Název školy Střední odborná škola a Střední odborné učiliště


Název školy Střední odborná škola a Střední odborné učiliště
Číslo projektu
Číslo materiálu
Název školy
Střední odborná škola a Střední odborné učiliště, Dubno
Mgr. Alena Šimonovská
Tematická oblast
Anglický jazyk a konverzace
Datum tvorby
Materiál je určen k rozvinutí sluchové receptivní činnosti.
Pokud není uvedeno jinak, použitý materiál je z vlastních zdrojů autora
Žákům rozdáme následující text a necháme každého, ať si ho pročte. Bude sloužit pouze jako
evokace k následné práci a nahrávce, aby si studenti uvědomili, co byla Atlantida. Po přečtení
se třídy zeptáme, co je smyslem textu, jde tedy jen o všeobecné porozumění.
Atlantis is a name for a large island or small continent that might have been in the Atlantic
Ocean a long time ago, but sank into the sea and disappeared.
The story of Atlantis first appears in the stories Timaeus and Critias by the Greek philosopher
Plato. In all of his books, Plato used many interesting stories to help explain his ideas about
government and philosophy. No other ancient writer gave specific details about Atlantis until
after Plato wrote, so most people today think that Plato just made up this story.
After Plato, the idea of Atlantis was mostly forgotten until 1882, when a writer named
Ignatius Donnelly wrote a book saying that Atlantis was real and that the culture of Atlantis
had started many other ancient cultures, such as the Egyptian and Mayan.
After Donnelly's book, many people became interested in Atlantis and began to say that it had
aircraft, submarines, powerful energy crystals, and other things that are not known from
ancient times.
By studying the types of rock that are found in the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, scientists are
sure that there was never really any large island or small continent there, so many people
today think that Plato may have heard a story about another place and moved it to the Atlantic
Ocean in his book.
Different people have thought that many places all over the world have been the place of the
"real Atlantis".
Žáci už by tedy v této chvíli měli vědět, že píseň, kterou uslyší, bude pojednávat o ztraceném
kontinentu. Rozdáme text písně s chybějícími slovy a pustíme píseň “Atlantis” od Donovana
(dostupné na http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ymZqXoE2t8&feature=fvst).
The ___________ of Atlantis was an __________ which lay before the great flood
in the area we now call the Atlantic _________.
So _________ an area of land, that from her western shores
those ___________ sailors journeyed to the South and the North __________ with ease,
in _________ ships with painted sails.
To the East ___________ was a neighbour, across a _________ strait of sea miles.
The great Egyptian _________ is but a remnant of The Atlantian __________.
The antediluvian __________ colonised the world
All the Gods who play in the mythological ___________
In all ___________ from all lands were __________ fair Atlantis.
Knowing her fate, Atlantis ____________ ships to all corners of the ___________.
On board were the ____________:
The poet, the physician, the___________, the ____________,
The ____________ and the other so-called Gods of our legends.
Though Gods they were -
And as the elders of our time __________ to remain ____________
Let us rejoice and let us __________ and __________ and ring in the new
Hail Atlantis!
Way down below the ocean where I ___________ be she may be...
The ___________ of Atlantis was an __________ which lay before the great flood
in the area we now call the Atlantic _________.
So _________ an area of land, that from her western shores
those ___________ sailors journeyed to the South and the North __________ with ease,
in _________ ships with painted sails.
To the East ___________ was a neighbour, across a _________ strait of sea miles.
The great Egyptian _________ is but a remnant of The Atlantian __________.
The antediluvian __________ colonised the world
All the Gods who play in the mythological ___________
In all ___________ from all lands were __________ fair Atlantis.
Knowing her fate, Atlantis ____________ ships to all corners of the ___________.
On board were the ____________:
The poet, the physician, the___________, the ____________,
The ____________ and the other so-called Gods of our legends.
Though Gods they were -
And as the elders of our time __________ to remain ____________
Let us rejoice and let us __________ and __________ and ring in the new
Hail Atlantis!
Way down below the ocean where I ___________ be she may be...
Zde je plné znění textu + v případě zájmu a nedostatku času na překlad, můžeme žákům rozdat
český překlad, viz níže. Můžeme také zdůraznit, že zparodovaná píseň zazněla v jednom z dílů
amerického seriálu Futurama (s02e12).
The continent of Atlantis was an island which lay before the great flood
in the area we now call the Atlantic Ocean.
So great an area of land, that from her western shores
those beautiful sailors journeyed to the South and the North Americas with ease,
in their ships with painted sails.
To the East Africa was a neighbour, across a short strait of sea miles.
The great Egyptian age is but a remnant of The Atlantian culture.
The antediluvian kings colonised the world
All the Gods who play in the mythological dramas
In all legends from all lands were from fair Atlantis.
Knowing her fate, Atlantis sent out ships to all corners of the Earth.
On board were the Twelve:
The poet, the physician, the farmer, the scientist,
The magician and the other so-called Gods of our legends.
Though Gods they were -
And as the elders of our time choose to remain blind
Let us rejoice and let us sing and dance and ring in the new
Hail Atlantis!
Way down below the ocean where I wanna be she may be...
Světadíl, zvaný Atlantida, byl ostrov, který se před "Potopou světa"
nacházel v oblasti, kterou nyní nazýváme Atlantický oceán.
Atlantida měla rozlohu tak velkou, že z jejího západního pobřeží se mohli obyvatelé
ve svých lodích snadno doplavit do Jižní či Severní Ameriky.
Od východní Afriky dělil Atlantidu jen několik námořních mil široký pruh.
Období vrcholného egyptského umění je pouze nepatrným zlomkem atlantské kultury.
Její pradávní králové si podrobili svět,
všichni bohové vystupující v náboženských hrách,
v legendách ze všech koutů světa, pocházeli z Atlantidy.
Atlantida znala předem svůj osud a vyslala proto své lodě do celého světa.
Na palubě bylo dvanáct "Vyvolených":
Byli mezi nimi básník, fyzik, rolník, vědec,
kouzelník a další, takzvaní "Legendární bohové"
A Bohy opravdu byli ...
A protože představitelé naší doby dělají, že nevidí,
Radujme se alespoň my, tancujme, zpívejme a vítejme novou Atlantidu:
Buď zdráva Atlantido!

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