Konference, granty, stipendia - MU ONLINE APPLICATION for


Konference, granty, stipendia - MU ONLINE APPLICATION for
1. Studijní pobyty a stipendia (str. 1-4)
2. Letní školy (str. 4-110)
Studijní pobyty a stipendia
Čína - stipendia nad rámec mezinárodní smlouvy
Rádi bychom Vás upozornili na blížící se termín uzávěrky pro podávání přihlášek na stipendijní pobyty v Číně.
Jedná se o stipendia čínské vlády ke studiu bakalářských, magisterských i doktorských studijních programů v ČLR počínaje akademickým rokem
2015/2016, jakož i ke studijním či výzkumným stážím v ČLR v délce jednoho až dvou semestrů v akademickém roce 2015/2016.
Termín uzávěrky pro odevzdání přihlášek je 6. březen 2015.
Podrobnější informace jsou zveřejněny na webových stránkách DZS/AIA:
Mgr. Eva Jermanová
Akademická informační agentura
Dům zahraniční spolupráce
Na Poříčí 1035/4 I 110 00 Praha 1
Tel.: +420 221 850 505 I [email protected] I [email protected]
Studijní pobyty a stipendia
Stipendium francouzské vlády na doktorandské studium
Madame, Monsieur,
L’Ambassade de France à Prague offre aux étudiants de nationalité tchèque la possibilité d’obtenir une bourse du Gouvernement français afin
d’effectuer une thèse en co-tutelle ou un stage de recherche dans tous les domaines scientifiques.
The French embassy in Prague offers to Czech students to benefit from a French government scholarship to support “co-tutelle” thesis or a research
internship in any scientific field.
Francouzské velvyslanectví v ČR nabízí českým studentům možnost získat stipendium francouzské vlády na doktorandské studium pod dvojím vedením
nebo výzkumnou stáž ve všech vědních oborech (a jejich podoborech), a to zejména v následujících oblastech.
http://www.ifp.cz/BGF-2015-DC?lang=cs (web page for co-tutelle thesis)
http://www.ifp.cz/BGF-2015-ST?lang=cs (web page for research internship)
C’est le dernier appel à candidatures avant la fermeture des inscriptions.
This is the last call for applying before closing registrations.
Toto je poslední výzva před uzavřením přihlášek.
Clément DIOT
Zástupce atašé pro vědu a vysoké školy
Adjoint de l'Attaché de coopération scientifique et universitaire
Francouzský institut v Praze
Vědecká a univerzitní sekce / Pôle scientifique et universitaire
Štěpánská 35, 111 21 Praha 1
T +420 221 401 003
[email protected] / www.ifp.cz
Studijní pobyty a stipendia
Stipendia - Korejská republika
Z pověření Ministerstva školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy ČR bychom Vás rádi upozornili na aktualizovanou informaci o nabídce stipendijních pobytů v
Korejské republice na našich webových stránkách http://www.dzs.cz/cz/akademicka-informacni-agentura/stipendia/?type_id=5&country_id=20
Termín pro odevzdání přihlášek je 17. březen 2015.
Mgr. Eva Jermanová
Akademická informační agentura
Dům zahraniční spolupráce
Na Poříčí 1035/4 I 110 00 Praha 1
Tel.: +420 221 850 505 I [email protected] I [email protected]
Studijní pobyty a stipendia
Stipendia pro studium, výzkum a výuku v Norsku, Lichtenštejnsku a na Islandu.
Dům zahraniční spolupráce (DZS) zveřejnil výzvu na podávání žádostí přes program Fondy Norska a Fondy EHP. Přihlášky na individuální mobilitu
studentů, vyučujících nebo neakademických pracovníků je možné podávat do 26. března 2015, do 15.00 hod.
Studijní pobyty studentů v délce 3 až 10 měsíců jsou podpořeny stipendiem, které pokrývá náklady na dopravu do výšce max. 25 000 Kč + denní
stipendium (cca 875 Kč).
Více informací najdete stránkách DZS, http://www.dzs.cz/cz/norske-fondy-a-fondy-ehp/ nebo na stránkách Centra zahraniční spolupráce
Odpovědná osoba CZS pro individuální mobility, Martin Vašek, http://www.muni.cz/people/53439, za projektové návrhy, Bohdan Fridrich,
Studijní pobyty a stipendia
POLSKO - stipendia na základě mezivládní dohody
Dovolujeme si Vás informovat, že u stipendijních pobytů v Polsku poskytovaných na základě mezinárodní smlouvy nebyla v případě článků č. 8.1 a č. 6
vyčerpána stipendijní kvóta nabízená na akademický rok 2015/2016, a proto přijímáme dodatečné kompletní žádosti až do 15.4.2015 do 16.00 hod.,
resp. do naplnění smluvně vymezené kvóty, pokud k ní dojde před tímto datem.
Jedná se o stipendia:
8.1 - Studijní a výzkumné pobyty pro studenty bakalářských, magisterských a doktorských studijních programů
8.1 - Pobyty pro studenty polonistiky
6 - Studijní a výzkumné pobyty pro akademické pracovníky
Každá žádost o stipendium musí obsahovat náležitosti uvedené na webové stránce http://www.dzs.cz/cz/akademicka-informacniagentura/44_mezinarodni_smlouvy-vyberova-rizeni/ – POLSKO (přehled dokladů pro žádost o stipendijní pobyt je pod tabulkou)
Prodloužení termínu se netýká letních jazykových kurzů, jejichž kvóta již byla naplněna.
Dům zahraniční spolupráce
Na Poříčí 1035/4 I 110 00 Praha 1
Tel.: +420 221 850 504 I [email protected]
www.dzs.cz I http://www.dzs.cz/cz/akademicka-informacni-agentura/
Stipendijní nabídky:
Možnosti stipendií:
Nadace Zdeňka Bakaly http://www.nadacezb.cz/
CEEPUS http://www.ceepus.info/
Nadační fond Martiny a Tomáše Krskových http://www.krsekfoundation.cz/
Fulbrightova komise http://www.fulbright.cz/
Open Society Fund Praha http://www.osf.cz/
Dům zahraničních služeb http://www2.dzs.cz/scripts/detail.asp?id=1995&preview=yes
Rochus und Beatrice Mummert Stiftung
Letní škola
Humboldt University Summer Term 2015: Berlin Perspectives Module Info
Dear colleagues,
welcome to the Berlin Perspectives summer term 2015. Our preliminary seminar programme for international students at Humboldt University is now
viewable online:
1. Berlin Perspectives module: Seminar programme
2. The Berlin Perspectives module consists of 1-3 seminars (5, 10 or 15 ECTS), a mentoring scheme and a German language class at the HU language
centre free of charge.
For detailed info on the module and its components please visit:
3. Students who have been admitted to Humboldt University in the summer term, will be able to apply for the module from NEXT WEEK onwards:
Monday, 23 February 2015.
The application deadline for the BP module is Friday, 10 April, 2015. 12:00 CET.
4. For all questions pertaining to Berlin Perspectives, please email [email protected]
Berlin Perspectives
International Study Programme at Humboldt
Ziegelstraße 13c
10117 Berlin
M: [email protected]
W: http://bolognalab.hu-berlin.de/projekte-des-bologna.labs/berlin-perspectives
Letní škola
Graz International Summer School Seggau 2015 – Shifting Perspectives: Europe and the Americas
Graz International Summer School Seggau 2015 – Shifting Perspectives: Europe and
the Americas
Focusing on the emphasis areas of the University of Graz – South Eastern Europe and North, Central and South America – the summer school will take
place from June 28th to July 11th, 2015 at Seggau Castle in Styria, in the wine region close to the Slovene border. Emphasizing on the aspects of
shifting perspectives, transformation processes and demographic change, interdisciplinary morning lectures will provide the context for the six specialized
seminar workshops in the afternoon. The Graz International Summer School Seggau is designed for internationally oriented, highly motivated students
from all disciplines, who wish to deepen their understanding of current European and International affairs by studying and discussing global developments
and challenges in terms of shifting perspectives reflecting aspects of individual, social, political, religious, cultural, literary, regional, economic, cohort and
national identities.
Various scholarship schemes are available: click here to find out more.
Here you can find a PDF version of our brochure, containing all relevant information about the summer school. Detailed information about the summer
school program can be found on our website http://international.uni-graz.at/en/gusegg/. Please note that we continually update the website with more
Application Deadline (extended): March 19th, 2015 (receiving date)
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about the program.
Mail: [email protected]
Blaž Ploj for the summer school organizers
P.S. Don’t forget to like our facebook page https://www.facebook.com/gusegg and to share the info about the summer school.
Blaž Ploj, prof.lat. in univ.dipl.soc.kult.
GUSEGG - Graz International Summer School Seggau
University of Graz, Austria
Office of International Relations
Tel. +43-316-380-1242
Fax +43-316-380-9155
@: [email protected]
web: international.uni-graz.at/en/gusegg/
Find us on facebook:
Letní škola
Would you like to spend 10 unforgettable days with awesome people from all over the world?
Student organization of University of Maribor proudly invites students from all over the world to participate in Student Conference in Maribor (SCiM),
which will take place from 29th June till 8th of July 2015 in Maribor, Slovenia.
SCiM is the biggest project of the Department of International Affairs, at the Student Organization of University of Maribor. Each year more than 50
students from different countries are gathered at this event.
In 10 days you will have the opportunity to challenge yourself in different workshops, go on a trip around sLOVEnia, meet new people, be active, sociable
and simply do something beneficial for yourself this summer.
The participants have to cover the travel expenses to the city of Maribor and need to
pay 50 € participation fee for other activities (depends on the program and all activities
the costs might increase for max. 25 €).
More information about SCiM:
Application form:
You can apply here: Application form
The application deadline is 31st of March!
For any further information contact us on: [email protected]
Don’t hesitate! Apply for
So Cool I Must Go
SCiM team
Letní škola
International Summer Term 2015, UAB, Barcelona
It is a pleasure to inform you that UAB organizes an International Summer School in June-July 2015 in Barcelona! We would be glad to welcome your
students at our Campus for a three-week study period: either from 8 to 26 June or 29 June to 16 July.
Students can get 6 ECTS on each subject, and up to 12 in six weeks. A certificate will be provided and its equivalence in ECTS.
More detailed information can be found at: http://www.uab.cat/international-summer-term/
If you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected]
Thank you for disseminating this information to all your students.
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Edifici A (Rectorat), Plaça Acadèmica, Campus Bellaterra
08193 Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès) - Spain
Tel +34 93 581 14 39
Fax +34 93 581 31 34
[email protected]
Letní škola
Intercultural Summer Academies in Germany and Turkey
Get to know international campus life, meet new people from all over the world, and qualify for a future career in cross-cultural work
Our living and working environment is affected by globalization and internationalization. Hence, the ability to effectively communicate and deal with
others in intercultural settings became a necessity. The Intercultural Summer Academies are organized by InterCultur gGmbH (subsidiary of AFS
Germany) and Karlshochschule International University and other international partners, as well as in close cooperation with Stiftung Mercator,
one of Germany’s largest foundations. They bring together young people from all over the world to work together on the following questions: How are
cultures constructed, how do people perceive the world, how can we solve the problems that arise when different cultural values meet?
The Summer Academies are characterized by their innovative combination of university lectures and practical workshops. An experiential learning
approach, leading to a very deep and lasting understanding of the topic addressed!
Today’s societies are differentiated up to a very high degree, due to the flux of migration and refugees, but often just because of historical
developments that led to the current situation. Influencing factors can be post-colonial politics, economical dynamics, changing awareness of diversity
in a specific context, and, of course, the overall globalization of information.
Sometimes, intercultural issues derive from differences in the cultural encoding and decoding of our activities. Often, as well, diversity is interpreted as
ideology and the encounter of conflicting value systems.
The Summer Academy aims at developing applied solutions for intercultural challenges in business and society, focusing on the topics of international
relations and intercultural conflict resolution. Furthermore, it introduces the term “Intercultural Competence” as well as the variety of methods used in
trainings within this field and their design.
Differing attitudes towards energy politics and the sustainable use of resources are easily leading to misunderstandings and conflicts. The impact of
culture in this context is often neglected or not taken in consideration. Therefore, this Summer Academy now approaches these topics from an
intercultural perspective and aims at developing applied solutions for intercultural challenges in international energy politics as well as further ecological
issues. Furthermore, the concept of “Sustainable Development” will be introduced.
Both Summer Academies are being held in English and are open to anyone aged 18–35 with a demonstrable interest in intercultural encounters,
especially undergraduate students and young professionals. Scholarships are being offered (deadline for scholarship applications is March 31, 2015).
Are you interested? Please find more information in the attached flyers as well as on http://intercultural-summeracademy.org/.
We would be very pleased by your interest in the Summer Academies and would highly appreciate you passing on the information to interested
Best regards,
Barbara Langholf
InterCultur gemeinnützige GmbH
Friedensallee 48 | D-22765 Hamburg | Germany
Tel.: +49 40 80 60 276-0 | Fax: +49 40 80 60 276-29
E-Mail: [email protected]
http://www.intercultur.de http://www.facebook.com/intercultur
Letní škola
The Utrecht Network summer school ‘Liberty, Equality, Fraternity’ will take place in Antwerp from 5 until 11 July 2015. The summer school
is the final element of the cycle on “Liberty, Equality and Fraternity”, in which we examine what remains of these core values of the French Revolution
in Europe in the 21st century. We assess how these founding ideas of modern Europe have been implemented in the last 200 years, and what their
future relevance might be.
To assess this question, the summer school adopts a genuinely interdisciplinary and multinational point of view and engages in innovative teaching
methods (field visits, team teaching, interactions with local partners, etc). We highlight the challenges to democracy inside Europe itself and from the
changes caused by the ever increasing globalization. The goal of the summer school is to give our participants the tools to understand these challenges
and to think in innovative ways on how meet them with new answers.
The student fee is fixed at 400 € (early bird rate) including accommodation and full board, curricular and extra-curricular activities. Late applications
will be charged 450 €. The early bird deadline is 15 March. Later applications will be accepted on first come first served basis.
The summer school is no longer financed by the Intensive Programme (former LLP programme) but is made possible thanks to financial support from
the Utrecht Network. Moreover the Utrecht Network Hospitality Scheme allows one student from each UN institution to study at a reduced rate. If
some universities do not send students more stipends are available for the participants from other Utrecht Network members.
Please find attached the link to the website of the LEF summer school on ‘Fraternity’ at http://lefsummerschool.eu/. All information on the
programme, how to apply and practical details on travel to and stay in Antwerp are available on the website.
Please circulate the information and the poster in your university and encourage your students to apply. Online applications are now open.
Please do not hesitate to reach out in case of questions,
Kind regards,
Tine Destrooper - Project coordinator - [email protected]
Patricia De Clopper - International Office - [email protected]
Patricia De Clopper
Universiteit Antwerpen – University of Antwerp
Dienst Internationale Samenwerking – International Office
Gratiekapelstraat 10 – B 2000 Antwerpen
T +32/3 2654348 - F + 32/3 2654142

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