Inf 9_15C Zemska brana


Inf 9_15C Zemska brana
(GC15Y71) Zemska brana / Land Gate by cztweety
Zemska brana / Land Gate
Placed by: cztweety
Placed Date: 09/14/2007
UTM: 33U E 612848 N 5555616
N 50° 08.522 E 016° 34.759
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Long Description
Zemska Brana / Land Gate
(GC15Y71) Zemska brana / Land Gate by cztweety
Prírodní rezervace Zemská brána
Údolí Divoké Orlice u Zemské brány je prírodní rezervací (88,22 ha). Predmetem ochrany je celý
krajinný komplex s lesními porosty na svazích, loukami v tesném okolí reky a balvanitým recištem
Divoké Orlice, jejíž brehy jsou lemovány nápadnými skalními útvary (skalní výchozy, jeskynní
výklenky, ojedinele obrí hrnce aj.). Porosty rezervace tvorí prevážne druhotné smrkové lesy s
vtroušenou jedlí belokorou, bukem lesním a javorem klenem se zbytky kvetnatých bucin svazu
Bezlesé je pouze nejbližší okolí reky, které je také botanicky nejzajímavejší, nebot se zde setkávají
a mísí horské druhy, splavené z vyšších poloh Orlických hor, s druhy podhorskými, které "zemskou
branou", tj. prulomovým údolím, vystupují z podhurí do hor. Rostou zde mj. bledule jarní, kamzicník
rakouský (ten má v Orlických horách severní hranici svého rozšírení), lilie zlatohlávek, violka
dvoukvetá, kruštík širolistý, jednokvítek velekvetý, jilm horský, ruže previslá, náprstník velkokvetý.
Zemská brána (Land Gate) - protected natural piece and favourite beauty spot - is a rocky passage
of the Divoká Orlice, crossing depressed mountain ridge near Cihák village. The river channelled a
romantic valley through solid but cracked gneiss rocks. The narrow stony river bed is flanked by
prominent rocks in the length of some hundreds of meters, savouring an entry gate to Bohemia.
The stony single-vault bridge at the valley beginning was built to convey the road from Ceské
Petrovice to Bartošovice over the river stream strengthens the impression. The bridge was made by
Czech and Italian stonemasons in 1901-1903.
Divoká Orlice valley at the Land Gate has been a nature reserve (88,2 ha) with a 3 km long
educational path passing through. Behind Pašerácká lávka (Smuggler's footbridge) where the steep
rocks space out, an empire style hunting seat "Lusthaus" was erected by J.Koch in 1806, later used
as gamekeeper's lodge. In 1936 it burned and perished, leaving only nearby meadows surrounded by
bush and trees left over.
Downstream on the right side some 60 m high Ledrícek´s rock surpass, creating in the bottom part a
20m high wall with a visible cavern. By folk memory a storied forest robber Ledrícek lived here, pulling
from riches, endowing the poor, master of disguise and extremely courageous. He was an
authenticly documented person, caught several times but always flying away, surviving in his cavern
(GC15Y71) Zemska brana / Land Gate by cztweety
for more than 20 years. During his last escape, trying to climb to his cache, a rope plucked off and
Ledrícek got killed crashing down from the height of 10 meters.
Some 1 km from the bridge a fortification line is passing the valley; right on the river a standalone
infantry casemate R-54 was erected. Proximity of the river necessitated an atypical two-storeyed
Pro zalogovani cache musite splnit tyto podminky:
1) Pripojte k logu foto Orlice a mostu v pozadi spolecne s vami ( není podmínkou, ale za foto budu
rád :) )
2) Poslete mi na email [email protected] nasledujici udaje:
a) Cele datum vyhlasení prirodni rezervace
b) Tri nazvy zastavek naucne stezky Zemska brana
V souladu s pravidly budou smazany logy, nesplnujici uvedene podminky.
You must fulfill the requirements for log this cache:
1) Attach a photo of the river Orlice and the gate in background with you or your GPS unit with a log.
(is not required, but I like )
2) Send to my email following data:
a) The complete date of proclamation nature preserve
b) Names of three stages of nature trail Zemska Brana
The logs which will not comply with the requirements will be deleted.
Co jsou to atributy?
bikes allowed, scenic view, kid friendly, parking available, dogs allowed
Overview Map
[ 640x480 | 320x240 ]
(GC15Y71) Zemska brana / Land Gate by cztweety
Page Generated on 06/18/2014 04:21:33
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