
Název projektu: „ŠKOLA21 - rozvoj ICT kompetencí na ZŠ Kaznějov“
reg. číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.4.00/21.3428
jméno autora DUM: Mgr.Radka Lavičková
datum (období), ve kterém byl DUM vytvořen / ověřen při výuce: září 2012/15.10.2012
ročník, pro který je DUM určen: 8.A
vzdělávací oblast (vzdělávací obor) - dle požadavků šablony III/2: anglický jazyk
anotace (výstižný stručný popis způsobu použití DUM ve výuce): Geography: time zones-basic
informations - English across the curriculum – pracovní list
seznam použité literatury a pramenů: učebnice New Project 3 – str.41,
Geography : time zones
1) Učebnice Project 3 – str.41
 Text – read the text and answer the questions ( ex.1)
 Answer the questions (ex.2)
 Look at the chart. Then complete the time on the clocks. (ex.3)
2) Text – pracovní listy ( From Time Zone A – Z, GMT)
 Read and translate these texts – práce ve skupinách
 Explaine the text
From Time Zone A - Z
There are 25 integer World Time Zones from -12 through 0 (GMT) to +12. Each one is 15° of
Longitude as measured East and West from the Prime Meridian of the World at Greenwich,
England. Some countries have adopted non-standard time zones, usually 30 minutes offset
which have a * designation.
Each Time Zone is measured relative to Greenwich, England. There are both civilian
designations which are typically three letter abbreviations (e.g. EST) for most time zones. In
addition there are military designations. These use each letter of the alphabet (except 'J') and
are known by their phonetic equivalent. E.G. Greenwich Mean Time (civilian) or Z = Zulu
(military and aviation).
Greenwich Mean Time – GMT
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) was adopted as the world’s time standard at the Washington
Meridian Conference in 1884. This conference also established Universal Time, from which
the international 24-hour time-zone system grew. This is why all time zones refer back to
GMT on the prime meridian. The prime meridian at Greenwich, in the United Kingdom, has
served as the reference line for GMT since the late 19th century.
The prime meridian was defined by the position of the large “Transit Circle” telescope in the
Observatory’s Meridian Building in 1884. The cross-hairs in the Transit Circle’s eyepiece
precisely defined longitude 0° for the world. The Earth’s crust is moving very slightly all the
time so the prime meridian’s exact position is now moving very slightly too. However, the
original reference for the world’s prime meridian is still the Airy Transit Circle in the Royal
Observatory in the United Kingdom.
GMT was at first calculated by the 24-hour clock starting at noon. However, since 1925, the
day of GMT starts at midnight. GMT was later renamed to Universal Time, or UT. It is also
known as UT0. It becomes UT1 when it is corrected for the irregular movements of the
terrestrial poles, also known as the Chandler wobble. The Earth’s poles do not spin perfectly
in a straight line.

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VY_32_INOVACE_3_16 Název projektu: „ŠKOLA21 - rozvoj ICT kompetencí na ZŠ Kaznějov“ reg. číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.4.00/21.3428 DUM: VY_32_INOVACE_3/16 jméno autora DUM: Mgr. Radka Lavičková datum (období), ve kterém...
