a frog! [Frog gesture.]
We're not afraid! [Cross your arms in front of your body and shake your head "no".]
Let's stomp.
Stomping in the jungle. Stomping in the jungle. We're not afraid. We're not afraid.
Stomping in the jungle. Stomping in the jungle. We're not afraid. We're not afraid.
One step. Two steps. Three steps forward.
One step. Two steps. Three steps back.
Stop. Listen. What's that?
It's a monkey! [Monkey gesture.]
We're not afraid!
Let's jump.
Jumping in the jungle. Jumping in the jungle. We're not afraid. We're not afraid.
Jumping in the jungle. Jumping in the jungle. We're not afraid. We're not afraid.
One step. Two steps. Three steps forward.
One step. Two steps. Three steps back.
Stop. Listen. What's that?
It's a tiger! [Tiger gesture.]
RUN![Run away!] ♫
Open Shut them
Open shut them, open shut them. [Open and shut your hands.]
Give a little clap, clap, clap. [Clap.]
Open shut them, open shut them.
Put them in your lap, lap, lap. [Pat your legs.]
Big and small.
Big and small. Big and small. [Spread your hands out wide, and then put them close
Big, big, big, big, small, small, small.
Big and small. Big and small.
Big, big, big, big, small, small, small.
Please. No, thank you.
Please. No, thank you. Please. No, thank you.[Clasp your hands under your chin as if asking
for something, then shake your head and wave your hand in front of your face as if saying,
"No, thank you."]
Please, please, please, please. No thank you.
Please. No, thank you. Please. No, thank you.
Please, please, please, please. No thank you.
Fast and slow.
Fast and slow. Fast and slow. [Move your hands round and round quickly, and then slowly.]
Fast, fast, fast, fast, slow, slow, slow.
Fast and slow. Fast and slow.
Fast, fast, fast, fast, slow, slow, slow.
Loud and quiet.
Loud and quiet. Loud and quiet. [Cup your hands around your mouth and shout, and then put
your finger in front of your mouth like you are saying, "Shh."]
Loud, loud, loud, loud. Shh... Quiet.
Loud and quiet. Loud and quiet.
Loud, loud, loud, loud. Shh... Quiet.
Peek-a-boo. Peek-a-boo. [Place your hands in front of your face and then quickly move
them away as you say, "Boo!"]
Peek-a, peek-a, peek-a-boo!
Peek-a-boo. Peek-a-boo.
Peek-a, peek-a, peek-a-boo! ♫
Daddy finger
Daddy finger, daddy finger where are you?
Here I am! Here I am! How do you do?
Mother finger, Mother finger where are you?
Here I am! Here I am! How do you do?
Continue with brother, sister, baby and family
Educational plan – Dragons
Children’s Day, Transportation, Summer Show, Summer
Children’s Day, car, bus, train, airplane, boat, submarine, helicopter, ship, sailboat,
bicycle, motorcycle, beach, sand castle, summer holidays
Songs and Rhymes:
Little Bunny Foo Foo
Lion is the King of the Jungle
I’m Bringing Home My Baby Bumble Bee
Six Little Ducks
Little Red Caboose
summer show
summer beach party
Children’s Day party
Arts and Crafts:
Masks for summer show
paper trains
Class project:
Preparing for the Summer show
Literacy and Numeracy:
practice counting to 50
practice writing numbers 1-50
easy addition
practice letters digraphs (ch, sh, th, ng, oo)
practice first and last sounds of words
3 and 4-sound blending
start reading simple (three letter, short vowel sound) words
Little Bunny Foo Foo: http://www.kididdles.com/lyrics/l007.html
Lion is the King of the Jungle: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FNdHnlPyCcc
Bumble Bee song: http://www.grandparents.com/grandkids/activities-games-andcrafts/baby-bumble-bee
Six Little Ducks: http://www.metrolyrics.com/six-little-ducks-lyrics-raffi.html
Little Red Caboose: http://www.kidsongs.com/lyrics/little-red-caboose.html
– plán pro předškoláky
6.5. Co kdo dělá
Mlynář semele zrní v mouku,
pekař upeče z ní housku.
Knihař knihu sváže,
pro koho – pro čtenáře.
Truhlář pro včely úl postaví,
včelař pak jen včelaří.
Kuchař, ten zas rozbil talíř,
nezaplatil za něj halíř.
Seznámíme se s tradičními i méně známými profesemi. Co je náplní a výsledkem
práce různých lidí? Jak je to s penězi – poznáme naše mince a umíme si spočítat
kolik co stojí? Pomůžou nám situace z reálného života.
13.6. Budu listonošem
Pilot? Básník? Ale ovšem,
já však budu listonošem!
A pak, milá Aničko,
donesu ti psaníčko...
Co musíme vědět a umět abychom mohli poslat dopis? Budeme hodně opakovat
písmenka a dávat je do vzorců. V psaném textu budeme hledat opakující se vzorce,
čeká nás spousta práce s oblíbenými tabulkami Logicco.
20.6. Vědec
Kdo chce poznat celý svět,
kdo chce všemu rozumět,
kouká na svět mikroskopem bude z něho doktor věd.
Jak funguje magnet? Co je to buňka a podaří se nám prohlédnout si nějakou pod
mikroskopem? Budeme se bavit nad kartičkami plných optických klamů. Jako správní
vědci všechno písemně zaznamenáme!
27.6. Hasiči
Co dělají hasiči?
Spouštějí se po tyči.
Potom helmu na hlavu
a spěchají k požáru.
150, 155, 158. Co se stane, pokud vytočíme tato telefonní čísla? A kdy je nutné volat
hasiče, sanitku nebo policii? Povíme si o pojmech příčina a následek a procvičíme je
na pracovních listech a tabulkách.

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